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2017 Stockholm (Sweden)
May 21
Plenary Opening Ceremony
Impacts of Artificial Intelligence for Pharmaceutical Industry: Disruptive Innovations in Scientific Discovery and Biomedical Sciences
Medicines for One World through global collaboration and harmonization
Open Innovation – strengthening research, enhancing transparency & attaining public support.
May 22
Plenary Opening Symposium
Future medicines: regulatory sciences
Future medicines: formulation, manufacturing and quality assurance
Self-assembled supramolecular nanosystems for smart diagnosis and therapy of intractable diseases
The innovative pipelines of the pharmaceutical industry
The science of precision medicine and its translation to the clinic
Poster presentation
Development of novel method for predicting photostability of small molecular compounds by using solid state UV spectrometer
Short Communications A1
A new adenosine analogue, COA-Cl can be a xeno free trophic factor
Engineering of KR-12 derived from human host defence peptide LL-37 into stable, selective and potent antimicrobial drug lead
Fragment Based Simplification of Bedaquiline
Identification of aryl substituted pyrimidine derivatives dual targeting erα and VEGFR-2 as anti-breast cancer agents
Quantitative systems pharmacology in infectious diseases: from HIV to Ebola
Towards the development of small molecule therapy for chikungunya
Short Communications A2
A comparison of two different self immolative linker strategies in the design of lymph directing, triglyceride mimetic prodrugs of buprenorphine
Development of a novel method to estimate chronological changes of long-term progression of chronic diseases
Evaluation of DILI Predictive Hypotheses in Early Drug Development
Magnetically bioprinted three dimensional scaffold-free liver model for nanotoxicity studies
Optimization of drug delivery to tissues and avoiding drug induced phospholipidosis
Revealing multiple biochemical response patterns of remoxipride by integrating pharmacometabolomics and pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic modeling
Short Communications B1
A new method that enables in situ measurement of drug release from complex carrier-mediated systems
DNP-NMR reveals the interior of lipid nanoparticle/mRNA formulations
Drug nanocrystals under liposome confinement as a new approach to oral drug delivery
Drug supersaturation versus precipitation: experimental models of gastrointestinal absorption of fenofibrate from lipid-based delivery systems
Quorum sensing inhibitors for pulmonary delivery as a novel treatment against Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Short Communications B2
Effective cellular delivery of functional nucleic acids by faint electricity
intracellular environment-responsive lipid like material as a multi-nanoDDS platform
Natural particulates inspired specific-targeted co-delivery strategy for collaborative antitumor therapy
Sustainable sugar-based surfactants for innovative drug delivery systems
Short Communications C1
Improving palatability and acceptability of oral multiparticulate formulations using hydrogels as administration vehicles
Investigation of hydrophobic amino acids against moisture on in vitro aerosolization performance of highly hygroscopic spray-dried powders
Orodispersible tablets based on spray-dried solid dispersions of furosemide
Robustness aspects of Continuous Direct Compressed HPMC based Extended Release Tablets
Surface adhesion of pharmaceutical powders in relation to tableting performance
Short Communications E1
Assessment of the appropriateness of meningitis management and drug utilization: a prospective audit for implementing an antimicrobial stewardship program
Cardioselective beta blocker use in patients with chronic kidney disease: a National Population-Based Study
Sulfasalazine-induced agranulocytosis is associated with the human leukocyte antigen locus
The impact of inflammation and organ failure on CYP3A-mediated midazolam metabolism in critically ill children: predictive performance and extrapolation of a pediatric pharmacokinetic model
Short Communications E2
Symposium A1: The emerging discipline of Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP): combining PKPD and Systems Biology
Molecular reclassification of immune mediated disease for Personalised Medicine purposes - "Expect the unexpected"
Quantitative Systems Pharmacology in Oncology
Quantitative systems toxicology
The emerging discipline of Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP): combining PKPD and Systems Biology
Symposium B1: Towards understanding compound disposition at ever higher spatial resolution by label free methods
3D label-free imaging of drug uptake into cells and bacteria using secondary ion mass spectrometry.
A modular probe strategy for drug localization, target identification and target engagement measurements on single cell level
Intracellular unbound drug concentrations: Methodology and application for understanding cellular drug exposure
Non-invasive detection of target engagement at the sub-cellular level using next generation optical tools
Single-cell drug discovery, diagnosis and personalized medicine by Live-MS
Symposium C1: Innovative Production Technologies for Biologics
Assessment of Impact of Manufacturing Processes on Product Composition and Stability
Control strategies for surfactants in biopharmaceuticals
Innovation in biologics drug product development & manufacture
Quality risk assessment and management for the application of the single-use systems
Symposium D1: New approaches of regulating innovative medicines
Exploring innovative regulatory pathways: a US perspective
Industry perspectives on regulating innovative medicines
Symposium E1: Clinical Implementation of Precision Medicine: From genomewide discovery to practice
Clinical implementation of precision medicine: from genomewide discovery to practice , Concluding remarks
Genomewide approaches to discovering drug safety biomarkers
Pharmacogenetics in Europe: The European Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium initiative
The Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium: Leading translation of precision medicine
The Japan BioBank and the PGRN-RIKEN Collaboration: Facilitating new discoveries in precision medicine
Symposium T1: Integrated Development of New Therapeutics for Global Health
Accelerators: Creating Collaborative Networks to Advance Drug Discovery for Tuberculosis
General introduction: Integrated Development of New Therapeutics for Global Health
Increasing Adherence And Access Through Innovation for Global Health
Quantitators: Using model based drug development to effectively develop anti- malarial agents
Regulators: Optimizing and aligning regulatory systems to help bring quality medicines to global health needs
May 23
Keynote 1: Tissue-based protein profiles - implications for human biology, drug development and precision medicine
Tissue-based protein profiles – implications for human biology, drug development and precision medicine
Keynote 2: Education & Training in the pharmaceutical sciences
Education and Training in the Pharmaceutical Sciences
Tomorrow’s Pharmaceutical Sciences Workforce – Employer Perspective �
Keynote 3: Genomewide Studies Reveal Transporters as Determinants of Drug Action and Toxicity
Keynote 4 - Ensuring public healthcare quality through pharmacopeia standards and related programs
Use of 'Extended Clearance Concept' in new drug discovery and development; application to a drug classification system and to a design of clinical studies
Presentation IMS Report
Short Communications A3
Blood-brain barrier transport of docosahexaenoic acid and expression of fatty acid binding protein 5 are decreased in Alzheimer’s disease
Targeting TRPM2 Signaling to Relieve Brain Pericyte Injury
The role of TLR4 in the gut-brain axis in Parkinson’s disease: a translational study from man to mice.
The Y4-RNA fragment as a potential diagnostic marker
Unravelling the cause of the type 2 diabetes epidemic in South Asians: role for the endocannabinoid system?
Short Communications B3
A Precision-Guided MWNT Mediated Reawakening the Sunk Synergy in RAS for Anti-angiogenesis Lung Cancer Therapy
In Vitro Cytotoxicity and In Vivo Biodistribution of Simvastatin-loaded Lecithin/Chitosan Nanoparticles: Nasal Region as an Appealing Route for Brain Delivery
New Delivery Systems for Intranasal Lipopeptide-based Vaccine against Group A Streptococcus
PEGylation relieves lipid nanoparticle-induced neuroinflammatory response in mouse brain and enhanced brain delivery for targeting ischemia
Pharmacokinetics and preventive effects of platinum nanoparticles as reactive oxygen species scavengers on hepatic metastasis
Short Communications C2
3D Scanning and SLA 3D Printing for Manufacturing Topical Drug Delivery Systems Tailored to Individual Patients
A quality-by-design approach for highly systematic optimization of lipid-polymer hybrid nanoparticles toward efficient and safe intracellular delivery of siRNA cargo
Biologics loading on films through inkjet printing as potential buccal drug delivery systems
Short Communications D1
Evaluating quality of decision-making processes in medicines’ development, regulatory review and health technology assessment: a systematic review of the literature
Poor medication adherence in clinical trials: consequences and solutions
Prescription analysis on community pharmacy servers for off-label use based on label text, age and dosage
Short Communications E2
A systematic and objective approach to the selection of nanomedicines and nanosimilars for clinical use
Pharmacists’ activities to minimise medication waste: an international survey
Space for Pharmacy-based Interventions & Consultation Time Extension Study (SPICE): Understanding potential challenges in implementing interventions in a community pharmacy-based setting
Short Communications T1
Active learning techniques in a pharmaceutical analytical chemistry laboratory course to improve student performance
An analysis of current global pharmacy workforce 2013-2015
Creating “community” as a tool for innovation in pharmaceutical science education; the meeting of academics, industrial scientists, graduate students, undergraduate students and the general public
Knowledge, awareness, and attitudes toward antibiotic use and antimicrobial resistance
Symposium A2: Systems approaches to modeling the contribution of transporters in drug disposition, response and toxicity
General introduction –- Systems approaches to modeling the contribution of transporters in drug disposition, response and toxicity
Modeling and prediction of the effect of transporters on differences of unbound drug concentrations between the plasma, brain and cerebrospinal fluid
Organic anion uptake of GHB at the BBB: incorporation of brain transport in modeling of PK/PD
Quantifying the impact of transporters on cellular drug permeability
Uptake of cocaine, opioids and other organic cations at the blood-brain barrier
Symposium A3: Systems approaches in drug discovery & Design
Catalyzing translation through new paradigms in early drug discovery
Innovative chemical approaches to underpin drug discovery
Metabolimics and 'organ on a chip' technology as novel approaches in drug discovery and development research
Systems Approaches to Drug Discovery and Design
Tackling anti-microbial resistance, development of novel metallo-ß-lactamase inhibitors
Symposium B2: Drug targeting: principles and products for precision medicine
Bioresponsive polymeric nanomedicines for tumor targeting
Drug targeting to tumors: Concepts and barriers vs. ever more nanocarriers
Harnessing RNA nanomedicine for precision therapy in cancer and inflammation
Targeted immunotherapy and imaging in cardiovascular disease
Symposium B3: Lipid-Based and Lipid-Associated Drug Delivery - how to make lipophilic targets orally attractable
Dissolution/release and permeation – impact of bile
How will food-based lipids impact absorption? - Understanding Concurrent Dynamic Lipid Digestion, Drug Dissolution, and Permeation
Lipid-based formulations; solubilizing and supersaturating systems with complex interplay with cell membranes
Lipophilic conjugates and complexes to promote drug integration into lipid absorption pathways
Symposium C2: Continuous Manufacturing – the “holy grail” for pharmaceutical products?
Continuous manufacturing: the future in pharmaceutical solid dosage form manufacturing
Developing the end-to-end supply chain
Making the Business Case for Continuous Manufacturing in the Pharmaceutical Industry
On-demand continuous-flow production of pharmaceuticals in a compact, reconfigurable system
Symposium C3: Manufacturing Concepts for Individualised Therapies
Additive manufacturing of individualised medicines
Design of nanopharmaceuticals that are able to overcome biological barriers
Innovative developments in patient centric formulations
Introduction to manufacturing concepts for individualized therapies - Where are we in Pharma?
Symposium D2: Data quality, robustness and relevance in pre
Consorted public-private partnership approaches to improve preclinical data quality – the perspective of the pharmaceutical industry
Improving research quality in academic settings using quality assurance best practices.
Non-regulated preclinical data quality, reproducibility and robustness of data: what can we learn from the regulatory perspective?
Reproducibility, reliability and sharing of biomedical data – a publisher's perspective
Symposium D3: Benefit-risk planning through the product life cycle
Building substantial evidence never ends
Industry perspective on life-cycle management
Symposium E2: Impact of Pharmacy Practice Research on patient outcomes
Characterization of published RCTs assessing clinical pharmacy services arround the world
Improving medication adherence - improving outcomes
Improving Outcomes By Pharmacist Interventions in Cardiovascular Diseases
Pharmacist-led home medicines review and residential medication management review
Symposium E3: Medicines for the real life population: the science of extrapolation
Dose selection in obesity: effect of variation in size and function
Dose selection in phase I clinical trials in oncology
Physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Modeling and Simulation in Pediatric Drug Development
The science of extrapolation - Introductory remarks
The science of extrapolation: In vitro and in vivo approaches
Towards precision treatment: the impact of systems pharmacology
Symposium T2: Putting open innovation into practice –case studies from Europe's Innovative Medicines Initiative
Open PHACTS, lessons learned in pioneering semantic technology for drug discovery
Putting open innovation into practice - Introductory remarks
The ENABLE project: An antibiotic discovery platform
The eTOX project: pooling legacy data to advance safety sciences
The European Lead Factory – making a pan-European compound, collection and screening centre a reality
The SGC and ULTRA-DD: An Open Source Target Discovery Partnership
Symposium T3: Education & Training of the Future Pharmaceutical Sciences Workforce
A ‘Physicist’ in Pharmaceutical Clothing
A ‘Physicist’ in Pharmaceutical Clothing
Chad Pickens: Attracting the Best Students into a Pharmaceutical Sciences Career
Innovative Models of PhD Training
Opportunities for the Future Pharmaceutical Sciences Workforce
Symposium T3: Education & Training of the Future Pharmaceutical Sciences Workforce
May 24
Keynote 5: Adherence, in drug development and usage
Symposium A4: Systems pharmacology –innovative approaches to drug safety
Application of systems pharmacology modeling to explore safety issues arising at different stages of drug development
Integration of mechanistic information generated through systems pharmacology into pharmacoepidemiologic studies aimed at making inferences about the real-life impact of emerging safety concerns
New innovations in the clinico-molecular analysis of drug safety data
Regulatory Perspective on Drug Safety Assessment during Drug Development
Systems pharmacology models to assess immunogenicity
Translating Preclinical Safety Signals to the Clinic to Inform Compound Discovery and Early Development
Symposium B4: Oral absorption of biopharmaceuticals revisited
Biopharmaceutics prerequisites with emphasis on intestinal stability
Coated liposome formulation for oral delivery of lipid-core peptide vaccines.
Oral absorption of peptides/oligonucleotides - how far have we come?
Programme for PSWC. 2017 Symposium B4 Oral absorption of biopharmaceuticals revisited
Recent progress in formulation approaches for oral absorption of biopharmaceuticals
Symposium C4: Responsible Supply Chains to Assure Global Health
Bioeconomy - How to build human resource capacity in scientific research
Environmental impact of drug manufacturing
Pharmaceuticals in surface and ground water: Case in Nigeria
Symposium D4: Non-Biological-Complex-Drugs
Developments in Nanotechnology and International Cooperation from the European Medicines Agency
How does Samsung bioepis rapidly develop and manufacture high quality biosimilars?
Introductory remarks Symposium D4: Non-Biological-Complex-Drugs
Nanomedicines: Complex in nature and a challenge for innovator and regulator
The growing analytical toolbox for complex drugs: Assessment of NBCD bioequivalence
Symposium E4: Big data, real world evidence and regulatory science
Are there any pre-clinical Big Data?
Big data as source for pharmaceutical innovation
Opportunities and challenges for Big Data to support regulatory decision making
Symposium E4 Panel discussion speakers, Q & A and closing remarks
Symposium T4: Infectious Diseases: the battle we will win
Advancing combination drug development through quantitative medicine
Economic implications of antimicrobial resistance and ineffective treatments
Opening remarks from the Chair
Scientific approaches to tackle antimicrobial resistance
Tropical Parasitic Diseases - the challenge of developing effective treatments.
Track A: Drug design, fundamental & translational sciences
3D QSAR-guided identification of oxazole and triazole derivatives as novel, potent and selective S1P1 agonists
A ‘Data Integration’ workflow to support optimization of pharmacokinetic properties of small molecule drug candidates
A comparison of performance between parametric and nonparametric estimation for nonlinear mixed-effects models
A High-resolution Method to Assess Cell Multinucleation Using Cytoplasm-localized Fluorescent Probes (CLFP)
A model-based comparison of absorption pharmacokinetics for a selective glucocorticoid receptor modulator administered with different inhalation devices
A new anti-TB agent targeting dehydroquinate synthase
A new anti-tumor inhibitor targeting PLK1 PBD
A New Extraction Method Enables Analysis of p-Xyleneselenocyanate in Plasma
A new ruthenium complex containing xanthoxylin induces cell cycle arrest in the S phase and causes cell death by apoptosis
A newly label-free high throughput screening approach targeted G protein coupled receptors based on dynamic mass redistribution in living cells noninvasively
A novel ULK1 agonist with cytoprotective autophagy modulation in Parkinson's disease
A pharmaceutical approach towards the development of new strategies to fight bacterial colonization in medical devices
A semi-mechanistic PK/PD model to elucidate levofloxacin-induced killing and resistance development of Escherichia coli
A study of the antifungal activity mechanism of the 1,3,4-thidiazole new derivative
Acamprosate has no impact on the permeability of paracellular markers across Caco-2 cells
Acarbose accelerates wound closure by improving EPC function in db/db mice
Acute and delayed effects of cisplatin and methotrexate administration on intestinal substance P dynamics in rats
Amelioration of radiation-induced hematological and biochemical alterations in Swiss albino mice by adiantum capillus-veneris extract
Ameliorative effects of metformin on renal histologic and biochemical alterations of gentamicin-induced renal toxicity in Wistar rats
An effective online method for assessing the absolute enantiomeric excess and conversion ratio of asymmetric reactions
Analysis of interactions between HLA proteins and drug molecules which lead to the development of idiosyncratic adverse reactions.
Analysis of physicochemical properties of self-nanoemulsion constructed from environment sensitive ionizable lipid
Analysis of Simultaneous 6-mercaptopurine and Its Metabolites in Dried Blood Spot Using LC-MS/MS: Application of The Method to Support Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
Anti-metastatic action of nicotine and tar-removed cigarette smoke extract (CSE) and its active ingredients.
Anti-metastatic effect of Clopidogrel is associated with inhibition of invasiveness in B16-BL6 mouse melanoma cells
Antibacterial Activity of Anredera cordifolia Leaves against Various Susceptible and Resistant Bacteria
Antidepressant effects of Xiaochaihutang in rat models of depression
Antihypertensive and Heart Rate Reduction Effect of Gambir Leaves Extract (Uncaria gambir (H.) roxb in NaCl Induced-Hypertensive Rats
Antitumor activity of new chemical agents in mammary adenocarcinoma models
Application of the Supercritical Fluid Process on the Re-crystallization and Micronization of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients
Application of virtual clinical studies using physiologically-based pharmacokinetic model to analyses of the association of side effects of CPT-11 with genetic polymorphism of enzymes and transporters
Approaches to up-regulate P-glycoprotein for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease
Asiatic Acid Enhances Intra-tumoral Accumulation and Antitumor Effect of Pegylated Liposomal Doxorubicin by Remodeling Tumor Stroma
Aspirin Improves Angiogenesis via Restoration of Endothelial Progenitor Cells Functions in Myocardial Infarction Rat
Assessing the in vivo cutaneous microvascular response to a massage manoeuver
Attach or perish: culture morphology and causal factors for variable attachment properties of cryopreserved human hepatocytes
Baicalin able to promote the production of interleukin-1β through activation of NLRP3
BDDCS Classification Does Not Support BSEP Inhibition As Being DILI Causative
Berberine-induced bioactive metabolites of gut microbiota improves energy metabolism
Biological responsiveness and pharmacokinetic properties of cellular type hemoglobin based oxygen carrier (Hemoglobin-Vesicles) in hyperlipidemia model mice after massive intravenous injection
Categorical Modelling of a Rat Behavioural Seizure Scoring System to Define Exposure-Response Relationship and Predict the NOEL
Changes in the pharmacokinetics of fluvastatin, atorvastatin, and simvastatin but not of rosuvastatin and pravastatin in collagen-induced arthritis rats
Characteristic pH-profiles of passive membrane permeability for chemical classes
Characterization of the PKPD relationship of reduced cholesterolemia by the peptide PCSK9-LDL receptor protein-protein interaction inhibitor P7 in mice and non-human primates
Characterizing the Effects of Oral Doses of Rifampin on Intestinal Transporters
Chemo-preventive effect of Diospyros species and their isolates on DNBA induced skin carcinoma
chronic heart failure (CHF) is the most frequent complication of many heart diseases; the most common one of them is coronary heart disease.
Combination of sorafenib and capsaicin exhibited an enhanced antitumor activity in hepatocellular carcinoma and renal cell carcinoma in mice
Comparison of Curcuminoids Content, Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Activity of Curcuma zedoaria with Curcuma longa Cultivated in Kaski District of Nepal
Complete knockout of endogenous Mdr1 (Abcb1) in MDCK wild type and MDCK-hMDR1 cells by CRISPR-Cas9
Computer application for a patient-tailored adverse drug reaction prediction in polymedication
Correlation between Formation of Glucuronide Metabolite and Covalent Protein Adducts of Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs
Cytotoxicity of Curcumin and its analogues in CT26 colorectal carcinoma cell line
Cytotoxicity screening of several species from ranunculaceae family
Design and preparation of new primaquine amidoesters as potential anticancer drugs
Design and Synthesis of novel N-(5-substituted-1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-yl)benzenesulfonamide derivatives as potential anticancer agents
Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of imidazole derivatives as novel atypical selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors.
Design, Synthesis and Testing of novel small molecule inhibitors of S-phase Kinase-Associated Protein 2
Design, Synthesis, and Biological Evaluation of Thienopyrimidine Derivatives as Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Inhibitors for the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes
Development and evaluation of nanobiotics in vitro and in vivo
Development of a generic physiologically based pharmacokinetic model to predict drug target site concentrations in the CNS
Development of Hydroxy-Based SphK Inhibitors and Anti-Inflammation in DSS Induced Colitis in Mice
Development of long-lasting stapled peptides targeting BIG3-PHB2 interaction in breast cancer cells
Development of Shell Melinjo (Gnetum gnemon) Seed Biofraction Nanopowder for Antioxidant and Antihyperuricemia
Development of Solute Carrier (SLC) Transporters Kidney Cell Models Using hTERT-immortalized Renal Proximal Tubule Epithelial Cells (RPTEC/TERT1)
Dietary interventions with strong preventive and therapeutic effects on both motor and non-motor symptoms in a mouse model of Parkinson’s disease.
Difference between irbesartan and olmesartan in ameliorative effect on gestational hypertension in rats
Digital Patient Support Tools for Improved Cardiovascular Disease Rehabilitation
Discovery and identification of Hsp90-Cdc37 PPI modulators through multiple drug discovery strategies
Discovery of a BD1 selective inhibitor of BRD4 and co-targeting its interaction with AMPK-modulating autophagic cell death in breast cancer
Discovery of novel pharmacogenomic biomarkers for montelukast with massively parallel sequencing
Discovery of novel thiohydantoin derived AR antagonists: design, synthesis and biological evaluation
Diverse models for the prediction of c-Met kinase inhibitory activity of substituted quinolines
Drug-target binding influences target- and tissue selectivity.
Effect of Drug Uptake Transporters on Fluvastatin Pharmacokinetics in Rats
Effect of Hepatic and Renal Functions of Pharmacokinetics of Naproxen in Guinea Pigs: Acyl Glucuronide Concentration and Irreversible Binding to Plasma Protein
Effect of metformin on the structure of glycogen in mice with metabolic syndrome.
Effect of new aminoethanol derivative on physical efficiency during aerobic trainings.
Effect of Obesity on the Transdermal Absorption of Fentanyl
Effects of arsenic compounds on apoptosis, cell cycle
and DNA methylation on myelodysplastic syndromes cells and leukemia cells
Effects of CES1 genetic variants on its gene expression, and clopidogrel pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
Effects of docosahexaenoic acid and resolvin D1 on pressure-induced reduction of iNOS and COX-2 expression in vascular smooth muscle cells.
Effects of glutathione depletion on diclofenac-induced cytotoxicity in mouse hepatocytes
Effects of silymarin and (-)-epigallocatechin gallate on the pharmacokinetics of oxcarbazepine in rats
Empagliflozin,improved exercise tolerance and LV functional parameters in rats with CHF in the absence of metabolic disorders.The effect of empagliflozin on LV remodeling requires further study.
Enhanced Analgesic Effects of Nefopam in Combination with Acetaminophen in Rodents
Erythropoietin ameliorates genetamicin-induced renal toxicity: A biochemical and histopathological study
Estimation of acetylcholinesterase inhibition, antioxidant, antimicrobial activities and brine shrimp toxicity of seven Plectranthus species
Ethnopharmacological study of cinnamon and its efficacy on liver and kidney
Evaluating predictors of paclitaxel-associated peripheral neuropathy: a pharmacodynamic modelling approach
Evaluation of Anticonvulsant Activity of Aqueous Root Extract of Cocos Nucifera linn . in Mice
Evaluation of Antiulcer activity of Dalbergia sissoo on experimental ulcer models
Evaluation of Gastro protective effect of Coenzyme Q 10 and L-Glutamine in stress and ethanol induced peptic ulcer in Wistar albino rats
Evaluation of Ophelic acid isolated from aqueous extract of Leaves of Swertia chirayita on antihyperglycemic activity and β-cells regenerative effect in rats
in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
Evaluation of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic drug interaction between Indinavir and repaglinide in normal, diabetic and hepatic impaired rats.
Evaluation of transport of tyrosine kinase inhibitors across the blood-brain barrier in the pericyte-deficient state
Examining the interaction of mesoporous silica particles with lipid digestion components
Exploring specialized metabolites in the deep-sea arctic sponge Geodia hentscheli
Exposure-response model for the effect of AZD5069, a novel CXCR2 antagonist, on neutrophil count in asthma patients
Fragment-Based De Novo Design of Acetylcholinesterase and Cyclooxygenase-2 Dual Inhibitors as Potential Anti-Alzheimer’s Disease Agents
Fragment-based Discovery of Allosteric Modulators on Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 5
Functional characterization of 21 allelic variants of dihydropyrimidinase
HDAC inhibitor-induced epigenetic changed by AhR regulation
High brain uptake of GABAA antagonist oroxylin A leads to lack of anxiolytic effect of Radix Scutellariae
High intracellular cholesterol level reduces the sensitivity to EGFR-TKI therapy may via ATP-binding cassette transporters in non-small cell lung cancer harboring EGFR mutations
High-throughput targeted lipidomics approach using direct infusion-tandem mass spectrometry for the comprehensive profiling of differentially expressed phospholipids
How can modelling ensure enough exposure in SAD? – a case study of administration optimization
Human jejunum in the Ussing chamber set-up replicates clinically observed intestinal metabolites
Identification of anti-bacterial agents that target ribosomal protein
interaction using yeast two-hybrid system
Identification of equine metabolites from the selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) LGD-4033 (Ligandrol) using high resolution mass spectrometry.
Impact of Drug Distribution within the Liver on Measurement of Metabolic Elimination Rate Constants (k) and Clearance (CL)
Impact of renal transporters on paediatric renal clearance
In vivo effect of propolis formulations in experimental cutaneous wound healing in humans
In-silico assessment of phytochemicals as dengue virus E protein inhibitors
Induction of Mitophagy-mediated Antitumor Activity with Folate-appended Methyl-β-cyclodextrin
Influence of lipophilicity and hydrogen bond formation on passive diffusion of small-molecule drugs across hexadecane-based artificial cell membranes
Inhibition of mitochondrial fission drives protective M2 microglia polarization: the role of ruscogenin in the amelioration of ischemia/reperfusion injury
Inhibitory effect of tumor suppressor Pdcd4 on tumor malignancy.
Integrated modeling of the effect of RDEA3170 on serum uric acid and renal excretion rate of uric acid
Inter-laboratory variability in mass spectrometry-based proteomics workflows
Isolation, Characterization and Immunomodulatory Potential of Agnuside: An Iridoid Glycoside From Vitex negundo Linn.
L-lactate dehydrogenase B (LDHB) is a possible predictive marker for sensitivity to anti-EGFR Mabs in colorectal cancer cell lines
losartan affects on memory and ameliorates both physiological and psychological stress but not by the affecting nitric oxide pathway
Maesa indica Roxb. (Leaves): An experimental evaluation of cytotoxicity, thrombolytic, analgesic and neuropharmacological activities of its methanol extract
MDMX is a novel therapeutic target in cervical carcinoma by inhibiting p53 function
Measuring and modelling pH-profile of membrane permeability
Modulation of P-glycoprotein function and sensitivity to anticancer drug by Azadirachta indica extract in multidrug resistant cell lines
Molecular association model of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor α and its new specific and efficient ligand, K-877
Monitoring on Truncation of AMCase Treated With shRNA
New molecules against colistin-resistant clinical Acinetobacter baumannii strains. Synthesis of a small library of piperazine thiourea derivatives and in vitro biological evaluation.
New Synthetic Derivatives of Acetyl-11-Keto- Boswellic acid (AKBA) Isolated from Frankincense as Tumor sensitizing agents
Nitrone ligand, their Pd(II), Pt(II) and Pt(IV) complexes: New trend and non-classical cytotoxic compounds
Novel 3D “dynamic” representations of skin biomechanics
Novel mechanism of drug-drug interaction between ezetimibe and warfarin via the inhibition of vitamin K absorption
Oncolytic adenovirus expressing relaxin (YDC002) enhances therapeutic efficacy of gemcitabine
against pancreatic cancer
Original 1,3,5-trisubstituted pyrazoline derivatives displaying antiplasmodial properties
Oxidation of Progesterone by Aspergillus sojae PTCC 5196
Pantoprazole, an FDA-approved proton-pump inhibitor, suppresses colorectal cancer growth by targeting T-celloriginated protein kinase
Pharmacokinetics analysis of novel candidate drugs against hepatic B virus
Pharmacokinetics and efficacy of Decitabine in restoration of RIP3 for potential therapeutic target for cancer
Pharmacokinetics in zebrafish larvae: characterizing acetaminophen absorption and clearance in maturing larvae
Pharmacological activity of new complex compounds of germanium
Physapubescin selectively induces apoptosis in VHL-null renal cell carcinoma cells through downregulation of HIF-2α and inhibits tumor growth
Physiologically-based approach to predict dopamine D2 receptor occupancy of antipsychotics in brain: translation from rat to human
Phytopharmaceuticals platform as a basis for finding and developing new pharmaceutical substances
Plectranthus diterpenes as a potential anticancer and antitubercular combined system
Potential biomarkers and drug evaluation system for Alzheimer’s disease
Predicting of biological targets and admet properties of synthesized hydroxyurea derivatives
Predicting of biological targets, admet properties and QSAR studies in a series of entactogen substances of phenylethylamine class
Presentation of an In Silico and In Vitro Exploration into Combining FDA-Approved Therapies for Treatment-Resistant Melanoma
Pyxinol ameliorates cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity without compromising its anti-tumor activity
Quality by Design approach to simultaneous stability indicating LC-MS method development and validation for four Anti-HIV drugs in APIs and pharmaceutical formulations.
Rational design of highly efficient cocaine hydrolases for therapeutic treatment of cocaine addiction and overdose
Rational design of new azole compounds and their potent inhibitory effects on fungal growth
Rational drug design of antiviral compounds using a novel in silico approach combining quantum chemistry and bioinformatics
Re-Thinking Metronidazole: Anti-microbial synergism of hexane extracts of Garcinia kola and Afromomum melegueta
Revisiting human tissue drug distribution: Limitations of current prediction models and potential impact of lipid contributions in fraction unbound
RNAi accessory factor TAR-RNA binding protein is involved in anti-viral innate immunity against Picornavirus infection
Rosuvastatin pharmacokinetics in morbid obese patients before and after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery
Selenite antagonizes the anticancer activity of imatinib in human laryngeal cancer cells.
Selenium supplementation improves sepsis-induced mortality and liver injury through suppression of oxidative damage and inflammation: Possible mechanism of protection
Semi-mechanistic modelling of the concentration-effect relationship of rabbit antithymocyte globulin in kidney transplantation.
Stability of xenobiotics in dried blood spots
Statin promotes macrophage efferocytosis and inhibits atherosclerosis
Stimulation of nuclear export of transcription factor GATA-6 may become a target of colorectal cancer prevention
Studies on the Electrophysiological Mechanism of IMM-302 to Improve Learning and Memory in animal model
Study on the mechanism of cytoprotective effect of resveratrol in primary fibroblasts
Synthesis and acute toxicity assesment of new pyrazolinone derivatives as antivirulence agents
Synthesis and Evaluation of New Quinoline-Based Thiazole Derivatives as Potent Anticancer Agents
Synthesis and evaluation of Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor ligands designed from cashew nut shell liquid for the treatment of metabolic disease
Synthesis and Inhibitory Effects of New Chalcone Derivatives on A549 Cells
Synthesis and Study of Metallolipids and Metalloliposomes
Synthesis of New Benzofuran Derivatives as DNA Intercalating Small Molecules
Synthesis, identification, and biological activity of metabolites of two novel selective S1P1 agonists
Synthetic studies toward a quinolinone alkaloid aspoquinolone A possessing potent antiproliferative activity
Synthetic studies toward natural chromenes with biological activity:
Asymmetric total synthesis of gonytolide C and blennolide C via spiro chromanone
Target-mediated drug metabolic characteristics of TCP-1,a novel peptide to diagnose early colorectal cancer
Targeting nitrosative stress for neurovascular protection: New implications in brain diseases
Targeting the pathogenic interactions of a Staphylococcus aureus toxin to combat severe infections
The effect of cell therapy with NGF on CSF cholinergic biomarkers in ten patients with Alzheimer´s disease
The Effect of Protein Binding on the Interaction Between Transporters and Highly Protein Bound Drugs
The influence of neuroprotective Bis-{2-[(2E)-4-hydroxy-4-oxybut-2-eneoyloxy]-N,N-diethylethaneamini} buthanedionate compound in rats at “Extrapolational deliverance” test.
The influence of sertraline on the pharmacokinetics of carvedilol. A preclinical study in rats
The Integrated Minimal Model; An improved version
The interaction of Staphylococcus aureus coagulase with prothrombin in various organisms
The New Drug Development for Ischemic Stroke in China
The Preventive Effect of Date Palm(Phoenixdactylifera) Seed and Fruit Hydroalcoholic Extracts on Carrageenan-Induced Inflammation in Male rat’s Hind Paw
The β-lactam Clavulanic Acid without Antibacterial Activity mediates Glutamate Transport-sensitive Pain-relief in the Chronic Constriction Injury Rat Model of Neuropathic Pain
Total Synthesis of Pyran[3,2-a]Carbazole Alkaloid Claulansine F
Towards Minimizing Health Disparities in Knowledge of Genetic Variations for Very Important Pharmacogenes
Transcarbamoylation of sulfonyl carbamates to generate new angiotensin II type 2 receptor (AT2R) ligands
Transfer of vaginal chloramphenicol to circulating blood in pregnant women and its relationship with their maternal background and neonatal health
Translational Model to Predict Pulmonary Pharmacokinetics and Efficacy in Man for Inhaled Bronchodilators
Transporter protein expression and localization in the human retinal pigment epithelium cell models
Understanding variation in PK exposure in human dose escalation studies
Urate transporter ABCG2-related drug-drug interaction risks during febuxostat medication
Use of medications for chronic therapy in Bosnia and Hercehovina since 2011-2015 years
Validated LC-MS/MS method for determination of total and free daptomycin in human plasma and its clinical application
Xylopine, an aporphinic alkaloid, increases ROS levels, induces cell cycle arrest in the G2/M phases and apoptotic cell death in human colon carcinoma cells
YiQiFuMai powder injection suppresses mitochondrial fission associated with the TLR4/Myd88/NF-κB signaling pathways in oxygen glucose deprivation-stimulated BV2 microglia
Track B: Drug delivery & targeting sciences
‘SPIRULINA’ a Future Medicine for IBD
3D printed biofunctional scaffolds integrated with smart drug delivery for muscle tissue engineering
A multiparticulate delayed-release platform for oral delivery of a novel ghrelin agonist peptide to rodents: formulation design and in vitro characterization.
A new paradigm for antiangiogenic therapy through controlled release of bevacizumab from PLGA nanoparticles
A robust gene nanocarrier using PEI-PLA-PEG block copolymers
Antibody Response after Immunisation with Polyester-Based Hybrid Nanocarriers
Antimicrobial activity of chitosan microparticles containing thyme essential oil
Apparent solubility of drugs in Simulated Achlorhydric Gastric Fluid and Fasted State Simulated Intestinal Fluid with low respectively high bile concentration.
Assessment of passive intestinal permeability for poorly water soluble drugs: Caco-2 cells versus artificial membrane
Biocompatibility of cutaneous formulations containing lipid nanoparticles
Biocompatible blends of aliphatic polyesters against fungal infections: Preparation, physicochemical characterization and in vitro release studies
Biodegradable PLA/PPAd blends for intravenous delivery of risperidone microparticles
Biological activity of isoniazid chitosan microparticles in alveolar macrophages
Biometals regulate the expression and function of P-glycoprotein at the blood-brain barrier
Blood-brain barrier transport and intra-brain distribution of the cyclotide kalata B1
Buccadhesive strategy- just an illusion?
Budesonide Self-microemulsion Formulation as a Oral Drug Delivery System
Cationic lipid emulsion-mediated delivery of the adiponectin gene and rosiglitazone
Cell surface modification with protein-PEG-lipid connected through a non-natural amino acid on protein
Changes in Indomethacin Solubility in Mixtures with Basic Drugs
Characterization of ocular permanence of ophthalmic formulations using positron emission tomography (μPET).
Characterization of oral controlled release formulations using the solid-state NMR PRE method.
Chewing gum - a novel delivery system for Cannabidiol (CBD) Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) formulations for the treatment of pain and spasticity in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patients
Chewing gum, a novel delivery system for Hempoil Cannabidiol (CBD) formulations in the treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) patients.
Coenzyme Q10 stable nanosuspensions for pulmonary delivery
Combination of guar gum oral films and alginate beads aiming buccal delivery of active pharmaceutical ingredients
Combining Lipophilic Prodrugs and Nanomedicines to Facilitate Oral Chemotherapy
Complex Formation depending on Intermolecular interaction between Diclofenac and Basic Drugs
Computational Analysis on Graphene Quantum Dot Images in Macrophage
Conjunctival drug permeability, employing QSPR and PK models
Construction and Evaluation of Reconstituted High Density Lipoprotein as Effective Transfection Agent for Mesenchymal Stem Cell Based Cancer Therapy
Controlled dermal DNAzyme delivery via chitosan hydrogels
Controlled suspensions for rapid determination of dissolution limited drug absorption
Cost-effective delivery of hydrophobic drugs by surfactant solubilization: fundamental insights for practical applications
Curcumin Encapsulation by Chitosan-Cyclodextrin Polymer
Cutaneous drug delivery system : Drug loaded dissolving microneedle patch, Mass production and Characterization
Design and Evaluation of Hyaluronic acid modified Docetaxel loaded albumin nanoparticles
Design and in vitro evaluation of mucoadhesive buccal films for treatment of Xerostomia (Dry-mouth)
Design of nanoparticles encapsulating oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN) targeted dhs or eba-175 and
its in vitro antimalarial activity test
Developing a Self-Emulsifying Lipid Based Formulation using Clotrimazole as Model Compound
Development and Evaluation of Novel Monolayered Ungual Delivery System for Itraconazole
Development and in vivo evaluation of nanofiber wound dressing for chronic wounds
Development and Optimization of Oleogels and Bigels as Topical Drug Delivery Systems for Periodontitis
Development of Curcumin-loaded Polymeric Micelles for Oral Colon-Targeted Drug Delivery
Development of Donepezil loaded dissolving microneedle patch
Development of drug delivery systems for intradermal application of hymenoptera allergens
Development of Functional Paclitaxel Nanocrystals and Its Application to Dry Powder Formulation for Inhalation
Development of liposome-based DNA vaccine: an effective gene delivery system for antigen presentation and innate immune activation against dendritic cells
Development of PEGylated aspartic acid modified liposome as a bone-targeting carrier for the delivery of paclitaxel and treatment of bone metastasis
Development of solid systems using hot melt extrusion to improve itraconanazole dissolution
Direct Nose to Brain Delivery of CNS Drugs: Effect of Glymphatic System on Brain Pharmacokinetics and Distribution after Intranasal Application
Displacement of itraconazole from cyclodextrin complexes in biorelevant media
Distribution of model macromolecule drug in whole brain, nasal mucosa, and trigeminal nerve in rats after intranasal administration with basic peptide based nanocarriers
Drug distribution to retinal pigment epithelium: studies on melanin binding, cellular kinetics and SPECT/CT imaging
Drugs bioavailability enhancement by “host-guest” complexation with arabinogalactan
Dry Naked pDNA inhalation powder composed of hyaluronic acid exhibits high gene expression in the lungs.
Dual release and in vivo evaluation in beagle dogs of bilayer matrix tablet containing aceclofenac
Efavirenz-loaded poly (ethylene oxide)-modified nanoparticles as potential rectal anti-HIV microbicides
Effect of amino acid-based surfactants on Caco-2 cell permeability of macromolecular drugs
Effect of an enhanced nose-to-brain delivery of insulin on mild and progressive memory loss in the senescence-accelerated mouse
Effect of Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) on characterization and release properties of voriconazole loaded in situ gel
Effect of surfactants in a resveratrol amorphous solid dispersion
Effects of phenylpropanoids on renal organic anion transporters OAT1 and OAT3
Effects of silymarin on the pharmacokinetics of carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, phenytoin and their main metabolites in rats
Efficacy of polymyxin B-loaded phenylboronic acid hydrogels against Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a topical mouse burn wound
Electrospun Nanofibers As Topical Antifungal Drug Carriers
Electrospun PCL Nanofiber composites of resveratrol nanocrystals: Production, Characterization and Antimicrobial Activity
Endocytosis mechanisms of solid lipid nanoparticles in breast cancer cell lines
Enhanced hepatoprotection and bioavailability of silybin by coamorphous silybin-ursodeoxycholic acid
Enhancement of aqueous dispersibility with good cellular uptake of paclitaxel with formation of nanodiamond nanocomplexes
Enhancing Minoxidil Permeation through Silicone Membrane using Hypobaric Pressure
Evaluating Drug Supersaturation Propensity: Comparison of Different Methods
Evaluating Micro-Flow Imaging to characterize size and agglomeration of PLGA microparticles
Expression of drug transporters in 150 human liver samples
Fabrication of niosomes as breast cancer-targeting nano-carriers
Factors affecting intestinal drug permeation in-vitro: rat intestinal tissue vs. artificial membrane
Formulation and evaluation of palatable fast dissolving tablets of lornoxicam using ion -exchange resins
Formulation and evaluation of pH triggered in-situ gelling opthalmic sustained drug delivery system of ciprofloxacin hydrochloride
Formulation and Evaluation of SNEDDS With Justica Adhatoda And Psidium Guajava To Enhance Platelet Count
Formulation and in vitro drug release studies of Domperidone maleate loaded self-emulsifying drug delivery systems (SEDDSs)
Formulation strategies for a novel peptide-based HIV vaccine
Formulation, Optimization and Characterization of Polysaccharide Based Colon Specific Drug Delivery System
Functional influx of Taurine and MPP+ is upregulated in HEK cells grown in Transwell filters compared to stiff plastic wells
Gastric and intestinal ethanol concentrations in fed volunteers after the consumption of beer, wine and whisky.
General Numerical Framework for Opthalmic Drug Delivery
Gold Nanorods Based Hypoxia-targeted Photothermal Cancer Therapy
High Throughput Solubility Screening Method for Assessing Feasibility of Developing Self-Emulsifying Lipid Based Formulations
How is mucus influencing on drug permeability in the PVPA?
Hydrodynamic Influences on Drug Dissolution and Absorption In Vitro and In Vivo, quantified with Mathematical Models and Computer Simulation
Impact of lipids on intracellular bioavailability
Improving Skin Delivery of Lipophilic Compounds via Enhancer-containing Polymeric Micelles
In vitro and in silico analysis of uptake of sialyl LewisX mimic-decorated liposomes in inflamed endothelial cells
In vitro CACO-2 cell permeability studies of ritonavir nanosuspension formulation
In vitro lipolysis of drug loaded lipid-based formulations with solid-state characterization of drug precipitate
Influence of ionic liquids in drug release from lipidic implants
Influence of PEGlyation on the performance of PLGA nanoparticles in biologically relevant media
Interactions of tea catechins with renal organic anion transporters
Introduction of a new in vitro approach for prediction of drug-drug interactions based on measurement of intracellular unbound concentrations of time-dependent inhibitors of CYP3A4
Investigation of d-limonene-containing PEGylated lipid nanocarriers for enhancing transdermal drug delivery of hydrophilic compound
Investigation of pulmonary drug permeability and tissue retention by computational analysis of rat ex vivo lung absorption profiles
Investigation of the mucoadhesive and hydrating properties of the liposomes towards the oral mucosa
Investigation on the thermal behaviour of doxorubicin sulphate nanocrystals in Doxil® liposomal formulation
Involvement of P-glycoprotein in transdermal absorption of its substrates including topical corticosteroids
Ion Pair Formation to Augment Oral Absorption of Enoxaparin
iP-gp , a novel cell line with tight barrier function and expression of human P-glycoprotein (ABCB1) for drug screening studies
Key-properties outlook of novel microparticulate platforms for bone therapeutic targeting
Lipid mimetic, lymph-directing prodrugs of testosterone facilitate oral bioavailability via avoidance of first-pass metabolism
Lipid-based liquid crystals as drug delivery vehicles for antimicrobial peptides
Lipid-Coated Stealth Nanoparticles of Novel Hydrophobic Prodrug, Niclosamide Stearate, as Cancer Therapeutic: Formulation and Physico-Chemical Characterization of Nanoparticles
Lipid-Polymer Hybrid Nanoconstructs of Anti-infectives for Topical Delivery: Evidences of Improved Antimicrobial Efficacy and Dermatokinetic Attributes in Burn Wound Infections
Local administration of drugs at predefined sites in the entire GI tract with a soft intubation technique
Long-circulating liposomes co-encapsulating doxorubicin and curcumin for increased efficiency of colon cancer therapy
Method Development of Paliperidone Extended Release Tablet by RP – HPLC Technique
Microemulsions using sucrose laurate with various co-surfactants and their application to intradermal delivery of (-)-epicatechin
Molecular Dynamics simulations of colloidal structures in aspirated human intestinal fluids
Multivalent, Alkanethiol Modified Gold Nanoparticles for the delivery of siRNA into cells
Nano-resveratrol: the wonder anticancer drug delivery system
Nanostructured clay-lipid hybrid microparticles for the oral delivery of poorly water-soluble drugs: influence of drug charge on performance
Nanostructured montmorillonite and laponite clays for controlling poorly bioavailable antipsychotic drug release from lipid-based formulations
Nanostructured spray-dried clay particles adsorb lipid digestion products during lipolysis of triglycerides: potential treatment for obesity
Nanosuspension for Improving Dissolution of Poorly Soluble Drug: Development and In Vitro Characterization
Novel liposomal formulations of S-propargyl-cysteine for sustained-release of hydrogen sulfide for heart failure
Novel Self-Nano-Emulsifying Drug Delivery System Bearing Docetaxel with Enhanced Bioavailability and Anticancer in Experimental Breast Cancer Model
para-Sulfonatocalix[4]arene and polyamidoamine dendrimer nanocomplexes as delivery vehicles for a novel platinum anticancer drug
Parallel Screening Approach for the Non-Invasive Delivery of Macromolecules
Particle-Based Modelling of Cellular Drug Transport
PEG surface coated PLGA-curcumin nanoparticles for Alzheimer’s disease
PEGylated liposomes for topical vaginal therapy: Improved delivery of interferon alpha
Pharmacokinetic evaluation of doxorubicin containing lipiodol-based emulsion and drug-eluting beads used in the treatment of intermediate hepatocellular carcinoma
Physicochemical and dissolution properties of ibuprofen-DEAE-Dextran nanoconjugates prepared by hydrotropic solubilization
Poly(histidine-arginine)6 modified chitosan nanoparticle for siRNA delivery in melanoma therapy
Polyethyleneimine Complex with Alendronate Increases Intestinal Permeation of this Bisophosphonate Drug in vitro
Polymer-functionalized Silica-Lipid Hybrid for Improving the Oral Delivery of Poorly Water-Soluble Weak Base Drugs
Polymeric micelle nanocarriers for the targeted follicular delivery of adapalene
Potential of thermal inkjet printing for personalized delivery of sodium warfarin as oral films
Preparation and evaluation of doxorubicin-loaded human serum albumin nanoparticles
Preparation and Evaluation of Nanoparticles Composed of Thiolated Triethyl Chitosan for Buccal Delivery of Insulin
Preparation of albumin-encapsulated liposome as a novel DDS carrier
Preparation of Highly Dispersible C60 Nanoparticles by Sugammadex, An Anionic γ-Cyclodextrin Derivative, for the Photodynamic Therapy
Preparation of self-assembled siRNA-PLGA hybrid conjugate micelles as GPC-3 gene silencing therapy for ovarian cancer
Preparation of siRNA-spiked gold nanoparticles and evaluation of their physicoshemical properties amd anti-angiogenic effects in vitro
Quantitative evaluation of absorption and metabolism of p-aminobenzoic acid in rat intestine
Rational approach to ophthalmic cationic nanoemulsion development
Reconstituted High Density Lipoprotein, a Versatile Drug Delivery Nanoplatform for Tumor Therapy
Repellent evaluation of Neem seed oil cream against Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes
Salt selection improved the developability of an inhaled poorly soluble compound
Shear Stress Sensitive Carriers for Targeted Drug Delivery to Obstructed Blood Vessels; An in vitro Study
siRNA loaded pH-responsive and Tumor-targeted Nano-carries for Inhibiting Tumor Growth and Metastasis in Cancer therapy
Solid lipid nanoparticles loaded transdermal patch of Rivastigmine Tartrate for Alzheimers disease by QbD (Quality by Design) approach
Spray-dried nanoparticle-loaded microspheres for dexamethasone nasal delivery
Structure-Pharmacokinetic Relationships of L-Type Amino Acid Transporter 1 (LAT1)- Utilizing Prodrugs of Ketoprofen in Mice
Studying Degree and Extent of Supersaturation of Amorphous Pharmaceuticals using Flux Measurements through Lipophilic Membranes
Supersaturated Silica Lipid Hybrids (Super-SLH): Solid State Lipid Based Drug Delivery Systems with Improved Drug Loading
Supramolecular PEI Complexes for Improved gene Delivery
Synthesis and characterization of PEGylated polyethyleneimine-entrapped gold nanoparticles by self-reduction
Tacrolimus Loaded Pluronic®F127 Micelles: Cellular Viability and Cell Growth for Ocular Administration
The adsorption of the complex of ibuprofen and lidocaine onto Kremezin
The effect of sparkling water on intraluminal formulation behaviour and systemic drug performance in man
The Impact of Liposomal Formulations Based on Different Phospholipids on the In Vivo Release and Brain Delivery of Methotrexate: A Microdialysis Study
The phosphorylation of alpha-tocopherol facilitates enhanced interactions with skin lipids
The Shape Effect of Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles on behavior and Pharmacokinetics in vivo
The use of Caco-2 cells to evaluate drug absorption from lipid-based formulations
Therapeutic effects on atopic dermatitis and transdermal delivery of siRNA with functional peptides
Therapeutic strategy for intractable pulmonary disease based on inducing differentiation
Transnasal delivery of the peptide to the brain
Understanding the link between composition, structure and absorption of milk during digestion
Use of a Time-Resolved Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer-based screen to identify a novel claudin-4 binding compound that attenuates the tight junction barrier
Ussing chambers for the study of nanoparticle permeability in the human jejunum
Well-promising outcomes with a novel drug nanocarrier for the targeted therapy in cancer treatment
Track C: Formulation & manufacturing sciences
“Formulation and Evaluation of Novel Medicated Chewing Gum Loaded With Metoclopramide for Motion Sickness”
A Novel, Polysaccharide-based Soft Capsule Shell System for the Delivery of Semi-solid, Extended Release, Pharmaceutical Formulations
A process driven rationale in the selection of an alternative API supplier - Paracetamol case
A Silica Cryopellet Formulation for Use in Rotational Thromboelastometry
Anhydroicaritin improves diet-induced obesity and hyperlipidemia and alleviates insulin resistance by suppressing SREBPs activation
Application of a handheld NIR spectrometer in prediction of drug content in inkjet printed orodispersible formulations containing prednisolone and levothyroxine
Application of simultaneous dissolution-absorption apparatus for screening formulations before bioequivalence studies
Artificial intelligence based optimization of lipid nanoparticles
Assessing the process stability of a continuous direct compression system when varying material properties
Batch to batch repeatability and stability study of levothyroxine doses made by inkjet technology
Biorelevant tests combined with a Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Model predict the in vivo behaviour of Ciprofloxacin
Bitterness intensity of medicine could be masked efficiently by combination of drugs on taste sensor and human volunteers
Characterization of hydrogel films intended for transdermal applications
Characterization of Surface Properties of Glass Vials Used as Primary Packaging Material for Parenterals.
Chronomodulated Drug Delivery(CDD) System of Montelukast Sodium for colon target.
Collapse Temperature Modifiers in Freeze-Dried Protein Formulations
Combination of hydrophilic polymer to solubilize and formulation chrysosplenol C in solid dispersion
Comparison of the properties of tablets containing APIs or API-titanate nanotube composites
Continuous wet granulation - the effect of the drying scale on granule and tablet properties
Controlled Drug Release Making Use of Mesoporous Magnesium Carbonate as Drug Carrier
Cosmeceutical Evaluation of Stable Emulgel containing Albizia lebbeck Bark Extract
Cryo-TEM Studies on the Scale–related Morphology of Block Copolymer/Lipid Chimeric Nano-assemblies for Pharmaceutical Applications
Cytotoxicity and aerodynamical testing of spray dried meloxicam forms for inhalation
Design and Development of Azadirachta indica anti psoriatic gel using natural gums
Design and Formulation of topical preparation of Omega fatty acid for Psoriasis using Hot melt extrusion: A Quality by Design approach
Design, development and optimisation of irinotecan human serum albumin nanoparticles
Designing relevant test methods to characterise the disintegration properties of rapidly disintegrating tablets
Determination and quantification of Alendronate Sodium Trihydrate within the inner aqueous phase of w/o/w double emulsions intended for oral use
Determination of liquid amount in batch and continuous wet granulation using mixer torque rheometry
Determining the solubility of olanzapine in poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and hot stage microscopy (HSM)
Development and Characterization of the Patient-Friendly Formulations: Preparation and Characterization of a Suspension Containing Nanoparticulated Rebamipide for Stomatitis
Development and Molecular Mechanism of A Highly Soluble Lutein Formulation
Development and Physicochemical Characterization of domperidone Resinate complex for gastroretention
Development of Bilayer Floating Tablets Containing Rebamipide for Gastric Retention
Development of composition and technology of the new anti-ischemic drug product
Development of continuous antisolvent crystallization process of glycine using impinging jet method
Diazepam sorption to PVC- and non-PVC-based tubes in administration sets
Dry Powder Inhaler Performance assessed by Acoustic Emission Measurements and Multivariate Analysis
Drying and tableting of low water-soluble nanocrystals to improve oral bioavailability
Dynamics of ibuprofen in amorphous solid dispersions
Effect of Aging on the Characteristics of Curcuma Comosa Oral Tablets
Effect of monoacyl phospholipid on the in vitro and in vivo performance of self-emulsifying drug delivery systems
Effect of Polymers on the Swelling and Mucoadhesive Properties of Vaginal Tablets Containing Curcuma comosa extract
Effect of tableting parameters to residence time distribution of tableting machine.
Electrospinning of nanostructural fibers as carrier for clotrimazole microemulsion designed for oral candidiasis treatment
Enhanced stability and super-saturation of felodipine amorphous solid dispersions
Estimation of crystallinity of nifedipine-polyvinylpyrrolidone solid dispersion by usage of terahertz time-domain spectroscopy and of X-ray powder diffractometer
Evaluation of formulation factors effects on stability of desloratadine film coated tablets
Exploring cellulose discs as carriers in oromucosal drug delivery
Extemporaneous preparation of oral liquid formulation of metronidazole
Fabrication of Hydrogels using Stereolithographic 3D Printing
Failures in tablet content uniformity and process understanding
FORMAMP- innovative nanoformulation of antimicrobial peptides
Formulating Probiotic Oral Films for Treating Dental Caries
Formulation and Evaluation of Metformin or Glibenclamide Troches for Diabetes Mellitus.
Formulation and Evaluation of Polyherbal Analgesic Liniments
Formulation Development and Optimization of Erodible Films for Potential Ocular Drug Delivery
Formulation of a taste masked fixed dose combination of rifampicin and isoniazid by hot melt extrusion
Freeze drying at room temperature to prepare protein proliposome compared to conventional granulation method
Gefitinib Loaded Chitosan Nanoparticles Formulation and Its Evaluation
High concentration drug products in pre-filled syringes: clogging issue
High performance liquid chromatography analysis of nanomedicines using polymer-coated monolithic columns with aqueous mobile phase
Hot Melt Extrusion and Injection Moulding of Amorphous Solid Dispersions: Felodipine-Soluplus®
Impact of Croscarmelose Sodium obtained from different suppliers in a tablet performance
In situ Crystallization monitoring using probe type low frequency Raman spectroscopy
In Vitro and In Vivo Evaluation of Curcuma Comosa Liquisolid Tablets
In vitro characterization and pharmacodynamic evaluation of furosemide loaded self nano emulsifying drug delivery systems (SNEDDS)
In vitro evaluation of dissolution in the lower intestine
In vivo evaluation and comparison of Coffee silverskin and hyaluronic acid as anti-wrinkles ingredients
Influencing drug molecule and product design using chemical stability knowledge.
Interchangeability of medicines using metformin as a surrogate product (ii)
Investigation of aerodynamics and stability of sildenafil free base and citrate for dry powder inhaler formulation
Investigation of Enhanced Solubility and Stability of Multi-component Solid Dispersion Systems
Investigation of supersaturation and permeation of a poorly water soluble drug Ezetimibe
Manufacturing Platforms for Access to Precision Pharmaceutics
Microfluidics Enables the Seamless Manufacture of RNA-Lipid Nanoparticles from Discovery to Clinic
Modified-release HPMC-AS based tablets fabricated by FDM 3D printing
Monitoring powder blend homogeneity in a tablet press feed frame using near infrared spectroscopy
Monoclonal Antibody Impacted through Exposure to Polymeric Materials of Construction Sterilized through Gamma Irradiation
Multiple linear regression models as support tools in formulation development of solid dispersions
New preparation method for two crystal forms of ciprofloxacin saccharinate and their photostability and hygroscopic property
Non-sterile products: Challenge test validation
One step immobilization of β-glucosidase on cross-linked chitosan beads using naturally derived genipin for the production of bioactive genistein
Optimization of the parameters of spherical agglomeration
Ozone Gas Sterilization of pHEMA Hydrogels for Biomedical Applications: A Comparison Study with Conventional Terminal Sterilization methods.
pH Sensitive Solid Lipid Nanoparticles of Linagliptin using
Quality by Design approach for the treatment of Diabetes Mellitus
Prediction of food effect on intestinal drug absorption: Development and evaluation of a new in silico physiological fed state model in GI-Sim
Prediction of powder flow – Evaluation of standard excipients and IBC discharge
Prediction of the relationship between tablet tensile strength and compaction pressure using powder compression parameters
Preparation of Tamsulosin Hydrochloride Sustained Release Orally Disintegrating Tablet with Waxy Material
Printability of polymer-based formulations using a 3D bioprinter
Printing Mannitol: Effect of Droplet Volume on the Polymorphic Form Crystallised
Proliposomes: development of a coating method on spherical beads by producing small unilamellar vesicles
Robustness of continuous direct compression line when provoking with challenging materials
Role of surfactant in pharmaceutical formulation
Self-nano emulsifying Drug Delivery Systems (SNEDDS) of curcumin increases its cytotoxicity in various breast cancer cell lines
SEM/EDX Characterization and Profiling of Particulate Matter of Cefuroxime Powder for Injection
Sensorial Evaluation of Eslicarbazepine Acetate Oral Suspension
Simultaneous Assay of Artesunate and Amodiaquine Hydrochloride in Combination by Ultra-Violet Spectrophotometry
Solid dispersions tadalafil-Soluplus® formed by high-energy ball milling.
Impact of process parameters.
Stability of epigallocatechin gallate in green tea extract cream with variation concentration of antioxidant vitamin C 1% and vitamin E 1%
Stereolithographic (SLA) 3D Printing of Oral Modified-Release Dosage Forms
Structuring and Drug Interactions in Lipid-Based Formulations Studied by Coarse Grained Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Studies on Fluoride Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) film formulation to prevention of dental caries
Suitability testing of Fused Deposition Modeling for manufacturing dose adjustable solid dosage forms
The development of HPLC assay methods for the simultaneous determination of pirfenidone and moxifloxacin in dual drug-loaded compartmentalized polymeric nanofibers
The Effect of Specific Surface Area of Chitine Metal Silicate
Coprocessed Excipient on the Chemical Decomposition of
Cefotaxime Sodium
The Effect of the Physiological Parameters of the Gastrointestinal Fluid on Quetiapine Fumarate Release from Matrix Tablets Prepared Using Two Different Polymeric Blends
The impact of dissolution in the lower intestine on the absorption of high dose low solubility drugs
The impact of ethanol content and neutralizer selection on the rheology and stability of hydroalcoholic carbomer gels for topical drug delivery
The Use of a Modified Wurster Dry Powder Spray System to Accelerate Batch Processing Times
Therapeutic efficacy and safety of long-term stored hemoglobin-vesicles in a rat model of hemorrhagic shock
Ultrasound-enhanced electrospinning of active-loaded polymeric nanofibers
Use of Ion Exchange Resin and Cyclodextrin for Taste Masking Cetirizine Hydrochloride 10mg Formulated in the Zydis® Dosage Form
Veterinary pharmaceutical innovation: development and evaluation of an intravaginal drug delivery device
W/O Emulsions Containing Ceresin Wax Improves Skin Barrier Function
Track D: Regulatory sciences
A Road-to-Market Analysis for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Products: Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors as a case study
Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting by Consumers: India outlook
Analysis of materiovigilance bottom-up alerts from pediatric departments involving medical devices used in perfusion.
Challenges and Opportunities in Development of Orphan Drugs for Rare and Neglected Diseases
Challenges facing pharmaceutical pricing in low middle income countries after currency devaluation and how to reach equilibrium
Comparing Recent Guidelines on the Conduct of Clinical Trials: ICH, FDA, and WHO
Cost-effectiveness Analysis of Alemtuzumab in comparison with Natalizumab for relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis treatment in Iran
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Posaconazole versus Liposomal Amphotericin B in the Treatment of Mucormycosis patients in Iran
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Tigecycline versus Imipenem/ Cilastatin in the Treatment of Complicated Intra-Abdominal Infections in Iran
Elderly Patient‘s Access to Innovation -
Parallel Path Strategy and Clinical Data alongside the Product‘s Lifecycle
Establishment of new dissolution specification in monographs of the Korean Pharmacopoeia: Tiaprofenic acid tablets and Tinidazole tablets
Mapping and optimizing the procedure for managing a change in CEP for TSE at a global pharmaceutical company
Mobile Medical Applications for Dosage Recommendation, Drugs Adverse Reaction And Drug Interaction: Review and Comparison
Patient centric pharmaceutical drug product design: Moving ahead
Public health concerns of substandard antidiabetic medicine: Quality estimation of pioglitazone by a cross-sectional survey
Risk factors in using drugs outside of their licence guidelines in paediatric patients
Risks management methodology in pharmaceutical Supply Chain
The Legibility of Non-Prescription Medications’ Package Insert in Taiwan: Improving the Implementation of Regulation for Pharmaceutical Companies
The medicines innovation landscape according to the 2015 FDA and EMA approvals
Using Immunoassay technique to determine clinical efficacy of a biosimilar Filgrastim with reference Filgrastim
Using Pay per performance for guarantying quality and efficacy for generics chemotherapy products in Egypt
Track E: Science-based practice
A Clinical Audit for Appropriateness of NSAIDs Prescribing for Patients with Diabetes Mellitus by Primary Care Physicians in Saudia Arabia.
A Comparative evaluation of fixed dose and separately administered combinations of lisinopril and hydrochlorothiazide in treatment-naive hypertensive patients in a rural Nigerian
A Cross section study on prevalence of Neuro-Psychiatric disorders and Quality of Life in post Stroke patients.
Actual versus recommended storage temperatures of oral oncolytic drugs at patients' homes
Adverse Drug Reaction Induced by Long-term Adefovir Dipivoxil: Clinical Characteristics and Follow up
Analyzing the antibiotic practice for cesarean delivery at Hung Vuong Hospital in Vietnam
Anticoagulant use in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation: has prescribing improved?
Antihypertensive drug prescription patterns and their impact on outcome of blood pressure in
Ethiopia: a hospital-based cross-sectional study
Antihypertensive medication use in diabetic and non-diabetic patients progressing from chronic kidney disease to end-stage renal disease on dialysis
Antimicrobial Resistance Pattern in Bacteria Causing Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia in an Intensive Care Unit Patients
Antimicrobial Therapy of Urinary Tract Infections: Study of Efficacy and Safety
Assessing food effect in vitro by use of the Dynamic Gastric Model.
Assessing the Factors Related to Misuse of Prescribed Medicines among the Urban Sri Lankan Youth
Assessment of Self-medication practices among urban Sri Lankan adults
Association of CD4+ T Cell Counts After Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy and Its Correlation With Opportunistic Infections In Indian Human Immunodeficiency Virus Positive Patients
Big data analysis applied to intermittent androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer patients
Bipolar disorder and the endocannabinoid system: a possible theoretical framework to prime a brand-new ammo for the management of bipolar disorder
Changing views on medicines: the need to innovate pharmaceutical care
Cleaning Efficacy for Contaminated Mobile Nursing Carts
Cost-Effectiveness of Rivaroxaban versus Warfarin for Stroke Prevention in Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation in the Guangdong Healthcare Setting in China
Demographics and Renal Function Estimation in Subjects of South Asian Ancestry: Perspectives for Drug Development
Development of a novel Pharmaceutical ‘Preventive Cardiology’ Care model: an experiential training for PharmD students
Downregulation of CD200 immunoregulatory marker in CLL patients’ lymphocytes using polyethylenimine-loaded shRNA
Drug Utilization 90% Profile in PKU Muhammadiyah of Yogyakarta hospital in 2015
Drug-induced acute kidney injury: a cross-sectional study from a single center in China
Effectiveness of Prothrombin Complex Concentrate (PCC) in Neonates and Infants with Bleeding or Risk of Bleeding: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Efficacy of supplementary vitamin D on improvement of glycemic parameters in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus; a randomized double blind clinical trial
Empirical Intermittent Dosage regimens of Vancomycin for MRSA Infected Critically Ill Patients in Health Facilities with Different Distribution of MIC
Evaluation of Dietary Supplementation on Glycemic Control in Indian Type 2 Diabetic Patients and pre-diabetics: A Prospective Observational Pilot Study
Evaluation of the effectiveness and security profile of vedolizumab in inflammatory bowel disease
Evidence-based pharmacogenetic guidelines in the Netherlands
Exploring the Efficacy of Non-Pharmacological Treatments in Management of Osteoarthritis
Extemporaneous compounding in the pharmaceutical department of a pediatric hospital during the period 2011 - 2015
First-generation antihistamine-induced drowsiness and the CYP2D6 genotype
Genetic polymorphisms contribute to the individual variations of Imatinib mesylate plasma levels and adverse reactions in Chinese GIST patients
Glycosylated hemoglobin and the risk of breast cancer in type 2 diabetes: a meta analysis and case control study
Impact of Different MIC Distribution in Determining Empirical Vancomycin Continuous Infusion Dosing in Critically Ill Population
Impact of Lansoprazole Coadministration on Pemetrexed-induced Hematotoxicity: Stereoselective Inhibition of Human Organic Anion Transporter 3 by Lansoprazole Enantiomers
In vitro investigation of Russian original benzodiazepine phenazepam pharacokinetics: cell culture with substrate-inhibitor panel in microbioreactor
Inappropriate prescribing of Antithrombotics causes poor discharge outcomes in hospitalized elderly patients, a retrospective cohort study
Integrative medicine leads innovative treatment by interprofessional cooperation in Taiwan
Licorice-induced hypokalemia in patients treated with Yokukansan preparations―identification of the risk factors in a retrospective cohort study―
Long distance from microvessel to cancer cell independently predicts poor prognosis in non-small cell lung cancer patients after chemotherapy
Long-term effects of testosterone treatment in female-to-male transsexuals on iron homeostasis and erythropoiesis
Management and standardization of pharmaceutical care activities at different levels of geriatric healthcare
Medication Errors in the Older Adult Population: A Systematic Review
Meropenem- valproic interaction, a systematic review of interventions
Microbial etiology and antimicrobial susceptibility of bacteria implicated urinary tract infection
Minor decreasing resistance of GABHS after period of minor increasing resistance to penicillin in children
Network meta-analysis: a systematic review of publication characteristics
NF-kB and reconsolidation memory
Overpriced Prescription Medicine in South Africa
Patient compliance with drug storage recommendations
Perceived tolerance analysis and level of knowledge of patients treated with dimetilfumarate
Perception and attitudes of physicians about the use of herbal products in general practice
Perceptions and Practices of Community Pharmacists towards Antimicrobial Stewardship in Ethiopia
Pharmacist's Role in Food Supplements For Public Health
Pharmacists' interventions in cardiovascular disease awareness and assessment
Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modeling of repeated time-to-rescue analgesia after cardiac surgery
Population-based Cohort Study on the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Nonapnea Sleep Disorders Patients with Benzodiazepines
Portuguese hypertensive patient’s knowledge about the disease - cross-cultural adaptation of hypertension knowledge test into Portuguese
Predicting adverse events of cancer medicines: a secondary analysis of clinical trial data
Preparation of Metformin Succinate Sustained Release Tablet
Prevalence of biofilms and enterotoxins produced by staphylococcus aureus-inducing pneumonia in south-south geopolitical zone, Nigeria.
Profile Drug Utilization 90% at Dr. Soeradji Tirtonegoro Klaten Hospital
In 2015
Profile Of Drug Utilization 90% and Drug Uniformity by Using National Fromulary in Sleman General Hospital 2015
Profile of drug utilization 90% in BPJS patients at Panembahan Senopati Bantul regional public hospital year 2015
Quality of life and its association to treatment satisfaction, adherence to medication and trust in physician among hypertensive patients
Recreational Use of Phosphodiesterase 5 Inhibitors and Its
Associated Factors among Undergraduate Male Students in an
Ethiopian University: A Cross-Sectional Study
Relation between menstrual cycle, oxidative stress and depression.
Risk of Developing Venous Thromboembolism Associated with Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factors (G-CSF) in Colorectal Cancer Patients
Self-medication among patient with chronic venous diseases
Size and antioxidant capacity of HDL in Brazilian subjects: impact of hypertrygliceridemia
Size and antioxidant capacity of HDL in Brazilian subjects: impact of hypertrygliceridemia
Studies on Hydrogel and Film Formulations containing lactoferrin (LF) and lysozyme(LYZ) by Raman spectroscopy
The Efficacy Comparison Between Mirabegron and Antimuscarinics in Treating Overactive Bladder: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
The role of the pharmacist in the treatment of pediatric patients with infantile hemangioma using propranolol
Treatment outcomes of visceral leishmaniasis in Ethiopia from 1994-2015: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Unused drugs returned to community pharmacies: an analysis of medication waste and possibilities for redispensing
Use of Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors is associated with lower risk of dementia in diabetic patients
Using CFD Simulations of USP4 Flow Through Cell to Visualize Fluid Movement through a Novel Drug Delivery System
Vitamin D tests at pharmacies – a new convenient service
Waste of oral oncolytics and biologicals among users who discontinue therapy
Track T: Education & Training
“Community Pharmacy Clerkship League” in Taichung City, made diversified, abundant, complete experience program.
Drug Utilization 90% Profile in Dr. Sardjito Hospital in 2015
Evaluation of students' satisfaction with pharmaceutical education in Iran
From environmental theories to pharmacy practice: Generation green -initiative in Finland
Interventions to Promote Waterpipe Smoking Cessation among young people in Saudi Arabia: overdue need urgent attention
Longitudinal analysis of study achievement at the Pharmacy program at the University of Gothenburg
Pharmacist perception and education about generic carbamazepine substitution
Pharmacy Students’ Perceptions on Pharmaceutical Promotion
Students’ Views about Pharmacy Franchise Programmes in Malaysia: A Qualitative Study
Study for need of multidisciplinary e-learning programme in Pharmacy with a good quality management system
The effect of Kahoot web-based learning on learning skills of Pharmacy Students: Preliminary study in Clinical Pharmacokinetic Course
The effect of patient education program on knowledge about complementary medicines: a cross-sectional study among hypertensive patient
The Story behind Drug Trade Names; A New Insight into the Drug Nomenclature