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FIP individual member benefits

Connecting the world's pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists

When you become an individual member of FIP you are immediately connected to an international network of colleagues, many of whom share the same professional interests and aspirations as you.

Benefits of FIP individual membership

FIP is the only worldwide network of pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists that combines the broad scope of pharmacy with focused and dedicated interests of specific professional fields. We have eight professional practice sections and six special interest groups (SIGs) for the sciences.

Individual members have:

  • Access to FIP world congresses at a significantly reduced rate (you must be an individual member of FIP for at least two years before the congress and ALL of your membership fees must be fully paid up);
  • Access to FIP sections and SIGs with focused programmes and communications;
  • Access to world leaders in the pharmacy profession and pharmaceutical sciences;
  • Opportunities to locate and meet international colleagues and exchange experiences, views and information.

FIP creates a worldwide development and educational environment through the work of members and from the organisation of conferences and symposia.

Individual members have:

  • Access to continuing education;
  • Access to FIP conferences and symposia;
  • Opportunities to participate in discussion groups, workgroups and taskforces;
  • Opportunities to develop initiatives and to contribute to global projects.

FIP has access to worldwide information on developments in the pharmacy profession and the pharmaceutical sciences. We make this information available to our members through regular publications and our website. 

Individual members benefit from:

  • A free subscription to the International Pharmacy Journal (IPJ);
  • Notification and access to webinars, workshops and seminars held by sections/SIGs;
  • Access to abstracts and presentations from congresses;
  • A subscription discount (90 USD) to the Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, the official journal of FIP's Board of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

FIP provides leadership in the enhancement of the pharmaceutical profession and science by issuing policy statements, guidelines and international standards. We input into the healthcare decision-making process of the World Health Organization (WHO).

Individual members can:

  • Access working groups and projects in pharmacy;
  • Access new international developments and trends in pharmacy;
  • Become executive members of sections, boards and other FIP decision-making bodies.

FIP and the FIP Foundation for Education and Research actively stimulate and support the education of, and research by, pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists, especially in areas where there is a shortage of financial means.

As an individual member you are able to support and stimulate education and research in those areas where they are most needed.

Last update 9 May 2019

FIP Congresses