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FIP Awards

Recognition of outstanding contributions to pharmacy

FIP believes it is of utmost importance to support and recognise individuals who, through their vision and commitment to their profession, are making outstanding contributions to the fields of pharmacy practice, pharmaceutical sciences and pharmaceutical education and at all stages of their career. As such, each year we honour those who have demonstrated commendable work and dedication in areas which parallel our overall mission of advancing pharmacy practice, science and education for the betterment of global health.

Our 3-year award cycle can be found here.

In 2025 the following awards will be considered:

  • André Bédat Award (senior career)
  • FIP Distinguished Pharmaceutical Science Award (mid-career)
  • FIP Early Career in Pharmaceutical Education Recognition Award (early career)
  • FIP Distinguished Service Award
  • Honorary Member Award
  • FIP Fellowships across practice, science and education
  • Health Promotion Campaign Award (ONE FIP Award)
  • Pharmaceutical Education Organisational Award (to an Academic Institutional Member AIM)

In 2026 the following awards will be considered:

  • FIP Exceptional Pharmaceutical Education Award (senior career)
  • FIP Olivier Bugnon Award (mid-career)
  • FIP Early Career in Pharmaceutical Science Recognition Award (early career)
  • Joseph Oddis Award for Exceptional Service to FIP
  • Honorary Member
  • FIP fellowships across practice, science and education
  • Health Promotion Campaign Award (to a FIP member organisation)
  • Pharmaceutical Science Organisational Award (to a predominantly scientific member organisation)

In 2027 the following awards will be considered:

  • Høst Madsen Medal (Senior career)
  • FIP Distinguished Pharmaceutical Education Award (mid-career)
  • FIP Early Career in Pharmaceutical Practice Recognition Award (early career)
  • Award for Exceptional Leadership to FIP
  • FIP fellowships across practice, science and education
  • Health Promotion Campaign Award (to a FIP member organisation)
  • Pharmaceutical Education Organisational Award (to an Academic Institutional Member AIM)

Most awardees are announced at the annual FIP World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Awards fall into the following categories:







Joseph A. Oddis Award for Exceptional Service to FIP

Award for Exceptional Leadership to FIP

FIP Distinguished Service Award 

FIP Fellowship Award

FIP Presidential Citation


Høst Madsen Medal (senior career)

FIP Distinguished Pharmaceutical Science Award (mid-career)

FIP Early Career in Pharmaceutical Science Recognition Award (early career)


André Bédat Award (senior career)

FIP Olivier Bugnon Award (mid-career)

FIP Early Career in Pharmaceutical Practice Recognition  Award (early career)

FIP Exceptional Award in Pharmaceutical Education (senior career)

FIP Distinguished Pharmaceutical Education Award (mid-career)

FIP Early Career in Pharmaceutical Education Recognition Award (early career)


Honorary President

Honorary Member

Life-long Member

Kamal K. Midha Award for Exceptional Leadership to FIP

Health Promotion Campaign Award

Pharmaceutical Science Organisational Award

Pharmaceutical Education Organisational Award


Honorary President
The FIP Council, on the proposal of the FIP Bureau, may award the title of “Honorary President” to former FIP presidents who have given exceptional service (FIP Statutes, Art.8.1). The title bestows honorary lifelong membership to FIP. Honorary presidents may attend Council Meetings but have no voting rights.

Honorary Presidents
2024 Dr Michel Buchmann (Switzerland)
2020 Dr Carmen Peña (Spain)
2014 Prof. Kamal K. Midha (Canada)
2002 Dr Dieter Steinbach (Germany)


Dr Michel Buchmann (left) receives the Honorary President title from Paul Sinclair


Honorary Membership
The FIP Bureau may award the title of “Honorary Member”, to persons who have rendered significant service to FIP. The award will be reserved for exceptional persons, and it is anticipated that it will not be awarded frequently.

FIP Rules of Procedure for Honorary Membership

Honorary Members
2012 Prof. Leslie Z. Benet (USA)
2011 Prof. Tsuneji Nagai (Japan)
2010 Dr John A. Gans (USA)
2000 Mr George B. Griffenhagen (USA)
2000 Dr Jo Eirik Asvall (Norway)
1999 Dr Lars-Einar Fryklöf (Sweden)
1998 Professor Patrick F. d’Arcy (United Kingdom)
1998 Professor Jacobus Polderman (The Netherlands)
1998 Ms Agathe Wehrli (Switzerland)
1997 Mr A. Scales (Canada)
1996 Dr J. Kohlberg (Israel)
1996 Dr Kok (The Netherlands)

  Prof. Leslie Benet received FIP's Honorary Lifelong Membership in 2012
Prof. Leslie Benet received FIP's Honorary Lifelong Membership in 2012

Life-long membership

People who have been individual members of FIP for over 30 years are recognised with “life-long membership”.


Joseph A. Oddis Award for Exceptional Service to FIP
The purpose of the Joseph A. Oddis award is to recognise officers of FIP and individuals who have rendered exceptional and distinguished service to FIP.
Dr Joseph A. Oddis was FIP president from 1986 to 1990. He was also CEO of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists almost 40 years. The award will be granted every three years at an annual FIP congress.

FIP Rules of Procedure for the Joseph A. Oddis Award for Exceptional Service to FIP

Nominiation form


2023 Ms Ema Paulino (Portugal)
2019 Mr Andrew L. Gray (South Africa)
        Prof. Philip J. Schneider (USA)
2017 Prof. Henk de Jong (Netherlands)
2016 Dr Dieter Steinbach (Germany)
2015 Prof. Henri R. Manasse, Jr. (USA)
2014 Mr Colin R. Hitchings (UK)
2013 Dr Joseph A. Oddis (USA) 


Ms Ema Paulino receives the Joseph A. Oddis Award for Exceptional Service to FIP


Award for Exceptional Leadership to FIP

The purpose of the award is to recognise officers of FIP and individuals who have rendered exceptional leadership in pharmaceutical education, science and practice serving the mission of FIP. The award will be granted every three years at an annual FIP congress.

Rules of Procedure Award for Exceptional Leadership to FIP

Nomination form

2024 Prof. Ralph J. Altiere (USA)


FIP Distinguished Service Award

This award recognises officers or employees of FIP who have rendered exceptional and distinguished service to FIP. The award will be granted every three years at an annual FIP congress.

FIP Rules of Procedure for the Distinguished Service Award

Nomination form

2017 Mr Howard Rice (Israel)
2014 Mr John A. Ware (Australia)
2009 Mrs Gretie Rolf von den Baumen (Netherlands)
2008 Mr Michael J.A. Rouse (USA)
2005 Mr Kal Chatto (USA) and Mr John Ferguson (UK)

  Mr John A. Ware receive the Distinguished Service Award
Mr John A. Ware receives the Distinguished Service Award 

FIP Presidential Citation
This award recognises an individual who has shown inspirational, intensive and outstanding dedication and contribution in leading, developing and implementing a significant activity of FIP. The citation is only presented on occasions of unusual merit.

FIP Rules of Procedure FIP Presidential Citation


2017 Prof. Meindert Danhof (Netherlands)


Prof. Meindert Danhof receives the FIP Presidential Citation
Prof. Meindert Danhof receives the FIP Presidential Citation


FIP Fellowship Award
FIP fellowship recognises individual members of FIP who have exhibited strong leadership internationally, distinguished themselves in the pharmaceutical sciences and/or practice of pharmacy, contributed to the advancement of pharmaceutical sciences and/or practice or pharmacy, and who have served FIP. FIP Fellows may use the designation “FFIP.”

FIP Rules of Procedure FIP Fellowship Award

Nomination form


FIP Fellows 2024




Dr Abdikarim Abdi (Turkey)
Sir Anthony Akhimien (Nigeria)
Mr Daragh Connolly (Ireland)
Dr Sarah Dineen-Griffin (Australia)
Dr Stephen Eckel (USA)
Dr Prosper Hiag (Cameroon)
Ms Eiko Kobayashi (Japan)
Dr Rajatheran (Sham) Moodley (South Africa)
Prof. Melody Ryan (USA)
Dr Venkata Narayana Tanniru (India)



Dr Waël E. Abi-Ghanem (Lebanon)
Prof. Rula M. Darwish (Jordan)
Dr Josep M. Guiu Segura (Spain)
Ms Tara Hehir (Australia)
Prof. Dai John (UK)
Prof. Aukje Mantel-Teeuwisse (Netherlands)
Dr Thomas E. Menighan (USA)
Dr Didier Mouliom Ngambe (Cameroon)
Dr Joseph Nicolazzo (Australia)
Prof. Giovanni Pauletti (USA)
Ms Samira Shammas Goussous (Jordan)
Ms Mary Wang (China Taiwan)



Dr Naoko Arakawa (UK)
Dr Andreia Bruno-Tomé (Portugal)
Dr Ryan Forrey (United States)
Dr John B. Hertig (United States)
Dr Michael D. Hogue (United States)
Prof. Pierre Moreau (Kuwait)
Ms Leonila Ocampo (Philippines)
Dr Carl R. Schneider (Australia)
Dr Jenelle L. Sobotka (United States)




Prof. Patricia Acuna-Johnson (Chile)
Dr Dalia Bajis Al-Jasra (Bahrain)
Dr Mariet Eksteen (South Africa)
Dr Ian Larson (Australia)
Prof. Don Mager (USA)
Dr Jonathan Penm (Australia)
Dr Bernard Poggi (France)
Mr Olusola Solarin (Nigeria)


Mr Jaime Acosta Gomez (Spain)
Dr Jill E. Martin Boone (USA)
Prof. William N. Charman (Australia)
Dr Martin Henman (Ireland)
Prof. Marilyn Morris (USA)
Dr Charlotte Rossing (Denmark)
Dr Vaiyapuri Subramaniam (USA)
Prof. Shigeo Yamamura (Japan)


Dr Marwan El Akel (Lebanon)
Dr Sylvain Grenier (Canada)
Prof. Kurt Hersberger (Switzerland)
Dr Marianne Ivey (USA)
Ms Susan James (Canada)
Dr Robert Moss (Netherlands)
Dr John Pieper (USA)
Dr Lars-Ake Söderlund (Sweden)
Ms Carwen Wynne Howells (UK)



Mr John Bell (Australia)
Prof. Tina Brock (Australia)
Mr Ulf Janzon (Sweden)
Dr Peter Kielgast (Denmark)
Mr Abdul Latif Sheikh (Pakistan)
Mr Jean Parrot (France)
Prof. Marion Schaefer (Germany)
Dr Dieter Steinbach (Germany)
Dr James Stevenson (USA)
Dr Boyan Todorov (Netherlands)
Prof. Toyin Tofade (USA)


Prof. Lilian Azzopardi (Malta)
Dr Betty Chaar (Australia)
Mr Walter da Silva Jorge João (Brazil)
Professor Mahama Duwiejua (Ghana)
Ms Kirstie Galbraith (Australia)
Prof. Takuya Kumamoto (Japan)
Mr Luís Miguel Lourenço (Portugal)
Dr Arijana Meštrović (Croatia)
Mr Mike Rouse (USA)
Mr Paul Sinclair (Australia)
Prof. Bob Sindelar (Canada)



Dr Ralph Altiere (USA)
Dr Michael Anisfeld (USA)
Dr Parisa Aslani (Australia)
Mr Thony Björk (Sweden)
Mr Timothy Chen (Australia)
Ms Manjiree Gharat (India)
Prof. Michiho Ito (Japan)
Ms Lindsay McClure (UK) 


Prof. Claire Anderson (UK)
Ms Jane Dawson (New Zealand)
Prof. Jennifer Dressman (Germany)
Dr Linda Hakes (Germany)
Mr Dominique Jordan (Switzerland)
Prof. Jennifer Marriott (Australia)
Dr Rebekah Moles (Australia)
Prof. Hiroshi Suzuki (Japan)
Ms Agathe Wehrli (Switzerland)
Prof. Albert I. Wertheimer (USA)
Mr Nobuo Yamamoto (Japan)



Col. Zheng-yu Chen (China)
Prof. Henk de Jong (Netherlands)
Prof. Ross McKinnon (Australia)
Dr Lucinda Maine (USA)
Prof. Tsuneji Nagai (Japan)
Mrs Jacqueline Surugue (France)
Dr Frans van de Vaart (Netherlands)
Mr Lee C. Vermeulen (USA)
Mr William Zellmer (USA)


Prof. Ian Bates (UK)
Mr Andrew L. Gray (South Africa)
Prof. Wayne Hindmarsh (Canada)
Dr Tatsuro Irimura (Japan)
Prof. Kamal K. Midha (Canada)
Dr Carmen Peña-Lopez (Spain)
Prof. Geoffrey T. Tucker (UK)




Dr Lowell Anderson (USA)
Dr Horst-Dieter Friedel (Germany)
Ms Mei-Ling Hsiao (China Taiwan)
Mr Niels Kristensen (Denmark)
Mr Warren Meek (Canada)
Mr Avi Moshenson (Israel)
Ms Ema Paulino (Portugal)
Dr Mario L. Rocci (USA)
Dr Hitoshi Sasaki (Japan)
Dr Leopold Schmudermaier (Austria)
Ms Eeva Teräsalmi (Finland)
Dr Régis Vaillancourt (Canada)
Mr Heinz-Günter Wolf (Germany)


Dr Max Brentano-Motta (Switzerland)
Mr Mehmet Serif Boyaci (Turkey)
Mr Azubike Okwor (Nigeria)
Prof. Adel Sakr (Egypt)
Dr Eduardo Savio (Uruguay)



 Prof. Daan J.A. Crommelin (Netherlands)
 Dr James T. Doluisio (USA)
 Prof. Mitsuru Hashida (Japan)
 Prof. Bert Leufkens (Netherlands)
 Prof. Philip J. Schneider (USA)
 Mrs Linda J. Stone (UK)
 Mr Thomas Thielke (USA)


Dr Michel Buchmann (Switzerland)
Prof. Martin Schulz (Germany)
Prof. Stanley Shaw (USA)





Ms Bente Frøkjær (Denmark) 
Dr Sabine Kopp (Switzerland) 
Prof. Henri R. Manasse, Jr. (USA) 
Prof. Peter Noyce (UK) 
Mr Prafull D. Sheth (India) 
Prof. Yuichi Sugiyama (Japan)


Prof. S.I. (Charlie) Benrimoj (Australia)
Mrs Cynthia K. Brown (USA)
Dr John A. Gans (USA)
Dr Ross W Holland (Australia)
Mr Howard Rice (Israel)



Dr Ryoji Konishi (Japan)
Prof. Tony C. Moffat (UK)
Dr Vinod P. Shah (USA)


Prof. Dominique Duchêne (France)
Prof. Hans Junginger (Germany)
Mrs Jane Nicholson (UK)
Prof. Hiroshi Terada (Japan)


Kamal K. Midha Award for Exceptional Leadership to FIP

The purpose of the award is to recognise officers of FIP and individuals who have rendered exceptional leadership in pharmaceutical education, science and practice serving the mission of FIP. The award will be made on an ad hoc basis.

Rules of Procedure Kamal K. Midha Award for Exceptional Leadership to FIP

2023 Mr Dominique Jordan (Switzerland)
2020 Prof. William N. Charman (Australia)


Høst-Madsen Medal

The Høst-Madsen Medal is conferred in honour of Dr Erik Høst-Madsen, an eminent past-President of FIP. The purpose of the award is to recognise an exceptional research-active scientist who has made significant and outstanding contributions to the diverse field of pharmaceutical sciences, and contributions which have had impact on policy and practice. The award will be granted every three years at an annual FIP congress.


2024 Dr Vinod P. Shah (USA)
2021 Prof. Hideyoshi Harashima (Japan)
2019 Prof. Meindert Danhof (Netherlands)
2017 Prof. Mitsuru Hashida (Japan)
2015 Prof. Hans E. Junginger (Germany)
2013 Prof. Daan J.A. Crommelin (Netherlands)
2011 Prof. Malcolm Rowland (UK)
2009 Prof. Yuichi Sugiyama (Japan)
2007 Prof. Patrick Couvreur (France)
2005 Prof. Stanley S. Davis (UK)
2003 Prof. E. Mutschler (Germany)
2001 Prof. L.Z. Benet (USA)
1999 Prof. R. Borchardt (USA)
1997 Prof. A. Florence (Great Britain)
1995 Sir D. Jack (Great Britain)
1993 Prof. Dr. D. Breimer (Netherlands)
1991 Prof. Dr. M. Gibaldi (USA)
1989 Prof. P. Speiser (Switzerland) & Prof. J. Swintoski (USA)
1986 Prof. T. Nagai (Japan)
1984 Prof. G. Schill (Sweden)
1982 Prof. A. Beckett (Great Britain)
1980 Prof. J. Polderman (Netherlands) & Prof. R. Paris (France)
1978 Prof. G. Levy (USA)
1974 Prof. M. Guillot (France)
1972 Prof. J. Wagner (USA)
1970 Prof. H. Flück (Switzerland)
1968 Prof. R. Ruyssen (Belgium)
1966 Prof. E. Bamann (Germany)
1964 Prof. M. Janot (France)
1962 Prof. K. Mothes (Germany)
1960 Prof. J. Büchi (Switzerland) & Prof. S. Schou (Denmark)
1958 Prof. R. Fabre (France)
1955 Prof. E. Høst Madsen (Denmark)

 Høst-Madsen Medal    

FIP Distinguished Pharmaceutical Science Award
The purpose of the award is to recognise an outstanding research-active scientist who has made significant contributions to the diverse field of pharmaceutical sciences. The award will be granted every three years at an annual FIP Congress.

Nomination form


2022 Dr Yahya Choonara (South Africa)


FIP Early Career in Pharmaceutical Science Recognition Award
The purpose of the award is to recognise an outstanding early career individual who has made important contributions to their field of pharmaceutical sciences at a national level, and who is emerging internationally. The award will be granted every three years at an annual FIP Congress.

Nomination form


2023 Associate Professor Dr Chun-Wai Mai (Malaysia)



André Bédat Award
The purpose of the award is to recognise an exceptional pharmacist, who has made significant contributions to pharmacy at an international level and will be awarded every three years at an annual FIP Congress.


2022 Dr Roberto Frontini (Germany)
2020 Prof. Martin Schulz (Germany)
2018 Prof. Lloyd Sansom (Australia)
2016 Dr Ana Martinez (USA)
2014 Dr Thomas Lönngren (Sweden)
2012 Prof. Charles D. Hepler (USA)
2010 Prof. S.I. (Charlie) Benrimoj (Australia)
2008 Prof. Albert I. Wertheimer (USA)
2006 Mrs Gloria Niemeyer-Francke (USA)
2004 Mr John A. Bell (Australia)
2002 Dr Nils-Olof Strandqvist (Sweden)
2000 Mr Joep Winters (Netherlands)
1998 Mr D. Sharpe (United Kingdom)
1996 Mrs M. Bickle (Australia)
1994 Dr J. Oddis (USA)
1992 Mr A. Russell (Australia)
1990 Prof. E. Ogunlana (Nigeria)
1988 Mr P. Peckre (France)
1986 Mr A. Bédat (Switzerland)

 Lloyed Sansom
Dr Roberto Frontini receives the André Bédat Award   

FIP Olivier Bugnon Award
The purpose of this award is to recognise an outstanding pharmacist, who has made significant contributions to pharmacy within their field of practice at an international level. The award will be granted every three years at an annual FIP congress.

Nomination form


2023 Dr Shellyza Moledina Sajwani (Canada)


FIP Early Career in Pharmaceutical Practice Recognition Award
The purpose of the award is to recognise an outstanding early career pharmacist who has made important contributions to their field of practice at a national level, and who are emerging internationally. The award will be granted every three years at an annual FIP Congress. 

Nomination form


2024 Dr Shania Liu (Australia)


FIP Exceptional Award in Pharmaceutical Education
The purpose of this award is to recognise an outstanding educator who has made significant and outstanding contributions to the diverse field of pharmaceutical education, and contributions which have had impacts on policy, practice and research related to education at an international level. The award will be granted every three years at an annual FIP congress.

Nomination form


2023 Mr Michael J. Rouse (USA)


FIP Distinguished Pharmaceutical Education Award
The purpose of this award is to recognise an outstanding mid-career educator who has made significant contributions to the field of pharmaceutical education that have also impacted the practice of pharmacy. The award will be granted every three years at an annual FIP congress.

Nomination form


2024 Prof. Lauren J. Jonkman (Namibia/USA)


FIP Early Career in Pharmaceutical Education Recognition Award
The purpose of this award is to recognise an outstanding early career individual who has made important contributions to their field of pharmaceutical education at a national level, and who is emerging internationally. The award will be granted every three years at an annual FIP congress.

Nomination form


2022 Dr Betty Exintaris (Australia)


Health Promotion Campaign Award
This award recognises a health promotion campaign developed and run by an FIP member organisation (or one of its chapters). The award is presented each year.



  • Rural Health Schools, Health education by the community pharmacist - General Pharmaceutical Council of Spain


  • Safe Pharmacy - Supporting local communities to combat domestic violence - Irish Pharmacy Union


  • “Virtual carnival” of health promotion - The Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore


  • Mental Awareness campaign / Pharmacy by the YPG of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria


  • Pharmacists in action (Project Global well-being) by the Federal Council of Pharmacy Brazil


  • My pharmacist knows me, I sign up" Chose today your family pharmacist!”, by the Association of Pharmacists Belgium (APB)


  • PharmaSuisse for their campaign “No to colorectal cancer – a campaign in the Swiss pharmacies” (Switzerland)
  • Korean Pharmaceutical Association for their “Education Campaign for Appropriate Drug Use” (Republic of Korea)


  • Ordem dos Farmacêuticos de Portugal for “Uso do Medicamento - Somos Todos Responsáveis” (Medicines use — We are all responsible)

 Association Pharmaceutique Belge
Frank Crasson accepts the Health Promotion Campaign Award on behalf of the Association Pharmaceutique Belge  


Pharmaceutical Science Organisational Award
The purpose of this award is to recognise a campaign, project or programme that promotes and/or supports the role of pharmaceutical scientists and science in healthcare. The award will be presented biennially at the annual FIP congress.

Application Form


Pharmaceutical Education Organisational Award
The purpose of the award is to recognise an educational programme or innovation that promotes excellence in learning and teaching in any discipline of pharmacy. The award will be presented biennially at the annual FIP congress.



  • MyDispense online pharmacy simulation - Monash University (Australia)


Past Awards 

Distinguished Science Award - (No longer given)
This award was made to an individual or group who made an outstanding contribution to pharmaceutical sciences. It was awarded every two years.


2018 Prof. Bert Leufkens (Netherlands)
2016 Prof. Shinji Yamashita (Japan)
2010 Prof. Hideyoshi Harashima (Japan)
2008 Dr Jennifer Dressman (Germany)
2006 Dr Gordon L. Amidon (USA)
2004 Prof. Toshio Honda (Japan)
2000 Dr Aquiles Arancibia (Chile)
1999 Dr Kathleen M. Giacomini (USA)
1998 Dr Mitsuru Hashida (Japan)
1997 Prof. Meindert Danhof (Netherlands)
1996 Prof. Patrick Couvreur (France)
1995 Prof. Vincent H.L. Lee (USA)
1994 Prof. Yuichi Sugiyama (Japan)

  Prof. Shinji Yamashita receives FIP's Distinguished Science Award
Prof. Shinji Yamashita receives FIP's Distinguished Science Award

Lifetime Achievement in Pharmaceutical Science Award - (No longer given)
The purpose of this award was to recognise an individual who had, over many years, contributed to the development of the pharmaceutical sciences and who had been engaged with the work of FIP, with evidence of sustained and recognised contributions.



Prof. William N. Charman (Australia)
Prof. Guowei Sang (China)


Dr Sabine Kopp (Switzerland)
Dr Vinod P. Shah (USA) 


Prof. Hans E. Junginger (Germany) 


Prof.  H.L. Bhalla (India)


Prof. Atilla A. Hincal (Turkey)


Dr Stig L. Agurell (Sweden)


Dr Pierre Potier (France)
Prof. Hiroshi Terada (Japan) 


Dr Pierre Potier (France)
Prof. Hiroshi Terada (Japan) 


Dr Pierre Potier (France)
Prof. Hiroshi Terada (Japan) 


Prof. Emeritus William C. Bowman (UK)


Prof. William I. Higuchi (USA)


Prof. Toshio Nambara (Japan)


Prof. E. Mutschler (Germany)


Prof. Gerhard Levy (USA)




Distinguished Practice Award(No longer given)
The FIP Distinguished Practice Award was made to an individual or group who had made an outstanding contribution to pharmaceutical practice.Itwas awarded every two years.


2021 Prof. James Stevenson (USA)
2019 Prof. Olivier Bugnon (Switzerland)
2017 Ms Jane Dawson (New Zealand)
2015 Dr Régis Vaillancourt (Canada)
2013 Prof. Martin Schulz (Germany)
2011 Dr Marianne F. Ivey (USA)
2009 Mr Colin R. Hitchings (UK)
2007 Ms Jane Nicholson (UK)
2005 Mr Joao Silveira (Portugal)
2003 International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation in recognition of the NEEMA Project
1999 Pharmaciens Sans Frontières (Pharmacists without Borders)
1998 Prof. Helga Möller (Germany)
1997 Dr Charles D. Hepler (USA)
1996 The EuroPharm Forum
1995 Mr Jan Leschly (UK)
1994 Prof. Lars G. Nilsson (Sweden)


Distinguished Practice AwardDistinguished Practice Award


FIP Lifetime Achievement in the Pharmaceutical Practice Award - (No longer given)

The purpose of this award was to recognise an individual who had, over many years, contributed to the development of the practice of pharmacy and who had been engaged with the work of FIP, with evidence of sustained and recognised contributions.



Prof. David K. Raynor


Dr William Zellmer (USA)


Prof. Th. (Dick) F.J. Tromp (Netherlands)


Dr Jaldo de Souza Santos (Brazil)


Professor Dr Zoltán Vincze (Hungary)


Mr Hans-Günter Friese (Germany)


Mr Peter V. Rollason (Zimbabwe)
Mr Robert J. Osterhaus (USA)


Mr Mathis Gundersveen (Norway)


Professor Dr Ernst-Dietrich Ahlgrimm (Germany)


Professor Boonardt Saisorn (Thailand)


Mrs Gloria Niemeyer Francke (USA)


Professor Helmuth Binder (Austria)


Professor Károly Nikolics (Hungary)



Pharmacy Practice Improvement Programme Award(No longer given)

This award recognised a programme developed and run by a FIP member organisation (or one of its chapters) during the previous year, aiming to improve (or expand) pharmacy practice with some innovative vision of the pharmacist’s role. The award was presented every year.



  • Portuguese COVID-19 crisis management initiative - The National Association of Pharmacies (ANF), Portugal


  • National quality improvement programme on compounded medicines by the Association of Pharmacists Belgium
  • (APB)Adherencia MED: adherence management service by the General Pharmaceutical Council of Spain


  • Abem Programme, run by Dignitude Association from the Associação Nacional das Farmácias (ANF Portugal)
  • Project IMPACT Immunizations from APhA (USA)
  • Nursing Homes Pharmaceutical Care Program from the Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore (Singapore)


  • The KNMP for their programme “The First Time” (the Netherlands)


  • Pharmaceutical Society of Australia for their programme “the Health Destination Pharmacy” 
  Gerben Klein Nulent accepts the Pharmacy Practice Improvement Programme Award
Gerben Klein Nulent accepts the Pharmacy Practice Improvement Programme Award on behalf of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Maatschappij ter bevordering der Pharmacie (KNMP)
Last update 15 January 2025

FIP Congresses