2024 virtual congress
The FIP Pharmacy Practice Research Special Interest Group is hosting another international event — the “Pharmacy practice research summer meeting for PhD students, postdoctoral fellows and supervisors” — on 4 and 5 July 2024. This time, the event will be online and the attendance will be free of charge. Register here.
About our group
Pharmacy practice research looks at the impact of the practice of pharmacy on health care systems, medicines use and patient care. Its scope has expanded over the past 50 years to encompass aspects such as the clinical, behavioural, economic and humanistic implications of the pharmacy practice as well as practice change and implementation of innovations and new services in routine practice.
The drive for the expanded role of the pharmacist, in many environments, has been stimulated by professional evolution and professional organisations, but also by pharmacy practice research, which will continue to influence the development of new services in the future.
Pharmacy practice research usually covers:
- Pharmacy practice research methods
- The design and development of professional pharmacy services and interventions
- The assessment of the efficacy and effectiveness of pharmacists’ interventions (following the ECHO ― economic, clinical and humanistic outcomes ― model)
- The implementation of innovations and services in different pharmacy settings (using implementation science research methods)
- Pharmacy and health policy
- Patient and medication safety
- Interprofessional collaboration (collaborative practice)
How we work
The special interest group is chaired by Dr Victoria Garcia Cardenas (Australia) and vice-chaired by Dr Charlotte Rossing (Denmark) and Dr Fernanda Tonin (Brazil).
Eight focus groups have been set up on specific areas:
- Technologies in Pharmacy
- Implementation Research
- Adherence
- Medication Review
- Interprofessional Collaboration
- Health Economics, chaired by Dr Dalia Dawoud (UK)
- Pharmacoepidemiology
- Research Methodology
Annual report
For more information about this group or to get involved, email pharmacypracticeresearch@fip.org