About us and our objectives
The Community Pharmacy Section has several objectives:
- To improve the professional standards of pharmacy and encourage realisation of the social aims of the profession as a part of public health and as a pharmaceutical service to the community;
- To plan and be responsible for the activities of the International Pharmaceutical Federation in the field of community pharmacy; in particular:
- To provide and exchange information that assists in the coordination and improvement of the scientific, technical and professional activities of community pharmacists;
- To organise meetings for members of the section during FIP congresses such as the World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, in accordance with approved general congress programmes;
- To study and report on any matter of interest to community pharmacists.
Our mission is to assist pharmacists, wherever they live and practise, in the delivering of medicines, health products and services that will improve medicine use and advance patient care.
A vision for community pharmacy
The CPS Executive Committee aims to unlock pharmacists’ full potential so that we all can deliver maximum value to our patients and healthcare systems, thus contributing to the objectives of the health strategies of our countries. The core competencies of community pharmacists across the globe can be distilled into four unique skills. Pharmacists: · Prescribe; These competencies are familiar to every community pharmacist in every corner of the world. The CPS’s new vision lays the foundations for the future of care. "Our vision document defines the direction for community pharmacy over the next five years, setting priorities for actions that can be implemented at national, regional and local levels. More importantly, it signals the intention to make the most of pharmacists’ skills for the benefit of all citizens and in the heart of our communities," say CPS president Lars-Åke Söderlund (2018-2022) and Daragh Connolly, project leader for the CPS Vision 2020-2025. You can also access it in Spanish here. |
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We undertake many activities within the framework of our objectives, mission and vision.
Follow us and our activities on social media:
How we work
The Community Pharmacy Section’s Executive Committee (ExCo) consists of:
The President serves for four years and cannot be re-elected but remains in office as Immediate Past President for two years. All other officers are elected for four years and may be re-elected for one further four-year term. The committee elects from among its members a Vice-President for a two-year mandate, renewable once.
CPS Executive Committee 2024 |
We invite our members to participate in our working groups. Be active and tell us about your ideas: cps@fip.org
The current statutes of the Community Pharmacy Section were adopted by the FIP Council in September 2013.
Click to download the CPS statutes in a pdf.
Annual report
The CPS annual report is available here.