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2012 Amsterdam (the Netherlands)
October 3
8B1 (1) - 3rd AIM global deans forum (part 1) - Competenciesand the curriculum
8B1 (2) - 3rd AIM global deans forum (part 2) - Interprofessional education and success in pharmacy education and social accountability
Breaking down the silos: how might interprofessional education (IPE) enhance the skill sets of our graduates?
8I (1) - FIP Symposium for Pharmacy technicians and pharmacy support workforce (part 1: the role of the pharmacy technician)
A global picture of the Pharmacy Support Workforce
Pharmacy Technicians across Europe
Preparing a Master for PhT’s in Portugal - Master in Pharmacy - Specialization in Applied Pharmacotherapy
Regional Case studies: Africa - Opportunities for integrated pharmaceutical care
8I (2) - FIP Symposium for Pharmacy technicians and pharmacy support workforce (part 2: Education for pharmacy technician/support staff)
Certification in the Credentialing Process
E. World Technician cafe discussion
Quality Assurance in Pharmacy Education and Training:a Dutch Perspective
October 4
8A - Going Dutch: Pharmacy in the Netherlands
Medication safety in hospital pharmacy
Medication Therapy Management in Community Pharmacy
8B1 (3) - 3rd AIM global deans forum (part 3) - Global perspective on professional healthcare education
Achieving Excellence in Global Pharmacy Education to meet the need of the Society: Competencies and Curriculum-India specific
8D1 - Exploiting scientific knowledge of biological transporters for practical therapeutic benefit
Getting past the blood-brain barrier to improve the treatment of diseases of the central nervous system
Optimising the impact of uptake and efflux transporters in cancer chemotherapy
Understanding Relevant Effects Active Transport on Oral Drug Abs
What Clinical Pharmacists Should Know About Drug Transporters
8I (2) - FIP Symposium for Pharmacy technicians and pharmacy support workforce (part 2: Education for pharmacy technician/support staff)
A Dream Team for Patient Safety: Collaboration between Pharmacists and Technicians
Best Case - Tools to ensure Patient Safety in the Pharmacy - The Danish Case
Developing pharmacy education in resource-poor setting: the problem with the ‘workforce’ language
Education of Pharmaconomists in Denmark
Patient characteristics among users of analgesic over-the-counter aspirin in a Danish pharmacy setting
October 5
1A - Improving patient outcomes through collaborative practice
A desired future for better drug therapy management
Does Collaboration with physicians improve patient outcomes?
Models for inter-disciplinary education of health professionals
The Legal And Professional Basis Of Teamwork In Drug Therapy Management
1B - Pharmacy practice research – proving the value of the pharmacist now and in the future (part 1)
Linking practitioners to universities and professional organizations involved in PPR
Overview of the experience in several countries - Australia
Overview of the experiences in several countries - Europe
The ASHP Foundation Experience in Advancing Pharmacy Practice Research
The Development of Pharmacy Practice Research
The value of PPR for bringing actual and potential benefits to patients and pharmacists
1B1 - Pharmacy practice research – proving the value of the pharmacist now and in the future (part 2)
A community pharmacist-led intervention to improve adherence to lipid-lowering treatment by counselling and an electronic reminder device: results of a randomized controlled trial in The Netherlands.
A comprehensive tool for pharmacists and GPs to support a medication review
Detection and classification of drug-related problems in elderly patients - the role of the community pharmacist
Effect of a pharmaceutical intervention on asthma control. The AFasma Study
Establish the pharmaceutical care model for long-term care practice
Management of the early symptoms of influenza-like illnesses and ear, nose and throat (ENT) disorders by pharmacists
Overview of Systematic Reviews on the clinical effectiveness of cognitive pharmaceutical services for aged patients.
Patient outcomes after a medication review with care plan development: a case control study
Study on the impact of a pharmacist-led medication review service
1B2 - Pharmacy practice research – proving the value of the pharmacist now and in the future (part 2)
Achieving HbA1c targets with patient satisfaction in community pharmacy
Home Pharmaceutical Care for High Users of Outpatient Services in Taiwan
Investigating the prevalence and causes of prescribing errors in general practice: The PRACtICE study
Nine years of remuneration for performance of collaborative pharmaceutical care services in Swiss nursing homes
Patient’s Medication Knowledge in Community Pharmacy in Portugal
Pharmacy customers’ opinions about the counselling for non-prescription medicines in community pharmacies in Vietnam
Primary Care Pharmacist for Drug System Monitoring and Development in Community Area
The Impact of Clinical Pharmacy Services for Asthma Patients in a Primary Care Clinic compared to Usual Care Without Clinical Pharmacists
2A - The future of sustainable health and pharmacy care
2D - Diagnostics: directing individualised medicine into the future
Biological markers: tools for diagnosis and monitoring diabetes mellitus
Randox Biochip Array Technology: a revolutionary step in personalised medicine
Recent Advances in Pharmacogenetics Biomarkers
The Use of Biomarkers in Management of Patients with Lipid Disorders
3A - Reporting of adverse events and errors
Classifying and Reporting Medication Errors: A USA Perspective
Encouraging Pharmacy involvement in the Pharmacovigilance- an international perspective
Optimising resources for international safety data collection and analysis
The expansion and implementation of a nationwide medication incidents reporting system in The Netherlands
3B - Risk benefits management in practice
Availability of relevant patient data in all areas of the health care chain
Computer-aided medication surveillance- focus on drug-drug interactions
Definition, classification and detection of risks related to medication
Importance of individual patient factors in computer-aided medication surveillance
4A - Increased legal, social and professional accountability: is the profession ready?
4C - Medicines information for consumers: partnering with patients to maximise benefits
Experience from EMA's Patients’ and Consumers’ Working Party
Helping the message across.... The daily adventures of a community pharmacist
Making high quality information available to the patient - The industry perspective
People who suffer should help write leaflets - what the research evidence tells us
Which information is key for patients and how should it get to them
5C - Emergency: not enough medicines - best case solutions in dealing with drug shortages
Dealing with drug shortages: How can wholesale ease the problem
Drug shortage in Oncology; from a patient and hospital pharmacy perspective
Drug shortages, the Pharmaceutical industry as a partner
Ethical Challenges in the Supply of Medicines around the World
How Can Wholesalers Ease the Drug Shortage Problem?
6C - Pharmacy law and competition law: feuding laws or working in partnership?
Competition law and regulation of pharmacies
Pharmacy Law and Competition Law – Danish Experiences and Views
Pharmacy law and competition law: feuding laws or working in partnership? Hungarian model
7B - Supporting adherence in community pharmacies
Have Dose Dispensing Services an Impact on Adherence?
Supporting Adherence in Community Pharmacies - New Medicines Service
Technologies to monitor and improve adherence in community pharmacy
The ABDA/KBV model - an example of national policies related to community pharmacist interventions to improve medication adherence
What aspects in consultation style increase medication adherence?
8C1 - Reports from your global network: FIP member organisations present their best cases and challenges
Innovative services in Switzerland: netcare, vaccination and postgraduate education (E-learning)
Latest laws and actions concerning pharmacy practice and falsified drugs in Lebanon
8C2 - Forum for policy makers - trends in community pharmacy: debating the future of the profession
Innovative Collaborative pactices and payment per performance
Pharmaceutical Care Indicators - are they useful?
Quality indicators: excellent tools to assess performance in pharmaceutical care
8E - Breakfast session: pharmacists in humanitarian work
The Pharmacist as an Actor in Emergency Programs and Long-term Development Projects – Challenges and Chances
8H - WHO-FIP launch event: 2012 Global Pharmacy Workforce report
Ghana phamacy workforce retention
Policy Guidelines on Transforming and Scaling Up Health Professional Education and Training
October 6
1C - Future directions – integrating multidisciplinary education into curricula
A New Generation to face the future?
Integrating Pharmacy Students into Patient Care Teams
Interprofessional Education in the Experiential Training Setting of Eldoret, Kenya
Multidisciplin/Interprofessional Education that Work - Classroom and Experiential
Multidisciplinary education in patient safety: WHO Patient Safety Curriculum Guide
Perspective of non-pharmacists (e.g., physicians) engaged in multidisciplinary/interprofessional education that includes pharmacy
2B - The new medicines in 20 years time and their impact on pharmacy practice
Biomarkers and Individualised Medicine
Criteria for patient access of new technologies: Impact on regulatory sciences
2E - Pharmaceutical sciences: Past and future impact of drug development on health care
4D - The future of good pharmacy practice in community pharmacy: be part of the creation
Building a platform for the implementation of GPP in the Republic of Macedonia
Experiences from the first GPP-program - from program to implementation
Good GPP in Indian Community Pharmacies: an update
GPP in Uruguay: what have we learnt during its implementation?
New GPP-programHow did we get there and what should happen now?
4E - Social networks: friend or foe in medicines information?
Reporting Adverse Drug Reactions through Social Networks
Social media and the pharmacist- good practices
Social Networking in Pharmacy Practice: Evidence from a Systematic Review
Social Networking: The Role of Pharmacists and the Expectations of Patients
The role of the web 2.0 in health care and participatory medicine.
4F - Steering better future decisions: comparative effectiveness research
Comparative effectiveness research (CER)
Measuring Drug Efficiency: The New Gold Standard
Steering better future decisions comparative effectiveness research
5A - Are there global solutions to ensure the integrity of the global supply chain?
How can the authenticity of supply be confirmed, regardless of the source country of supplier?
In a global market, how can we ensure equitable worldwide distribution of medicines?
In a worldwide supply chain, how can we ensure the quality of distribution?
Pricing, profits and patients: The impact of pricing on supply chain management
5B - The regulation of pharmaceuticals has significantly increased costs without addressing the key weaknesses in the supply chain
6A - Economics of healthcare: how will we afford health services
Comparative effectiveness: why do cost and quality of health systems vary so much in different countries
Cost of Healthcare: What Are We Paying For?
The cost of health care across countries: how to pay for what?
7A - Medication adherence: if you don’t take the medicines they won’t work!
Behavioural aspects of non-adherence
How extensive is medication non-adherence and is it important?
Pharmacy-based intervention to improve adherence - Is it worthwhile?
8B5 - Short Oral Presentations of the FIP Academic Pharmacy Section
A B-learning strategy for Therapeutics at the Bachelor Level
A professional development framework for pharmacy undergraduate students
Analysis and evaluation of emaximation scores and relative factors of a Beijing community pharmacist after training
Analysis and Evaluation of Examination Scores and Relative Factors of Beijing Community Pharmacist after Training
Curriculum enrichment in a fragile state: initial experience from Afghanistan
Developing pharmacy education in resource-poor settings: the problem with the 'workforce' language
District pharmacists: a case study from Cape Town
Lecturers and students perception of students' evaluation of classroom reaching in a Nigerian Pharmacy School
Skill mapping an undergraduate Pharmacy degree
Technology emhanched development of moral reasoning competencies in pharmacist interns: stimulating their engagement in dilemma review and resolution in the online enviroment
8C3 - Reports from our global network: FIP memmber organisations present their best cases and challenges
Achievements/Future Vision of Korea in Green Growth Era
The internationalisation of pharmacy- moving away form medical docters's dispensing
8C4 - Food for Thought- Lessons Learned from the Food Industry
Food with a medicated component: an oppertunity for patients to self-medicate?
Labelling - The Regulator's View of Challenges and Opportunities
8D2 - Looking into the future in pharmaceutical development, what is coming down the pipeline?
Looking into the future in pharmaceutical development, what is coming down the pipeline?Non-Biological Complex Drugs
8F1 - From development to marketing - short oral communications
Continuous Blending Process by NIR
Effect of spheronizer plate design on the spheronization of ketoprofen
Formulation and in vitro evaluation of mucoadhesive controlled release matrix tablets of flurbiprofen using response surface methodology
Improvement of Medication Therapy Safety of Nursing Home Residents through Pharmacists` Intervention
In-line monitoring of a continuous blending process by NIR
Medical Rep or Drug Dealer? The Path You'll Take! A Focus on Jordan Market
Solubility Enhancement of Gliclazide by Solid Dispersions
Visualising shear stress distribution inside constrained flow geometries containing pharmaceutical powder excipients using photo stress tomography
October 7
1D - Presentation of "community pharmacy vision 2020"
2C - What scientific principles will drug therapy be based on in 2030?
Mechanism-based and predictive drug transport and drug metabolism
Site specific drug delivery strategies
System therapeutics leading to multitarget drugs and rational combination therapies
Translational Drug Discovery and Development Including Personalized Therapies
2F - The future of clinical pharmacy education: the need for attention to ‘hot topics’
Clinical case-based teaching: a better alternative to the conventional lecture teaching method in the course of clinical pharmacotherapy for undergraduate students of clinical pharmacy
Clinical Pharmacy Education: Present and Future
Developing postgraduate education units in clinical hot topics: balancing the needs of junior years pharmacists with advanced practitioners
Development of post-pharm.D. residencies in the U.S. for foreign pharmacists
Distance learning connecting hospital pharmacists in medicines information.
It’s like music - the full complement of well-tuned instruments does it best: Interprofessional Learning in a Rural Context
2G - Biowaiver monographs: increasing access to the world’s affordable, quality medicines
Biowaiver Monographs - Increasing the world’s access to affordable, quality medicines.Biowaiver Project - Overview
Biowaivers in the WHO Prequalification Programme
What does the future hold for biowaiver-based drug approval?
3C - Pharmacists: Creating a Future of Better Pharmacovigilance
Encouraging Pharmacist's Involvement in Pharmacovigilance, International Perspective
Lareb Intensive Monitoring, Pharmacy Based Intensive Monitoring
Role Community Pharmacists in Pharmacovigilance
The role of the pharmacist in pharmacovigilance in resource limited settings
4B - Access to appropriate pain relief: a global challenge
Appropriate pain medicines for children – new considerations
Global differences in access to controlled medicines, including opioids
Managing persistent pain in children - developing global guidelines
4G - Clinical guidelines: raising the bar or creating roadblocks?
Difficulties Encountered When Guidelines are Scarce
The importance of guidelines on a global scale - the Basel Statements
4H - Improving responsible use of OTC medicines from labelling to counselling
Ensuring the responsible use of OTC medicines in developing countries: the influence of social media – where does the pharmacist intervene and what are the capabilities involved?
Improving counselling capabilities of community pharmacists – an international task force project
Information standards for OTC drugs labelling: providing quality information for patients on self-medication treatment regimen
Labelling information for patients with special needs: industrial solutions and counselling challenges for pharmacists to guarantee equal rights for patients who use non-prescription drugs
5D - The future emergency drug supply chain
Development and Application of Standard Therapeutic Guidelines
Donation of Pharmaceuticals for Humanitarian Assistance-Disaster Relief
Latest Advances in Good Military Transportation Practice
Managing medical supply chain in emergency operations: the role of the Medical Logistician or pharmacologistician. Red Cross experience
Military Pharmaceutical Education of CPLA: Challenges and Changes
5E - Current developments in quality assurance of the supply chain
Ensuring that the legitimate supply chain is secure: The impact of the Falsified Medicines Directive providing a new legal framework for Europe
Global supply chain in Africa - current challenges and future directions
Risk management of the end-to-end supply chain for temperature controlled pharmaceuticals
The EU Falsified Medicines Directive - New Provisions for API
6B - Economics of pharmacy: how will pharmacists be paid?
Economics of pharmacy: How will pharmacists be paid?
How to get appropriate remuneration for pharmacists’ professional services?
The cycle of business and professions: Should pharmacy re-invent their business model to survive?
8B2 - Innovations in education technology for pharmacy and healthcare learners
Education technology - its use and value in healthcare education
Maximising student learning in the professional practice module at Nottingham, UK using technology as part of a blended learning approach
Method of education technology: The Leiden Teaching Resource Centre
Models of education technology innovation:Virtual Patient
Pharmatopia - a virtual reality approach to experiential learning
SABER (Sharing and building educational resources)
Shared Education Resources: Building an Interprofessional Portal for Health Professions Education
8C5 - The future of emergency pharmacy practice and policy
Analysing, Understanding and Addressing the Sourcing of Quality Medicines in Low Income Markets
Emergency pharmacy response: Christchurch Earthquake, 2011
Emergency response pharmacist: role and future development
Pharmacists’ role in the management of patients with chronic diseases during disaster situations-Our experience during the Great East Japan Earthquake disaster
Protecting, Promoting and Advancing Health and Safety
Responding to Disaster - Experience from ER Pharmacy of a tertiary care hospital in Pakistan
8F2 - Forum for practitioners - oral communications: 100 community pharmacists talk: my daily activities
A meta-analysis of fee-for-services medication review by community pharmacists
A Study on Pharmacist-Patient Communication: (1) Patient Satisfaction at Community Pharmacies
Case of the Week – a tool for implementation of National Standards for Counselling at the Counter
Collaborative care: experiences form a student and a pharmacist in the United States
Collaborative Care: Experiences From a Student and a Pharmacist in the United States
Developing the Canadian Pharmacy Services Framework to support expanded patient-centred pharmacy services within a financially sustainable community pharmacy business model
Engaging Community Pharmacists in national TB programme: A path-breaking development in India
Online counselling from the pharmacy
Pharmacy based telecare for metabolic syndrom management
Providing Specific Pharmacy Service - Public Pharmacy Vrsac
Pseudoresistant hypertension caused by non-adherence and inappropriate antihypertensive prescription
Social responsibility of Pharmacy Beograd
Sticker action to create awareness of antibiotic leftovers in the family medicine cabinet
Suspected tuberculosis case detection and referral in private pharmacies in Vietnam
The Kano analysis of patients’ satisfaction at community pharmacy
8J1 - International World of Pharmacopoeias: Now and In Future
8J2 - International World Pharmacopoeias: Good Pharmacopoeial Practices
Good Pharmacopoeial Practices: European API Industry View
Japan's Status and Perspective on Good Pharmacopoeial Practices
Pharmacopoeia: Role and Future - An Industry Perspective
October 8
1F - What does a pharmacy leader look like (and are they born, developed or adopted)?
2H - Breakthrough technologies and the paradigm shift in nanomedicines
Breakthrough Technologies in nucleic acids based Nanomedicine
Challenges for translation of nanomedicines
Characterization of nanomedicine drug products
How partnering can support the drug delivery needs of an evolving portfolio
Nanoparticle Characterization for Cancer Therapeutics and Diagnostics: Lessons Learned from NCI’s Nanotechnology Characterization Lab (NCL)
3D - Pharmaceuticals and water
Pharmaceuticals and other emerging contaminants in Europe's waters
Pharmaceuticals and the Environment - the Swedish Agenda
Pharmaceuticals in the environment and the role of the pharmaceutical industry
4I - The dynamic healthcare environment: its impact on the future
Pharmacy, science and the Social SceneAn overview of developments in science, technology and trends in social policy and their impact on professional practiceAmbrose McLoughlin
4J - Switching from prescription to non-prescription status: Challenges and opportunities
Enlarging the OTC-market - challenges and opportunities for community pharmacists
Global trends in medicines switching
The Role of Regulation - What Does European Centralized Switching Mean and What Are the Experiences
6D - Forum for innovators: integrating the professional and business demands of a successful pharmacy
10-year performance-based remuneration for one standardized collaborative pharmacy service in Swiss nursing homes
An overview of the development, evaluation, process of securing payment, business and professional aspects of implementation of professional services in community pharmacy.
Case Finland – automatic dose dispensing
New Medicines Service in the UK
8B3 - Universal competencies: what is competence and how do we measure it?
A global framework for a competent workforce: Evidence from FIPEd
A global framework for a competent workforce: Evidence from FIPEd - A Pacific case study
Advancing practice through professional recognition: Is competence measurable in advanced practice?
Advancing Practice through Professional Recognition: Is Competence Measurable in Advanced Practice?
Australian perspective on measuring competence and performance for better healthcare - Advancing practice through professional recognition: Is competence measurable in advanced practice?
Designing Better Professional Education from Cradle to Grave
International perspectives on measuring competence and performance for better healthcare.
Practitioner development: professional education and professional regulation
Practitioner development: the differing roles of continuing professional education and professional regulation
8B4 - The learning experience: assuring quality, satisfaction and better outcomes in global pharmacy education provision
Assuring the Quality of New Technologies in Learning (Simulation and Distance Education) and Global Standards
Global Survey of Pharmacy Schools
IPSF Learning Experience Database
Quality Assurance approach in Africa to enhance the learning experience
Quality Assurance Approach in Latin America to Enhance Learning Experience
Quality assurance approaches in Asia to enhance the learning experience
8F3 - Short oral communications of the Pharmacy Information Section
Do drug information needs and health literacy affect kidney transplant patients’ adherence to immunosuppressant drugs?
Evaluation of self-administration of medication program for patient with spinal cord injury of a Brazilian center of neuroscience and rehabilitation
Geriatricians’, General Practitioners’, and Accredited Pharmacists’ views of geriatric medication management resources: A qualitative study
Implementing drug information strategy in Finland: Meeting medicines information needs of adolescents
Low health literacy patients in under-resourced systems: do they know what medicines information they need or want and where to source it?
Patients’ beliefs about medicines and quality of life after a medication review with care plan development: a case control study
8F4 - Clinical pearls: Inspiration to improve your future hospital practice
Medication Safety - moving from international guidelines to local action
Partnering with college of pharmacy for hospital pharmacy training
Pharmacists at the bedside – providing major patient impact
Role of the clinical pharmacist in outpatient treatment of HCV (hepatitis C virus)
8F5 - Short Oral Communication of the Social and Administrative Pharmacy Section
A pre-study on consumer awareness regarding alleviating the regulation of non-prescription drug sales in South-Korea
A Prestudy on Consumer Awareness Regarding Alleviating the Regulation of Non-prescription Drugs Sales in South Korea
Antibiotics for upper respiratory infections: public knowledge, beliefs and self-medication in the Republic of Macedonia
Comparative analysis of drug revolving fund (DRF) and public partnership (PPP) program on drug supply management in Universtiy College Hospital (UCH, Ibadan, Nigeria
Comparative status of health consumer's knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) regarding medicines and healthcare in developing economies
Comparative status of health consumer's knowlegde, attitude and practice (KAP) regarding medicines and healthcare in developing economies
Improving consumer access to medicines: innovative medicines reclassification in New Zealand (NZ)
Overview of drugs reimbursement system in republic of Moldova
Primary Care Pharmacy Specialty Network Listserv: A Content Analysis
Quality Function Deployment and Principal Component Analysis on the Quality of Generic Drugs in Japan
The role of governmental organizations to guarentee patient's safety through controlling. The quality of behavioral ethics in the controllers (controlling the controllers)
Transdermal Buprenorphine: utilization trends in United Kingdom primary care practice
8G - History of pharmacy
History and role of pharmacist licencing bodies and their evolution in the future
Papaver somniferum, Erythroxylon coca and Passiflora incarnata – traditional plant remedies and industrial production of drugs
Presentation of David Taylor's publication for the FIP centennial
Reliable Information about Drugs? Historical Aspects of Pictograms
Status of the hospital pharmacist: an historical glimpse
Tag-labels - cultural history from Finland
The establishment of the Czech pharmaceutical associations and their economic and social activities in the years 1835 – 1948
Why are pharmacist investing in clinical biology in Southern europe and not in the North?
8J3 - International World Pharmacopoeias: Workshop on Impurities and Residues
8J4 - International World Pharmacopoeias: Workshop on Challenges in Developing Herbal Medicines Monographs and Applying them in Practice
Challenges in Writing Herbal Medication Pharmacopoeia Monographs
Contribution of the European Pharmacopoeia to the development of quality standards for herbal medicinal products
QNMR, A New Method for Specification of Marker Compounds Used for Standardization of Herbal Medicines
8J5 - International World of Pharmacopoeias. Now and In Future: The way forward
Poster and Presentations
Academic Pharmacy: Competency and pharmacy education Analysis and Evaluation of Examination Scores and Relative Factors of Beijing Community Pharmacist after Training
Academic Pharmacy: Hot topics in Clinical Pharmacy EducationAcademic Pharmacy: Other Curriculum enrichment in a fragile state: initial experience from Afghanistan
Lecturers and students perception of students' evaluation of classroom reaching in a Nigerian Pharmacy School
Community Pharmacy A meta-analysis of fee-for-services medication review by community pharmacists
Case of the Week – a tool for implementation of National Standards for Counselling at the Counter
Collaborative Care: Experiences From a Student and a Pharmacist in the United States
Developing the Canadian Pharmacy Services Framework to support expanded patient-centred pharmacy services within a financially sustainable community pharmacy business model
Engaging Community Pharmacists in national TB programme: A path-breaking development in India
Online counselling from the pharmacy
Pharmacy based telecare for metabolic syndrom management
Providing Specific Pharmacy Service - Public Pharmacy Vrsac
Pseudoresistant hypertension caused by non-adherence and inappropriate antihypertensive prescription
Social responsibility of Pharmacy Beograd
Sticker action to create awareness of antibiotic leftovers in the family medicine cabinet
The Kano analysis of patients’ satisfaction at community pharmacy
Hospital Pharmacy Medication Safety - moving from international guidelines to local action
Pharmacists at the bedside – providing major patient impact
Role of the clinical pharmacist in outpatient treatment of HCV (hepatitis C virus)
Pharmacy Information Do drug information needs and health literacy affect kidney transplant patients’ adherence to immunosuppressant drugs?
Evaluation of self-administration of medication program for patient with spinal cord injury of a Brazilian center of neuroscience and rehabilitation
Geriatricians’, General Practitioners’, and Accredited Pharmacists’ views of geriatric medication management resources: A qualitative study
Implementing drug information strategy in Finland: Meeting medicines information needs of adolescents
Low health literacy patients in under-resourced systems: do they know what medicines information they need or want and where to source it?
Patients’ beliefs about medicines and quality of life after a medication review with care plan development: a case control study
SIG: Analytical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Quality Effect of spheronizer plate design on the spheronization of ketoprofen
Formulation and in vitro evaluation of mucoadhesive controlled release matrix tablets of flurbiprofen using response surface methodology
Improvement of Medication Therapy Safety of Nursing Home Residents through Pharmacists` Intervention
In-line monitoring of a continuous blending process by NIR
Medical Rep or Drug Dealer? The Path You'll Take! A Focus on Jordan Market
Solubility Enhancement of Gliclazide by Solid Dispersions
Visualising shear stress distribution inside constrained flow geometries containing pharmaceutical powder excipients using photo stress tomography
Social and Administrative Pharmacy A Prestudy on Consumer Awareness Regarding Alleviating the Regulation of Non-prescription Drugs Sales in South Korea
Antibiotics for upper respiratory infections: public knowledge, beliefs and self-medication in the Republic of Macedonia
Comparative analysis of drug revolving fund (DRF) and public partnership (PPP) program on drug supply management in Universtiy College Hospital (UCH, Ibadan, Nigeria
Comparative status of health consumer's knowlegde, attitude and practice (KAP) regarding medicines and healthcare in developing economies
Improving consumer access to medicines: innovative medicines reclassification in New Zealand (NZ)
Overview of drugs reimbursement system in republic of Moldova
Primary Care Pharmacy Specialty Network Listserv: A Content Analysis
Quality Function Deployment and Principal Component Analysis on the Quality of Generic Drugs in Japan
The role of governmental organizations to guarentee patient's safety through controlling. The quality of behavioral ethics in the controllers (controlling the controllers)
Transdermal Buprenorphine: utilization trends in United Kingdom primary care practice
Academic Pharmacy: Competency and pharmacy education
A Service learning activity: 600 students working together
Analysis and Evaluation of Examination Scores and Relative Factors of Beijing Community Pharmacist after Training
Community pharmacy practice for OTC treatment in a 6-year program for Japanese pharmacy students
Comparative survey of students' vs employers' expectations concerning professional attributes of pharmacy graduates
Comparing the numeracy skills of Malaysian- and UK-educated entry-level undergraduate pharmacy students using a validated diagnostic tool
Curriculum design of a competency-based program in pharmacy
Developing a curriculum and learning strategy to underpin development of competencies required for registration
Development of Practice-Based Experiences for 1st-year MPharm Students
Development of Work-based Learning in Pharmacy Education in Serbia
Dinamizar – A project to increase the competitiveness and performance of Portuguese Pharmacies
Do education councils regulate infrastructure or learning centers
E-learning environment for learning medication calculation skills: pharmacy students’ perceptions of its usefulness and development needs
Early experiential activities that assess curricular competencies
Evaluating Anaphylaxis Education for Pharmacists
Feasibility of Facebook as a tool for providing continuing education to community pharmacists: Results of a pilot study
Focus on collaboration - the need, aim, and opportunities in interprofessional education
Harmonising Pharmacy Clinical Competency for Students and Professionals: Findings and Results
Harmonising Pharmacy Clinical Competency for Students and Professionals: Irish students results
Health, Hygiene and Safety at Work – e-Learning case study
Identifying global pharmacy competencies using the Delphi Process
Identifying pharmaceutical human resources gaps and competency development needs in Afghanistan
Implementation of an innovative seminar course for fifth year pharmacy students
Improved medicines management practice as a result of competency based training
Influence of the Pharmacy Curriculum on Students’ Preparedness for Patient Care
Modernization of the Pharmaceutical Education in Russia
New model of postgraduate education - Advanced Courses
Pharmaceutical Education In India: Does it need a change?
Pharmacists’ knowledge about prevention of cardiovascular diseases in Moldova
Pharmacy Education in India - A Study of Student Perceptions of the Quality of Education
Postgraduate 2-year educational program for Dutch Community Pharmacists. An example of workplace learning using CanMeds competencies, task areas, and EPA’s
Preceptors need for support in tutoring students during traineeship in community pharmacies
Research of graduates career expectations on the pharmaceutical faculties of the Russian Federation
Self-medication strategies used for alleviating menstrual discomfort by 4th year students in Montenegro
Skill mapping an undergraduate Pharmacy degree
Survey of US Colleges of Pharmacy Regarding the Incorporation of Institute of Medicine Report Recommendations within the Doctor of Pharmacy Curriculum
Tailoring the delivery of a diabetes education program for pharmacists and student pharmacists in Salvador, Brazil
Teaching communication skills in pharmacy practice – To know and to do are two different things
The WHO FP Global Survey of Pharmacy Schools: Africa
The WHO FP Global Survey of Pharmacy Schools: North America
To assess the factors affecting numerical ability of pharmacy students and identify where areas of provision could be improved
Training Student Pharmacists in Global Health Initiatives
Transformational Leadership in Pharmacy: What Is It and How Do We Develop It?
Transformative Learning: Meeting Practice Transformation Challenges
Transforming Practice Expectations to Expand the Pharmacist Role:A competency based approach
UK pre-registration and student pharmacist self-reported competence and perceived relevance of General Pharmaceutical Council Standards
We don’t need communication training, why is it in our curriculum?
Academic Pharmacy: Hot topics in Clinical Pharmacy Education
A B-learning strategy for Therapeutics at the Bachelor Level
A Model for a Residency in Global Health
Advanced Practice in Infectious Diseases (ID) and Antimicrobial Stewardship (AS): meeting the education needs of pharmacists
Antibiotics ordering error reporting and clinical pharmacist oriented prevention program in emergency department
Comparison of Motivation, Attitudes and Use of Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs and Supplements Between Practicing Pharmacists and Pharmacy Students
Comparison of Motivation, Attitudes and Use of Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs and Supplements in Pharmacy and Nursing Students
Designing a Pharmacy Elective Course to Advance Student Learning in Global Public Health
Development of a new specialty residency program in medication therapy management
Development of a postgraduate unit in Palliative Care: meeting the education needs for the National Palliative Care Strategy
Evaluation of clinical skills with an objective structured clinical examination
Gamma Radiation Sterilization Effects on the Physico-Chemical Quality of Syringes
Gender Differences in HbA1c Levels in Children and Young Peoplewith Type 1 Diabetes: a Longitudinal Analysis
Geriatric pharmacology and pharmacotherapy education for health professionals and students: a systematic review
Integrating pharmacy students in interprofessional education (IPE) teams-experiences with student led disease state and medication management reviews (DSMMR)
Is Training/Timing Everything? Determining Learner Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Experiences
Long-Term Case Review Program during On-Site Training for Development of Clinical Competence of Pharmacy Students
Masters in Counseling and Information in Pharmacy: results of the first edition
Multidisciplinary Team Care: The Essential Role of Clinical Pharmacists
Perception of Indian future pharmacists towards pharmaceutical care
The role of clinical pharmacist in the personalized therapy of hypertension
To evaluate the effectiveness of intern education in pharmacy in a teaching hospital of Taiwan
Veterinary Medicines: Knowledge and Perception of Maltese Pharmacists and Pharmacy Students
What are the views of third and fourth year pharmacy undergraduates on prescribing and therapeutics interprofessional education (IPE) with medical students?
Academic Pharmacy: Other
Comparing Mind Maps of Pharmacists Regarding their Role in Medication Adherence in a South African Setting
Curriculum enrichment in a fragile state: initial experience from Afghanistan
Developing Interprofessional Education in and Academic Health Center
Development and implementation of a career project for third year pharmacy students
How well are Foundation Year One hospital doctors (FY1) prepared for their role as prescribers? The views of FY1s and their supervising medical consultants
Identifying under-graduate Pharmacy leadership opportunities
Implementation and Evaluation of an Education Program for Pharmacists for the Management of Minor Ailments
Lecturers and students perception of students' evaluation of classroom reaching in a Nigerian Pharmacy School
Perception analysis of pharmacy graduate education system among pharmacy graduate students
Perceptual Systems of Pharmacy Students regarding their Future Role in Medication Adherence in a South African Setting
Portuguese pharmacy students: what they think about their near future?
Short-term comprehensive clinical pharmacy education program for international pharmacists
Student Governance in U.S. Colleges and Schools of Pharmacy
Studying the influences of pharmaceutical marketing in Iran (Based on the pharmacists opinion of pharmaceutical promotion)
Technology enhanced pharmacy education: Using the virtual learning environment Moodle to support the development of professional attributes.
The Czech Pharmaceutical Society 1871-2012
The perception of pharmacy students on the use of their character strengths as an approach to improve patient adherence
Using technology to break down barriers in pharmacy education: a case study
Virtual cleanrooms for interactive learning and assessment of principles and practices of sterile dispensing
Academic Pharmacy: Quality assurance and the student learning experience
Evaluation of mutagenic effects of oestradiol on human leukocytes of Alzheimer Disease, elderly and young donors in the Comet assay
Evaluation of the pharmacy practice resource unit
Experiences and success factors from the pilot and launch of ADAPT: an online patient care skills development continuing education program for pharmacists
Global Students’ Learning Experience
Medical and Pharmacy Students’ Knowledge towards the Generic and Brand Medicines in Bangladesh
Pharmacy Students’ Perceptions of an Interactive Blended Course in Public Health
State of the art of the mexican accreditation on pharmacy programs
The use of standardised tools as part of learning portfolios in Patient Data and Pharmacotherapy (PDP) distance education units
Use of paediatric protocols as training tools for pharmacy students
Clinical Biology
Additive anticonvulsant effects of agmatine and lithium chloride on pentylenetetrazole-induced clonic seizure in mice: involvement of a2-adrenoceptor
Assessment of oxidative stress status in ischemic heart disease patients with type2 diabetes in tertiary care teaching hospital of northern Telangana region
Effect of BAPTA-AM on hydrogen peroxide-induced cell hypertrophy in H9c2 cardiomyblasts
Escherichia Colin in Clinical Hospital Center Osijek in period 2008-2011
Evaluation of Oxidative Stress Markers in Chronic Kidney Disease patients
Serum TNF-a levels in rheumatoid arthritis patients treated with TNF inhibitors
Community Pharmacy
A meta-analysis of fee-for-services medication review by community pharmacists
Case of the Week – a tool for implementation of National Standards for Counselling at the Counter
Collaborative Care: Experiences From a Student and a Pharmacist in the United States
Developing the Canadian Pharmacy Services Framework to support expanded patient-centred pharmacy services within a financially sustainable community pharmacy business model
Engaging Community Pharmacists in national TB programme: A path-breaking development in India
Online counselling from the pharmacy
Pharmacy based telecare for metabolic syndrom management
Providing Specific Pharmacy Service - Public Pharmacy Vrsac
Pseudoresistant hypertension caused by non-adherence and inappropriate antihypertensive prescription
Social responsibility of Pharmacy Beograd
Sticker action to create awareness of antibiotic leftovers in the family medicine cabinet
The Kano analysis of patients’ satisfaction at community pharmacy
Community Pharmacy: Compounding
Effectiveness of ex tempore prepared vaginal ovules in the treatment of vaginal bacterial infections
Eyelid infection with Demodex folliculorum and treatment with compounded topical metronidasol cream and gel
Pharmaceutical Compounding - 'Magistral' Preparations in a Pharmacy - Comparison between The Czech Republic and Bulgaria
Solid Dosage Forms Administered to Patients Unable to Swallow: To Compound or Crush?
Community Pharmacy: Counselling activities and supporting adherence
A review of the information-gathering process for the provision of self medication services via community pharmacies in developing countries
A Study of the Profile of Users of the Emergency Contraception Service in Selected Community Pharmacies in Ireland
Antibiotic Awareness Week in Czech pharmacies - patients’ perspective on rational use of antibiotics
Antiepileptic and Antiparkinsonian Drug use for old people living in nursing homes: first report from a collaborative pharmaceutical service in a Swiss canton
Anxiety management non-benzodiazepine drugs; pharmacy compounding lessens the risk of substance abuse and benzodiazepine dependence
Are families aware of the risks of using nonprescription cough and cold medications in children? A study of parental perceptions post FDA public health advisory.
Ask, Assess, Advise: Helping Australian pharmacy assistants respond to requests for non-prescription medicines
Assessing the quality of advice for supply of non-prescription medicines in Australian community pharmacies; a quantitative framework
Assessment of medication related problems in geriatrics
Asymmetric Information and Medication Counseling: An Empirical Study on Japanese Community Pharmacy Setting
Attempt to avoid patient medication errors by pharmacists
Change in patient attitudes towards antibiotics - Is there hope?
Characterization of patients caree in the pharmacy of the hospital school of Saint Francis of Assisi, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: an evaluative study
Community Pharmacists for Diabetes Patients intervention Study in Japan (COMPASS-Project1)
Consumption of psycholeptics and psycho analeptics in nis region, South Serbia (2001-2011)
Counselling patients in everyday pharmacy practice and track the counselling topics
Depression training involving consumer educators: Impact on practice and attitudes toward pharmaceutical care for people with depression
Development of outcome measures to investigate intermediate medication reviews provided in community pharmacies
Differences in sale patterns for original and generic medicinal products
Drugs and safe driving - How much do our drivers know?
Effects of Thiazolidinediones on development of macrovascular complications in type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Evaluation of hiv positive patient adherence to antiretrovirals treatment
Evaluation, validation and modification of pictograms depicting potential side effects to medication
Factors affecting patient adherence and satisfaction: An empirical study on the community pharmacy in Japan
Good communication- a significant factor for successful therapy
How many words does a picture really tell? A cross-sectional descriptive study of pictogram evaluation in youth
Implementation of pharmaceutical care to patients of unified health system who use drugs of primary care of the University of Rio de Janeiro
Information Sharing Promotes Rational Medicine Use in Afghanistan
Knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of pharmacists in Zimbabwe on their role in the prevention and management of non-communicable diseases
Level of gastro protection in patients using non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the main Albanian city
Lifestyle Interventions for Cancer Health Promotion : Assessing Attitudes, Perceptions and Awareness Among Community Pharmacist in Harare
M Health for Promoting Quality Medicine: A Case Study
Methotrexat adherence among patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Modernization in Pharmacy Belgrade
Patient adherence in arterial hypertension therapy
Patient counseling in pharmacy practice – Optimization of drug therapy
Patient safety in using blood glucose meters
Pen-injected Insulin Therapy: Experiences and Views of Diabetic Patients in Nigeria
Pharmaceutical care with images. A step forward in understanding and adherenceto the treatment
Pharmaceutical pictograms and elderly - a portuguese pilot study
Pharmacy staff perspectives on the influence of advertising and the media on customers’ selection of non-prescription medicines in Vietnam
Prevention of constipation among users of opioids at a Danish community pharmacy: Patient information and laxative treatment
Safe and Effective Use of Medicines for vulnerable ethnic minorities in relation to the labour market - development of a pharmacist-delivered counselling programme
Self medication of children by Parents in a Nigerian community.
Self-medication with antitussives and expectorants
Studies on the prevalence of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and associated factors in four rural villages of Andhra Pradesh, India
Supplement Use During Pregnancy: Findings from the Growing up in Ireland study
The AdherenceMonitor: a website on medication adherence and pharmaceutical care in the Netherlands
The Eczema Journal- a tool developed by a community pharmacy in Koege, for dermatologists and their patients
The incidence of drug-related problems in self-medication in Danish community pharmacies
The participation of community pharmacists in preventing irrational and improper use of antibiotics
The role and the part of pharmacist in reducing side effects of non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs in older patients
The survey about food supplements use
The use of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in patients receiving warfarin oral anticoagulant therapy
Theoretical potential profile of prescription drug interactions in Brazilian Intensive Care Units
To split or not to split oral pharmaceutical dosage forms?
Train your curriculum: A board game used in the education of pharmaconomist-students at a community pharmacy in Denmark
Use of antiretroviral medication (ARV) in Federal Hospital of Rio de Janeiro: a pharmaceutical care approach
Validation of a Pictogram-Based Sickle Cell Action Plan and Prescription for Children with Sickle Cell Disease
Waste Medicines: An investigation of how patients order their repeat prescriptions
Waste Medicines: The influence of repeat prescription ordering by patients
What information do patient want who have long term chronic conditions?
Community Pharmacy: Dispensing activities (processes)
Addressing the challenge of drug shortages in Canada and its impact on patient care
Analysis of prescription intervention at Ballerup Apotek to prevent future intervention
Comparison of over-the-counter and prescription-only analgesic prescribing
Developing international best practice guidelines for pharmaceutical care practice in a German community pharmacy setting
Effectiveness of the dispensing of drugs in patient knowledge concerning their medication
Exploring the dispensing process pharmacists undertake when dealing with children's liquid medicines
Implementing a Medication Recycling Program: a Pilot Project in Ottawa, Canada
Medicine dispensing individual customized quantities at community pharmacies in Portugal
Methods for measuring and monitoring the medication adherence in type 2 Diabetes - Systematic Review
Pharmacoepidemiological study of migraine with the focus on 5HT1-receptor agonists
Prevalence and preventability of self-reported adverse drug events among the general public in Sweden
Recommendations for an automated dose dispensing system that supports patient safety
Risk analysis of an automated dose-dispensing process
The future of Professional development (PD) studies for community pharmacists
Validation and creation of renewal procedudes in Electronic Prescribtion in Finland
Community Pharmacy: GPP
A Professional and Sustainable Pharmacy: 12 Objectives for 2012
A successfull experience in promoting pharmaceutical assistance
Adoption of FIP/WHO guidelines on good pharmaceutical practice in Ukraine
Assessment of compliance with health services and the practice of pharmaceutical services in Brazilian community pharmacies
Clinical pharmacy practice in primary care-screening hospital discharge letters
Compliance with Protocols for Eye Conditions
Compliance with protocols in dental conditions
Continuing education in Pharmacy Belgrade in 2011
Counterfeit medicines- how to recognize them?
Detection of wrong ordering by pharmacists in Tehran’s community pharmacies
Dissemination of protocols for the management of gastro-intestinal disorders
Driving practice change within community pharmacy through the Quality Care Pharmacy Program and Pharmacy Practice Incentives
Dutch guidelines for medication safety
Ethics in pharmacy practice research: The relationship between researcher and participants
Evaluation of pharmacists competence in Serbia
False Prescription Database in Norway
Functions of Pharmacies responsible for Community Medicine
Guidelines programme for pharmaceutical care in the Netherlands
How do Indonesian Pharmacy Staff Response to Prescription? A Simulated Patient Study
Implementation of mathematical methods in management decision making and priority setting in pharmacy practice
Patient perspective about New generation pharmacy:- A study by Indian Pharmacist
Pharmacist’s Attitudes vs Patient’s Expectations
Quality Improvement through Self-Evaluation: an online application for Belgian community pharmacies
Shared Leadership in Finnish Community Pharmacies
The development of integrated management system in community pharmacy
Community Pharmacy: Pharmacy services
A College of Pharmacy’s Outreach Plan for Promoting Herd Immunity
A narrative review of pharmacy-based preventive health projects
A qualitative study exploring community pharmacists’ views regarding their role in CVD risk management and prevention in Alexandria, Egypt
A survey concerning the educational needs of diabetics and the potential role of community pharmacies in diabetes education programmes in Germany
Assessment of community pharmacists' knowledge of antimicrobial dispending for common skin infections
Awareness level of pharmacists about counterfeit medicines in Manipal and Udupi – A Survey
Baseline Study of Community Pharmacy Practice in Ireland (Published January 2011)
Clinical effectiveness of medication review with follow up (MRF) on aged polypharmacy patients. A pilot study in the program conSIGUE
Clinical pharmacy consultation service through information technology to improve physician access, prescribing and satisfaction in a community health center
Community pharmacy service in rural settings- challenges and obstacles
Correct dosage of penicillin to children: Customers perceptions of the service delivered at a Danish community pharmacy
Could community pharmacy medicine supply to aged care facilities benefit from quality improvement? Stakeholder perspectives and the resulting initiative
Counselling support to pharmacies working with municipalities on health care services
Cross-Sectional Study on antibiotic use in a resource - limited setting: Data from a district Hospital in rural India
Delphi Care, the scientific database to support pharmaceutical care in Belgium
Designing a Toolkit for implementing pharmaceutical services in Community Pharmacy in Spain: program conSIGUE.
Development and implementation of a framework for providing community pharmacy services
Do you enjoy the customers or prefer to withdraw?
Engagement as pharmacies in home palliative care-Collaboration with physicians, nurses, and other medical professionals and assessment of Collaborative Drug Therapy Management (CDTM) in Japan-
Enhancing Medication Safety in the Community Pharmacy - the North Rhine-Westphalia Concept
Feasibility and acceptability of a computerized medication-reminder service in German community pharmacies
Feasibility of using community pharmacists in focused surveillance for drug safety and effectiveness: A case study of antihypertensives in pregnancy
Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster Support: Activities of Pharmacists and the Pharmaceutical Associations
Impact of community pharmacy diabetes monitoring and education programme on diabetes management: a randomised controlled study
Importance of pharmacist – patient communication in dispensing dermatocosmetic formulations in community pharmacies: a pilot study
Improved medication supply models in aged care settings including non-medical prescribing
Improvement of the pharmaceutical service for the consumers of dermatocosmetic formulations prepared in Apoteka Beograd
Improving diabetes care for Canadians through the Diabetes Strategy for Pharmacists
Integrated Pharmaceutical Care
Knowledge and use of oral contraceptive pills and emergency contraceptive pills among adolescents in Sombor, Serbia
Lifestyle Modification Assistance Programs Provided by Community Pharmacies in Japan:Their Effects and Impact on Satisfaction
Medication Review in Nursing Homes and Home Care
Monitoring of 2 years new remuneration system for the Belgian community pharmacies
Patients perception on a Pharmacists role in Health Care in India
Pharmacists help to make financial savings in health care
Pharmacy-based type 2 diabetes services in an Indonesian setting
Potentially inappropriate medication Survey of the Elderly in Taiwan
Professional Service Implementation Index
Relationship Between Performance Barriers and Pharmacist Competency towards Implementation of an Expanded Public Health Pharmacy Role : A Structural Equation Modelling
Responding to Urinary tract infections during pregnancy in community pharmacy
Self-reported sexual risk factors for chlamydia: A survey of pharmacy-based emergency contraception consumers in Australia
Supply changes in Pharmacy Belgrade
The effective drug abuse prevention lecture a pharmacist performs
The role of pharmacist in decreasing antimicrobial resistance by educating parents
The role of pharmacists in decreasing antimicrobial resistance
The Strategic Plan for Pharmaceutical Care. Dispensing Service of Medicines and Medical Devices for Patients with Venous Insufficiency of the Lower Limbs
There Are Better Things To Smell: Building A Smoke Free NeighbourhoodPharmacist's Campaign Against Tobacco
Views of Community Pharmacists Regarding the Implementation of the New Medicine Service
History of Pharmacy
Hospital Pharmacy
A comparision of combination antiemetic regimens for prevention of PONV in breast surgery patients
A comparison of final year medical students’ and junior doctors’ views on their training and ability to prescribe antibiotics
A Cross-sectional Study on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern in Diabetic Foot Infections
A follow on project for hospital pharmaconomists entitled “Medical history, medicine discharge interviews and interdisciplinary collaboration'
A framework for the Implementaion of Clinical Pharmacy inNational University Hospital (NUH) Singapore
A Longitudinal Study of Patients Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy Using Pharmacy Refill Record Measure in a Tertiary Hospital in Nigeria
A multidisciplinary staff aproach in elder inpatients pharmacotherapy with polimedication.
A Re-Audit on the Incidence and Causes of Dispensing Near Misses at a leading London eye hospital
Acceptability of switching etanercept from a prefilled syringe to an autoinjection pen.
An Audit on the Use of the Medicines Information Service at a Leading Eye Hospital
An Experience of Exenatide Therapeutic Drug Monitoring from Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
An exploration of Pharmaceutical Counseling Service in a Chinese hospital pharmacy
Analysis for near miss from AERS on a regional hospital
Analysis of antibiotic sensitivity pattern in Hospital acquired pneumonia in a teaching hospital
Analysis of factors associated with thrombocytopenia in Chinese patients receiving intravenous linezolid therapy
Analysis the Antimicrobial Agent Prescribing Patterns in relation to the Emergence of Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus in a Medical Center
Antibacterial drug use in hospitalised paediatric patients: a comparison between the UK and Latvia
Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Cesarean Section: A Meta Analysis
Antibiotics induced severe pseudomembranous colitic in 1 patient
Anticoagulation related quality of life (ACQoL) and INR control of pharmacist-managed patients on warfarin therapy
Antimicrobial stewardship - an experience from a tertiary care teaching hospital of Pakistan
Application of Direct Observation of Procedural Skills Assessment in Dispensing Skills Training of Pharmacy Interns
Are Chloramphenicol Eye Drops prescribed appropriately in the treatment for Acute Bacterial Conjunctivitis?
Assessing Impact of Long ER Stay on Patients’ Missed Doses and Delays
Assessment of drug use pattern in Diabetes Mellitus patients in a rural Tertiary care teaching Hospital
Assessment of reactive drug interventions by a clinical pharmacist in a secondary care hospital
Assessment of requests for pharmacy preparations
Assessment of the benefits of pharmacist-patient medication couselling at the national orthopaedic hospital, Igbobi, Lagos, Nigeria
Association between the evaluation based on scientific evidence and final decisions made by Pharmacy and Therapeutics committees
Barcode Checking System Applied to Traditional Chinese Medication in Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
Clinical Pharmacist’s intervention study of individual Total nutrition admixture composition
Comparative studies of cytotoxic manufacturing practices in specialized Cancer Centers against international guidelines (ASHP, OSHA, HSE-UK)
Comparative study of the impact of pharmacists interventions during clinical rounds at the national orthopaedic hospital, Igbobi,Lagos, Nigeria
Comparison of the contamination levels on the exterior surface of the vials containing platinum anticancer drugs among the pharmaceutical products
Comparison of UPLC-MS-MS and Architect i1000 immunology analyzer methods for Cyclosporine A and Tacrolimus therapeutic drug monitoring
Comparison of use and role of Adrenaline and Amiodarone in Cardiac Arrest. Case od Emergency Center in Kosovo
Conversion from sirolimus to everolimus in kidney transplant recipients:The experience in a medical center in Taiwan
Counseling for Cigarette Cessation with carbon monoxide level in the exhaled breath
Determinants of Severe Hypoglycemia in Type 2 Diabetes
Determining the Delays in Medication Prescribing at a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital of Pakistan:
Development of a Charge Pharmacist Staffing Model at an Academic Medical Center
Development of Standard Treatment Guidelines in a Fragile State Setting with Limited Resources
Drug related problems (DRP) in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
Enhancing the Patient Safety by Establishing Warfarin Management Service in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital of Pakistan
Epidemiological analysis and pharmacological treatment of patients with LBP treated at the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinic
Establishment of Medication Barcode Standard and Hospital Application Model in Taiwan
Evaluating medication safety of chemotherapy prescription in a tertiary teaching hospital in northern Taiwan
Evaluating the impact of a pharmacy practice model change at an academic medical center
Evaluation of a novel antibiogram-based standard antibiotic policy in a tertiary care hospital, india
Evaluation of clinical laboratory indicators of patients treated with parenteral nutrition
Evaluation of Efficacy and Safety for Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 Inhibitors in Elderly Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Evaluation of multiple sclerosis patients quality of life followed as outpatients in Centro Hospitalar Leiria-Pombal
Evaluation of the clinical relevance of alerts generated by a drug utilization review system when used in a hospital setting
Evaluation of the risk of bleeding in patients using warfarin combined allopurinol with , benzbromarone and celecoxib.
Evaluation of Vildagliptin in patients with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes mellitus—A medical center experience in Taiwan
Extemporaneously compounded oral medicines in European hospital pharmacies
Fluvastatin-Associated Rhabdomyolysis after Coadministration of Clarithromycin
Formulary Selection Criteria for Biosimilars in the United States: Focus on Safety, Efficacy, and Manufacturer Capabilities
From course orientation to theory-based pracice development in a specialization program: a hospital pharmacy case in Finland
From pain assessment to pain therapy: documentation of pain in routine care
From the satisfaction of direct care for inpatient pharmaceutical services quality improvement
GnRH-a combined with oral contraceptive pill induced sinus thrombosis
Hospital acquired pneumonia: A multivariate analysis of risk and outcome
Hospital pharmacists help stroke patients discharged from hospital to enhance medication safety
Hospital pharmacists’ performance in preventing adverse drug events due to prescribing errors
Hospitalizations due to Drug Intoxications
Immediate renal effects of Parecoxib in orthopaedic patients : a randomized controlled study
Impact evaluation on the use of the human albumin protocol in consumption rationalization
Impact of pharmacist interventions on 5HT3 antagonist prescribing and overall management of chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting (CINV)
Impact of Prescribing Practices on Patient Waiting Times in a Hospital Pharmacy Dispensary
Impact of provide self-care education to post-renal transplant recipients by clinical pharmacist in renal transplantation clinic
Impacts of Team Resource Management Training Program to Pharmacists at a Medical Center in Northern Taiwan
Implementation of a High-Alert Medications Safety Program Leads to Improved Patient Outcome
Implementation of Accreditation Scheme for GCP-Certified Sites in China
Implementation of active monitoring system of adverse drug reactions in a Brazilian Tertiary Hospital
Improving the Use of Antibiotics through Pediatric Clinical Pharmacist Interventions in Pediatric Infection Ward
Improving survival of advanced heart failure using beta-blockers as adjunct in a teaching hospital in Ghana
Improving the appropriate of prophylactic antibiotic administration for joint replacement surgery in a Medical Center
Influence of ABCB1 gene plymorphisms on the pharmacokinetics of Rafampin among health Chinese han ethnic subjects
Influence of lipd levels in hypertensive patients (with or wihtout co-morbid conditions) of anxiety a d cognitive parameters in a South Indian population
Integrating Clinical Pharmacists Across the Cancer Continuum To Improve Medication Use, Patient Care, and Safety
Interaction of quinolines with the amino acids tryptophan, tyrosine and phenylalanine
Introducing Prefilled Methotrexate Syringes for Improving Patient Safety and Cost Effectiveness in Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Patients:
Introducing Template Based Computerized Physician Order Entry for Chemo Medications in aTertiary Care Teaching Hospital in Pakistan
Investigation of 50 Cases of Analgesic Drug Utilization During Perioperative Period
Low-dose glucocorticoid therapy complement the pituitary-adrenocortical system and reduce anxiety and insomnia in myasthenia gravis patients
Management of hypertension at a teaching hospital in Ghana
Management of metformin-associated lactic acidosis
Management of Methotrexate (MTX) induced acute encephalopathy in Pediatrics with ALL (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia) by Aminophylline and Dextromethorphan in a tertiary care hospital of Pakistan
Management of Peptic Ulcer Disease in Nigerian Ports Authority Clinics
Medication Adherence in patients with Hypertension in the Health Center of Coimbra-Portugal
Medication discrepancies in discharge paperwork among patients in the CO-OPERATE Geriatrics/Surgery co-management program
Medication Safety - moving from international guidelines to local action
Medicine reconciliation: An evaluation of hospital discharge discrepancies in one UK primary care trust
Medicine use indicators in Ho Municipal Hosptial, Volta Region, Ghana
Medicines implicated in admissions to elderly care wards in England
Metabolic Effects Of Olanzapine in Resource Constrained HIV-infected Patients
Microbial contamination of enteral feeding through oral intake
Nonimmunologic cutaneous reactions induced by drugs
Off-label use - only a matter of physicians` drug prescription?
Overview of Liver function in outpatient using cholesterol reducing drug Rosuvastatin
Patient medication education practices in Taiwanese hospitals
Patient recognition survey for pharmacist’s roleAt ambulatory pharmacy Bethesda hospital, Jogjakarta, Indonesia
Patients’ Perspective on Medications and Alternative Treatments for Managing Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Pattern of adverse drug reactions among inpatients in Jos University Teaching Hospital, North Central Nigeria
Perception of oral anti-cancer treatment
Pharmaceutical Intervention in of medical prescription´s validation
Pharmacists at the bedside – providing major patient impact
Pharmacy Care for a Rhabdomyolysis Patient
Physical and chemical stability of the cytotoxic drugs used in Centralized Unit for Handling Cytotoxic Drugs of Hospital de Faro, EPE
Postgraduate Courses for Pharmacist Prescribing- Basel Statement 32
Practice and Exploring of Medication Error Reporting in China
Practice of Patient Safety of Medication Administration——Experience from Chinese Hospital Pharmacy
Precautionary-type Quality Improvement Program in Abnormal Drug Distribution for the Inpatients
Predictors of Adherence to HAART in a Longitudinal Study using Unannounced Pill Counts Measure of Adherence
Prevalence and management of Urethral and Vaginal Discharge Syndromes at an STI Clinic in a District Hospital in Ghana
Prevalence of manifested drug-drug interactions in intensive care patients with cardiovascular diseases
Quality of life of patients with arterial hypertension and chronic renal failure
Rationalization of antibiotics consumption in 2011 in Clinical Centre of Serbia
Reducing medication returns in in-patient pharmacies of tertiary care hospital through system modifications and process improvement
Research on Different Administration Frequencies of Alprostadil(PGE1) for Post-Microsurgical Flap Survival Rate
Retrospective Review of the Outcomes of Intravenous Immunoglobulin in Neonatal Sepsis
Review of UTI diagnosis and management in infants 0-2 months old compared to 2-24 months
Right Drug to Right Patient-Improving Patient Identification
Role of pharmacist in management of adverse drug reactions in elderly at Ramathibodi Hospital, Thailand
Role of pharmacist intervention in emergency department to ensure medication safety and cost effectiveness
Role of the clinical pharmacist in outpatient treatment of HCV (hepatitis C virus)
Stability of Etopside Solutin 0,4mg/ml Prepared for Intravenouse Administration
Standard Chemotherapy Order Forms for reducing the number of chemotherapy-related near missing
Statistics of Chinese Medicine Usage in Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
Strategies for improving Pharmacy Service Documentation - a Taiwan Teaching Hospital Experience
Study of improvements modifiable risk factors for acute myocardial infarction patient by pharmacist intervention in an interdisciplinary team approach
Study on the use of crushed drugs prior to its administration to patients with swallow problems in a mexican hospital
Subacute Thrombosis Associated With Clopidogrel Resistance: A Case Report
Sucessful experience in treating multidrug resistant - Acinetobacter Baumanni (MDR-AB) meningitis
Systemic Evaluation of Safety and Effectiveness of Levothyroxine Between Different Contract Manufactures at a Medical Center in Northern Taiwan
The Changing Face of Cancer Care in North America:The Use of Consultative Pharmacy Services to Transition Care
The Clinical Treatment of Linezolid in a Case of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) Pneumonia Which Failed to Respond to Glycopeptides
The Development of a Global Health Residency in Kenya
The effect of estradiol, aspirin and prednisone on implantation and clinical pregnancy rate in women undergoing in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer
The Effect of New Alerting System on the Rates of Adverse Drug Events
The Emerging Concept: To set up seamless care system of family pharmacist
The identification and reporting of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) in a district general hospital setting
The lifecycle management system for drugs, from pharmaceutical manufactures to wholesalers and to use in hospitals
The pharmaceutical care in the process of therapeutic drug monitoring
The Project of Promoting Drug distribution Satisfaction
The Relationship between 7-Hydroxy-Methotrexate/Methotrexate Ratio and Methotrexate Terminal Elimination Rate in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Children and its Clinical Significance
The retrospective analysis of the use of antibiotics of tertiary hospitals in Beijing from June to December in 2011
The Role of Medication Counseling for Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women by Pharmacist
The role of pharmacist in the treatment of metabolic syndrome
The role of pharmacists:form Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring to Pharmacovigilance
The role of pharmacy interns in detecting drug-related problems on hospital wards
The Scale and Cost Effectiveness of Repeat Prescribing at a leading London Eye Hospital
The Use of Vancomycin and Therapeutic Monitoring of Serum Vancomycin Concentrations in Children with Sepsis
Therapeutic drug monitoring of meropenem is not enough without true MIC value
Therapeutic effect of recombinant human erythropoietin on anaemia with hemodialysis outpatients in Regional Teaching Hospital in Taiwan.
Three severe bumetanide-associated musculoskeletal reactions
Time-dependent stability and safety assessment of Total Parenteral Nutrition admixture prepared in hospital pharmacy
To analysis and statistic of Adverse Drug Reactions in herbal medicine in Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital
To enhance patient safety by minimizing medication dispensing errors in a tertiary care hospital through quality improvement initiatives
Transcription of physicians’ orders by nurses on a paediatric ward – only a minor problem?
Transdermal fentanyl patch as a pain reliever for cancer patients: a drug use evaluation in a local general hospital
Use of the medical system to improve the contrast medium of the incidence of adverse reactions
Use of Unlicensed & Equivalent Licensed Medicines at a leading London eye Hospital
Using the objective structured clinical examination for assessing the performance in patient education of fall-related drugs
Utility and safety of bevacizumab in patients with metastatic breast cancer
Valproic acid-carbapenems interaction in hospitalized patients:a retrospective evaluation and literature review
Vancomycin pharmacokinetics is a key to proper therapeutic monitoring
Variation of Valproic Acid Concentration During Concomitant Use of Carbapenem Antibiotics and Enzyme-Inducing Antiepileptic Drugs: A Retrospective Study
What do you know about Agomelatine?- Survey results on area health service (AHS) medical practitioner knowledge on a new medication
Industrial Pharmacy
Application of byproducts as profitable alternative for antimicrobial peptide production
Buffered sucrose candies as a safe strategy for children’s dental caries protection
Camptothecin fails to induce tumor necrosis factor-alpha treated HaCaT cells apoptosis
Comparative study of Benzoyl Peroxide and combination of Benzoyl Peroxide/Phytosphingosine on acne skin
Cytotoxicity evaluation of antimicrobial peptide: an in vitro assay
Effect of excipients on pharmaceutical and technological properties of uncoated tablets lithii carbonas
Evaluation of biorelevant in vitro test for desloratadine immediate release tablets based on in vivo results
Fast Dissolving Buccal Films of Sodium PicoSulfate
Formulation and evaluation of mucoadhesive bi-layer buccal tablets of Labetalol hydrochloride using natural polymers
Formulation and evaluation of nano drug delivery system of anti- inflammatory drug ibuprofen using factorial design
Formulation and evaluation of nano drug delivery system of antibiotic drug using factorial design
Formulation and evaluation of nanodrug delivery system of furosemide
Formulation and evaluation of sustained release tablets of glimepiride and metformin
Formulation and optimization of polymeric nano drug delivery system of anti-hyperlipidemic drug using factorial design
High content screening of 3D cell cultures for novel breast cancer therapy combinations
In Vitro Equivalence Testing of Amlodipine Besylate Tablets under BCS-Based Biowaiver Conditions
New biodegradable polymer blends of HDPE/starch and PP/starch as materials for pharmaceutical packaging
Structural Changes Pharmaceutical Wholesale Distribution in Korea
Synthesis of nanoparticles based on magnetic iron oxide for cancer treatment
Synthesis of new pyrazole derivatives derived from 4-hydroxy coumarin and evaluation of their biological activity
Laboratory and Medicines Control Services
Application of WHONET 5 Software for the Surveillance and Analysis of Antimicrobial Resistance in A Sudanese Hospital.
Colombia – Sierra Leone: A South – South Non-governmental pharmaceutical cooperation experience. First year
Determination of Sodium Benzoate in Primulae Veris Syrup by derivative spectrophotometry
Glucosamine preparations available on the Belgian market – a comparative study
Quality control and standardization of the medicinal preparation of combined action
The determination of Cyclosporine with different immunochemical techniques
Military & Emergency Pharmacy
A survey on the enlistment of pharmacists in a hospital battalion of the Swiss Armed Forces
Effects of Hypothermic on Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamic in Body
Emergency Medicine Supply System in China: A System Dynamics Approach
Perception and knowledge of malaysian pharmacy students towards influenza A(H1N1): an indicator of public health awareness among university students
Pharmacy Information
Absence of Registration and WHO Prequalification Standard - potential factors for the increase of MDR-TB in Moldova
Analysis for drug interactions of nonprescription drugs and prescription drugs
Assessment of therapeutic queries answered at the drug information service centre
Attitudes, practices and beliefs of general practitioners towards Chlamydia
CEDIME (Medicines and Health Information Center of National Association of Pharmacies, ANF, Portugal) - Supporting Portuguese Pharmacies’ advising on dietary supplements
Challenges to Children’s Access to Medicines in Moldova
Composing patient information webtexts on antineoplastic agents used in the home setting for, using patient panel sessions
Computerized Physician Order Entry Systems Contributing to Medication Errors – A Paradox
Confidence of customers in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the quality and safety of cosmetic products with unconventional composition
Developing a national Medicines Information Strategy in Finland - Using stakeholder analysis to inform decision making
Developing Rational Medicine Use Mass Media Messages in a Low Literacy Setting in Afghanistan
Development of a method to determine the level of understanding of package inserts for over-the-counter medication: Factors affecting understanding
Development of proper infrastructure for the improvement of regulatory performance - advertising of medicines and medical devices
Dietary Supplements - Technical and scientific analysis of major safety issues: caring for consumer’s health
Do drug information needs and health literacy affect kidney transplant patients’ adherence to immunosuppressant drugs?
Drugs and driving: practical guidelines for the healthcare professional
Drugs and renal impairment: practical dosing guidelines for the healthcare professional
Evaluation of self-administration of medication program for patient with spinal cord injury of a Brazilian center of neuroscience and rehabilitation
Farmanco: Drug shortages in the Netherlands
Geriatricians’, General Practitioners’, and Accredited Pharmacists’ views of geriatric medication management resources: A qualitative study
Guidelines for medication use during pregnancy in the Netherlands
Homeopathy Popular Knowledge in Oporto, Portugal
Impact of a pharmacist driven breast cancer awareness intervention
Implementing drug information strategy in Finland: Meeting medicines information needs of adolescents
Japanese consumers’ attitudes toward labelling information of non-prescription (OTC) medicines
Lipid regulating medicines consumption assessment in serbia during the period 2004-2010 year
Low health literacy patients in under-resourced systems: do they know what medicines information they need or want and where to source it?
Malaria Chemotherapy at a University Hospital in Ghana
Managing knowledge in the community pharmacy with KennisTest, a flexible management and education tool
Medicinal information and adolescents
Parameters on prescription drug in basic health units of the municipality of Petrolina-Pernambuco, Brazil
Patient Instruction Videos: a useful online health care service
Patients’ beliefs about medicines and quality of life after a medication review with care plan development: a case control study
Perception of a Newsletter for Community Pharmacists
Pharmacy practice in Russia: implementation of Good Pharmacy Practice standards through elaboration of educational programs of continuing professional development
The effects of presenting side effects in medicines information on anxiety, perceived susceptibility and perceived severity: grouping side effects by instructions compared with grouping by frequency
The role of drug advertising for patient’s compliance
Twenty years of a nationwide Brazilian experience in Medicines Information Centers
Use of sports nutritional supplements by physically active subjects of gyms in Oporto city
Using the Informatics system to improve the efficiency of clinical trials management
Pharmacy Technicians
Consumption profile of medicines during pregnancy in a Portuguese maternity
Croatian Association of Pharmacy technicians (PhT) – role of association in education of PhT in Croatia
Historical evolution of technical diagnostics and therapeutics in Portugal
International Mobility in The Pharmacy Degree at the School of Allied Health Sciences of Oporto
Job Satisfaction of Portuguese Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians
Medication Errors on Community Pharmacies – contributions for a better understanding
Medicinal plants in therapeutics now: a reality or a myth
Pharmacy Technicians Internship: The Oporto School Reality
Rational use of medicines – a portrait in a nursing home in Coimbra
Safety in the circuit of cytotoxic drug: contributions to the evaluation of hospital reality in portugal
Self-Medication among High School Adolescentsof Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal
Semester’s or Quarter’s? Opinion of students and teachers of Pharmacy degree from ESTSP-IPP about semester’s to quarter’s transition
Splitting tablets in clinical practice: an analysis in an Internal Medicine ward
Study of weight uniformity during tablet splitting in three different drugs
The training of Pharmacy Technicians in the School of Health Technology of Porto, Portugal - A historical perspective.
SIG: Analytical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Quality
A simple LC-MS/MS method for simultaneous determination of temsirolimus and its major metabolite in human whole blood
Assessment of microbiological quality and stability of purified water in practice
Bioanalytical method validation of pantoprazole sodium in human plasma and its application to bioequivalence study
Characterization of the possible degradation products of Zolpidem tartrate under varies stress conditions
Comparative evaluation of local periodontal treatment with betamethasone dipropionate using enzymatic and bioanalytical HPLC method
Determination of Steroids in Herbal Formulation by simple RP-HPLC Method
Development and validation of electrophoresis capillary and microbiological assay methods for determination of caspofungin in lyophilized powder.
Direct optical resolution of racemic ritodrine in serum
Dronedarone: determination in tablet dosage form by micellar electrokinetic chromatography, high-performance liquid chromatography and uv spectrophotometry
Effect of spheronizer plate design on the spheronization of ketoprofen
Elements in Medicines for oral administration
Formulation and in vitro evaluation of mucoadhesive controlled release matrix tablets of flurbiprofen using response surface methodology
Improvement of Medication Therapy Safety of Nursing Home Residents through Pharmacists` Intervention
In-line monitoring of a continuous blending process by NIR
Kinetic Calibration Based on Mass Transfer Dynamics of Hollow Fiber Liquid-Phase Microextraction and Its Application to Fast pharmaceutical Analysis
Medical Rep or Drug Dealer? The Path You'll Take! A Focus on Jordan Market
Metabolomics study about development of a bladder cancer screening with urine odor
Microwave-assisted forced degradation of duloxetine
Pharmaceutical quality and access in Nigeria: Evaluation of the Mobile Authentication Technology and stakeholder perceptions on quality and access
Quality of Amoxicillin Capsules and Tablets in Community Pharmacies in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: A Lot Quality Assurance Sampling (LQAS) Survey
Quality study of recombinant biological medicinal products, trastuzumab, rituximab and abatacept
Second-derivative spectrophotometry for analysis of simvastatin in polimeric nanocapsules
Solubility Enhancement of Gliclazide by Solid Dispersions
Stability of Rivaroxaban: Kinetic evaluation by alkaline hydrolysis and photodegradation
Stability-Indicating High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Chloramphenicol, Its Degradation Product, Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate and Tetrahydrozoline
UHPLC in the research of antioxidant properties of polyphenols in dietary supplements
Visualising shear stress distribution inside constrained flow geometries containing pharmaceutical powder excipients using photo stress tomography
SIG: Biotechnology
ATPMS evaluation as a separation technique to biopharmaceuticals
Bromelain extraction from pineapple residues using ethanol precipitation and its application in polymeric hydrogels
Cytotoxicity assay of stearylamine-containing nanoemulsion intended to carry pDNA
Development of high efficient gene delivery system with anionic surface charge
Gene Delivery to Pancreatic Cancer Cells via Intratumoral Injection of Chitosan-based Vector
Purification of bromelain from pineapple peel for therapeutic application in dermatological bases
Rapid determination of GSTP1 promoter methylation using differential high resolution melting analysis
SIG: Drug Design and Discovery
A design of succinimidyl ester compound with three coumarin moiety for synthesizing fluorescent antibody bioconjugate
Antitumour activity of the molecular complexes of uraciles and bacterial lectines
Biological activity of the substututed Benzimidazole
BIS-adduct of 5-Methyluracile and its antitumour activity
Computer-aided design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of novel 2-substituted aminomethylenepyrimidine-2,4,6-Triones as H1 antihistaminic agents (part2)
Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of memantine-polyamine conjugates as NMDA channel blockers
Methionine enkephalin inhibit the growth of SH-SY5Y cells through multiple mechanisms
New 3-aminorhodanine derivatives as potential antifungal agents
Nitrofurantoin permeability through Caco-2 cells: a parameter to develop new oral 5-nitro-heterocyclic compounds with potential activity against Multirresistant Staphylococcus aureus
Prucalopride for The Treatment of Chronic Constipation in Women in Whom Laxatives Fail to Provide Adequate Relief: A Systematic Review
Structure-based virtual screening, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel anti-toxoplasma and anti-neospora agents
Synthese and antiproliferative activity of Desmosdumotinsformyl substituted on A-ring analogs
Synthesis and antimycobacterial activity of novel 5-substituted-4-thiazolidinone-n-amino acid derivatives
Synthesis and evaluation of novel brain targeting chemical delivery systems of ciprofloxacin
Synthesis and pharmacological activity of some oxyindole derivatives
Synthesis of some novel 1, 3, 4-oxadiazoles derivatives by coupling with N-hydroxy methyl Phthalimide and evaluation of their anticancer activity
Synthesis, characterization and anthelmintic activity of some newer 1,3-thiazine derivatives
Synthesis, Characterization and Evaluation of Anticancer Activity of some new Schiff bases of 1,3,4-Thiadiazole derivatives
The use of NMR chemical shifts in correlation studies with molecular descriptors, drug-likeness scores and ADMET properties in a series of protein tyrosine kinase inhibitors
SIG: Formulation Design and Pharmaceutical Technology
A diclofenac sodium silk fibroin-chitosan microspheres : Preparation controlled-release in vitro and pharmacokinetic profile in rats
A feasibility study for nebulization of a model anti-asthma drug using dendrimers as nanocarriers
An investigation of natural and modified diatomite as potential carriers for diclofenac sodium
Analysis of Effects of Lubricant level, mixing time and tableting speed on dissolution of Glimpiride tablets
Chitosan-FAP-B nanoparticles: Novel non viral vectors for gene delivery to the lung epithelial cells
Design and Evaluation of Amlodipine Besylate-Hydrochlorothiazide Immediate-release combination tablets
Development and Characterization of Zidovudine Loaded PCL Nanoparticles
Development and evaluation of furosemide/ with hydroxipropyl-ß-cyclodextrin (HP-ß-CD) matrix tablets with hydroximethilpropylcelulose (HPMC)
Development and evaluation of SPG membrane emulsification system for enhanced oral bioavailability of itraconazole
Development of a Novel Miniemulsion-Based Topical Formulation of Lignocaine for Application to Open Wounds
Effect of antioxidants on the stability of ONO-1301, a novel long-acting prostacyclin agonist, loaded in PLGA microspheres
Effect of chitosan molecular weight on drug release from directly compressed alginate-chitosan matrices
Effect of drug loading on release liner removal from drug-in-adhesive transdermal films
Enhanced bioavailability of baicalin by nanocrystal drug delivery system using an ultrasonic-homogenization process
Formulation and Evaluation of a Topical Oily Gel Containing a Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug
Formulation and Evaluation of Fast Dissolving Blister Tablets of Ondansetron Using Zydis Technique
Formulation and in-vitro Evaluation of Salbutamol Sulphate in situ Gelling Nasal Inserts
Formulation and Pharmaceutical Evaluation of Bioadhesive Vaginal Tablets of Fluconazole
Formulation Design & Evaluation of Voglibose Microspeheres for the treatment of Post prandial Hyperglycemia
Hydrocortisone dermal bioavailability from alkyl polyglucoside emulsifier-stabilised bases: in vivo skin blanching assay
Improved dissolution and permeability of exemestane using gelucire 50/13
In Vitro Activities of Floroquinolones Entrapped in Non-ionic Surfactant Vesicles against Multi-Drug Resistant Bacteria Strains
In vitro and in vivo dissolution of nifedipine modified release tablets: how do they match?
In vivo anticancer and toxicological studies of liposomal formulations of (+)-catechin
In vivo study of a novel formulation of liposomal hydrogel for prolonged delivery of liposomes
Influence of the mixing regimen and high sheer mixer filling on the content uniformity of the venlafaxine hydrochloride dry blends
Investigation of hydrogel membranes containing combination of Timolol maleate and brimonidine tartrate for ocular delivery
Invitro charcaterization and cell cytotoxicty of insulin naoparticles composed of quaternized aromatic derivatives of chitosan
Maltosylated polyethylenimine-based triple nanocomplexes of human papillomavirus 16L1 protein and DNA as a vaccine co-delivery system
Method Development and Bioavailability Enhancement of solid dispersion contacting Nifedipine
Microbial contamination of Preservative Free Dexamethasone and Chloramphenicol Ophthalmic Solutions and their Containers.
Microencapsulated formulation of Lactobacillus casei for protecting probiotic stability in vivo and targeting release
New applications of hot-melt extrusion for uniform distribution of very low dose drugs
Novel photoactive antimicrobial nanofibers for biomedical applications
Photo-sessitive micelles encapsulated with nifedipine
Physical properties of fabricated polymeric films containing plasticizers and drugs
Polymeric Nanoparticles of NITTP: The percursor of the 18-FMISO
Possibilities for producing water-in-oil creams with hyaluronic acid in Galenical laboratory conditions
Preparation , in vitro and in vivo evaluation of malotilate spray-dried emulsion
Preparation and evaluation of fenofibrate SMEDDS using statistical experimental design
Preparation and evaluation of flurbiprofen-loaded self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery system (SNEDDS)
Preparation and evaluation of the time-controlled release tablet, a drug delivery system for chronopharmacotherapy
Preparation and In vitro Investigation of Chitosan Compressed Tablets for Colon Targeting
Preparation and in-vitro Evaluation of Drospirenone Intravaginal Ring (IVR)
Preparation of nanoparticles composed of thiolated quaternary ammonium of chitosan for buccal delivery of insulin
Preparation of novel valsartan SMEDDS employing statistical experimental design
Rabbits gastrointestinal fluids: a good model for drug solubility prediction in humans?
Study of the Physical Compression of Technological Excipients during Tablet Production
Study of the stability of commercial bromelain in cosmetic formulations
Synthesis and Characterization of Lactose-Carboxymethyl Chitosan and its Application in Coating Liposomes
Systemic delivery of andrographolide via the transdermal route using a new microemulsion system: in vitro and in vivo studies
Tacrolimus option in Lupus erythematodes – combination strategy
The effects of ethanol and oleic acid on glucosamine penetration test from transdermal nanoemulsion using franz diffusion cell
The new pH sensitive polycation improves the transfection activity of R8-modified lipid nanoparticles by facilitating siRNA condensation
The preparation of the insulin-phospholipids complex for the non-invasive insulin delivery systems
Towards biorelevant flow-through dissolution method for nimesulide immediate-release tablets: In vitro-in silico approach
SIG: Natural Products
A New Aristolactam Alkaloid from the stem of Dasymaschalon trichophorum Merr
Anti-fibrotic effects of wedelolactone and echinocystic acid on hepatic stellate cell LX-2
Anti-inflammatory Triterpenoids from Root Extract of Trianthema decandra Linn.
Anti-inflammatory effect of Apigenin-7-neohesperidoside (Rhoifolin) in carrageenin-induced rat edema model
Anti-inflammatory effect of Lycium Fruit water extract in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophage cells
Antioxidant flavonoids from Rhamnaceous plants Cu(II)-induced cell death by reducing reactive oxygen species in human Hep G2 cancer cells and normal mouse liver cells
Bacterial vaginosis: A review of non-antibiotic treatment options
Characterization of different UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT)-mediated metabolic behaviour of carvacrol in five species
Chemical composition and relaxant effect of chloroform extract of the underground parts of Ferula heuffelii
Cultivation of Shrubby Cinquefoil or Dasiphora fruticosa by seed and seedling
Effects of extraction time on coumarin concentration in Meliloti herba extract
Effects of two weeks exposure of ibogaine and noribogaine on mouse organs: morphologic evaluation
Enzogenol Regulates Lipid and Glucose metabolism in C57BL/KsJ-db/db Mice Skeletal Muscle
Evaluation of the wound-healing effect of some new phytotherapy ointments
Herbal medicine use in dysmenorrhea: determining extent of use and the commonly used herbs
In vitro and in vivo antioxidant and hepatoprotective effects of micromeria cristata l. extracts
In vitro Synergism of Fluconazole and three Aporphine Alkaloids from Fibraurea recisa against clinical isolates of candida albicans Resistant to Fluconazole
In vivo antioxidant activity of deodorized water extract of Thymus Pannonicus
Integration of Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Therapies for the treatment of acute paediatric pain within community pharmacy practice
Interaction of punica granatum fruit with carvedilol during isoproterenol induced myocardial injury
Investigation of bee bread collected in three regions of Latvia
Isolation of Lactobacillus Strains from Vagina with Potential Activity against Vaginal Pathogenic Strains
Medicinal plants used by a group of elderly from petrolina city in pernambuco
Nephroprotective activity of ethanolic extract of Aerva pseudotomantosa Blatt & Hallb in rats
Pharmacological Characterization of Ferulic Acid and Caffeic Acid as Potent Inhibitors for the Melanin Production in B16 Melanoma Cells
Pharmacological Characterization of Novel Taxus Lignans as Potent Inhibitors for the Initial Stage of Neurodegrative Diseases
Possible amelioration of oxidative, inflammatory and fibrotic cascades by plumbago zeylanica in hepatocellular injuries
Protective effect of apitherapy products in acetaminophen-induced hepatopathy
Quality Control of dietary supplements with soy isoflavones used in menopause
Studies on the Active Constituents of the Stem of Gordonia kwangsiensis
The effect of bio-transformed Korean herbal medicine, jaeum-ganghwa-tang and Gumi-ganghwal-tang on platelet aggregation in human platelet
The influence of apitherapeutic agent on glycosaminoglycan expression during experimental burn healing
SIG: Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism and Excretion
A modified LC-MS/MS method for determination of tetramethylpyrazine in microdialysis samples and calibration of home-made linear probes
A new analytical method of ritodrine in newborn serum by LC-MS/MS
Apoptosis Induced by Sonodynamic Therapy using a Novel Porphyrin Derivative DCPH-P-Na(I)
Blood distribution of bortezomib and its kinetics in multiple myeloma patients
Determination of piperphentonamine and metabolites M1 and M6 in human plasma and urine by LC/MS/MS and its application in a pharmacokinetics study in Chinese healthy volunteers
Different inhibitory effects of angiotensin II receptor blockers on cytochrome P4502C9 dependent formation of epoxyeicosatrienoic acids from arachidonic acid
Effect of cytochrome P450 1A2 genotype on theophylline pharmacokinetics and its interaction with decursinol angelate
Evaluation of the functional role of P-glycoprotein in tramadol neuropharmacokinetic
In vitro-in vivo correlations for an amorphous formulation of a poorly soluble compound
Percolation behavior in paracellular permeability
Pharmacokinetics of intravenous pinocembrin in healthy Chinese volunteers
Population pharmacokinetics study of cyclosporine in Chinese paediatric aplastic anemia patients
Proteomic analysis of ubiquitination-associated proteins in a Human Lung Adenocarcinoma Cisplatin-resistant Cell Strain
SIG: Regulatory Sciences
An overview on pharmaceutical regulatory system in Albania, evaluation of registration procedures and local requirements
Biomarker qualification new challenge for regulatory authorieties
Comparative in vitro dissolution studies of commercial diclofenac suppositories using the rotating dialysis cell and the flow through methods.
Current status & Strategies required for the development of Orphan drug
Discordances in the Classification of Renal Impairment in Summaries of Product Characteristics
Impact of Gastrointestinal Stability of Acetylsalicylic acid on the Biowaiver Approval of its Immediate Release Products
Marketing and advertising of pharmaceutical products - ethical perspective
Medicine labels - an insight into consumers' perspective
New medicinal products on the market of bosnia and herzegovina in 2010/2011 – the role of the national regulatory authority in access to medicinal products
Regulatory Approach for Non-Biological Complex Drugs
Regulatory challenges of nanomedicines
Regulatory requests in procedure of issue marketing authorisation for biosimilars
Strategy of Environmental Risk Assessment of Pharmaceuticals in japan
SIG: Translational Research and Individualized Medicines
Effect of Add-on Pentoxifylline Therapy on Proteinuria and eGFR in Membranous Glomerulonephritis: A 6-Month Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial
FASL-844CC genotype as a predictive factor for poor response to bacillus Calmette-Guerin immunotherapy
Genotyping single nucleotide polymorphisms directly from whole blood by pyrosequencing coupled with linear-after-the-exponential PCR
Impact of CES1A2 A(-816)C polymorphism on platelet reactivity after clopidogrel treatment in Chinese patients with coronary heart disease
Pharmacogenetics in Type 2 Diabetes Treatment.
Ratiometric dosing of indole-3-carbinol (I3C) and 2-methoxyestradiol (2ME) in cancer chemotherapy: a friend or a foe?
Social and Administrative Pharmacy
A Framework for a Register for Biological Agents in Rheumatology
A medication risk assessment tool for primary care. Results of a Finnish Consensus Panel of Experts
A Prestudy on Consumer Awareness Regarding Alleviating the Regulation of Non-prescription Drugs Sales in South Korea
A Study of Gender Differences in Employment of Recent Pharmacy Graduates
A Study of the Patterns of Off-Label Use resulting in Drug Relief Applications in Taiwan
Antibiotics for upper respiratory infections: public knowledge, beliefs and self-medication in the Republic of Macedonia
Assessing the regulatory framework for medicines and food in Afghanistan
Assessment of antibiotic availability without prescription in Lithuanian community pharmacies
Automated dose dispensing improves patient safety
Becoming a pharmacy owner from a staff pharmacist - how does this influence well-being at work? A qualitative research from Finnish community pharmacies
Catalysts for change: how Australian pharmacists are influencing prescribing behaviour
Chlamydia trachomatis: Epidemiology of Conjunctival and Genital Infections
Comparative analysis of drug revolving fund (DRF) and public partnership (PPP) program on drug supply management in Universtiy College Hospital (UCH, Ibadan, Nigeria
Comparative price of medicines in different commercial options in the Brazilian community pharmacies
Comparative status of health consumer's knowlegde, attitude and practice (KAP) regarding medicines and healthcare in developing economies
Comparison of Medical Prescriptions between Bulgaria and the Czech Republic with Relation to the European Directive of Cross-border Healthcare - European Perspective
Cost-Utility Study in Mexican patients with acute stroke treated with Dapsone in a public hospital in Mexico City
Cost/effectiveness Evaluation of the Treatment of Patients with Reumatoid Arthritis in public hospital in Mexico City
Critical Analysis of the Dispensing Process at a General Hospital Pharmacy
Distribution of medical products in Europe
Drug Shortages Reporting System in Taiwan
Drugs used in acid related disorders (A02): A five-year study of outpatient utilization in the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ensuring sustainability of Ghana's health insurance scheme through quality improvement and claims verification
Evaluation of Drug Advertisement in Medical Journals
Expered medicines, cost of the society
Exploratory descriptive study: Consumers' perceptions of analgesic advertisements
First results of the implementation of the Continuing Education process for pharmacists in Albania
Geriatrics care clinic: medication profiling and outcomes among the elderly in a rural community - philippine model
Health related quality of life in patients post-stroke: dapsone vs placebo
How to integrate data related with drugs prescription, distribution, consumption and destruction in the Albanian Healthcare System
Improving consumer access to medicines: innovative medicines reclassification in New Zealand (NZ)
In-vivo Evaluations of Liposome Entrapped Self-Assembled Supramolecular of Andrographolide with Hydroxypropyl-ß-Cyclodextrin Long-Circulating Nanoparticle Targeting Drug Delivery System
Intake of caffeine beverages in a cohort of students of the Oporto School of Allied Health Sciences
Integrating patient perspective into health technology assessment of pharmaceuticals in Finland
Investigation on pharmaceutical adulterants in foods with health claim during 2004 to 2010 in Taiwan
Is Japan about to switch on medicines reclassification?
Knowledge and practice of disposal of date expired and unused drugs
Low-cost generic drug discount programs: implications for patient safety
Marketing analysis of asthma and copd products on the pharmaceutical market in bulgaria for 2011
Marketing elements affect patient self-determination for the purchase of medicines
Measuring the importance of professional training in the international migration of pharmacists from sub-Saharan Africa
Method of confirming the authenticity of medicinal products to combat counterfeits in a global supply chain
Opinion Survey on Anti-Counterfeit Medicines in Taiwan
Outpatient Antibiotic Use in the South of Portugal
Overview of drugs reimbursement system in republic of Moldova
Patient satisfaction with provided information about medications
Patients knowledges about drug utilization
Perception of the Physician to the Role of the Clinical Pharmacists in the Egyptian Hospitals
Pharmaceutical care improves quality of life of hemodiaysis patients
Pharmacists’ perspectives on drug abuse control in the Nelson Mandela Metropole
Pharmacoeconomic analyses for choosing the right medicines for the essential list providers in the case of Kosovo
Primary care pharmacy indicators –the trend in Thailand
Primary Care Pharmacy Specialty Network Listserv: A Content Analysis
Public awareness towards pharmacist’s role in Lebanon
Public sector financing and expenditure on medications. Panama 2007-2011
Quality Function Deployment and Principal Component Analysis on the Quality of Generic Drugs in Japan
Socio-Cultural Challenges in the Management of Pediatric HIV/AIDS in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria
Taiwan public health new tools small tool! Big tone!
The current situation and problems of home medical care in an urban setting, including services provided by pharmacists
The estimation of household medicine kit
The impact of “e-Farmaci” online software in the auditing activities of Healthcare Insurance Institute in Albania
The relationship between the genetic polymorphism of CYP2C19*2?*3 and the clinical efficacy of clopidogrel: a systematic review
The role of governmental organizations to guarentee patient's safety through controlling. The quality of behavioral ethics in the controllers (controlling the controllers)
Transdermal Buprenorphine: utilization trends in United Kingdom primary care practice
Use of antibiotics for urinary tract infection in institutionalized and home-dwelling elderly
Use of antidepressant drugs in a cohort of students of the Oporto School of Allied Health Sciences
Validation of the Stroke-Specific Quality of Life Questionnaire in Mexican Stroke Survivors: A Pilot Test of its Psychometric Properties
What kind of antibiotic prescriptions are delivered in my pharmacy? Testimony of an Albanian pharmacist
Biography Igor Linhares de Castro
Biography Jaime Kravzov-Jinich
Biography Jill E. Martin-Boone
Biography Monika Derecque-Pois
Biography Rian Lelie- van der Zande
Centennial Declaration - Improving Global Health by Closing Gaps in the Development, Distribution, and Responsible Use of Medicines
FIP President Opening Ceremony Speech
Press Release - FIP responds: Pharmacists play key role to saving billions in healthcare spending
Press Release - FIP Stakeholder Roundtables
Press Release - FIP: “Pharmacists - do not wait for policy makers to take action
Press Release -500 billion USD in global health spending can be avoided annually through more responsible medicines use
Analysis and Evaluation of Examination Scores and Relative Factors of Beijing Community Pharmacist after Training
Academic Pharmacy: Other Curriculum enrichment in a fragile state: initial experience from Afghanistan
Lecturers and students perception of students' evaluation of classroom reaching in a Nigerian Pharmacy School
Community Pharmacy A meta-analysis of fee-for-services medication review by community pharmacists
Case of the Week – a tool for implementation of National Standards for Counselling at the Counter
Collaborative Care: Experiences From a Student and a Pharmacist in the United States
Developing the Canadian Pharmacy Services Framework to support expanded patient-centred pharmacy services within a financially sustainable community pharmacy business model
Engaging Community Pharmacists in national TB programme: A path-breaking development in India
Online counselling from the pharmacy
Pharmacy based telecare for metabolic syndrom management
Providing Specific Pharmacy Service - Public Pharmacy Vrsac
Pseudoresistant hypertension caused by non-adherence and inappropriate antihypertensive prescription
Social responsibility of Pharmacy Beograd
Sticker action to create awareness of antibiotic leftovers in the family medicine cabinet
The Kano analysis of patients’ satisfaction at community pharmacy
Hospital Pharmacy Medication Safety - moving from international guidelines to local action
Pharmacists at the bedside – providing major patient impact
Role of the clinical pharmacist in outpatient treatment of HCV (hepatitis C virus)
Pharmacy Information Do drug information needs and health literacy affect kidney transplant patients’ adherence to immunosuppressant drugs?
Evaluation of self-administration of medication program for patient with spinal cord injury of a Brazilian center of neuroscience and rehabilitation
Geriatricians’, General Practitioners’, and Accredited Pharmacists’ views of geriatric medication management resources: A qualitative study
Implementing drug information strategy in Finland: Meeting medicines information needs of adolescents
Low health literacy patients in under-resourced systems: do they know what medicines information they need or want and where to source it?
Patients’ beliefs about medicines and quality of life after a medication review with care plan development: a case control study
SIG: Analytical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Quality Effect of spheronizer plate design on the spheronization of ketoprofen
Formulation and in vitro evaluation of mucoadhesive controlled release matrix tablets of flurbiprofen using response surface methodology
Improvement of Medication Therapy Safety of Nursing Home Residents through Pharmacists` Intervention
In-line monitoring of a continuous blending process by NIR
Medical Rep or Drug Dealer? The Path You'll Take! A Focus on Jordan Market
Solubility Enhancement of Gliclazide by Solid Dispersions
Visualising shear stress distribution inside constrained flow geometries containing pharmaceutical powder excipients using photo stress tomography
Social and Administrative Pharmacy A Prestudy on Consumer Awareness Regarding Alleviating the Regulation of Non-prescription Drugs Sales in South Korea
Antibiotics for upper respiratory infections: public knowledge, beliefs and self-medication in the Republic of Macedonia
Comparative analysis of drug revolving fund (DRF) and public partnership (PPP) program on drug supply management in Universtiy College Hospital (UCH, Ibadan, Nigeria
Comparative status of health consumer's knowlegde, attitude and practice (KAP) regarding medicines and healthcare in developing economies
Improving consumer access to medicines: innovative medicines reclassification in New Zealand (NZ)
Overview of drugs reimbursement system in republic of Moldova
Primary Care Pharmacy Specialty Network Listserv: A Content Analysis
Quality Function Deployment and Principal Component Analysis on the Quality of Generic Drugs in Japan
The role of governmental organizations to guarentee patient's safety through controlling. The quality of behavioral ethics in the controllers (controlling the controllers)
Transdermal Buprenorphine: utilization trends in United Kingdom primary care practice
Academic Pharmacy: Competency and pharmacy education
A Service learning activity: 600 students working together
Analysis and Evaluation of Examination Scores and Relative Factors of Beijing Community Pharmacist after Training
Community pharmacy practice for OTC treatment in a 6-year program for Japanese pharmacy students
Comparative survey of students' vs employers' expectations concerning professional attributes of pharmacy graduates
Comparing the numeracy skills of Malaysian- and UK-educated entry-level undergraduate pharmacy students using a validated diagnostic tool
Curriculum design of a competency-based program in pharmacy
Developing a curriculum and learning strategy to underpin development of competencies required for registration
Development of Practice-Based Experiences for 1st-year MPharm Students
Development of Work-based Learning in Pharmacy Education in Serbia
Dinamizar – A project to increase the competitiveness and performance of Portuguese Pharmacies
Do education councils regulate infrastructure or learning centers
E-learning environment for learning medication calculation skills: pharmacy students’ perceptions of its usefulness and development needs
Early experiential activities that assess curricular competencies
Evaluating Anaphylaxis Education for Pharmacists
Feasibility of Facebook as a tool for providing continuing education to community pharmacists: Results of a pilot study
Focus on collaboration - the need, aim, and opportunities in interprofessional education
Harmonising Pharmacy Clinical Competency for Students and Professionals: Findings and Results
Harmonising Pharmacy Clinical Competency for Students and Professionals: Irish students results
Health, Hygiene and Safety at Work – e-Learning case study
Identifying global pharmacy competencies using the Delphi Process
Identifying pharmaceutical human resources gaps and competency development needs in Afghanistan
Implementation of an innovative seminar course for fifth year pharmacy students
Improved medicines management practice as a result of competency based training
Influence of the Pharmacy Curriculum on Students’ Preparedness for Patient Care
Modernization of the Pharmaceutical Education in Russia
New model of postgraduate education - Advanced Courses
Pharmaceutical Education In India: Does it need a change?
Pharmacists’ knowledge about prevention of cardiovascular diseases in Moldova
Pharmacy Education in India - A Study of Student Perceptions of the Quality of Education
Postgraduate 2-year educational program for Dutch Community Pharmacists. An example of workplace learning using CanMeds competencies, task areas, and EPA’s
Preceptors need for support in tutoring students during traineeship in community pharmacies
Research of graduates career expectations on the pharmaceutical faculties of the Russian Federation
Self-medication strategies used for alleviating menstrual discomfort by 4th year students in Montenegro
Skill mapping an undergraduate Pharmacy degree
Survey of US Colleges of Pharmacy Regarding the Incorporation of Institute of Medicine Report Recommendations within the Doctor of Pharmacy Curriculum
Tailoring the delivery of a diabetes education program for pharmacists and student pharmacists in Salvador, Brazil
Teaching communication skills in pharmacy practice – To know and to do are two different things
The WHO FP Global Survey of Pharmacy Schools: Africa
The WHO FP Global Survey of Pharmacy Schools: North America
To assess the factors affecting numerical ability of pharmacy students and identify where areas of provision could be improved
Training Student Pharmacists in Global Health Initiatives
Transformational Leadership in Pharmacy: What Is It and How Do We Develop It?
Transformative Learning: Meeting Practice Transformation Challenges
Transforming Practice Expectations to Expand the Pharmacist Role:A competency based approach
UK pre-registration and student pharmacist self-reported competence and perceived relevance of General Pharmaceutical Council Standards
We don’t need communication training, why is it in our curriculum?
Academic Pharmacy: Hot topics in Clinical Pharmacy Education
A B-learning strategy for Therapeutics at the Bachelor Level
A Model for a Residency in Global Health
Advanced Practice in Infectious Diseases (ID) and Antimicrobial Stewardship (AS): meeting the education needs of pharmacists
Antibiotics ordering error reporting and clinical pharmacist oriented prevention program in emergency department
Comparison of Motivation, Attitudes and Use of Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs and Supplements Between Practicing Pharmacists and Pharmacy Students
Comparison of Motivation, Attitudes and Use of Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs and Supplements in Pharmacy and Nursing Students
Designing a Pharmacy Elective Course to Advance Student Learning in Global Public Health
Development of a new specialty residency program in medication therapy management
Development of a postgraduate unit in Palliative Care: meeting the education needs for the National Palliative Care Strategy
Evaluation of clinical skills with an objective structured clinical examination
Gamma Radiation Sterilization Effects on the Physico-Chemical Quality of Syringes
Gender Differences in HbA1c Levels in Children and Young Peoplewith Type 1 Diabetes: a Longitudinal Analysis
Geriatric pharmacology and pharmacotherapy education for health professionals and students: a systematic review
Integrating pharmacy students in interprofessional education (IPE) teams-experiences with student led disease state and medication management reviews (DSMMR)
Is Training/Timing Everything? Determining Learner Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Experiences
Long-Term Case Review Program during On-Site Training for Development of Clinical Competence of Pharmacy Students
Masters in Counseling and Information in Pharmacy: results of the first edition
Multidisciplinary Team Care: The Essential Role of Clinical Pharmacists
Perception of Indian future pharmacists towards pharmaceutical care
The role of clinical pharmacist in the personalized therapy of hypertension
To evaluate the effectiveness of intern education in pharmacy in a teaching hospital of Taiwan
Veterinary Medicines: Knowledge and Perception of Maltese Pharmacists and Pharmacy Students
What are the views of third and fourth year pharmacy undergraduates on prescribing and therapeutics interprofessional education (IPE) with medical students?
Academic Pharmacy: Other
Comparing Mind Maps of Pharmacists Regarding their Role in Medication Adherence in a South African Setting
Curriculum enrichment in a fragile state: initial experience from Afghanistan
Developing Interprofessional Education in and Academic Health Center
Development and implementation of a career project for third year pharmacy students
How well are Foundation Year One hospital doctors (FY1) prepared for their role as prescribers? The views of FY1s and their supervising medical consultants
Identifying under-graduate Pharmacy leadership opportunities
Implementation and Evaluation of an Education Program for Pharmacists for the Management of Minor Ailments
Lecturers and students perception of students' evaluation of classroom reaching in a Nigerian Pharmacy School
Perception analysis of pharmacy graduate education system among pharmacy graduate students
Perceptual Systems of Pharmacy Students regarding their Future Role in Medication Adherence in a South African Setting
Portuguese pharmacy students: what they think about their near future?
Short-term comprehensive clinical pharmacy education program for international pharmacists
Student Governance in U.S. Colleges and Schools of Pharmacy
Studying the influences of pharmaceutical marketing in Iran (Based on the pharmacists opinion of pharmaceutical promotion)
Technology enhanced pharmacy education: Using the virtual learning environment Moodle to support the development of professional attributes.
The Czech Pharmaceutical Society 1871-2012
The perception of pharmacy students on the use of their character strengths as an approach to improve patient adherence
Using technology to break down barriers in pharmacy education: a case study
Virtual cleanrooms for interactive learning and assessment of principles and practices of sterile dispensing
Academic Pharmacy: Quality assurance and the student learning experience
Evaluation of mutagenic effects of oestradiol on human leukocytes of Alzheimer Disease, elderly and young donors in the Comet assay
Evaluation of the pharmacy practice resource unit
Experiences and success factors from the pilot and launch of ADAPT: an online patient care skills development continuing education program for pharmacists
Global Students’ Learning Experience
Medical and Pharmacy Students’ Knowledge towards the Generic and Brand Medicines in Bangladesh
Pharmacy Students’ Perceptions of an Interactive Blended Course in Public Health
State of the art of the mexican accreditation on pharmacy programs
The use of standardised tools as part of learning portfolios in Patient Data and Pharmacotherapy (PDP) distance education units
Use of paediatric protocols as training tools for pharmacy students
Clinical Biology
Additive anticonvulsant effects of agmatine and lithium chloride on pentylenetetrazole-induced clonic seizure in mice: involvement of a2-adrenoceptor
Assessment of oxidative stress status in ischemic heart disease patients with type2 diabetes in tertiary care teaching hospital of northern Telangana region
Effect of BAPTA-AM on hydrogen peroxide-induced cell hypertrophy in H9c2 cardiomyblasts
Escherichia Colin in Clinical Hospital Center Osijek in period 2008-2011
Evaluation of Oxidative Stress Markers in Chronic Kidney Disease patients
Serum TNF-a levels in rheumatoid arthritis patients treated with TNF inhibitors
Community Pharmacy
A meta-analysis of fee-for-services medication review by community pharmacists
Case of the Week – a tool for implementation of National Standards for Counselling at the Counter
Collaborative Care: Experiences From a Student and a Pharmacist in the United States
Developing the Canadian Pharmacy Services Framework to support expanded patient-centred pharmacy services within a financially sustainable community pharmacy business model
Engaging Community Pharmacists in national TB programme: A path-breaking development in India
Online counselling from the pharmacy
Pharmacy based telecare for metabolic syndrom management
Providing Specific Pharmacy Service - Public Pharmacy Vrsac
Pseudoresistant hypertension caused by non-adherence and inappropriate antihypertensive prescription
Social responsibility of Pharmacy Beograd
Sticker action to create awareness of antibiotic leftovers in the family medicine cabinet
The Kano analysis of patients’ satisfaction at community pharmacy
Community Pharmacy: Compounding
Effectiveness of ex tempore prepared vaginal ovules in the treatment of vaginal bacterial infections
Eyelid infection with Demodex folliculorum and treatment with compounded topical metronidasol cream and gel
Pharmaceutical Compounding - 'Magistral' Preparations in a Pharmacy - Comparison between The Czech Republic and Bulgaria
Solid Dosage Forms Administered to Patients Unable to Swallow: To Compound or Crush?
Community Pharmacy: Counselling activities and supporting adherence
A review of the information-gathering process for the provision of self medication services via community pharmacies in developing countries
A Study of the Profile of Users of the Emergency Contraception Service in Selected Community Pharmacies in Ireland
Antibiotic Awareness Week in Czech pharmacies - patients’ perspective on rational use of antibiotics
Antiepileptic and Antiparkinsonian Drug use for old people living in nursing homes: first report from a collaborative pharmaceutical service in a Swiss canton
Anxiety management non-benzodiazepine drugs; pharmacy compounding lessens the risk of substance abuse and benzodiazepine dependence
Are families aware of the risks of using nonprescription cough and cold medications in children? A study of parental perceptions post FDA public health advisory.
Ask, Assess, Advise: Helping Australian pharmacy assistants respond to requests for non-prescription medicines
Assessing the quality of advice for supply of non-prescription medicines in Australian community pharmacies; a quantitative framework
Assessment of medication related problems in geriatrics
Asymmetric Information and Medication Counseling: An Empirical Study on Japanese Community Pharmacy Setting
Attempt to avoid patient medication errors by pharmacists
Change in patient attitudes towards antibiotics - Is there hope?
Characterization of patients caree in the pharmacy of the hospital school of Saint Francis of Assisi, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: an evaluative study
Community Pharmacists for Diabetes Patients intervention Study in Japan (COMPASS-Project1)
Consumption of psycholeptics and psycho analeptics in nis region, South Serbia (2001-2011)
Counselling patients in everyday pharmacy practice and track the counselling topics
Depression training involving consumer educators: Impact on practice and attitudes toward pharmaceutical care for people with depression
Development of outcome measures to investigate intermediate medication reviews provided in community pharmacies
Differences in sale patterns for original and generic medicinal products
Drugs and safe driving - How much do our drivers know?
Effects of Thiazolidinediones on development of macrovascular complications in type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Evaluation of hiv positive patient adherence to antiretrovirals treatment
Evaluation, validation and modification of pictograms depicting potential side effects to medication
Factors affecting patient adherence and satisfaction: An empirical study on the community pharmacy in Japan
Good communication- a significant factor for successful therapy
How many words does a picture really tell? A cross-sectional descriptive study of pictogram evaluation in youth
Implementation of pharmaceutical care to patients of unified health system who use drugs of primary care of the University of Rio de Janeiro
Information Sharing Promotes Rational Medicine Use in Afghanistan
Knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of pharmacists in Zimbabwe on their role in the prevention and management of non-communicable diseases
Level of gastro protection in patients using non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the main Albanian city
Lifestyle Interventions for Cancer Health Promotion : Assessing Attitudes, Perceptions and Awareness Among Community Pharmacist in Harare
M Health for Promoting Quality Medicine: A Case Study
Methotrexat adherence among patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Modernization in Pharmacy Belgrade
Patient adherence in arterial hypertension therapy
Patient counseling in pharmacy practice – Optimization of drug therapy
Patient safety in using blood glucose meters
Pen-injected Insulin Therapy: Experiences and Views of Diabetic Patients in Nigeria
Pharmaceutical care with images. A step forward in understanding and adherenceto the treatment
Pharmaceutical pictograms and elderly - a portuguese pilot study
Pharmacy staff perspectives on the influence of advertising and the media on customers’ selection of non-prescription medicines in Vietnam
Prevention of constipation among users of opioids at a Danish community pharmacy: Patient information and laxative treatment
Safe and Effective Use of Medicines for vulnerable ethnic minorities in relation to the labour market - development of a pharmacist-delivered counselling programme
Self medication of children by Parents in a Nigerian community.
Self-medication with antitussives and expectorants
Studies on the prevalence of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and associated factors in four rural villages of Andhra Pradesh, India
Supplement Use During Pregnancy: Findings from the Growing up in Ireland study
The AdherenceMonitor: a website on medication adherence and pharmaceutical care in the Netherlands
The Eczema Journal- a tool developed by a community pharmacy in Koege, for dermatologists and their patients
The incidence of drug-related problems in self-medication in Danish community pharmacies
The participation of community pharmacists in preventing irrational and improper use of antibiotics
The role and the part of pharmacist in reducing side effects of non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs in older patients
The survey about food supplements use
The use of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in patients receiving warfarin oral anticoagulant therapy
Theoretical potential profile of prescription drug interactions in Brazilian Intensive Care Units
To split or not to split oral pharmaceutical dosage forms?
Train your curriculum: A board game used in the education of pharmaconomist-students at a community pharmacy in Denmark
Use of antiretroviral medication (ARV) in Federal Hospital of Rio de Janeiro: a pharmaceutical care approach
Validation of a Pictogram-Based Sickle Cell Action Plan and Prescription for Children with Sickle Cell Disease
Waste Medicines: An investigation of how patients order their repeat prescriptions
Waste Medicines: The influence of repeat prescription ordering by patients
What information do patient want who have long term chronic conditions?
Community Pharmacy: Dispensing activities (processes)
Addressing the challenge of drug shortages in Canada and its impact on patient care
Analysis of prescription intervention at Ballerup Apotek to prevent future intervention
Comparison of over-the-counter and prescription-only analgesic prescribing
Developing international best practice guidelines for pharmaceutical care practice in a German community pharmacy setting
Effectiveness of the dispensing of drugs in patient knowledge concerning their medication
Exploring the dispensing process pharmacists undertake when dealing with children's liquid medicines
Implementing a Medication Recycling Program: a Pilot Project in Ottawa, Canada
Medicine dispensing individual customized quantities at community pharmacies in Portugal
Methods for measuring and monitoring the medication adherence in type 2 Diabetes - Systematic Review
Pharmacoepidemiological study of migraine with the focus on 5HT1-receptor agonists
Prevalence and preventability of self-reported adverse drug events among the general public in Sweden
Recommendations for an automated dose dispensing system that supports patient safety
Risk analysis of an automated dose-dispensing process
The future of Professional development (PD) studies for community pharmacists
Validation and creation of renewal procedudes in Electronic Prescribtion in Finland
Community Pharmacy: GPP
A Professional and Sustainable Pharmacy: 12 Objectives for 2012
A successfull experience in promoting pharmaceutical assistance
Adoption of FIP/WHO guidelines on good pharmaceutical practice in Ukraine
Assessment of compliance with health services and the practice of pharmaceutical services in Brazilian community pharmacies
Clinical pharmacy practice in primary care-screening hospital discharge letters
Compliance with Protocols for Eye Conditions
Compliance with protocols in dental conditions
Continuing education in Pharmacy Belgrade in 2011
Counterfeit medicines- how to recognize them?
Detection of wrong ordering by pharmacists in Tehran’s community pharmacies
Dissemination of protocols for the management of gastro-intestinal disorders
Driving practice change within community pharmacy through the Quality Care Pharmacy Program and Pharmacy Practice Incentives
Dutch guidelines for medication safety
Ethics in pharmacy practice research: The relationship between researcher and participants
Evaluation of pharmacists competence in Serbia
False Prescription Database in Norway
Functions of Pharmacies responsible for Community Medicine
Guidelines programme for pharmaceutical care in the Netherlands
How do Indonesian Pharmacy Staff Response to Prescription? A Simulated Patient Study
Implementation of mathematical methods in management decision making and priority setting in pharmacy practice
Patient perspective about New generation pharmacy:- A study by Indian Pharmacist
Pharmacist’s Attitudes vs Patient’s Expectations
Quality Improvement through Self-Evaluation: an online application for Belgian community pharmacies
Shared Leadership in Finnish Community Pharmacies
The development of integrated management system in community pharmacy
Community Pharmacy: Pharmacy services
A College of Pharmacy’s Outreach Plan for Promoting Herd Immunity
A narrative review of pharmacy-based preventive health projects
A qualitative study exploring community pharmacists’ views regarding their role in CVD risk management and prevention in Alexandria, Egypt
A survey concerning the educational needs of diabetics and the potential role of community pharmacies in diabetes education programmes in Germany
Assessment of community pharmacists' knowledge of antimicrobial dispending for common skin infections
Awareness level of pharmacists about counterfeit medicines in Manipal and Udupi – A Survey
Baseline Study of Community Pharmacy Practice in Ireland (Published January 2011)
Clinical effectiveness of medication review with follow up (MRF) on aged polypharmacy patients. A pilot study in the program conSIGUE
Clinical pharmacy consultation service through information technology to improve physician access, prescribing and satisfaction in a community health center
Community pharmacy service in rural settings- challenges and obstacles
Correct dosage of penicillin to children: Customers perceptions of the service delivered at a Danish community pharmacy
Could community pharmacy medicine supply to aged care facilities benefit from quality improvement? Stakeholder perspectives and the resulting initiative
Counselling support to pharmacies working with municipalities on health care services
Cross-Sectional Study on antibiotic use in a resource - limited setting: Data from a district Hospital in rural India
Delphi Care, the scientific database to support pharmaceutical care in Belgium
Designing a Toolkit for implementing pharmaceutical services in Community Pharmacy in Spain: program conSIGUE.
Development and implementation of a framework for providing community pharmacy services
Do you enjoy the customers or prefer to withdraw?
Engagement as pharmacies in home palliative care-Collaboration with physicians, nurses, and other medical professionals and assessment of Collaborative Drug Therapy Management (CDTM) in Japan-
Enhancing Medication Safety in the Community Pharmacy - the North Rhine-Westphalia Concept
Feasibility and acceptability of a computerized medication-reminder service in German community pharmacies
Feasibility of using community pharmacists in focused surveillance for drug safety and effectiveness: A case study of antihypertensives in pregnancy
Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster Support: Activities of Pharmacists and the Pharmaceutical Associations
Impact of community pharmacy diabetes monitoring and education programme on diabetes management: a randomised controlled study
Importance of pharmacist – patient communication in dispensing dermatocosmetic formulations in community pharmacies: a pilot study
Improved medication supply models in aged care settings including non-medical prescribing
Improvement of the pharmaceutical service for the consumers of dermatocosmetic formulations prepared in Apoteka Beograd
Improving diabetes care for Canadians through the Diabetes Strategy for Pharmacists
Integrated Pharmaceutical Care
Knowledge and use of oral contraceptive pills and emergency contraceptive pills among adolescents in Sombor, Serbia
Lifestyle Modification Assistance Programs Provided by Community Pharmacies in Japan:Their Effects and Impact on Satisfaction
Medication Review in Nursing Homes and Home Care
Monitoring of 2 years new remuneration system for the Belgian community pharmacies
Patients perception on a Pharmacists role in Health Care in India
Pharmacists help to make financial savings in health care
Pharmacy-based type 2 diabetes services in an Indonesian setting
Potentially inappropriate medication Survey of the Elderly in Taiwan
Professional Service Implementation Index
Relationship Between Performance Barriers and Pharmacist Competency towards Implementation of an Expanded Public Health Pharmacy Role : A Structural Equation Modelling
Responding to Urinary tract infections during pregnancy in community pharmacy
Self-reported sexual risk factors for chlamydia: A survey of pharmacy-based emergency contraception consumers in Australia
Supply changes in Pharmacy Belgrade
The effective drug abuse prevention lecture a pharmacist performs
The role of pharmacist in decreasing antimicrobial resistance by educating parents
The role of pharmacists in decreasing antimicrobial resistance
The Strategic Plan for Pharmaceutical Care. Dispensing Service of Medicines and Medical Devices for Patients with Venous Insufficiency of the Lower Limbs
There Are Better Things To Smell: Building A Smoke Free NeighbourhoodPharmacist's Campaign Against Tobacco
Views of Community Pharmacists Regarding the Implementation of the New Medicine Service
History of Pharmacy
Hospital Pharmacy
A comparision of combination antiemetic regimens for prevention of PONV in breast surgery patients
A comparison of final year medical students’ and junior doctors’ views on their training and ability to prescribe antibiotics
A Cross-sectional Study on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern in Diabetic Foot Infections
A follow on project for hospital pharmaconomists entitled “Medical history, medicine discharge interviews and interdisciplinary collaboration'
A framework for the Implementaion of Clinical Pharmacy inNational University Hospital (NUH) Singapore
A Longitudinal Study of Patients Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy Using Pharmacy Refill Record Measure in a Tertiary Hospital in Nigeria
A multidisciplinary staff aproach in elder inpatients pharmacotherapy with polimedication.
A Re-Audit on the Incidence and Causes of Dispensing Near Misses at a leading London eye hospital
Acceptability of switching etanercept from a prefilled syringe to an autoinjection pen.
An Audit on the Use of the Medicines Information Service at a Leading Eye Hospital
An Experience of Exenatide Therapeutic Drug Monitoring from Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
An exploration of Pharmaceutical Counseling Service in a Chinese hospital pharmacy
Analysis for near miss from AERS on a regional hospital
Analysis of antibiotic sensitivity pattern in Hospital acquired pneumonia in a teaching hospital
Analysis of factors associated with thrombocytopenia in Chinese patients receiving intravenous linezolid therapy
Analysis the Antimicrobial Agent Prescribing Patterns in relation to the Emergence of Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus in a Medical Center
Antibacterial drug use in hospitalised paediatric patients: a comparison between the UK and Latvia
Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Cesarean Section: A Meta Analysis
Antibiotics induced severe pseudomembranous colitic in 1 patient
Anticoagulation related quality of life (ACQoL) and INR control of pharmacist-managed patients on warfarin therapy
Antimicrobial stewardship - an experience from a tertiary care teaching hospital of Pakistan
Application of Direct Observation of Procedural Skills Assessment in Dispensing Skills Training of Pharmacy Interns
Are Chloramphenicol Eye Drops prescribed appropriately in the treatment for Acute Bacterial Conjunctivitis?
Assessing Impact of Long ER Stay on Patients’ Missed Doses and Delays
Assessment of drug use pattern in Diabetes Mellitus patients in a rural Tertiary care teaching Hospital
Assessment of reactive drug interventions by a clinical pharmacist in a secondary care hospital
Assessment of requests for pharmacy preparations
Assessment of the benefits of pharmacist-patient medication couselling at the national orthopaedic hospital, Igbobi, Lagos, Nigeria
Association between the evaluation based on scientific evidence and final decisions made by Pharmacy and Therapeutics committees
Barcode Checking System Applied to Traditional Chinese Medication in Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
Clinical Pharmacist’s intervention study of individual Total nutrition admixture composition
Comparative studies of cytotoxic manufacturing practices in specialized Cancer Centers against international guidelines (ASHP, OSHA, HSE-UK)
Comparative study of the impact of pharmacists interventions during clinical rounds at the national orthopaedic hospital, Igbobi,Lagos, Nigeria
Comparison of the contamination levels on the exterior surface of the vials containing platinum anticancer drugs among the pharmaceutical products
Comparison of UPLC-MS-MS and Architect i1000 immunology analyzer methods for Cyclosporine A and Tacrolimus therapeutic drug monitoring
Comparison of use and role of Adrenaline and Amiodarone in Cardiac Arrest. Case od Emergency Center in Kosovo
Conversion from sirolimus to everolimus in kidney transplant recipients:The experience in a medical center in Taiwan
Counseling for Cigarette Cessation with carbon monoxide level in the exhaled breath
Determinants of Severe Hypoglycemia in Type 2 Diabetes
Determining the Delays in Medication Prescribing at a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital of Pakistan:
Development of a Charge Pharmacist Staffing Model at an Academic Medical Center
Development of Standard Treatment Guidelines in a Fragile State Setting with Limited Resources
Drug related problems (DRP) in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
Enhancing the Patient Safety by Establishing Warfarin Management Service in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital of Pakistan
Epidemiological analysis and pharmacological treatment of patients with LBP treated at the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinic
Establishment of Medication Barcode Standard and Hospital Application Model in Taiwan
Evaluating medication safety of chemotherapy prescription in a tertiary teaching hospital in northern Taiwan
Evaluating the impact of a pharmacy practice model change at an academic medical center
Evaluation of a novel antibiogram-based standard antibiotic policy in a tertiary care hospital, india
Evaluation of clinical laboratory indicators of patients treated with parenteral nutrition
Evaluation of Efficacy and Safety for Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 Inhibitors in Elderly Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Evaluation of multiple sclerosis patients quality of life followed as outpatients in Centro Hospitalar Leiria-Pombal
Evaluation of the clinical relevance of alerts generated by a drug utilization review system when used in a hospital setting
Evaluation of the risk of bleeding in patients using warfarin combined allopurinol with , benzbromarone and celecoxib.
Evaluation of Vildagliptin in patients with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes mellitus—A medical center experience in Taiwan
Extemporaneously compounded oral medicines in European hospital pharmacies
Fluvastatin-Associated Rhabdomyolysis after Coadministration of Clarithromycin
Formulary Selection Criteria for Biosimilars in the United States: Focus on Safety, Efficacy, and Manufacturer Capabilities
From course orientation to theory-based pracice development in a specialization program: a hospital pharmacy case in Finland
From pain assessment to pain therapy: documentation of pain in routine care
From the satisfaction of direct care for inpatient pharmaceutical services quality improvement
GnRH-a combined with oral contraceptive pill induced sinus thrombosis
Hospital acquired pneumonia: A multivariate analysis of risk and outcome
Hospital pharmacists help stroke patients discharged from hospital to enhance medication safety
Hospital pharmacists’ performance in preventing adverse drug events due to prescribing errors
Hospitalizations due to Drug Intoxications
Immediate renal effects of Parecoxib in orthopaedic patients : a randomized controlled study
Impact evaluation on the use of the human albumin protocol in consumption rationalization
Impact of pharmacist interventions on 5HT3 antagonist prescribing and overall management of chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting (CINV)
Impact of Prescribing Practices on Patient Waiting Times in a Hospital Pharmacy Dispensary
Impact of provide self-care education to post-renal transplant recipients by clinical pharmacist in renal transplantation clinic
Impacts of Team Resource Management Training Program to Pharmacists at a Medical Center in Northern Taiwan
Implementation of a High-Alert Medications Safety Program Leads to Improved Patient Outcome
Implementation of Accreditation Scheme for GCP-Certified Sites in China
Implementation of active monitoring system of adverse drug reactions in a Brazilian Tertiary Hospital
Improving the Use of Antibiotics through Pediatric Clinical Pharmacist Interventions in Pediatric Infection Ward
Improving survival of advanced heart failure using beta-blockers as adjunct in a teaching hospital in Ghana
Improving the appropriate of prophylactic antibiotic administration for joint replacement surgery in a Medical Center
Influence of ABCB1 gene plymorphisms on the pharmacokinetics of Rafampin among health Chinese han ethnic subjects
Influence of lipd levels in hypertensive patients (with or wihtout co-morbid conditions) of anxiety a d cognitive parameters in a South Indian population
Integrating Clinical Pharmacists Across the Cancer Continuum To Improve Medication Use, Patient Care, and Safety
Interaction of quinolines with the amino acids tryptophan, tyrosine and phenylalanine
Introducing Prefilled Methotrexate Syringes for Improving Patient Safety and Cost Effectiveness in Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Patients:
Introducing Template Based Computerized Physician Order Entry for Chemo Medications in aTertiary Care Teaching Hospital in Pakistan
Investigation of 50 Cases of Analgesic Drug Utilization During Perioperative Period
Low-dose glucocorticoid therapy complement the pituitary-adrenocortical system and reduce anxiety and insomnia in myasthenia gravis patients
Management of hypertension at a teaching hospital in Ghana
Management of metformin-associated lactic acidosis
Management of Methotrexate (MTX) induced acute encephalopathy in Pediatrics with ALL (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia) by Aminophylline and Dextromethorphan in a tertiary care hospital of Pakistan
Management of Peptic Ulcer Disease in Nigerian Ports Authority Clinics
Medication Adherence in patients with Hypertension in the Health Center of Coimbra-Portugal
Medication discrepancies in discharge paperwork among patients in the CO-OPERATE Geriatrics/Surgery co-management program
Medication Safety - moving from international guidelines to local action
Medicine reconciliation: An evaluation of hospital discharge discrepancies in one UK primary care trust
Medicine use indicators in Ho Municipal Hosptial, Volta Region, Ghana
Medicines implicated in admissions to elderly care wards in England
Metabolic Effects Of Olanzapine in Resource Constrained HIV-infected Patients
Microbial contamination of enteral feeding through oral intake
Nonimmunologic cutaneous reactions induced by drugs
Off-label use - only a matter of physicians` drug prescription?
Overview of Liver function in outpatient using cholesterol reducing drug Rosuvastatin
Patient medication education practices in Taiwanese hospitals
Patient recognition survey for pharmacist’s roleAt ambulatory pharmacy Bethesda hospital, Jogjakarta, Indonesia
Patients’ Perspective on Medications and Alternative Treatments for Managing Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Pattern of adverse drug reactions among inpatients in Jos University Teaching Hospital, North Central Nigeria
Perception of oral anti-cancer treatment
Pharmaceutical Intervention in of medical prescription´s validation
Pharmacists at the bedside – providing major patient impact
Pharmacy Care for a Rhabdomyolysis Patient
Physical and chemical stability of the cytotoxic drugs used in Centralized Unit for Handling Cytotoxic Drugs of Hospital de Faro, EPE
Postgraduate Courses for Pharmacist Prescribing- Basel Statement 32
Practice and Exploring of Medication Error Reporting in China
Practice of Patient Safety of Medication Administration——Experience from Chinese Hospital Pharmacy
Precautionary-type Quality Improvement Program in Abnormal Drug Distribution for the Inpatients
Predictors of Adherence to HAART in a Longitudinal Study using Unannounced Pill Counts Measure of Adherence
Prevalence and management of Urethral and Vaginal Discharge Syndromes at an STI Clinic in a District Hospital in Ghana
Prevalence of manifested drug-drug interactions in intensive care patients with cardiovascular diseases
Quality of life of patients with arterial hypertension and chronic renal failure
Rationalization of antibiotics consumption in 2011 in Clinical Centre of Serbia
Reducing medication returns in in-patient pharmacies of tertiary care hospital through system modifications and process improvement
Research on Different Administration Frequencies of Alprostadil(PGE1) for Post-Microsurgical Flap Survival Rate
Retrospective Review of the Outcomes of Intravenous Immunoglobulin in Neonatal Sepsis
Review of UTI diagnosis and management in infants 0-2 months old compared to 2-24 months
Right Drug to Right Patient-Improving Patient Identification
Role of pharmacist in management of adverse drug reactions in elderly at Ramathibodi Hospital, Thailand
Role of pharmacist intervention in emergency department to ensure medication safety and cost effectiveness
Role of the clinical pharmacist in outpatient treatment of HCV (hepatitis C virus)
Stability of Etopside Solutin 0,4mg/ml Prepared for Intravenouse Administration
Standard Chemotherapy Order Forms for reducing the number of chemotherapy-related near missing
Statistics of Chinese Medicine Usage in Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
Strategies for improving Pharmacy Service Documentation - a Taiwan Teaching Hospital Experience
Study of improvements modifiable risk factors for acute myocardial infarction patient by pharmacist intervention in an interdisciplinary team approach
Study on the use of crushed drugs prior to its administration to patients with swallow problems in a mexican hospital
Subacute Thrombosis Associated With Clopidogrel Resistance: A Case Report
Sucessful experience in treating multidrug resistant - Acinetobacter Baumanni (MDR-AB) meningitis
Systemic Evaluation of Safety and Effectiveness of Levothyroxine Between Different Contract Manufactures at a Medical Center in Northern Taiwan
The Changing Face of Cancer Care in North America:The Use of Consultative Pharmacy Services to Transition Care
The Clinical Treatment of Linezolid in a Case of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) Pneumonia Which Failed to Respond to Glycopeptides
The Development of a Global Health Residency in Kenya
The effect of estradiol, aspirin and prednisone on implantation and clinical pregnancy rate in women undergoing in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer
The Effect of New Alerting System on the Rates of Adverse Drug Events
The Emerging Concept: To set up seamless care system of family pharmacist
The identification and reporting of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) in a district general hospital setting
The lifecycle management system for drugs, from pharmaceutical manufactures to wholesalers and to use in hospitals
The pharmaceutical care in the process of therapeutic drug monitoring
The Project of Promoting Drug distribution Satisfaction
The Relationship between 7-Hydroxy-Methotrexate/Methotrexate Ratio and Methotrexate Terminal Elimination Rate in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Children and its Clinical Significance
The retrospective analysis of the use of antibiotics of tertiary hospitals in Beijing from June to December in 2011
The Role of Medication Counseling for Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women by Pharmacist
The role of pharmacist in the treatment of metabolic syndrome
The role of pharmacists:form Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring to Pharmacovigilance
The role of pharmacy interns in detecting drug-related problems on hospital wards
The Scale and Cost Effectiveness of Repeat Prescribing at a leading London Eye Hospital
The Use of Vancomycin and Therapeutic Monitoring of Serum Vancomycin Concentrations in Children with Sepsis
Therapeutic drug monitoring of meropenem is not enough without true MIC value
Therapeutic effect of recombinant human erythropoietin on anaemia with hemodialysis outpatients in Regional Teaching Hospital in Taiwan.
Three severe bumetanide-associated musculoskeletal reactions
Time-dependent stability and safety assessment of Total Parenteral Nutrition admixture prepared in hospital pharmacy
To analysis and statistic of Adverse Drug Reactions in herbal medicine in Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital
To enhance patient safety by minimizing medication dispensing errors in a tertiary care hospital through quality improvement initiatives
Transcription of physicians’ orders by nurses on a paediatric ward – only a minor problem?
Transdermal fentanyl patch as a pain reliever for cancer patients: a drug use evaluation in a local general hospital
Use of the medical system to improve the contrast medium of the incidence of adverse reactions
Use of Unlicensed & Equivalent Licensed Medicines at a leading London eye Hospital
Using the objective structured clinical examination for assessing the performance in patient education of fall-related drugs
Utility and safety of bevacizumab in patients with metastatic breast cancer
Valproic acid-carbapenems interaction in hospitalized patients:a retrospective evaluation and literature review
Vancomycin pharmacokinetics is a key to proper therapeutic monitoring
Variation of Valproic Acid Concentration During Concomitant Use of Carbapenem Antibiotics and Enzyme-Inducing Antiepileptic Drugs: A Retrospective Study
What do you know about Agomelatine?- Survey results on area health service (AHS) medical practitioner knowledge on a new medication
Industrial Pharmacy
Application of byproducts as profitable alternative for antimicrobial peptide production
Buffered sucrose candies as a safe strategy for children’s dental caries protection
Camptothecin fails to induce tumor necrosis factor-alpha treated HaCaT cells apoptosis
Comparative study of Benzoyl Peroxide and combination of Benzoyl Peroxide/Phytosphingosine on acne skin
Cytotoxicity evaluation of antimicrobial peptide: an in vitro assay
Effect of excipients on pharmaceutical and technological properties of uncoated tablets lithii carbonas
Evaluation of biorelevant in vitro test for desloratadine immediate release tablets based on in vivo results
Fast Dissolving Buccal Films of Sodium PicoSulfate
Formulation and evaluation of mucoadhesive bi-layer buccal tablets of Labetalol hydrochloride using natural polymers
Formulation and evaluation of nano drug delivery system of anti- inflammatory drug ibuprofen using factorial design
Formulation and evaluation of nano drug delivery system of antibiotic drug using factorial design
Formulation and evaluation of nanodrug delivery system of furosemide
Formulation and evaluation of sustained release tablets of glimepiride and metformin
Formulation and optimization of polymeric nano drug delivery system of anti-hyperlipidemic drug using factorial design
High content screening of 3D cell cultures for novel breast cancer therapy combinations
In Vitro Equivalence Testing of Amlodipine Besylate Tablets under BCS-Based Biowaiver Conditions
New biodegradable polymer blends of HDPE/starch and PP/starch as materials for pharmaceutical packaging
Structural Changes Pharmaceutical Wholesale Distribution in Korea
Synthesis of nanoparticles based on magnetic iron oxide for cancer treatment
Synthesis of new pyrazole derivatives derived from 4-hydroxy coumarin and evaluation of their biological activity
Laboratory and Medicines Control Services
Application of WHONET 5 Software for the Surveillance and Analysis of Antimicrobial Resistance in A Sudanese Hospital.
Colombia – Sierra Leone: A South – South Non-governmental pharmaceutical cooperation experience. First year
Determination of Sodium Benzoate in Primulae Veris Syrup by derivative spectrophotometry
Glucosamine preparations available on the Belgian market – a comparative study
Quality control and standardization of the medicinal preparation of combined action
The determination of Cyclosporine with different immunochemical techniques
Military & Emergency Pharmacy
A survey on the enlistment of pharmacists in a hospital battalion of the Swiss Armed Forces
Effects of Hypothermic on Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamic in Body
Emergency Medicine Supply System in China: A System Dynamics Approach
Perception and knowledge of malaysian pharmacy students towards influenza A(H1N1): an indicator of public health awareness among university students
Pharmacy Information
Absence of Registration and WHO Prequalification Standard - potential factors for the increase of MDR-TB in Moldova
Analysis for drug interactions of nonprescription drugs and prescription drugs
Assessment of therapeutic queries answered at the drug information service centre
Attitudes, practices and beliefs of general practitioners towards Chlamydia
CEDIME (Medicines and Health Information Center of National Association of Pharmacies, ANF, Portugal) - Supporting Portuguese Pharmacies’ advising on dietary supplements
Challenges to Children’s Access to Medicines in Moldova
Composing patient information webtexts on antineoplastic agents used in the home setting for, using patient panel sessions
Computerized Physician Order Entry Systems Contributing to Medication Errors – A Paradox
Confidence of customers in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the quality and safety of cosmetic products with unconventional composition
Developing a national Medicines Information Strategy in Finland - Using stakeholder analysis to inform decision making
Developing Rational Medicine Use Mass Media Messages in a Low Literacy Setting in Afghanistan
Development of a method to determine the level of understanding of package inserts for over-the-counter medication: Factors affecting understanding
Development of proper infrastructure for the improvement of regulatory performance - advertising of medicines and medical devices
Dietary Supplements - Technical and scientific analysis of major safety issues: caring for consumer’s health
Do drug information needs and health literacy affect kidney transplant patients’ adherence to immunosuppressant drugs?
Drugs and driving: practical guidelines for the healthcare professional
Drugs and renal impairment: practical dosing guidelines for the healthcare professional
Evaluation of self-administration of medication program for patient with spinal cord injury of a Brazilian center of neuroscience and rehabilitation
Farmanco: Drug shortages in the Netherlands
Geriatricians’, General Practitioners’, and Accredited Pharmacists’ views of geriatric medication management resources: A qualitative study
Guidelines for medication use during pregnancy in the Netherlands
Homeopathy Popular Knowledge in Oporto, Portugal
Impact of a pharmacist driven breast cancer awareness intervention
Implementing drug information strategy in Finland: Meeting medicines information needs of adolescents
Japanese consumers’ attitudes toward labelling information of non-prescription (OTC) medicines
Lipid regulating medicines consumption assessment in serbia during the period 2004-2010 year
Low health literacy patients in under-resourced systems: do they know what medicines information they need or want and where to source it?
Malaria Chemotherapy at a University Hospital in Ghana
Managing knowledge in the community pharmacy with KennisTest, a flexible management and education tool
Medicinal information and adolescents
Parameters on prescription drug in basic health units of the municipality of Petrolina-Pernambuco, Brazil
Patient Instruction Videos: a useful online health care service
Patients’ beliefs about medicines and quality of life after a medication review with care plan development: a case control study
Perception of a Newsletter for Community Pharmacists
Pharmacy practice in Russia: implementation of Good Pharmacy Practice standards through elaboration of educational programs of continuing professional development
The effects of presenting side effects in medicines information on anxiety, perceived susceptibility and perceived severity: grouping side effects by instructions compared with grouping by frequency
The role of drug advertising for patient’s compliance
Twenty years of a nationwide Brazilian experience in Medicines Information Centers
Use of sports nutritional supplements by physically active subjects of gyms in Oporto city
Using the Informatics system to improve the efficiency of clinical trials management
Pharmacy Technicians
Consumption profile of medicines during pregnancy in a Portuguese maternity
Croatian Association of Pharmacy technicians (PhT) – role of association in education of PhT in Croatia
Historical evolution of technical diagnostics and therapeutics in Portugal
International Mobility in The Pharmacy Degree at the School of Allied Health Sciences of Oporto
Job Satisfaction of Portuguese Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians
Medication Errors on Community Pharmacies – contributions for a better understanding
Medicinal plants in therapeutics now: a reality or a myth
Pharmacy Technicians Internship: The Oporto School Reality
Rational use of medicines – a portrait in a nursing home in Coimbra
Safety in the circuit of cytotoxic drug: contributions to the evaluation of hospital reality in portugal
Self-Medication among High School Adolescentsof Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal
Semester’s or Quarter’s? Opinion of students and teachers of Pharmacy degree from ESTSP-IPP about semester’s to quarter’s transition
Splitting tablets in clinical practice: an analysis in an Internal Medicine ward
Study of weight uniformity during tablet splitting in three different drugs
The training of Pharmacy Technicians in the School of Health Technology of Porto, Portugal - A historical perspective.
SIG: Analytical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Quality
A simple LC-MS/MS method for simultaneous determination of temsirolimus and its major metabolite in human whole blood
Assessment of microbiological quality and stability of purified water in practice
Bioanalytical method validation of pantoprazole sodium in human plasma and its application to bioequivalence study
Characterization of the possible degradation products of Zolpidem tartrate under varies stress conditions
Comparative evaluation of local periodontal treatment with betamethasone dipropionate using enzymatic and bioanalytical HPLC method
Determination of Steroids in Herbal Formulation by simple RP-HPLC Method
Development and validation of electrophoresis capillary and microbiological assay methods for determination of caspofungin in lyophilized powder.
Direct optical resolution of racemic ritodrine in serum
Dronedarone: determination in tablet dosage form by micellar electrokinetic chromatography, high-performance liquid chromatography and uv spectrophotometry
Effect of spheronizer plate design on the spheronization of ketoprofen
Elements in Medicines for oral administration
Formulation and in vitro evaluation of mucoadhesive controlled release matrix tablets of flurbiprofen using response surface methodology
Improvement of Medication Therapy Safety of Nursing Home Residents through Pharmacists` Intervention
In-line monitoring of a continuous blending process by NIR
Kinetic Calibration Based on Mass Transfer Dynamics of Hollow Fiber Liquid-Phase Microextraction and Its Application to Fast pharmaceutical Analysis
Medical Rep or Drug Dealer? The Path You'll Take! A Focus on Jordan Market
Metabolomics study about development of a bladder cancer screening with urine odor
Microwave-assisted forced degradation of duloxetine
Pharmaceutical quality and access in Nigeria: Evaluation of the Mobile Authentication Technology and stakeholder perceptions on quality and access
Quality of Amoxicillin Capsules and Tablets in Community Pharmacies in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: A Lot Quality Assurance Sampling (LQAS) Survey
Quality study of recombinant biological medicinal products, trastuzumab, rituximab and abatacept
Second-derivative spectrophotometry for analysis of simvastatin in polimeric nanocapsules
Solubility Enhancement of Gliclazide by Solid Dispersions
Stability of Rivaroxaban: Kinetic evaluation by alkaline hydrolysis and photodegradation
Stability-Indicating High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Chloramphenicol, Its Degradation Product, Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate and Tetrahydrozoline
UHPLC in the research of antioxidant properties of polyphenols in dietary supplements
Visualising shear stress distribution inside constrained flow geometries containing pharmaceutical powder excipients using photo stress tomography
SIG: Biotechnology
ATPMS evaluation as a separation technique to biopharmaceuticals
Bromelain extraction from pineapple residues using ethanol precipitation and its application in polymeric hydrogels
Cytotoxicity assay of stearylamine-containing nanoemulsion intended to carry pDNA
Development of high efficient gene delivery system with anionic surface charge
Gene Delivery to Pancreatic Cancer Cells via Intratumoral Injection of Chitosan-based Vector
Purification of bromelain from pineapple peel for therapeutic application in dermatological bases
Rapid determination of GSTP1 promoter methylation using differential high resolution melting analysis
SIG: Drug Design and Discovery
A design of succinimidyl ester compound with three coumarin moiety for synthesizing fluorescent antibody bioconjugate
Antitumour activity of the molecular complexes of uraciles and bacterial lectines
Biological activity of the substututed Benzimidazole
BIS-adduct of 5-Methyluracile and its antitumour activity
Computer-aided design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of novel 2-substituted aminomethylenepyrimidine-2,4,6-Triones as H1 antihistaminic agents (part2)
Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of memantine-polyamine conjugates as NMDA channel blockers
Methionine enkephalin inhibit the growth of SH-SY5Y cells through multiple mechanisms
New 3-aminorhodanine derivatives as potential antifungal agents
Nitrofurantoin permeability through Caco-2 cells: a parameter to develop new oral 5-nitro-heterocyclic compounds with potential activity against Multirresistant Staphylococcus aureus
Prucalopride for The Treatment of Chronic Constipation in Women in Whom Laxatives Fail to Provide Adequate Relief: A Systematic Review
Structure-based virtual screening, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel anti-toxoplasma and anti-neospora agents
Synthese and antiproliferative activity of Desmosdumotinsformyl substituted on A-ring analogs
Synthesis and antimycobacterial activity of novel 5-substituted-4-thiazolidinone-n-amino acid derivatives
Synthesis and evaluation of novel brain targeting chemical delivery systems of ciprofloxacin
Synthesis and pharmacological activity of some oxyindole derivatives
Synthesis of some novel 1, 3, 4-oxadiazoles derivatives by coupling with N-hydroxy methyl Phthalimide and evaluation of their anticancer activity
Synthesis, characterization and anthelmintic activity of some newer 1,3-thiazine derivatives
Synthesis, Characterization and Evaluation of Anticancer Activity of some new Schiff bases of 1,3,4-Thiadiazole derivatives
The use of NMR chemical shifts in correlation studies with molecular descriptors, drug-likeness scores and ADMET properties in a series of protein tyrosine kinase inhibitors
SIG: Formulation Design and Pharmaceutical Technology
A diclofenac sodium silk fibroin-chitosan microspheres : Preparation controlled-release in vitro and pharmacokinetic profile in rats
A feasibility study for nebulization of a model anti-asthma drug using dendrimers as nanocarriers
An investigation of natural and modified diatomite as potential carriers for diclofenac sodium
Analysis of Effects of Lubricant level, mixing time and tableting speed on dissolution of Glimpiride tablets
Chitosan-FAP-B nanoparticles: Novel non viral vectors for gene delivery to the lung epithelial cells
Design and Evaluation of Amlodipine Besylate-Hydrochlorothiazide Immediate-release combination tablets
Development and Characterization of Zidovudine Loaded PCL Nanoparticles
Development and evaluation of furosemide/ with hydroxipropyl-ß-cyclodextrin (HP-ß-CD) matrix tablets with hydroximethilpropylcelulose (HPMC)
Development and evaluation of SPG membrane emulsification system for enhanced oral bioavailability of itraconazole
Development of a Novel Miniemulsion-Based Topical Formulation of Lignocaine for Application to Open Wounds
Effect of antioxidants on the stability of ONO-1301, a novel long-acting prostacyclin agonist, loaded in PLGA microspheres
Effect of chitosan molecular weight on drug release from directly compressed alginate-chitosan matrices
Effect of drug loading on release liner removal from drug-in-adhesive transdermal films
Enhanced bioavailability of baicalin by nanocrystal drug delivery system using an ultrasonic-homogenization process
Formulation and Evaluation of a Topical Oily Gel Containing a Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug
Formulation and Evaluation of Fast Dissolving Blister Tablets of Ondansetron Using Zydis Technique
Formulation and in-vitro Evaluation of Salbutamol Sulphate in situ Gelling Nasal Inserts
Formulation and Pharmaceutical Evaluation of Bioadhesive Vaginal Tablets of Fluconazole
Formulation Design & Evaluation of Voglibose Microspeheres for the treatment of Post prandial Hyperglycemia
Hydrocortisone dermal bioavailability from alkyl polyglucoside emulsifier-stabilised bases: in vivo skin blanching assay
Improved dissolution and permeability of exemestane using gelucire 50/13
In Vitro Activities of Floroquinolones Entrapped in Non-ionic Surfactant Vesicles against Multi-Drug Resistant Bacteria Strains
In vitro and in vivo dissolution of nifedipine modified release tablets: how do they match?
In vivo anticancer and toxicological studies of liposomal formulations of (+)-catechin
In vivo study of a novel formulation of liposomal hydrogel for prolonged delivery of liposomes
Influence of the mixing regimen and high sheer mixer filling on the content uniformity of the venlafaxine hydrochloride dry blends
Investigation of hydrogel membranes containing combination of Timolol maleate and brimonidine tartrate for ocular delivery
Invitro charcaterization and cell cytotoxicty of insulin naoparticles composed of quaternized aromatic derivatives of chitosan
Maltosylated polyethylenimine-based triple nanocomplexes of human papillomavirus 16L1 protein and DNA as a vaccine co-delivery system
Method Development and Bioavailability Enhancement of solid dispersion contacting Nifedipine
Microbial contamination of Preservative Free Dexamethasone and Chloramphenicol Ophthalmic Solutions and their Containers.
Microencapsulated formulation of Lactobacillus casei for protecting probiotic stability in vivo and targeting release
New applications of hot-melt extrusion for uniform distribution of very low dose drugs
Novel photoactive antimicrobial nanofibers for biomedical applications
Photo-sessitive micelles encapsulated with nifedipine
Physical properties of fabricated polymeric films containing plasticizers and drugs
Polymeric Nanoparticles of NITTP: The percursor of the 18-FMISO
Possibilities for producing water-in-oil creams with hyaluronic acid in Galenical laboratory conditions
Preparation , in vitro and in vivo evaluation of malotilate spray-dried emulsion
Preparation and evaluation of fenofibrate SMEDDS using statistical experimental design
Preparation and evaluation of flurbiprofen-loaded self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery system (SNEDDS)
Preparation and evaluation of the time-controlled release tablet, a drug delivery system for chronopharmacotherapy
Preparation and In vitro Investigation of Chitosan Compressed Tablets for Colon Targeting
Preparation and in-vitro Evaluation of Drospirenone Intravaginal Ring (IVR)
Preparation of nanoparticles composed of thiolated quaternary ammonium of chitosan for buccal delivery of insulin
Preparation of novel valsartan SMEDDS employing statistical experimental design
Rabbits gastrointestinal fluids: a good model for drug solubility prediction in humans?
Study of the Physical Compression of Technological Excipients during Tablet Production
Study of the stability of commercial bromelain in cosmetic formulations
Synthesis and Characterization of Lactose-Carboxymethyl Chitosan and its Application in Coating Liposomes
Systemic delivery of andrographolide via the transdermal route using a new microemulsion system: in vitro and in vivo studies
Tacrolimus option in Lupus erythematodes – combination strategy
The effects of ethanol and oleic acid on glucosamine penetration test from transdermal nanoemulsion using franz diffusion cell
The new pH sensitive polycation improves the transfection activity of R8-modified lipid nanoparticles by facilitating siRNA condensation
The preparation of the insulin-phospholipids complex for the non-invasive insulin delivery systems
Towards biorelevant flow-through dissolution method for nimesulide immediate-release tablets: In vitro-in silico approach
SIG: Natural Products
A New Aristolactam Alkaloid from the stem of Dasymaschalon trichophorum Merr
Anti-fibrotic effects of wedelolactone and echinocystic acid on hepatic stellate cell LX-2
Anti-inflammatory Triterpenoids from Root Extract of Trianthema decandra Linn.
Anti-inflammatory effect of Apigenin-7-neohesperidoside (Rhoifolin) in carrageenin-induced rat edema model
Anti-inflammatory effect of Lycium Fruit water extract in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophage cells
Antioxidant flavonoids from Rhamnaceous plants Cu(II)-induced cell death by reducing reactive oxygen species in human Hep G2 cancer cells and normal mouse liver cells
Bacterial vaginosis: A review of non-antibiotic treatment options
Characterization of different UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT)-mediated metabolic behaviour of carvacrol in five species
Chemical composition and relaxant effect of chloroform extract of the underground parts of Ferula heuffelii
Cultivation of Shrubby Cinquefoil or Dasiphora fruticosa by seed and seedling
Effects of extraction time on coumarin concentration in Meliloti herba extract
Effects of two weeks exposure of ibogaine and noribogaine on mouse organs: morphologic evaluation
Enzogenol Regulates Lipid and Glucose metabolism in C57BL/KsJ-db/db Mice Skeletal Muscle
Evaluation of the wound-healing effect of some new phytotherapy ointments
Herbal medicine use in dysmenorrhea: determining extent of use and the commonly used herbs
In vitro and in vivo antioxidant and hepatoprotective effects of micromeria cristata l. extracts
In vitro Synergism of Fluconazole and three Aporphine Alkaloids from Fibraurea recisa against clinical isolates of candida albicans Resistant to Fluconazole
In vivo antioxidant activity of deodorized water extract of Thymus Pannonicus
Integration of Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Therapies for the treatment of acute paediatric pain within community pharmacy practice
Interaction of punica granatum fruit with carvedilol during isoproterenol induced myocardial injury
Investigation of bee bread collected in three regions of Latvia
Isolation of Lactobacillus Strains from Vagina with Potential Activity against Vaginal Pathogenic Strains
Medicinal plants used by a group of elderly from petrolina city in pernambuco
Nephroprotective activity of ethanolic extract of Aerva pseudotomantosa Blatt & Hallb in rats
Pharmacological Characterization of Ferulic Acid and Caffeic Acid as Potent Inhibitors for the Melanin Production in B16 Melanoma Cells
Pharmacological Characterization of Novel Taxus Lignans as Potent Inhibitors for the Initial Stage of Neurodegrative Diseases
Possible amelioration of oxidative, inflammatory and fibrotic cascades by plumbago zeylanica in hepatocellular injuries
Protective effect of apitherapy products in acetaminophen-induced hepatopathy
Quality Control of dietary supplements with soy isoflavones used in menopause
Studies on the Active Constituents of the Stem of Gordonia kwangsiensis
The effect of bio-transformed Korean herbal medicine, jaeum-ganghwa-tang and Gumi-ganghwal-tang on platelet aggregation in human platelet
The influence of apitherapeutic agent on glycosaminoglycan expression during experimental burn healing
SIG: Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism and Excretion
A modified LC-MS/MS method for determination of tetramethylpyrazine in microdialysis samples and calibration of home-made linear probes
A new analytical method of ritodrine in newborn serum by LC-MS/MS
Apoptosis Induced by Sonodynamic Therapy using a Novel Porphyrin Derivative DCPH-P-Na(I)
Blood distribution of bortezomib and its kinetics in multiple myeloma patients
Determination of piperphentonamine and metabolites M1 and M6 in human plasma and urine by LC/MS/MS and its application in a pharmacokinetics study in Chinese healthy volunteers
Different inhibitory effects of angiotensin II receptor blockers on cytochrome P4502C9 dependent formation of epoxyeicosatrienoic acids from arachidonic acid
Effect of cytochrome P450 1A2 genotype on theophylline pharmacokinetics and its interaction with decursinol angelate
Evaluation of the functional role of P-glycoprotein in tramadol neuropharmacokinetic
In vitro-in vivo correlations for an amorphous formulation of a poorly soluble compound
Percolation behavior in paracellular permeability
Pharmacokinetics of intravenous pinocembrin in healthy Chinese volunteers
Population pharmacokinetics study of cyclosporine in Chinese paediatric aplastic anemia patients
Proteomic analysis of ubiquitination-associated proteins in a Human Lung Adenocarcinoma Cisplatin-resistant Cell Strain
SIG: Regulatory Sciences
An overview on pharmaceutical regulatory system in Albania, evaluation of registration procedures and local requirements
Biomarker qualification new challenge for regulatory authorieties
Comparative in vitro dissolution studies of commercial diclofenac suppositories using the rotating dialysis cell and the flow through methods.
Current status & Strategies required for the development of Orphan drug
Discordances in the Classification of Renal Impairment in Summaries of Product Characteristics
Impact of Gastrointestinal Stability of Acetylsalicylic acid on the Biowaiver Approval of its Immediate Release Products
Marketing and advertising of pharmaceutical products - ethical perspective
Medicine labels - an insight into consumers' perspective
New medicinal products on the market of bosnia and herzegovina in 2010/2011 – the role of the national regulatory authority in access to medicinal products
Regulatory Approach for Non-Biological Complex Drugs
Regulatory challenges of nanomedicines
Regulatory requests in procedure of issue marketing authorisation for biosimilars
Strategy of Environmental Risk Assessment of Pharmaceuticals in japan
SIG: Translational Research and Individualized Medicines
Effect of Add-on Pentoxifylline Therapy on Proteinuria and eGFR in Membranous Glomerulonephritis: A 6-Month Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial
FASL-844CC genotype as a predictive factor for poor response to bacillus Calmette-Guerin immunotherapy
Genotyping single nucleotide polymorphisms directly from whole blood by pyrosequencing coupled with linear-after-the-exponential PCR
Impact of CES1A2 A(-816)C polymorphism on platelet reactivity after clopidogrel treatment in Chinese patients with coronary heart disease
Pharmacogenetics in Type 2 Diabetes Treatment.
Ratiometric dosing of indole-3-carbinol (I3C) and 2-methoxyestradiol (2ME) in cancer chemotherapy: a friend or a foe?
Social and Administrative Pharmacy
A Framework for a Register for Biological Agents in Rheumatology
A medication risk assessment tool for primary care. Results of a Finnish Consensus Panel of Experts
A Prestudy on Consumer Awareness Regarding Alleviating the Regulation of Non-prescription Drugs Sales in South Korea
A Study of Gender Differences in Employment of Recent Pharmacy Graduates
A Study of the Patterns of Off-Label Use resulting in Drug Relief Applications in Taiwan
Antibiotics for upper respiratory infections: public knowledge, beliefs and self-medication in the Republic of Macedonia
Assessing the regulatory framework for medicines and food in Afghanistan
Assessment of antibiotic availability without prescription in Lithuanian community pharmacies
Automated dose dispensing improves patient safety
Becoming a pharmacy owner from a staff pharmacist - how does this influence well-being at work? A qualitative research from Finnish community pharmacies
Catalysts for change: how Australian pharmacists are influencing prescribing behaviour
Chlamydia trachomatis: Epidemiology of Conjunctival and Genital Infections
Comparative analysis of drug revolving fund (DRF) and public partnership (PPP) program on drug supply management in Universtiy College Hospital (UCH, Ibadan, Nigeria
Comparative price of medicines in different commercial options in the Brazilian community pharmacies
Comparative status of health consumer's knowlegde, attitude and practice (KAP) regarding medicines and healthcare in developing economies
Comparison of Medical Prescriptions between Bulgaria and the Czech Republic with Relation to the European Directive of Cross-border Healthcare - European Perspective
Cost-Utility Study in Mexican patients with acute stroke treated with Dapsone in a public hospital in Mexico City
Cost/effectiveness Evaluation of the Treatment of Patients with Reumatoid Arthritis in public hospital in Mexico City
Critical Analysis of the Dispensing Process at a General Hospital Pharmacy
Distribution of medical products in Europe
Drug Shortages Reporting System in Taiwan
Drugs used in acid related disorders (A02): A five-year study of outpatient utilization in the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ensuring sustainability of Ghana's health insurance scheme through quality improvement and claims verification
Evaluation of Drug Advertisement in Medical Journals
Expered medicines, cost of the society
Exploratory descriptive study: Consumers' perceptions of analgesic advertisements
First results of the implementation of the Continuing Education process for pharmacists in Albania
Geriatrics care clinic: medication profiling and outcomes among the elderly in a rural community - philippine model
Health related quality of life in patients post-stroke: dapsone vs placebo
How to integrate data related with drugs prescription, distribution, consumption and destruction in the Albanian Healthcare System
Improving consumer access to medicines: innovative medicines reclassification in New Zealand (NZ)
In-vivo Evaluations of Liposome Entrapped Self-Assembled Supramolecular of Andrographolide with Hydroxypropyl-ß-Cyclodextrin Long-Circulating Nanoparticle Targeting Drug Delivery System
Intake of caffeine beverages in a cohort of students of the Oporto School of Allied Health Sciences
Integrating patient perspective into health technology assessment of pharmaceuticals in Finland
Investigation on pharmaceutical adulterants in foods with health claim during 2004 to 2010 in Taiwan
Is Japan about to switch on medicines reclassification?
Knowledge and practice of disposal of date expired and unused drugs
Low-cost generic drug discount programs: implications for patient safety
Marketing analysis of asthma and copd products on the pharmaceutical market in bulgaria for 2011
Marketing elements affect patient self-determination for the purchase of medicines
Measuring the importance of professional training in the international migration of pharmacists from sub-Saharan Africa
Method of confirming the authenticity of medicinal products to combat counterfeits in a global supply chain
Opinion Survey on Anti-Counterfeit Medicines in Taiwan
Outpatient Antibiotic Use in the South of Portugal
Overview of drugs reimbursement system in republic of Moldova
Patient satisfaction with provided information about medications
Patients knowledges about drug utilization
Perception of the Physician to the Role of the Clinical Pharmacists in the Egyptian Hospitals
Pharmaceutical care improves quality of life of hemodiaysis patients
Pharmacists’ perspectives on drug abuse control in the Nelson Mandela Metropole
Pharmacoeconomic analyses for choosing the right medicines for the essential list providers in the case of Kosovo
Primary care pharmacy indicators –the trend in Thailand
Primary Care Pharmacy Specialty Network Listserv: A Content Analysis
Public awareness towards pharmacist’s role in Lebanon
Public sector financing and expenditure on medications. Panama 2007-2011
Quality Function Deployment and Principal Component Analysis on the Quality of Generic Drugs in Japan
Socio-Cultural Challenges in the Management of Pediatric HIV/AIDS in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria
Taiwan public health new tools small tool! Big tone!
The current situation and problems of home medical care in an urban setting, including services provided by pharmacists
The estimation of household medicine kit
The impact of “e-Farmaci” online software in the auditing activities of Healthcare Insurance Institute in Albania
The relationship between the genetic polymorphism of CYP2C19*2?*3 and the clinical efficacy of clopidogrel: a systematic review
The role of governmental organizations to guarentee patient's safety through controlling. The quality of behavioral ethics in the controllers (controlling the controllers)
Transdermal Buprenorphine: utilization trends in United Kingdom primary care practice
Use of antibiotics for urinary tract infection in institutionalized and home-dwelling elderly
Use of antidepressant drugs in a cohort of students of the Oporto School of Allied Health Sciences
Validation of the Stroke-Specific Quality of Life Questionnaire in Mexican Stroke Survivors: A Pilot Test of its Psychometric Properties
What kind of antibiotic prescriptions are delivered in my pharmacy? Testimony of an Albanian pharmacist
Biography Igor Linhares de Castro
Biography Jaime Kravzov-Jinich
Biography Jill E. Martin-Boone
Biography Monika Derecque-Pois
Biography Rian Lelie- van der Zande
Centennial Declaration - Improving Global Health by Closing Gaps in the Development, Distribution, and Responsible Use of Medicines
FIP President Opening Ceremony Speech
Press Release - FIP responds: Pharmacists play key role to saving billions in healthcare spending
Press Release - FIP Stakeholder Roundtables
Press Release - FIP: “Pharmacists - do not wait for policy makers to take action
Press Release -500 billion USD in global health spending can be avoided annually through more responsible medicines use
Curriculum enrichment in a fragile state: initial experience from Afghanistan
Lecturers and students perception of students' evaluation of classroom reaching in a Nigerian Pharmacy School
A meta-analysis of fee-for-services medication review by community pharmacists
Case of the Week – a tool for implementation of National Standards for Counselling at the Counter
Collaborative Care: Experiences From a Student and a Pharmacist in the United States
Developing the Canadian Pharmacy Services Framework to support expanded patient-centred pharmacy services within a financially sustainable community pharmacy business model
Engaging Community Pharmacists in national TB programme: A path-breaking development in India
Online counselling from the pharmacy
Pharmacy based telecare for metabolic syndrom management
Providing Specific Pharmacy Service - Public Pharmacy Vrsac
Pseudoresistant hypertension caused by non-adherence and inappropriate antihypertensive prescription
Social responsibility of Pharmacy Beograd
Sticker action to create awareness of antibiotic leftovers in the family medicine cabinet
The Kano analysis of patients’ satisfaction at community pharmacy
Hospital Pharmacy Medication Safety - moving from international guidelines to local action
Pharmacists at the bedside – providing major patient impact
Role of the clinical pharmacist in outpatient treatment of HCV (hepatitis C virus)
Pharmacy Information Do drug information needs and health literacy affect kidney transplant patients’ adherence to immunosuppressant drugs?
Evaluation of self-administration of medication program for patient with spinal cord injury of a Brazilian center of neuroscience and rehabilitation
Geriatricians’, General Practitioners’, and Accredited Pharmacists’ views of geriatric medication management resources: A qualitative study
Implementing drug information strategy in Finland: Meeting medicines information needs of adolescents
Low health literacy patients in under-resourced systems: do they know what medicines information they need or want and where to source it?
Patients’ beliefs about medicines and quality of life after a medication review with care plan development: a case control study
SIG: Analytical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Quality Effect of spheronizer plate design on the spheronization of ketoprofen
Formulation and in vitro evaluation of mucoadhesive controlled release matrix tablets of flurbiprofen using response surface methodology
Improvement of Medication Therapy Safety of Nursing Home Residents through Pharmacists` Intervention
In-line monitoring of a continuous blending process by NIR
Medical Rep or Drug Dealer? The Path You'll Take! A Focus on Jordan Market
Solubility Enhancement of Gliclazide by Solid Dispersions
Visualising shear stress distribution inside constrained flow geometries containing pharmaceutical powder excipients using photo stress tomography
Social and Administrative Pharmacy A Prestudy on Consumer Awareness Regarding Alleviating the Regulation of Non-prescription Drugs Sales in South Korea
Antibiotics for upper respiratory infections: public knowledge, beliefs and self-medication in the Republic of Macedonia
Comparative analysis of drug revolving fund (DRF) and public partnership (PPP) program on drug supply management in Universtiy College Hospital (UCH, Ibadan, Nigeria
Comparative status of health consumer's knowlegde, attitude and practice (KAP) regarding medicines and healthcare in developing economies
Improving consumer access to medicines: innovative medicines reclassification in New Zealand (NZ)
Overview of drugs reimbursement system in republic of Moldova
Primary Care Pharmacy Specialty Network Listserv: A Content Analysis
Quality Function Deployment and Principal Component Analysis on the Quality of Generic Drugs in Japan
The role of governmental organizations to guarentee patient's safety through controlling. The quality of behavioral ethics in the controllers (controlling the controllers)
Transdermal Buprenorphine: utilization trends in United Kingdom primary care practice
Academic Pharmacy: Competency and pharmacy education
A Service learning activity: 600 students working together
Analysis and Evaluation of Examination Scores and Relative Factors of Beijing Community Pharmacist after Training
Community pharmacy practice for OTC treatment in a 6-year program for Japanese pharmacy students
Comparative survey of students' vs employers' expectations concerning professional attributes of pharmacy graduates
Comparing the numeracy skills of Malaysian- and UK-educated entry-level undergraduate pharmacy students using a validated diagnostic tool
Curriculum design of a competency-based program in pharmacy
Developing a curriculum and learning strategy to underpin development of competencies required for registration
Development of Practice-Based Experiences for 1st-year MPharm Students
Development of Work-based Learning in Pharmacy Education in Serbia
Dinamizar – A project to increase the competitiveness and performance of Portuguese Pharmacies
Do education councils regulate infrastructure or learning centers
E-learning environment for learning medication calculation skills: pharmacy students’ perceptions of its usefulness and development needs
Early experiential activities that assess curricular competencies
Evaluating Anaphylaxis Education for Pharmacists
Feasibility of Facebook as a tool for providing continuing education to community pharmacists: Results of a pilot study
Focus on collaboration - the need, aim, and opportunities in interprofessional education
Harmonising Pharmacy Clinical Competency for Students and Professionals: Findings and Results
Harmonising Pharmacy Clinical Competency for Students and Professionals: Irish students results
Health, Hygiene and Safety at Work – e-Learning case study
Identifying global pharmacy competencies using the Delphi Process
Identifying pharmaceutical human resources gaps and competency development needs in Afghanistan
Implementation of an innovative seminar course for fifth year pharmacy students
Improved medicines management practice as a result of competency based training
Influence of the Pharmacy Curriculum on Students’ Preparedness for Patient Care
Modernization of the Pharmaceutical Education in Russia
New model of postgraduate education - Advanced Courses
Pharmaceutical Education In India: Does it need a change?
Pharmacists’ knowledge about prevention of cardiovascular diseases in Moldova
Pharmacy Education in India - A Study of Student Perceptions of the Quality of Education
Postgraduate 2-year educational program for Dutch Community Pharmacists. An example of workplace learning using CanMeds competencies, task areas, and EPA’s
Preceptors need for support in tutoring students during traineeship in community pharmacies
Research of graduates career expectations on the pharmaceutical faculties of the Russian Federation
Self-medication strategies used for alleviating menstrual discomfort by 4th year students in Montenegro
Skill mapping an undergraduate Pharmacy degree
Survey of US Colleges of Pharmacy Regarding the Incorporation of Institute of Medicine Report Recommendations within the Doctor of Pharmacy Curriculum
Tailoring the delivery of a diabetes education program for pharmacists and student pharmacists in Salvador, Brazil
Teaching communication skills in pharmacy practice – To know and to do are two different things
The WHO FP Global Survey of Pharmacy Schools: Africa
The WHO FP Global Survey of Pharmacy Schools: North America
To assess the factors affecting numerical ability of pharmacy students and identify where areas of provision could be improved
Training Student Pharmacists in Global Health Initiatives
Transformational Leadership in Pharmacy: What Is It and How Do We Develop It?
Transformative Learning: Meeting Practice Transformation Challenges
Transforming Practice Expectations to Expand the Pharmacist Role:A competency based approach
UK pre-registration and student pharmacist self-reported competence and perceived relevance of General Pharmaceutical Council Standards
We don’t need communication training, why is it in our curriculum?
Academic Pharmacy: Hot topics in Clinical Pharmacy Education
A B-learning strategy for Therapeutics at the Bachelor Level
A Model for a Residency in Global Health
Advanced Practice in Infectious Diseases (ID) and Antimicrobial Stewardship (AS): meeting the education needs of pharmacists
Antibiotics ordering error reporting and clinical pharmacist oriented prevention program in emergency department
Comparison of Motivation, Attitudes and Use of Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs and Supplements Between Practicing Pharmacists and Pharmacy Students
Comparison of Motivation, Attitudes and Use of Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs and Supplements in Pharmacy and Nursing Students
Designing a Pharmacy Elective Course to Advance Student Learning in Global Public Health
Development of a new specialty residency program in medication therapy management
Development of a postgraduate unit in Palliative Care: meeting the education needs for the National Palliative Care Strategy
Evaluation of clinical skills with an objective structured clinical examination
Gamma Radiation Sterilization Effects on the Physico-Chemical Quality of Syringes
Gender Differences in HbA1c Levels in Children and Young Peoplewith Type 1 Diabetes: a Longitudinal Analysis
Geriatric pharmacology and pharmacotherapy education for health professionals and students: a systematic review
Integrating pharmacy students in interprofessional education (IPE) teams-experiences with student led disease state and medication management reviews (DSMMR)
Is Training/Timing Everything? Determining Learner Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Experiences
Long-Term Case Review Program during On-Site Training for Development of Clinical Competence of Pharmacy Students
Masters in Counseling and Information in Pharmacy: results of the first edition
Multidisciplinary Team Care: The Essential Role of Clinical Pharmacists
Perception of Indian future pharmacists towards pharmaceutical care
The role of clinical pharmacist in the personalized therapy of hypertension
To evaluate the effectiveness of intern education in pharmacy in a teaching hospital of Taiwan
Veterinary Medicines: Knowledge and Perception of Maltese Pharmacists and Pharmacy Students
What are the views of third and fourth year pharmacy undergraduates on prescribing and therapeutics interprofessional education (IPE) with medical students?
Academic Pharmacy: Other
Comparing Mind Maps of Pharmacists Regarding their Role in Medication Adherence in a South African Setting
Curriculum enrichment in a fragile state: initial experience from Afghanistan
Developing Interprofessional Education in and Academic Health Center
Development and implementation of a career project for third year pharmacy students
How well are Foundation Year One hospital doctors (FY1) prepared for their role as prescribers? The views of FY1s and their supervising medical consultants
Identifying under-graduate Pharmacy leadership opportunities
Implementation and Evaluation of an Education Program for Pharmacists for the Management of Minor Ailments
Lecturers and students perception of students' evaluation of classroom reaching in a Nigerian Pharmacy School
Perception analysis of pharmacy graduate education system among pharmacy graduate students
Perceptual Systems of Pharmacy Students regarding their Future Role in Medication Adherence in a South African Setting
Portuguese pharmacy students: what they think about their near future?
Short-term comprehensive clinical pharmacy education program for international pharmacists
Student Governance in U.S. Colleges and Schools of Pharmacy
Studying the influences of pharmaceutical marketing in Iran (Based on the pharmacists opinion of pharmaceutical promotion)
Technology enhanced pharmacy education: Using the virtual learning environment Moodle to support the development of professional attributes.
The Czech Pharmaceutical Society 1871-2012
The perception of pharmacy students on the use of their character strengths as an approach to improve patient adherence
Using technology to break down barriers in pharmacy education: a case study
Virtual cleanrooms for interactive learning and assessment of principles and practices of sterile dispensing
Academic Pharmacy: Quality assurance and the student learning experience
Evaluation of mutagenic effects of oestradiol on human leukocytes of Alzheimer Disease, elderly and young donors in the Comet assay
Evaluation of the pharmacy practice resource unit
Experiences and success factors from the pilot and launch of ADAPT: an online patient care skills development continuing education program for pharmacists
Global Students’ Learning Experience
Medical and Pharmacy Students’ Knowledge towards the Generic and Brand Medicines in Bangladesh
Pharmacy Students’ Perceptions of an Interactive Blended Course in Public Health
State of the art of the mexican accreditation on pharmacy programs
The use of standardised tools as part of learning portfolios in Patient Data and Pharmacotherapy (PDP) distance education units
Use of paediatric protocols as training tools for pharmacy students
Clinical Biology
Additive anticonvulsant effects of agmatine and lithium chloride on pentylenetetrazole-induced clonic seizure in mice: involvement of a2-adrenoceptor
Assessment of oxidative stress status in ischemic heart disease patients with type2 diabetes in tertiary care teaching hospital of northern Telangana region
Effect of BAPTA-AM on hydrogen peroxide-induced cell hypertrophy in H9c2 cardiomyblasts
Escherichia Colin in Clinical Hospital Center Osijek in period 2008-2011
Evaluation of Oxidative Stress Markers in Chronic Kidney Disease patients
Serum TNF-a levels in rheumatoid arthritis patients treated with TNF inhibitors
Community Pharmacy
A meta-analysis of fee-for-services medication review by community pharmacists
Case of the Week – a tool for implementation of National Standards for Counselling at the Counter
Collaborative Care: Experiences From a Student and a Pharmacist in the United States
Developing the Canadian Pharmacy Services Framework to support expanded patient-centred pharmacy services within a financially sustainable community pharmacy business model
Engaging Community Pharmacists in national TB programme: A path-breaking development in India
Online counselling from the pharmacy
Pharmacy based telecare for metabolic syndrom management
Providing Specific Pharmacy Service - Public Pharmacy Vrsac
Pseudoresistant hypertension caused by non-adherence and inappropriate antihypertensive prescription
Social responsibility of Pharmacy Beograd
Sticker action to create awareness of antibiotic leftovers in the family medicine cabinet
The Kano analysis of patients’ satisfaction at community pharmacy
Community Pharmacy: Compounding
Effectiveness of ex tempore prepared vaginal ovules in the treatment of vaginal bacterial infections
Eyelid infection with Demodex folliculorum and treatment with compounded topical metronidasol cream and gel
Pharmaceutical Compounding - 'Magistral' Preparations in a Pharmacy - Comparison between The Czech Republic and Bulgaria
Solid Dosage Forms Administered to Patients Unable to Swallow: To Compound or Crush?
Community Pharmacy: Counselling activities and supporting adherence
A review of the information-gathering process for the provision of self medication services via community pharmacies in developing countries
A Study of the Profile of Users of the Emergency Contraception Service in Selected Community Pharmacies in Ireland
Antibiotic Awareness Week in Czech pharmacies - patients’ perspective on rational use of antibiotics
Antiepileptic and Antiparkinsonian Drug use for old people living in nursing homes: first report from a collaborative pharmaceutical service in a Swiss canton
Anxiety management non-benzodiazepine drugs; pharmacy compounding lessens the risk of substance abuse and benzodiazepine dependence
Are families aware of the risks of using nonprescription cough and cold medications in children? A study of parental perceptions post FDA public health advisory.
Ask, Assess, Advise: Helping Australian pharmacy assistants respond to requests for non-prescription medicines
Assessing the quality of advice for supply of non-prescription medicines in Australian community pharmacies; a quantitative framework
Assessment of medication related problems in geriatrics
Asymmetric Information and Medication Counseling: An Empirical Study on Japanese Community Pharmacy Setting
Attempt to avoid patient medication errors by pharmacists
Change in patient attitudes towards antibiotics - Is there hope?
Characterization of patients caree in the pharmacy of the hospital school of Saint Francis of Assisi, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: an evaluative study
Community Pharmacists for Diabetes Patients intervention Study in Japan (COMPASS-Project1)
Consumption of psycholeptics and psycho analeptics in nis region, South Serbia (2001-2011)
Counselling patients in everyday pharmacy practice and track the counselling topics
Depression training involving consumer educators: Impact on practice and attitudes toward pharmaceutical care for people with depression
Development of outcome measures to investigate intermediate medication reviews provided in community pharmacies
Differences in sale patterns for original and generic medicinal products
Drugs and safe driving - How much do our drivers know?
Effects of Thiazolidinediones on development of macrovascular complications in type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Evaluation of hiv positive patient adherence to antiretrovirals treatment
Evaluation, validation and modification of pictograms depicting potential side effects to medication
Factors affecting patient adherence and satisfaction: An empirical study on the community pharmacy in Japan
Good communication- a significant factor for successful therapy
How many words does a picture really tell? A cross-sectional descriptive study of pictogram evaluation in youth
Implementation of pharmaceutical care to patients of unified health system who use drugs of primary care of the University of Rio de Janeiro
Information Sharing Promotes Rational Medicine Use in Afghanistan
Knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of pharmacists in Zimbabwe on their role in the prevention and management of non-communicable diseases
Level of gastro protection in patients using non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the main Albanian city
Lifestyle Interventions for Cancer Health Promotion : Assessing Attitudes, Perceptions and Awareness Among Community Pharmacist in Harare
M Health for Promoting Quality Medicine: A Case Study
Methotrexat adherence among patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Modernization in Pharmacy Belgrade
Patient adherence in arterial hypertension therapy
Patient counseling in pharmacy practice – Optimization of drug therapy
Patient safety in using blood glucose meters
Pen-injected Insulin Therapy: Experiences and Views of Diabetic Patients in Nigeria
Pharmaceutical care with images. A step forward in understanding and adherenceto the treatment
Pharmaceutical pictograms and elderly - a portuguese pilot study
Pharmacy staff perspectives on the influence of advertising and the media on customers’ selection of non-prescription medicines in Vietnam
Prevention of constipation among users of opioids at a Danish community pharmacy: Patient information and laxative treatment
Safe and Effective Use of Medicines for vulnerable ethnic minorities in relation to the labour market - development of a pharmacist-delivered counselling programme
Self medication of children by Parents in a Nigerian community.
Self-medication with antitussives and expectorants
Studies on the prevalence of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and associated factors in four rural villages of Andhra Pradesh, India
Supplement Use During Pregnancy: Findings from the Growing up in Ireland study
The AdherenceMonitor: a website on medication adherence and pharmaceutical care in the Netherlands
The Eczema Journal- a tool developed by a community pharmacy in Koege, for dermatologists and their patients
The incidence of drug-related problems in self-medication in Danish community pharmacies
The participation of community pharmacists in preventing irrational and improper use of antibiotics
The role and the part of pharmacist in reducing side effects of non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs in older patients
The survey about food supplements use
The use of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in patients receiving warfarin oral anticoagulant therapy
Theoretical potential profile of prescription drug interactions in Brazilian Intensive Care Units
To split or not to split oral pharmaceutical dosage forms?
Train your curriculum: A board game used in the education of pharmaconomist-students at a community pharmacy in Denmark
Use of antiretroviral medication (ARV) in Federal Hospital of Rio de Janeiro: a pharmaceutical care approach
Validation of a Pictogram-Based Sickle Cell Action Plan and Prescription for Children with Sickle Cell Disease
Waste Medicines: An investigation of how patients order their repeat prescriptions
Waste Medicines: The influence of repeat prescription ordering by patients
What information do patient want who have long term chronic conditions?
Community Pharmacy: Dispensing activities (processes)
Addressing the challenge of drug shortages in Canada and its impact on patient care
Analysis of prescription intervention at Ballerup Apotek to prevent future intervention
Comparison of over-the-counter and prescription-only analgesic prescribing
Developing international best practice guidelines for pharmaceutical care practice in a German community pharmacy setting
Effectiveness of the dispensing of drugs in patient knowledge concerning their medication
Exploring the dispensing process pharmacists undertake when dealing with children's liquid medicines
Implementing a Medication Recycling Program: a Pilot Project in Ottawa, Canada
Medicine dispensing individual customized quantities at community pharmacies in Portugal
Methods for measuring and monitoring the medication adherence in type 2 Diabetes - Systematic Review
Pharmacoepidemiological study of migraine with the focus on 5HT1-receptor agonists
Prevalence and preventability of self-reported adverse drug events among the general public in Sweden
Recommendations for an automated dose dispensing system that supports patient safety
Risk analysis of an automated dose-dispensing process
The future of Professional development (PD) studies for community pharmacists
Validation and creation of renewal procedudes in Electronic Prescribtion in Finland
Community Pharmacy: GPP
A Professional and Sustainable Pharmacy: 12 Objectives for 2012
A successfull experience in promoting pharmaceutical assistance
Adoption of FIP/WHO guidelines on good pharmaceutical practice in Ukraine
Assessment of compliance with health services and the practice of pharmaceutical services in Brazilian community pharmacies
Clinical pharmacy practice in primary care-screening hospital discharge letters
Compliance with Protocols for Eye Conditions
Compliance with protocols in dental conditions
Continuing education in Pharmacy Belgrade in 2011
Counterfeit medicines- how to recognize them?
Detection of wrong ordering by pharmacists in Tehran’s community pharmacies
Dissemination of protocols for the management of gastro-intestinal disorders
Driving practice change within community pharmacy through the Quality Care Pharmacy Program and Pharmacy Practice Incentives
Dutch guidelines for medication safety
Ethics in pharmacy practice research: The relationship between researcher and participants
Evaluation of pharmacists competence in Serbia
False Prescription Database in Norway
Functions of Pharmacies responsible for Community Medicine
Guidelines programme for pharmaceutical care in the Netherlands
How do Indonesian Pharmacy Staff Response to Prescription? A Simulated Patient Study
Implementation of mathematical methods in management decision making and priority setting in pharmacy practice
Patient perspective about New generation pharmacy:- A study by Indian Pharmacist
Pharmacist’s Attitudes vs Patient’s Expectations
Quality Improvement through Self-Evaluation: an online application for Belgian community pharmacies
Shared Leadership in Finnish Community Pharmacies
The development of integrated management system in community pharmacy
Community Pharmacy: Pharmacy services
A College of Pharmacy’s Outreach Plan for Promoting Herd Immunity
A narrative review of pharmacy-based preventive health projects
A qualitative study exploring community pharmacists’ views regarding their role in CVD risk management and prevention in Alexandria, Egypt
A survey concerning the educational needs of diabetics and the potential role of community pharmacies in diabetes education programmes in Germany
Assessment of community pharmacists' knowledge of antimicrobial dispending for common skin infections
Awareness level of pharmacists about counterfeit medicines in Manipal and Udupi – A Survey
Baseline Study of Community Pharmacy Practice in Ireland (Published January 2011)
Clinical effectiveness of medication review with follow up (MRF) on aged polypharmacy patients. A pilot study in the program conSIGUE
Clinical pharmacy consultation service through information technology to improve physician access, prescribing and satisfaction in a community health center
Community pharmacy service in rural settings- challenges and obstacles
Correct dosage of penicillin to children: Customers perceptions of the service delivered at a Danish community pharmacy
Could community pharmacy medicine supply to aged care facilities benefit from quality improvement? Stakeholder perspectives and the resulting initiative
Counselling support to pharmacies working with municipalities on health care services
Cross-Sectional Study on antibiotic use in a resource - limited setting: Data from a district Hospital in rural India
Delphi Care, the scientific database to support pharmaceutical care in Belgium
Designing a Toolkit for implementing pharmaceutical services in Community Pharmacy in Spain: program conSIGUE.
Development and implementation of a framework for providing community pharmacy services
Do you enjoy the customers or prefer to withdraw?
Engagement as pharmacies in home palliative care-Collaboration with physicians, nurses, and other medical professionals and assessment of Collaborative Drug Therapy Management (CDTM) in Japan-
Enhancing Medication Safety in the Community Pharmacy - the North Rhine-Westphalia Concept
Feasibility and acceptability of a computerized medication-reminder service in German community pharmacies
Feasibility of using community pharmacists in focused surveillance for drug safety and effectiveness: A case study of antihypertensives in pregnancy
Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster Support: Activities of Pharmacists and the Pharmaceutical Associations
Impact of community pharmacy diabetes monitoring and education programme on diabetes management: a randomised controlled study
Importance of pharmacist – patient communication in dispensing dermatocosmetic formulations in community pharmacies: a pilot study
Improved medication supply models in aged care settings including non-medical prescribing
Improvement of the pharmaceutical service for the consumers of dermatocosmetic formulations prepared in Apoteka Beograd
Improving diabetes care for Canadians through the Diabetes Strategy for Pharmacists
Integrated Pharmaceutical Care
Knowledge and use of oral contraceptive pills and emergency contraceptive pills among adolescents in Sombor, Serbia
Lifestyle Modification Assistance Programs Provided by Community Pharmacies in Japan:Their Effects and Impact on Satisfaction
Medication Review in Nursing Homes and Home Care
Monitoring of 2 years new remuneration system for the Belgian community pharmacies
Patients perception on a Pharmacists role in Health Care in India
Pharmacists help to make financial savings in health care
Pharmacy-based type 2 diabetes services in an Indonesian setting
Potentially inappropriate medication Survey of the Elderly in Taiwan
Professional Service Implementation Index
Relationship Between Performance Barriers and Pharmacist Competency towards Implementation of an Expanded Public Health Pharmacy Role : A Structural Equation Modelling
Responding to Urinary tract infections during pregnancy in community pharmacy
Self-reported sexual risk factors for chlamydia: A survey of pharmacy-based emergency contraception consumers in Australia
Supply changes in Pharmacy Belgrade
The effective drug abuse prevention lecture a pharmacist performs
The role of pharmacist in decreasing antimicrobial resistance by educating parents
The role of pharmacists in decreasing antimicrobial resistance
The Strategic Plan for Pharmaceutical Care. Dispensing Service of Medicines and Medical Devices for Patients with Venous Insufficiency of the Lower Limbs
There Are Better Things To Smell: Building A Smoke Free NeighbourhoodPharmacist's Campaign Against Tobacco
Views of Community Pharmacists Regarding the Implementation of the New Medicine Service
History of Pharmacy
Hospital Pharmacy
A comparision of combination antiemetic regimens for prevention of PONV in breast surgery patients
A comparison of final year medical students’ and junior doctors’ views on their training and ability to prescribe antibiotics
A Cross-sectional Study on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern in Diabetic Foot Infections
A follow on project for hospital pharmaconomists entitled “Medical history, medicine discharge interviews and interdisciplinary collaboration'
A framework for the Implementaion of Clinical Pharmacy inNational University Hospital (NUH) Singapore
A Longitudinal Study of Patients Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy Using Pharmacy Refill Record Measure in a Tertiary Hospital in Nigeria
A multidisciplinary staff aproach in elder inpatients pharmacotherapy with polimedication.
A Re-Audit on the Incidence and Causes of Dispensing Near Misses at a leading London eye hospital
Acceptability of switching etanercept from a prefilled syringe to an autoinjection pen.
An Audit on the Use of the Medicines Information Service at a Leading Eye Hospital
An Experience of Exenatide Therapeutic Drug Monitoring from Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
An exploration of Pharmaceutical Counseling Service in a Chinese hospital pharmacy
Analysis for near miss from AERS on a regional hospital
Analysis of antibiotic sensitivity pattern in Hospital acquired pneumonia in a teaching hospital
Analysis of factors associated with thrombocytopenia in Chinese patients receiving intravenous linezolid therapy
Analysis the Antimicrobial Agent Prescribing Patterns in relation to the Emergence of Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus in a Medical Center
Antibacterial drug use in hospitalised paediatric patients: a comparison between the UK and Latvia
Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Cesarean Section: A Meta Analysis
Antibiotics induced severe pseudomembranous colitic in 1 patient
Anticoagulation related quality of life (ACQoL) and INR control of pharmacist-managed patients on warfarin therapy
Antimicrobial stewardship - an experience from a tertiary care teaching hospital of Pakistan
Application of Direct Observation of Procedural Skills Assessment in Dispensing Skills Training of Pharmacy Interns
Are Chloramphenicol Eye Drops prescribed appropriately in the treatment for Acute Bacterial Conjunctivitis?
Assessing Impact of Long ER Stay on Patients’ Missed Doses and Delays
Assessment of drug use pattern in Diabetes Mellitus patients in a rural Tertiary care teaching Hospital
Assessment of reactive drug interventions by a clinical pharmacist in a secondary care hospital
Assessment of requests for pharmacy preparations
Assessment of the benefits of pharmacist-patient medication couselling at the national orthopaedic hospital, Igbobi, Lagos, Nigeria
Association between the evaluation based on scientific evidence and final decisions made by Pharmacy and Therapeutics committees
Barcode Checking System Applied to Traditional Chinese Medication in Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
Clinical Pharmacist’s intervention study of individual Total nutrition admixture composition
Comparative studies of cytotoxic manufacturing practices in specialized Cancer Centers against international guidelines (ASHP, OSHA, HSE-UK)
Comparative study of the impact of pharmacists interventions during clinical rounds at the national orthopaedic hospital, Igbobi,Lagos, Nigeria
Comparison of the contamination levels on the exterior surface of the vials containing platinum anticancer drugs among the pharmaceutical products
Comparison of UPLC-MS-MS and Architect i1000 immunology analyzer methods for Cyclosporine A and Tacrolimus therapeutic drug monitoring
Comparison of use and role of Adrenaline and Amiodarone in Cardiac Arrest. Case od Emergency Center in Kosovo
Conversion from sirolimus to everolimus in kidney transplant recipients:The experience in a medical center in Taiwan
Counseling for Cigarette Cessation with carbon monoxide level in the exhaled breath
Determinants of Severe Hypoglycemia in Type 2 Diabetes
Determining the Delays in Medication Prescribing at a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital of Pakistan:
Development of a Charge Pharmacist Staffing Model at an Academic Medical Center
Development of Standard Treatment Guidelines in a Fragile State Setting with Limited Resources
Drug related problems (DRP) in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
Enhancing the Patient Safety by Establishing Warfarin Management Service in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital of Pakistan
Epidemiological analysis and pharmacological treatment of patients with LBP treated at the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinic
Establishment of Medication Barcode Standard and Hospital Application Model in Taiwan
Evaluating medication safety of chemotherapy prescription in a tertiary teaching hospital in northern Taiwan
Evaluating the impact of a pharmacy practice model change at an academic medical center
Evaluation of a novel antibiogram-based standard antibiotic policy in a tertiary care hospital, india
Evaluation of clinical laboratory indicators of patients treated with parenteral nutrition
Evaluation of Efficacy and Safety for Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 Inhibitors in Elderly Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Evaluation of multiple sclerosis patients quality of life followed as outpatients in Centro Hospitalar Leiria-Pombal
Evaluation of the clinical relevance of alerts generated by a drug utilization review system when used in a hospital setting
Evaluation of the risk of bleeding in patients using warfarin combined allopurinol with , benzbromarone and celecoxib.
Evaluation of Vildagliptin in patients with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes mellitus—A medical center experience in Taiwan
Extemporaneously compounded oral medicines in European hospital pharmacies
Fluvastatin-Associated Rhabdomyolysis after Coadministration of Clarithromycin
Formulary Selection Criteria for Biosimilars in the United States: Focus on Safety, Efficacy, and Manufacturer Capabilities
From course orientation to theory-based pracice development in a specialization program: a hospital pharmacy case in Finland
From pain assessment to pain therapy: documentation of pain in routine care
From the satisfaction of direct care for inpatient pharmaceutical services quality improvement
GnRH-a combined with oral contraceptive pill induced sinus thrombosis
Hospital acquired pneumonia: A multivariate analysis of risk and outcome
Hospital pharmacists help stroke patients discharged from hospital to enhance medication safety
Hospital pharmacists’ performance in preventing adverse drug events due to prescribing errors
Hospitalizations due to Drug Intoxications
Immediate renal effects of Parecoxib in orthopaedic patients : a randomized controlled study
Impact evaluation on the use of the human albumin protocol in consumption rationalization
Impact of pharmacist interventions on 5HT3 antagonist prescribing and overall management of chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting (CINV)
Impact of Prescribing Practices on Patient Waiting Times in a Hospital Pharmacy Dispensary
Impact of provide self-care education to post-renal transplant recipients by clinical pharmacist in renal transplantation clinic
Impacts of Team Resource Management Training Program to Pharmacists at a Medical Center in Northern Taiwan
Implementation of a High-Alert Medications Safety Program Leads to Improved Patient Outcome
Implementation of Accreditation Scheme for GCP-Certified Sites in China
Implementation of active monitoring system of adverse drug reactions in a Brazilian Tertiary Hospital
Improving the Use of Antibiotics through Pediatric Clinical Pharmacist Interventions in Pediatric Infection Ward
Improving survival of advanced heart failure using beta-blockers as adjunct in a teaching hospital in Ghana
Improving the appropriate of prophylactic antibiotic administration for joint replacement surgery in a Medical Center
Influence of ABCB1 gene plymorphisms on the pharmacokinetics of Rafampin among health Chinese han ethnic subjects
Influence of lipd levels in hypertensive patients (with or wihtout co-morbid conditions) of anxiety a d cognitive parameters in a South Indian population
Integrating Clinical Pharmacists Across the Cancer Continuum To Improve Medication Use, Patient Care, and Safety
Interaction of quinolines with the amino acids tryptophan, tyrosine and phenylalanine
Introducing Prefilled Methotrexate Syringes for Improving Patient Safety and Cost Effectiveness in Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Patients:
Introducing Template Based Computerized Physician Order Entry for Chemo Medications in aTertiary Care Teaching Hospital in Pakistan
Investigation of 50 Cases of Analgesic Drug Utilization During Perioperative Period
Low-dose glucocorticoid therapy complement the pituitary-adrenocortical system and reduce anxiety and insomnia in myasthenia gravis patients
Management of hypertension at a teaching hospital in Ghana
Management of metformin-associated lactic acidosis
Management of Methotrexate (MTX) induced acute encephalopathy in Pediatrics with ALL (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia) by Aminophylline and Dextromethorphan in a tertiary care hospital of Pakistan
Management of Peptic Ulcer Disease in Nigerian Ports Authority Clinics
Medication Adherence in patients with Hypertension in the Health Center of Coimbra-Portugal
Medication discrepancies in discharge paperwork among patients in the CO-OPERATE Geriatrics/Surgery co-management program
Medication Safety - moving from international guidelines to local action
Medicine reconciliation: An evaluation of hospital discharge discrepancies in one UK primary care trust
Medicine use indicators in Ho Municipal Hosptial, Volta Region, Ghana
Medicines implicated in admissions to elderly care wards in England
Metabolic Effects Of Olanzapine in Resource Constrained HIV-infected Patients
Microbial contamination of enteral feeding through oral intake
Nonimmunologic cutaneous reactions induced by drugs
Off-label use - only a matter of physicians` drug prescription?
Overview of Liver function in outpatient using cholesterol reducing drug Rosuvastatin
Patient medication education practices in Taiwanese hospitals
Patient recognition survey for pharmacist’s roleAt ambulatory pharmacy Bethesda hospital, Jogjakarta, Indonesia
Patients’ Perspective on Medications and Alternative Treatments for Managing Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Pattern of adverse drug reactions among inpatients in Jos University Teaching Hospital, North Central Nigeria
Perception of oral anti-cancer treatment
Pharmaceutical Intervention in of medical prescription´s validation
Pharmacists at the bedside – providing major patient impact
Pharmacy Care for a Rhabdomyolysis Patient
Physical and chemical stability of the cytotoxic drugs used in Centralized Unit for Handling Cytotoxic Drugs of Hospital de Faro, EPE
Postgraduate Courses for Pharmacist Prescribing- Basel Statement 32
Practice and Exploring of Medication Error Reporting in China
Practice of Patient Safety of Medication Administration——Experience from Chinese Hospital Pharmacy
Precautionary-type Quality Improvement Program in Abnormal Drug Distribution for the Inpatients
Predictors of Adherence to HAART in a Longitudinal Study using Unannounced Pill Counts Measure of Adherence
Prevalence and management of Urethral and Vaginal Discharge Syndromes at an STI Clinic in a District Hospital in Ghana
Prevalence of manifested drug-drug interactions in intensive care patients with cardiovascular diseases
Quality of life of patients with arterial hypertension and chronic renal failure
Rationalization of antibiotics consumption in 2011 in Clinical Centre of Serbia
Reducing medication returns in in-patient pharmacies of tertiary care hospital through system modifications and process improvement
Research on Different Administration Frequencies of Alprostadil(PGE1) for Post-Microsurgical Flap Survival Rate
Retrospective Review of the Outcomes of Intravenous Immunoglobulin in Neonatal Sepsis
Review of UTI diagnosis and management in infants 0-2 months old compared to 2-24 months
Right Drug to Right Patient-Improving Patient Identification
Role of pharmacist in management of adverse drug reactions in elderly at Ramathibodi Hospital, Thailand
Role of pharmacist intervention in emergency department to ensure medication safety and cost effectiveness
Role of the clinical pharmacist in outpatient treatment of HCV (hepatitis C virus)
Stability of Etopside Solutin 0,4mg/ml Prepared for Intravenouse Administration
Standard Chemotherapy Order Forms for reducing the number of chemotherapy-related near missing
Statistics of Chinese Medicine Usage in Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
Strategies for improving Pharmacy Service Documentation - a Taiwan Teaching Hospital Experience
Study of improvements modifiable risk factors for acute myocardial infarction patient by pharmacist intervention in an interdisciplinary team approach
Study on the use of crushed drugs prior to its administration to patients with swallow problems in a mexican hospital
Subacute Thrombosis Associated With Clopidogrel Resistance: A Case Report
Sucessful experience in treating multidrug resistant - Acinetobacter Baumanni (MDR-AB) meningitis
Systemic Evaluation of Safety and Effectiveness of Levothyroxine Between Different Contract Manufactures at a Medical Center in Northern Taiwan
The Changing Face of Cancer Care in North America:The Use of Consultative Pharmacy Services to Transition Care
The Clinical Treatment of Linezolid in a Case of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) Pneumonia Which Failed to Respond to Glycopeptides
The Development of a Global Health Residency in Kenya
The effect of estradiol, aspirin and prednisone on implantation and clinical pregnancy rate in women undergoing in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer
The Effect of New Alerting System on the Rates of Adverse Drug Events
The Emerging Concept: To set up seamless care system of family pharmacist
The identification and reporting of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) in a district general hospital setting
The lifecycle management system for drugs, from pharmaceutical manufactures to wholesalers and to use in hospitals
The pharmaceutical care in the process of therapeutic drug monitoring
The Project of Promoting Drug distribution Satisfaction
The Relationship between 7-Hydroxy-Methotrexate/Methotrexate Ratio and Methotrexate Terminal Elimination Rate in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Children and its Clinical Significance
The retrospective analysis of the use of antibiotics of tertiary hospitals in Beijing from June to December in 2011
The Role of Medication Counseling for Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women by Pharmacist
The role of pharmacist in the treatment of metabolic syndrome
The role of pharmacists:form Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring to Pharmacovigilance
The role of pharmacy interns in detecting drug-related problems on hospital wards
The Scale and Cost Effectiveness of Repeat Prescribing at a leading London Eye Hospital
The Use of Vancomycin and Therapeutic Monitoring of Serum Vancomycin Concentrations in Children with Sepsis
Therapeutic drug monitoring of meropenem is not enough without true MIC value
Therapeutic effect of recombinant human erythropoietin on anaemia with hemodialysis outpatients in Regional Teaching Hospital in Taiwan.
Three severe bumetanide-associated musculoskeletal reactions
Time-dependent stability and safety assessment of Total Parenteral Nutrition admixture prepared in hospital pharmacy
To analysis and statistic of Adverse Drug Reactions in herbal medicine in Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital
To enhance patient safety by minimizing medication dispensing errors in a tertiary care hospital through quality improvement initiatives
Transcription of physicians’ orders by nurses on a paediatric ward – only a minor problem?
Transdermal fentanyl patch as a pain reliever for cancer patients: a drug use evaluation in a local general hospital
Use of the medical system to improve the contrast medium of the incidence of adverse reactions
Use of Unlicensed & Equivalent Licensed Medicines at a leading London eye Hospital
Using the objective structured clinical examination for assessing the performance in patient education of fall-related drugs
Utility and safety of bevacizumab in patients with metastatic breast cancer
Valproic acid-carbapenems interaction in hospitalized patients:a retrospective evaluation and literature review
Vancomycin pharmacokinetics is a key to proper therapeutic monitoring
Variation of Valproic Acid Concentration During Concomitant Use of Carbapenem Antibiotics and Enzyme-Inducing Antiepileptic Drugs: A Retrospective Study
What do you know about Agomelatine?- Survey results on area health service (AHS) medical practitioner knowledge on a new medication
Industrial Pharmacy
Application of byproducts as profitable alternative for antimicrobial peptide production
Buffered sucrose candies as a safe strategy for children’s dental caries protection
Camptothecin fails to induce tumor necrosis factor-alpha treated HaCaT cells apoptosis
Comparative study of Benzoyl Peroxide and combination of Benzoyl Peroxide/Phytosphingosine on acne skin
Cytotoxicity evaluation of antimicrobial peptide: an in vitro assay
Effect of excipients on pharmaceutical and technological properties of uncoated tablets lithii carbonas
Evaluation of biorelevant in vitro test for desloratadine immediate release tablets based on in vivo results
Fast Dissolving Buccal Films of Sodium PicoSulfate
Formulation and evaluation of mucoadhesive bi-layer buccal tablets of Labetalol hydrochloride using natural polymers
Formulation and evaluation of nano drug delivery system of anti- inflammatory drug ibuprofen using factorial design
Formulation and evaluation of nano drug delivery system of antibiotic drug using factorial design
Formulation and evaluation of nanodrug delivery system of furosemide
Formulation and evaluation of sustained release tablets of glimepiride and metformin
Formulation and optimization of polymeric nano drug delivery system of anti-hyperlipidemic drug using factorial design
High content screening of 3D cell cultures for novel breast cancer therapy combinations
In Vitro Equivalence Testing of Amlodipine Besylate Tablets under BCS-Based Biowaiver Conditions
New biodegradable polymer blends of HDPE/starch and PP/starch as materials for pharmaceutical packaging
Structural Changes Pharmaceutical Wholesale Distribution in Korea
Synthesis of nanoparticles based on magnetic iron oxide for cancer treatment
Synthesis of new pyrazole derivatives derived from 4-hydroxy coumarin and evaluation of their biological activity
Laboratory and Medicines Control Services
Application of WHONET 5 Software for the Surveillance and Analysis of Antimicrobial Resistance in A Sudanese Hospital.
Colombia – Sierra Leone: A South – South Non-governmental pharmaceutical cooperation experience. First year
Determination of Sodium Benzoate in Primulae Veris Syrup by derivative spectrophotometry
Glucosamine preparations available on the Belgian market – a comparative study
Quality control and standardization of the medicinal preparation of combined action
The determination of Cyclosporine with different immunochemical techniques
Military & Emergency Pharmacy
A survey on the enlistment of pharmacists in a hospital battalion of the Swiss Armed Forces
Effects of Hypothermic on Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamic in Body
Emergency Medicine Supply System in China: A System Dynamics Approach
Perception and knowledge of malaysian pharmacy students towards influenza A(H1N1): an indicator of public health awareness among university students
Pharmacy Information
Absence of Registration and WHO Prequalification Standard - potential factors for the increase of MDR-TB in Moldova
Analysis for drug interactions of nonprescription drugs and prescription drugs
Assessment of therapeutic queries answered at the drug information service centre
Attitudes, practices and beliefs of general practitioners towards Chlamydia
CEDIME (Medicines and Health Information Center of National Association of Pharmacies, ANF, Portugal) - Supporting Portuguese Pharmacies’ advising on dietary supplements
Challenges to Children’s Access to Medicines in Moldova
Composing patient information webtexts on antineoplastic agents used in the home setting for, using patient panel sessions
Computerized Physician Order Entry Systems Contributing to Medication Errors – A Paradox
Confidence of customers in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the quality and safety of cosmetic products with unconventional composition
Developing a national Medicines Information Strategy in Finland - Using stakeholder analysis to inform decision making
Developing Rational Medicine Use Mass Media Messages in a Low Literacy Setting in Afghanistan
Development of a method to determine the level of understanding of package inserts for over-the-counter medication: Factors affecting understanding
Development of proper infrastructure for the improvement of regulatory performance - advertising of medicines and medical devices
Dietary Supplements - Technical and scientific analysis of major safety issues: caring for consumer’s health
Do drug information needs and health literacy affect kidney transplant patients’ adherence to immunosuppressant drugs?
Drugs and driving: practical guidelines for the healthcare professional
Drugs and renal impairment: practical dosing guidelines for the healthcare professional
Evaluation of self-administration of medication program for patient with spinal cord injury of a Brazilian center of neuroscience and rehabilitation
Farmanco: Drug shortages in the Netherlands
Geriatricians’, General Practitioners’, and Accredited Pharmacists’ views of geriatric medication management resources: A qualitative study
Guidelines for medication use during pregnancy in the Netherlands
Homeopathy Popular Knowledge in Oporto, Portugal
Impact of a pharmacist driven breast cancer awareness intervention
Implementing drug information strategy in Finland: Meeting medicines information needs of adolescents
Japanese consumers’ attitudes toward labelling information of non-prescription (OTC) medicines
Lipid regulating medicines consumption assessment in serbia during the period 2004-2010 year
Low health literacy patients in under-resourced systems: do they know what medicines information they need or want and where to source it?
Malaria Chemotherapy at a University Hospital in Ghana
Managing knowledge in the community pharmacy with KennisTest, a flexible management and education tool
Medicinal information and adolescents
Parameters on prescription drug in basic health units of the municipality of Petrolina-Pernambuco, Brazil
Patient Instruction Videos: a useful online health care service
Patients’ beliefs about medicines and quality of life after a medication review with care plan development: a case control study
Perception of a Newsletter for Community Pharmacists
Pharmacy practice in Russia: implementation of Good Pharmacy Practice standards through elaboration of educational programs of continuing professional development
The effects of presenting side effects in medicines information on anxiety, perceived susceptibility and perceived severity: grouping side effects by instructions compared with grouping by frequency
The role of drug advertising for patient’s compliance
Twenty years of a nationwide Brazilian experience in Medicines Information Centers
Use of sports nutritional supplements by physically active subjects of gyms in Oporto city
Using the Informatics system to improve the efficiency of clinical trials management
Pharmacy Technicians
Consumption profile of medicines during pregnancy in a Portuguese maternity
Croatian Association of Pharmacy technicians (PhT) – role of association in education of PhT in Croatia
Historical evolution of technical diagnostics and therapeutics in Portugal
International Mobility in The Pharmacy Degree at the School of Allied Health Sciences of Oporto
Job Satisfaction of Portuguese Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians
Medication Errors on Community Pharmacies – contributions for a better understanding
Medicinal plants in therapeutics now: a reality or a myth
Pharmacy Technicians Internship: The Oporto School Reality
Rational use of medicines – a portrait in a nursing home in Coimbra
Safety in the circuit of cytotoxic drug: contributions to the evaluation of hospital reality in portugal
Self-Medication among High School Adolescentsof Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal
Semester’s or Quarter’s? Opinion of students and teachers of Pharmacy degree from ESTSP-IPP about semester’s to quarter’s transition
Splitting tablets in clinical practice: an analysis in an Internal Medicine ward
Study of weight uniformity during tablet splitting in three different drugs
The training of Pharmacy Technicians in the School of Health Technology of Porto, Portugal - A historical perspective.
SIG: Analytical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Quality
A simple LC-MS/MS method for simultaneous determination of temsirolimus and its major metabolite in human whole blood
Assessment of microbiological quality and stability of purified water in practice
Bioanalytical method validation of pantoprazole sodium in human plasma and its application to bioequivalence study
Characterization of the possible degradation products of Zolpidem tartrate under varies stress conditions
Comparative evaluation of local periodontal treatment with betamethasone dipropionate using enzymatic and bioanalytical HPLC method
Determination of Steroids in Herbal Formulation by simple RP-HPLC Method
Development and validation of electrophoresis capillary and microbiological assay methods for determination of caspofungin in lyophilized powder.
Direct optical resolution of racemic ritodrine in serum
Dronedarone: determination in tablet dosage form by micellar electrokinetic chromatography, high-performance liquid chromatography and uv spectrophotometry
Effect of spheronizer plate design on the spheronization of ketoprofen
Elements in Medicines for oral administration
Formulation and in vitro evaluation of mucoadhesive controlled release matrix tablets of flurbiprofen using response surface methodology
Improvement of Medication Therapy Safety of Nursing Home Residents through Pharmacists` Intervention
In-line monitoring of a continuous blending process by NIR
Kinetic Calibration Based on Mass Transfer Dynamics of Hollow Fiber Liquid-Phase Microextraction and Its Application to Fast pharmaceutical Analysis
Medical Rep or Drug Dealer? The Path You'll Take! A Focus on Jordan Market
Metabolomics study about development of a bladder cancer screening with urine odor
Microwave-assisted forced degradation of duloxetine
Pharmaceutical quality and access in Nigeria: Evaluation of the Mobile Authentication Technology and stakeholder perceptions on quality and access
Quality of Amoxicillin Capsules and Tablets in Community Pharmacies in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: A Lot Quality Assurance Sampling (LQAS) Survey
Quality study of recombinant biological medicinal products, trastuzumab, rituximab and abatacept
Second-derivative spectrophotometry for analysis of simvastatin in polimeric nanocapsules
Solubility Enhancement of Gliclazide by Solid Dispersions
Stability of Rivaroxaban: Kinetic evaluation by alkaline hydrolysis and photodegradation
Stability-Indicating High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Chloramphenicol, Its Degradation Product, Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate and Tetrahydrozoline
UHPLC in the research of antioxidant properties of polyphenols in dietary supplements
Visualising shear stress distribution inside constrained flow geometries containing pharmaceutical powder excipients using photo stress tomography
SIG: Biotechnology
ATPMS evaluation as a separation technique to biopharmaceuticals
Bromelain extraction from pineapple residues using ethanol precipitation and its application in polymeric hydrogels
Cytotoxicity assay of stearylamine-containing nanoemulsion intended to carry pDNA
Development of high efficient gene delivery system with anionic surface charge
Gene Delivery to Pancreatic Cancer Cells via Intratumoral Injection of Chitosan-based Vector
Purification of bromelain from pineapple peel for therapeutic application in dermatological bases
Rapid determination of GSTP1 promoter methylation using differential high resolution melting analysis
SIG: Drug Design and Discovery
A design of succinimidyl ester compound with three coumarin moiety for synthesizing fluorescent antibody bioconjugate
Antitumour activity of the molecular complexes of uraciles and bacterial lectines
Biological activity of the substututed Benzimidazole
BIS-adduct of 5-Methyluracile and its antitumour activity
Computer-aided design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of novel 2-substituted aminomethylenepyrimidine-2,4,6-Triones as H1 antihistaminic agents (part2)
Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of memantine-polyamine conjugates as NMDA channel blockers
Methionine enkephalin inhibit the growth of SH-SY5Y cells through multiple mechanisms
New 3-aminorhodanine derivatives as potential antifungal agents
Nitrofurantoin permeability through Caco-2 cells: a parameter to develop new oral 5-nitro-heterocyclic compounds with potential activity against Multirresistant Staphylococcus aureus
Prucalopride for The Treatment of Chronic Constipation in Women in Whom Laxatives Fail to Provide Adequate Relief: A Systematic Review
Structure-based virtual screening, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel anti-toxoplasma and anti-neospora agents
Synthese and antiproliferative activity of Desmosdumotinsformyl substituted on A-ring analogs
Synthesis and antimycobacterial activity of novel 5-substituted-4-thiazolidinone-n-amino acid derivatives
Synthesis and evaluation of novel brain targeting chemical delivery systems of ciprofloxacin
Synthesis and pharmacological activity of some oxyindole derivatives
Synthesis of some novel 1, 3, 4-oxadiazoles derivatives by coupling with N-hydroxy methyl Phthalimide and evaluation of their anticancer activity
Synthesis, characterization and anthelmintic activity of some newer 1,3-thiazine derivatives
Synthesis, Characterization and Evaluation of Anticancer Activity of some new Schiff bases of 1,3,4-Thiadiazole derivatives
The use of NMR chemical shifts in correlation studies with molecular descriptors, drug-likeness scores and ADMET properties in a series of protein tyrosine kinase inhibitors
SIG: Formulation Design and Pharmaceutical Technology
A diclofenac sodium silk fibroin-chitosan microspheres : Preparation controlled-release in vitro and pharmacokinetic profile in rats
A feasibility study for nebulization of a model anti-asthma drug using dendrimers as nanocarriers
An investigation of natural and modified diatomite as potential carriers for diclofenac sodium
Analysis of Effects of Lubricant level, mixing time and tableting speed on dissolution of Glimpiride tablets
Chitosan-FAP-B nanoparticles: Novel non viral vectors for gene delivery to the lung epithelial cells
Design and Evaluation of Amlodipine Besylate-Hydrochlorothiazide Immediate-release combination tablets
Development and Characterization of Zidovudine Loaded PCL Nanoparticles
Development and evaluation of furosemide/ with hydroxipropyl-ß-cyclodextrin (HP-ß-CD) matrix tablets with hydroximethilpropylcelulose (HPMC)
Development and evaluation of SPG membrane emulsification system for enhanced oral bioavailability of itraconazole
Development of a Novel Miniemulsion-Based Topical Formulation of Lignocaine for Application to Open Wounds
Effect of antioxidants on the stability of ONO-1301, a novel long-acting prostacyclin agonist, loaded in PLGA microspheres
Effect of chitosan molecular weight on drug release from directly compressed alginate-chitosan matrices
Effect of drug loading on release liner removal from drug-in-adhesive transdermal films
Enhanced bioavailability of baicalin by nanocrystal drug delivery system using an ultrasonic-homogenization process
Formulation and Evaluation of a Topical Oily Gel Containing a Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug
Formulation and Evaluation of Fast Dissolving Blister Tablets of Ondansetron Using Zydis Technique
Formulation and in-vitro Evaluation of Salbutamol Sulphate in situ Gelling Nasal Inserts
Formulation and Pharmaceutical Evaluation of Bioadhesive Vaginal Tablets of Fluconazole
Formulation Design & Evaluation of Voglibose Microspeheres for the treatment of Post prandial Hyperglycemia
Hydrocortisone dermal bioavailability from alkyl polyglucoside emulsifier-stabilised bases: in vivo skin blanching assay
Improved dissolution and permeability of exemestane using gelucire 50/13
In Vitro Activities of Floroquinolones Entrapped in Non-ionic Surfactant Vesicles against Multi-Drug Resistant Bacteria Strains
In vitro and in vivo dissolution of nifedipine modified release tablets: how do they match?
In vivo anticancer and toxicological studies of liposomal formulations of (+)-catechin
In vivo study of a novel formulation of liposomal hydrogel for prolonged delivery of liposomes
Influence of the mixing regimen and high sheer mixer filling on the content uniformity of the venlafaxine hydrochloride dry blends
Investigation of hydrogel membranes containing combination of Timolol maleate and brimonidine tartrate for ocular delivery
Invitro charcaterization and cell cytotoxicty of insulin naoparticles composed of quaternized aromatic derivatives of chitosan
Maltosylated polyethylenimine-based triple nanocomplexes of human papillomavirus 16L1 protein and DNA as a vaccine co-delivery system
Method Development and Bioavailability Enhancement of solid dispersion contacting Nifedipine
Microbial contamination of Preservative Free Dexamethasone and Chloramphenicol Ophthalmic Solutions and their Containers.
Microencapsulated formulation of Lactobacillus casei for protecting probiotic stability in vivo and targeting release
New applications of hot-melt extrusion for uniform distribution of very low dose drugs
Novel photoactive antimicrobial nanofibers for biomedical applications
Photo-sessitive micelles encapsulated with nifedipine
Physical properties of fabricated polymeric films containing plasticizers and drugs
Polymeric Nanoparticles of NITTP: The percursor of the 18-FMISO
Possibilities for producing water-in-oil creams with hyaluronic acid in Galenical laboratory conditions
Preparation , in vitro and in vivo evaluation of malotilate spray-dried emulsion
Preparation and evaluation of fenofibrate SMEDDS using statistical experimental design
Preparation and evaluation of flurbiprofen-loaded self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery system (SNEDDS)
Preparation and evaluation of the time-controlled release tablet, a drug delivery system for chronopharmacotherapy
Preparation and In vitro Investigation of Chitosan Compressed Tablets for Colon Targeting
Preparation and in-vitro Evaluation of Drospirenone Intravaginal Ring (IVR)
Preparation of nanoparticles composed of thiolated quaternary ammonium of chitosan for buccal delivery of insulin
Preparation of novel valsartan SMEDDS employing statistical experimental design
Rabbits gastrointestinal fluids: a good model for drug solubility prediction in humans?
Study of the Physical Compression of Technological Excipients during Tablet Production
Study of the stability of commercial bromelain in cosmetic formulations
Synthesis and Characterization of Lactose-Carboxymethyl Chitosan and its Application in Coating Liposomes
Systemic delivery of andrographolide via the transdermal route using a new microemulsion system: in vitro and in vivo studies
Tacrolimus option in Lupus erythematodes – combination strategy
The effects of ethanol and oleic acid on glucosamine penetration test from transdermal nanoemulsion using franz diffusion cell
The new pH sensitive polycation improves the transfection activity of R8-modified lipid nanoparticles by facilitating siRNA condensation
The preparation of the insulin-phospholipids complex for the non-invasive insulin delivery systems
Towards biorelevant flow-through dissolution method for nimesulide immediate-release tablets: In vitro-in silico approach
SIG: Natural Products
A New Aristolactam Alkaloid from the stem of Dasymaschalon trichophorum Merr
Anti-fibrotic effects of wedelolactone and echinocystic acid on hepatic stellate cell LX-2
Anti-inflammatory Triterpenoids from Root Extract of Trianthema decandra Linn.
Anti-inflammatory effect of Apigenin-7-neohesperidoside (Rhoifolin) in carrageenin-induced rat edema model
Anti-inflammatory effect of Lycium Fruit water extract in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophage cells
Antioxidant flavonoids from Rhamnaceous plants Cu(II)-induced cell death by reducing reactive oxygen species in human Hep G2 cancer cells and normal mouse liver cells
Bacterial vaginosis: A review of non-antibiotic treatment options
Characterization of different UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT)-mediated metabolic behaviour of carvacrol in five species
Chemical composition and relaxant effect of chloroform extract of the underground parts of Ferula heuffelii
Cultivation of Shrubby Cinquefoil or Dasiphora fruticosa by seed and seedling
Effects of extraction time on coumarin concentration in Meliloti herba extract
Effects of two weeks exposure of ibogaine and noribogaine on mouse organs: morphologic evaluation
Enzogenol Regulates Lipid and Glucose metabolism in C57BL/KsJ-db/db Mice Skeletal Muscle
Evaluation of the wound-healing effect of some new phytotherapy ointments
Herbal medicine use in dysmenorrhea: determining extent of use and the commonly used herbs
In vitro and in vivo antioxidant and hepatoprotective effects of micromeria cristata l. extracts
In vitro Synergism of Fluconazole and three Aporphine Alkaloids from Fibraurea recisa against clinical isolates of candida albicans Resistant to Fluconazole
In vivo antioxidant activity of deodorized water extract of Thymus Pannonicus
Integration of Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Therapies for the treatment of acute paediatric pain within community pharmacy practice
Interaction of punica granatum fruit with carvedilol during isoproterenol induced myocardial injury
Investigation of bee bread collected in three regions of Latvia
Isolation of Lactobacillus Strains from Vagina with Potential Activity against Vaginal Pathogenic Strains
Medicinal plants used by a group of elderly from petrolina city in pernambuco
Nephroprotective activity of ethanolic extract of Aerva pseudotomantosa Blatt & Hallb in rats
Pharmacological Characterization of Ferulic Acid and Caffeic Acid as Potent Inhibitors for the Melanin Production in B16 Melanoma Cells
Pharmacological Characterization of Novel Taxus Lignans as Potent Inhibitors for the Initial Stage of Neurodegrative Diseases
Possible amelioration of oxidative, inflammatory and fibrotic cascades by plumbago zeylanica in hepatocellular injuries
Protective effect of apitherapy products in acetaminophen-induced hepatopathy
Quality Control of dietary supplements with soy isoflavones used in menopause
Studies on the Active Constituents of the Stem of Gordonia kwangsiensis
The effect of bio-transformed Korean herbal medicine, jaeum-ganghwa-tang and Gumi-ganghwal-tang on platelet aggregation in human platelet
The influence of apitherapeutic agent on glycosaminoglycan expression during experimental burn healing
SIG: Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism and Excretion
A modified LC-MS/MS method for determination of tetramethylpyrazine in microdialysis samples and calibration of home-made linear probes
A new analytical method of ritodrine in newborn serum by LC-MS/MS
Apoptosis Induced by Sonodynamic Therapy using a Novel Porphyrin Derivative DCPH-P-Na(I)
Blood distribution of bortezomib and its kinetics in multiple myeloma patients
Determination of piperphentonamine and metabolites M1 and M6 in human plasma and urine by LC/MS/MS and its application in a pharmacokinetics study in Chinese healthy volunteers
Different inhibitory effects of angiotensin II receptor blockers on cytochrome P4502C9 dependent formation of epoxyeicosatrienoic acids from arachidonic acid
Effect of cytochrome P450 1A2 genotype on theophylline pharmacokinetics and its interaction with decursinol angelate
Evaluation of the functional role of P-glycoprotein in tramadol neuropharmacokinetic
In vitro-in vivo correlations for an amorphous formulation of a poorly soluble compound
Percolation behavior in paracellular permeability
Pharmacokinetics of intravenous pinocembrin in healthy Chinese volunteers
Population pharmacokinetics study of cyclosporine in Chinese paediatric aplastic anemia patients
Proteomic analysis of ubiquitination-associated proteins in a Human Lung Adenocarcinoma Cisplatin-resistant Cell Strain
SIG: Regulatory Sciences
An overview on pharmaceutical regulatory system in Albania, evaluation of registration procedures and local requirements
Biomarker qualification new challenge for regulatory authorieties
Comparative in vitro dissolution studies of commercial diclofenac suppositories using the rotating dialysis cell and the flow through methods.
Current status & Strategies required for the development of Orphan drug
Discordances in the Classification of Renal Impairment in Summaries of Product Characteristics
Impact of Gastrointestinal Stability of Acetylsalicylic acid on the Biowaiver Approval of its Immediate Release Products
Marketing and advertising of pharmaceutical products - ethical perspective
Medicine labels - an insight into consumers' perspective
New medicinal products on the market of bosnia and herzegovina in 2010/2011 – the role of the national regulatory authority in access to medicinal products
Regulatory Approach for Non-Biological Complex Drugs
Regulatory challenges of nanomedicines
Regulatory requests in procedure of issue marketing authorisation for biosimilars
Strategy of Environmental Risk Assessment of Pharmaceuticals in japan
SIG: Translational Research and Individualized Medicines
Effect of Add-on Pentoxifylline Therapy on Proteinuria and eGFR in Membranous Glomerulonephritis: A 6-Month Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial
FASL-844CC genotype as a predictive factor for poor response to bacillus Calmette-Guerin immunotherapy
Genotyping single nucleotide polymorphisms directly from whole blood by pyrosequencing coupled with linear-after-the-exponential PCR
Impact of CES1A2 A(-816)C polymorphism on platelet reactivity after clopidogrel treatment in Chinese patients with coronary heart disease
Pharmacogenetics in Type 2 Diabetes Treatment.
Ratiometric dosing of indole-3-carbinol (I3C) and 2-methoxyestradiol (2ME) in cancer chemotherapy: a friend or a foe?
Social and Administrative Pharmacy
A Framework for a Register for Biological Agents in Rheumatology
A medication risk assessment tool for primary care. Results of a Finnish Consensus Panel of Experts
A Prestudy on Consumer Awareness Regarding Alleviating the Regulation of Non-prescription Drugs Sales in South Korea
A Study of Gender Differences in Employment of Recent Pharmacy Graduates
A Study of the Patterns of Off-Label Use resulting in Drug Relief Applications in Taiwan
Antibiotics for upper respiratory infections: public knowledge, beliefs and self-medication in the Republic of Macedonia
Assessing the regulatory framework for medicines and food in Afghanistan
Assessment of antibiotic availability without prescription in Lithuanian community pharmacies
Automated dose dispensing improves patient safety
Becoming a pharmacy owner from a staff pharmacist - how does this influence well-being at work? A qualitative research from Finnish community pharmacies
Catalysts for change: how Australian pharmacists are influencing prescribing behaviour
Chlamydia trachomatis: Epidemiology of Conjunctival and Genital Infections
Comparative analysis of drug revolving fund (DRF) and public partnership (PPP) program on drug supply management in Universtiy College Hospital (UCH, Ibadan, Nigeria
Comparative price of medicines in different commercial options in the Brazilian community pharmacies
Comparative status of health consumer's knowlegde, attitude and practice (KAP) regarding medicines and healthcare in developing economies
Comparison of Medical Prescriptions between Bulgaria and the Czech Republic with Relation to the European Directive of Cross-border Healthcare - European Perspective
Cost-Utility Study in Mexican patients with acute stroke treated with Dapsone in a public hospital in Mexico City
Cost/effectiveness Evaluation of the Treatment of Patients with Reumatoid Arthritis in public hospital in Mexico City
Critical Analysis of the Dispensing Process at a General Hospital Pharmacy
Distribution of medical products in Europe
Drug Shortages Reporting System in Taiwan
Drugs used in acid related disorders (A02): A five-year study of outpatient utilization in the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ensuring sustainability of Ghana's health insurance scheme through quality improvement and claims verification
Evaluation of Drug Advertisement in Medical Journals
Expered medicines, cost of the society
Exploratory descriptive study: Consumers' perceptions of analgesic advertisements
First results of the implementation of the Continuing Education process for pharmacists in Albania
Geriatrics care clinic: medication profiling and outcomes among the elderly in a rural community - philippine model
Health related quality of life in patients post-stroke: dapsone vs placebo
How to integrate data related with drugs prescription, distribution, consumption and destruction in the Albanian Healthcare System
Improving consumer access to medicines: innovative medicines reclassification in New Zealand (NZ)
In-vivo Evaluations of Liposome Entrapped Self-Assembled Supramolecular of Andrographolide with Hydroxypropyl-ß-Cyclodextrin Long-Circulating Nanoparticle Targeting Drug Delivery System
Intake of caffeine beverages in a cohort of students of the Oporto School of Allied Health Sciences
Integrating patient perspective into health technology assessment of pharmaceuticals in Finland
Investigation on pharmaceutical adulterants in foods with health claim during 2004 to 2010 in Taiwan
Is Japan about to switch on medicines reclassification?
Knowledge and practice of disposal of date expired and unused drugs
Low-cost generic drug discount programs: implications for patient safety
Marketing analysis of asthma and copd products on the pharmaceutical market in bulgaria for 2011
Marketing elements affect patient self-determination for the purchase of medicines
Measuring the importance of professional training in the international migration of pharmacists from sub-Saharan Africa
Method of confirming the authenticity of medicinal products to combat counterfeits in a global supply chain
Opinion Survey on Anti-Counterfeit Medicines in Taiwan
Outpatient Antibiotic Use in the South of Portugal
Overview of drugs reimbursement system in republic of Moldova
Patient satisfaction with provided information about medications
Patients knowledges about drug utilization
Perception of the Physician to the Role of the Clinical Pharmacists in the Egyptian Hospitals
Pharmaceutical care improves quality of life of hemodiaysis patients
Pharmacists’ perspectives on drug abuse control in the Nelson Mandela Metropole
Pharmacoeconomic analyses for choosing the right medicines for the essential list providers in the case of Kosovo
Primary care pharmacy indicators –the trend in Thailand
Primary Care Pharmacy Specialty Network Listserv: A Content Analysis
Public awareness towards pharmacist’s role in Lebanon
Public sector financing and expenditure on medications. Panama 2007-2011
Quality Function Deployment and Principal Component Analysis on the Quality of Generic Drugs in Japan
Socio-Cultural Challenges in the Management of Pediatric HIV/AIDS in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria
Taiwan public health new tools small tool! Big tone!
The current situation and problems of home medical care in an urban setting, including services provided by pharmacists
The estimation of household medicine kit
The impact of “e-Farmaci” online software in the auditing activities of Healthcare Insurance Institute in Albania
The relationship between the genetic polymorphism of CYP2C19*2?*3 and the clinical efficacy of clopidogrel: a systematic review
The role of governmental organizations to guarentee patient's safety through controlling. The quality of behavioral ethics in the controllers (controlling the controllers)
Transdermal Buprenorphine: utilization trends in United Kingdom primary care practice
Use of antibiotics for urinary tract infection in institutionalized and home-dwelling elderly
Use of antidepressant drugs in a cohort of students of the Oporto School of Allied Health Sciences
Validation of the Stroke-Specific Quality of Life Questionnaire in Mexican Stroke Survivors: A Pilot Test of its Psychometric Properties
What kind of antibiotic prescriptions are delivered in my pharmacy? Testimony of an Albanian pharmacist
Biography Igor Linhares de Castro
Biography Jaime Kravzov-Jinich
Biography Jill E. Martin-Boone
Biography Monika Derecque-Pois
Biography Rian Lelie- van der Zande
Centennial Declaration - Improving Global Health by Closing Gaps in the Development, Distribution, and Responsible Use of Medicines
FIP President Opening Ceremony Speech
Press Release - FIP responds: Pharmacists play key role to saving billions in healthcare spending
Press Release - FIP Stakeholder Roundtables
Press Release - FIP: “Pharmacists - do not wait for policy makers to take action
Press Release -500 billion USD in global health spending can be avoided annually through more responsible medicines use
Medication Safety - moving from international guidelines to local action
Pharmacists at the bedside – providing major patient impact
Role of the clinical pharmacist in outpatient treatment of HCV (hepatitis C virus)
Do drug information needs and health literacy affect kidney transplant patients’ adherence to immunosuppressant drugs?
Evaluation of self-administration of medication program for patient with spinal cord injury of a Brazilian center of neuroscience and rehabilitation
Geriatricians’, General Practitioners’, and Accredited Pharmacists’ views of geriatric medication management resources: A qualitative study
Implementing drug information strategy in Finland: Meeting medicines information needs of adolescents
Low health literacy patients in under-resourced systems: do they know what medicines information they need or want and where to source it?
Patients’ beliefs about medicines and quality of life after a medication review with care plan development: a case control study
SIG: Analytical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Quality Effect of spheronizer plate design on the spheronization of ketoprofen
Formulation and in vitro evaluation of mucoadhesive controlled release matrix tablets of flurbiprofen using response surface methodology
Improvement of Medication Therapy Safety of Nursing Home Residents through Pharmacists` Intervention
In-line monitoring of a continuous blending process by NIR
Medical Rep or Drug Dealer? The Path You'll Take! A Focus on Jordan Market
Solubility Enhancement of Gliclazide by Solid Dispersions
Visualising shear stress distribution inside constrained flow geometries containing pharmaceutical powder excipients using photo stress tomography
Social and Administrative Pharmacy A Prestudy on Consumer Awareness Regarding Alleviating the Regulation of Non-prescription Drugs Sales in South Korea
Antibiotics for upper respiratory infections: public knowledge, beliefs and self-medication in the Republic of Macedonia
Comparative analysis of drug revolving fund (DRF) and public partnership (PPP) program on drug supply management in Universtiy College Hospital (UCH, Ibadan, Nigeria
Comparative status of health consumer's knowlegde, attitude and practice (KAP) regarding medicines and healthcare in developing economies
Improving consumer access to medicines: innovative medicines reclassification in New Zealand (NZ)
Overview of drugs reimbursement system in republic of Moldova
Primary Care Pharmacy Specialty Network Listserv: A Content Analysis
Quality Function Deployment and Principal Component Analysis on the Quality of Generic Drugs in Japan
The role of governmental organizations to guarentee patient's safety through controlling. The quality of behavioral ethics in the controllers (controlling the controllers)
Transdermal Buprenorphine: utilization trends in United Kingdom primary care practice
Academic Pharmacy: Competency and pharmacy education
A Service learning activity: 600 students working together
Analysis and Evaluation of Examination Scores and Relative Factors of Beijing Community Pharmacist after Training
Community pharmacy practice for OTC treatment in a 6-year program for Japanese pharmacy students
Comparative survey of students' vs employers' expectations concerning professional attributes of pharmacy graduates
Comparing the numeracy skills of Malaysian- and UK-educated entry-level undergraduate pharmacy students using a validated diagnostic tool
Curriculum design of a competency-based program in pharmacy
Developing a curriculum and learning strategy to underpin development of competencies required for registration
Development of Practice-Based Experiences for 1st-year MPharm Students
Development of Work-based Learning in Pharmacy Education in Serbia
Dinamizar – A project to increase the competitiveness and performance of Portuguese Pharmacies
Do education councils regulate infrastructure or learning centers
E-learning environment for learning medication calculation skills: pharmacy students’ perceptions of its usefulness and development needs
Early experiential activities that assess curricular competencies
Evaluating Anaphylaxis Education for Pharmacists
Feasibility of Facebook as a tool for providing continuing education to community pharmacists: Results of a pilot study
Focus on collaboration - the need, aim, and opportunities in interprofessional education
Harmonising Pharmacy Clinical Competency for Students and Professionals: Findings and Results
Harmonising Pharmacy Clinical Competency for Students and Professionals: Irish students results
Health, Hygiene and Safety at Work – e-Learning case study
Identifying global pharmacy competencies using the Delphi Process
Identifying pharmaceutical human resources gaps and competency development needs in Afghanistan
Implementation of an innovative seminar course for fifth year pharmacy students
Improved medicines management practice as a result of competency based training
Influence of the Pharmacy Curriculum on Students’ Preparedness for Patient Care
Modernization of the Pharmaceutical Education in Russia
New model of postgraduate education - Advanced Courses
Pharmaceutical Education In India: Does it need a change?
Pharmacists’ knowledge about prevention of cardiovascular diseases in Moldova
Pharmacy Education in India - A Study of Student Perceptions of the Quality of Education
Postgraduate 2-year educational program for Dutch Community Pharmacists. An example of workplace learning using CanMeds competencies, task areas, and EPA’s
Preceptors need for support in tutoring students during traineeship in community pharmacies
Research of graduates career expectations on the pharmaceutical faculties of the Russian Federation
Self-medication strategies used for alleviating menstrual discomfort by 4th year students in Montenegro
Skill mapping an undergraduate Pharmacy degree
Survey of US Colleges of Pharmacy Regarding the Incorporation of Institute of Medicine Report Recommendations within the Doctor of Pharmacy Curriculum
Tailoring the delivery of a diabetes education program for pharmacists and student pharmacists in Salvador, Brazil
Teaching communication skills in pharmacy practice – To know and to do are two different things
The WHO FP Global Survey of Pharmacy Schools: Africa
The WHO FP Global Survey of Pharmacy Schools: North America
To assess the factors affecting numerical ability of pharmacy students and identify where areas of provision could be improved
Training Student Pharmacists in Global Health Initiatives
Transformational Leadership in Pharmacy: What Is It and How Do We Develop It?
Transformative Learning: Meeting Practice Transformation Challenges
Transforming Practice Expectations to Expand the Pharmacist Role:A competency based approach
UK pre-registration and student pharmacist self-reported competence and perceived relevance of General Pharmaceutical Council Standards
We don’t need communication training, why is it in our curriculum?
Academic Pharmacy: Hot topics in Clinical Pharmacy Education
A B-learning strategy for Therapeutics at the Bachelor Level
A Model for a Residency in Global Health
Advanced Practice in Infectious Diseases (ID) and Antimicrobial Stewardship (AS): meeting the education needs of pharmacists
Antibiotics ordering error reporting and clinical pharmacist oriented prevention program in emergency department
Comparison of Motivation, Attitudes and Use of Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs and Supplements Between Practicing Pharmacists and Pharmacy Students
Comparison of Motivation, Attitudes and Use of Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs and Supplements in Pharmacy and Nursing Students
Designing a Pharmacy Elective Course to Advance Student Learning in Global Public Health
Development of a new specialty residency program in medication therapy management
Development of a postgraduate unit in Palliative Care: meeting the education needs for the National Palliative Care Strategy
Evaluation of clinical skills with an objective structured clinical examination
Gamma Radiation Sterilization Effects on the Physico-Chemical Quality of Syringes
Gender Differences in HbA1c Levels in Children and Young Peoplewith Type 1 Diabetes: a Longitudinal Analysis
Geriatric pharmacology and pharmacotherapy education for health professionals and students: a systematic review
Integrating pharmacy students in interprofessional education (IPE) teams-experiences with student led disease state and medication management reviews (DSMMR)
Is Training/Timing Everything? Determining Learner Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Experiences
Long-Term Case Review Program during On-Site Training for Development of Clinical Competence of Pharmacy Students
Masters in Counseling and Information in Pharmacy: results of the first edition
Multidisciplinary Team Care: The Essential Role of Clinical Pharmacists
Perception of Indian future pharmacists towards pharmaceutical care
The role of clinical pharmacist in the personalized therapy of hypertension
To evaluate the effectiveness of intern education in pharmacy in a teaching hospital of Taiwan
Veterinary Medicines: Knowledge and Perception of Maltese Pharmacists and Pharmacy Students
What are the views of third and fourth year pharmacy undergraduates on prescribing and therapeutics interprofessional education (IPE) with medical students?
Academic Pharmacy: Other
Comparing Mind Maps of Pharmacists Regarding their Role in Medication Adherence in a South African Setting
Curriculum enrichment in a fragile state: initial experience from Afghanistan
Developing Interprofessional Education in and Academic Health Center
Development and implementation of a career project for third year pharmacy students
How well are Foundation Year One hospital doctors (FY1) prepared for their role as prescribers? The views of FY1s and their supervising medical consultants
Identifying under-graduate Pharmacy leadership opportunities
Implementation and Evaluation of an Education Program for Pharmacists for the Management of Minor Ailments
Lecturers and students perception of students' evaluation of classroom reaching in a Nigerian Pharmacy School
Perception analysis of pharmacy graduate education system among pharmacy graduate students
Perceptual Systems of Pharmacy Students regarding their Future Role in Medication Adherence in a South African Setting
Portuguese pharmacy students: what they think about their near future?
Short-term comprehensive clinical pharmacy education program for international pharmacists
Student Governance in U.S. Colleges and Schools of Pharmacy
Studying the influences of pharmaceutical marketing in Iran (Based on the pharmacists opinion of pharmaceutical promotion)
Technology enhanced pharmacy education: Using the virtual learning environment Moodle to support the development of professional attributes.
The Czech Pharmaceutical Society 1871-2012
The perception of pharmacy students on the use of their character strengths as an approach to improve patient adherence
Using technology to break down barriers in pharmacy education: a case study
Virtual cleanrooms for interactive learning and assessment of principles and practices of sterile dispensing
Academic Pharmacy: Quality assurance and the student learning experience
Evaluation of mutagenic effects of oestradiol on human leukocytes of Alzheimer Disease, elderly and young donors in the Comet assay
Evaluation of the pharmacy practice resource unit
Experiences and success factors from the pilot and launch of ADAPT: an online patient care skills development continuing education program for pharmacists
Global Students’ Learning Experience
Medical and Pharmacy Students’ Knowledge towards the Generic and Brand Medicines in Bangladesh
Pharmacy Students’ Perceptions of an Interactive Blended Course in Public Health
State of the art of the mexican accreditation on pharmacy programs
The use of standardised tools as part of learning portfolios in Patient Data and Pharmacotherapy (PDP) distance education units
Use of paediatric protocols as training tools for pharmacy students
Clinical Biology
Additive anticonvulsant effects of agmatine and lithium chloride on pentylenetetrazole-induced clonic seizure in mice: involvement of a2-adrenoceptor
Assessment of oxidative stress status in ischemic heart disease patients with type2 diabetes in tertiary care teaching hospital of northern Telangana region
Effect of BAPTA-AM on hydrogen peroxide-induced cell hypertrophy in H9c2 cardiomyblasts
Escherichia Colin in Clinical Hospital Center Osijek in period 2008-2011
Evaluation of Oxidative Stress Markers in Chronic Kidney Disease patients
Serum TNF-a levels in rheumatoid arthritis patients treated with TNF inhibitors
Community Pharmacy
A meta-analysis of fee-for-services medication review by community pharmacists
Case of the Week – a tool for implementation of National Standards for Counselling at the Counter
Collaborative Care: Experiences From a Student and a Pharmacist in the United States
Developing the Canadian Pharmacy Services Framework to support expanded patient-centred pharmacy services within a financially sustainable community pharmacy business model
Engaging Community Pharmacists in national TB programme: A path-breaking development in India
Online counselling from the pharmacy
Pharmacy based telecare for metabolic syndrom management
Providing Specific Pharmacy Service - Public Pharmacy Vrsac
Pseudoresistant hypertension caused by non-adherence and inappropriate antihypertensive prescription
Social responsibility of Pharmacy Beograd
Sticker action to create awareness of antibiotic leftovers in the family medicine cabinet
The Kano analysis of patients’ satisfaction at community pharmacy
Community Pharmacy: Compounding
Effectiveness of ex tempore prepared vaginal ovules in the treatment of vaginal bacterial infections
Eyelid infection with Demodex folliculorum and treatment with compounded topical metronidasol cream and gel
Pharmaceutical Compounding - 'Magistral' Preparations in a Pharmacy - Comparison between The Czech Republic and Bulgaria
Solid Dosage Forms Administered to Patients Unable to Swallow: To Compound or Crush?
Community Pharmacy: Counselling activities and supporting adherence
A review of the information-gathering process for the provision of self medication services via community pharmacies in developing countries
A Study of the Profile of Users of the Emergency Contraception Service in Selected Community Pharmacies in Ireland
Antibiotic Awareness Week in Czech pharmacies - patients’ perspective on rational use of antibiotics
Antiepileptic and Antiparkinsonian Drug use for old people living in nursing homes: first report from a collaborative pharmaceutical service in a Swiss canton
Anxiety management non-benzodiazepine drugs; pharmacy compounding lessens the risk of substance abuse and benzodiazepine dependence
Are families aware of the risks of using nonprescription cough and cold medications in children? A study of parental perceptions post FDA public health advisory.
Ask, Assess, Advise: Helping Australian pharmacy assistants respond to requests for non-prescription medicines
Assessing the quality of advice for supply of non-prescription medicines in Australian community pharmacies; a quantitative framework
Assessment of medication related problems in geriatrics
Asymmetric Information and Medication Counseling: An Empirical Study on Japanese Community Pharmacy Setting
Attempt to avoid patient medication errors by pharmacists
Change in patient attitudes towards antibiotics - Is there hope?
Characterization of patients caree in the pharmacy of the hospital school of Saint Francis of Assisi, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: an evaluative study
Community Pharmacists for Diabetes Patients intervention Study in Japan (COMPASS-Project1)
Consumption of psycholeptics and psycho analeptics in nis region, South Serbia (2001-2011)
Counselling patients in everyday pharmacy practice and track the counselling topics
Depression training involving consumer educators: Impact on practice and attitudes toward pharmaceutical care for people with depression
Development of outcome measures to investigate intermediate medication reviews provided in community pharmacies
Differences in sale patterns for original and generic medicinal products
Drugs and safe driving - How much do our drivers know?
Effects of Thiazolidinediones on development of macrovascular complications in type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Evaluation of hiv positive patient adherence to antiretrovirals treatment
Evaluation, validation and modification of pictograms depicting potential side effects to medication
Factors affecting patient adherence and satisfaction: An empirical study on the community pharmacy in Japan
Good communication- a significant factor for successful therapy
How many words does a picture really tell? A cross-sectional descriptive study of pictogram evaluation in youth
Implementation of pharmaceutical care to patients of unified health system who use drugs of primary care of the University of Rio de Janeiro
Information Sharing Promotes Rational Medicine Use in Afghanistan
Knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of pharmacists in Zimbabwe on their role in the prevention and management of non-communicable diseases
Level of gastro protection in patients using non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the main Albanian city
Lifestyle Interventions for Cancer Health Promotion : Assessing Attitudes, Perceptions and Awareness Among Community Pharmacist in Harare
M Health for Promoting Quality Medicine: A Case Study
Methotrexat adherence among patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Modernization in Pharmacy Belgrade
Patient adherence in arterial hypertension therapy
Patient counseling in pharmacy practice – Optimization of drug therapy
Patient safety in using blood glucose meters
Pen-injected Insulin Therapy: Experiences and Views of Diabetic Patients in Nigeria
Pharmaceutical care with images. A step forward in understanding and adherenceto the treatment
Pharmaceutical pictograms and elderly - a portuguese pilot study
Pharmacy staff perspectives on the influence of advertising and the media on customers’ selection of non-prescription medicines in Vietnam
Prevention of constipation among users of opioids at a Danish community pharmacy: Patient information and laxative treatment
Safe and Effective Use of Medicines for vulnerable ethnic minorities in relation to the labour market - development of a pharmacist-delivered counselling programme
Self medication of children by Parents in a Nigerian community.
Self-medication with antitussives and expectorants
Studies on the prevalence of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and associated factors in four rural villages of Andhra Pradesh, India
Supplement Use During Pregnancy: Findings from the Growing up in Ireland study
The AdherenceMonitor: a website on medication adherence and pharmaceutical care in the Netherlands
The Eczema Journal- a tool developed by a community pharmacy in Koege, for dermatologists and their patients
The incidence of drug-related problems in self-medication in Danish community pharmacies
The participation of community pharmacists in preventing irrational and improper use of antibiotics
The role and the part of pharmacist in reducing side effects of non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs in older patients
The survey about food supplements use
The use of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in patients receiving warfarin oral anticoagulant therapy
Theoretical potential profile of prescription drug interactions in Brazilian Intensive Care Units
To split or not to split oral pharmaceutical dosage forms?
Train your curriculum: A board game used in the education of pharmaconomist-students at a community pharmacy in Denmark
Use of antiretroviral medication (ARV) in Federal Hospital of Rio de Janeiro: a pharmaceutical care approach
Validation of a Pictogram-Based Sickle Cell Action Plan and Prescription for Children with Sickle Cell Disease
Waste Medicines: An investigation of how patients order their repeat prescriptions
Waste Medicines: The influence of repeat prescription ordering by patients
What information do patient want who have long term chronic conditions?
Community Pharmacy: Dispensing activities (processes)
Addressing the challenge of drug shortages in Canada and its impact on patient care
Analysis of prescription intervention at Ballerup Apotek to prevent future intervention
Comparison of over-the-counter and prescription-only analgesic prescribing
Developing international best practice guidelines for pharmaceutical care practice in a German community pharmacy setting
Effectiveness of the dispensing of drugs in patient knowledge concerning their medication
Exploring the dispensing process pharmacists undertake when dealing with children's liquid medicines
Implementing a Medication Recycling Program: a Pilot Project in Ottawa, Canada
Medicine dispensing individual customized quantities at community pharmacies in Portugal
Methods for measuring and monitoring the medication adherence in type 2 Diabetes - Systematic Review
Pharmacoepidemiological study of migraine with the focus on 5HT1-receptor agonists
Prevalence and preventability of self-reported adverse drug events among the general public in Sweden
Recommendations for an automated dose dispensing system that supports patient safety
Risk analysis of an automated dose-dispensing process
The future of Professional development (PD) studies for community pharmacists
Validation and creation of renewal procedudes in Electronic Prescribtion in Finland
Community Pharmacy: GPP
A Professional and Sustainable Pharmacy: 12 Objectives for 2012
A successfull experience in promoting pharmaceutical assistance
Adoption of FIP/WHO guidelines on good pharmaceutical practice in Ukraine
Assessment of compliance with health services and the practice of pharmaceutical services in Brazilian community pharmacies
Clinical pharmacy practice in primary care-screening hospital discharge letters
Compliance with Protocols for Eye Conditions
Compliance with protocols in dental conditions
Continuing education in Pharmacy Belgrade in 2011
Counterfeit medicines- how to recognize them?
Detection of wrong ordering by pharmacists in Tehran’s community pharmacies
Dissemination of protocols for the management of gastro-intestinal disorders
Driving practice change within community pharmacy through the Quality Care Pharmacy Program and Pharmacy Practice Incentives
Dutch guidelines for medication safety
Ethics in pharmacy practice research: The relationship between researcher and participants
Evaluation of pharmacists competence in Serbia
False Prescription Database in Norway
Functions of Pharmacies responsible for Community Medicine
Guidelines programme for pharmaceutical care in the Netherlands
How do Indonesian Pharmacy Staff Response to Prescription? A Simulated Patient Study
Implementation of mathematical methods in management decision making and priority setting in pharmacy practice
Patient perspective about New generation pharmacy:- A study by Indian Pharmacist
Pharmacist’s Attitudes vs Patient’s Expectations
Quality Improvement through Self-Evaluation: an online application for Belgian community pharmacies
Shared Leadership in Finnish Community Pharmacies
The development of integrated management system in community pharmacy
Community Pharmacy: Pharmacy services
A College of Pharmacy’s Outreach Plan for Promoting Herd Immunity
A narrative review of pharmacy-based preventive health projects
A qualitative study exploring community pharmacists’ views regarding their role in CVD risk management and prevention in Alexandria, Egypt
A survey concerning the educational needs of diabetics and the potential role of community pharmacies in diabetes education programmes in Germany
Assessment of community pharmacists' knowledge of antimicrobial dispending for common skin infections
Awareness level of pharmacists about counterfeit medicines in Manipal and Udupi – A Survey
Baseline Study of Community Pharmacy Practice in Ireland (Published January 2011)
Clinical effectiveness of medication review with follow up (MRF) on aged polypharmacy patients. A pilot study in the program conSIGUE
Clinical pharmacy consultation service through information technology to improve physician access, prescribing and satisfaction in a community health center
Community pharmacy service in rural settings- challenges and obstacles
Correct dosage of penicillin to children: Customers perceptions of the service delivered at a Danish community pharmacy
Could community pharmacy medicine supply to aged care facilities benefit from quality improvement? Stakeholder perspectives and the resulting initiative
Counselling support to pharmacies working with municipalities on health care services
Cross-Sectional Study on antibiotic use in a resource - limited setting: Data from a district Hospital in rural India
Delphi Care, the scientific database to support pharmaceutical care in Belgium
Designing a Toolkit for implementing pharmaceutical services in Community Pharmacy in Spain: program conSIGUE.
Development and implementation of a framework for providing community pharmacy services
Do you enjoy the customers or prefer to withdraw?
Engagement as pharmacies in home palliative care-Collaboration with physicians, nurses, and other medical professionals and assessment of Collaborative Drug Therapy Management (CDTM) in Japan-
Enhancing Medication Safety in the Community Pharmacy - the North Rhine-Westphalia Concept
Feasibility and acceptability of a computerized medication-reminder service in German community pharmacies
Feasibility of using community pharmacists in focused surveillance for drug safety and effectiveness: A case study of antihypertensives in pregnancy
Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster Support: Activities of Pharmacists and the Pharmaceutical Associations
Impact of community pharmacy diabetes monitoring and education programme on diabetes management: a randomised controlled study
Importance of pharmacist – patient communication in dispensing dermatocosmetic formulations in community pharmacies: a pilot study
Improved medication supply models in aged care settings including non-medical prescribing
Improvement of the pharmaceutical service for the consumers of dermatocosmetic formulations prepared in Apoteka Beograd
Improving diabetes care for Canadians through the Diabetes Strategy for Pharmacists
Integrated Pharmaceutical Care
Knowledge and use of oral contraceptive pills and emergency contraceptive pills among adolescents in Sombor, Serbia
Lifestyle Modification Assistance Programs Provided by Community Pharmacies in Japan:Their Effects and Impact on Satisfaction
Medication Review in Nursing Homes and Home Care
Monitoring of 2 years new remuneration system for the Belgian community pharmacies
Patients perception on a Pharmacists role in Health Care in India
Pharmacists help to make financial savings in health care
Pharmacy-based type 2 diabetes services in an Indonesian setting
Potentially inappropriate medication Survey of the Elderly in Taiwan
Professional Service Implementation Index
Relationship Between Performance Barriers and Pharmacist Competency towards Implementation of an Expanded Public Health Pharmacy Role : A Structural Equation Modelling
Responding to Urinary tract infections during pregnancy in community pharmacy
Self-reported sexual risk factors for chlamydia: A survey of pharmacy-based emergency contraception consumers in Australia
Supply changes in Pharmacy Belgrade
The effective drug abuse prevention lecture a pharmacist performs
The role of pharmacist in decreasing antimicrobial resistance by educating parents
The role of pharmacists in decreasing antimicrobial resistance
The Strategic Plan for Pharmaceutical Care. Dispensing Service of Medicines and Medical Devices for Patients with Venous Insufficiency of the Lower Limbs
There Are Better Things To Smell: Building A Smoke Free NeighbourhoodPharmacist's Campaign Against Tobacco
Views of Community Pharmacists Regarding the Implementation of the New Medicine Service
History of Pharmacy
Hospital Pharmacy
A comparision of combination antiemetic regimens for prevention of PONV in breast surgery patients
A comparison of final year medical students’ and junior doctors’ views on their training and ability to prescribe antibiotics
A Cross-sectional Study on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern in Diabetic Foot Infections
A follow on project for hospital pharmaconomists entitled “Medical history, medicine discharge interviews and interdisciplinary collaboration'
A framework for the Implementaion of Clinical Pharmacy inNational University Hospital (NUH) Singapore
A Longitudinal Study of Patients Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy Using Pharmacy Refill Record Measure in a Tertiary Hospital in Nigeria
A multidisciplinary staff aproach in elder inpatients pharmacotherapy with polimedication.
A Re-Audit on the Incidence and Causes of Dispensing Near Misses at a leading London eye hospital
Acceptability of switching etanercept from a prefilled syringe to an autoinjection pen.
An Audit on the Use of the Medicines Information Service at a Leading Eye Hospital
An Experience of Exenatide Therapeutic Drug Monitoring from Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
An exploration of Pharmaceutical Counseling Service in a Chinese hospital pharmacy
Analysis for near miss from AERS on a regional hospital
Analysis of antibiotic sensitivity pattern in Hospital acquired pneumonia in a teaching hospital
Analysis of factors associated with thrombocytopenia in Chinese patients receiving intravenous linezolid therapy
Analysis the Antimicrobial Agent Prescribing Patterns in relation to the Emergence of Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus in a Medical Center
Antibacterial drug use in hospitalised paediatric patients: a comparison between the UK and Latvia
Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Cesarean Section: A Meta Analysis
Antibiotics induced severe pseudomembranous colitic in 1 patient
Anticoagulation related quality of life (ACQoL) and INR control of pharmacist-managed patients on warfarin therapy
Antimicrobial stewardship - an experience from a tertiary care teaching hospital of Pakistan
Application of Direct Observation of Procedural Skills Assessment in Dispensing Skills Training of Pharmacy Interns
Are Chloramphenicol Eye Drops prescribed appropriately in the treatment for Acute Bacterial Conjunctivitis?
Assessing Impact of Long ER Stay on Patients’ Missed Doses and Delays
Assessment of drug use pattern in Diabetes Mellitus patients in a rural Tertiary care teaching Hospital
Assessment of reactive drug interventions by a clinical pharmacist in a secondary care hospital
Assessment of requests for pharmacy preparations
Assessment of the benefits of pharmacist-patient medication couselling at the national orthopaedic hospital, Igbobi, Lagos, Nigeria
Association between the evaluation based on scientific evidence and final decisions made by Pharmacy and Therapeutics committees
Barcode Checking System Applied to Traditional Chinese Medication in Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
Clinical Pharmacist’s intervention study of individual Total nutrition admixture composition
Comparative studies of cytotoxic manufacturing practices in specialized Cancer Centers against international guidelines (ASHP, OSHA, HSE-UK)
Comparative study of the impact of pharmacists interventions during clinical rounds at the national orthopaedic hospital, Igbobi,Lagos, Nigeria
Comparison of the contamination levels on the exterior surface of the vials containing platinum anticancer drugs among the pharmaceutical products
Comparison of UPLC-MS-MS and Architect i1000 immunology analyzer methods for Cyclosporine A and Tacrolimus therapeutic drug monitoring
Comparison of use and role of Adrenaline and Amiodarone in Cardiac Arrest. Case od Emergency Center in Kosovo
Conversion from sirolimus to everolimus in kidney transplant recipients:The experience in a medical center in Taiwan
Counseling for Cigarette Cessation with carbon monoxide level in the exhaled breath
Determinants of Severe Hypoglycemia in Type 2 Diabetes
Determining the Delays in Medication Prescribing at a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital of Pakistan:
Development of a Charge Pharmacist Staffing Model at an Academic Medical Center
Development of Standard Treatment Guidelines in a Fragile State Setting with Limited Resources
Drug related problems (DRP) in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
Enhancing the Patient Safety by Establishing Warfarin Management Service in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital of Pakistan
Epidemiological analysis and pharmacological treatment of patients with LBP treated at the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinic
Establishment of Medication Barcode Standard and Hospital Application Model in Taiwan
Evaluating medication safety of chemotherapy prescription in a tertiary teaching hospital in northern Taiwan
Evaluating the impact of a pharmacy practice model change at an academic medical center
Evaluation of a novel antibiogram-based standard antibiotic policy in a tertiary care hospital, india
Evaluation of clinical laboratory indicators of patients treated with parenteral nutrition
Evaluation of Efficacy and Safety for Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 Inhibitors in Elderly Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Evaluation of multiple sclerosis patients quality of life followed as outpatients in Centro Hospitalar Leiria-Pombal
Evaluation of the clinical relevance of alerts generated by a drug utilization review system when used in a hospital setting
Evaluation of the risk of bleeding in patients using warfarin combined allopurinol with , benzbromarone and celecoxib.
Evaluation of Vildagliptin in patients with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes mellitus—A medical center experience in Taiwan
Extemporaneously compounded oral medicines in European hospital pharmacies
Fluvastatin-Associated Rhabdomyolysis after Coadministration of Clarithromycin
Formulary Selection Criteria for Biosimilars in the United States: Focus on Safety, Efficacy, and Manufacturer Capabilities
From course orientation to theory-based pracice development in a specialization program: a hospital pharmacy case in Finland
From pain assessment to pain therapy: documentation of pain in routine care
From the satisfaction of direct care for inpatient pharmaceutical services quality improvement
GnRH-a combined with oral contraceptive pill induced sinus thrombosis
Hospital acquired pneumonia: A multivariate analysis of risk and outcome
Hospital pharmacists help stroke patients discharged from hospital to enhance medication safety
Hospital pharmacists’ performance in preventing adverse drug events due to prescribing errors
Hospitalizations due to Drug Intoxications
Immediate renal effects of Parecoxib in orthopaedic patients : a randomized controlled study
Impact evaluation on the use of the human albumin protocol in consumption rationalization
Impact of pharmacist interventions on 5HT3 antagonist prescribing and overall management of chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting (CINV)
Impact of Prescribing Practices on Patient Waiting Times in a Hospital Pharmacy Dispensary
Impact of provide self-care education to post-renal transplant recipients by clinical pharmacist in renal transplantation clinic
Impacts of Team Resource Management Training Program to Pharmacists at a Medical Center in Northern Taiwan
Implementation of a High-Alert Medications Safety Program Leads to Improved Patient Outcome
Implementation of Accreditation Scheme for GCP-Certified Sites in China
Implementation of active monitoring system of adverse drug reactions in a Brazilian Tertiary Hospital
Improving the Use of Antibiotics through Pediatric Clinical Pharmacist Interventions in Pediatric Infection Ward
Improving survival of advanced heart failure using beta-blockers as adjunct in a teaching hospital in Ghana
Improving the appropriate of prophylactic antibiotic administration for joint replacement surgery in a Medical Center
Influence of ABCB1 gene plymorphisms on the pharmacokinetics of Rafampin among health Chinese han ethnic subjects
Influence of lipd levels in hypertensive patients (with or wihtout co-morbid conditions) of anxiety a d cognitive parameters in a South Indian population
Integrating Clinical Pharmacists Across the Cancer Continuum To Improve Medication Use, Patient Care, and Safety
Interaction of quinolines with the amino acids tryptophan, tyrosine and phenylalanine
Introducing Prefilled Methotrexate Syringes for Improving Patient Safety and Cost Effectiveness in Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Patients:
Introducing Template Based Computerized Physician Order Entry for Chemo Medications in aTertiary Care Teaching Hospital in Pakistan
Investigation of 50 Cases of Analgesic Drug Utilization During Perioperative Period
Low-dose glucocorticoid therapy complement the pituitary-adrenocortical system and reduce anxiety and insomnia in myasthenia gravis patients
Management of hypertension at a teaching hospital in Ghana
Management of metformin-associated lactic acidosis
Management of Methotrexate (MTX) induced acute encephalopathy in Pediatrics with ALL (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia) by Aminophylline and Dextromethorphan in a tertiary care hospital of Pakistan
Management of Peptic Ulcer Disease in Nigerian Ports Authority Clinics
Medication Adherence in patients with Hypertension in the Health Center of Coimbra-Portugal
Medication discrepancies in discharge paperwork among patients in the CO-OPERATE Geriatrics/Surgery co-management program
Medication Safety - moving from international guidelines to local action
Medicine reconciliation: An evaluation of hospital discharge discrepancies in one UK primary care trust
Medicine use indicators in Ho Municipal Hosptial, Volta Region, Ghana
Medicines implicated in admissions to elderly care wards in England
Metabolic Effects Of Olanzapine in Resource Constrained HIV-infected Patients
Microbial contamination of enteral feeding through oral intake
Nonimmunologic cutaneous reactions induced by drugs
Off-label use - only a matter of physicians` drug prescription?
Overview of Liver function in outpatient using cholesterol reducing drug Rosuvastatin
Patient medication education practices in Taiwanese hospitals
Patient recognition survey for pharmacist’s roleAt ambulatory pharmacy Bethesda hospital, Jogjakarta, Indonesia
Patients’ Perspective on Medications and Alternative Treatments for Managing Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Pattern of adverse drug reactions among inpatients in Jos University Teaching Hospital, North Central Nigeria
Perception of oral anti-cancer treatment
Pharmaceutical Intervention in of medical prescription´s validation
Pharmacists at the bedside – providing major patient impact
Pharmacy Care for a Rhabdomyolysis Patient
Physical and chemical stability of the cytotoxic drugs used in Centralized Unit for Handling Cytotoxic Drugs of Hospital de Faro, EPE
Postgraduate Courses for Pharmacist Prescribing- Basel Statement 32
Practice and Exploring of Medication Error Reporting in China
Practice of Patient Safety of Medication Administration——Experience from Chinese Hospital Pharmacy
Precautionary-type Quality Improvement Program in Abnormal Drug Distribution for the Inpatients
Predictors of Adherence to HAART in a Longitudinal Study using Unannounced Pill Counts Measure of Adherence
Prevalence and management of Urethral and Vaginal Discharge Syndromes at an STI Clinic in a District Hospital in Ghana
Prevalence of manifested drug-drug interactions in intensive care patients with cardiovascular diseases
Quality of life of patients with arterial hypertension and chronic renal failure
Rationalization of antibiotics consumption in 2011 in Clinical Centre of Serbia
Reducing medication returns in in-patient pharmacies of tertiary care hospital through system modifications and process improvement
Research on Different Administration Frequencies of Alprostadil(PGE1) for Post-Microsurgical Flap Survival Rate
Retrospective Review of the Outcomes of Intravenous Immunoglobulin in Neonatal Sepsis
Review of UTI diagnosis and management in infants 0-2 months old compared to 2-24 months
Right Drug to Right Patient-Improving Patient Identification
Role of pharmacist in management of adverse drug reactions in elderly at Ramathibodi Hospital, Thailand
Role of pharmacist intervention in emergency department to ensure medication safety and cost effectiveness
Role of the clinical pharmacist in outpatient treatment of HCV (hepatitis C virus)
Stability of Etopside Solutin 0,4mg/ml Prepared for Intravenouse Administration
Standard Chemotherapy Order Forms for reducing the number of chemotherapy-related near missing
Statistics of Chinese Medicine Usage in Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
Strategies for improving Pharmacy Service Documentation - a Taiwan Teaching Hospital Experience
Study of improvements modifiable risk factors for acute myocardial infarction patient by pharmacist intervention in an interdisciplinary team approach
Study on the use of crushed drugs prior to its administration to patients with swallow problems in a mexican hospital
Subacute Thrombosis Associated With Clopidogrel Resistance: A Case Report
Sucessful experience in treating multidrug resistant - Acinetobacter Baumanni (MDR-AB) meningitis
Systemic Evaluation of Safety and Effectiveness of Levothyroxine Between Different Contract Manufactures at a Medical Center in Northern Taiwan
The Changing Face of Cancer Care in North America:The Use of Consultative Pharmacy Services to Transition Care
The Clinical Treatment of Linezolid in a Case of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) Pneumonia Which Failed to Respond to Glycopeptides
The Development of a Global Health Residency in Kenya
The effect of estradiol, aspirin and prednisone on implantation and clinical pregnancy rate in women undergoing in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer
The Effect of New Alerting System on the Rates of Adverse Drug Events
The Emerging Concept: To set up seamless care system of family pharmacist
The identification and reporting of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) in a district general hospital setting
The lifecycle management system for drugs, from pharmaceutical manufactures to wholesalers and to use in hospitals
The pharmaceutical care in the process of therapeutic drug monitoring
The Project of Promoting Drug distribution Satisfaction
The Relationship between 7-Hydroxy-Methotrexate/Methotrexate Ratio and Methotrexate Terminal Elimination Rate in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Children and its Clinical Significance
The retrospective analysis of the use of antibiotics of tertiary hospitals in Beijing from June to December in 2011
The Role of Medication Counseling for Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women by Pharmacist
The role of pharmacist in the treatment of metabolic syndrome
The role of pharmacists:form Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring to Pharmacovigilance
The role of pharmacy interns in detecting drug-related problems on hospital wards
The Scale and Cost Effectiveness of Repeat Prescribing at a leading London Eye Hospital
The Use of Vancomycin and Therapeutic Monitoring of Serum Vancomycin Concentrations in Children with Sepsis
Therapeutic drug monitoring of meropenem is not enough without true MIC value
Therapeutic effect of recombinant human erythropoietin on anaemia with hemodialysis outpatients in Regional Teaching Hospital in Taiwan.
Three severe bumetanide-associated musculoskeletal reactions
Time-dependent stability and safety assessment of Total Parenteral Nutrition admixture prepared in hospital pharmacy
To analysis and statistic of Adverse Drug Reactions in herbal medicine in Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital
To enhance patient safety by minimizing medication dispensing errors in a tertiary care hospital through quality improvement initiatives
Transcription of physicians’ orders by nurses on a paediatric ward – only a minor problem?
Transdermal fentanyl patch as a pain reliever for cancer patients: a drug use evaluation in a local general hospital
Use of the medical system to improve the contrast medium of the incidence of adverse reactions
Use of Unlicensed & Equivalent Licensed Medicines at a leading London eye Hospital
Using the objective structured clinical examination for assessing the performance in patient education of fall-related drugs
Utility and safety of bevacizumab in patients with metastatic breast cancer
Valproic acid-carbapenems interaction in hospitalized patients:a retrospective evaluation and literature review
Vancomycin pharmacokinetics is a key to proper therapeutic monitoring
Variation of Valproic Acid Concentration During Concomitant Use of Carbapenem Antibiotics and Enzyme-Inducing Antiepileptic Drugs: A Retrospective Study
What do you know about Agomelatine?- Survey results on area health service (AHS) medical practitioner knowledge on a new medication
Industrial Pharmacy
Application of byproducts as profitable alternative for antimicrobial peptide production
Buffered sucrose candies as a safe strategy for children’s dental caries protection
Camptothecin fails to induce tumor necrosis factor-alpha treated HaCaT cells apoptosis
Comparative study of Benzoyl Peroxide and combination of Benzoyl Peroxide/Phytosphingosine on acne skin
Cytotoxicity evaluation of antimicrobial peptide: an in vitro assay
Effect of excipients on pharmaceutical and technological properties of uncoated tablets lithii carbonas
Evaluation of biorelevant in vitro test for desloratadine immediate release tablets based on in vivo results
Fast Dissolving Buccal Films of Sodium PicoSulfate
Formulation and evaluation of mucoadhesive bi-layer buccal tablets of Labetalol hydrochloride using natural polymers
Formulation and evaluation of nano drug delivery system of anti- inflammatory drug ibuprofen using factorial design
Formulation and evaluation of nano drug delivery system of antibiotic drug using factorial design
Formulation and evaluation of nanodrug delivery system of furosemide
Formulation and evaluation of sustained release tablets of glimepiride and metformin
Formulation and optimization of polymeric nano drug delivery system of anti-hyperlipidemic drug using factorial design
High content screening of 3D cell cultures for novel breast cancer therapy combinations
In Vitro Equivalence Testing of Amlodipine Besylate Tablets under BCS-Based Biowaiver Conditions
New biodegradable polymer blends of HDPE/starch and PP/starch as materials for pharmaceutical packaging
Structural Changes Pharmaceutical Wholesale Distribution in Korea
Synthesis of nanoparticles based on magnetic iron oxide for cancer treatment
Synthesis of new pyrazole derivatives derived from 4-hydroxy coumarin and evaluation of their biological activity
Laboratory and Medicines Control Services
Application of WHONET 5 Software for the Surveillance and Analysis of Antimicrobial Resistance in A Sudanese Hospital.
Colombia – Sierra Leone: A South – South Non-governmental pharmaceutical cooperation experience. First year
Determination of Sodium Benzoate in Primulae Veris Syrup by derivative spectrophotometry
Glucosamine preparations available on the Belgian market – a comparative study
Quality control and standardization of the medicinal preparation of combined action
The determination of Cyclosporine with different immunochemical techniques
Military & Emergency Pharmacy
A survey on the enlistment of pharmacists in a hospital battalion of the Swiss Armed Forces
Effects of Hypothermic on Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamic in Body
Emergency Medicine Supply System in China: A System Dynamics Approach
Perception and knowledge of malaysian pharmacy students towards influenza A(H1N1): an indicator of public health awareness among university students
Pharmacy Information
Absence of Registration and WHO Prequalification Standard - potential factors for the increase of MDR-TB in Moldova
Analysis for drug interactions of nonprescription drugs and prescription drugs
Assessment of therapeutic queries answered at the drug information service centre
Attitudes, practices and beliefs of general practitioners towards Chlamydia
CEDIME (Medicines and Health Information Center of National Association of Pharmacies, ANF, Portugal) - Supporting Portuguese Pharmacies’ advising on dietary supplements
Challenges to Children’s Access to Medicines in Moldova
Composing patient information webtexts on antineoplastic agents used in the home setting for, using patient panel sessions
Computerized Physician Order Entry Systems Contributing to Medication Errors – A Paradox
Confidence of customers in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the quality and safety of cosmetic products with unconventional composition
Developing a national Medicines Information Strategy in Finland - Using stakeholder analysis to inform decision making
Developing Rational Medicine Use Mass Media Messages in a Low Literacy Setting in Afghanistan
Development of a method to determine the level of understanding of package inserts for over-the-counter medication: Factors affecting understanding
Development of proper infrastructure for the improvement of regulatory performance - advertising of medicines and medical devices
Dietary Supplements - Technical and scientific analysis of major safety issues: caring for consumer’s health
Do drug information needs and health literacy affect kidney transplant patients’ adherence to immunosuppressant drugs?
Drugs and driving: practical guidelines for the healthcare professional
Drugs and renal impairment: practical dosing guidelines for the healthcare professional
Evaluation of self-administration of medication program for patient with spinal cord injury of a Brazilian center of neuroscience and rehabilitation
Farmanco: Drug shortages in the Netherlands
Geriatricians’, General Practitioners’, and Accredited Pharmacists’ views of geriatric medication management resources: A qualitative study
Guidelines for medication use during pregnancy in the Netherlands
Homeopathy Popular Knowledge in Oporto, Portugal
Impact of a pharmacist driven breast cancer awareness intervention
Implementing drug information strategy in Finland: Meeting medicines information needs of adolescents
Japanese consumers’ attitudes toward labelling information of non-prescription (OTC) medicines
Lipid regulating medicines consumption assessment in serbia during the period 2004-2010 year
Low health literacy patients in under-resourced systems: do they know what medicines information they need or want and where to source it?
Malaria Chemotherapy at a University Hospital in Ghana
Managing knowledge in the community pharmacy with KennisTest, a flexible management and education tool
Medicinal information and adolescents
Parameters on prescription drug in basic health units of the municipality of Petrolina-Pernambuco, Brazil
Patient Instruction Videos: a useful online health care service
Patients’ beliefs about medicines and quality of life after a medication review with care plan development: a case control study
Perception of a Newsletter for Community Pharmacists
Pharmacy practice in Russia: implementation of Good Pharmacy Practice standards through elaboration of educational programs of continuing professional development
The effects of presenting side effects in medicines information on anxiety, perceived susceptibility and perceived severity: grouping side effects by instructions compared with grouping by frequency
The role of drug advertising for patient’s compliance
Twenty years of a nationwide Brazilian experience in Medicines Information Centers
Use of sports nutritional supplements by physically active subjects of gyms in Oporto city
Using the Informatics system to improve the efficiency of clinical trials management
Pharmacy Technicians
Consumption profile of medicines during pregnancy in a Portuguese maternity
Croatian Association of Pharmacy technicians (PhT) – role of association in education of PhT in Croatia
Historical evolution of technical diagnostics and therapeutics in Portugal
International Mobility in The Pharmacy Degree at the School of Allied Health Sciences of Oporto
Job Satisfaction of Portuguese Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians
Medication Errors on Community Pharmacies – contributions for a better understanding
Medicinal plants in therapeutics now: a reality or a myth
Pharmacy Technicians Internship: The Oporto School Reality
Rational use of medicines – a portrait in a nursing home in Coimbra
Safety in the circuit of cytotoxic drug: contributions to the evaluation of hospital reality in portugal
Self-Medication among High School Adolescentsof Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal
Semester’s or Quarter’s? Opinion of students and teachers of Pharmacy degree from ESTSP-IPP about semester’s to quarter’s transition
Splitting tablets in clinical practice: an analysis in an Internal Medicine ward
Study of weight uniformity during tablet splitting in three different drugs
The training of Pharmacy Technicians in the School of Health Technology of Porto, Portugal - A historical perspective.
SIG: Analytical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Quality
A simple LC-MS/MS method for simultaneous determination of temsirolimus and its major metabolite in human whole blood
Assessment of microbiological quality and stability of purified water in practice
Bioanalytical method validation of pantoprazole sodium in human plasma and its application to bioequivalence study
Characterization of the possible degradation products of Zolpidem tartrate under varies stress conditions
Comparative evaluation of local periodontal treatment with betamethasone dipropionate using enzymatic and bioanalytical HPLC method
Determination of Steroids in Herbal Formulation by simple RP-HPLC Method
Development and validation of electrophoresis capillary and microbiological assay methods for determination of caspofungin in lyophilized powder.
Direct optical resolution of racemic ritodrine in serum
Dronedarone: determination in tablet dosage form by micellar electrokinetic chromatography, high-performance liquid chromatography and uv spectrophotometry
Effect of spheronizer plate design on the spheronization of ketoprofen
Elements in Medicines for oral administration
Formulation and in vitro evaluation of mucoadhesive controlled release matrix tablets of flurbiprofen using response surface methodology
Improvement of Medication Therapy Safety of Nursing Home Residents through Pharmacists` Intervention
In-line monitoring of a continuous blending process by NIR
Kinetic Calibration Based on Mass Transfer Dynamics of Hollow Fiber Liquid-Phase Microextraction and Its Application to Fast pharmaceutical Analysis
Medical Rep or Drug Dealer? The Path You'll Take! A Focus on Jordan Market
Metabolomics study about development of a bladder cancer screening with urine odor
Microwave-assisted forced degradation of duloxetine
Pharmaceutical quality and access in Nigeria: Evaluation of the Mobile Authentication Technology and stakeholder perceptions on quality and access
Quality of Amoxicillin Capsules and Tablets in Community Pharmacies in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: A Lot Quality Assurance Sampling (LQAS) Survey
Quality study of recombinant biological medicinal products, trastuzumab, rituximab and abatacept
Second-derivative spectrophotometry for analysis of simvastatin in polimeric nanocapsules
Solubility Enhancement of Gliclazide by Solid Dispersions
Stability of Rivaroxaban: Kinetic evaluation by alkaline hydrolysis and photodegradation
Stability-Indicating High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Chloramphenicol, Its Degradation Product, Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate and Tetrahydrozoline
UHPLC in the research of antioxidant properties of polyphenols in dietary supplements
Visualising shear stress distribution inside constrained flow geometries containing pharmaceutical powder excipients using photo stress tomography
SIG: Biotechnology
ATPMS evaluation as a separation technique to biopharmaceuticals
Bromelain extraction from pineapple residues using ethanol precipitation and its application in polymeric hydrogels
Cytotoxicity assay of stearylamine-containing nanoemulsion intended to carry pDNA
Development of high efficient gene delivery system with anionic surface charge
Gene Delivery to Pancreatic Cancer Cells via Intratumoral Injection of Chitosan-based Vector
Purification of bromelain from pineapple peel for therapeutic application in dermatological bases
Rapid determination of GSTP1 promoter methylation using differential high resolution melting analysis
SIG: Drug Design and Discovery
A design of succinimidyl ester compound with three coumarin moiety for synthesizing fluorescent antibody bioconjugate
Antitumour activity of the molecular complexes of uraciles and bacterial lectines
Biological activity of the substututed Benzimidazole
BIS-adduct of 5-Methyluracile and its antitumour activity
Computer-aided design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of novel 2-substituted aminomethylenepyrimidine-2,4,6-Triones as H1 antihistaminic agents (part2)
Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of memantine-polyamine conjugates as NMDA channel blockers
Methionine enkephalin inhibit the growth of SH-SY5Y cells through multiple mechanisms
New 3-aminorhodanine derivatives as potential antifungal agents
Nitrofurantoin permeability through Caco-2 cells: a parameter to develop new oral 5-nitro-heterocyclic compounds with potential activity against Multirresistant Staphylococcus aureus
Prucalopride for The Treatment of Chronic Constipation in Women in Whom Laxatives Fail to Provide Adequate Relief: A Systematic Review
Structure-based virtual screening, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel anti-toxoplasma and anti-neospora agents
Synthese and antiproliferative activity of Desmosdumotinsformyl substituted on A-ring analogs
Synthesis and antimycobacterial activity of novel 5-substituted-4-thiazolidinone-n-amino acid derivatives
Synthesis and evaluation of novel brain targeting chemical delivery systems of ciprofloxacin
Synthesis and pharmacological activity of some oxyindole derivatives
Synthesis of some novel 1, 3, 4-oxadiazoles derivatives by coupling with N-hydroxy methyl Phthalimide and evaluation of their anticancer activity
Synthesis, characterization and anthelmintic activity of some newer 1,3-thiazine derivatives
Synthesis, Characterization and Evaluation of Anticancer Activity of some new Schiff bases of 1,3,4-Thiadiazole derivatives
The use of NMR chemical shifts in correlation studies with molecular descriptors, drug-likeness scores and ADMET properties in a series of protein tyrosine kinase inhibitors
SIG: Formulation Design and Pharmaceutical Technology
A diclofenac sodium silk fibroin-chitosan microspheres : Preparation controlled-release in vitro and pharmacokinetic profile in rats
A feasibility study for nebulization of a model anti-asthma drug using dendrimers as nanocarriers
An investigation of natural and modified diatomite as potential carriers for diclofenac sodium
Analysis of Effects of Lubricant level, mixing time and tableting speed on dissolution of Glimpiride tablets
Chitosan-FAP-B nanoparticles: Novel non viral vectors for gene delivery to the lung epithelial cells
Design and Evaluation of Amlodipine Besylate-Hydrochlorothiazide Immediate-release combination tablets
Development and Characterization of Zidovudine Loaded PCL Nanoparticles
Development and evaluation of furosemide/ with hydroxipropyl-ß-cyclodextrin (HP-ß-CD) matrix tablets with hydroximethilpropylcelulose (HPMC)
Development and evaluation of SPG membrane emulsification system for enhanced oral bioavailability of itraconazole
Development of a Novel Miniemulsion-Based Topical Formulation of Lignocaine for Application to Open Wounds
Effect of antioxidants on the stability of ONO-1301, a novel long-acting prostacyclin agonist, loaded in PLGA microspheres
Effect of chitosan molecular weight on drug release from directly compressed alginate-chitosan matrices
Effect of drug loading on release liner removal from drug-in-adhesive transdermal films
Enhanced bioavailability of baicalin by nanocrystal drug delivery system using an ultrasonic-homogenization process
Formulation and Evaluation of a Topical Oily Gel Containing a Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug
Formulation and Evaluation of Fast Dissolving Blister Tablets of Ondansetron Using Zydis Technique
Formulation and in-vitro Evaluation of Salbutamol Sulphate in situ Gelling Nasal Inserts
Formulation and Pharmaceutical Evaluation of Bioadhesive Vaginal Tablets of Fluconazole
Formulation Design & Evaluation of Voglibose Microspeheres for the treatment of Post prandial Hyperglycemia
Hydrocortisone dermal bioavailability from alkyl polyglucoside emulsifier-stabilised bases: in vivo skin blanching assay
Improved dissolution and permeability of exemestane using gelucire 50/13
In Vitro Activities of Floroquinolones Entrapped in Non-ionic Surfactant Vesicles against Multi-Drug Resistant Bacteria Strains
In vitro and in vivo dissolution of nifedipine modified release tablets: how do they match?
In vivo anticancer and toxicological studies of liposomal formulations of (+)-catechin
In vivo study of a novel formulation of liposomal hydrogel for prolonged delivery of liposomes
Influence of the mixing regimen and high sheer mixer filling on the content uniformity of the venlafaxine hydrochloride dry blends
Investigation of hydrogel membranes containing combination of Timolol maleate and brimonidine tartrate for ocular delivery
Invitro charcaterization and cell cytotoxicty of insulin naoparticles composed of quaternized aromatic derivatives of chitosan
Maltosylated polyethylenimine-based triple nanocomplexes of human papillomavirus 16L1 protein and DNA as a vaccine co-delivery system
Method Development and Bioavailability Enhancement of solid dispersion contacting Nifedipine
Microbial contamination of Preservative Free Dexamethasone and Chloramphenicol Ophthalmic Solutions and their Containers.
Microencapsulated formulation of Lactobacillus casei for protecting probiotic stability in vivo and targeting release
New applications of hot-melt extrusion for uniform distribution of very low dose drugs
Novel photoactive antimicrobial nanofibers for biomedical applications
Photo-sessitive micelles encapsulated with nifedipine
Physical properties of fabricated polymeric films containing plasticizers and drugs
Polymeric Nanoparticles of NITTP: The percursor of the 18-FMISO
Possibilities for producing water-in-oil creams with hyaluronic acid in Galenical laboratory conditions
Preparation , in vitro and in vivo evaluation of malotilate spray-dried emulsion
Preparation and evaluation of fenofibrate SMEDDS using statistical experimental design
Preparation and evaluation of flurbiprofen-loaded self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery system (SNEDDS)
Preparation and evaluation of the time-controlled release tablet, a drug delivery system for chronopharmacotherapy
Preparation and In vitro Investigation of Chitosan Compressed Tablets for Colon Targeting
Preparation and in-vitro Evaluation of Drospirenone Intravaginal Ring (IVR)
Preparation of nanoparticles composed of thiolated quaternary ammonium of chitosan for buccal delivery of insulin
Preparation of novel valsartan SMEDDS employing statistical experimental design
Rabbits gastrointestinal fluids: a good model for drug solubility prediction in humans?
Study of the Physical Compression of Technological Excipients during Tablet Production
Study of the stability of commercial bromelain in cosmetic formulations
Synthesis and Characterization of Lactose-Carboxymethyl Chitosan and its Application in Coating Liposomes
Systemic delivery of andrographolide via the transdermal route using a new microemulsion system: in vitro and in vivo studies
Tacrolimus option in Lupus erythematodes – combination strategy
The effects of ethanol and oleic acid on glucosamine penetration test from transdermal nanoemulsion using franz diffusion cell
The new pH sensitive polycation improves the transfection activity of R8-modified lipid nanoparticles by facilitating siRNA condensation
The preparation of the insulin-phospholipids complex for the non-invasive insulin delivery systems
Towards biorelevant flow-through dissolution method for nimesulide immediate-release tablets: In vitro-in silico approach
SIG: Natural Products
A New Aristolactam Alkaloid from the stem of Dasymaschalon trichophorum Merr
Anti-fibrotic effects of wedelolactone and echinocystic acid on hepatic stellate cell LX-2
Anti-inflammatory Triterpenoids from Root Extract of Trianthema decandra Linn.
Anti-inflammatory effect of Apigenin-7-neohesperidoside (Rhoifolin) in carrageenin-induced rat edema model
Anti-inflammatory effect of Lycium Fruit water extract in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophage cells
Antioxidant flavonoids from Rhamnaceous plants Cu(II)-induced cell death by reducing reactive oxygen species in human Hep G2 cancer cells and normal mouse liver cells
Bacterial vaginosis: A review of non-antibiotic treatment options
Characterization of different UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT)-mediated metabolic behaviour of carvacrol in five species
Chemical composition and relaxant effect of chloroform extract of the underground parts of Ferula heuffelii
Cultivation of Shrubby Cinquefoil or Dasiphora fruticosa by seed and seedling
Effects of extraction time on coumarin concentration in Meliloti herba extract
Effects of two weeks exposure of ibogaine and noribogaine on mouse organs: morphologic evaluation
Enzogenol Regulates Lipid and Glucose metabolism in C57BL/KsJ-db/db Mice Skeletal Muscle
Evaluation of the wound-healing effect of some new phytotherapy ointments
Herbal medicine use in dysmenorrhea: determining extent of use and the commonly used herbs
In vitro and in vivo antioxidant and hepatoprotective effects of micromeria cristata l. extracts
In vitro Synergism of Fluconazole and three Aporphine Alkaloids from Fibraurea recisa against clinical isolates of candida albicans Resistant to Fluconazole
In vivo antioxidant activity of deodorized water extract of Thymus Pannonicus
Integration of Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Therapies for the treatment of acute paediatric pain within community pharmacy practice
Interaction of punica granatum fruit with carvedilol during isoproterenol induced myocardial injury
Investigation of bee bread collected in three regions of Latvia
Isolation of Lactobacillus Strains from Vagina with Potential Activity against Vaginal Pathogenic Strains
Medicinal plants used by a group of elderly from petrolina city in pernambuco
Nephroprotective activity of ethanolic extract of Aerva pseudotomantosa Blatt & Hallb in rats
Pharmacological Characterization of Ferulic Acid and Caffeic Acid as Potent Inhibitors for the Melanin Production in B16 Melanoma Cells
Pharmacological Characterization of Novel Taxus Lignans as Potent Inhibitors for the Initial Stage of Neurodegrative Diseases
Possible amelioration of oxidative, inflammatory and fibrotic cascades by plumbago zeylanica in hepatocellular injuries
Protective effect of apitherapy products in acetaminophen-induced hepatopathy
Quality Control of dietary supplements with soy isoflavones used in menopause
Studies on the Active Constituents of the Stem of Gordonia kwangsiensis
The effect of bio-transformed Korean herbal medicine, jaeum-ganghwa-tang and Gumi-ganghwal-tang on platelet aggregation in human platelet
The influence of apitherapeutic agent on glycosaminoglycan expression during experimental burn healing
SIG: Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism and Excretion
A modified LC-MS/MS method for determination of tetramethylpyrazine in microdialysis samples and calibration of home-made linear probes
A new analytical method of ritodrine in newborn serum by LC-MS/MS
Apoptosis Induced by Sonodynamic Therapy using a Novel Porphyrin Derivative DCPH-P-Na(I)
Blood distribution of bortezomib and its kinetics in multiple myeloma patients
Determination of piperphentonamine and metabolites M1 and M6 in human plasma and urine by LC/MS/MS and its application in a pharmacokinetics study in Chinese healthy volunteers
Different inhibitory effects of angiotensin II receptor blockers on cytochrome P4502C9 dependent formation of epoxyeicosatrienoic acids from arachidonic acid
Effect of cytochrome P450 1A2 genotype on theophylline pharmacokinetics and its interaction with decursinol angelate
Evaluation of the functional role of P-glycoprotein in tramadol neuropharmacokinetic
In vitro-in vivo correlations for an amorphous formulation of a poorly soluble compound
Percolation behavior in paracellular permeability
Pharmacokinetics of intravenous pinocembrin in healthy Chinese volunteers
Population pharmacokinetics study of cyclosporine in Chinese paediatric aplastic anemia patients
Proteomic analysis of ubiquitination-associated proteins in a Human Lung Adenocarcinoma Cisplatin-resistant Cell Strain
SIG: Regulatory Sciences
An overview on pharmaceutical regulatory system in Albania, evaluation of registration procedures and local requirements
Biomarker qualification new challenge for regulatory authorieties
Comparative in vitro dissolution studies of commercial diclofenac suppositories using the rotating dialysis cell and the flow through methods.
Current status & Strategies required for the development of Orphan drug
Discordances in the Classification of Renal Impairment in Summaries of Product Characteristics
Impact of Gastrointestinal Stability of Acetylsalicylic acid on the Biowaiver Approval of its Immediate Release Products
Marketing and advertising of pharmaceutical products - ethical perspective
Medicine labels - an insight into consumers' perspective
New medicinal products on the market of bosnia and herzegovina in 2010/2011 – the role of the national regulatory authority in access to medicinal products
Regulatory Approach for Non-Biological Complex Drugs
Regulatory challenges of nanomedicines
Regulatory requests in procedure of issue marketing authorisation for biosimilars
Strategy of Environmental Risk Assessment of Pharmaceuticals in japan
SIG: Translational Research and Individualized Medicines
Effect of Add-on Pentoxifylline Therapy on Proteinuria and eGFR in Membranous Glomerulonephritis: A 6-Month Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial
FASL-844CC genotype as a predictive factor for poor response to bacillus Calmette-Guerin immunotherapy
Genotyping single nucleotide polymorphisms directly from whole blood by pyrosequencing coupled with linear-after-the-exponential PCR
Impact of CES1A2 A(-816)C polymorphism on platelet reactivity after clopidogrel treatment in Chinese patients with coronary heart disease
Pharmacogenetics in Type 2 Diabetes Treatment.
Ratiometric dosing of indole-3-carbinol (I3C) and 2-methoxyestradiol (2ME) in cancer chemotherapy: a friend or a foe?
Social and Administrative Pharmacy
A Framework for a Register for Biological Agents in Rheumatology
A medication risk assessment tool for primary care. Results of a Finnish Consensus Panel of Experts
A Prestudy on Consumer Awareness Regarding Alleviating the Regulation of Non-prescription Drugs Sales in South Korea
A Study of Gender Differences in Employment of Recent Pharmacy Graduates
A Study of the Patterns of Off-Label Use resulting in Drug Relief Applications in Taiwan
Antibiotics for upper respiratory infections: public knowledge, beliefs and self-medication in the Republic of Macedonia
Assessing the regulatory framework for medicines and food in Afghanistan
Assessment of antibiotic availability without prescription in Lithuanian community pharmacies
Automated dose dispensing improves patient safety
Becoming a pharmacy owner from a staff pharmacist - how does this influence well-being at work? A qualitative research from Finnish community pharmacies
Catalysts for change: how Australian pharmacists are influencing prescribing behaviour
Chlamydia trachomatis: Epidemiology of Conjunctival and Genital Infections
Comparative analysis of drug revolving fund (DRF) and public partnership (PPP) program on drug supply management in Universtiy College Hospital (UCH, Ibadan, Nigeria
Comparative price of medicines in different commercial options in the Brazilian community pharmacies
Comparative status of health consumer's knowlegde, attitude and practice (KAP) regarding medicines and healthcare in developing economies
Comparison of Medical Prescriptions between Bulgaria and the Czech Republic with Relation to the European Directive of Cross-border Healthcare - European Perspective
Cost-Utility Study in Mexican patients with acute stroke treated with Dapsone in a public hospital in Mexico City
Cost/effectiveness Evaluation of the Treatment of Patients with Reumatoid Arthritis in public hospital in Mexico City
Critical Analysis of the Dispensing Process at a General Hospital Pharmacy
Distribution of medical products in Europe
Drug Shortages Reporting System in Taiwan
Drugs used in acid related disorders (A02): A five-year study of outpatient utilization in the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ensuring sustainability of Ghana's health insurance scheme through quality improvement and claims verification
Evaluation of Drug Advertisement in Medical Journals
Expered medicines, cost of the society
Exploratory descriptive study: Consumers' perceptions of analgesic advertisements
First results of the implementation of the Continuing Education process for pharmacists in Albania
Geriatrics care clinic: medication profiling and outcomes among the elderly in a rural community - philippine model
Health related quality of life in patients post-stroke: dapsone vs placebo
How to integrate data related with drugs prescription, distribution, consumption and destruction in the Albanian Healthcare System
Improving consumer access to medicines: innovative medicines reclassification in New Zealand (NZ)
In-vivo Evaluations of Liposome Entrapped Self-Assembled Supramolecular of Andrographolide with Hydroxypropyl-ß-Cyclodextrin Long-Circulating Nanoparticle Targeting Drug Delivery System
Intake of caffeine beverages in a cohort of students of the Oporto School of Allied Health Sciences
Integrating patient perspective into health technology assessment of pharmaceuticals in Finland
Investigation on pharmaceutical adulterants in foods with health claim during 2004 to 2010 in Taiwan
Is Japan about to switch on medicines reclassification?
Knowledge and practice of disposal of date expired and unused drugs
Low-cost generic drug discount programs: implications for patient safety
Marketing analysis of asthma and copd products on the pharmaceutical market in bulgaria for 2011
Marketing elements affect patient self-determination for the purchase of medicines
Measuring the importance of professional training in the international migration of pharmacists from sub-Saharan Africa
Method of confirming the authenticity of medicinal products to combat counterfeits in a global supply chain
Opinion Survey on Anti-Counterfeit Medicines in Taiwan
Outpatient Antibiotic Use in the South of Portugal
Overview of drugs reimbursement system in republic of Moldova
Patient satisfaction with provided information about medications
Patients knowledges about drug utilization
Perception of the Physician to the Role of the Clinical Pharmacists in the Egyptian Hospitals
Pharmaceutical care improves quality of life of hemodiaysis patients
Pharmacists’ perspectives on drug abuse control in the Nelson Mandela Metropole
Pharmacoeconomic analyses for choosing the right medicines for the essential list providers in the case of Kosovo
Primary care pharmacy indicators –the trend in Thailand
Primary Care Pharmacy Specialty Network Listserv: A Content Analysis
Public awareness towards pharmacist’s role in Lebanon
Public sector financing and expenditure on medications. Panama 2007-2011
Quality Function Deployment and Principal Component Analysis on the Quality of Generic Drugs in Japan
Socio-Cultural Challenges in the Management of Pediatric HIV/AIDS in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria
Taiwan public health new tools small tool! Big tone!
The current situation and problems of home medical care in an urban setting, including services provided by pharmacists
The estimation of household medicine kit
The impact of “e-Farmaci” online software in the auditing activities of Healthcare Insurance Institute in Albania
The relationship between the genetic polymorphism of CYP2C19*2?*3 and the clinical efficacy of clopidogrel: a systematic review
The role of governmental organizations to guarentee patient's safety through controlling. The quality of behavioral ethics in the controllers (controlling the controllers)
Transdermal Buprenorphine: utilization trends in United Kingdom primary care practice
Use of antibiotics for urinary tract infection in institutionalized and home-dwelling elderly
Use of antidepressant drugs in a cohort of students of the Oporto School of Allied Health Sciences
Validation of the Stroke-Specific Quality of Life Questionnaire in Mexican Stroke Survivors: A Pilot Test of its Psychometric Properties
What kind of antibiotic prescriptions are delivered in my pharmacy? Testimony of an Albanian pharmacist
Biography Igor Linhares de Castro
Biography Jaime Kravzov-Jinich
Biography Jill E. Martin-Boone
Biography Monika Derecque-Pois
Biography Rian Lelie- van der Zande
Centennial Declaration - Improving Global Health by Closing Gaps in the Development, Distribution, and Responsible Use of Medicines
FIP President Opening Ceremony Speech
Press Release - FIP responds: Pharmacists play key role to saving billions in healthcare spending
Press Release - FIP Stakeholder Roundtables
Press Release - FIP: “Pharmacists - do not wait for policy makers to take action
Press Release -500 billion USD in global health spending can be avoided annually through more responsible medicines use
Effect of spheronizer plate design on the spheronization of ketoprofen
Formulation and in vitro evaluation of mucoadhesive controlled release matrix tablets of flurbiprofen using response surface methodology
Improvement of Medication Therapy Safety of Nursing Home Residents through Pharmacists` Intervention
In-line monitoring of a continuous blending process by NIR
Medical Rep or Drug Dealer? The Path You'll Take! A Focus on Jordan Market
Solubility Enhancement of Gliclazide by Solid Dispersions
Visualising shear stress distribution inside constrained flow geometries containing pharmaceutical powder excipients using photo stress tomography
A Prestudy on Consumer Awareness Regarding Alleviating the Regulation of Non-prescription Drugs Sales in South Korea
Antibiotics for upper respiratory infections: public knowledge, beliefs and self-medication in the Republic of Macedonia
Comparative analysis of drug revolving fund (DRF) and public partnership (PPP) program on drug supply management in Universtiy College Hospital (UCH, Ibadan, Nigeria
Comparative status of health consumer's knowlegde, attitude and practice (KAP) regarding medicines and healthcare in developing economies
Improving consumer access to medicines: innovative medicines reclassification in New Zealand (NZ)
Overview of drugs reimbursement system in republic of Moldova
Primary Care Pharmacy Specialty Network Listserv: A Content Analysis
Quality Function Deployment and Principal Component Analysis on the Quality of Generic Drugs in Japan
The role of governmental organizations to guarentee patient's safety through controlling. The quality of behavioral ethics in the controllers (controlling the controllers)
Transdermal Buprenorphine: utilization trends in United Kingdom primary care practice
Academic Pharmacy: Competency and pharmacy education
A Service learning activity: 600 students working together
Analysis and Evaluation of Examination Scores and Relative Factors of Beijing Community Pharmacist after Training
Community pharmacy practice for OTC treatment in a 6-year program for Japanese pharmacy students
Comparative survey of students' vs employers' expectations concerning professional attributes of pharmacy graduates
Comparing the numeracy skills of Malaysian- and UK-educated entry-level undergraduate pharmacy students using a validated diagnostic tool
Curriculum design of a competency-based program in pharmacy
Developing a curriculum and learning strategy to underpin development of competencies required for registration
Development of Practice-Based Experiences for 1st-year MPharm Students
Development of Work-based Learning in Pharmacy Education in Serbia
Dinamizar – A project to increase the competitiveness and performance of Portuguese Pharmacies
Do education councils regulate infrastructure or learning centers
E-learning environment for learning medication calculation skills: pharmacy students’ perceptions of its usefulness and development needs
Early experiential activities that assess curricular competencies
Evaluating Anaphylaxis Education for Pharmacists
Feasibility of Facebook as a tool for providing continuing education to community pharmacists: Results of a pilot study
Focus on collaboration - the need, aim, and opportunities in interprofessional education
Harmonising Pharmacy Clinical Competency for Students and Professionals: Findings and Results
Harmonising Pharmacy Clinical Competency for Students and Professionals: Irish students results
Health, Hygiene and Safety at Work – e-Learning case study
Identifying global pharmacy competencies using the Delphi Process
Identifying pharmaceutical human resources gaps and competency development needs in Afghanistan
Implementation of an innovative seminar course for fifth year pharmacy students
Improved medicines management practice as a result of competency based training
Influence of the Pharmacy Curriculum on Students’ Preparedness for Patient Care
Modernization of the Pharmaceutical Education in Russia
New model of postgraduate education - Advanced Courses
Pharmaceutical Education In India: Does it need a change?
Pharmacists’ knowledge about prevention of cardiovascular diseases in Moldova
Pharmacy Education in India - A Study of Student Perceptions of the Quality of Education
Postgraduate 2-year educational program for Dutch Community Pharmacists. An example of workplace learning using CanMeds competencies, task areas, and EPA’s
Preceptors need for support in tutoring students during traineeship in community pharmacies
Research of graduates career expectations on the pharmaceutical faculties of the Russian Federation
Self-medication strategies used for alleviating menstrual discomfort by 4th year students in Montenegro
Skill mapping an undergraduate Pharmacy degree
Survey of US Colleges of Pharmacy Regarding the Incorporation of Institute of Medicine Report Recommendations within the Doctor of Pharmacy Curriculum
Tailoring the delivery of a diabetes education program for pharmacists and student pharmacists in Salvador, Brazil
Teaching communication skills in pharmacy practice – To know and to do are two different things
The WHO FP Global Survey of Pharmacy Schools: Africa
The WHO FP Global Survey of Pharmacy Schools: North America
To assess the factors affecting numerical ability of pharmacy students and identify where areas of provision could be improved
Training Student Pharmacists in Global Health Initiatives
Transformational Leadership in Pharmacy: What Is It and How Do We Develop It?
Transformative Learning: Meeting Practice Transformation Challenges
Transforming Practice Expectations to Expand the Pharmacist Role:A competency based approach
UK pre-registration and student pharmacist self-reported competence and perceived relevance of General Pharmaceutical Council Standards
We don’t need communication training, why is it in our curriculum?
Academic Pharmacy: Hot topics in Clinical Pharmacy Education
A B-learning strategy for Therapeutics at the Bachelor Level
A Model for a Residency in Global Health
Advanced Practice in Infectious Diseases (ID) and Antimicrobial Stewardship (AS): meeting the education needs of pharmacists
Antibiotics ordering error reporting and clinical pharmacist oriented prevention program in emergency department
Comparison of Motivation, Attitudes and Use of Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs and Supplements Between Practicing Pharmacists and Pharmacy Students
Comparison of Motivation, Attitudes and Use of Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs and Supplements in Pharmacy and Nursing Students
Designing a Pharmacy Elective Course to Advance Student Learning in Global Public Health
Development of a new specialty residency program in medication therapy management
Development of a postgraduate unit in Palliative Care: meeting the education needs for the National Palliative Care Strategy
Evaluation of clinical skills with an objective structured clinical examination
Gamma Radiation Sterilization Effects on the Physico-Chemical Quality of Syringes
Gender Differences in HbA1c Levels in Children and Young Peoplewith Type 1 Diabetes: a Longitudinal Analysis
Geriatric pharmacology and pharmacotherapy education for health professionals and students: a systematic review
Integrating pharmacy students in interprofessional education (IPE) teams-experiences with student led disease state and medication management reviews (DSMMR)
Is Training/Timing Everything? Determining Learner Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Experiences
Long-Term Case Review Program during On-Site Training for Development of Clinical Competence of Pharmacy Students
Masters in Counseling and Information in Pharmacy: results of the first edition
Multidisciplinary Team Care: The Essential Role of Clinical Pharmacists
Perception of Indian future pharmacists towards pharmaceutical care
The role of clinical pharmacist in the personalized therapy of hypertension
To evaluate the effectiveness of intern education in pharmacy in a teaching hospital of Taiwan
Veterinary Medicines: Knowledge and Perception of Maltese Pharmacists and Pharmacy Students
What are the views of third and fourth year pharmacy undergraduates on prescribing and therapeutics interprofessional education (IPE) with medical students?
Academic Pharmacy: Other
Comparing Mind Maps of Pharmacists Regarding their Role in Medication Adherence in a South African Setting
Curriculum enrichment in a fragile state: initial experience from Afghanistan
Developing Interprofessional Education in and Academic Health Center
Development and implementation of a career project for third year pharmacy students
How well are Foundation Year One hospital doctors (FY1) prepared for their role as prescribers? The views of FY1s and their supervising medical consultants
Identifying under-graduate Pharmacy leadership opportunities
Implementation and Evaluation of an Education Program for Pharmacists for the Management of Minor Ailments
Lecturers and students perception of students' evaluation of classroom reaching in a Nigerian Pharmacy School
Perception analysis of pharmacy graduate education system among pharmacy graduate students
Perceptual Systems of Pharmacy Students regarding their Future Role in Medication Adherence in a South African Setting
Portuguese pharmacy students: what they think about their near future?
Short-term comprehensive clinical pharmacy education program for international pharmacists
Student Governance in U.S. Colleges and Schools of Pharmacy
Studying the influences of pharmaceutical marketing in Iran (Based on the pharmacists opinion of pharmaceutical promotion)
Technology enhanced pharmacy education: Using the virtual learning environment Moodle to support the development of professional attributes.
The Czech Pharmaceutical Society 1871-2012
The perception of pharmacy students on the use of their character strengths as an approach to improve patient adherence
Using technology to break down barriers in pharmacy education: a case study
Virtual cleanrooms for interactive learning and assessment of principles and practices of sterile dispensing
Academic Pharmacy: Quality assurance and the student learning experience
Evaluation of mutagenic effects of oestradiol on human leukocytes of Alzheimer Disease, elderly and young donors in the Comet assay
Evaluation of the pharmacy practice resource unit
Experiences and success factors from the pilot and launch of ADAPT: an online patient care skills development continuing education program for pharmacists
Global Students’ Learning Experience
Medical and Pharmacy Students’ Knowledge towards the Generic and Brand Medicines in Bangladesh
Pharmacy Students’ Perceptions of an Interactive Blended Course in Public Health
State of the art of the mexican accreditation on pharmacy programs
The use of standardised tools as part of learning portfolios in Patient Data and Pharmacotherapy (PDP) distance education units
Use of paediatric protocols as training tools for pharmacy students
Clinical Biology
Additive anticonvulsant effects of agmatine and lithium chloride on pentylenetetrazole-induced clonic seizure in mice: involvement of a2-adrenoceptor
Assessment of oxidative stress status in ischemic heart disease patients with type2 diabetes in tertiary care teaching hospital of northern Telangana region
Effect of BAPTA-AM on hydrogen peroxide-induced cell hypertrophy in H9c2 cardiomyblasts
Escherichia Colin in Clinical Hospital Center Osijek in period 2008-2011
Evaluation of Oxidative Stress Markers in Chronic Kidney Disease patients
Serum TNF-a levels in rheumatoid arthritis patients treated with TNF inhibitors
Community Pharmacy
A meta-analysis of fee-for-services medication review by community pharmacists
Case of the Week – a tool for implementation of National Standards for Counselling at the Counter
Collaborative Care: Experiences From a Student and a Pharmacist in the United States
Developing the Canadian Pharmacy Services Framework to support expanded patient-centred pharmacy services within a financially sustainable community pharmacy business model
Engaging Community Pharmacists in national TB programme: A path-breaking development in India
Online counselling from the pharmacy
Pharmacy based telecare for metabolic syndrom management
Providing Specific Pharmacy Service - Public Pharmacy Vrsac
Pseudoresistant hypertension caused by non-adherence and inappropriate antihypertensive prescription
Social responsibility of Pharmacy Beograd
Sticker action to create awareness of antibiotic leftovers in the family medicine cabinet
The Kano analysis of patients’ satisfaction at community pharmacy
Community Pharmacy: Compounding
Effectiveness of ex tempore prepared vaginal ovules in the treatment of vaginal bacterial infections
Eyelid infection with Demodex folliculorum and treatment with compounded topical metronidasol cream and gel
Pharmaceutical Compounding - 'Magistral' Preparations in a Pharmacy - Comparison between The Czech Republic and Bulgaria
Solid Dosage Forms Administered to Patients Unable to Swallow: To Compound or Crush?
Community Pharmacy: Counselling activities and supporting adherence
A review of the information-gathering process for the provision of self medication services via community pharmacies in developing countries
A Study of the Profile of Users of the Emergency Contraception Service in Selected Community Pharmacies in Ireland
Antibiotic Awareness Week in Czech pharmacies - patients’ perspective on rational use of antibiotics
Antiepileptic and Antiparkinsonian Drug use for old people living in nursing homes: first report from a collaborative pharmaceutical service in a Swiss canton
Anxiety management non-benzodiazepine drugs; pharmacy compounding lessens the risk of substance abuse and benzodiazepine dependence
Are families aware of the risks of using nonprescription cough and cold medications in children? A study of parental perceptions post FDA public health advisory.
Ask, Assess, Advise: Helping Australian pharmacy assistants respond to requests for non-prescription medicines
Assessing the quality of advice for supply of non-prescription medicines in Australian community pharmacies; a quantitative framework
Assessment of medication related problems in geriatrics
Asymmetric Information and Medication Counseling: An Empirical Study on Japanese Community Pharmacy Setting
Attempt to avoid patient medication errors by pharmacists
Change in patient attitudes towards antibiotics - Is there hope?
Characterization of patients caree in the pharmacy of the hospital school of Saint Francis of Assisi, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: an evaluative study
Community Pharmacists for Diabetes Patients intervention Study in Japan (COMPASS-Project1)
Consumption of psycholeptics and psycho analeptics in nis region, South Serbia (2001-2011)
Counselling patients in everyday pharmacy practice and track the counselling topics
Depression training involving consumer educators: Impact on practice and attitudes toward pharmaceutical care for people with depression
Development of outcome measures to investigate intermediate medication reviews provided in community pharmacies
Differences in sale patterns for original and generic medicinal products
Drugs and safe driving - How much do our drivers know?
Effects of Thiazolidinediones on development of macrovascular complications in type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Evaluation of hiv positive patient adherence to antiretrovirals treatment
Evaluation, validation and modification of pictograms depicting potential side effects to medication
Factors affecting patient adherence and satisfaction: An empirical study on the community pharmacy in Japan
Good communication- a significant factor for successful therapy
How many words does a picture really tell? A cross-sectional descriptive study of pictogram evaluation in youth
Implementation of pharmaceutical care to patients of unified health system who use drugs of primary care of the University of Rio de Janeiro
Information Sharing Promotes Rational Medicine Use in Afghanistan
Knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of pharmacists in Zimbabwe on their role in the prevention and management of non-communicable diseases
Level of gastro protection in patients using non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the main Albanian city
Lifestyle Interventions for Cancer Health Promotion : Assessing Attitudes, Perceptions and Awareness Among Community Pharmacist in Harare
M Health for Promoting Quality Medicine: A Case Study
Methotrexat adherence among patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Modernization in Pharmacy Belgrade
Patient adherence in arterial hypertension therapy
Patient counseling in pharmacy practice – Optimization of drug therapy
Patient safety in using blood glucose meters
Pen-injected Insulin Therapy: Experiences and Views of Diabetic Patients in Nigeria
Pharmaceutical care with images. A step forward in understanding and adherenceto the treatment
Pharmaceutical pictograms and elderly - a portuguese pilot study
Pharmacy staff perspectives on the influence of advertising and the media on customers’ selection of non-prescription medicines in Vietnam
Prevention of constipation among users of opioids at a Danish community pharmacy: Patient information and laxative treatment
Safe and Effective Use of Medicines for vulnerable ethnic minorities in relation to the labour market - development of a pharmacist-delivered counselling programme
Self medication of children by Parents in a Nigerian community.
Self-medication with antitussives and expectorants
Studies on the prevalence of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and associated factors in four rural villages of Andhra Pradesh, India
Supplement Use During Pregnancy: Findings from the Growing up in Ireland study
The AdherenceMonitor: a website on medication adherence and pharmaceutical care in the Netherlands
The Eczema Journal- a tool developed by a community pharmacy in Koege, for dermatologists and their patients
The incidence of drug-related problems in self-medication in Danish community pharmacies
The participation of community pharmacists in preventing irrational and improper use of antibiotics
The role and the part of pharmacist in reducing side effects of non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs in older patients
The survey about food supplements use
The use of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in patients receiving warfarin oral anticoagulant therapy
Theoretical potential profile of prescription drug interactions in Brazilian Intensive Care Units
To split or not to split oral pharmaceutical dosage forms?
Train your curriculum: A board game used in the education of pharmaconomist-students at a community pharmacy in Denmark
Use of antiretroviral medication (ARV) in Federal Hospital of Rio de Janeiro: a pharmaceutical care approach
Validation of a Pictogram-Based Sickle Cell Action Plan and Prescription for Children with Sickle Cell Disease
Waste Medicines: An investigation of how patients order their repeat prescriptions
Waste Medicines: The influence of repeat prescription ordering by patients
What information do patient want who have long term chronic conditions?
Community Pharmacy: Dispensing activities (processes)
Addressing the challenge of drug shortages in Canada and its impact on patient care
Analysis of prescription intervention at Ballerup Apotek to prevent future intervention
Comparison of over-the-counter and prescription-only analgesic prescribing
Developing international best practice guidelines for pharmaceutical care practice in a German community pharmacy setting
Effectiveness of the dispensing of drugs in patient knowledge concerning their medication
Exploring the dispensing process pharmacists undertake when dealing with children's liquid medicines
Implementing a Medication Recycling Program: a Pilot Project in Ottawa, Canada
Medicine dispensing individual customized quantities at community pharmacies in Portugal
Methods for measuring and monitoring the medication adherence in type 2 Diabetes - Systematic Review
Pharmacoepidemiological study of migraine with the focus on 5HT1-receptor agonists
Prevalence and preventability of self-reported adverse drug events among the general public in Sweden
Recommendations for an automated dose dispensing system that supports patient safety
Risk analysis of an automated dose-dispensing process
The future of Professional development (PD) studies for community pharmacists
Validation and creation of renewal procedudes in Electronic Prescribtion in Finland
Community Pharmacy: GPP
A Professional and Sustainable Pharmacy: 12 Objectives for 2012
A successfull experience in promoting pharmaceutical assistance
Adoption of FIP/WHO guidelines on good pharmaceutical practice in Ukraine
Assessment of compliance with health services and the practice of pharmaceutical services in Brazilian community pharmacies
Clinical pharmacy practice in primary care-screening hospital discharge letters
Compliance with Protocols for Eye Conditions
Compliance with protocols in dental conditions
Continuing education in Pharmacy Belgrade in 2011
Counterfeit medicines- how to recognize them?
Detection of wrong ordering by pharmacists in Tehran’s community pharmacies
Dissemination of protocols for the management of gastro-intestinal disorders
Driving practice change within community pharmacy through the Quality Care Pharmacy Program and Pharmacy Practice Incentives
Dutch guidelines for medication safety
Ethics in pharmacy practice research: The relationship between researcher and participants
Evaluation of pharmacists competence in Serbia
False Prescription Database in Norway
Functions of Pharmacies responsible for Community Medicine
Guidelines programme for pharmaceutical care in the Netherlands
How do Indonesian Pharmacy Staff Response to Prescription? A Simulated Patient Study
Implementation of mathematical methods in management decision making and priority setting in pharmacy practice
Patient perspective about New generation pharmacy:- A study by Indian Pharmacist
Pharmacist’s Attitudes vs Patient’s Expectations
Quality Improvement through Self-Evaluation: an online application for Belgian community pharmacies
Shared Leadership in Finnish Community Pharmacies
The development of integrated management system in community pharmacy
Community Pharmacy: Pharmacy services
A College of Pharmacy’s Outreach Plan for Promoting Herd Immunity
A narrative review of pharmacy-based preventive health projects
A qualitative study exploring community pharmacists’ views regarding their role in CVD risk management and prevention in Alexandria, Egypt
A survey concerning the educational needs of diabetics and the potential role of community pharmacies in diabetes education programmes in Germany
Assessment of community pharmacists' knowledge of antimicrobial dispending for common skin infections
Awareness level of pharmacists about counterfeit medicines in Manipal and Udupi – A Survey
Baseline Study of Community Pharmacy Practice in Ireland (Published January 2011)
Clinical effectiveness of medication review with follow up (MRF) on aged polypharmacy patients. A pilot study in the program conSIGUE
Clinical pharmacy consultation service through information technology to improve physician access, prescribing and satisfaction in a community health center
Community pharmacy service in rural settings- challenges and obstacles
Correct dosage of penicillin to children: Customers perceptions of the service delivered at a Danish community pharmacy
Could community pharmacy medicine supply to aged care facilities benefit from quality improvement? Stakeholder perspectives and the resulting initiative
Counselling support to pharmacies working with municipalities on health care services
Cross-Sectional Study on antibiotic use in a resource - limited setting: Data from a district Hospital in rural India
Delphi Care, the scientific database to support pharmaceutical care in Belgium
Designing a Toolkit for implementing pharmaceutical services in Community Pharmacy in Spain: program conSIGUE.
Development and implementation of a framework for providing community pharmacy services
Do you enjoy the customers or prefer to withdraw?
Engagement as pharmacies in home palliative care-Collaboration with physicians, nurses, and other medical professionals and assessment of Collaborative Drug Therapy Management (CDTM) in Japan-
Enhancing Medication Safety in the Community Pharmacy - the North Rhine-Westphalia Concept
Feasibility and acceptability of a computerized medication-reminder service in German community pharmacies
Feasibility of using community pharmacists in focused surveillance for drug safety and effectiveness: A case study of antihypertensives in pregnancy
Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster Support: Activities of Pharmacists and the Pharmaceutical Associations
Impact of community pharmacy diabetes monitoring and education programme on diabetes management: a randomised controlled study
Importance of pharmacist – patient communication in dispensing dermatocosmetic formulations in community pharmacies: a pilot study
Improved medication supply models in aged care settings including non-medical prescribing
Improvement of the pharmaceutical service for the consumers of dermatocosmetic formulations prepared in Apoteka Beograd
Improving diabetes care for Canadians through the Diabetes Strategy for Pharmacists
Integrated Pharmaceutical Care
Knowledge and use of oral contraceptive pills and emergency contraceptive pills among adolescents in Sombor, Serbia
Lifestyle Modification Assistance Programs Provided by Community Pharmacies in Japan:Their Effects and Impact on Satisfaction
Medication Review in Nursing Homes and Home Care
Monitoring of 2 years new remuneration system for the Belgian community pharmacies
Patients perception on a Pharmacists role in Health Care in India
Pharmacists help to make financial savings in health care
Pharmacy-based type 2 diabetes services in an Indonesian setting
Potentially inappropriate medication Survey of the Elderly in Taiwan
Professional Service Implementation Index
Relationship Between Performance Barriers and Pharmacist Competency towards Implementation of an Expanded Public Health Pharmacy Role : A Structural Equation Modelling
Responding to Urinary tract infections during pregnancy in community pharmacy
Self-reported sexual risk factors for chlamydia: A survey of pharmacy-based emergency contraception consumers in Australia
Supply changes in Pharmacy Belgrade
The effective drug abuse prevention lecture a pharmacist performs
The role of pharmacist in decreasing antimicrobial resistance by educating parents
The role of pharmacists in decreasing antimicrobial resistance
The Strategic Plan for Pharmaceutical Care. Dispensing Service of Medicines and Medical Devices for Patients with Venous Insufficiency of the Lower Limbs
There Are Better Things To Smell: Building A Smoke Free NeighbourhoodPharmacist's Campaign Against Tobacco
Views of Community Pharmacists Regarding the Implementation of the New Medicine Service
History of Pharmacy
Hospital Pharmacy
A comparision of combination antiemetic regimens for prevention of PONV in breast surgery patients
A comparison of final year medical students’ and junior doctors’ views on their training and ability to prescribe antibiotics
A Cross-sectional Study on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern in Diabetic Foot Infections
A follow on project for hospital pharmaconomists entitled “Medical history, medicine discharge interviews and interdisciplinary collaboration'
A framework for the Implementaion of Clinical Pharmacy inNational University Hospital (NUH) Singapore
A Longitudinal Study of Patients Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy Using Pharmacy Refill Record Measure in a Tertiary Hospital in Nigeria
A multidisciplinary staff aproach in elder inpatients pharmacotherapy with polimedication.
A Re-Audit on the Incidence and Causes of Dispensing Near Misses at a leading London eye hospital
Acceptability of switching etanercept from a prefilled syringe to an autoinjection pen.
An Audit on the Use of the Medicines Information Service at a Leading Eye Hospital
An Experience of Exenatide Therapeutic Drug Monitoring from Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
An exploration of Pharmaceutical Counseling Service in a Chinese hospital pharmacy
Analysis for near miss from AERS on a regional hospital
Analysis of antibiotic sensitivity pattern in Hospital acquired pneumonia in a teaching hospital
Analysis of factors associated with thrombocytopenia in Chinese patients receiving intravenous linezolid therapy
Analysis the Antimicrobial Agent Prescribing Patterns in relation to the Emergence of Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus in a Medical Center
Antibacterial drug use in hospitalised paediatric patients: a comparison between the UK and Latvia
Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Cesarean Section: A Meta Analysis
Antibiotics induced severe pseudomembranous colitic in 1 patient
Anticoagulation related quality of life (ACQoL) and INR control of pharmacist-managed patients on warfarin therapy
Antimicrobial stewardship - an experience from a tertiary care teaching hospital of Pakistan
Application of Direct Observation of Procedural Skills Assessment in Dispensing Skills Training of Pharmacy Interns
Are Chloramphenicol Eye Drops prescribed appropriately in the treatment for Acute Bacterial Conjunctivitis?
Assessing Impact of Long ER Stay on Patients’ Missed Doses and Delays
Assessment of drug use pattern in Diabetes Mellitus patients in a rural Tertiary care teaching Hospital
Assessment of reactive drug interventions by a clinical pharmacist in a secondary care hospital
Assessment of requests for pharmacy preparations
Assessment of the benefits of pharmacist-patient medication couselling at the national orthopaedic hospital, Igbobi, Lagos, Nigeria
Association between the evaluation based on scientific evidence and final decisions made by Pharmacy and Therapeutics committees
Barcode Checking System Applied to Traditional Chinese Medication in Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
Clinical Pharmacist’s intervention study of individual Total nutrition admixture composition
Comparative studies of cytotoxic manufacturing practices in specialized Cancer Centers against international guidelines (ASHP, OSHA, HSE-UK)
Comparative study of the impact of pharmacists interventions during clinical rounds at the national orthopaedic hospital, Igbobi,Lagos, Nigeria
Comparison of the contamination levels on the exterior surface of the vials containing platinum anticancer drugs among the pharmaceutical products
Comparison of UPLC-MS-MS and Architect i1000 immunology analyzer methods for Cyclosporine A and Tacrolimus therapeutic drug monitoring
Comparison of use and role of Adrenaline and Amiodarone in Cardiac Arrest. Case od Emergency Center in Kosovo
Conversion from sirolimus to everolimus in kidney transplant recipients:The experience in a medical center in Taiwan
Counseling for Cigarette Cessation with carbon monoxide level in the exhaled breath
Determinants of Severe Hypoglycemia in Type 2 Diabetes
Determining the Delays in Medication Prescribing at a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital of Pakistan:
Development of a Charge Pharmacist Staffing Model at an Academic Medical Center
Development of Standard Treatment Guidelines in a Fragile State Setting with Limited Resources
Drug related problems (DRP) in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
Enhancing the Patient Safety by Establishing Warfarin Management Service in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital of Pakistan
Epidemiological analysis and pharmacological treatment of patients with LBP treated at the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinic
Establishment of Medication Barcode Standard and Hospital Application Model in Taiwan
Evaluating medication safety of chemotherapy prescription in a tertiary teaching hospital in northern Taiwan
Evaluating the impact of a pharmacy practice model change at an academic medical center
Evaluation of a novel antibiogram-based standard antibiotic policy in a tertiary care hospital, india
Evaluation of clinical laboratory indicators of patients treated with parenteral nutrition
Evaluation of Efficacy and Safety for Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 Inhibitors in Elderly Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Evaluation of multiple sclerosis patients quality of life followed as outpatients in Centro Hospitalar Leiria-Pombal
Evaluation of the clinical relevance of alerts generated by a drug utilization review system when used in a hospital setting
Evaluation of the risk of bleeding in patients using warfarin combined allopurinol with , benzbromarone and celecoxib.
Evaluation of Vildagliptin in patients with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes mellitus—A medical center experience in Taiwan
Extemporaneously compounded oral medicines in European hospital pharmacies
Fluvastatin-Associated Rhabdomyolysis after Coadministration of Clarithromycin
Formulary Selection Criteria for Biosimilars in the United States: Focus on Safety, Efficacy, and Manufacturer Capabilities
From course orientation to theory-based pracice development in a specialization program: a hospital pharmacy case in Finland
From pain assessment to pain therapy: documentation of pain in routine care
From the satisfaction of direct care for inpatient pharmaceutical services quality improvement
GnRH-a combined with oral contraceptive pill induced sinus thrombosis
Hospital acquired pneumonia: A multivariate analysis of risk and outcome
Hospital pharmacists help stroke patients discharged from hospital to enhance medication safety
Hospital pharmacists’ performance in preventing adverse drug events due to prescribing errors
Hospitalizations due to Drug Intoxications
Immediate renal effects of Parecoxib in orthopaedic patients : a randomized controlled study
Impact evaluation on the use of the human albumin protocol in consumption rationalization
Impact of pharmacist interventions on 5HT3 antagonist prescribing and overall management of chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting (CINV)
Impact of Prescribing Practices on Patient Waiting Times in a Hospital Pharmacy Dispensary
Impact of provide self-care education to post-renal transplant recipients by clinical pharmacist in renal transplantation clinic
Impacts of Team Resource Management Training Program to Pharmacists at a Medical Center in Northern Taiwan
Implementation of a High-Alert Medications Safety Program Leads to Improved Patient Outcome
Implementation of Accreditation Scheme for GCP-Certified Sites in China
Implementation of active monitoring system of adverse drug reactions in a Brazilian Tertiary Hospital
Improving the Use of Antibiotics through Pediatric Clinical Pharmacist Interventions in Pediatric Infection Ward
Improving survival of advanced heart failure using beta-blockers as adjunct in a teaching hospital in Ghana
Improving the appropriate of prophylactic antibiotic administration for joint replacement surgery in a Medical Center
Influence of ABCB1 gene plymorphisms on the pharmacokinetics of Rafampin among health Chinese han ethnic subjects
Influence of lipd levels in hypertensive patients (with or wihtout co-morbid conditions) of anxiety a d cognitive parameters in a South Indian population
Integrating Clinical Pharmacists Across the Cancer Continuum To Improve Medication Use, Patient Care, and Safety
Interaction of quinolines with the amino acids tryptophan, tyrosine and phenylalanine
Introducing Prefilled Methotrexate Syringes for Improving Patient Safety and Cost Effectiveness in Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Patients:
Introducing Template Based Computerized Physician Order Entry for Chemo Medications in aTertiary Care Teaching Hospital in Pakistan
Investigation of 50 Cases of Analgesic Drug Utilization During Perioperative Period
Low-dose glucocorticoid therapy complement the pituitary-adrenocortical system and reduce anxiety and insomnia in myasthenia gravis patients
Management of hypertension at a teaching hospital in Ghana
Management of metformin-associated lactic acidosis
Management of Methotrexate (MTX) induced acute encephalopathy in Pediatrics with ALL (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia) by Aminophylline and Dextromethorphan in a tertiary care hospital of Pakistan
Management of Peptic Ulcer Disease in Nigerian Ports Authority Clinics
Medication Adherence in patients with Hypertension in the Health Center of Coimbra-Portugal
Medication discrepancies in discharge paperwork among patients in the CO-OPERATE Geriatrics/Surgery co-management program
Medication Safety - moving from international guidelines to local action
Medicine reconciliation: An evaluation of hospital discharge discrepancies in one UK primary care trust
Medicine use indicators in Ho Municipal Hosptial, Volta Region, Ghana
Medicines implicated in admissions to elderly care wards in England
Metabolic Effects Of Olanzapine in Resource Constrained HIV-infected Patients
Microbial contamination of enteral feeding through oral intake
Nonimmunologic cutaneous reactions induced by drugs
Off-label use - only a matter of physicians` drug prescription?
Overview of Liver function in outpatient using cholesterol reducing drug Rosuvastatin
Patient medication education practices in Taiwanese hospitals
Patient recognition survey for pharmacist’s roleAt ambulatory pharmacy Bethesda hospital, Jogjakarta, Indonesia
Patients’ Perspective on Medications and Alternative Treatments for Managing Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Pattern of adverse drug reactions among inpatients in Jos University Teaching Hospital, North Central Nigeria
Perception of oral anti-cancer treatment
Pharmaceutical Intervention in of medical prescription´s validation
Pharmacists at the bedside – providing major patient impact
Pharmacy Care for a Rhabdomyolysis Patient
Physical and chemical stability of the cytotoxic drugs used in Centralized Unit for Handling Cytotoxic Drugs of Hospital de Faro, EPE
Postgraduate Courses for Pharmacist Prescribing- Basel Statement 32
Practice and Exploring of Medication Error Reporting in China
Practice of Patient Safety of Medication Administration——Experience from Chinese Hospital Pharmacy
Precautionary-type Quality Improvement Program in Abnormal Drug Distribution for the Inpatients
Predictors of Adherence to HAART in a Longitudinal Study using Unannounced Pill Counts Measure of Adherence
Prevalence and management of Urethral and Vaginal Discharge Syndromes at an STI Clinic in a District Hospital in Ghana
Prevalence of manifested drug-drug interactions in intensive care patients with cardiovascular diseases
Quality of life of patients with arterial hypertension and chronic renal failure
Rationalization of antibiotics consumption in 2011 in Clinical Centre of Serbia
Reducing medication returns in in-patient pharmacies of tertiary care hospital through system modifications and process improvement
Research on Different Administration Frequencies of Alprostadil(PGE1) for Post-Microsurgical Flap Survival Rate
Retrospective Review of the Outcomes of Intravenous Immunoglobulin in Neonatal Sepsis
Review of UTI diagnosis and management in infants 0-2 months old compared to 2-24 months
Right Drug to Right Patient-Improving Patient Identification
Role of pharmacist in management of adverse drug reactions in elderly at Ramathibodi Hospital, Thailand
Role of pharmacist intervention in emergency department to ensure medication safety and cost effectiveness
Role of the clinical pharmacist in outpatient treatment of HCV (hepatitis C virus)
Stability of Etopside Solutin 0,4mg/ml Prepared for Intravenouse Administration
Standard Chemotherapy Order Forms for reducing the number of chemotherapy-related near missing
Statistics of Chinese Medicine Usage in Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
Strategies for improving Pharmacy Service Documentation - a Taiwan Teaching Hospital Experience
Study of improvements modifiable risk factors for acute myocardial infarction patient by pharmacist intervention in an interdisciplinary team approach
Study on the use of crushed drugs prior to its administration to patients with swallow problems in a mexican hospital
Subacute Thrombosis Associated With Clopidogrel Resistance: A Case Report
Sucessful experience in treating multidrug resistant - Acinetobacter Baumanni (MDR-AB) meningitis
Systemic Evaluation of Safety and Effectiveness of Levothyroxine Between Different Contract Manufactures at a Medical Center in Northern Taiwan
The Changing Face of Cancer Care in North America:The Use of Consultative Pharmacy Services to Transition Care
The Clinical Treatment of Linezolid in a Case of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) Pneumonia Which Failed to Respond to Glycopeptides
The Development of a Global Health Residency in Kenya
The effect of estradiol, aspirin and prednisone on implantation and clinical pregnancy rate in women undergoing in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer
The Effect of New Alerting System on the Rates of Adverse Drug Events
The Emerging Concept: To set up seamless care system of family pharmacist
The identification and reporting of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) in a district general hospital setting
The lifecycle management system for drugs, from pharmaceutical manufactures to wholesalers and to use in hospitals
The pharmaceutical care in the process of therapeutic drug monitoring
The Project of Promoting Drug distribution Satisfaction
The Relationship between 7-Hydroxy-Methotrexate/Methotrexate Ratio and Methotrexate Terminal Elimination Rate in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Children and its Clinical Significance
The retrospective analysis of the use of antibiotics of tertiary hospitals in Beijing from June to December in 2011
The Role of Medication Counseling for Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women by Pharmacist
The role of pharmacist in the treatment of metabolic syndrome
The role of pharmacists:form Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring to Pharmacovigilance
The role of pharmacy interns in detecting drug-related problems on hospital wards
The Scale and Cost Effectiveness of Repeat Prescribing at a leading London Eye Hospital
The Use of Vancomycin and Therapeutic Monitoring of Serum Vancomycin Concentrations in Children with Sepsis
Therapeutic drug monitoring of meropenem is not enough without true MIC value
Therapeutic effect of recombinant human erythropoietin on anaemia with hemodialysis outpatients in Regional Teaching Hospital in Taiwan.
Three severe bumetanide-associated musculoskeletal reactions
Time-dependent stability and safety assessment of Total Parenteral Nutrition admixture prepared in hospital pharmacy
To analysis and statistic of Adverse Drug Reactions in herbal medicine in Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital
To enhance patient safety by minimizing medication dispensing errors in a tertiary care hospital through quality improvement initiatives
Transcription of physicians’ orders by nurses on a paediatric ward – only a minor problem?
Transdermal fentanyl patch as a pain reliever for cancer patients: a drug use evaluation in a local general hospital
Use of the medical system to improve the contrast medium of the incidence of adverse reactions
Use of Unlicensed & Equivalent Licensed Medicines at a leading London eye Hospital
Using the objective structured clinical examination for assessing the performance in patient education of fall-related drugs
Utility and safety of bevacizumab in patients with metastatic breast cancer
Valproic acid-carbapenems interaction in hospitalized patients:a retrospective evaluation and literature review
Vancomycin pharmacokinetics is a key to proper therapeutic monitoring
Variation of Valproic Acid Concentration During Concomitant Use of Carbapenem Antibiotics and Enzyme-Inducing Antiepileptic Drugs: A Retrospective Study
What do you know about Agomelatine?- Survey results on area health service (AHS) medical practitioner knowledge on a new medication
Industrial Pharmacy
Application of byproducts as profitable alternative for antimicrobial peptide production
Buffered sucrose candies as a safe strategy for children’s dental caries protection
Camptothecin fails to induce tumor necrosis factor-alpha treated HaCaT cells apoptosis
Comparative study of Benzoyl Peroxide and combination of Benzoyl Peroxide/Phytosphingosine on acne skin
Cytotoxicity evaluation of antimicrobial peptide: an in vitro assay
Effect of excipients on pharmaceutical and technological properties of uncoated tablets lithii carbonas
Evaluation of biorelevant in vitro test for desloratadine immediate release tablets based on in vivo results
Fast Dissolving Buccal Films of Sodium PicoSulfate
Formulation and evaluation of mucoadhesive bi-layer buccal tablets of Labetalol hydrochloride using natural polymers
Formulation and evaluation of nano drug delivery system of anti- inflammatory drug ibuprofen using factorial design
Formulation and evaluation of nano drug delivery system of antibiotic drug using factorial design
Formulation and evaluation of nanodrug delivery system of furosemide
Formulation and evaluation of sustained release tablets of glimepiride and metformin
Formulation and optimization of polymeric nano drug delivery system of anti-hyperlipidemic drug using factorial design
High content screening of 3D cell cultures for novel breast cancer therapy combinations
In Vitro Equivalence Testing of Amlodipine Besylate Tablets under BCS-Based Biowaiver Conditions
New biodegradable polymer blends of HDPE/starch and PP/starch as materials for pharmaceutical packaging
Structural Changes Pharmaceutical Wholesale Distribution in Korea
Synthesis of nanoparticles based on magnetic iron oxide for cancer treatment
Synthesis of new pyrazole derivatives derived from 4-hydroxy coumarin and evaluation of their biological activity
Laboratory and Medicines Control Services
Application of WHONET 5 Software for the Surveillance and Analysis of Antimicrobial Resistance in A Sudanese Hospital.
Colombia – Sierra Leone: A South – South Non-governmental pharmaceutical cooperation experience. First year
Determination of Sodium Benzoate in Primulae Veris Syrup by derivative spectrophotometry
Glucosamine preparations available on the Belgian market – a comparative study
Quality control and standardization of the medicinal preparation of combined action
The determination of Cyclosporine with different immunochemical techniques
Military & Emergency Pharmacy
A survey on the enlistment of pharmacists in a hospital battalion of the Swiss Armed Forces
Effects of Hypothermic on Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamic in Body
Emergency Medicine Supply System in China: A System Dynamics Approach
Perception and knowledge of malaysian pharmacy students towards influenza A(H1N1): an indicator of public health awareness among university students
Pharmacy Information
Absence of Registration and WHO Prequalification Standard - potential factors for the increase of MDR-TB in Moldova
Analysis for drug interactions of nonprescription drugs and prescription drugs
Assessment of therapeutic queries answered at the drug information service centre
Attitudes, practices and beliefs of general practitioners towards Chlamydia
CEDIME (Medicines and Health Information Center of National Association of Pharmacies, ANF, Portugal) - Supporting Portuguese Pharmacies’ advising on dietary supplements
Challenges to Children’s Access to Medicines in Moldova
Composing patient information webtexts on antineoplastic agents used in the home setting for, using patient panel sessions
Computerized Physician Order Entry Systems Contributing to Medication Errors – A Paradox
Confidence of customers in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the quality and safety of cosmetic products with unconventional composition
Developing a national Medicines Information Strategy in Finland - Using stakeholder analysis to inform decision making
Developing Rational Medicine Use Mass Media Messages in a Low Literacy Setting in Afghanistan
Development of a method to determine the level of understanding of package inserts for over-the-counter medication: Factors affecting understanding
Development of proper infrastructure for the improvement of regulatory performance - advertising of medicines and medical devices
Dietary Supplements - Technical and scientific analysis of major safety issues: caring for consumer’s health
Do drug information needs and health literacy affect kidney transplant patients’ adherence to immunosuppressant drugs?
Drugs and driving: practical guidelines for the healthcare professional
Drugs and renal impairment: practical dosing guidelines for the healthcare professional
Evaluation of self-administration of medication program for patient with spinal cord injury of a Brazilian center of neuroscience and rehabilitation
Farmanco: Drug shortages in the Netherlands
Geriatricians’, General Practitioners’, and Accredited Pharmacists’ views of geriatric medication management resources: A qualitative study
Guidelines for medication use during pregnancy in the Netherlands
Homeopathy Popular Knowledge in Oporto, Portugal
Impact of a pharmacist driven breast cancer awareness intervention
Implementing drug information strategy in Finland: Meeting medicines information needs of adolescents
Japanese consumers’ attitudes toward labelling information of non-prescription (OTC) medicines
Lipid regulating medicines consumption assessment in serbia during the period 2004-2010 year
Low health literacy patients in under-resourced systems: do they know what medicines information they need or want and where to source it?
Malaria Chemotherapy at a University Hospital in Ghana
Managing knowledge in the community pharmacy with KennisTest, a flexible management and education tool
Medicinal information and adolescents
Parameters on prescription drug in basic health units of the municipality of Petrolina-Pernambuco, Brazil
Patient Instruction Videos: a useful online health care service
Patients’ beliefs about medicines and quality of life after a medication review with care plan development: a case control study
Perception of a Newsletter for Community Pharmacists
Pharmacy practice in Russia: implementation of Good Pharmacy Practice standards through elaboration of educational programs of continuing professional development
The effects of presenting side effects in medicines information on anxiety, perceived susceptibility and perceived severity: grouping side effects by instructions compared with grouping by frequency
The role of drug advertising for patient’s compliance
Twenty years of a nationwide Brazilian experience in Medicines Information Centers
Use of sports nutritional supplements by physically active subjects of gyms in Oporto city
Using the Informatics system to improve the efficiency of clinical trials management
Pharmacy Technicians
Consumption profile of medicines during pregnancy in a Portuguese maternity
Croatian Association of Pharmacy technicians (PhT) – role of association in education of PhT in Croatia
Historical evolution of technical diagnostics and therapeutics in Portugal
International Mobility in The Pharmacy Degree at the School of Allied Health Sciences of Oporto
Job Satisfaction of Portuguese Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians
Medication Errors on Community Pharmacies – contributions for a better understanding
Medicinal plants in therapeutics now: a reality or a myth
Pharmacy Technicians Internship: The Oporto School Reality
Rational use of medicines – a portrait in a nursing home in Coimbra
Safety in the circuit of cytotoxic drug: contributions to the evaluation of hospital reality in portugal
Self-Medication among High School Adolescentsof Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal
Semester’s or Quarter’s? Opinion of students and teachers of Pharmacy degree from ESTSP-IPP about semester’s to quarter’s transition
Splitting tablets in clinical practice: an analysis in an Internal Medicine ward
Study of weight uniformity during tablet splitting in three different drugs
The training of Pharmacy Technicians in the School of Health Technology of Porto, Portugal - A historical perspective.
SIG: Analytical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Quality
A simple LC-MS/MS method for simultaneous determination of temsirolimus and its major metabolite in human whole blood
Assessment of microbiological quality and stability of purified water in practice
Bioanalytical method validation of pantoprazole sodium in human plasma and its application to bioequivalence study
Characterization of the possible degradation products of Zolpidem tartrate under varies stress conditions
Comparative evaluation of local periodontal treatment with betamethasone dipropionate using enzymatic and bioanalytical HPLC method
Determination of Steroids in Herbal Formulation by simple RP-HPLC Method
Development and validation of electrophoresis capillary and microbiological assay methods for determination of caspofungin in lyophilized powder.
Direct optical resolution of racemic ritodrine in serum
Dronedarone: determination in tablet dosage form by micellar electrokinetic chromatography, high-performance liquid chromatography and uv spectrophotometry
Effect of spheronizer plate design on the spheronization of ketoprofen
Elements in Medicines for oral administration
Formulation and in vitro evaluation of mucoadhesive controlled release matrix tablets of flurbiprofen using response surface methodology
Improvement of Medication Therapy Safety of Nursing Home Residents through Pharmacists` Intervention
In-line monitoring of a continuous blending process by NIR
Kinetic Calibration Based on Mass Transfer Dynamics of Hollow Fiber Liquid-Phase Microextraction and Its Application to Fast pharmaceutical Analysis
Medical Rep or Drug Dealer? The Path You'll Take! A Focus on Jordan Market
Metabolomics study about development of a bladder cancer screening with urine odor
Microwave-assisted forced degradation of duloxetine
Pharmaceutical quality and access in Nigeria: Evaluation of the Mobile Authentication Technology and stakeholder perceptions on quality and access
Quality of Amoxicillin Capsules and Tablets in Community Pharmacies in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: A Lot Quality Assurance Sampling (LQAS) Survey
Quality study of recombinant biological medicinal products, trastuzumab, rituximab and abatacept
Second-derivative spectrophotometry for analysis of simvastatin in polimeric nanocapsules
Solubility Enhancement of Gliclazide by Solid Dispersions
Stability of Rivaroxaban: Kinetic evaluation by alkaline hydrolysis and photodegradation
Stability-Indicating High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Chloramphenicol, Its Degradation Product, Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate and Tetrahydrozoline
UHPLC in the research of antioxidant properties of polyphenols in dietary supplements
Visualising shear stress distribution inside constrained flow geometries containing pharmaceutical powder excipients using photo stress tomography
SIG: Biotechnology
ATPMS evaluation as a separation technique to biopharmaceuticals
Bromelain extraction from pineapple residues using ethanol precipitation and its application in polymeric hydrogels
Cytotoxicity assay of stearylamine-containing nanoemulsion intended to carry pDNA
Development of high efficient gene delivery system with anionic surface charge
Gene Delivery to Pancreatic Cancer Cells via Intratumoral Injection of Chitosan-based Vector
Purification of bromelain from pineapple peel for therapeutic application in dermatological bases
Rapid determination of GSTP1 promoter methylation using differential high resolution melting analysis
SIG: Drug Design and Discovery
A design of succinimidyl ester compound with three coumarin moiety for synthesizing fluorescent antibody bioconjugate
Antitumour activity of the molecular complexes of uraciles and bacterial lectines
Biological activity of the substututed Benzimidazole
BIS-adduct of 5-Methyluracile and its antitumour activity
Computer-aided design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of novel 2-substituted aminomethylenepyrimidine-2,4,6-Triones as H1 antihistaminic agents (part2)
Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of memantine-polyamine conjugates as NMDA channel blockers
Methionine enkephalin inhibit the growth of SH-SY5Y cells through multiple mechanisms
New 3-aminorhodanine derivatives as potential antifungal agents
Nitrofurantoin permeability through Caco-2 cells: a parameter to develop new oral 5-nitro-heterocyclic compounds with potential activity against Multirresistant Staphylococcus aureus
Prucalopride for The Treatment of Chronic Constipation in Women in Whom Laxatives Fail to Provide Adequate Relief: A Systematic Review
Structure-based virtual screening, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel anti-toxoplasma and anti-neospora agents
Synthese and antiproliferative activity of Desmosdumotinsformyl substituted on A-ring analogs
Synthesis and antimycobacterial activity of novel 5-substituted-4-thiazolidinone-n-amino acid derivatives
Synthesis and evaluation of novel brain targeting chemical delivery systems of ciprofloxacin
Synthesis and pharmacological activity of some oxyindole derivatives
Synthesis of some novel 1, 3, 4-oxadiazoles derivatives by coupling with N-hydroxy methyl Phthalimide and evaluation of their anticancer activity
Synthesis, characterization and anthelmintic activity of some newer 1,3-thiazine derivatives
Synthesis, Characterization and Evaluation of Anticancer Activity of some new Schiff bases of 1,3,4-Thiadiazole derivatives
The use of NMR chemical shifts in correlation studies with molecular descriptors, drug-likeness scores and ADMET properties in a series of protein tyrosine kinase inhibitors
SIG: Formulation Design and Pharmaceutical Technology
A diclofenac sodium silk fibroin-chitosan microspheres : Preparation controlled-release in vitro and pharmacokinetic profile in rats
A feasibility study for nebulization of a model anti-asthma drug using dendrimers as nanocarriers
An investigation of natural and modified diatomite as potential carriers for diclofenac sodium
Analysis of Effects of Lubricant level, mixing time and tableting speed on dissolution of Glimpiride tablets
Chitosan-FAP-B nanoparticles: Novel non viral vectors for gene delivery to the lung epithelial cells
Design and Evaluation of Amlodipine Besylate-Hydrochlorothiazide Immediate-release combination tablets
Development and Characterization of Zidovudine Loaded PCL Nanoparticles
Development and evaluation of furosemide/ with hydroxipropyl-ß-cyclodextrin (HP-ß-CD) matrix tablets with hydroximethilpropylcelulose (HPMC)
Development and evaluation of SPG membrane emulsification system for enhanced oral bioavailability of itraconazole
Development of a Novel Miniemulsion-Based Topical Formulation of Lignocaine for Application to Open Wounds
Effect of antioxidants on the stability of ONO-1301, a novel long-acting prostacyclin agonist, loaded in PLGA microspheres
Effect of chitosan molecular weight on drug release from directly compressed alginate-chitosan matrices
Effect of drug loading on release liner removal from drug-in-adhesive transdermal films
Enhanced bioavailability of baicalin by nanocrystal drug delivery system using an ultrasonic-homogenization process
Formulation and Evaluation of a Topical Oily Gel Containing a Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug
Formulation and Evaluation of Fast Dissolving Blister Tablets of Ondansetron Using Zydis Technique
Formulation and in-vitro Evaluation of Salbutamol Sulphate in situ Gelling Nasal Inserts
Formulation and Pharmaceutical Evaluation of Bioadhesive Vaginal Tablets of Fluconazole
Formulation Design & Evaluation of Voglibose Microspeheres for the treatment of Post prandial Hyperglycemia
Hydrocortisone dermal bioavailability from alkyl polyglucoside emulsifier-stabilised bases: in vivo skin blanching assay
Improved dissolution and permeability of exemestane using gelucire 50/13
In Vitro Activities of Floroquinolones Entrapped in Non-ionic Surfactant Vesicles against Multi-Drug Resistant Bacteria Strains
In vitro and in vivo dissolution of nifedipine modified release tablets: how do they match?
In vivo anticancer and toxicological studies of liposomal formulations of (+)-catechin
In vivo study of a novel formulation of liposomal hydrogel for prolonged delivery of liposomes
Influence of the mixing regimen and high sheer mixer filling on the content uniformity of the venlafaxine hydrochloride dry blends
Investigation of hydrogel membranes containing combination of Timolol maleate and brimonidine tartrate for ocular delivery
Invitro charcaterization and cell cytotoxicty of insulin naoparticles composed of quaternized aromatic derivatives of chitosan
Maltosylated polyethylenimine-based triple nanocomplexes of human papillomavirus 16L1 protein and DNA as a vaccine co-delivery system
Method Development and Bioavailability Enhancement of solid dispersion contacting Nifedipine
Microbial contamination of Preservative Free Dexamethasone and Chloramphenicol Ophthalmic Solutions and their Containers.
Microencapsulated formulation of Lactobacillus casei for protecting probiotic stability in vivo and targeting release
New applications of hot-melt extrusion for uniform distribution of very low dose drugs
Novel photoactive antimicrobial nanofibers for biomedical applications
Photo-sessitive micelles encapsulated with nifedipine
Physical properties of fabricated polymeric films containing plasticizers and drugs
Polymeric Nanoparticles of NITTP: The percursor of the 18-FMISO
Possibilities for producing water-in-oil creams with hyaluronic acid in Galenical laboratory conditions
Preparation , in vitro and in vivo evaluation of malotilate spray-dried emulsion
Preparation and evaluation of fenofibrate SMEDDS using statistical experimental design
Preparation and evaluation of flurbiprofen-loaded self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery system (SNEDDS)
Preparation and evaluation of the time-controlled release tablet, a drug delivery system for chronopharmacotherapy
Preparation and In vitro Investigation of Chitosan Compressed Tablets for Colon Targeting
Preparation and in-vitro Evaluation of Drospirenone Intravaginal Ring (IVR)
Preparation of nanoparticles composed of thiolated quaternary ammonium of chitosan for buccal delivery of insulin
Preparation of novel valsartan SMEDDS employing statistical experimental design
Rabbits gastrointestinal fluids: a good model for drug solubility prediction in humans?
Study of the Physical Compression of Technological Excipients during Tablet Production
Study of the stability of commercial bromelain in cosmetic formulations
Synthesis and Characterization of Lactose-Carboxymethyl Chitosan and its Application in Coating Liposomes
Systemic delivery of andrographolide via the transdermal route using a new microemulsion system: in vitro and in vivo studies
Tacrolimus option in Lupus erythematodes – combination strategy
The effects of ethanol and oleic acid on glucosamine penetration test from transdermal nanoemulsion using franz diffusion cell
The new pH sensitive polycation improves the transfection activity of R8-modified lipid nanoparticles by facilitating siRNA condensation
The preparation of the insulin-phospholipids complex for the non-invasive insulin delivery systems
Towards biorelevant flow-through dissolution method for nimesulide immediate-release tablets: In vitro-in silico approach
SIG: Natural Products
A New Aristolactam Alkaloid from the stem of Dasymaschalon trichophorum Merr
Anti-fibrotic effects of wedelolactone and echinocystic acid on hepatic stellate cell LX-2
Anti-inflammatory Triterpenoids from Root Extract of Trianthema decandra Linn.
Anti-inflammatory effect of Apigenin-7-neohesperidoside (Rhoifolin) in carrageenin-induced rat edema model
Anti-inflammatory effect of Lycium Fruit water extract in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophage cells
Antioxidant flavonoids from Rhamnaceous plants Cu(II)-induced cell death by reducing reactive oxygen species in human Hep G2 cancer cells and normal mouse liver cells
Bacterial vaginosis: A review of non-antibiotic treatment options
Characterization of different UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT)-mediated metabolic behaviour of carvacrol in five species
Chemical composition and relaxant effect of chloroform extract of the underground parts of Ferula heuffelii
Cultivation of Shrubby Cinquefoil or Dasiphora fruticosa by seed and seedling
Effects of extraction time on coumarin concentration in Meliloti herba extract
Effects of two weeks exposure of ibogaine and noribogaine on mouse organs: morphologic evaluation
Enzogenol Regulates Lipid and Glucose metabolism in C57BL/KsJ-db/db Mice Skeletal Muscle
Evaluation of the wound-healing effect of some new phytotherapy ointments
Herbal medicine use in dysmenorrhea: determining extent of use and the commonly used herbs
In vitro and in vivo antioxidant and hepatoprotective effects of micromeria cristata l. extracts
In vitro Synergism of Fluconazole and three Aporphine Alkaloids from Fibraurea recisa against clinical isolates of candida albicans Resistant to Fluconazole
In vivo antioxidant activity of deodorized water extract of Thymus Pannonicus
Integration of Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Therapies for the treatment of acute paediatric pain within community pharmacy practice
Interaction of punica granatum fruit with carvedilol during isoproterenol induced myocardial injury
Investigation of bee bread collected in three regions of Latvia
Isolation of Lactobacillus Strains from Vagina with Potential Activity against Vaginal Pathogenic Strains
Medicinal plants used by a group of elderly from petrolina city in pernambuco
Nephroprotective activity of ethanolic extract of Aerva pseudotomantosa Blatt & Hallb in rats
Pharmacological Characterization of Ferulic Acid and Caffeic Acid as Potent Inhibitors for the Melanin Production in B16 Melanoma Cells
Pharmacological Characterization of Novel Taxus Lignans as Potent Inhibitors for the Initial Stage of Neurodegrative Diseases
Possible amelioration of oxidative, inflammatory and fibrotic cascades by plumbago zeylanica in hepatocellular injuries
Protective effect of apitherapy products in acetaminophen-induced hepatopathy
Quality Control of dietary supplements with soy isoflavones used in menopause
Studies on the Active Constituents of the Stem of Gordonia kwangsiensis
The effect of bio-transformed Korean herbal medicine, jaeum-ganghwa-tang and Gumi-ganghwal-tang on platelet aggregation in human platelet
The influence of apitherapeutic agent on glycosaminoglycan expression during experimental burn healing
SIG: Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism and Excretion
A modified LC-MS/MS method for determination of tetramethylpyrazine in microdialysis samples and calibration of home-made linear probes
A new analytical method of ritodrine in newborn serum by LC-MS/MS
Apoptosis Induced by Sonodynamic Therapy using a Novel Porphyrin Derivative DCPH-P-Na(I)
Blood distribution of bortezomib and its kinetics in multiple myeloma patients
Determination of piperphentonamine and metabolites M1 and M6 in human plasma and urine by LC/MS/MS and its application in a pharmacokinetics study in Chinese healthy volunteers
Different inhibitory effects of angiotensin II receptor blockers on cytochrome P4502C9 dependent formation of epoxyeicosatrienoic acids from arachidonic acid
Effect of cytochrome P450 1A2 genotype on theophylline pharmacokinetics and its interaction with decursinol angelate
Evaluation of the functional role of P-glycoprotein in tramadol neuropharmacokinetic
In vitro-in vivo correlations for an amorphous formulation of a poorly soluble compound
Percolation behavior in paracellular permeability
Pharmacokinetics of intravenous pinocembrin in healthy Chinese volunteers
Population pharmacokinetics study of cyclosporine in Chinese paediatric aplastic anemia patients
Proteomic analysis of ubiquitination-associated proteins in a Human Lung Adenocarcinoma Cisplatin-resistant Cell Strain
SIG: Regulatory Sciences
An overview on pharmaceutical regulatory system in Albania, evaluation of registration procedures and local requirements
Biomarker qualification new challenge for regulatory authorieties
Comparative in vitro dissolution studies of commercial diclofenac suppositories using the rotating dialysis cell and the flow through methods.
Current status & Strategies required for the development of Orphan drug
Discordances in the Classification of Renal Impairment in Summaries of Product Characteristics
Impact of Gastrointestinal Stability of Acetylsalicylic acid on the Biowaiver Approval of its Immediate Release Products
Marketing and advertising of pharmaceutical products - ethical perspective
Medicine labels - an insight into consumers' perspective
New medicinal products on the market of bosnia and herzegovina in 2010/2011 – the role of the national regulatory authority in access to medicinal products
Regulatory Approach for Non-Biological Complex Drugs
Regulatory challenges of nanomedicines
Regulatory requests in procedure of issue marketing authorisation for biosimilars
Strategy of Environmental Risk Assessment of Pharmaceuticals in japan
SIG: Translational Research and Individualized Medicines
Effect of Add-on Pentoxifylline Therapy on Proteinuria and eGFR in Membranous Glomerulonephritis: A 6-Month Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial
FASL-844CC genotype as a predictive factor for poor response to bacillus Calmette-Guerin immunotherapy
Genotyping single nucleotide polymorphisms directly from whole blood by pyrosequencing coupled with linear-after-the-exponential PCR
Impact of CES1A2 A(-816)C polymorphism on platelet reactivity after clopidogrel treatment in Chinese patients with coronary heart disease
Pharmacogenetics in Type 2 Diabetes Treatment.
Ratiometric dosing of indole-3-carbinol (I3C) and 2-methoxyestradiol (2ME) in cancer chemotherapy: a friend or a foe?
Social and Administrative Pharmacy
A Framework for a Register for Biological Agents in Rheumatology
A medication risk assessment tool for primary care. Results of a Finnish Consensus Panel of Experts
A Prestudy on Consumer Awareness Regarding Alleviating the Regulation of Non-prescription Drugs Sales in South Korea
A Study of Gender Differences in Employment of Recent Pharmacy Graduates
A Study of the Patterns of Off-Label Use resulting in Drug Relief Applications in Taiwan
Antibiotics for upper respiratory infections: public knowledge, beliefs and self-medication in the Republic of Macedonia
Assessing the regulatory framework for medicines and food in Afghanistan
Assessment of antibiotic availability without prescription in Lithuanian community pharmacies
Automated dose dispensing improves patient safety
Becoming a pharmacy owner from a staff pharmacist - how does this influence well-being at work? A qualitative research from Finnish community pharmacies
Catalysts for change: how Australian pharmacists are influencing prescribing behaviour
Chlamydia trachomatis: Epidemiology of Conjunctival and Genital Infections
Comparative analysis of drug revolving fund (DRF) and public partnership (PPP) program on drug supply management in Universtiy College Hospital (UCH, Ibadan, Nigeria
Comparative price of medicines in different commercial options in the Brazilian community pharmacies
Comparative status of health consumer's knowlegde, attitude and practice (KAP) regarding medicines and healthcare in developing economies
Comparison of Medical Prescriptions between Bulgaria and the Czech Republic with Relation to the European Directive of Cross-border Healthcare - European Perspective
Cost-Utility Study in Mexican patients with acute stroke treated with Dapsone in a public hospital in Mexico City
Cost/effectiveness Evaluation of the Treatment of Patients with Reumatoid Arthritis in public hospital in Mexico City
Critical Analysis of the Dispensing Process at a General Hospital Pharmacy
Distribution of medical products in Europe
Drug Shortages Reporting System in Taiwan
Drugs used in acid related disorders (A02): A five-year study of outpatient utilization in the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ensuring sustainability of Ghana's health insurance scheme through quality improvement and claims verification
Evaluation of Drug Advertisement in Medical Journals
Expered medicines, cost of the society
Exploratory descriptive study: Consumers' perceptions of analgesic advertisements
First results of the implementation of the Continuing Education process for pharmacists in Albania
Geriatrics care clinic: medication profiling and outcomes among the elderly in a rural community - philippine model
Health related quality of life in patients post-stroke: dapsone vs placebo
How to integrate data related with drugs prescription, distribution, consumption and destruction in the Albanian Healthcare System
Improving consumer access to medicines: innovative medicines reclassification in New Zealand (NZ)
In-vivo Evaluations of Liposome Entrapped Self-Assembled Supramolecular of Andrographolide with Hydroxypropyl-ß-Cyclodextrin Long-Circulating Nanoparticle Targeting Drug Delivery System
Intake of caffeine beverages in a cohort of students of the Oporto School of Allied Health Sciences
Integrating patient perspective into health technology assessment of pharmaceuticals in Finland
Investigation on pharmaceutical adulterants in foods with health claim during 2004 to 2010 in Taiwan
Is Japan about to switch on medicines reclassification?
Knowledge and practice of disposal of date expired and unused drugs
Low-cost generic drug discount programs: implications for patient safety
Marketing analysis of asthma and copd products on the pharmaceutical market in bulgaria for 2011
Marketing elements affect patient self-determination for the purchase of medicines
Measuring the importance of professional training in the international migration of pharmacists from sub-Saharan Africa
Method of confirming the authenticity of medicinal products to combat counterfeits in a global supply chain
Opinion Survey on Anti-Counterfeit Medicines in Taiwan
Outpatient Antibiotic Use in the South of Portugal
Overview of drugs reimbursement system in republic of Moldova
Patient satisfaction with provided information about medications
Patients knowledges about drug utilization
Perception of the Physician to the Role of the Clinical Pharmacists in the Egyptian Hospitals
Pharmaceutical care improves quality of life of hemodiaysis patients
Pharmacists’ perspectives on drug abuse control in the Nelson Mandela Metropole
Pharmacoeconomic analyses for choosing the right medicines for the essential list providers in the case of Kosovo
Primary care pharmacy indicators –the trend in Thailand
Primary Care Pharmacy Specialty Network Listserv: A Content Analysis
Public awareness towards pharmacist’s role in Lebanon
Public sector financing and expenditure on medications. Panama 2007-2011
Quality Function Deployment and Principal Component Analysis on the Quality of Generic Drugs in Japan
Socio-Cultural Challenges in the Management of Pediatric HIV/AIDS in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria
Taiwan public health new tools small tool! Big tone!
The current situation and problems of home medical care in an urban setting, including services provided by pharmacists
The estimation of household medicine kit
The impact of “e-Farmaci” online software in the auditing activities of Healthcare Insurance Institute in Albania
The relationship between the genetic polymorphism of CYP2C19*2?*3 and the clinical efficacy of clopidogrel: a systematic review
The role of governmental organizations to guarentee patient's safety through controlling. The quality of behavioral ethics in the controllers (controlling the controllers)
Transdermal Buprenorphine: utilization trends in United Kingdom primary care practice
Use of antibiotics for urinary tract infection in institutionalized and home-dwelling elderly
Use of antidepressant drugs in a cohort of students of the Oporto School of Allied Health Sciences
Validation of the Stroke-Specific Quality of Life Questionnaire in Mexican Stroke Survivors: A Pilot Test of its Psychometric Properties
What kind of antibiotic prescriptions are delivered in my pharmacy? Testimony of an Albanian pharmacist
Biography Igor Linhares de Castro
Biography Jaime Kravzov-Jinich
Biography Jill E. Martin-Boone
Biography Monika Derecque-Pois
Biography Rian Lelie- van der Zande
Centennial Declaration - Improving Global Health by Closing Gaps in the Development, Distribution, and Responsible Use of Medicines
FIP President Opening Ceremony Speech
Press Release - FIP responds: Pharmacists play key role to saving billions in healthcare spending
Press Release - FIP Stakeholder Roundtables
Press Release - FIP: “Pharmacists - do not wait for policy makers to take action
Press Release -500 billion USD in global health spending can be avoided annually through more responsible medicines use