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2009 Istanbul (Turkey)
September 3
R1 - Forum for innovators : Managing change - Quality work in pharmacies
Forum for pharmacy innovators: Introduction to Good Pharmacy Practice
Improving Patient Care by Quality Work in Flevowijk Pharmacy
Quality – the ultimate destination
Quality and Safety in Healthcare
September 4
R3 - Current trends in community pharmacy in Turkey
September 5
A1 - The World is Sick: Who Owns the Problem?
Health challenges facing transitional and developing countries
Pattern and prevalence of drug-related problems
Responsibility for patient outcomes–are you ready?
B1 - Translational Science
Individualised medicine: central to the quality use of medicines
Pharmacogenetics implementation in the pharmacy
Pharmacogenomics: an essential tool for individualized therapy
The changing face of cancer medicine: towards targeted and personalised therapy
C1 - Nanomedicine
Gene powders for inhalation therapy of lung diseases
Impact of nanotechnology on targeted and imaging-guided drug delivery
C2 - Individualisation of Drug Therapy and Ethical Concerns
Personalized medicine and developing world: emerging ethical and policy challenges at the junction of pharmacogenomics laboratory and global society
Pharmacogenetics of drug-metabolising enzymes: implications for a safer drug therapy
D1 - Conducting and Using national and international surveys to advance hospital pharmacy
Developing a national and international survey programme for hospital pharmacy
D2 - Sustainable flow of pharmaceuticals
Pharmaceuticals in the 21st century: a sustainable flow, but for what and for whom
Prescribers and patients assuming responsability for the environment and sustainabilitya. what will the contribution from the pharmacy market and the patients be?
Prescribers and patients assuming responsibility for the environment - What will the contribution from the health care sector and the prescribers be?
E1 - Current issues in continuing professional development
Current issues in continuing professional development (cpd): what are the best sources of cpd?
Learning styles and preferences – How can they be used to improve outcomes?
E10 - Joint FIP-WHO session: pharmacy workforce development – challenges and strategies
2009 FIP Global Pharmacy Workforce Report
Pharmaceutical Workforce situation analysis - Country cases studies
F1 - Cultural and Health beliefs behind the medicine use
Cultural and health beliefs behind the medicine use: how to adapt to the multicultural and multilingual pharmacy environment - lessons learned and tools for pharmacists
How to make partnerships with patients in reaching better adherence by improving cultural competences among health professionals
Pictograms project: What has been learnt?
What do we know of beliefs affecting people’s perceptions of health and medicines?
F2 - Can Medicine Management improve the use of medicines?
International pharmaceutical care and rotation collaborations in resource-constrained settings: the purdue university school of pharmacy experience in eldoret, kenya
Is medicine therapy management an efficient use of health care resources?
Role of community pharmacists' in tuberculosis medicine management-initiatives in mumbai
G1 - The 10 best industrial pharmacy contributions of 2009
Advanced technology: regulatory requirements during the development and marketing phase of nanotechnology medicines
C-cap: A new approach for fixed dose combinations using hard and/or soft gelatin capsules
Characterization of dihydroartemisinin solid dispersions with hydrophilic carriers by freeze dried and solvent evaporation method
Disk intrinsic dissolution to monitor polymorphism and morphology of carbamazepine raw drug material
Investigation and comparison of effectiveness of novel polymer khaya gum with guar gum for drug targeting to colon
Permeability studies through the human nail plate in vitro
Pharmaceutical innovations in plasma sterilization technology
Simultaneous determination of three quinoline antimalarials in human plasma using ultra-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometric method
Strategic use of geography (BRIC) in global clinical trials – new perspectives
G2 - Educating patients about how to make use of web-based information sources
Educating patients about how to make use of web-based information sources
How to educate patients about the use of reliable web-based information sources
The role of the pharmacist as the patient’s partner in searching web-based information
September 6
A2 - The Gap Between What We Know and What We Do
Closing the gap: Creating a culture of accountability
Economic consequences of the know-do gap
Evidence to practice gaps: why do they exist?
Identify the disparity between everyday practice and current recommended clinical best practice
C3 - New Strategies in Modern Medicinal Chemistry
Combinatorial carbohydrate chemistry - solid-phase chemoenzymatic synthesis of c-sialosides
Developing a new resource for drug discovery: marine cyanobacteria
Fragment-based lead discovery: Practical aspects of NMR/SPR-based fragment screening
C4 - Contribution of pharmacovigilance to public health
Current processes and challenges in pharmacovigilance in turkey
Importance of information to patients in pharmacovigilance
Interface of pharmacovigilance and public health from a regulatory perspective
The future of drug safety - lessons learned from the usa and implications for the global south
C5 - Quality, Safety and Efficacy of Natural Products
Development and use of herbal medicinal products in clinical and pharmaceutical practice
Legislation and quality control of herbal medicinal products – Regulatory aspects on phytoequivalence, pharmaceutical equivalence and bioavailability.
Role of natural products in drug discovery against liver cancer
D3 - Forum for Policy Makers - Trends in community pharmacy
Business versus care- Ethical pharmacy practice
Expanding roles for pharmacists in primary health care
Forum for policy makers in pharmacy practice- topic a economic models - are pharmacists 'good value for the money'?'
D3 - Forum for policy makers - Trends in community pharmacy
The present situation and future prospects for the pharmacist’s renumeration in Switzerland: A reorientation toward new paid professionnal services
D4 - Strategies of pharmacists to adapt to an increased competition
Strategies needed to defend pharmacy practice
Taiwanese pharmacists fighting for professional independence
E3 - 4th global pharmacy education taskforce consultation
F3 - Sharing information with patients to enhance treatment outcomes
A patients' perspective: why sharing of informtion on medicine use is important for patients
Healthcare professionals’ perspectives: needs, expectations, barriers and facilitators to sharing information
New models of sharing information with patients for improving pharmacist-patient relationships
What is the evidence that sharing information with patients improves treatment outcomes?
F4 - Combating Antimicrobial resistance for patient safety
Assessing the growing global burden of antimicrobial resistance and future steps by the WHO World Alliance for Patient Safety
Eliminating unnecessary and inappropriate antimicrobial use - The role pharmacists can play
Using regional pharmaceutical organisations as multipliers in expanding the scope and impact of antimicrobial resistance initiatives
What will be the global status of antimicrobial resistance in 2020? Global drivers and critical uncertainties in the next decade
G3 - Product quality of biotech drug products: possibilities and limitations for medicinal control
Quality control of Biological Medicines by External bodies
Quality Systems and Analytical Capabilities for Biopharmaceutical Products
G4 - Pharmaceutical Inspections
An introduction to pharmaceutical inspections
Global Inspection Trends - Where the World is Headed for 2020
Inspection of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Sites and Warehouses: A Risk Based Approach
H4 - Horizon scanning in the developing world professionalism at the pharmacy: How do we ensure that, independantly of ownership?
H5 - Joint session FIP – IFCC: Clinical Biology in Turkey and Food Allergy
Allergic diagnosis and procedures in clinical laboratory medicine
Epidemiology and incidence of allergic diseases in populations
Organization and Education of Clinical Biology in Turkey (Education, Management and Standards in Clinical Biochemistry Laboratories)
September 7
A3 - What has been Achieved in Improving Patient Outcomes?
Enhancing patient outcomes through medication reconciliation
Patient Population Focused Initiatives by Pharmacists
To take or not to take as directed? can your pharmacist help?
What has been achieved in improving patient outcomes? Disease-specific initiatives by pharmacists
A4 - Assuring Better Patient Outcomes
A collaborative model between pharmacists, physicians and nurses - Collaborative pharmacy practice
Being accountable: the way forward.
C6 - Understanding the Dissolution Testing and IVIVC
Application of dissolution testing to regulatory approval in EU
Dissolution testing and application in Japan
In vitro – in vivo correlation for modified release drug products
In vitro-in vivo correlation: importance of dissolution in ivivc
C7 - Environment and Pharmaceuticals
Environment and pharmaceuticals – pharmaceutical waste and public health: the practice implications for pharmaceutical waste disposal
Introduction to the topic “environment and pharmaceuticals” and outline of the legislation to assess the environmental risk of pharmaceuticals
Perspectives and policies on environmental issues in turkey
Respiratory exposure of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their health effects
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and environmental exposures
C9 - The future of Pharmaceutical Sciences by 2020
Pharmaceutical education and industry; role of changing healthcare
Pharmaceutical Sciences 2020 - a scenario analysis
Pharmaceutical Sciences in 2020
Pharmaceutical Sciences in 2020 - Conference organized by the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Board of Pharmaceutical Sciences (BPS)
D5 - The practitioners' Day (part 1)
A survey on counterfeit medicines among the community pharmacies/drug outlets in Cambodia during 2006-2008
Developing standards for quality of pharmacy care in community settings in the republic of Macedonia
Development of a new quality development model for the danish pharmacies
Drug-related problems in self-medication
Implications of student lead initiatives in pharmacy
Intranet based health care services
Observatory – a knowledgebase and a search facility from europharm forum
Pharmaceutical care practice at several community pharmacies in Jakarta, Indonesia
Pictograph's as tools to patients instructions
The development of a web-based pharmaceutical care plan for pharmacist, physician, and patient in primary care setting in the Netherlands
D6 - The practitioners' Day (part 2)
A student’s view on the role of a pharmacist in the traditional health care system: the case of molweni community, Thekwini municipality, South Africa
Appointment for counselling at the pharmacy
Developing a pharmacy-based chlamydia screening model for the australian health care setting.
Ethical responsibility, pharmaceutical care and the development of the profession of pharmacy
Immunization delivery: a new service provided in Portuguese pharmaciespart 2: first nationwide influenza immunization campaign
Leadership perspectives and roles in public health: a challenge for pharmacists
Pharmacy based metabolic syndrome management program in Hungary
Primary prevention of cardiovascular disease in community pharmacy: developing a framework for implementation.
The role of clinical pharmacist in asthma patient care in community pharmacy
D9 - Conclusions from the 19 May 2009 European Court judgment on pharmacy ownership within the EU
E5 - Distance learning
An entry level doctor of pharmacy curriculum using a hybrid distance education model
Learning by distance mode: A student perspective
The potential of using distance education to enhance pharmacists' competence in degree programs and other learning models
What is distance education and the technologies and resources required to provide distance learning opportunities.
E6 - Pharmaceutical Education - the use of virtual reality for teaching industrial practice
Experience with virtual education for pharmacy students - The tabletting plant on Second Life
Technology-based training as an instructional tool in pharmaceutical manufacturing organizations
The use of technology in education –the benefits and pitfalls
F5 - Pharmacogenomics - fundamental basis and use in therapeutics
Pharmacogenetics in clinical practice
Pharmacogenetics: From research results to practical guidelines
Polymorphism exploration of CYP2D6 by AmpliChip P450 in tamoxifen breast cancer treatment
Receptors and applications in biology and personalized medicine: CCR5/CXCR4receptors and fusion inhibitors in HIV-1 disease
G5 - The challenging world of today’s clinical development
Conditional approvals: is fast always better?
Global clinical development - changing paradigms
Integrating business principles in clinical trials: How to make the start up process more effective?
The pivotal role of investigational sites in effective clinical research
G6 - Current issues on drug and healthcare information
A European System for Categorizing Medicines that Affect Driving Impairment
Empowering low-literate HIV/AIDS patients: communicating antiretroviral side effect information using pictograms
Kidney transplant wait-listed patients’ knowledge of post-transplant medicines
Medicines Information Symposium 2009 - Summary and Outcomes
The trend analysis of the toxicology information calls at drug & poison information center (dpic), the aga khan university hospital (akuh) karachi
H6 - Symposium on History of Pharmacy (part 1)
A brief history of pharmacy in Turkey: the republican era
Pharmaceutical memoirs published in turkey
The history of homeopathic medecine in terms of the history of the Vienna school of medecine
H7 - Symposium on History of Pharmacy (part 2)
Comfrey: from ancient use to modern science
Using humour in advertising blotters from the collection of « Sauvegarde du patrimoine pharmaceutique »
H8 - Being ready: Knowing the latest Emergency Pharmacy Innovation
A challenge of a medical logistician to the Cholera outbreak in Zimbabwe
Anthrax bioterrorism: pharmacologic countermeasures
Development and validation of a packing and monitoring regime to ensure quality assurance during transports of drugs and medical devices in missions abroad
September 8
A5 - Being ready: Preparation to ensure positive patient outcomes in a mass casualty situation
Analysis on the epidemics status of stricken people and relief troops in Qingping town after Qenchuan earthquake
CPLA’s medical rescue in 2008 China Wenchuan earthquake
A6 - Pharmacists working for improved patient outcomes – short oral communications
Can increased competition and regulation deliver quality pharmacy services?
Conditional marketing authorization as interim solution for easier drug import in Kosova
Determinants of antipsychotic medication use among residents of aged care homes in Australia
Ensuring drug safety in pharmacy during Olympics
Evaluation of education and economic barriers in implementing essential medicines concept in Malaysia
Evaluation of the performance of the Albanian Order of Pharmacists
Management and curricular contents of pharmacy residency programs in Korean hospitals
Rational drug selection and new therapeutic tendering facilitated by steps end over with potential saving: the case of SSRIs
Real-time drug supervision and administration mode based on internet
Sedative load among long-term care facility residents in Helsinki: comparison of residents with and without dementia
To minimize the potential for errors associated with medication name that look or sound alike (lasa) at the aga khan university hospital karachi, pakistan
C8 - Nuclear Pharmacy (Round Table)
Clinical applications of radiopharmaceuticals: Diagnostic and therapeutic
Current concepts in Turkish nuclear pharmacy
Introduction to Nuclear Pharmacy
PET radiopharmaceuticals: clinical applications and drug development
D7 - Public Health role of pharmacists
Defining public health issues in pharmacy: macro and micro level
Public Health Pharmacy in Policy
Public Health: Role of Community Pharmacists & Pharmacy students
D8 - The Basel Statements on the Future of Hospital Pharmacy - local experiences.
Evaluation of the current practice of medicine information in hospital documentation on the way to implement new pharmacy services
Good pharmaceutical practice (DAP) in Serbian clinical sector
Impact of the FIP global conference on the future of hospital pharmacy in Uruguay
Issues & challenges facing by professional pharmacy society of a developing country
The FIP basel statements: stimulus for the advancement of hospital pharmacy in a developed country
E7 - AcPS Short Oral Presentations
A special clinical pharmacy practicing educational program in China
Education and training needs for Australian pharmacists preparing for an expanded prescribing role
Evaluation of a distance education statistics course.
Evaluation of the current status of pharmacy education in nigerian universities
Farmacocases: education by simulation
Introduction of Pharm.D.programme: changing scenario of pharmacy education in India
Removing the boundaries between disciplines - integrated learning and teaching for the new third-year pharmacy curriculum
The development and acceptability of online, weekly-assessed tutorial system (casewats) as a learning tool to support undergraduate pharmacy students prescription management skills
E8 - How to get your research published?
Science in practice – The importance of publishing research findings
The measure of academic performance – publication rate
F6 - Pharmacy practice in the era of pharmacogenomics - Are we ready for the prime time?
Bioethics and law: a (very) brief introduction
From bench to bedside – translating pharmacogenetic information in clinical practice
G10 - Current pharmaceutical GMP concepts and trends (part 2)
G7 - Compounding (part 1)
Compounding in Turkey & reasons for compounding
Compounding in Turkey: reasons for NOT compounding
Compounding seminar: an Austrian overview by Ilona Leitner
Conclusion: The future of compounding medicines
Global perspectives of pharmacy compounding practices
Overview of practices all over the world with focus on South America. Compounding in Venezuela
G8 - Compounding (part 2)
Pharmaceutical compounding in Brazil: overview and prospects
Quality Pharmaceutical Art - meeting patient needs!
The pharmaceutical compounding, the pharmacist profession liability
G9 - Current pharmaceutical GMP concepts and trends (part 1)
Future Developments in International GMP
GMP Requirements for Utilities and Engineering 1 (Water and HVAC Systems)
Poster and Presentations
Academic Pharmacy Education and training needs for Australian pharmacists preparing for an expanded prescribing role
Introduction of Pharm.D.programme: changing scenario of pharmacy education in India
Removing the boundaries between disciplines - integrated learning and teaching for the new third-year pharmacy curriculum
The development and acceptability of online, weekly-assessed tutorial system (casewats) as a learning tool to support undergraduate pharmacy students prescription management skills
Administrative Pharmacy Can increased competition and regulation deliver quality pharmacy services?
Conditional marketing authorization as interim solution for easier drug import in Kosova
Determinants of antipsychotic medication use among residents of aged care homes in Australia
Ensuring drug safety in pharmacy during Olympics
Evaluation of education and economic barriers in implementing essential medicines concept in Malaysia
Evaluation of the performance of the Albanian Order of Pharmacists
Management and curricular contents of pharmacy residency programs in Korean hospitals
Rational drug selection and new therapeutic tendering facilitated by steps end over with potential saving: the case of SSRIs
Real-time drug supervision and administration mode based on internet
Sedative load among long-term care facility residents in Helsinki: comparison of residents with and without dementia
To minimize the potential for errors associated with medication name that look or sound alike (lasa) at the aga khan university hospital karachi, pakistan
Community Pharmacy: New services e-world Intranet based health care services
Observatory – a knowledgebase and a search facility from europharm forum
Pictograph's as tools to patients instructions
The development of a web-based pharmaceutical care plan for pharmacist, physician, and patient in primary care setting in the Netherlands
Community Pharmacy: OtherCommunity Pharmacy: Public health A student’s view on the role of a pharmacist in the traditional health care system: the case of molweni community, Thekwini municipality, South Africa
Appointment for counselling at the pharmacy
Developing a pharmacy-based chlamydia screening model for the australian health care setting.
Ethical responsibility, pharmaceutical care and the development of the profession of pharmacy
Immunization delivery: a new service provided in Portuguese pharmaciespart 2: first nationwide influenza immunization campaign
Leadership perspectives and roles in public health: a challenge for pharmacists
Pharmacy based metabolic syndrome management program in Hungary
Primary prevention of cardiovascular disease in community pharmacy: developing a framework for implementation.
The role of clinical pharmacist in asthma patient care in community pharmacy
Community Pharmacy: Quality A survey on counterfeit medicines among the community pharmacies/drug outlets in Cambodia during 2006-2008
Developing standards for quality of pharmacy care in community settings in the republic of Macedonia
Development of a new quality development model for the danish pharmacies
Drug-related problems in self-medication
Pharmaceutical care practice at several community pharmacies in Jakarta, Indonesia
Industrial Pharmacy Advanced technology: regulatory requirements during the development and marketing phase of nanotechnology medicines
C-cap: A new approach for fixed dose combinations using hard and/or soft gelatin capsules
Characterization of dihydroartemisinin solid dispersions with hydrophilic carriers by freeze dried and solvent evaporation method
Disk intrinsic dissolution to monitor polymorphism and morphology of carbamazepine raw drug material
Investigation and comparison of effectiveness of novel polymer khaya gum with guar gum for drug targeting to colon
Permeability studies through the human nail plate in vitro
Pharmaceutical innovations in plasma sterilization technology
Simultaneous determination of three quinoline antimalarials in human plasma using ultra-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometric method
Strategic use of geography (BRIC) in global clinical trials – new perspectives
Pharmacy Information Empowering low-literate HIV/AIDS patients: communicating antiretroviral side effect information using pictograms
Kidney transplant wait-listed patients’ knowledge of post-transplant medicines
The trend analysis of the toxicology information calls at drug & poison information center (dpic), the aga khan university hospital (akuh) karachi
Academic Pharmacy
A novel approach to “continuous education for pharmacists”
A novel visually-displayed test for assessing numerical skills
Accreditation requirements for pharmacy student affairs
Assessments used in pharmacy teaching - academics learning from our peers
Blended learning: sharing experiences
Continuing postgraduate pharmacy education system in Poland
Continuing professional development and its accreditation in Japan using Hokkaido Pharmaceutical University as an example
Current status of the pharmacy and pharmaceutical science education in mexico
Education and training needs for Australian pharmacists preparing for an expanded prescribing role
Fast change in pharmaceutical education in mexico
How to evaluate pharmacies as places for on-site education
Impact of a service learning program in undergraduate pharmacy in Cape Town, South Africa
Integrating professional development into a quality improvement framework in community pharmacy.
Introduction of Pharm.D.programme: changing scenario of pharmacy education in India
Investigation of the influence of age and gender on first year pharmacy students’ attitude and enthusiasm towards online learning and PBL group work.
Quality assurance in cpd-programs; the route to a certificate
Removing the boundaries between disciplines - integrated learning and teaching for the new third-year pharmacy curriculum
Roles and competencies of district pharmacists: a case study from Cape Town, South Africa
Stigma towards people with mental disorders in Estonia: comparison of attitudes among community pharmacists, assistant pharmacists and pharmacy students
The development and acceptability of online, weekly-assessed tutorial system (casewats) as a learning tool to support undergraduate pharmacy students prescription management skills
The perceived information requirements of community pharmacy patients with long-term chronic conditions regarding their medications and disease.
Administrative Pharmacy
Antimicrobial resistance is a new disease created by mankind
Can increased competition and regulation deliver quality pharmacy services?
Computerization of non-formulary drugs application and management
Conditional marketing authorization as interim solution for easier drug import in Kosova
Cost-effectiveness study of clomiphene citrate versus anastrozole in the induction of ovulation in barren adult patients at a mexican public hospital
Data exclusivity – a threat to generic manufacturing companies
Determinants of antipsychotic medication use among residents of aged care homes in Australia
Development of consumption and reimbursement in a liberalized market structure
Distribution of medicines through the ‘pull’ versus the ‘push’ system:
what choice do the underprivileged have?
Ensuring drug safety in pharmacy during Olympics
Evaluation of education and economic barriers in implementing essential medicines concept in Malaysia
Evaluation of the performance of the Albanian Order of Pharmacists
How are pharmacists functioning in the Japanese community?
Investigation, innovation & development of pharmaceutical products: a global concern
Management and curricular contents of pharmacy residency programs in Korean hospitals
Over-the-counter medicine: comparison between the outer package labels of Albanian products with EU countries
Perception survey on adverse drug reaction (adr) reporting
Rational drug selection and new therapeutic tendering facilitated by steps end over with potential saving: the case of SSRIs
Real-time drug supervision and administration mode based on internet
Sedative load among long-term care facility residents in Helsinki: comparison of residents with and without dementia
Switch of duty personnel from pharmacists to pharmaconomists outside hospital pharmacy opening hours.
Taiwan pharmaceutical care practice guideline in oncology – establishment and implementation of chemotherapy dispensing practice guideline
Taiwan society of health-system pharmacists 2020 initiative (TSHP 2020 Initiative)
The importance of price policy in the actual pharmaceutical marketing
The lack of legislation for medical devices in Albania, attempts to make a change in this situation
The use of different kind of personnel in Norwegian pharmacies
The use of orphan drugs in Taiwan
To minimize the potential for errors associated with medication name that look or sound alike (lasa) at the aga khan university hospital karachi, pakistan
Bioavailability and Bioequivalence
Active metabolites formed during hepatic first-pass: simulations featuring their contribution to the overall effect in altered liver clearance and drug-drug interactions
Bioequivalence study of two formulations of paroxetine tablets in healthy male jordanian subjects applying lc/ms/ms
Effect of gender on the pharmacokinetics of indapamide in healthy volunteers
Indomethacin-saccharin cocrystal: in-vitro dissolution and in-vivo bioavailability study
Pharmacokinetics and comparative bioavailability of two oral formulations of metoprolol in a Mexican population
Targeting to latent HIV reservoirs : production optimization and evaluation of nevirapine nanosuspensions
Validated RP-HPLC method for determination of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate in concurrent herbal permeability agent for preclinical absorption studies
Biopharmaceutics Classification System
Anti cellulite cream formulation with sodium ascorbic and tocopheryl acetate as penetration enhancers for caffeine
Development and validation of a new HPLC method with fluorometric detection for analysis of furosemide in samples for liver perfusion studies
Investigation of melatonin absorption mechanism by pharmaceutical excipients using the ussing chamber technique
Clinical Biology
Camca1 and its upstream calcium signaling are involved in oxidative stress-induced cell death in candida albicans
Efficacy of 25 mg etanercept once weekly in rheumatoid arthritis
Expression of hepatic cytochrome p-450 proteins during aging.
Homocysteine induces cell proliferation through up-regulation of cyclin d1 expression via ?1 integrin/akt/p70s6k signaling pathway in human vascular smooth muscle cells
Molecular characterization of high-level aminoglycoside resistant enterococci
Over expression of midkine retards disease progression and prolongs life span under the presence of the als stress.
Pharmacists’ intervention in oncology ward: a study from nepal
The anti-shock effect of anisodamine involves the novel ways of increasing of b-arrestin expression.
The effects of short-term rosiglitasone treatment on glycemic control in diabetic and prediabetic patients with metabolic syndrome
Community Pharmacy: Compounding
Antibiotic vaginal ovules- targeting the focus of infection
Recent changes in medicine compounding in France
Team work-a state of art in pharmacy and dermatology: tailored state of art of therapy on critical issues
Community Pharmacy: New services e-world
Developing pharmacists’ counselling skills using an e–learning environment
Intranet based health care services
Observatory – a knowledgebase and a search facility from europharm forum
Pictograph's as tools to patients instructions
The development of a web-based pharmaceutical care plan for pharmacist, physician, and patient in primary care setting in the Netherlands
Community Pharmacy: Other
A healthy future – pharmaceuticals in a sustainable society
A new initiative at a community pharmacy in Denmark improves safety in generic substitution
Apriori - integrated drug interaction control in community pharmacies in Norway
Decision-making factor on generic medicine’s selection at community pharmacy in Japan
Does patients get enough information on their medicine if they are not able to come to the community pharmacy due to their bad health condition?
E-learning – a way to professional development
Elderly in elderly homes- how can pharmacists contribute to beter outcomes in drug therapy
Electronic interaction alert management: a method of managing interaction alerts from a pharmacy’s electronic prescription-dispensing system
Elimination of time consumers in the pharmacy
Evaluation of the drug-therapy-problems found during the home visit program on the post-discharged patients of x-hospital
Experiences of analgesic medication among different patient groups with chronic pain.
Good pharmacy practice implementation in a community pharmacy of Montevideo, Uruguay
Implications of student lead initiatives in pharmacy
Infrastructure implications for expanding pharmacist prescribing and the influence of pharmacy size and ownership
Internet survey on pharmacist role of OTC drug sales in Japan
New training strategies for Traditional Chinese Medicine
Non-prescription medicine benefits cannot be achieved without public education
Screenning of cardiovascular risk factors in community pharmacies
Self medication related problems – pharmacists role
Strategic approach in providing pharmaceutical healthcare service to patients in community pharmacy
Teaching “responsibility for patient outcome” to pharmaconomist students in Denmark
The development, delivery and evaluation of a continuing professional development program in women’s health
The growing market of compliance technologies. - the challenges and implications of implementing electronic medication reminders.
The influence of the cooperation of pharmacies on some economic indices
Use of skin screening testing in choosing of adequate skin care products in everyday pharmaceutical practice
What is the level of stability for clients receiving dosage packed medicine
Community Pharmacy: Public health
A medication review programme for patients from ethnic minorities
A review of international pharmacy-based chlamydia screening models.
A student’s view on the role of a pharmacist in the traditional health care system: the case of molweni community, Thekwini municipality, South Africa
Adolescents’ thoughts about and experiences with medications and their use- not without my mother
Appointment for counselling at the pharmacy
Assessment of effectiveness and safety of influenza vaccine
Benzodiazepines: appropriate prescribing or not?
Build up the system of social-pharmacist to improve the healthy care safety of elderly people a health education web-site for pharmacists
Clinical outcomes from a community pharmacy feasibility study for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease.
Community pharmacists in alcohol prevention: the knowledge and attitudes of non-pharmacy practitioner and non-practitioner colleagues to serve as a resource for the pharmacist
Comparative analysis of elderly inappropriate prescription evaluation instruments
Developing a pharmacy-based chlamydia screening model for the australian health care setting.
Drugs and young people (between 12 and 19 years old)
Efficacy of hypertension treatment and patients who might benefit from more intensified pharmaceutical care
Ethical responsibility, pharmaceutical care and the development of the profession of pharmacy
Fixed dose combinations – beneficial or harmful?
Fixed dose combinations improves patient adherence - a questionnaire based survey
Handling of dose packed medicine after dispensing from pharmacy
Health campaign in dermopharmacy: “oral health month: information in your pharmacy”
Health perspective in community pharmacies
How did the patient choose analgetics in self medication?
Identification of non-adherence hypertensive patients
Identifying specific cardiovascular health opportunities for community pharmacy: a population health approach
Immunization delivery: a new service provided in Portuguese pharmacies part 3: patients’ satisfaction with the first pharmacy-based influenza immunization campaign
Immunization delivery: a new service provided in Portuguese pharmacies - part I: training model for pharmacists
Immunization delivery: a new service provided in Portuguese pharmaciespart 2: first nationwide influenza immunization campaign
Importance of dietary habits and lifestyle - conscience and beliefs amonf pharmacy students
Increased waistline - a potential risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.
Involvement of French community pharmacists in the prevention and care of osteoporosis - A national training program
Keys to the rational use of vaccinations
Leadership perspectives and roles in public health: a challenge for pharmacists
Multidisciplinary medication review in nursing home residents
Obesity and metabolic syndrom,how can pharmacist help?
Patients´ experience with generic substitution – a survey:18.8% experienced changes in efficacy and/or side effect.
Pattern of pesticide storage before pesticide self-poisoning in rural sri lanka: a prospective survey
Pharmaceutical care for long-term care in Taipei, Taiwan
Pharmaceutical care of diabetic patients in a community part of hospital pharmacy
Pharmacists in prevention of diabetes in the city of kraljevo
Pharmacy based metabolic syndrome management program in Hungary
Pilot research study for pharmacovigilance: side effects of medicines recently brought onto the market: ezetimibe
Popularizing the pharmacy services in health care
Predictors for prevalence, treatment and control of hypertension in Portugal: A community pharmacy based study
Prescription of medicines without a personal visit to a physician – a Swedish pharmacy survey
Primary prevention of cardiovascular disease in community pharmacy: developing a framework for implementation.
Results from the pharmacotherapeutic follow-up of geriatric patients with chronic non-malignant osteomuscular pain.
Results of an observational study in 574 community pharmacies in Spain characterizing patient profiles of men asking for erectile dysfunction medication
Results of the community pharmacist action in otc prescription for patients with acute osteomuscular pain.
Results of the community pharmacist action in the dispensing of analgesics, NSAIDs and muscle relaxants to patients with osteomuscular pain
Role of pharmacists in public health in india– a neglected facet
The education on smoking cessation for the public in community pharmacies by using co detector as assistant equipment in Taipei Taiwan
The emergency contraceptive pill: australian community pharmacists’ practices
The role of clinical pharmacist in asthma patient care in community pharmacy
The use of generic medicine in Japan: in the case of Nagano prefecture
Towards an enhanced role for community pharmacists in France
Who accesses pharmacy-based emergency hormonal contraception?
Community Pharmacy: Quality
A critical analysis of the quality of a warfarin clinical audit carried out in a community pharmacy
A structured method for competence advancement in pharmacies
A survey on counterfeit medicines among the community pharmacies/drug outlets in Cambodia during 2006-2008
Community pharmacist's development using general level framework
Customer tailored prescription service
Developing standards for quality of pharmacy care in community settings in the republic of Macedonia
Development of a new quality development model for the danish pharmacies
Dispensing of prescription medicines – the core business of apoteket ab
Drug-related problems in self-medication
Individual and organizational influences on performance of pharmacist in community pharmacy
Medicine related problems in asian patients who suffer with diabetes cardiovascular disease and asthma
Outcome of pharmacist’s intervention in self-care in patients with cold symptoms
Pharmaceutical care practice at several community pharmacies in Jakarta, Indonesia
Putting the patient or the pharmacist first in pharmaceutical marketing in community pharmacies?
Quality assured mechanical guidance for self care customers of apoteket ab
Seven patients a day avoid hospitalisation
The analysis of the quality assurance of the public pharmacy subotica
The efforts to provide long term health care system by community pharmacies in taipei taiwan
The Indian pharmaceutical scenario the variability in price for branded medicine
Towards positive patient outcomes: a role for drug stability
Dissolution/In Vitro Release Performance Testing
Application of flow-through cell for dissolution testing of suppositories: a comparison with paddle method
Characterisation and in vitro evaluation of bioadhesive liposome gels of cidovofir
Gelatine containing peg-based hydrogels for drug delivery of gentamicin
Influence of plasticizer on permeation of fluconazole from nail lacquer formulation through bovine hoof membrane
Introduction of dissolution testing for characterization of bioactive chitosan and alginate fabrics and films for dermal application
Release of nefopam hcl from different gel formulations and their antiinflammatory effect on rats
Robust and stable immediate release formulation of candesartan cilexetil , bcs class iv drug and its statistical optimization
Hospital Pharmacy
A case report with complication based on Taiwan tuberculosis treatment guidelines
A high cost medical insurance case discussion
A pioneering work to combat bacterial resistance and to promote rational use of antibiotics – working together in a multi-professional way gives the best result.
A practical mydriatic regimen to prevent bradycardia caused by eyedrops containing phenylephrine and tropicamide in the diagnosis of retinopathy of prematurity
A study of the importance in mediation instruction on patient’s satisfaction
A study on clinical & coronary angiographic characteristics of acute myocardial infarction patients with metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus
Amiodarone induced subacute thyroiditis
Amodiamodiaquineiune plus artesunate toxicity surveillance in Jos University teaching hospital, Nigeria.
An adverse reaction of skin hypersensitivity induced by lamotrigine —a case report
An audit tool for reviewing medication safety practices in hospitals - a pilot study in Finland
Analysis of fluoroquinolone prescribing patterns
Analysis of pharmaceutical cognitive services for yang-ming branch of tpech
Antibiotic prescribing tendencies in the children clinical university hospital “tornkalns”
Antibiotic therapy for uncomplicated urinary tract infections in children
Aslto5 (Piemonte): the daily management of the risk prevention and treatment of cytotoxic extravasation
Aslto5 Piemonte (Italy): clostridium difficilis in Carmagnola hospital - You can wash your hands like pontius pilate?
Assessment of compliance with anaemia treatment on patients that received metoxipolietilenglicol epoetin beta compared with conventional erythropoietin, and its relation with clinical outcomes on HMO
Availability of paediatric medicines – How is Australia tracking in comparison to the us and uk?
Benzbromarone associated hepatotoxicity
Building a clinical pharmacy enterprise to improve patient outcomes
Cancer related insomnia: a survey among cancer survivors at a local hospital in Malaysia
Challenges concerning generic substitution in hospitals
Clinical pharmacists' participating in medical administrative ward round:methods and experiences
Colchicine prescribing and safety monitoring in patients with acute gout
Collaborative efforts to educate students for the new clinical roles in hospital pharmacy
Comparison of defined versus prescribed daily dose for measuring hospital antibacterial consumption
Comparison of the accuracy for weight analysis and refractometric analysis used in quality assurance during compounding parenteral nutrition solutions
Comparison of the expression of p-glycoprotein between
epiletogenic zone and tissue surrounding the zone in refractory epileptic patients
Comparison study of the effect of different nutritional support route on nutriture in the in-patients
Comparsion of ELISA and LC/MS/MS method for the quantification of tacrolimus concentration in whole blood in Chinese liver transplant recipients
Conjunctival hemorrhage on a patient with xerophthalmia suspectedly caused by topical cyclosporine
Construct an OSCE program for the pharmacy department in a medical center in taipei, taiwan
Construction of predictable medication adherence questionnaire
Consumption of drugs atc- b05 in clinical hospital osijek during the period of 2004-2008
Contamination of hospital pharmacies by antineoplastic drugs in Czech republic – results of the national study
Contrast media-induced nephropathy: case report of iothalamate
Decrease in unjustified use of n-acetylcysteine (nac) through pharmacist intervention and patient cost saving.
Detection medication error and dispensing error prevention in early stage implementation of patient safety program at teaching hospital in Bali
Determination of the prognosis factors and risk factors of toxicity for advanced gastric cancer patients treated by 5-fu-based chemotherapy
Developing experience of the clinical pharmacist in a regional teaching hospital in middle Taiwan
Development of a clinical research education curriculum for
six year pharmacology programs
Dispensing and distribution of free of charge medications to some non-hospitalized patient groups direct from hospital pharmacy.
Dispensing errors before and after changing the medicine name labeling of dispensing sheet and medicine bag in a hospital pharmacy
Drug dose adjustments in patients with renal impairment – new horizon for it innovation
Drug-induced nervous and psychotic symptoms by retrospective analysis
Easily establishing an educational, experience-passing-down and knowledge-management platform in a hospital pharmacy department
Educational workshops by pharmacists improve the knowledge of medical staff about pharmaceutical treatment for diabetes mellitus
Efficacy of combination therapy with sitagliptin compared with the thiazolidinedione in patients with type 2 diabetes inadequately controlled on metformin and sulfonyureas
Eosinophilic meningitis caused by angiostrongylus cantonensis: a case report
Escherichia coli in clinical hospital osijek during the period of 2006-2007
Establishing a web search system of food and drug interactions to improve drug safety
Establishment of a center for patient safety and innovative in pharmaceutical health care
Estimation of the influence of valproate,carbamazepine, phenobarbital and phenytoin on oral clearance of topiramate with nonmem
Evaluation of pharmacist’s role via common consultation modelin a district teaching hospital
Evaluation of risk factors for ofloxacin – resistant infections in urinary tract infections
Failure mode and effects analysis to improve safety in pharmaceutical distribution
From brand-named to generic - an example: paclitaxel
How clinical pharmacists involved in inpatient discharge counseling
Human intravenous immunoglobulin therapy benefits, prescription and interventions to cost management.
Impact of hospital pharmacist interventions on safety of pediatric drug
Impact of patient education provided by the pharmacist on use of dry powder inhalers- a controlled study
Implementation and evaluation of a comprehensive prescription assessment and intervention system
Implementation of a pharmacist managed anticoagulation clinic in the resource constrained setting of moi teaching and referral hospital, eldoret, kenya
Investigation and analysis of the skin test and allergic
reaction rate of cephalosporins
Investigation of perioperative prophylaxis antibiotics in oncology patients with different surgical incisions
K-ras mutation detected in blood as a predictive factor in patients with recurrent prostate cancer
Managing post-irradiated oncologyc patients- painstaking details proven important
May interventions by pharmacists at the emergency department, Södersjukhuset, optimize drug therapy in elderly patients? follow-up intervention
Medicine use in high fall risk versus low fall risk patients, hospitalised in an orthopaedic clinic
Mode & intervention for pharmacist promotion in reasonable application of tcm injection
Monitoring patient pickup of dispensed medications by pharmacists at a Traditional Chinese Medicine out-patient department in Taiwan
Monitoring polypharmacy and medication behavior of elderly patients in a traditional Chinese medicine clinic in Taiwan
Occupational exposure to antineoplastic agents in hospital pharmacy in comparison with other departments of the Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute (Brno, Czech republic)
Off-label drug use in critical care pediatrics
Outpatient pharmacy service in hospital in Middle Taiwan
Patient education the new role of Chinese pharmacist
Pharmacist and physicians strength collaboration for better patient outcomes
Pharmacist-led medication reconciliation with support of the Swedish national pharmacy register in the pre-operative anesthetic assessment
Pharmacists in the inter-professional patient care training program at a medical center in northern taiwan
Pharmacogenetic association with adverse reactions to thiopurine drugs in japanese pediatric patients
Point of care pharmacy service in oncology unit – clinical and economical outcomes
Prescribing pattern and adherence to local clinical practice guideline of angiotensin ii receptor blockers: study in a malaysian public teaching hospital
Prespective experience in the Italian Piemont network for oncology of complex cooperation among oncologists, pharmacists and nurses in a modern oncology unit
Prophylactic antibiotics in surgery: experience in a medical center
QR-code recognition and medication reminders
Quality regulation for hospital pharmacy in Spain
Reducing medication errors and improving patient safety by the intelligent drug preparation system
Reducing patients’ waiting time at the out-patient pharmacy by dispensing repeat prescriptions on appointment basis (s.m.a.r.t)
Reduction of medication errors in outpatient and emergency department
Relationships between antibiotics usage and nosocomial-acquired gram-negative bacteria drug resistance: an experience in a medical center at south taiwan, 2001-2006
Reliability in causality assessment of drug-induced liver disease
Role of clinical pharmacist in medication reconciliation at general medical wards, ramathibodi hospital, thailand
Role of hospital pharmacists in 2008 beijing olympic/paralympics games
Role of pharmacists in special 2008 in China
Root cause analysis of dispensing error
Sedation and analgesia in intensive care: a comparison of fentanyl and remifentanil
Special packing medication for the psychiatric home care patient.
Stability study of a new formulation for the off label use of cyclosporine
Study on medication for cerebral infarction of elderly inpatients compared with other inpatients
Submission doesn’t necessarily mean compliance!
Survey of transcription errors in drug charts at acute internal medicine, orthopaedic and surgical wards at uppsala university hospital
Tacrolimus-josamycin interaction in a recipient of allogeneic bone marrow transplantation
The analysis of adverse drug reactions measured by target drugs for hospitalized patients in a regional teaching hospital
The analysis of diabetes mellitus inappropriate prescriptions in the different dispensing types for the nhi contracted clinics
The analysis of valproate used for anti-epilepsy efficacy and safety assessment
The antibiotic use in intensive care unit, clinical emergency hospital of craiova, romania
The approaches to enhance the inhalation technique of patients with respiratory diseases by two different ways of instruction.
The clinical practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine in our hospital
The clinical use of vancomycin in a taiwan hospital
The effect of the implementation of smart patient controlled analgesia (pca) pumps on pca administration safety.
The experience of drug interaction alert system established on a regional hospital in Taiwan
The impact of neonatal clinical pharmacist to optimize the drugs therapy in the neonatal intensive care unit of the aga khan university hospital, karachi
The mini clinical evaluation exercise (mini-cex) for assessing counselling performance of pharmacy trainees
The needs of pharmaceutical care in pregnant women
The preventive behaviors for gio in taiwan practitioners
The reduction of outpatient dispensing error in district hospital
The role of pharmacist in renal transplant patient care
The role of pharmacist in the counselling and education of end stage renal disease patients
The study of dispensing types and prescription patterns in treating asthma under primary care
The study of inappropriate prescriptions in treating asthma in the different dispensing types for the nhi contracted clinics
The study of reducing outpatient dispensing error in district hospital
The use of combination atorvastatin – vegetal fibers in hypercholesterolemia treatment
The utilization of electronic tags in the drug lifecycle management in hospital
The utilization of hmg-coa reductase inhibitors in patients of cardiology clinics at one teaching hospital in taiwan
Therapeutic drug monitoring(tdm) using computerized physician order entry (cpoe) system improves the effectiveness of pharmaceutical care
Therapeutic interchange of statins for the treatment of dyslipidemia
To analysis the medical error in outpatient service
To determine the impact of daily vs weekly pharmacist run warfarin therapeutic monitoring program
Training staff in clinical pharmacy – option for developing world
Understanding and perception of generic medicines among hospital pharmacists in pakistan
Use of colour-coded labels (ccls) for intravenous high risk medications and lines to improve patient safety
Usefulness of indirect calorimetry in patients with pulmonary nontuberculous mycobacteriosis disease
Validation of culture-specific pictograms for type-ii diabetes management in a mexican community
Valproate induced hyperammonemic encephalopathy (VHE) case report
Warfarin utilization evaluation in the inpatient department of a hospital in taiwan
Individualised Medicine
Characterization of inhibitory effects of losartan on paclitaxel metabolism using recombinant cytochrome p450s
Diclofenac adapalene coadministration in the treatment of actinic keratoses
Effect of CYP2C19 and CYP2C9 genotype on concentration prediction of valproate in epileptic patients
Effect of cyp2d6, cyp3a5 and mdr1 genetic polymorphisms on the pharmacokinetics of risperidone and its active moiety
Effect of losartan on drug metabolism by human liver microsomes with cyp isoform variants
Hypertension control in diabetic patients – approaching individualized therapy?
Influence of the CYP3A5 genetic polymorphisms on the pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus in healthy Chinese volunteers
The impact of a change in tacrolimus monitoring immunoassay techniques on clinical decision making and patient outcomes
Topical dapsone in rosacea; disabling disorder managed by a team work
Industrial Pharmacy
A comparative study of marketed enteric coated pantoprazole sodium sesquihydrate products
A feasibility study: controlled nanoprecipitation with microjet reactor
A novel method of fabrication of in-situ enteric coated microparticulates of the potent bcs class i drug for targeted delivery by spray drying technique
Advanced technology: regulatory requirements during the development and marketing phase of nanotechnology medicines
Biochemical and hematological evaluation of human carrier erythrocytes for targeted delivery of primaquine: in vitro studies
Bioequivalence study of calcium dobesilate capsules in healthy subjects
C-cap: A new approach for fixed dose combinations using hard and/or soft gelatin capsules
Characterization of dihydroartemisinin solid dispersions with hydrophilic carriers by freeze dried and solvent evaporation method
Comparison of HPLC and UV spectrophotometric method for assay determination of prednisone in tablets
Correlation between type of lipid formulation and the fate of fenofibrate after dispersion and digestion of lipid-based delivery systems
Cystatin C and beta-2-microglobulin: indicators for renal damage as a result of occupational cadmium exposure in Egyptian individuals
Development of nifedipine-loaded coated gelatin microcapsule as a long acting oral delivery
Development of novel flurbiprofen-loaded solid dispersion using aqueous medium
Disk intrinsic dissolution to monitor polymorphism and morphology of carbamazepine raw drug material
Effect of carbopol on the release of dextromethorphan hydrobromide from matrix tablets
Effect of carbopol on the release of dextromethorphan hydrobromide from matrix tablets
Effect of cosolvents on indomethacin-loaded pellets
Effect of formulation on substituting wet granulation with direct compression process for the industrial production of tablets with a high dose drug
Effect of kollidon® sr on the release of
albuterol sulphate from matrix tablets
Enhanced oral bioavailability of coenzyme q10 via self emulsifying drug delivery systems
Enhanced oral bioavailability of dexibuprofen via a novel solid sedds formulation
Enhanced oral bioavailability of flurbiprofen by the combined use of polysorbate 80 and ?-cyclodextrin
Enhanced transdermal delivery of diclofenac along with curcumin using terpenes as penetration enhancer
Famotidine orally disintegrating tablets: bitterness comparison of original and generic products
Forced degradation studies of (r,s) -amlodipine besilate and s(-)-amlodipine besilate
Formulation and evaluation of bioadhesive buccal tablets of ondansetron hydrochloride
Formulation and evaluation of dimenhydrinate microspheres for nasal administration
Formulation and evaluation of ketorolac tromethamine-eudragit solid dispersions of potential sustained release properties
Formulation and in vitro evaluation of metronidazole mucoadhesive vaginal tablets
Formulation of rectal solution of diazepam
Formulation, characterization and evaluation studies on microspheres of atenolol
In vitro release of clotrimazole from in situ gels aimed for local drug delivery
In-vitro evaluation of polymers and polymer blends as tablet matrices
Influence of different types of white soft paraffin on the rheological behaviour of w/o emulsion vehicles: solving of filling problems in the production process
Investigation and comparison of effectiveness of novel polymer khaya gum with guar gum for drug targeting to colon
Measuring level of degradation products in hexetidine oral solution by HPLC
Niosomes in in-situ gelling systems for ocular delivery of pilocarpine hydrochloride
Optimization of a modified quasi-emulsion solvent diffusion method for the preparation of directly compressible ibuprofen spheres
Permeability studies through the human nail plate in vitro
Pharmaceutical innovations in plasma sterilization technology
Preparation and evaluation of ondansetron fast disintegrating tablets
Preparation and stability study of two amorphous ergot derivative drugs
Roles of mgo in solid dispersion systems containing weakly dibasic telmisartan
Salbutamol sulfate in-situ nasal gelling systems: formulation and evaluation
Selection of the tableting process of prednisone – the influence of the particle size
Simultaneous determination of three quinoline antimalarials in human plasma using ultra-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometric method
Strategic use of geography (BRIC) in global clinical trials – new perspectives
Study of the technological properties under compression of the different crystalline forms of sodium naproxen
Surface modified stavudine lipid nanoparticles for targeting : scale up
Surface-charged flexosomes for enhanced skin delivery of temoporfin
Synthesis and preliminary stability evaluation of different salts of amlodipine
The effect of fluidized bed systems on granule flowability and compaction properties
Ultra-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometric method for determination of 5-aminolevulinic acid in oral colonic targeted tablets for diagnosis of colon cancer
Laboratory and Medicines Control Services
Batch release of biologicals in Croatian agency for medicinal products and medical devices
Determination of lidocain-hlorid and methyl-paraben in xylocain jelly by derivative spectrophotometry
Interference with the LAL test, causes and solutions
Metalloids and metals in homoeopathic medicinal products
Pharmacokinetics study of irinotecan and sn-38 by coadministered thalidomide in rat
Quality control of water for pharmaceutical purposes
Quantitative analysis of levomycetin and anesthesin in the model medicine mixture by modified firord’s method
Quantitative determination of aflatoxin b1 in peanuts
Quantitative determination of azithromycin in human plasma by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry and its application to a pharmacokinetic study
Sodium nitrite content in meat products
Stability indicating methods for human albumin 5% solution in normal saline
Use of high-performance liquid chromatography in the analysis of vaginal suppositories fensulkal
Validation of UV-spectrophotometry technique for quality determination of the suppositories “ibumol”
Medicinal Chemistry
Analysis of O6 - alkylguanine in breast cancer patients’ blood during recurrent oral administration of cyclophosphamide
Analysis of O6 - alkylguanine in breast cancer patients’ blood during recurrent oral administration of cyclophosphamide
Anilinoquinoline derivatives as inhibitors of subgenomic hepatitis c virus replication
Antibacterial activity of 5,6-benzo[a]dihydrocarbazoles.
Application of rp-hptlc retention parameters of newly synthesized androstene derivatives in qsar studies
Evaluation of physico-chemical and pharmacokinetic profile of melissae aetheroleum and lavandulae aetheroleum dominant components using np-tlc chromatography
Inhibitory activity of benzo[a]dihydrocarbazoles against human and parasite topoisomerases by means of PCR and mass spectrometry techniques
Inhibitory potentials of curcumin analogues to cytochrome p450 isoenzymes activity, quantitative structures activity relationships (qsars) and docking simulations to the cyp 2d6 homology model
Piperazinediones and inhibitory activity against human breast cancer
Staphylococcus aureus-target of action of some derivatives of 4-hydroxycoumarin and quinoline-3-carboxylic acid
Synthesis and anticandidal activity of hydrazide hydrazones and their corresponding 3-acetyl-2,5-disubstituted-1,3,4-oxadiazolines
Synthesis and cytotoxic activity 2-(4-aminophenyl)-5-substitutedamino-1,3,4-thiadiazole derivatives and their coupling products
Synthesis and pharmcological profiles of the anticholinergic agent, n-alkyl phencynonate and the optical isomers
Synthesis of some new quinoxaline derivatives for biological testing
Synthesis of some substituted carbamodithioic acid esters and their anticancer properties
Acute change of corneal epithelium after instillation of benzalkonium chloride evaluated by a new electrophysiological method
Assay of common preservatives in suncare products by high perfomance liquid cromatography
Association between the understanding of medication-related phrases and the health literacy in Taiwanese
Biological characterization of proliferin 1
Biological characterization of proliferin 1
Breaking boundaries (short abstract)
Breast cancer knowledge and perception:outcomes of a cross sectional survey in penang,malaysia
Changes in mrna expression of abc and slc transporters in liver and intestines of the adjuvant-induced arthritis rat
Chemical composition and the antimicrobial activity of four hypericum species from turkey
Determination of hydroxycamptothecin in rabbits and cancer patients with digestive system tumor by liquidchromatography spectrometry: application to pharmacokinetics
Dexametasone sodium phosphate eyes drops as viscose aqua solutions
Differences in cytochrome p450 and nuclear receptor mrna levels in liver and small intestines between sd and da rats
Distribution of scopolamine into brain following intranasal administration
E-pharmacy: information technology initiative to reduce patient waiting time at ambulatory care areas of aga khan university hospital (akuh) pakistan
Effect of fosinopril and amlodipine combination on uninephrectomized stz induced diabetic rats
Effect of naringin on intestinal absorption of fexofenadine in rats using the mesenteric vein blood sampling method: a graduation thesis in the six-year curriculum
Effects of fenugreek seed extract on cholesterol transporters in caco-2 cells
Evaluating pharmacist interventions in a tertiary hospital
Evaluation of marketed oral producsts for aflatoxins
Evaluation of penetration enhancement effect of terpenes on a highly lipophilic compound with attenuated total reflectance-fourier transform infrared (atr-ftir) spectroscopy
Evaluation of simvastatin permeation from topical formulations in test invitro
Healthcare barcode recognition and medication information systems in medical center
Impact of potential adverse drug interactions on length of intensive care unit stay
In vitro susceptibility of candida isolates from oral cavities of HIV/AIDS patients to the commonly used antifungal agents in Jimma University specialized hospital, southwest Ethiopia
Incidence of surgical site infection and relationship with pattern of antibiotic usage in operation room at dharmais cancer hospital
Influence of CYP2C19*2, CYP2C19*3 and CYP2C9*3 genotypes on anti-epileptic drugs resistance of refractory epileptics
Natural surfactants as potential pharmaceutical excipients in magistral drug preparation: physicochemical characterization and safety evaluation of model vehicles for nsaid
New detoxification mechanism based on drug transporters
Participation of proteinase-activated receptor-2 in passive cutaneous anaphylaxis-induced scratching behavior and the inhibitory effect of tacrolimus
Role of ?-carotene and n-acetyl-l-cysteine with and without praziquantel treatment in modulating schistosoma mansoni-induced genotoxic effects on albino mice
Role of clinical pharmacists in intensive care unit in alexandria university hospital
Screening the quality of honey bee on the market
Side effects of first line antitubercular drugs
Simultaneous determination of lamotrigine, phenobarbitone, carbamazepine and phenytoin in human brain tissue by high-performance liquid chromatography
Spectroscopic studies of 3-substituted 4-hidroxycoumarins: effect of substitution by a phenyl ring 3-phenyl-prop-2-enoyl gruop in the 3-position of 4-hydroxycoumarin
Supplementation or therapy? Folate and cholecalciferol
The comparison of volatile constituents of salvia ceratophylla collected from different regions in turkey
The effect of selected direct compression excipients on the drug release of an insoluble drug
The effects of propylene glycol on release of clindamycin phosphate from the base of hydrogel type
The influence of natural surfactant-based emulsion systems with and without isopropyl alcohol on skin absorption in vivo of model nsaid
The influence of natural surfactant-based emulsion vehicles on in vitro liberation profiles of model NSAID
Thermosensitive systems prepared on pluronic f-127 as vehicles for prolactin in antiangiogenic therapy
Natural Substances
A LC/autoMSn library as fingerprint quality control method for unexplored Colombian plant
Anticonvulsant studies of essential oils isolated from vitex negundo linn.
Antifibrotic effect of phenanthrenes from dendrobium nobile in rat hepatic stellate cells
Antioxidant potential determination of glucose, fructose, tartaric, citric acid with horac and dpph assays
Cardioprotective effect of rhododendron arboreum on isoproterenol-induced myocardial necrosis in rats
Chemical composition of Albanian wild Oreganos oils
Determination of antioxidant capacity in Ginkgo biloba l. extracts
Determination of heavy metals in some Albanian medicinal plants used as herbal tea
Determination of rutin in buckwheat (Fagopyrum sagittatum g.) from Bosnia using high presse liquid chromatography with electrochemical detector
Determination of rutin in ruta extracts using high presse liquid chromatography with electrochemical detector
Determination of trans- resveratrol in pullulan edible film formulation with various types of wine extract by using HPLC and HPTLC methods
Development and validation of a RP-HPLC method for quantification of anthocyanin pelargonidin in fresh fruits
Effect of curcumin prodrug fm0806 on mouse hepatic carcinoma h22 in vivo
Evaluation of antidiabetic and antioxidant potential of oxystelma esculentum in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats
Evaluation of antioxidant potential of pinus roxburgii extract
Experimental studies of total coumarins of cortex fraxini on acute gouty arthritis and uric acid
Herbal preparations: relevance to cardiovascular diseases
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) quantification of rutin in ruta, rosemary and pelargonium extracts
In vitro antimicrobial activity of some medicinal plants of ericaceae family
Pharmacognostical, phytochemical and pharmacological studies on mimosa pudica, linn
Pharmacognostical, preliminary phytochemical and pharmacological studies on monochoria vaginalis (burm. f.) k. presl
Possibility of producing of encapsulated dosage form of pine needles thick extract
Quality and composition of sceletium plant material and dosage forms used as phytomedicines
Safety and efficacy evaluation of tea tree oil for acne
Studies in development and evaluation of rhubarb formulations
Studies on HPLC fingerprint chromatograph in Chinese medicine total glucosides of Tripterygium wilfordii
Study on the mechanism of hypoglycemic effect of walnut(juglans regia l.) leaves and ridges extract in diabetes induced mice.
Synthesis and bioactivities of desmosdumotinsas promisng antitumor agents
The antimicrobial constituens from the leaves
of karamuntiang (rhodomyrtus tomentosa (ait.) hassk.)
The cholesterol-lowering effect of yun-cai-tea
The effects of tanshinone iia on the behaviour of control and stressed mice
Total content of phenols and rutin in flowers, leaves, stems, roots and seeds of buckwheat, Fagopyrum saggitatum g. (Polygonaceae) from Bosnia
Whitening effects of lindera obtusiloba bl. 70 % etoh extract
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Aurentiacin inhibits inflammatory mediators by suppressing NF-kB and MAPKs activation in lipopolysaccharide-induced RAW 264.7 macrophage
Cytotoxicity and apoptosis induction of aspergillus versicolor kmd 004 metabolites on colon cancer carcinoma cells
Determination of blood methotrexate polyglutamates by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry after low-dose methotrexate therapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Determination of curcumol in rat plasma by capillary gas chromatography with hydrogen flame ionization detecter
Establishment of human lysozyme mass production system using silkworm larvae
In vitro characterization of chitosan microspheres encapsulated plasmid gm-csf
Investigation of stability of interleukin-2 liposome formulation by sds-page analysis
Potential of plga nanoparticles coated with chitosan as carriers for oral insulin delivery
A retrospective study of adverse drug reactions leading to hospital admissions and cost in a medical center
Antidepressant drug prescribing and risk of abnormal bleeding: a case-control study
Antidepressants use pattern in a sample of Portuguese outpatients adults
Comparizon of cost-effectiveness of carvedilol vs metoprolol in patients with heart failure
Cost-effectiveness analysis of adjuvant therapy for operable breast cancer from a Chinese perspective: doxorubicin plus cyclophosphamide (AC) versus docetaxel plus cyclophosphamide (TC)
Evaluation of a state medicaid behavioral pharmacy management program
Health related utility and willingness to pay per quality-adjusted life year of chronic prostatitis patients in China
Impact of potential adverse drug interactions on length of intensive care unit stay
Inpatient costs associated with six months of care post acute rejection events in renal transplant patients: a single center retrospective analysis
Medicines follow-up methods and review of utilization in Serbia
Oral hypoglycaemic agents prescribing patterns in Portuguese type 2 diabetics: 2004 -2008
Pharmacoeconomic analysis of a pediatric vaccine in Albania
Pharmacovigilance: a responsibility shared or someone else’s problem? lessons from nimesulide.
Statins consumption in the republic of Croatia in 2005, 2006 and 2007
The evaluation of antidiabetic drugs in turkey from pharmacist’s eye in terms of pharmacoepidemiology: a pilot study
Pharmacy Information
A retrospective study: to analyze the relevant factors of the incidence of ADR in a medical center in Taiwan
Competence assurance for pharmacy staff.
Corporate social responsibility plan
Empowering low-literate HIV/AIDS patients: communicating antiretroviral side effect information using pictograms
European association of hospital pharmacists together with FIP, ASHP and WHO in Second Life
Kidney transplant wait-listed patients’ knowledge of post-transplant medicines
Pharmaceutical information and the Croatian regulatory authority
Safe self-medication – significance of establishing the criteria for classification and status determination of medicinal products in Serbia
The trend analysis of the toxicology information calls at drug & poison information center (dpic), the aga khan university hospital (akuh) karachi
Education and training needs for Australian pharmacists preparing for an expanded prescribing role
Introduction of Pharm.D.programme: changing scenario of pharmacy education in India
Removing the boundaries between disciplines - integrated learning and teaching for the new third-year pharmacy curriculum
The development and acceptability of online, weekly-assessed tutorial system (casewats) as a learning tool to support undergraduate pharmacy students prescription management skills
Can increased competition and regulation deliver quality pharmacy services?
Conditional marketing authorization as interim solution for easier drug import in Kosova
Determinants of antipsychotic medication use among residents of aged care homes in Australia
Ensuring drug safety in pharmacy during Olympics
Evaluation of education and economic barriers in implementing essential medicines concept in Malaysia
Evaluation of the performance of the Albanian Order of Pharmacists
Management and curricular contents of pharmacy residency programs in Korean hospitals
Rational drug selection and new therapeutic tendering facilitated by steps end over with potential saving: the case of SSRIs
Real-time drug supervision and administration mode based on internet
Sedative load among long-term care facility residents in Helsinki: comparison of residents with and without dementia
To minimize the potential for errors associated with medication name that look or sound alike (lasa) at the aga khan university hospital karachi, pakistan
Community Pharmacy: New services e-world Intranet based health care services
Observatory – a knowledgebase and a search facility from europharm forum
Pictograph's as tools to patients instructions
The development of a web-based pharmaceutical care plan for pharmacist, physician, and patient in primary care setting in the Netherlands
Community Pharmacy: OtherCommunity Pharmacy: Public health A student’s view on the role of a pharmacist in the traditional health care system: the case of molweni community, Thekwini municipality, South Africa
Appointment for counselling at the pharmacy
Developing a pharmacy-based chlamydia screening model for the australian health care setting.
Ethical responsibility, pharmaceutical care and the development of the profession of pharmacy
Immunization delivery: a new service provided in Portuguese pharmaciespart 2: first nationwide influenza immunization campaign
Leadership perspectives and roles in public health: a challenge for pharmacists
Pharmacy based metabolic syndrome management program in Hungary
Primary prevention of cardiovascular disease in community pharmacy: developing a framework for implementation.
The role of clinical pharmacist in asthma patient care in community pharmacy
Community Pharmacy: Quality A survey on counterfeit medicines among the community pharmacies/drug outlets in Cambodia during 2006-2008
Developing standards for quality of pharmacy care in community settings in the republic of Macedonia
Development of a new quality development model for the danish pharmacies
Drug-related problems in self-medication
Pharmaceutical care practice at several community pharmacies in Jakarta, Indonesia
Industrial Pharmacy Advanced technology: regulatory requirements during the development and marketing phase of nanotechnology medicines
C-cap: A new approach for fixed dose combinations using hard and/or soft gelatin capsules
Characterization of dihydroartemisinin solid dispersions with hydrophilic carriers by freeze dried and solvent evaporation method
Disk intrinsic dissolution to monitor polymorphism and morphology of carbamazepine raw drug material
Investigation and comparison of effectiveness of novel polymer khaya gum with guar gum for drug targeting to colon
Permeability studies through the human nail plate in vitro
Pharmaceutical innovations in plasma sterilization technology
Simultaneous determination of three quinoline antimalarials in human plasma using ultra-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometric method
Strategic use of geography (BRIC) in global clinical trials – new perspectives
Pharmacy Information Empowering low-literate HIV/AIDS patients: communicating antiretroviral side effect information using pictograms
Kidney transplant wait-listed patients’ knowledge of post-transplant medicines
The trend analysis of the toxicology information calls at drug & poison information center (dpic), the aga khan university hospital (akuh) karachi
Academic Pharmacy
A novel approach to “continuous education for pharmacists”
A novel visually-displayed test for assessing numerical skills
Accreditation requirements for pharmacy student affairs
Assessments used in pharmacy teaching - academics learning from our peers
Blended learning: sharing experiences
Continuing postgraduate pharmacy education system in Poland
Continuing professional development and its accreditation in Japan using Hokkaido Pharmaceutical University as an example
Current status of the pharmacy and pharmaceutical science education in mexico
Education and training needs for Australian pharmacists preparing for an expanded prescribing role
Fast change in pharmaceutical education in mexico
How to evaluate pharmacies as places for on-site education
Impact of a service learning program in undergraduate pharmacy in Cape Town, South Africa
Integrating professional development into a quality improvement framework in community pharmacy.
Introduction of Pharm.D.programme: changing scenario of pharmacy education in India
Investigation of the influence of age and gender on first year pharmacy students’ attitude and enthusiasm towards online learning and PBL group work.
Quality assurance in cpd-programs; the route to a certificate
Removing the boundaries between disciplines - integrated learning and teaching for the new third-year pharmacy curriculum
Roles and competencies of district pharmacists: a case study from Cape Town, South Africa
Stigma towards people with mental disorders in Estonia: comparison of attitudes among community pharmacists, assistant pharmacists and pharmacy students
The development and acceptability of online, weekly-assessed tutorial system (casewats) as a learning tool to support undergraduate pharmacy students prescription management skills
The perceived information requirements of community pharmacy patients with long-term chronic conditions regarding their medications and disease.
Administrative Pharmacy
Antimicrobial resistance is a new disease created by mankind
Can increased competition and regulation deliver quality pharmacy services?
Computerization of non-formulary drugs application and management
Conditional marketing authorization as interim solution for easier drug import in Kosova
Cost-effectiveness study of clomiphene citrate versus anastrozole in the induction of ovulation in barren adult patients at a mexican public hospital
Data exclusivity – a threat to generic manufacturing companies
Determinants of antipsychotic medication use among residents of aged care homes in Australia
Development of consumption and reimbursement in a liberalized market structure
Distribution of medicines through the ‘pull’ versus the ‘push’ system:
what choice do the underprivileged have?
Ensuring drug safety in pharmacy during Olympics
Evaluation of education and economic barriers in implementing essential medicines concept in Malaysia
Evaluation of the performance of the Albanian Order of Pharmacists
How are pharmacists functioning in the Japanese community?
Investigation, innovation & development of pharmaceutical products: a global concern
Management and curricular contents of pharmacy residency programs in Korean hospitals
Over-the-counter medicine: comparison between the outer package labels of Albanian products with EU countries
Perception survey on adverse drug reaction (adr) reporting
Rational drug selection and new therapeutic tendering facilitated by steps end over with potential saving: the case of SSRIs
Real-time drug supervision and administration mode based on internet
Sedative load among long-term care facility residents in Helsinki: comparison of residents with and without dementia
Switch of duty personnel from pharmacists to pharmaconomists outside hospital pharmacy opening hours.
Taiwan pharmaceutical care practice guideline in oncology – establishment and implementation of chemotherapy dispensing practice guideline
Taiwan society of health-system pharmacists 2020 initiative (TSHP 2020 Initiative)
The importance of price policy in the actual pharmaceutical marketing
The lack of legislation for medical devices in Albania, attempts to make a change in this situation
The use of different kind of personnel in Norwegian pharmacies
The use of orphan drugs in Taiwan
To minimize the potential for errors associated with medication name that look or sound alike (lasa) at the aga khan university hospital karachi, pakistan
Bioavailability and Bioequivalence
Active metabolites formed during hepatic first-pass: simulations featuring their contribution to the overall effect in altered liver clearance and drug-drug interactions
Bioequivalence study of two formulations of paroxetine tablets in healthy male jordanian subjects applying lc/ms/ms
Effect of gender on the pharmacokinetics of indapamide in healthy volunteers
Indomethacin-saccharin cocrystal: in-vitro dissolution and in-vivo bioavailability study
Pharmacokinetics and comparative bioavailability of two oral formulations of metoprolol in a Mexican population
Targeting to latent HIV reservoirs : production optimization and evaluation of nevirapine nanosuspensions
Validated RP-HPLC method for determination of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate in concurrent herbal permeability agent for preclinical absorption studies
Biopharmaceutics Classification System
Anti cellulite cream formulation with sodium ascorbic and tocopheryl acetate as penetration enhancers for caffeine
Development and validation of a new HPLC method with fluorometric detection for analysis of furosemide in samples for liver perfusion studies
Investigation of melatonin absorption mechanism by pharmaceutical excipients using the ussing chamber technique
Clinical Biology
Camca1 and its upstream calcium signaling are involved in oxidative stress-induced cell death in candida albicans
Efficacy of 25 mg etanercept once weekly in rheumatoid arthritis
Expression of hepatic cytochrome p-450 proteins during aging.
Homocysteine induces cell proliferation through up-regulation of cyclin d1 expression via ?1 integrin/akt/p70s6k signaling pathway in human vascular smooth muscle cells
Molecular characterization of high-level aminoglycoside resistant enterococci
Over expression of midkine retards disease progression and prolongs life span under the presence of the als stress.
Pharmacists’ intervention in oncology ward: a study from nepal
The anti-shock effect of anisodamine involves the novel ways of increasing of b-arrestin expression.
The effects of short-term rosiglitasone treatment on glycemic control in diabetic and prediabetic patients with metabolic syndrome
Community Pharmacy: Compounding
Antibiotic vaginal ovules- targeting the focus of infection
Recent changes in medicine compounding in France
Team work-a state of art in pharmacy and dermatology: tailored state of art of therapy on critical issues
Community Pharmacy: New services e-world
Developing pharmacists’ counselling skills using an e–learning environment
Intranet based health care services
Observatory – a knowledgebase and a search facility from europharm forum
Pictograph's as tools to patients instructions
The development of a web-based pharmaceutical care plan for pharmacist, physician, and patient in primary care setting in the Netherlands
Community Pharmacy: Other
A healthy future – pharmaceuticals in a sustainable society
A new initiative at a community pharmacy in Denmark improves safety in generic substitution
Apriori - integrated drug interaction control in community pharmacies in Norway
Decision-making factor on generic medicine’s selection at community pharmacy in Japan
Does patients get enough information on their medicine if they are not able to come to the community pharmacy due to their bad health condition?
E-learning – a way to professional development
Elderly in elderly homes- how can pharmacists contribute to beter outcomes in drug therapy
Electronic interaction alert management: a method of managing interaction alerts from a pharmacy’s electronic prescription-dispensing system
Elimination of time consumers in the pharmacy
Evaluation of the drug-therapy-problems found during the home visit program on the post-discharged patients of x-hospital
Experiences of analgesic medication among different patient groups with chronic pain.
Good pharmacy practice implementation in a community pharmacy of Montevideo, Uruguay
Implications of student lead initiatives in pharmacy
Infrastructure implications for expanding pharmacist prescribing and the influence of pharmacy size and ownership
Internet survey on pharmacist role of OTC drug sales in Japan
New training strategies for Traditional Chinese Medicine
Non-prescription medicine benefits cannot be achieved without public education
Screenning of cardiovascular risk factors in community pharmacies
Self medication related problems – pharmacists role
Strategic approach in providing pharmaceutical healthcare service to patients in community pharmacy
Teaching “responsibility for patient outcome” to pharmaconomist students in Denmark
The development, delivery and evaluation of a continuing professional development program in women’s health
The growing market of compliance technologies. - the challenges and implications of implementing electronic medication reminders.
The influence of the cooperation of pharmacies on some economic indices
Use of skin screening testing in choosing of adequate skin care products in everyday pharmaceutical practice
What is the level of stability for clients receiving dosage packed medicine
Community Pharmacy: Public health
A medication review programme for patients from ethnic minorities
A review of international pharmacy-based chlamydia screening models.
A student’s view on the role of a pharmacist in the traditional health care system: the case of molweni community, Thekwini municipality, South Africa
Adolescents’ thoughts about and experiences with medications and their use- not without my mother
Appointment for counselling at the pharmacy
Assessment of effectiveness and safety of influenza vaccine
Benzodiazepines: appropriate prescribing or not?
Build up the system of social-pharmacist to improve the healthy care safety of elderly people a health education web-site for pharmacists
Clinical outcomes from a community pharmacy feasibility study for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease.
Community pharmacists in alcohol prevention: the knowledge and attitudes of non-pharmacy practitioner and non-practitioner colleagues to serve as a resource for the pharmacist
Comparative analysis of elderly inappropriate prescription evaluation instruments
Developing a pharmacy-based chlamydia screening model for the australian health care setting.
Drugs and young people (between 12 and 19 years old)
Efficacy of hypertension treatment and patients who might benefit from more intensified pharmaceutical care
Ethical responsibility, pharmaceutical care and the development of the profession of pharmacy
Fixed dose combinations – beneficial or harmful?
Fixed dose combinations improves patient adherence - a questionnaire based survey
Handling of dose packed medicine after dispensing from pharmacy
Health campaign in dermopharmacy: “oral health month: information in your pharmacy”
Health perspective in community pharmacies
How did the patient choose analgetics in self medication?
Identification of non-adherence hypertensive patients
Identifying specific cardiovascular health opportunities for community pharmacy: a population health approach
Immunization delivery: a new service provided in Portuguese pharmacies part 3: patients’ satisfaction with the first pharmacy-based influenza immunization campaign
Immunization delivery: a new service provided in Portuguese pharmacies - part I: training model for pharmacists
Immunization delivery: a new service provided in Portuguese pharmaciespart 2: first nationwide influenza immunization campaign
Importance of dietary habits and lifestyle - conscience and beliefs amonf pharmacy students
Increased waistline - a potential risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.
Involvement of French community pharmacists in the prevention and care of osteoporosis - A national training program
Keys to the rational use of vaccinations
Leadership perspectives and roles in public health: a challenge for pharmacists
Multidisciplinary medication review in nursing home residents
Obesity and metabolic syndrom,how can pharmacist help?
Patients´ experience with generic substitution – a survey:18.8% experienced changes in efficacy and/or side effect.
Pattern of pesticide storage before pesticide self-poisoning in rural sri lanka: a prospective survey
Pharmaceutical care for long-term care in Taipei, Taiwan
Pharmaceutical care of diabetic patients in a community part of hospital pharmacy
Pharmacists in prevention of diabetes in the city of kraljevo
Pharmacy based metabolic syndrome management program in Hungary
Pilot research study for pharmacovigilance: side effects of medicines recently brought onto the market: ezetimibe
Popularizing the pharmacy services in health care
Predictors for prevalence, treatment and control of hypertension in Portugal: A community pharmacy based study
Prescription of medicines without a personal visit to a physician – a Swedish pharmacy survey
Primary prevention of cardiovascular disease in community pharmacy: developing a framework for implementation.
Results from the pharmacotherapeutic follow-up of geriatric patients with chronic non-malignant osteomuscular pain.
Results of an observational study in 574 community pharmacies in Spain characterizing patient profiles of men asking for erectile dysfunction medication
Results of the community pharmacist action in otc prescription for patients with acute osteomuscular pain.
Results of the community pharmacist action in the dispensing of analgesics, NSAIDs and muscle relaxants to patients with osteomuscular pain
Role of pharmacists in public health in india– a neglected facet
The education on smoking cessation for the public in community pharmacies by using co detector as assistant equipment in Taipei Taiwan
The emergency contraceptive pill: australian community pharmacists’ practices
The role of clinical pharmacist in asthma patient care in community pharmacy
The use of generic medicine in Japan: in the case of Nagano prefecture
Towards an enhanced role for community pharmacists in France
Who accesses pharmacy-based emergency hormonal contraception?
Community Pharmacy: Quality
A critical analysis of the quality of a warfarin clinical audit carried out in a community pharmacy
A structured method for competence advancement in pharmacies
A survey on counterfeit medicines among the community pharmacies/drug outlets in Cambodia during 2006-2008
Community pharmacist's development using general level framework
Customer tailored prescription service
Developing standards for quality of pharmacy care in community settings in the republic of Macedonia
Development of a new quality development model for the danish pharmacies
Dispensing of prescription medicines – the core business of apoteket ab
Drug-related problems in self-medication
Individual and organizational influences on performance of pharmacist in community pharmacy
Medicine related problems in asian patients who suffer with diabetes cardiovascular disease and asthma
Outcome of pharmacist’s intervention in self-care in patients with cold symptoms
Pharmaceutical care practice at several community pharmacies in Jakarta, Indonesia
Putting the patient or the pharmacist first in pharmaceutical marketing in community pharmacies?
Quality assured mechanical guidance for self care customers of apoteket ab
Seven patients a day avoid hospitalisation
The analysis of the quality assurance of the public pharmacy subotica
The efforts to provide long term health care system by community pharmacies in taipei taiwan
The Indian pharmaceutical scenario the variability in price for branded medicine
Towards positive patient outcomes: a role for drug stability
Dissolution/In Vitro Release Performance Testing
Application of flow-through cell for dissolution testing of suppositories: a comparison with paddle method
Characterisation and in vitro evaluation of bioadhesive liposome gels of cidovofir
Gelatine containing peg-based hydrogels for drug delivery of gentamicin
Influence of plasticizer on permeation of fluconazole from nail lacquer formulation through bovine hoof membrane
Introduction of dissolution testing for characterization of bioactive chitosan and alginate fabrics and films for dermal application
Release of nefopam hcl from different gel formulations and their antiinflammatory effect on rats
Robust and stable immediate release formulation of candesartan cilexetil , bcs class iv drug and its statistical optimization
Hospital Pharmacy
A case report with complication based on Taiwan tuberculosis treatment guidelines
A high cost medical insurance case discussion
A pioneering work to combat bacterial resistance and to promote rational use of antibiotics – working together in a multi-professional way gives the best result.
A practical mydriatic regimen to prevent bradycardia caused by eyedrops containing phenylephrine and tropicamide in the diagnosis of retinopathy of prematurity
A study of the importance in mediation instruction on patient’s satisfaction
A study on clinical & coronary angiographic characteristics of acute myocardial infarction patients with metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus
Amiodarone induced subacute thyroiditis
Amodiamodiaquineiune plus artesunate toxicity surveillance in Jos University teaching hospital, Nigeria.
An adverse reaction of skin hypersensitivity induced by lamotrigine —a case report
An audit tool for reviewing medication safety practices in hospitals - a pilot study in Finland
Analysis of fluoroquinolone prescribing patterns
Analysis of pharmaceutical cognitive services for yang-ming branch of tpech
Antibiotic prescribing tendencies in the children clinical university hospital “tornkalns”
Antibiotic therapy for uncomplicated urinary tract infections in children
Aslto5 (Piemonte): the daily management of the risk prevention and treatment of cytotoxic extravasation
Aslto5 Piemonte (Italy): clostridium difficilis in Carmagnola hospital - You can wash your hands like pontius pilate?
Assessment of compliance with anaemia treatment on patients that received metoxipolietilenglicol epoetin beta compared with conventional erythropoietin, and its relation with clinical outcomes on HMO
Availability of paediatric medicines – How is Australia tracking in comparison to the us and uk?
Benzbromarone associated hepatotoxicity
Building a clinical pharmacy enterprise to improve patient outcomes
Cancer related insomnia: a survey among cancer survivors at a local hospital in Malaysia
Challenges concerning generic substitution in hospitals
Clinical pharmacists' participating in medical administrative ward round:methods and experiences
Colchicine prescribing and safety monitoring in patients with acute gout
Collaborative efforts to educate students for the new clinical roles in hospital pharmacy
Comparison of defined versus prescribed daily dose for measuring hospital antibacterial consumption
Comparison of the accuracy for weight analysis and refractometric analysis used in quality assurance during compounding parenteral nutrition solutions
Comparison of the expression of p-glycoprotein between
epiletogenic zone and tissue surrounding the zone in refractory epileptic patients
Comparison study of the effect of different nutritional support route on nutriture in the in-patients
Comparsion of ELISA and LC/MS/MS method for the quantification of tacrolimus concentration in whole blood in Chinese liver transplant recipients
Conjunctival hemorrhage on a patient with xerophthalmia suspectedly caused by topical cyclosporine
Construct an OSCE program for the pharmacy department in a medical center in taipei, taiwan
Construction of predictable medication adherence questionnaire
Consumption of drugs atc- b05 in clinical hospital osijek during the period of 2004-2008
Contamination of hospital pharmacies by antineoplastic drugs in Czech republic – results of the national study
Contrast media-induced nephropathy: case report of iothalamate
Decrease in unjustified use of n-acetylcysteine (nac) through pharmacist intervention and patient cost saving.
Detection medication error and dispensing error prevention in early stage implementation of patient safety program at teaching hospital in Bali
Determination of the prognosis factors and risk factors of toxicity for advanced gastric cancer patients treated by 5-fu-based chemotherapy
Developing experience of the clinical pharmacist in a regional teaching hospital in middle Taiwan
Development of a clinical research education curriculum for
six year pharmacology programs
Dispensing and distribution of free of charge medications to some non-hospitalized patient groups direct from hospital pharmacy.
Dispensing errors before and after changing the medicine name labeling of dispensing sheet and medicine bag in a hospital pharmacy
Drug dose adjustments in patients with renal impairment – new horizon for it innovation
Drug-induced nervous and psychotic symptoms by retrospective analysis
Easily establishing an educational, experience-passing-down and knowledge-management platform in a hospital pharmacy department
Educational workshops by pharmacists improve the knowledge of medical staff about pharmaceutical treatment for diabetes mellitus
Efficacy of combination therapy with sitagliptin compared with the thiazolidinedione in patients with type 2 diabetes inadequately controlled on metformin and sulfonyureas
Eosinophilic meningitis caused by angiostrongylus cantonensis: a case report
Escherichia coli in clinical hospital osijek during the period of 2006-2007
Establishing a web search system of food and drug interactions to improve drug safety
Establishment of a center for patient safety and innovative in pharmaceutical health care
Estimation of the influence of valproate,carbamazepine, phenobarbital and phenytoin on oral clearance of topiramate with nonmem
Evaluation of pharmacist’s role via common consultation modelin a district teaching hospital
Evaluation of risk factors for ofloxacin – resistant infections in urinary tract infections
Failure mode and effects analysis to improve safety in pharmaceutical distribution
From brand-named to generic - an example: paclitaxel
How clinical pharmacists involved in inpatient discharge counseling
Human intravenous immunoglobulin therapy benefits, prescription and interventions to cost management.
Impact of hospital pharmacist interventions on safety of pediatric drug
Impact of patient education provided by the pharmacist on use of dry powder inhalers- a controlled study
Implementation and evaluation of a comprehensive prescription assessment and intervention system
Implementation of a pharmacist managed anticoagulation clinic in the resource constrained setting of moi teaching and referral hospital, eldoret, kenya
Investigation and analysis of the skin test and allergic
reaction rate of cephalosporins
Investigation of perioperative prophylaxis antibiotics in oncology patients with different surgical incisions
K-ras mutation detected in blood as a predictive factor in patients with recurrent prostate cancer
Managing post-irradiated oncologyc patients- painstaking details proven important
May interventions by pharmacists at the emergency department, Södersjukhuset, optimize drug therapy in elderly patients? follow-up intervention
Medicine use in high fall risk versus low fall risk patients, hospitalised in an orthopaedic clinic
Mode & intervention for pharmacist promotion in reasonable application of tcm injection
Monitoring patient pickup of dispensed medications by pharmacists at a Traditional Chinese Medicine out-patient department in Taiwan
Monitoring polypharmacy and medication behavior of elderly patients in a traditional Chinese medicine clinic in Taiwan
Occupational exposure to antineoplastic agents in hospital pharmacy in comparison with other departments of the Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute (Brno, Czech republic)
Off-label drug use in critical care pediatrics
Outpatient pharmacy service in hospital in Middle Taiwan
Patient education the new role of Chinese pharmacist
Pharmacist and physicians strength collaboration for better patient outcomes
Pharmacist-led medication reconciliation with support of the Swedish national pharmacy register in the pre-operative anesthetic assessment
Pharmacists in the inter-professional patient care training program at a medical center in northern taiwan
Pharmacogenetic association with adverse reactions to thiopurine drugs in japanese pediatric patients
Point of care pharmacy service in oncology unit – clinical and economical outcomes
Prescribing pattern and adherence to local clinical practice guideline of angiotensin ii receptor blockers: study in a malaysian public teaching hospital
Prespective experience in the Italian Piemont network for oncology of complex cooperation among oncologists, pharmacists and nurses in a modern oncology unit
Prophylactic antibiotics in surgery: experience in a medical center
QR-code recognition and medication reminders
Quality regulation for hospital pharmacy in Spain
Reducing medication errors and improving patient safety by the intelligent drug preparation system
Reducing patients’ waiting time at the out-patient pharmacy by dispensing repeat prescriptions on appointment basis (s.m.a.r.t)
Reduction of medication errors in outpatient and emergency department
Relationships between antibiotics usage and nosocomial-acquired gram-negative bacteria drug resistance: an experience in a medical center at south taiwan, 2001-2006
Reliability in causality assessment of drug-induced liver disease
Role of clinical pharmacist in medication reconciliation at general medical wards, ramathibodi hospital, thailand
Role of hospital pharmacists in 2008 beijing olympic/paralympics games
Role of pharmacists in special 2008 in China
Root cause analysis of dispensing error
Sedation and analgesia in intensive care: a comparison of fentanyl and remifentanil
Special packing medication for the psychiatric home care patient.
Stability study of a new formulation for the off label use of cyclosporine
Study on medication for cerebral infarction of elderly inpatients compared with other inpatients
Submission doesn’t necessarily mean compliance!
Survey of transcription errors in drug charts at acute internal medicine, orthopaedic and surgical wards at uppsala university hospital
Tacrolimus-josamycin interaction in a recipient of allogeneic bone marrow transplantation
The analysis of adverse drug reactions measured by target drugs for hospitalized patients in a regional teaching hospital
The analysis of diabetes mellitus inappropriate prescriptions in the different dispensing types for the nhi contracted clinics
The analysis of valproate used for anti-epilepsy efficacy and safety assessment
The antibiotic use in intensive care unit, clinical emergency hospital of craiova, romania
The approaches to enhance the inhalation technique of patients with respiratory diseases by two different ways of instruction.
The clinical practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine in our hospital
The clinical use of vancomycin in a taiwan hospital
The effect of the implementation of smart patient controlled analgesia (pca) pumps on pca administration safety.
The experience of drug interaction alert system established on a regional hospital in Taiwan
The impact of neonatal clinical pharmacist to optimize the drugs therapy in the neonatal intensive care unit of the aga khan university hospital, karachi
The mini clinical evaluation exercise (mini-cex) for assessing counselling performance of pharmacy trainees
The needs of pharmaceutical care in pregnant women
The preventive behaviors for gio in taiwan practitioners
The reduction of outpatient dispensing error in district hospital
The role of pharmacist in renal transplant patient care
The role of pharmacist in the counselling and education of end stage renal disease patients
The study of dispensing types and prescription patterns in treating asthma under primary care
The study of inappropriate prescriptions in treating asthma in the different dispensing types for the nhi contracted clinics
The study of reducing outpatient dispensing error in district hospital
The use of combination atorvastatin – vegetal fibers in hypercholesterolemia treatment
The utilization of electronic tags in the drug lifecycle management in hospital
The utilization of hmg-coa reductase inhibitors in patients of cardiology clinics at one teaching hospital in taiwan
Therapeutic drug monitoring(tdm) using computerized physician order entry (cpoe) system improves the effectiveness of pharmaceutical care
Therapeutic interchange of statins for the treatment of dyslipidemia
To analysis the medical error in outpatient service
To determine the impact of daily vs weekly pharmacist run warfarin therapeutic monitoring program
Training staff in clinical pharmacy – option for developing world
Understanding and perception of generic medicines among hospital pharmacists in pakistan
Use of colour-coded labels (ccls) for intravenous high risk medications and lines to improve patient safety
Usefulness of indirect calorimetry in patients with pulmonary nontuberculous mycobacteriosis disease
Validation of culture-specific pictograms for type-ii diabetes management in a mexican community
Valproate induced hyperammonemic encephalopathy (VHE) case report
Warfarin utilization evaluation in the inpatient department of a hospital in taiwan
Individualised Medicine
Characterization of inhibitory effects of losartan on paclitaxel metabolism using recombinant cytochrome p450s
Diclofenac adapalene coadministration in the treatment of actinic keratoses
Effect of CYP2C19 and CYP2C9 genotype on concentration prediction of valproate in epileptic patients
Effect of cyp2d6, cyp3a5 and mdr1 genetic polymorphisms on the pharmacokinetics of risperidone and its active moiety
Effect of losartan on drug metabolism by human liver microsomes with cyp isoform variants
Hypertension control in diabetic patients – approaching individualized therapy?
Influence of the CYP3A5 genetic polymorphisms on the pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus in healthy Chinese volunteers
The impact of a change in tacrolimus monitoring immunoassay techniques on clinical decision making and patient outcomes
Topical dapsone in rosacea; disabling disorder managed by a team work
Industrial Pharmacy
A comparative study of marketed enteric coated pantoprazole sodium sesquihydrate products
A feasibility study: controlled nanoprecipitation with microjet reactor
A novel method of fabrication of in-situ enteric coated microparticulates of the potent bcs class i drug for targeted delivery by spray drying technique
Advanced technology: regulatory requirements during the development and marketing phase of nanotechnology medicines
Biochemical and hematological evaluation of human carrier erythrocytes for targeted delivery of primaquine: in vitro studies
Bioequivalence study of calcium dobesilate capsules in healthy subjects
C-cap: A new approach for fixed dose combinations using hard and/or soft gelatin capsules
Characterization of dihydroartemisinin solid dispersions with hydrophilic carriers by freeze dried and solvent evaporation method
Comparison of HPLC and UV spectrophotometric method for assay determination of prednisone in tablets
Correlation between type of lipid formulation and the fate of fenofibrate after dispersion and digestion of lipid-based delivery systems
Cystatin C and beta-2-microglobulin: indicators for renal damage as a result of occupational cadmium exposure in Egyptian individuals
Development of nifedipine-loaded coated gelatin microcapsule as a long acting oral delivery
Development of novel flurbiprofen-loaded solid dispersion using aqueous medium
Disk intrinsic dissolution to monitor polymorphism and morphology of carbamazepine raw drug material
Effect of carbopol on the release of dextromethorphan hydrobromide from matrix tablets
Effect of carbopol on the release of dextromethorphan hydrobromide from matrix tablets
Effect of cosolvents on indomethacin-loaded pellets
Effect of formulation on substituting wet granulation with direct compression process for the industrial production of tablets with a high dose drug
Effect of kollidon® sr on the release of
albuterol sulphate from matrix tablets
Enhanced oral bioavailability of coenzyme q10 via self emulsifying drug delivery systems
Enhanced oral bioavailability of dexibuprofen via a novel solid sedds formulation
Enhanced oral bioavailability of flurbiprofen by the combined use of polysorbate 80 and ?-cyclodextrin
Enhanced transdermal delivery of diclofenac along with curcumin using terpenes as penetration enhancer
Famotidine orally disintegrating tablets: bitterness comparison of original and generic products
Forced degradation studies of (r,s) -amlodipine besilate and s(-)-amlodipine besilate
Formulation and evaluation of bioadhesive buccal tablets of ondansetron hydrochloride
Formulation and evaluation of dimenhydrinate microspheres for nasal administration
Formulation and evaluation of ketorolac tromethamine-eudragit solid dispersions of potential sustained release properties
Formulation and in vitro evaluation of metronidazole mucoadhesive vaginal tablets
Formulation of rectal solution of diazepam
Formulation, characterization and evaluation studies on microspheres of atenolol
In vitro release of clotrimazole from in situ gels aimed for local drug delivery
In-vitro evaluation of polymers and polymer blends as tablet matrices
Influence of different types of white soft paraffin on the rheological behaviour of w/o emulsion vehicles: solving of filling problems in the production process
Investigation and comparison of effectiveness of novel polymer khaya gum with guar gum for drug targeting to colon
Measuring level of degradation products in hexetidine oral solution by HPLC
Niosomes in in-situ gelling systems for ocular delivery of pilocarpine hydrochloride
Optimization of a modified quasi-emulsion solvent diffusion method for the preparation of directly compressible ibuprofen spheres
Permeability studies through the human nail plate in vitro
Pharmaceutical innovations in plasma sterilization technology
Preparation and evaluation of ondansetron fast disintegrating tablets
Preparation and stability study of two amorphous ergot derivative drugs
Roles of mgo in solid dispersion systems containing weakly dibasic telmisartan
Salbutamol sulfate in-situ nasal gelling systems: formulation and evaluation
Selection of the tableting process of prednisone – the influence of the particle size
Simultaneous determination of three quinoline antimalarials in human plasma using ultra-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometric method
Strategic use of geography (BRIC) in global clinical trials – new perspectives
Study of the technological properties under compression of the different crystalline forms of sodium naproxen
Surface modified stavudine lipid nanoparticles for targeting : scale up
Surface-charged flexosomes for enhanced skin delivery of temoporfin
Synthesis and preliminary stability evaluation of different salts of amlodipine
The effect of fluidized bed systems on granule flowability and compaction properties
Ultra-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometric method for determination of 5-aminolevulinic acid in oral colonic targeted tablets for diagnosis of colon cancer
Laboratory and Medicines Control Services
Batch release of biologicals in Croatian agency for medicinal products and medical devices
Determination of lidocain-hlorid and methyl-paraben in xylocain jelly by derivative spectrophotometry
Interference with the LAL test, causes and solutions
Metalloids and metals in homoeopathic medicinal products
Pharmacokinetics study of irinotecan and sn-38 by coadministered thalidomide in rat
Quality control of water for pharmaceutical purposes
Quantitative analysis of levomycetin and anesthesin in the model medicine mixture by modified firord’s method
Quantitative determination of aflatoxin b1 in peanuts
Quantitative determination of azithromycin in human plasma by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry and its application to a pharmacokinetic study
Sodium nitrite content in meat products
Stability indicating methods for human albumin 5% solution in normal saline
Use of high-performance liquid chromatography in the analysis of vaginal suppositories fensulkal
Validation of UV-spectrophotometry technique for quality determination of the suppositories “ibumol”
Medicinal Chemistry
Analysis of O6 - alkylguanine in breast cancer patients’ blood during recurrent oral administration of cyclophosphamide
Analysis of O6 - alkylguanine in breast cancer patients’ blood during recurrent oral administration of cyclophosphamide
Anilinoquinoline derivatives as inhibitors of subgenomic hepatitis c virus replication
Antibacterial activity of 5,6-benzo[a]dihydrocarbazoles.
Application of rp-hptlc retention parameters of newly synthesized androstene derivatives in qsar studies
Evaluation of physico-chemical and pharmacokinetic profile of melissae aetheroleum and lavandulae aetheroleum dominant components using np-tlc chromatography
Inhibitory activity of benzo[a]dihydrocarbazoles against human and parasite topoisomerases by means of PCR and mass spectrometry techniques
Inhibitory potentials of curcumin analogues to cytochrome p450 isoenzymes activity, quantitative structures activity relationships (qsars) and docking simulations to the cyp 2d6 homology model
Piperazinediones and inhibitory activity against human breast cancer
Staphylococcus aureus-target of action of some derivatives of 4-hydroxycoumarin and quinoline-3-carboxylic acid
Synthesis and anticandidal activity of hydrazide hydrazones and their corresponding 3-acetyl-2,5-disubstituted-1,3,4-oxadiazolines
Synthesis and cytotoxic activity 2-(4-aminophenyl)-5-substitutedamino-1,3,4-thiadiazole derivatives and their coupling products
Synthesis and pharmcological profiles of the anticholinergic agent, n-alkyl phencynonate and the optical isomers
Synthesis of some new quinoxaline derivatives for biological testing
Synthesis of some substituted carbamodithioic acid esters and their anticancer properties
Acute change of corneal epithelium after instillation of benzalkonium chloride evaluated by a new electrophysiological method
Assay of common preservatives in suncare products by high perfomance liquid cromatography
Association between the understanding of medication-related phrases and the health literacy in Taiwanese
Biological characterization of proliferin 1
Biological characterization of proliferin 1
Breaking boundaries (short abstract)
Breast cancer knowledge and perception:outcomes of a cross sectional survey in penang,malaysia
Changes in mrna expression of abc and slc transporters in liver and intestines of the adjuvant-induced arthritis rat
Chemical composition and the antimicrobial activity of four hypericum species from turkey
Determination of hydroxycamptothecin in rabbits and cancer patients with digestive system tumor by liquidchromatography spectrometry: application to pharmacokinetics
Dexametasone sodium phosphate eyes drops as viscose aqua solutions
Differences in cytochrome p450 and nuclear receptor mrna levels in liver and small intestines between sd and da rats
Distribution of scopolamine into brain following intranasal administration
E-pharmacy: information technology initiative to reduce patient waiting time at ambulatory care areas of aga khan university hospital (akuh) pakistan
Effect of fosinopril and amlodipine combination on uninephrectomized stz induced diabetic rats
Effect of naringin on intestinal absorption of fexofenadine in rats using the mesenteric vein blood sampling method: a graduation thesis in the six-year curriculum
Effects of fenugreek seed extract on cholesterol transporters in caco-2 cells
Evaluating pharmacist interventions in a tertiary hospital
Evaluation of marketed oral producsts for aflatoxins
Evaluation of penetration enhancement effect of terpenes on a highly lipophilic compound with attenuated total reflectance-fourier transform infrared (atr-ftir) spectroscopy
Evaluation of simvastatin permeation from topical formulations in test invitro
Healthcare barcode recognition and medication information systems in medical center
Impact of potential adverse drug interactions on length of intensive care unit stay
In vitro susceptibility of candida isolates from oral cavities of HIV/AIDS patients to the commonly used antifungal agents in Jimma University specialized hospital, southwest Ethiopia
Incidence of surgical site infection and relationship with pattern of antibiotic usage in operation room at dharmais cancer hospital
Influence of CYP2C19*2, CYP2C19*3 and CYP2C9*3 genotypes on anti-epileptic drugs resistance of refractory epileptics
Natural surfactants as potential pharmaceutical excipients in magistral drug preparation: physicochemical characterization and safety evaluation of model vehicles for nsaid
New detoxification mechanism based on drug transporters
Participation of proteinase-activated receptor-2 in passive cutaneous anaphylaxis-induced scratching behavior and the inhibitory effect of tacrolimus
Role of ?-carotene and n-acetyl-l-cysteine with and without praziquantel treatment in modulating schistosoma mansoni-induced genotoxic effects on albino mice
Role of clinical pharmacists in intensive care unit in alexandria university hospital
Screening the quality of honey bee on the market
Side effects of first line antitubercular drugs
Simultaneous determination of lamotrigine, phenobarbitone, carbamazepine and phenytoin in human brain tissue by high-performance liquid chromatography
Spectroscopic studies of 3-substituted 4-hidroxycoumarins: effect of substitution by a phenyl ring 3-phenyl-prop-2-enoyl gruop in the 3-position of 4-hydroxycoumarin
Supplementation or therapy? Folate and cholecalciferol
The comparison of volatile constituents of salvia ceratophylla collected from different regions in turkey
The effect of selected direct compression excipients on the drug release of an insoluble drug
The effects of propylene glycol on release of clindamycin phosphate from the base of hydrogel type
The influence of natural surfactant-based emulsion systems with and without isopropyl alcohol on skin absorption in vivo of model nsaid
The influence of natural surfactant-based emulsion vehicles on in vitro liberation profiles of model NSAID
Thermosensitive systems prepared on pluronic f-127 as vehicles for prolactin in antiangiogenic therapy
Natural Substances
A LC/autoMSn library as fingerprint quality control method for unexplored Colombian plant
Anticonvulsant studies of essential oils isolated from vitex negundo linn.
Antifibrotic effect of phenanthrenes from dendrobium nobile in rat hepatic stellate cells
Antioxidant potential determination of glucose, fructose, tartaric, citric acid with horac and dpph assays
Cardioprotective effect of rhododendron arboreum on isoproterenol-induced myocardial necrosis in rats
Chemical composition of Albanian wild Oreganos oils
Determination of antioxidant capacity in Ginkgo biloba l. extracts
Determination of heavy metals in some Albanian medicinal plants used as herbal tea
Determination of rutin in buckwheat (Fagopyrum sagittatum g.) from Bosnia using high presse liquid chromatography with electrochemical detector
Determination of rutin in ruta extracts using high presse liquid chromatography with electrochemical detector
Determination of trans- resveratrol in pullulan edible film formulation with various types of wine extract by using HPLC and HPTLC methods
Development and validation of a RP-HPLC method for quantification of anthocyanin pelargonidin in fresh fruits
Effect of curcumin prodrug fm0806 on mouse hepatic carcinoma h22 in vivo
Evaluation of antidiabetic and antioxidant potential of oxystelma esculentum in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats
Evaluation of antioxidant potential of pinus roxburgii extract
Experimental studies of total coumarins of cortex fraxini on acute gouty arthritis and uric acid
Herbal preparations: relevance to cardiovascular diseases
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) quantification of rutin in ruta, rosemary and pelargonium extracts
In vitro antimicrobial activity of some medicinal plants of ericaceae family
Pharmacognostical, phytochemical and pharmacological studies on mimosa pudica, linn
Pharmacognostical, preliminary phytochemical and pharmacological studies on monochoria vaginalis (burm. f.) k. presl
Possibility of producing of encapsulated dosage form of pine needles thick extract
Quality and composition of sceletium plant material and dosage forms used as phytomedicines
Safety and efficacy evaluation of tea tree oil for acne
Studies in development and evaluation of rhubarb formulations
Studies on HPLC fingerprint chromatograph in Chinese medicine total glucosides of Tripterygium wilfordii
Study on the mechanism of hypoglycemic effect of walnut(juglans regia l.) leaves and ridges extract in diabetes induced mice.
Synthesis and bioactivities of desmosdumotinsas promisng antitumor agents
The antimicrobial constituens from the leaves
of karamuntiang (rhodomyrtus tomentosa (ait.) hassk.)
The cholesterol-lowering effect of yun-cai-tea
The effects of tanshinone iia on the behaviour of control and stressed mice
Total content of phenols and rutin in flowers, leaves, stems, roots and seeds of buckwheat, Fagopyrum saggitatum g. (Polygonaceae) from Bosnia
Whitening effects of lindera obtusiloba bl. 70 % etoh extract
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Aurentiacin inhibits inflammatory mediators by suppressing NF-kB and MAPKs activation in lipopolysaccharide-induced RAW 264.7 macrophage
Cytotoxicity and apoptosis induction of aspergillus versicolor kmd 004 metabolites on colon cancer carcinoma cells
Determination of blood methotrexate polyglutamates by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry after low-dose methotrexate therapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Determination of curcumol in rat plasma by capillary gas chromatography with hydrogen flame ionization detecter
Establishment of human lysozyme mass production system using silkworm larvae
In vitro characterization of chitosan microspheres encapsulated plasmid gm-csf
Investigation of stability of interleukin-2 liposome formulation by sds-page analysis
Potential of plga nanoparticles coated with chitosan as carriers for oral insulin delivery
A retrospective study of adverse drug reactions leading to hospital admissions and cost in a medical center
Antidepressant drug prescribing and risk of abnormal bleeding: a case-control study
Antidepressants use pattern in a sample of Portuguese outpatients adults
Comparizon of cost-effectiveness of carvedilol vs metoprolol in patients with heart failure
Cost-effectiveness analysis of adjuvant therapy for operable breast cancer from a Chinese perspective: doxorubicin plus cyclophosphamide (AC) versus docetaxel plus cyclophosphamide (TC)
Evaluation of a state medicaid behavioral pharmacy management program
Health related utility and willingness to pay per quality-adjusted life year of chronic prostatitis patients in China
Impact of potential adverse drug interactions on length of intensive care unit stay
Inpatient costs associated with six months of care post acute rejection events in renal transplant patients: a single center retrospective analysis
Medicines follow-up methods and review of utilization in Serbia
Oral hypoglycaemic agents prescribing patterns in Portuguese type 2 diabetics: 2004 -2008
Pharmacoeconomic analysis of a pediatric vaccine in Albania
Pharmacovigilance: a responsibility shared or someone else’s problem? lessons from nimesulide.
Statins consumption in the republic of Croatia in 2005, 2006 and 2007
The evaluation of antidiabetic drugs in turkey from pharmacist’s eye in terms of pharmacoepidemiology: a pilot study
Pharmacy Information
A retrospective study: to analyze the relevant factors of the incidence of ADR in a medical center in Taiwan
Competence assurance for pharmacy staff.
Corporate social responsibility plan
Empowering low-literate HIV/AIDS patients: communicating antiretroviral side effect information using pictograms
European association of hospital pharmacists together with FIP, ASHP and WHO in Second Life
Kidney transplant wait-listed patients’ knowledge of post-transplant medicines
Pharmaceutical information and the Croatian regulatory authority
Safe self-medication – significance of establishing the criteria for classification and status determination of medicinal products in Serbia
The trend analysis of the toxicology information calls at drug & poison information center (dpic), the aga khan university hospital (akuh) karachi
Intranet based health care services
Observatory – a knowledgebase and a search facility from europharm forum
Pictograph's as tools to patients instructions
The development of a web-based pharmaceutical care plan for pharmacist, physician, and patient in primary care setting in the Netherlands
Community Pharmacy: Public health A student’s view on the role of a pharmacist in the traditional health care system: the case of molweni community, Thekwini municipality, South Africa
Appointment for counselling at the pharmacy
Developing a pharmacy-based chlamydia screening model for the australian health care setting.
Ethical responsibility, pharmaceutical care and the development of the profession of pharmacy
Immunization delivery: a new service provided in Portuguese pharmaciespart 2: first nationwide influenza immunization campaign
Leadership perspectives and roles in public health: a challenge for pharmacists
Pharmacy based metabolic syndrome management program in Hungary
Primary prevention of cardiovascular disease in community pharmacy: developing a framework for implementation.
The role of clinical pharmacist in asthma patient care in community pharmacy
Community Pharmacy: Quality A survey on counterfeit medicines among the community pharmacies/drug outlets in Cambodia during 2006-2008
Developing standards for quality of pharmacy care in community settings in the republic of Macedonia
Development of a new quality development model for the danish pharmacies
Drug-related problems in self-medication
Pharmaceutical care practice at several community pharmacies in Jakarta, Indonesia
Industrial Pharmacy Advanced technology: regulatory requirements during the development and marketing phase of nanotechnology medicines
C-cap: A new approach for fixed dose combinations using hard and/or soft gelatin capsules
Characterization of dihydroartemisinin solid dispersions with hydrophilic carriers by freeze dried and solvent evaporation method
Disk intrinsic dissolution to monitor polymorphism and morphology of carbamazepine raw drug material
Investigation and comparison of effectiveness of novel polymer khaya gum with guar gum for drug targeting to colon
Permeability studies through the human nail plate in vitro
Pharmaceutical innovations in plasma sterilization technology
Simultaneous determination of three quinoline antimalarials in human plasma using ultra-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometric method
Strategic use of geography (BRIC) in global clinical trials – new perspectives
Pharmacy Information Empowering low-literate HIV/AIDS patients: communicating antiretroviral side effect information using pictograms
Kidney transplant wait-listed patients’ knowledge of post-transplant medicines
The trend analysis of the toxicology information calls at drug & poison information center (dpic), the aga khan university hospital (akuh) karachi
Academic Pharmacy
A novel approach to “continuous education for pharmacists”
A novel visually-displayed test for assessing numerical skills
Accreditation requirements for pharmacy student affairs
Assessments used in pharmacy teaching - academics learning from our peers
Blended learning: sharing experiences
Continuing postgraduate pharmacy education system in Poland
Continuing professional development and its accreditation in Japan using Hokkaido Pharmaceutical University as an example
Current status of the pharmacy and pharmaceutical science education in mexico
Education and training needs for Australian pharmacists preparing for an expanded prescribing role
Fast change in pharmaceutical education in mexico
How to evaluate pharmacies as places for on-site education
Impact of a service learning program in undergraduate pharmacy in Cape Town, South Africa
Integrating professional development into a quality improvement framework in community pharmacy.
Introduction of Pharm.D.programme: changing scenario of pharmacy education in India
Investigation of the influence of age and gender on first year pharmacy students’ attitude and enthusiasm towards online learning and PBL group work.
Quality assurance in cpd-programs; the route to a certificate
Removing the boundaries between disciplines - integrated learning and teaching for the new third-year pharmacy curriculum
Roles and competencies of district pharmacists: a case study from Cape Town, South Africa
Stigma towards people with mental disorders in Estonia: comparison of attitudes among community pharmacists, assistant pharmacists and pharmacy students
The development and acceptability of online, weekly-assessed tutorial system (casewats) as a learning tool to support undergraduate pharmacy students prescription management skills
The perceived information requirements of community pharmacy patients with long-term chronic conditions regarding their medications and disease.
Administrative Pharmacy
Antimicrobial resistance is a new disease created by mankind
Can increased competition and regulation deliver quality pharmacy services?
Computerization of non-formulary drugs application and management
Conditional marketing authorization as interim solution for easier drug import in Kosova
Cost-effectiveness study of clomiphene citrate versus anastrozole in the induction of ovulation in barren adult patients at a mexican public hospital
Data exclusivity – a threat to generic manufacturing companies
Determinants of antipsychotic medication use among residents of aged care homes in Australia
Development of consumption and reimbursement in a liberalized market structure
Distribution of medicines through the ‘pull’ versus the ‘push’ system:
what choice do the underprivileged have?
Ensuring drug safety in pharmacy during Olympics
Evaluation of education and economic barriers in implementing essential medicines concept in Malaysia
Evaluation of the performance of the Albanian Order of Pharmacists
How are pharmacists functioning in the Japanese community?
Investigation, innovation & development of pharmaceutical products: a global concern
Management and curricular contents of pharmacy residency programs in Korean hospitals
Over-the-counter medicine: comparison between the outer package labels of Albanian products with EU countries
Perception survey on adverse drug reaction (adr) reporting
Rational drug selection and new therapeutic tendering facilitated by steps end over with potential saving: the case of SSRIs
Real-time drug supervision and administration mode based on internet
Sedative load among long-term care facility residents in Helsinki: comparison of residents with and without dementia
Switch of duty personnel from pharmacists to pharmaconomists outside hospital pharmacy opening hours.
Taiwan pharmaceutical care practice guideline in oncology – establishment and implementation of chemotherapy dispensing practice guideline
Taiwan society of health-system pharmacists 2020 initiative (TSHP 2020 Initiative)
The importance of price policy in the actual pharmaceutical marketing
The lack of legislation for medical devices in Albania, attempts to make a change in this situation
The use of different kind of personnel in Norwegian pharmacies
The use of orphan drugs in Taiwan
To minimize the potential for errors associated with medication name that look or sound alike (lasa) at the aga khan university hospital karachi, pakistan
Bioavailability and Bioequivalence
Active metabolites formed during hepatic first-pass: simulations featuring their contribution to the overall effect in altered liver clearance and drug-drug interactions
Bioequivalence study of two formulations of paroxetine tablets in healthy male jordanian subjects applying lc/ms/ms
Effect of gender on the pharmacokinetics of indapamide in healthy volunteers
Indomethacin-saccharin cocrystal: in-vitro dissolution and in-vivo bioavailability study
Pharmacokinetics and comparative bioavailability of two oral formulations of metoprolol in a Mexican population
Targeting to latent HIV reservoirs : production optimization and evaluation of nevirapine nanosuspensions
Validated RP-HPLC method for determination of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate in concurrent herbal permeability agent for preclinical absorption studies
Biopharmaceutics Classification System
Anti cellulite cream formulation with sodium ascorbic and tocopheryl acetate as penetration enhancers for caffeine
Development and validation of a new HPLC method with fluorometric detection for analysis of furosemide in samples for liver perfusion studies
Investigation of melatonin absorption mechanism by pharmaceutical excipients using the ussing chamber technique
Clinical Biology
Camca1 and its upstream calcium signaling are involved in oxidative stress-induced cell death in candida albicans
Efficacy of 25 mg etanercept once weekly in rheumatoid arthritis
Expression of hepatic cytochrome p-450 proteins during aging.
Homocysteine induces cell proliferation through up-regulation of cyclin d1 expression via ?1 integrin/akt/p70s6k signaling pathway in human vascular smooth muscle cells
Molecular characterization of high-level aminoglycoside resistant enterococci
Over expression of midkine retards disease progression and prolongs life span under the presence of the als stress.
Pharmacists’ intervention in oncology ward: a study from nepal
The anti-shock effect of anisodamine involves the novel ways of increasing of b-arrestin expression.
The effects of short-term rosiglitasone treatment on glycemic control in diabetic and prediabetic patients with metabolic syndrome
Community Pharmacy: Compounding
Antibiotic vaginal ovules- targeting the focus of infection
Recent changes in medicine compounding in France
Team work-a state of art in pharmacy and dermatology: tailored state of art of therapy on critical issues
Community Pharmacy: New services e-world
Developing pharmacists’ counselling skills using an e–learning environment
Intranet based health care services
Observatory – a knowledgebase and a search facility from europharm forum
Pictograph's as tools to patients instructions
The development of a web-based pharmaceutical care plan for pharmacist, physician, and patient in primary care setting in the Netherlands
Community Pharmacy: Other
A healthy future – pharmaceuticals in a sustainable society
A new initiative at a community pharmacy in Denmark improves safety in generic substitution
Apriori - integrated drug interaction control in community pharmacies in Norway
Decision-making factor on generic medicine’s selection at community pharmacy in Japan
Does patients get enough information on their medicine if they are not able to come to the community pharmacy due to their bad health condition?
E-learning – a way to professional development
Elderly in elderly homes- how can pharmacists contribute to beter outcomes in drug therapy
Electronic interaction alert management: a method of managing interaction alerts from a pharmacy’s electronic prescription-dispensing system
Elimination of time consumers in the pharmacy
Evaluation of the drug-therapy-problems found during the home visit program on the post-discharged patients of x-hospital
Experiences of analgesic medication among different patient groups with chronic pain.
Good pharmacy practice implementation in a community pharmacy of Montevideo, Uruguay
Implications of student lead initiatives in pharmacy
Infrastructure implications for expanding pharmacist prescribing and the influence of pharmacy size and ownership
Internet survey on pharmacist role of OTC drug sales in Japan
New training strategies for Traditional Chinese Medicine
Non-prescription medicine benefits cannot be achieved without public education
Screenning of cardiovascular risk factors in community pharmacies
Self medication related problems – pharmacists role
Strategic approach in providing pharmaceutical healthcare service to patients in community pharmacy
Teaching “responsibility for patient outcome” to pharmaconomist students in Denmark
The development, delivery and evaluation of a continuing professional development program in women’s health
The growing market of compliance technologies. - the challenges and implications of implementing electronic medication reminders.
The influence of the cooperation of pharmacies on some economic indices
Use of skin screening testing in choosing of adequate skin care products in everyday pharmaceutical practice
What is the level of stability for clients receiving dosage packed medicine
Community Pharmacy: Public health
A medication review programme for patients from ethnic minorities
A review of international pharmacy-based chlamydia screening models.
A student’s view on the role of a pharmacist in the traditional health care system: the case of molweni community, Thekwini municipality, South Africa
Adolescents’ thoughts about and experiences with medications and their use- not without my mother
Appointment for counselling at the pharmacy
Assessment of effectiveness and safety of influenza vaccine
Benzodiazepines: appropriate prescribing or not?
Build up the system of social-pharmacist to improve the healthy care safety of elderly people a health education web-site for pharmacists
Clinical outcomes from a community pharmacy feasibility study for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease.
Community pharmacists in alcohol prevention: the knowledge and attitudes of non-pharmacy practitioner and non-practitioner colleagues to serve as a resource for the pharmacist
Comparative analysis of elderly inappropriate prescription evaluation instruments
Developing a pharmacy-based chlamydia screening model for the australian health care setting.
Drugs and young people (between 12 and 19 years old)
Efficacy of hypertension treatment and patients who might benefit from more intensified pharmaceutical care
Ethical responsibility, pharmaceutical care and the development of the profession of pharmacy
Fixed dose combinations – beneficial or harmful?
Fixed dose combinations improves patient adherence - a questionnaire based survey
Handling of dose packed medicine after dispensing from pharmacy
Health campaign in dermopharmacy: “oral health month: information in your pharmacy”
Health perspective in community pharmacies
How did the patient choose analgetics in self medication?
Identification of non-adherence hypertensive patients
Identifying specific cardiovascular health opportunities for community pharmacy: a population health approach
Immunization delivery: a new service provided in Portuguese pharmacies part 3: patients’ satisfaction with the first pharmacy-based influenza immunization campaign
Immunization delivery: a new service provided in Portuguese pharmacies - part I: training model for pharmacists
Immunization delivery: a new service provided in Portuguese pharmaciespart 2: first nationwide influenza immunization campaign
Importance of dietary habits and lifestyle - conscience and beliefs amonf pharmacy students
Increased waistline - a potential risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.
Involvement of French community pharmacists in the prevention and care of osteoporosis - A national training program
Keys to the rational use of vaccinations
Leadership perspectives and roles in public health: a challenge for pharmacists
Multidisciplinary medication review in nursing home residents
Obesity and metabolic syndrom,how can pharmacist help?
Patients´ experience with generic substitution – a survey:18.8% experienced changes in efficacy and/or side effect.
Pattern of pesticide storage before pesticide self-poisoning in rural sri lanka: a prospective survey
Pharmaceutical care for long-term care in Taipei, Taiwan
Pharmaceutical care of diabetic patients in a community part of hospital pharmacy
Pharmacists in prevention of diabetes in the city of kraljevo
Pharmacy based metabolic syndrome management program in Hungary
Pilot research study for pharmacovigilance: side effects of medicines recently brought onto the market: ezetimibe
Popularizing the pharmacy services in health care
Predictors for prevalence, treatment and control of hypertension in Portugal: A community pharmacy based study
Prescription of medicines without a personal visit to a physician – a Swedish pharmacy survey
Primary prevention of cardiovascular disease in community pharmacy: developing a framework for implementation.
Results from the pharmacotherapeutic follow-up of geriatric patients with chronic non-malignant osteomuscular pain.
Results of an observational study in 574 community pharmacies in Spain characterizing patient profiles of men asking for erectile dysfunction medication
Results of the community pharmacist action in otc prescription for patients with acute osteomuscular pain.
Results of the community pharmacist action in the dispensing of analgesics, NSAIDs and muscle relaxants to patients with osteomuscular pain
Role of pharmacists in public health in india– a neglected facet
The education on smoking cessation for the public in community pharmacies by using co detector as assistant equipment in Taipei Taiwan
The emergency contraceptive pill: australian community pharmacists’ practices
The role of clinical pharmacist in asthma patient care in community pharmacy
The use of generic medicine in Japan: in the case of Nagano prefecture
Towards an enhanced role for community pharmacists in France
Who accesses pharmacy-based emergency hormonal contraception?
Community Pharmacy: Quality
A critical analysis of the quality of a warfarin clinical audit carried out in a community pharmacy
A structured method for competence advancement in pharmacies
A survey on counterfeit medicines among the community pharmacies/drug outlets in Cambodia during 2006-2008
Community pharmacist's development using general level framework
Customer tailored prescription service
Developing standards for quality of pharmacy care in community settings in the republic of Macedonia
Development of a new quality development model for the danish pharmacies
Dispensing of prescription medicines – the core business of apoteket ab
Drug-related problems in self-medication
Individual and organizational influences on performance of pharmacist in community pharmacy
Medicine related problems in asian patients who suffer with diabetes cardiovascular disease and asthma
Outcome of pharmacist’s intervention in self-care in patients with cold symptoms
Pharmaceutical care practice at several community pharmacies in Jakarta, Indonesia
Putting the patient or the pharmacist first in pharmaceutical marketing in community pharmacies?
Quality assured mechanical guidance for self care customers of apoteket ab
Seven patients a day avoid hospitalisation
The analysis of the quality assurance of the public pharmacy subotica
The efforts to provide long term health care system by community pharmacies in taipei taiwan
The Indian pharmaceutical scenario the variability in price for branded medicine
Towards positive patient outcomes: a role for drug stability
Dissolution/In Vitro Release Performance Testing
Application of flow-through cell for dissolution testing of suppositories: a comparison with paddle method
Characterisation and in vitro evaluation of bioadhesive liposome gels of cidovofir
Gelatine containing peg-based hydrogels for drug delivery of gentamicin
Influence of plasticizer on permeation of fluconazole from nail lacquer formulation through bovine hoof membrane
Introduction of dissolution testing for characterization of bioactive chitosan and alginate fabrics and films for dermal application
Release of nefopam hcl from different gel formulations and their antiinflammatory effect on rats
Robust and stable immediate release formulation of candesartan cilexetil , bcs class iv drug and its statistical optimization
Hospital Pharmacy
A case report with complication based on Taiwan tuberculosis treatment guidelines
A high cost medical insurance case discussion
A pioneering work to combat bacterial resistance and to promote rational use of antibiotics – working together in a multi-professional way gives the best result.
A practical mydriatic regimen to prevent bradycardia caused by eyedrops containing phenylephrine and tropicamide in the diagnosis of retinopathy of prematurity
A study of the importance in mediation instruction on patient’s satisfaction
A study on clinical & coronary angiographic characteristics of acute myocardial infarction patients with metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus
Amiodarone induced subacute thyroiditis
Amodiamodiaquineiune plus artesunate toxicity surveillance in Jos University teaching hospital, Nigeria.
An adverse reaction of skin hypersensitivity induced by lamotrigine —a case report
An audit tool for reviewing medication safety practices in hospitals - a pilot study in Finland
Analysis of fluoroquinolone prescribing patterns
Analysis of pharmaceutical cognitive services for yang-ming branch of tpech
Antibiotic prescribing tendencies in the children clinical university hospital “tornkalns”
Antibiotic therapy for uncomplicated urinary tract infections in children
Aslto5 (Piemonte): the daily management of the risk prevention and treatment of cytotoxic extravasation
Aslto5 Piemonte (Italy): clostridium difficilis in Carmagnola hospital - You can wash your hands like pontius pilate?
Assessment of compliance with anaemia treatment on patients that received metoxipolietilenglicol epoetin beta compared with conventional erythropoietin, and its relation with clinical outcomes on HMO
Availability of paediatric medicines – How is Australia tracking in comparison to the us and uk?
Benzbromarone associated hepatotoxicity
Building a clinical pharmacy enterprise to improve patient outcomes
Cancer related insomnia: a survey among cancer survivors at a local hospital in Malaysia
Challenges concerning generic substitution in hospitals
Clinical pharmacists' participating in medical administrative ward round:methods and experiences
Colchicine prescribing and safety monitoring in patients with acute gout
Collaborative efforts to educate students for the new clinical roles in hospital pharmacy
Comparison of defined versus prescribed daily dose for measuring hospital antibacterial consumption
Comparison of the accuracy for weight analysis and refractometric analysis used in quality assurance during compounding parenteral nutrition solutions
Comparison of the expression of p-glycoprotein between
epiletogenic zone and tissue surrounding the zone in refractory epileptic patients
Comparison study of the effect of different nutritional support route on nutriture in the in-patients
Comparsion of ELISA and LC/MS/MS method for the quantification of tacrolimus concentration in whole blood in Chinese liver transplant recipients
Conjunctival hemorrhage on a patient with xerophthalmia suspectedly caused by topical cyclosporine
Construct an OSCE program for the pharmacy department in a medical center in taipei, taiwan
Construction of predictable medication adherence questionnaire
Consumption of drugs atc- b05 in clinical hospital osijek during the period of 2004-2008
Contamination of hospital pharmacies by antineoplastic drugs in Czech republic – results of the national study
Contrast media-induced nephropathy: case report of iothalamate
Decrease in unjustified use of n-acetylcysteine (nac) through pharmacist intervention and patient cost saving.
Detection medication error and dispensing error prevention in early stage implementation of patient safety program at teaching hospital in Bali
Determination of the prognosis factors and risk factors of toxicity for advanced gastric cancer patients treated by 5-fu-based chemotherapy
Developing experience of the clinical pharmacist in a regional teaching hospital in middle Taiwan
Development of a clinical research education curriculum for
six year pharmacology programs
Dispensing and distribution of free of charge medications to some non-hospitalized patient groups direct from hospital pharmacy.
Dispensing errors before and after changing the medicine name labeling of dispensing sheet and medicine bag in a hospital pharmacy
Drug dose adjustments in patients with renal impairment – new horizon for it innovation
Drug-induced nervous and psychotic symptoms by retrospective analysis
Easily establishing an educational, experience-passing-down and knowledge-management platform in a hospital pharmacy department
Educational workshops by pharmacists improve the knowledge of medical staff about pharmaceutical treatment for diabetes mellitus
Efficacy of combination therapy with sitagliptin compared with the thiazolidinedione in patients with type 2 diabetes inadequately controlled on metformin and sulfonyureas
Eosinophilic meningitis caused by angiostrongylus cantonensis: a case report
Escherichia coli in clinical hospital osijek during the period of 2006-2007
Establishing a web search system of food and drug interactions to improve drug safety
Establishment of a center for patient safety and innovative in pharmaceutical health care
Estimation of the influence of valproate,carbamazepine, phenobarbital and phenytoin on oral clearance of topiramate with nonmem
Evaluation of pharmacist’s role via common consultation modelin a district teaching hospital
Evaluation of risk factors for ofloxacin – resistant infections in urinary tract infections
Failure mode and effects analysis to improve safety in pharmaceutical distribution
From brand-named to generic - an example: paclitaxel
How clinical pharmacists involved in inpatient discharge counseling
Human intravenous immunoglobulin therapy benefits, prescription and interventions to cost management.
Impact of hospital pharmacist interventions on safety of pediatric drug
Impact of patient education provided by the pharmacist on use of dry powder inhalers- a controlled study
Implementation and evaluation of a comprehensive prescription assessment and intervention system
Implementation of a pharmacist managed anticoagulation clinic in the resource constrained setting of moi teaching and referral hospital, eldoret, kenya
Investigation and analysis of the skin test and allergic
reaction rate of cephalosporins
Investigation of perioperative prophylaxis antibiotics in oncology patients with different surgical incisions
K-ras mutation detected in blood as a predictive factor in patients with recurrent prostate cancer
Managing post-irradiated oncologyc patients- painstaking details proven important
May interventions by pharmacists at the emergency department, Södersjukhuset, optimize drug therapy in elderly patients? follow-up intervention
Medicine use in high fall risk versus low fall risk patients, hospitalised in an orthopaedic clinic
Mode & intervention for pharmacist promotion in reasonable application of tcm injection
Monitoring patient pickup of dispensed medications by pharmacists at a Traditional Chinese Medicine out-patient department in Taiwan
Monitoring polypharmacy and medication behavior of elderly patients in a traditional Chinese medicine clinic in Taiwan
Occupational exposure to antineoplastic agents in hospital pharmacy in comparison with other departments of the Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute (Brno, Czech republic)
Off-label drug use in critical care pediatrics
Outpatient pharmacy service in hospital in Middle Taiwan
Patient education the new role of Chinese pharmacist
Pharmacist and physicians strength collaboration for better patient outcomes
Pharmacist-led medication reconciliation with support of the Swedish national pharmacy register in the pre-operative anesthetic assessment
Pharmacists in the inter-professional patient care training program at a medical center in northern taiwan
Pharmacogenetic association with adverse reactions to thiopurine drugs in japanese pediatric patients
Point of care pharmacy service in oncology unit – clinical and economical outcomes
Prescribing pattern and adherence to local clinical practice guideline of angiotensin ii receptor blockers: study in a malaysian public teaching hospital
Prespective experience in the Italian Piemont network for oncology of complex cooperation among oncologists, pharmacists and nurses in a modern oncology unit
Prophylactic antibiotics in surgery: experience in a medical center
QR-code recognition and medication reminders
Quality regulation for hospital pharmacy in Spain
Reducing medication errors and improving patient safety by the intelligent drug preparation system
Reducing patients’ waiting time at the out-patient pharmacy by dispensing repeat prescriptions on appointment basis (s.m.a.r.t)
Reduction of medication errors in outpatient and emergency department
Relationships between antibiotics usage and nosocomial-acquired gram-negative bacteria drug resistance: an experience in a medical center at south taiwan, 2001-2006
Reliability in causality assessment of drug-induced liver disease
Role of clinical pharmacist in medication reconciliation at general medical wards, ramathibodi hospital, thailand
Role of hospital pharmacists in 2008 beijing olympic/paralympics games
Role of pharmacists in special 2008 in China
Root cause analysis of dispensing error
Sedation and analgesia in intensive care: a comparison of fentanyl and remifentanil
Special packing medication for the psychiatric home care patient.
Stability study of a new formulation for the off label use of cyclosporine
Study on medication for cerebral infarction of elderly inpatients compared with other inpatients
Submission doesn’t necessarily mean compliance!
Survey of transcription errors in drug charts at acute internal medicine, orthopaedic and surgical wards at uppsala university hospital
Tacrolimus-josamycin interaction in a recipient of allogeneic bone marrow transplantation
The analysis of adverse drug reactions measured by target drugs for hospitalized patients in a regional teaching hospital
The analysis of diabetes mellitus inappropriate prescriptions in the different dispensing types for the nhi contracted clinics
The analysis of valproate used for anti-epilepsy efficacy and safety assessment
The antibiotic use in intensive care unit, clinical emergency hospital of craiova, romania
The approaches to enhance the inhalation technique of patients with respiratory diseases by two different ways of instruction.
The clinical practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine in our hospital
The clinical use of vancomycin in a taiwan hospital
The effect of the implementation of smart patient controlled analgesia (pca) pumps on pca administration safety.
The experience of drug interaction alert system established on a regional hospital in Taiwan
The impact of neonatal clinical pharmacist to optimize the drugs therapy in the neonatal intensive care unit of the aga khan university hospital, karachi
The mini clinical evaluation exercise (mini-cex) for assessing counselling performance of pharmacy trainees
The needs of pharmaceutical care in pregnant women
The preventive behaviors for gio in taiwan practitioners
The reduction of outpatient dispensing error in district hospital
The role of pharmacist in renal transplant patient care
The role of pharmacist in the counselling and education of end stage renal disease patients
The study of dispensing types and prescription patterns in treating asthma under primary care
The study of inappropriate prescriptions in treating asthma in the different dispensing types for the nhi contracted clinics
The study of reducing outpatient dispensing error in district hospital
The use of combination atorvastatin – vegetal fibers in hypercholesterolemia treatment
The utilization of electronic tags in the drug lifecycle management in hospital
The utilization of hmg-coa reductase inhibitors in patients of cardiology clinics at one teaching hospital in taiwan
Therapeutic drug monitoring(tdm) using computerized physician order entry (cpoe) system improves the effectiveness of pharmaceutical care
Therapeutic interchange of statins for the treatment of dyslipidemia
To analysis the medical error in outpatient service
To determine the impact of daily vs weekly pharmacist run warfarin therapeutic monitoring program
Training staff in clinical pharmacy – option for developing world
Understanding and perception of generic medicines among hospital pharmacists in pakistan
Use of colour-coded labels (ccls) for intravenous high risk medications and lines to improve patient safety
Usefulness of indirect calorimetry in patients with pulmonary nontuberculous mycobacteriosis disease
Validation of culture-specific pictograms for type-ii diabetes management in a mexican community
Valproate induced hyperammonemic encephalopathy (VHE) case report
Warfarin utilization evaluation in the inpatient department of a hospital in taiwan
Individualised Medicine
Characterization of inhibitory effects of losartan on paclitaxel metabolism using recombinant cytochrome p450s
Diclofenac adapalene coadministration in the treatment of actinic keratoses
Effect of CYP2C19 and CYP2C9 genotype on concentration prediction of valproate in epileptic patients
Effect of cyp2d6, cyp3a5 and mdr1 genetic polymorphisms on the pharmacokinetics of risperidone and its active moiety
Effect of losartan on drug metabolism by human liver microsomes with cyp isoform variants
Hypertension control in diabetic patients – approaching individualized therapy?
Influence of the CYP3A5 genetic polymorphisms on the pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus in healthy Chinese volunteers
The impact of a change in tacrolimus monitoring immunoassay techniques on clinical decision making and patient outcomes
Topical dapsone in rosacea; disabling disorder managed by a team work
Industrial Pharmacy
A comparative study of marketed enteric coated pantoprazole sodium sesquihydrate products
A feasibility study: controlled nanoprecipitation with microjet reactor
A novel method of fabrication of in-situ enteric coated microparticulates of the potent bcs class i drug for targeted delivery by spray drying technique
Advanced technology: regulatory requirements during the development and marketing phase of nanotechnology medicines
Biochemical and hematological evaluation of human carrier erythrocytes for targeted delivery of primaquine: in vitro studies
Bioequivalence study of calcium dobesilate capsules in healthy subjects
C-cap: A new approach for fixed dose combinations using hard and/or soft gelatin capsules
Characterization of dihydroartemisinin solid dispersions with hydrophilic carriers by freeze dried and solvent evaporation method
Comparison of HPLC and UV spectrophotometric method for assay determination of prednisone in tablets
Correlation between type of lipid formulation and the fate of fenofibrate after dispersion and digestion of lipid-based delivery systems
Cystatin C and beta-2-microglobulin: indicators for renal damage as a result of occupational cadmium exposure in Egyptian individuals
Development of nifedipine-loaded coated gelatin microcapsule as a long acting oral delivery
Development of novel flurbiprofen-loaded solid dispersion using aqueous medium
Disk intrinsic dissolution to monitor polymorphism and morphology of carbamazepine raw drug material
Effect of carbopol on the release of dextromethorphan hydrobromide from matrix tablets
Effect of carbopol on the release of dextromethorphan hydrobromide from matrix tablets
Effect of cosolvents on indomethacin-loaded pellets
Effect of formulation on substituting wet granulation with direct compression process for the industrial production of tablets with a high dose drug
Effect of kollidon® sr on the release of
albuterol sulphate from matrix tablets
Enhanced oral bioavailability of coenzyme q10 via self emulsifying drug delivery systems
Enhanced oral bioavailability of dexibuprofen via a novel solid sedds formulation
Enhanced oral bioavailability of flurbiprofen by the combined use of polysorbate 80 and ?-cyclodextrin
Enhanced transdermal delivery of diclofenac along with curcumin using terpenes as penetration enhancer
Famotidine orally disintegrating tablets: bitterness comparison of original and generic products
Forced degradation studies of (r,s) -amlodipine besilate and s(-)-amlodipine besilate
Formulation and evaluation of bioadhesive buccal tablets of ondansetron hydrochloride
Formulation and evaluation of dimenhydrinate microspheres for nasal administration
Formulation and evaluation of ketorolac tromethamine-eudragit solid dispersions of potential sustained release properties
Formulation and in vitro evaluation of metronidazole mucoadhesive vaginal tablets
Formulation of rectal solution of diazepam
Formulation, characterization and evaluation studies on microspheres of atenolol
In vitro release of clotrimazole from in situ gels aimed for local drug delivery
In-vitro evaluation of polymers and polymer blends as tablet matrices
Influence of different types of white soft paraffin on the rheological behaviour of w/o emulsion vehicles: solving of filling problems in the production process
Investigation and comparison of effectiveness of novel polymer khaya gum with guar gum for drug targeting to colon
Measuring level of degradation products in hexetidine oral solution by HPLC
Niosomes in in-situ gelling systems for ocular delivery of pilocarpine hydrochloride
Optimization of a modified quasi-emulsion solvent diffusion method for the preparation of directly compressible ibuprofen spheres
Permeability studies through the human nail plate in vitro
Pharmaceutical innovations in plasma sterilization technology
Preparation and evaluation of ondansetron fast disintegrating tablets
Preparation and stability study of two amorphous ergot derivative drugs
Roles of mgo in solid dispersion systems containing weakly dibasic telmisartan
Salbutamol sulfate in-situ nasal gelling systems: formulation and evaluation
Selection of the tableting process of prednisone – the influence of the particle size
Simultaneous determination of three quinoline antimalarials in human plasma using ultra-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometric method
Strategic use of geography (BRIC) in global clinical trials – new perspectives
Study of the technological properties under compression of the different crystalline forms of sodium naproxen
Surface modified stavudine lipid nanoparticles for targeting : scale up
Surface-charged flexosomes for enhanced skin delivery of temoporfin
Synthesis and preliminary stability evaluation of different salts of amlodipine
The effect of fluidized bed systems on granule flowability and compaction properties
Ultra-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometric method for determination of 5-aminolevulinic acid in oral colonic targeted tablets for diagnosis of colon cancer
Laboratory and Medicines Control Services
Batch release of biologicals in Croatian agency for medicinal products and medical devices
Determination of lidocain-hlorid and methyl-paraben in xylocain jelly by derivative spectrophotometry
Interference with the LAL test, causes and solutions
Metalloids and metals in homoeopathic medicinal products
Pharmacokinetics study of irinotecan and sn-38 by coadministered thalidomide in rat
Quality control of water for pharmaceutical purposes
Quantitative analysis of levomycetin and anesthesin in the model medicine mixture by modified firord’s method
Quantitative determination of aflatoxin b1 in peanuts
Quantitative determination of azithromycin in human plasma by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry and its application to a pharmacokinetic study
Sodium nitrite content in meat products
Stability indicating methods for human albumin 5% solution in normal saline
Use of high-performance liquid chromatography in the analysis of vaginal suppositories fensulkal
Validation of UV-spectrophotometry technique for quality determination of the suppositories “ibumol”
Medicinal Chemistry
Analysis of O6 - alkylguanine in breast cancer patients’ blood during recurrent oral administration of cyclophosphamide
Analysis of O6 - alkylguanine in breast cancer patients’ blood during recurrent oral administration of cyclophosphamide
Anilinoquinoline derivatives as inhibitors of subgenomic hepatitis c virus replication
Antibacterial activity of 5,6-benzo[a]dihydrocarbazoles.
Application of rp-hptlc retention parameters of newly synthesized androstene derivatives in qsar studies
Evaluation of physico-chemical and pharmacokinetic profile of melissae aetheroleum and lavandulae aetheroleum dominant components using np-tlc chromatography
Inhibitory activity of benzo[a]dihydrocarbazoles against human and parasite topoisomerases by means of PCR and mass spectrometry techniques
Inhibitory potentials of curcumin analogues to cytochrome p450 isoenzymes activity, quantitative structures activity relationships (qsars) and docking simulations to the cyp 2d6 homology model
Piperazinediones and inhibitory activity against human breast cancer
Staphylococcus aureus-target of action of some derivatives of 4-hydroxycoumarin and quinoline-3-carboxylic acid
Synthesis and anticandidal activity of hydrazide hydrazones and their corresponding 3-acetyl-2,5-disubstituted-1,3,4-oxadiazolines
Synthesis and cytotoxic activity 2-(4-aminophenyl)-5-substitutedamino-1,3,4-thiadiazole derivatives and their coupling products
Synthesis and pharmcological profiles of the anticholinergic agent, n-alkyl phencynonate and the optical isomers
Synthesis of some new quinoxaline derivatives for biological testing
Synthesis of some substituted carbamodithioic acid esters and their anticancer properties
Acute change of corneal epithelium after instillation of benzalkonium chloride evaluated by a new electrophysiological method
Assay of common preservatives in suncare products by high perfomance liquid cromatography
Association between the understanding of medication-related phrases and the health literacy in Taiwanese
Biological characterization of proliferin 1
Biological characterization of proliferin 1
Breaking boundaries (short abstract)
Breast cancer knowledge and perception:outcomes of a cross sectional survey in penang,malaysia
Changes in mrna expression of abc and slc transporters in liver and intestines of the adjuvant-induced arthritis rat
Chemical composition and the antimicrobial activity of four hypericum species from turkey
Determination of hydroxycamptothecin in rabbits and cancer patients with digestive system tumor by liquidchromatography spectrometry: application to pharmacokinetics
Dexametasone sodium phosphate eyes drops as viscose aqua solutions
Differences in cytochrome p450 and nuclear receptor mrna levels in liver and small intestines between sd and da rats
Distribution of scopolamine into brain following intranasal administration
E-pharmacy: information technology initiative to reduce patient waiting time at ambulatory care areas of aga khan university hospital (akuh) pakistan
Effect of fosinopril and amlodipine combination on uninephrectomized stz induced diabetic rats
Effect of naringin on intestinal absorption of fexofenadine in rats using the mesenteric vein blood sampling method: a graduation thesis in the six-year curriculum
Effects of fenugreek seed extract on cholesterol transporters in caco-2 cells
Evaluating pharmacist interventions in a tertiary hospital
Evaluation of marketed oral producsts for aflatoxins
Evaluation of penetration enhancement effect of terpenes on a highly lipophilic compound with attenuated total reflectance-fourier transform infrared (atr-ftir) spectroscopy
Evaluation of simvastatin permeation from topical formulations in test invitro
Healthcare barcode recognition and medication information systems in medical center
Impact of potential adverse drug interactions on length of intensive care unit stay
In vitro susceptibility of candida isolates from oral cavities of HIV/AIDS patients to the commonly used antifungal agents in Jimma University specialized hospital, southwest Ethiopia
Incidence of surgical site infection and relationship with pattern of antibiotic usage in operation room at dharmais cancer hospital
Influence of CYP2C19*2, CYP2C19*3 and CYP2C9*3 genotypes on anti-epileptic drugs resistance of refractory epileptics
Natural surfactants as potential pharmaceutical excipients in magistral drug preparation: physicochemical characterization and safety evaluation of model vehicles for nsaid
New detoxification mechanism based on drug transporters
Participation of proteinase-activated receptor-2 in passive cutaneous anaphylaxis-induced scratching behavior and the inhibitory effect of tacrolimus
Role of ?-carotene and n-acetyl-l-cysteine with and without praziquantel treatment in modulating schistosoma mansoni-induced genotoxic effects on albino mice
Role of clinical pharmacists in intensive care unit in alexandria university hospital
Screening the quality of honey bee on the market
Side effects of first line antitubercular drugs
Simultaneous determination of lamotrigine, phenobarbitone, carbamazepine and phenytoin in human brain tissue by high-performance liquid chromatography
Spectroscopic studies of 3-substituted 4-hidroxycoumarins: effect of substitution by a phenyl ring 3-phenyl-prop-2-enoyl gruop in the 3-position of 4-hydroxycoumarin
Supplementation or therapy? Folate and cholecalciferol
The comparison of volatile constituents of salvia ceratophylla collected from different regions in turkey
The effect of selected direct compression excipients on the drug release of an insoluble drug
The effects of propylene glycol on release of clindamycin phosphate from the base of hydrogel type
The influence of natural surfactant-based emulsion systems with and without isopropyl alcohol on skin absorption in vivo of model nsaid
The influence of natural surfactant-based emulsion vehicles on in vitro liberation profiles of model NSAID
Thermosensitive systems prepared on pluronic f-127 as vehicles for prolactin in antiangiogenic therapy
Natural Substances
A LC/autoMSn library as fingerprint quality control method for unexplored Colombian plant
Anticonvulsant studies of essential oils isolated from vitex negundo linn.
Antifibrotic effect of phenanthrenes from dendrobium nobile in rat hepatic stellate cells
Antioxidant potential determination of glucose, fructose, tartaric, citric acid with horac and dpph assays
Cardioprotective effect of rhododendron arboreum on isoproterenol-induced myocardial necrosis in rats
Chemical composition of Albanian wild Oreganos oils
Determination of antioxidant capacity in Ginkgo biloba l. extracts
Determination of heavy metals in some Albanian medicinal plants used as herbal tea
Determination of rutin in buckwheat (Fagopyrum sagittatum g.) from Bosnia using high presse liquid chromatography with electrochemical detector
Determination of rutin in ruta extracts using high presse liquid chromatography with electrochemical detector
Determination of trans- resveratrol in pullulan edible film formulation with various types of wine extract by using HPLC and HPTLC methods
Development and validation of a RP-HPLC method for quantification of anthocyanin pelargonidin in fresh fruits
Effect of curcumin prodrug fm0806 on mouse hepatic carcinoma h22 in vivo
Evaluation of antidiabetic and antioxidant potential of oxystelma esculentum in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats
Evaluation of antioxidant potential of pinus roxburgii extract
Experimental studies of total coumarins of cortex fraxini on acute gouty arthritis and uric acid
Herbal preparations: relevance to cardiovascular diseases
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) quantification of rutin in ruta, rosemary and pelargonium extracts
In vitro antimicrobial activity of some medicinal plants of ericaceae family
Pharmacognostical, phytochemical and pharmacological studies on mimosa pudica, linn
Pharmacognostical, preliminary phytochemical and pharmacological studies on monochoria vaginalis (burm. f.) k. presl
Possibility of producing of encapsulated dosage form of pine needles thick extract
Quality and composition of sceletium plant material and dosage forms used as phytomedicines
Safety and efficacy evaluation of tea tree oil for acne
Studies in development and evaluation of rhubarb formulations
Studies on HPLC fingerprint chromatograph in Chinese medicine total glucosides of Tripterygium wilfordii
Study on the mechanism of hypoglycemic effect of walnut(juglans regia l.) leaves and ridges extract in diabetes induced mice.
Synthesis and bioactivities of desmosdumotinsas promisng antitumor agents
The antimicrobial constituens from the leaves
of karamuntiang (rhodomyrtus tomentosa (ait.) hassk.)
The cholesterol-lowering effect of yun-cai-tea
The effects of tanshinone iia on the behaviour of control and stressed mice
Total content of phenols and rutin in flowers, leaves, stems, roots and seeds of buckwheat, Fagopyrum saggitatum g. (Polygonaceae) from Bosnia
Whitening effects of lindera obtusiloba bl. 70 % etoh extract
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Aurentiacin inhibits inflammatory mediators by suppressing NF-kB and MAPKs activation in lipopolysaccharide-induced RAW 264.7 macrophage
Cytotoxicity and apoptosis induction of aspergillus versicolor kmd 004 metabolites on colon cancer carcinoma cells
Determination of blood methotrexate polyglutamates by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry after low-dose methotrexate therapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Determination of curcumol in rat plasma by capillary gas chromatography with hydrogen flame ionization detecter
Establishment of human lysozyme mass production system using silkworm larvae
In vitro characterization of chitosan microspheres encapsulated plasmid gm-csf
Investigation of stability of interleukin-2 liposome formulation by sds-page analysis
Potential of plga nanoparticles coated with chitosan as carriers for oral insulin delivery
A retrospective study of adverse drug reactions leading to hospital admissions and cost in a medical center
Antidepressant drug prescribing and risk of abnormal bleeding: a case-control study
Antidepressants use pattern in a sample of Portuguese outpatients adults
Comparizon of cost-effectiveness of carvedilol vs metoprolol in patients with heart failure
Cost-effectiveness analysis of adjuvant therapy for operable breast cancer from a Chinese perspective: doxorubicin plus cyclophosphamide (AC) versus docetaxel plus cyclophosphamide (TC)
Evaluation of a state medicaid behavioral pharmacy management program
Health related utility and willingness to pay per quality-adjusted life year of chronic prostatitis patients in China
Impact of potential adverse drug interactions on length of intensive care unit stay
Inpatient costs associated with six months of care post acute rejection events in renal transplant patients: a single center retrospective analysis
Medicines follow-up methods and review of utilization in Serbia
Oral hypoglycaemic agents prescribing patterns in Portuguese type 2 diabetics: 2004 -2008
Pharmacoeconomic analysis of a pediatric vaccine in Albania
Pharmacovigilance: a responsibility shared or someone else’s problem? lessons from nimesulide.
Statins consumption in the republic of Croatia in 2005, 2006 and 2007
The evaluation of antidiabetic drugs in turkey from pharmacist’s eye in terms of pharmacoepidemiology: a pilot study
Pharmacy Information
A retrospective study: to analyze the relevant factors of the incidence of ADR in a medical center in Taiwan
Competence assurance for pharmacy staff.
Corporate social responsibility plan
Empowering low-literate HIV/AIDS patients: communicating antiretroviral side effect information using pictograms
European association of hospital pharmacists together with FIP, ASHP and WHO in Second Life
Kidney transplant wait-listed patients’ knowledge of post-transplant medicines
Pharmaceutical information and the Croatian regulatory authority
Safe self-medication – significance of establishing the criteria for classification and status determination of medicinal products in Serbia
The trend analysis of the toxicology information calls at drug & poison information center (dpic), the aga khan university hospital (akuh) karachi
A student’s view on the role of a pharmacist in the traditional health care system: the case of molweni community, Thekwini municipality, South Africa
Appointment for counselling at the pharmacy
Developing a pharmacy-based chlamydia screening model for the australian health care setting.
Ethical responsibility, pharmaceutical care and the development of the profession of pharmacy
Immunization delivery: a new service provided in Portuguese pharmaciespart 2: first nationwide influenza immunization campaign
Leadership perspectives and roles in public health: a challenge for pharmacists
Pharmacy based metabolic syndrome management program in Hungary
Primary prevention of cardiovascular disease in community pharmacy: developing a framework for implementation.
The role of clinical pharmacist in asthma patient care in community pharmacy
A survey on counterfeit medicines among the community pharmacies/drug outlets in Cambodia during 2006-2008
Developing standards for quality of pharmacy care in community settings in the republic of Macedonia
Development of a new quality development model for the danish pharmacies
Drug-related problems in self-medication
Pharmaceutical care practice at several community pharmacies in Jakarta, Indonesia
Industrial Pharmacy Advanced technology: regulatory requirements during the development and marketing phase of nanotechnology medicines
C-cap: A new approach for fixed dose combinations using hard and/or soft gelatin capsules
Characterization of dihydroartemisinin solid dispersions with hydrophilic carriers by freeze dried and solvent evaporation method
Disk intrinsic dissolution to monitor polymorphism and morphology of carbamazepine raw drug material
Investigation and comparison of effectiveness of novel polymer khaya gum with guar gum for drug targeting to colon
Permeability studies through the human nail plate in vitro
Pharmaceutical innovations in plasma sterilization technology
Simultaneous determination of three quinoline antimalarials in human plasma using ultra-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometric method
Strategic use of geography (BRIC) in global clinical trials – new perspectives
Pharmacy Information Empowering low-literate HIV/AIDS patients: communicating antiretroviral side effect information using pictograms
Kidney transplant wait-listed patients’ knowledge of post-transplant medicines
The trend analysis of the toxicology information calls at drug & poison information center (dpic), the aga khan university hospital (akuh) karachi
Academic Pharmacy
A novel approach to “continuous education for pharmacists”
A novel visually-displayed test for assessing numerical skills
Accreditation requirements for pharmacy student affairs
Assessments used in pharmacy teaching - academics learning from our peers
Blended learning: sharing experiences
Continuing postgraduate pharmacy education system in Poland
Continuing professional development and its accreditation in Japan using Hokkaido Pharmaceutical University as an example
Current status of the pharmacy and pharmaceutical science education in mexico
Education and training needs for Australian pharmacists preparing for an expanded prescribing role
Fast change in pharmaceutical education in mexico
How to evaluate pharmacies as places for on-site education
Impact of a service learning program in undergraduate pharmacy in Cape Town, South Africa
Integrating professional development into a quality improvement framework in community pharmacy.
Introduction of Pharm.D.programme: changing scenario of pharmacy education in India
Investigation of the influence of age and gender on first year pharmacy students’ attitude and enthusiasm towards online learning and PBL group work.
Quality assurance in cpd-programs; the route to a certificate
Removing the boundaries between disciplines - integrated learning and teaching for the new third-year pharmacy curriculum
Roles and competencies of district pharmacists: a case study from Cape Town, South Africa
Stigma towards people with mental disorders in Estonia: comparison of attitudes among community pharmacists, assistant pharmacists and pharmacy students
The development and acceptability of online, weekly-assessed tutorial system (casewats) as a learning tool to support undergraduate pharmacy students prescription management skills
The perceived information requirements of community pharmacy patients with long-term chronic conditions regarding their medications and disease.
Administrative Pharmacy
Antimicrobial resistance is a new disease created by mankind
Can increased competition and regulation deliver quality pharmacy services?
Computerization of non-formulary drugs application and management
Conditional marketing authorization as interim solution for easier drug import in Kosova
Cost-effectiveness study of clomiphene citrate versus anastrozole in the induction of ovulation in barren adult patients at a mexican public hospital
Data exclusivity – a threat to generic manufacturing companies
Determinants of antipsychotic medication use among residents of aged care homes in Australia
Development of consumption and reimbursement in a liberalized market structure
Distribution of medicines through the ‘pull’ versus the ‘push’ system:
what choice do the underprivileged have?
Ensuring drug safety in pharmacy during Olympics
Evaluation of education and economic barriers in implementing essential medicines concept in Malaysia
Evaluation of the performance of the Albanian Order of Pharmacists
How are pharmacists functioning in the Japanese community?
Investigation, innovation & development of pharmaceutical products: a global concern
Management and curricular contents of pharmacy residency programs in Korean hospitals
Over-the-counter medicine: comparison between the outer package labels of Albanian products with EU countries
Perception survey on adverse drug reaction (adr) reporting
Rational drug selection and new therapeutic tendering facilitated by steps end over with potential saving: the case of SSRIs
Real-time drug supervision and administration mode based on internet
Sedative load among long-term care facility residents in Helsinki: comparison of residents with and without dementia
Switch of duty personnel from pharmacists to pharmaconomists outside hospital pharmacy opening hours.
Taiwan pharmaceutical care practice guideline in oncology – establishment and implementation of chemotherapy dispensing practice guideline
Taiwan society of health-system pharmacists 2020 initiative (TSHP 2020 Initiative)
The importance of price policy in the actual pharmaceutical marketing
The lack of legislation for medical devices in Albania, attempts to make a change in this situation
The use of different kind of personnel in Norwegian pharmacies
The use of orphan drugs in Taiwan
To minimize the potential for errors associated with medication name that look or sound alike (lasa) at the aga khan university hospital karachi, pakistan
Bioavailability and Bioequivalence
Active metabolites formed during hepatic first-pass: simulations featuring their contribution to the overall effect in altered liver clearance and drug-drug interactions
Bioequivalence study of two formulations of paroxetine tablets in healthy male jordanian subjects applying lc/ms/ms
Effect of gender on the pharmacokinetics of indapamide in healthy volunteers
Indomethacin-saccharin cocrystal: in-vitro dissolution and in-vivo bioavailability study
Pharmacokinetics and comparative bioavailability of two oral formulations of metoprolol in a Mexican population
Targeting to latent HIV reservoirs : production optimization and evaluation of nevirapine nanosuspensions
Validated RP-HPLC method for determination of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate in concurrent herbal permeability agent for preclinical absorption studies
Biopharmaceutics Classification System
Anti cellulite cream formulation with sodium ascorbic and tocopheryl acetate as penetration enhancers for caffeine
Development and validation of a new HPLC method with fluorometric detection for analysis of furosemide in samples for liver perfusion studies
Investigation of melatonin absorption mechanism by pharmaceutical excipients using the ussing chamber technique
Clinical Biology
Camca1 and its upstream calcium signaling are involved in oxidative stress-induced cell death in candida albicans
Efficacy of 25 mg etanercept once weekly in rheumatoid arthritis
Expression of hepatic cytochrome p-450 proteins during aging.
Homocysteine induces cell proliferation through up-regulation of cyclin d1 expression via ?1 integrin/akt/p70s6k signaling pathway in human vascular smooth muscle cells
Molecular characterization of high-level aminoglycoside resistant enterococci
Over expression of midkine retards disease progression and prolongs life span under the presence of the als stress.
Pharmacists’ intervention in oncology ward: a study from nepal
The anti-shock effect of anisodamine involves the novel ways of increasing of b-arrestin expression.
The effects of short-term rosiglitasone treatment on glycemic control in diabetic and prediabetic patients with metabolic syndrome
Community Pharmacy: Compounding
Antibiotic vaginal ovules- targeting the focus of infection
Recent changes in medicine compounding in France
Team work-a state of art in pharmacy and dermatology: tailored state of art of therapy on critical issues
Community Pharmacy: New services e-world
Developing pharmacists’ counselling skills using an e–learning environment
Intranet based health care services
Observatory – a knowledgebase and a search facility from europharm forum
Pictograph's as tools to patients instructions
The development of a web-based pharmaceutical care plan for pharmacist, physician, and patient in primary care setting in the Netherlands
Community Pharmacy: Other
A healthy future – pharmaceuticals in a sustainable society
A new initiative at a community pharmacy in Denmark improves safety in generic substitution
Apriori - integrated drug interaction control in community pharmacies in Norway
Decision-making factor on generic medicine’s selection at community pharmacy in Japan
Does patients get enough information on their medicine if they are not able to come to the community pharmacy due to their bad health condition?
E-learning – a way to professional development
Elderly in elderly homes- how can pharmacists contribute to beter outcomes in drug therapy
Electronic interaction alert management: a method of managing interaction alerts from a pharmacy’s electronic prescription-dispensing system
Elimination of time consumers in the pharmacy
Evaluation of the drug-therapy-problems found during the home visit program on the post-discharged patients of x-hospital
Experiences of analgesic medication among different patient groups with chronic pain.
Good pharmacy practice implementation in a community pharmacy of Montevideo, Uruguay
Implications of student lead initiatives in pharmacy
Infrastructure implications for expanding pharmacist prescribing and the influence of pharmacy size and ownership
Internet survey on pharmacist role of OTC drug sales in Japan
New training strategies for Traditional Chinese Medicine
Non-prescription medicine benefits cannot be achieved without public education
Screenning of cardiovascular risk factors in community pharmacies
Self medication related problems – pharmacists role
Strategic approach in providing pharmaceutical healthcare service to patients in community pharmacy
Teaching “responsibility for patient outcome” to pharmaconomist students in Denmark
The development, delivery and evaluation of a continuing professional development program in women’s health
The growing market of compliance technologies. - the challenges and implications of implementing electronic medication reminders.
The influence of the cooperation of pharmacies on some economic indices
Use of skin screening testing in choosing of adequate skin care products in everyday pharmaceutical practice
What is the level of stability for clients receiving dosage packed medicine
Community Pharmacy: Public health
A medication review programme for patients from ethnic minorities
A review of international pharmacy-based chlamydia screening models.
A student’s view on the role of a pharmacist in the traditional health care system: the case of molweni community, Thekwini municipality, South Africa
Adolescents’ thoughts about and experiences with medications and their use- not without my mother
Appointment for counselling at the pharmacy
Assessment of effectiveness and safety of influenza vaccine
Benzodiazepines: appropriate prescribing or not?
Build up the system of social-pharmacist to improve the healthy care safety of elderly people a health education web-site for pharmacists
Clinical outcomes from a community pharmacy feasibility study for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease.
Community pharmacists in alcohol prevention: the knowledge and attitudes of non-pharmacy practitioner and non-practitioner colleagues to serve as a resource for the pharmacist
Comparative analysis of elderly inappropriate prescription evaluation instruments
Developing a pharmacy-based chlamydia screening model for the australian health care setting.
Drugs and young people (between 12 and 19 years old)
Efficacy of hypertension treatment and patients who might benefit from more intensified pharmaceutical care
Ethical responsibility, pharmaceutical care and the development of the profession of pharmacy
Fixed dose combinations – beneficial or harmful?
Fixed dose combinations improves patient adherence - a questionnaire based survey
Handling of dose packed medicine after dispensing from pharmacy
Health campaign in dermopharmacy: “oral health month: information in your pharmacy”
Health perspective in community pharmacies
How did the patient choose analgetics in self medication?
Identification of non-adherence hypertensive patients
Identifying specific cardiovascular health opportunities for community pharmacy: a population health approach
Immunization delivery: a new service provided in Portuguese pharmacies part 3: patients’ satisfaction with the first pharmacy-based influenza immunization campaign
Immunization delivery: a new service provided in Portuguese pharmacies - part I: training model for pharmacists
Immunization delivery: a new service provided in Portuguese pharmaciespart 2: first nationwide influenza immunization campaign
Importance of dietary habits and lifestyle - conscience and beliefs amonf pharmacy students
Increased waistline - a potential risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.
Involvement of French community pharmacists in the prevention and care of osteoporosis - A national training program
Keys to the rational use of vaccinations
Leadership perspectives and roles in public health: a challenge for pharmacists
Multidisciplinary medication review in nursing home residents
Obesity and metabolic syndrom,how can pharmacist help?
Patients´ experience with generic substitution – a survey:18.8% experienced changes in efficacy and/or side effect.
Pattern of pesticide storage before pesticide self-poisoning in rural sri lanka: a prospective survey
Pharmaceutical care for long-term care in Taipei, Taiwan
Pharmaceutical care of diabetic patients in a community part of hospital pharmacy
Pharmacists in prevention of diabetes in the city of kraljevo
Pharmacy based metabolic syndrome management program in Hungary
Pilot research study for pharmacovigilance: side effects of medicines recently brought onto the market: ezetimibe
Popularizing the pharmacy services in health care
Predictors for prevalence, treatment and control of hypertension in Portugal: A community pharmacy based study
Prescription of medicines without a personal visit to a physician – a Swedish pharmacy survey
Primary prevention of cardiovascular disease in community pharmacy: developing a framework for implementation.
Results from the pharmacotherapeutic follow-up of geriatric patients with chronic non-malignant osteomuscular pain.
Results of an observational study in 574 community pharmacies in Spain characterizing patient profiles of men asking for erectile dysfunction medication
Results of the community pharmacist action in otc prescription for patients with acute osteomuscular pain.
Results of the community pharmacist action in the dispensing of analgesics, NSAIDs and muscle relaxants to patients with osteomuscular pain
Role of pharmacists in public health in india– a neglected facet
The education on smoking cessation for the public in community pharmacies by using co detector as assistant equipment in Taipei Taiwan
The emergency contraceptive pill: australian community pharmacists’ practices
The role of clinical pharmacist in asthma patient care in community pharmacy
The use of generic medicine in Japan: in the case of Nagano prefecture
Towards an enhanced role for community pharmacists in France
Who accesses pharmacy-based emergency hormonal contraception?
Community Pharmacy: Quality
A critical analysis of the quality of a warfarin clinical audit carried out in a community pharmacy
A structured method for competence advancement in pharmacies
A survey on counterfeit medicines among the community pharmacies/drug outlets in Cambodia during 2006-2008
Community pharmacist's development using general level framework
Customer tailored prescription service
Developing standards for quality of pharmacy care in community settings in the republic of Macedonia
Development of a new quality development model for the danish pharmacies
Dispensing of prescription medicines – the core business of apoteket ab
Drug-related problems in self-medication
Individual and organizational influences on performance of pharmacist in community pharmacy
Medicine related problems in asian patients who suffer with diabetes cardiovascular disease and asthma
Outcome of pharmacist’s intervention in self-care in patients with cold symptoms
Pharmaceutical care practice at several community pharmacies in Jakarta, Indonesia
Putting the patient or the pharmacist first in pharmaceutical marketing in community pharmacies?
Quality assured mechanical guidance for self care customers of apoteket ab
Seven patients a day avoid hospitalisation
The analysis of the quality assurance of the public pharmacy subotica
The efforts to provide long term health care system by community pharmacies in taipei taiwan
The Indian pharmaceutical scenario the variability in price for branded medicine
Towards positive patient outcomes: a role for drug stability
Dissolution/In Vitro Release Performance Testing
Application of flow-through cell for dissolution testing of suppositories: a comparison with paddle method
Characterisation and in vitro evaluation of bioadhesive liposome gels of cidovofir
Gelatine containing peg-based hydrogels for drug delivery of gentamicin
Influence of plasticizer on permeation of fluconazole from nail lacquer formulation through bovine hoof membrane
Introduction of dissolution testing for characterization of bioactive chitosan and alginate fabrics and films for dermal application
Release of nefopam hcl from different gel formulations and their antiinflammatory effect on rats
Robust and stable immediate release formulation of candesartan cilexetil , bcs class iv drug and its statistical optimization
Hospital Pharmacy
A case report with complication based on Taiwan tuberculosis treatment guidelines
A high cost medical insurance case discussion
A pioneering work to combat bacterial resistance and to promote rational use of antibiotics – working together in a multi-professional way gives the best result.
A practical mydriatic regimen to prevent bradycardia caused by eyedrops containing phenylephrine and tropicamide in the diagnosis of retinopathy of prematurity
A study of the importance in mediation instruction on patient’s satisfaction
A study on clinical & coronary angiographic characteristics of acute myocardial infarction patients with metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus
Amiodarone induced subacute thyroiditis
Amodiamodiaquineiune plus artesunate toxicity surveillance in Jos University teaching hospital, Nigeria.
An adverse reaction of skin hypersensitivity induced by lamotrigine —a case report
An audit tool for reviewing medication safety practices in hospitals - a pilot study in Finland
Analysis of fluoroquinolone prescribing patterns
Analysis of pharmaceutical cognitive services for yang-ming branch of tpech
Antibiotic prescribing tendencies in the children clinical university hospital “tornkalns”
Antibiotic therapy for uncomplicated urinary tract infections in children
Aslto5 (Piemonte): the daily management of the risk prevention and treatment of cytotoxic extravasation
Aslto5 Piemonte (Italy): clostridium difficilis in Carmagnola hospital - You can wash your hands like pontius pilate?
Assessment of compliance with anaemia treatment on patients that received metoxipolietilenglicol epoetin beta compared with conventional erythropoietin, and its relation with clinical outcomes on HMO
Availability of paediatric medicines – How is Australia tracking in comparison to the us and uk?
Benzbromarone associated hepatotoxicity
Building a clinical pharmacy enterprise to improve patient outcomes
Cancer related insomnia: a survey among cancer survivors at a local hospital in Malaysia
Challenges concerning generic substitution in hospitals
Clinical pharmacists' participating in medical administrative ward round:methods and experiences
Colchicine prescribing and safety monitoring in patients with acute gout
Collaborative efforts to educate students for the new clinical roles in hospital pharmacy
Comparison of defined versus prescribed daily dose for measuring hospital antibacterial consumption
Comparison of the accuracy for weight analysis and refractometric analysis used in quality assurance during compounding parenteral nutrition solutions
Comparison of the expression of p-glycoprotein between
epiletogenic zone and tissue surrounding the zone in refractory epileptic patients
Comparison study of the effect of different nutritional support route on nutriture in the in-patients
Comparsion of ELISA and LC/MS/MS method for the quantification of tacrolimus concentration in whole blood in Chinese liver transplant recipients
Conjunctival hemorrhage on a patient with xerophthalmia suspectedly caused by topical cyclosporine
Construct an OSCE program for the pharmacy department in a medical center in taipei, taiwan
Construction of predictable medication adherence questionnaire
Consumption of drugs atc- b05 in clinical hospital osijek during the period of 2004-2008
Contamination of hospital pharmacies by antineoplastic drugs in Czech republic – results of the national study
Contrast media-induced nephropathy: case report of iothalamate
Decrease in unjustified use of n-acetylcysteine (nac) through pharmacist intervention and patient cost saving.
Detection medication error and dispensing error prevention in early stage implementation of patient safety program at teaching hospital in Bali
Determination of the prognosis factors and risk factors of toxicity for advanced gastric cancer patients treated by 5-fu-based chemotherapy
Developing experience of the clinical pharmacist in a regional teaching hospital in middle Taiwan
Development of a clinical research education curriculum for
six year pharmacology programs
Dispensing and distribution of free of charge medications to some non-hospitalized patient groups direct from hospital pharmacy.
Dispensing errors before and after changing the medicine name labeling of dispensing sheet and medicine bag in a hospital pharmacy
Drug dose adjustments in patients with renal impairment – new horizon for it innovation
Drug-induced nervous and psychotic symptoms by retrospective analysis
Easily establishing an educational, experience-passing-down and knowledge-management platform in a hospital pharmacy department
Educational workshops by pharmacists improve the knowledge of medical staff about pharmaceutical treatment for diabetes mellitus
Efficacy of combination therapy with sitagliptin compared with the thiazolidinedione in patients with type 2 diabetes inadequately controlled on metformin and sulfonyureas
Eosinophilic meningitis caused by angiostrongylus cantonensis: a case report
Escherichia coli in clinical hospital osijek during the period of 2006-2007
Establishing a web search system of food and drug interactions to improve drug safety
Establishment of a center for patient safety and innovative in pharmaceutical health care
Estimation of the influence of valproate,carbamazepine, phenobarbital and phenytoin on oral clearance of topiramate with nonmem
Evaluation of pharmacist’s role via common consultation modelin a district teaching hospital
Evaluation of risk factors for ofloxacin – resistant infections in urinary tract infections
Failure mode and effects analysis to improve safety in pharmaceutical distribution
From brand-named to generic - an example: paclitaxel
How clinical pharmacists involved in inpatient discharge counseling
Human intravenous immunoglobulin therapy benefits, prescription and interventions to cost management.
Impact of hospital pharmacist interventions on safety of pediatric drug
Impact of patient education provided by the pharmacist on use of dry powder inhalers- a controlled study
Implementation and evaluation of a comprehensive prescription assessment and intervention system
Implementation of a pharmacist managed anticoagulation clinic in the resource constrained setting of moi teaching and referral hospital, eldoret, kenya
Investigation and analysis of the skin test and allergic
reaction rate of cephalosporins
Investigation of perioperative prophylaxis antibiotics in oncology patients with different surgical incisions
K-ras mutation detected in blood as a predictive factor in patients with recurrent prostate cancer
Managing post-irradiated oncologyc patients- painstaking details proven important
May interventions by pharmacists at the emergency department, Södersjukhuset, optimize drug therapy in elderly patients? follow-up intervention
Medicine use in high fall risk versus low fall risk patients, hospitalised in an orthopaedic clinic
Mode & intervention for pharmacist promotion in reasonable application of tcm injection
Monitoring patient pickup of dispensed medications by pharmacists at a Traditional Chinese Medicine out-patient department in Taiwan
Monitoring polypharmacy and medication behavior of elderly patients in a traditional Chinese medicine clinic in Taiwan
Occupational exposure to antineoplastic agents in hospital pharmacy in comparison with other departments of the Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute (Brno, Czech republic)
Off-label drug use in critical care pediatrics
Outpatient pharmacy service in hospital in Middle Taiwan
Patient education the new role of Chinese pharmacist
Pharmacist and physicians strength collaboration for better patient outcomes
Pharmacist-led medication reconciliation with support of the Swedish national pharmacy register in the pre-operative anesthetic assessment
Pharmacists in the inter-professional patient care training program at a medical center in northern taiwan
Pharmacogenetic association with adverse reactions to thiopurine drugs in japanese pediatric patients
Point of care pharmacy service in oncology unit – clinical and economical outcomes
Prescribing pattern and adherence to local clinical practice guideline of angiotensin ii receptor blockers: study in a malaysian public teaching hospital
Prespective experience in the Italian Piemont network for oncology of complex cooperation among oncologists, pharmacists and nurses in a modern oncology unit
Prophylactic antibiotics in surgery: experience in a medical center
QR-code recognition and medication reminders
Quality regulation for hospital pharmacy in Spain
Reducing medication errors and improving patient safety by the intelligent drug preparation system
Reducing patients’ waiting time at the out-patient pharmacy by dispensing repeat prescriptions on appointment basis (s.m.a.r.t)
Reduction of medication errors in outpatient and emergency department
Relationships between antibiotics usage and nosocomial-acquired gram-negative bacteria drug resistance: an experience in a medical center at south taiwan, 2001-2006
Reliability in causality assessment of drug-induced liver disease
Role of clinical pharmacist in medication reconciliation at general medical wards, ramathibodi hospital, thailand
Role of hospital pharmacists in 2008 beijing olympic/paralympics games
Role of pharmacists in special 2008 in China
Root cause analysis of dispensing error
Sedation and analgesia in intensive care: a comparison of fentanyl and remifentanil
Special packing medication for the psychiatric home care patient.
Stability study of a new formulation for the off label use of cyclosporine
Study on medication for cerebral infarction of elderly inpatients compared with other inpatients
Submission doesn’t necessarily mean compliance!
Survey of transcription errors in drug charts at acute internal medicine, orthopaedic and surgical wards at uppsala university hospital
Tacrolimus-josamycin interaction in a recipient of allogeneic bone marrow transplantation
The analysis of adverse drug reactions measured by target drugs for hospitalized patients in a regional teaching hospital
The analysis of diabetes mellitus inappropriate prescriptions in the different dispensing types for the nhi contracted clinics
The analysis of valproate used for anti-epilepsy efficacy and safety assessment
The antibiotic use in intensive care unit, clinical emergency hospital of craiova, romania
The approaches to enhance the inhalation technique of patients with respiratory diseases by two different ways of instruction.
The clinical practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine in our hospital
The clinical use of vancomycin in a taiwan hospital
The effect of the implementation of smart patient controlled analgesia (pca) pumps on pca administration safety.
The experience of drug interaction alert system established on a regional hospital in Taiwan
The impact of neonatal clinical pharmacist to optimize the drugs therapy in the neonatal intensive care unit of the aga khan university hospital, karachi
The mini clinical evaluation exercise (mini-cex) for assessing counselling performance of pharmacy trainees
The needs of pharmaceutical care in pregnant women
The preventive behaviors for gio in taiwan practitioners
The reduction of outpatient dispensing error in district hospital
The role of pharmacist in renal transplant patient care
The role of pharmacist in the counselling and education of end stage renal disease patients
The study of dispensing types and prescription patterns in treating asthma under primary care
The study of inappropriate prescriptions in treating asthma in the different dispensing types for the nhi contracted clinics
The study of reducing outpatient dispensing error in district hospital
The use of combination atorvastatin – vegetal fibers in hypercholesterolemia treatment
The utilization of electronic tags in the drug lifecycle management in hospital
The utilization of hmg-coa reductase inhibitors in patients of cardiology clinics at one teaching hospital in taiwan
Therapeutic drug monitoring(tdm) using computerized physician order entry (cpoe) system improves the effectiveness of pharmaceutical care
Therapeutic interchange of statins for the treatment of dyslipidemia
To analysis the medical error in outpatient service
To determine the impact of daily vs weekly pharmacist run warfarin therapeutic monitoring program
Training staff in clinical pharmacy – option for developing world
Understanding and perception of generic medicines among hospital pharmacists in pakistan
Use of colour-coded labels (ccls) for intravenous high risk medications and lines to improve patient safety
Usefulness of indirect calorimetry in patients with pulmonary nontuberculous mycobacteriosis disease
Validation of culture-specific pictograms for type-ii diabetes management in a mexican community
Valproate induced hyperammonemic encephalopathy (VHE) case report
Warfarin utilization evaluation in the inpatient department of a hospital in taiwan
Individualised Medicine
Characterization of inhibitory effects of losartan on paclitaxel metabolism using recombinant cytochrome p450s
Diclofenac adapalene coadministration in the treatment of actinic keratoses
Effect of CYP2C19 and CYP2C9 genotype on concentration prediction of valproate in epileptic patients
Effect of cyp2d6, cyp3a5 and mdr1 genetic polymorphisms on the pharmacokinetics of risperidone and its active moiety
Effect of losartan on drug metabolism by human liver microsomes with cyp isoform variants
Hypertension control in diabetic patients – approaching individualized therapy?
Influence of the CYP3A5 genetic polymorphisms on the pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus in healthy Chinese volunteers
The impact of a change in tacrolimus monitoring immunoassay techniques on clinical decision making and patient outcomes
Topical dapsone in rosacea; disabling disorder managed by a team work
Industrial Pharmacy
A comparative study of marketed enteric coated pantoprazole sodium sesquihydrate products
A feasibility study: controlled nanoprecipitation with microjet reactor
A novel method of fabrication of in-situ enteric coated microparticulates of the potent bcs class i drug for targeted delivery by spray drying technique
Advanced technology: regulatory requirements during the development and marketing phase of nanotechnology medicines
Biochemical and hematological evaluation of human carrier erythrocytes for targeted delivery of primaquine: in vitro studies
Bioequivalence study of calcium dobesilate capsules in healthy subjects
C-cap: A new approach for fixed dose combinations using hard and/or soft gelatin capsules
Characterization of dihydroartemisinin solid dispersions with hydrophilic carriers by freeze dried and solvent evaporation method
Comparison of HPLC and UV spectrophotometric method for assay determination of prednisone in tablets
Correlation between type of lipid formulation and the fate of fenofibrate after dispersion and digestion of lipid-based delivery systems
Cystatin C and beta-2-microglobulin: indicators for renal damage as a result of occupational cadmium exposure in Egyptian individuals
Development of nifedipine-loaded coated gelatin microcapsule as a long acting oral delivery
Development of novel flurbiprofen-loaded solid dispersion using aqueous medium
Disk intrinsic dissolution to monitor polymorphism and morphology of carbamazepine raw drug material
Effect of carbopol on the release of dextromethorphan hydrobromide from matrix tablets
Effect of carbopol on the release of dextromethorphan hydrobromide from matrix tablets
Effect of cosolvents on indomethacin-loaded pellets
Effect of formulation on substituting wet granulation with direct compression process for the industrial production of tablets with a high dose drug
Effect of kollidon® sr on the release of
albuterol sulphate from matrix tablets
Enhanced oral bioavailability of coenzyme q10 via self emulsifying drug delivery systems
Enhanced oral bioavailability of dexibuprofen via a novel solid sedds formulation
Enhanced oral bioavailability of flurbiprofen by the combined use of polysorbate 80 and ?-cyclodextrin
Enhanced transdermal delivery of diclofenac along with curcumin using terpenes as penetration enhancer
Famotidine orally disintegrating tablets: bitterness comparison of original and generic products
Forced degradation studies of (r,s) -amlodipine besilate and s(-)-amlodipine besilate
Formulation and evaluation of bioadhesive buccal tablets of ondansetron hydrochloride
Formulation and evaluation of dimenhydrinate microspheres for nasal administration
Formulation and evaluation of ketorolac tromethamine-eudragit solid dispersions of potential sustained release properties
Formulation and in vitro evaluation of metronidazole mucoadhesive vaginal tablets
Formulation of rectal solution of diazepam
Formulation, characterization and evaluation studies on microspheres of atenolol
In vitro release of clotrimazole from in situ gels aimed for local drug delivery
In-vitro evaluation of polymers and polymer blends as tablet matrices
Influence of different types of white soft paraffin on the rheological behaviour of w/o emulsion vehicles: solving of filling problems in the production process
Investigation and comparison of effectiveness of novel polymer khaya gum with guar gum for drug targeting to colon
Measuring level of degradation products in hexetidine oral solution by HPLC
Niosomes in in-situ gelling systems for ocular delivery of pilocarpine hydrochloride
Optimization of a modified quasi-emulsion solvent diffusion method for the preparation of directly compressible ibuprofen spheres
Permeability studies through the human nail plate in vitro
Pharmaceutical innovations in plasma sterilization technology
Preparation and evaluation of ondansetron fast disintegrating tablets
Preparation and stability study of two amorphous ergot derivative drugs
Roles of mgo in solid dispersion systems containing weakly dibasic telmisartan
Salbutamol sulfate in-situ nasal gelling systems: formulation and evaluation
Selection of the tableting process of prednisone – the influence of the particle size
Simultaneous determination of three quinoline antimalarials in human plasma using ultra-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometric method
Strategic use of geography (BRIC) in global clinical trials – new perspectives
Study of the technological properties under compression of the different crystalline forms of sodium naproxen
Surface modified stavudine lipid nanoparticles for targeting : scale up
Surface-charged flexosomes for enhanced skin delivery of temoporfin
Synthesis and preliminary stability evaluation of different salts of amlodipine
The effect of fluidized bed systems on granule flowability and compaction properties
Ultra-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometric method for determination of 5-aminolevulinic acid in oral colonic targeted tablets for diagnosis of colon cancer
Laboratory and Medicines Control Services
Batch release of biologicals in Croatian agency for medicinal products and medical devices
Determination of lidocain-hlorid and methyl-paraben in xylocain jelly by derivative spectrophotometry
Interference with the LAL test, causes and solutions
Metalloids and metals in homoeopathic medicinal products
Pharmacokinetics study of irinotecan and sn-38 by coadministered thalidomide in rat
Quality control of water for pharmaceutical purposes
Quantitative analysis of levomycetin and anesthesin in the model medicine mixture by modified firord’s method
Quantitative determination of aflatoxin b1 in peanuts
Quantitative determination of azithromycin in human plasma by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry and its application to a pharmacokinetic study
Sodium nitrite content in meat products
Stability indicating methods for human albumin 5% solution in normal saline
Use of high-performance liquid chromatography in the analysis of vaginal suppositories fensulkal
Validation of UV-spectrophotometry technique for quality determination of the suppositories “ibumol”
Medicinal Chemistry
Analysis of O6 - alkylguanine in breast cancer patients’ blood during recurrent oral administration of cyclophosphamide
Analysis of O6 - alkylguanine in breast cancer patients’ blood during recurrent oral administration of cyclophosphamide
Anilinoquinoline derivatives as inhibitors of subgenomic hepatitis c virus replication
Antibacterial activity of 5,6-benzo[a]dihydrocarbazoles.
Application of rp-hptlc retention parameters of newly synthesized androstene derivatives in qsar studies
Evaluation of physico-chemical and pharmacokinetic profile of melissae aetheroleum and lavandulae aetheroleum dominant components using np-tlc chromatography
Inhibitory activity of benzo[a]dihydrocarbazoles against human and parasite topoisomerases by means of PCR and mass spectrometry techniques
Inhibitory potentials of curcumin analogues to cytochrome p450 isoenzymes activity, quantitative structures activity relationships (qsars) and docking simulations to the cyp 2d6 homology model
Piperazinediones and inhibitory activity against human breast cancer
Staphylococcus aureus-target of action of some derivatives of 4-hydroxycoumarin and quinoline-3-carboxylic acid
Synthesis and anticandidal activity of hydrazide hydrazones and their corresponding 3-acetyl-2,5-disubstituted-1,3,4-oxadiazolines
Synthesis and cytotoxic activity 2-(4-aminophenyl)-5-substitutedamino-1,3,4-thiadiazole derivatives and their coupling products
Synthesis and pharmcological profiles of the anticholinergic agent, n-alkyl phencynonate and the optical isomers
Synthesis of some new quinoxaline derivatives for biological testing
Synthesis of some substituted carbamodithioic acid esters and their anticancer properties
Acute change of corneal epithelium after instillation of benzalkonium chloride evaluated by a new electrophysiological method
Assay of common preservatives in suncare products by high perfomance liquid cromatography
Association between the understanding of medication-related phrases and the health literacy in Taiwanese
Biological characterization of proliferin 1
Biological characterization of proliferin 1
Breaking boundaries (short abstract)
Breast cancer knowledge and perception:outcomes of a cross sectional survey in penang,malaysia
Changes in mrna expression of abc and slc transporters in liver and intestines of the adjuvant-induced arthritis rat
Chemical composition and the antimicrobial activity of four hypericum species from turkey
Determination of hydroxycamptothecin in rabbits and cancer patients with digestive system tumor by liquidchromatography spectrometry: application to pharmacokinetics
Dexametasone sodium phosphate eyes drops as viscose aqua solutions
Differences in cytochrome p450 and nuclear receptor mrna levels in liver and small intestines between sd and da rats
Distribution of scopolamine into brain following intranasal administration
E-pharmacy: information technology initiative to reduce patient waiting time at ambulatory care areas of aga khan university hospital (akuh) pakistan
Effect of fosinopril and amlodipine combination on uninephrectomized stz induced diabetic rats
Effect of naringin on intestinal absorption of fexofenadine in rats using the mesenteric vein blood sampling method: a graduation thesis in the six-year curriculum
Effects of fenugreek seed extract on cholesterol transporters in caco-2 cells
Evaluating pharmacist interventions in a tertiary hospital
Evaluation of marketed oral producsts for aflatoxins
Evaluation of penetration enhancement effect of terpenes on a highly lipophilic compound with attenuated total reflectance-fourier transform infrared (atr-ftir) spectroscopy
Evaluation of simvastatin permeation from topical formulations in test invitro
Healthcare barcode recognition and medication information systems in medical center
Impact of potential adverse drug interactions on length of intensive care unit stay
In vitro susceptibility of candida isolates from oral cavities of HIV/AIDS patients to the commonly used antifungal agents in Jimma University specialized hospital, southwest Ethiopia
Incidence of surgical site infection and relationship with pattern of antibiotic usage in operation room at dharmais cancer hospital
Influence of CYP2C19*2, CYP2C19*3 and CYP2C9*3 genotypes on anti-epileptic drugs resistance of refractory epileptics
Natural surfactants as potential pharmaceutical excipients in magistral drug preparation: physicochemical characterization and safety evaluation of model vehicles for nsaid
New detoxification mechanism based on drug transporters
Participation of proteinase-activated receptor-2 in passive cutaneous anaphylaxis-induced scratching behavior and the inhibitory effect of tacrolimus
Role of ?-carotene and n-acetyl-l-cysteine with and without praziquantel treatment in modulating schistosoma mansoni-induced genotoxic effects on albino mice
Role of clinical pharmacists in intensive care unit in alexandria university hospital
Screening the quality of honey bee on the market
Side effects of first line antitubercular drugs
Simultaneous determination of lamotrigine, phenobarbitone, carbamazepine and phenytoin in human brain tissue by high-performance liquid chromatography
Spectroscopic studies of 3-substituted 4-hidroxycoumarins: effect of substitution by a phenyl ring 3-phenyl-prop-2-enoyl gruop in the 3-position of 4-hydroxycoumarin
Supplementation or therapy? Folate and cholecalciferol
The comparison of volatile constituents of salvia ceratophylla collected from different regions in turkey
The effect of selected direct compression excipients on the drug release of an insoluble drug
The effects of propylene glycol on release of clindamycin phosphate from the base of hydrogel type
The influence of natural surfactant-based emulsion systems with and without isopropyl alcohol on skin absorption in vivo of model nsaid
The influence of natural surfactant-based emulsion vehicles on in vitro liberation profiles of model NSAID
Thermosensitive systems prepared on pluronic f-127 as vehicles for prolactin in antiangiogenic therapy
Natural Substances
A LC/autoMSn library as fingerprint quality control method for unexplored Colombian plant
Anticonvulsant studies of essential oils isolated from vitex negundo linn.
Antifibrotic effect of phenanthrenes from dendrobium nobile in rat hepatic stellate cells
Antioxidant potential determination of glucose, fructose, tartaric, citric acid with horac and dpph assays
Cardioprotective effect of rhododendron arboreum on isoproterenol-induced myocardial necrosis in rats
Chemical composition of Albanian wild Oreganos oils
Determination of antioxidant capacity in Ginkgo biloba l. extracts
Determination of heavy metals in some Albanian medicinal plants used as herbal tea
Determination of rutin in buckwheat (Fagopyrum sagittatum g.) from Bosnia using high presse liquid chromatography with electrochemical detector
Determination of rutin in ruta extracts using high presse liquid chromatography with electrochemical detector
Determination of trans- resveratrol in pullulan edible film formulation with various types of wine extract by using HPLC and HPTLC methods
Development and validation of a RP-HPLC method for quantification of anthocyanin pelargonidin in fresh fruits
Effect of curcumin prodrug fm0806 on mouse hepatic carcinoma h22 in vivo
Evaluation of antidiabetic and antioxidant potential of oxystelma esculentum in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats
Evaluation of antioxidant potential of pinus roxburgii extract
Experimental studies of total coumarins of cortex fraxini on acute gouty arthritis and uric acid
Herbal preparations: relevance to cardiovascular diseases
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) quantification of rutin in ruta, rosemary and pelargonium extracts
In vitro antimicrobial activity of some medicinal plants of ericaceae family
Pharmacognostical, phytochemical and pharmacological studies on mimosa pudica, linn
Pharmacognostical, preliminary phytochemical and pharmacological studies on monochoria vaginalis (burm. f.) k. presl
Possibility of producing of encapsulated dosage form of pine needles thick extract
Quality and composition of sceletium plant material and dosage forms used as phytomedicines
Safety and efficacy evaluation of tea tree oil for acne
Studies in development and evaluation of rhubarb formulations
Studies on HPLC fingerprint chromatograph in Chinese medicine total glucosides of Tripterygium wilfordii
Study on the mechanism of hypoglycemic effect of walnut(juglans regia l.) leaves and ridges extract in diabetes induced mice.
Synthesis and bioactivities of desmosdumotinsas promisng antitumor agents
The antimicrobial constituens from the leaves
of karamuntiang (rhodomyrtus tomentosa (ait.) hassk.)
The cholesterol-lowering effect of yun-cai-tea
The effects of tanshinone iia on the behaviour of control and stressed mice
Total content of phenols and rutin in flowers, leaves, stems, roots and seeds of buckwheat, Fagopyrum saggitatum g. (Polygonaceae) from Bosnia
Whitening effects of lindera obtusiloba bl. 70 % etoh extract
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Aurentiacin inhibits inflammatory mediators by suppressing NF-kB and MAPKs activation in lipopolysaccharide-induced RAW 264.7 macrophage
Cytotoxicity and apoptosis induction of aspergillus versicolor kmd 004 metabolites on colon cancer carcinoma cells
Determination of blood methotrexate polyglutamates by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry after low-dose methotrexate therapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Determination of curcumol in rat plasma by capillary gas chromatography with hydrogen flame ionization detecter
Establishment of human lysozyme mass production system using silkworm larvae
In vitro characterization of chitosan microspheres encapsulated plasmid gm-csf
Investigation of stability of interleukin-2 liposome formulation by sds-page analysis
Potential of plga nanoparticles coated with chitosan as carriers for oral insulin delivery
A retrospective study of adverse drug reactions leading to hospital admissions and cost in a medical center
Antidepressant drug prescribing and risk of abnormal bleeding: a case-control study
Antidepressants use pattern in a sample of Portuguese outpatients adults
Comparizon of cost-effectiveness of carvedilol vs metoprolol in patients with heart failure
Cost-effectiveness analysis of adjuvant therapy for operable breast cancer from a Chinese perspective: doxorubicin plus cyclophosphamide (AC) versus docetaxel plus cyclophosphamide (TC)
Evaluation of a state medicaid behavioral pharmacy management program
Health related utility and willingness to pay per quality-adjusted life year of chronic prostatitis patients in China
Impact of potential adverse drug interactions on length of intensive care unit stay
Inpatient costs associated with six months of care post acute rejection events in renal transplant patients: a single center retrospective analysis
Medicines follow-up methods and review of utilization in Serbia
Oral hypoglycaemic agents prescribing patterns in Portuguese type 2 diabetics: 2004 -2008
Pharmacoeconomic analysis of a pediatric vaccine in Albania
Pharmacovigilance: a responsibility shared or someone else’s problem? lessons from nimesulide.
Statins consumption in the republic of Croatia in 2005, 2006 and 2007
The evaluation of antidiabetic drugs in turkey from pharmacist’s eye in terms of pharmacoepidemiology: a pilot study
Pharmacy Information
A retrospective study: to analyze the relevant factors of the incidence of ADR in a medical center in Taiwan
Competence assurance for pharmacy staff.
Corporate social responsibility plan
Empowering low-literate HIV/AIDS patients: communicating antiretroviral side effect information using pictograms
European association of hospital pharmacists together with FIP, ASHP and WHO in Second Life
Kidney transplant wait-listed patients’ knowledge of post-transplant medicines
Pharmaceutical information and the Croatian regulatory authority
Safe self-medication – significance of establishing the criteria for classification and status determination of medicinal products in Serbia
The trend analysis of the toxicology information calls at drug & poison information center (dpic), the aga khan university hospital (akuh) karachi
Advanced technology: regulatory requirements during the development and marketing phase of nanotechnology medicines
C-cap: A new approach for fixed dose combinations using hard and/or soft gelatin capsules
Characterization of dihydroartemisinin solid dispersions with hydrophilic carriers by freeze dried and solvent evaporation method
Disk intrinsic dissolution to monitor polymorphism and morphology of carbamazepine raw drug material
Investigation and comparison of effectiveness of novel polymer khaya gum with guar gum for drug targeting to colon
Permeability studies through the human nail plate in vitro
Pharmaceutical innovations in plasma sterilization technology
Simultaneous determination of three quinoline antimalarials in human plasma using ultra-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometric method
Strategic use of geography (BRIC) in global clinical trials – new perspectives
Empowering low-literate HIV/AIDS patients: communicating antiretroviral side effect information using pictograms
Kidney transplant wait-listed patients’ knowledge of post-transplant medicines
The trend analysis of the toxicology information calls at drug & poison information center (dpic), the aga khan university hospital (akuh) karachi
Academic Pharmacy
A novel approach to “continuous education for pharmacists”
A novel visually-displayed test for assessing numerical skills
Accreditation requirements for pharmacy student affairs
Assessments used in pharmacy teaching - academics learning from our peers
Blended learning: sharing experiences
Continuing postgraduate pharmacy education system in Poland
Continuing professional development and its accreditation in Japan using Hokkaido Pharmaceutical University as an example
Current status of the pharmacy and pharmaceutical science education in mexico
Education and training needs for Australian pharmacists preparing for an expanded prescribing role
Fast change in pharmaceutical education in mexico
How to evaluate pharmacies as places for on-site education
Impact of a service learning program in undergraduate pharmacy in Cape Town, South Africa
Integrating professional development into a quality improvement framework in community pharmacy.
Introduction of Pharm.D.programme: changing scenario of pharmacy education in India
Investigation of the influence of age and gender on first year pharmacy students’ attitude and enthusiasm towards online learning and PBL group work.
Quality assurance in cpd-programs; the route to a certificate
Removing the boundaries between disciplines - integrated learning and teaching for the new third-year pharmacy curriculum
Roles and competencies of district pharmacists: a case study from Cape Town, South Africa
Stigma towards people with mental disorders in Estonia: comparison of attitudes among community pharmacists, assistant pharmacists and pharmacy students
The development and acceptability of online, weekly-assessed tutorial system (casewats) as a learning tool to support undergraduate pharmacy students prescription management skills
The perceived information requirements of community pharmacy patients with long-term chronic conditions regarding their medications and disease.
Administrative Pharmacy
Antimicrobial resistance is a new disease created by mankind
Can increased competition and regulation deliver quality pharmacy services?
Computerization of non-formulary drugs application and management
Conditional marketing authorization as interim solution for easier drug import in Kosova
Cost-effectiveness study of clomiphene citrate versus anastrozole in the induction of ovulation in barren adult patients at a mexican public hospital
Data exclusivity – a threat to generic manufacturing companies
Determinants of antipsychotic medication use among residents of aged care homes in Australia
Development of consumption and reimbursement in a liberalized market structure
Distribution of medicines through the ‘pull’ versus the ‘push’ system: what choice do the underprivileged have?
Ensuring drug safety in pharmacy during Olympics
Evaluation of education and economic barriers in implementing essential medicines concept in Malaysia
Evaluation of the performance of the Albanian Order of Pharmacists
How are pharmacists functioning in the Japanese community?
Investigation, innovation & development of pharmaceutical products: a global concern
Management and curricular contents of pharmacy residency programs in Korean hospitals
Over-the-counter medicine: comparison between the outer package labels of Albanian products with EU countries
Perception survey on adverse drug reaction (adr) reporting
Rational drug selection and new therapeutic tendering facilitated by steps end over with potential saving: the case of SSRIs
Real-time drug supervision and administration mode based on internet
Sedative load among long-term care facility residents in Helsinki: comparison of residents with and without dementia
Switch of duty personnel from pharmacists to pharmaconomists outside hospital pharmacy opening hours.
Taiwan pharmaceutical care practice guideline in oncology – establishment and implementation of chemotherapy dispensing practice guideline
Taiwan society of health-system pharmacists 2020 initiative (TSHP 2020 Initiative)
The importance of price policy in the actual pharmaceutical marketing
The lack of legislation for medical devices in Albania, attempts to make a change in this situation
The use of different kind of personnel in Norwegian pharmacies
The use of orphan drugs in Taiwan
To minimize the potential for errors associated with medication name that look or sound alike (lasa) at the aga khan university hospital karachi, pakistan
Bioavailability and Bioequivalence
Active metabolites formed during hepatic first-pass: simulations featuring their contribution to the overall effect in altered liver clearance and drug-drug interactions
Bioequivalence study of two formulations of paroxetine tablets in healthy male jordanian subjects applying lc/ms/ms
Effect of gender on the pharmacokinetics of indapamide in healthy volunteers
Indomethacin-saccharin cocrystal: in-vitro dissolution and in-vivo bioavailability study
Pharmacokinetics and comparative bioavailability of two oral formulations of metoprolol in a Mexican population
Targeting to latent HIV reservoirs : production optimization and evaluation of nevirapine nanosuspensions
Validated RP-HPLC method for determination of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate in concurrent herbal permeability agent for preclinical absorption studies
Biopharmaceutics Classification System
Anti cellulite cream formulation with sodium ascorbic and tocopheryl acetate as penetration enhancers for caffeine
Development and validation of a new HPLC method with fluorometric detection for analysis of furosemide in samples for liver perfusion studies
Investigation of melatonin absorption mechanism by pharmaceutical excipients using the ussing chamber technique
Clinical Biology
Camca1 and its upstream calcium signaling are involved in oxidative stress-induced cell death in candida albicans
Efficacy of 25 mg etanercept once weekly in rheumatoid arthritis
Expression of hepatic cytochrome p-450 proteins during aging.
Homocysteine induces cell proliferation through up-regulation of cyclin d1 expression via ?1 integrin/akt/p70s6k signaling pathway in human vascular smooth muscle cells
Molecular characterization of high-level aminoglycoside resistant enterococci
Over expression of midkine retards disease progression and prolongs life span under the presence of the als stress.
Pharmacists’ intervention in oncology ward: a study from nepal
The anti-shock effect of anisodamine involves the novel ways of increasing of b-arrestin expression.
The effects of short-term rosiglitasone treatment on glycemic control in diabetic and prediabetic patients with metabolic syndrome
Community Pharmacy: Compounding
Antibiotic vaginal ovules- targeting the focus of infection
Recent changes in medicine compounding in France
Team work-a state of art in pharmacy and dermatology: tailored state of art of therapy on critical issues
Community Pharmacy: New services e-world
Developing pharmacists’ counselling skills using an e–learning environment
Intranet based health care services
Observatory – a knowledgebase and a search facility from europharm forum
Pictograph's as tools to patients instructions
The development of a web-based pharmaceutical care plan for pharmacist, physician, and patient in primary care setting in the Netherlands
Community Pharmacy: Other
A healthy future – pharmaceuticals in a sustainable society
A new initiative at a community pharmacy in Denmark improves safety in generic substitution
Apriori - integrated drug interaction control in community pharmacies in Norway
Decision-making factor on generic medicine’s selection at community pharmacy in Japan
Does patients get enough information on their medicine if they are not able to come to the community pharmacy due to their bad health condition?
E-learning – a way to professional development
Elderly in elderly homes- how can pharmacists contribute to beter outcomes in drug therapy
Electronic interaction alert management: a method of managing interaction alerts from a pharmacy’s electronic prescription-dispensing system
Elimination of time consumers in the pharmacy
Evaluation of the drug-therapy-problems found during the home visit program on the post-discharged patients of x-hospital
Experiences of analgesic medication among different patient groups with chronic pain.
Good pharmacy practice implementation in a community pharmacy of Montevideo, Uruguay
Implications of student lead initiatives in pharmacy
Infrastructure implications for expanding pharmacist prescribing and the influence of pharmacy size and ownership
Internet survey on pharmacist role of OTC drug sales in Japan
New training strategies for Traditional Chinese Medicine
Non-prescription medicine benefits cannot be achieved without public education
Screenning of cardiovascular risk factors in community pharmacies
Self medication related problems – pharmacists role
Strategic approach in providing pharmaceutical healthcare service to patients in community pharmacy
Teaching “responsibility for patient outcome” to pharmaconomist students in Denmark
The development, delivery and evaluation of a continuing professional development program in women’s health
The growing market of compliance technologies. - the challenges and implications of implementing electronic medication reminders.
The influence of the cooperation of pharmacies on some economic indices
Use of skin screening testing in choosing of adequate skin care products in everyday pharmaceutical practice
What is the level of stability for clients receiving dosage packed medicine
Community Pharmacy: Public health
A medication review programme for patients from ethnic minorities
A review of international pharmacy-based chlamydia screening models.
A student’s view on the role of a pharmacist in the traditional health care system: the case of molweni community, Thekwini municipality, South Africa
Adolescents’ thoughts about and experiences with medications and their use- not without my mother
Appointment for counselling at the pharmacy
Assessment of effectiveness and safety of influenza vaccine
Benzodiazepines: appropriate prescribing or not?
Build up the system of social-pharmacist to improve the healthy care safety of elderly people a health education web-site for pharmacists
Clinical outcomes from a community pharmacy feasibility study for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease.
Community pharmacists in alcohol prevention: the knowledge and attitudes of non-pharmacy practitioner and non-practitioner colleagues to serve as a resource for the pharmacist
Comparative analysis of elderly inappropriate prescription evaluation instruments
Developing a pharmacy-based chlamydia screening model for the australian health care setting.
Drugs and young people (between 12 and 19 years old)
Efficacy of hypertension treatment and patients who might benefit from more intensified pharmaceutical care
Ethical responsibility, pharmaceutical care and the development of the profession of pharmacy
Fixed dose combinations – beneficial or harmful?
Fixed dose combinations improves patient adherence - a questionnaire based survey
Handling of dose packed medicine after dispensing from pharmacy
Health campaign in dermopharmacy: “oral health month: information in your pharmacy”
Health perspective in community pharmacies
How did the patient choose analgetics in self medication?
Identification of non-adherence hypertensive patients
Identifying specific cardiovascular health opportunities for community pharmacy: a population health approach
Immunization delivery: a new service provided in Portuguese pharmacies part 3: patients’ satisfaction with the first pharmacy-based influenza immunization campaign
Immunization delivery: a new service provided in Portuguese pharmacies - part I: training model for pharmacists
Immunization delivery: a new service provided in Portuguese pharmaciespart 2: first nationwide influenza immunization campaign
Importance of dietary habits and lifestyle - conscience and beliefs amonf pharmacy students
Increased waistline - a potential risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.
Involvement of French community pharmacists in the prevention and care of osteoporosis - A national training program
Keys to the rational use of vaccinations
Leadership perspectives and roles in public health: a challenge for pharmacists
Multidisciplinary medication review in nursing home residents
Obesity and metabolic syndrom,how can pharmacist help?
Patients´ experience with generic substitution – a survey:18.8% experienced changes in efficacy and/or side effect.
Pattern of pesticide storage before pesticide self-poisoning in rural sri lanka: a prospective survey
Pharmaceutical care for long-term care in Taipei, Taiwan
Pharmaceutical care of diabetic patients in a community part of hospital pharmacy
Pharmacists in prevention of diabetes in the city of kraljevo
Pharmacy based metabolic syndrome management program in Hungary
Pilot research study for pharmacovigilance: side effects of medicines recently brought onto the market: ezetimibe
Popularizing the pharmacy services in health care
Predictors for prevalence, treatment and control of hypertension in Portugal: A community pharmacy based study
Prescription of medicines without a personal visit to a physician – a Swedish pharmacy survey
Primary prevention of cardiovascular disease in community pharmacy: developing a framework for implementation.
Results from the pharmacotherapeutic follow-up of geriatric patients with chronic non-malignant osteomuscular pain.
Results of an observational study in 574 community pharmacies in Spain characterizing patient profiles of men asking for erectile dysfunction medication
Results of the community pharmacist action in otc prescription for patients with acute osteomuscular pain.
Results of the community pharmacist action in the dispensing of analgesics, NSAIDs and muscle relaxants to patients with osteomuscular pain
Role of pharmacists in public health in india– a neglected facet
The education on smoking cessation for the public in community pharmacies by using co detector as assistant equipment in Taipei Taiwan
The emergency contraceptive pill: australian community pharmacists’ practices
The role of clinical pharmacist in asthma patient care in community pharmacy
The use of generic medicine in Japan: in the case of Nagano prefecture
Towards an enhanced role for community pharmacists in France
Who accesses pharmacy-based emergency hormonal contraception?
Community Pharmacy: Quality
A critical analysis of the quality of a warfarin clinical audit carried out in a community pharmacy
A structured method for competence advancement in pharmacies
A survey on counterfeit medicines among the community pharmacies/drug outlets in Cambodia during 2006-2008
Community pharmacist's development using general level framework
Customer tailored prescription service
Developing standards for quality of pharmacy care in community settings in the republic of Macedonia
Development of a new quality development model for the danish pharmacies
Dispensing of prescription medicines – the core business of apoteket ab
Drug-related problems in self-medication
Individual and organizational influences on performance of pharmacist in community pharmacy
Medicine related problems in asian patients who suffer with diabetes cardiovascular disease and asthma
Outcome of pharmacist’s intervention in self-care in patients with cold symptoms
Pharmaceutical care practice at several community pharmacies in Jakarta, Indonesia
Putting the patient or the pharmacist first in pharmaceutical marketing in community pharmacies?
Quality assured mechanical guidance for self care customers of apoteket ab
Seven patients a day avoid hospitalisation
The analysis of the quality assurance of the public pharmacy subotica
The efforts to provide long term health care system by community pharmacies in taipei taiwan
The Indian pharmaceutical scenario the variability in price for branded medicine
Towards positive patient outcomes: a role for drug stability
Dissolution/In Vitro Release Performance Testing
Application of flow-through cell for dissolution testing of suppositories: a comparison with paddle method
Characterisation and in vitro evaluation of bioadhesive liposome gels of cidovofir
Gelatine containing peg-based hydrogels for drug delivery of gentamicin
Influence of plasticizer on permeation of fluconazole from nail lacquer formulation through bovine hoof membrane
Introduction of dissolution testing for characterization of bioactive chitosan and alginate fabrics and films for dermal application
Release of nefopam hcl from different gel formulations and their antiinflammatory effect on rats
Robust and stable immediate release formulation of candesartan cilexetil , bcs class iv drug and its statistical optimization
Hospital Pharmacy
A case report with complication based on Taiwan tuberculosis treatment guidelines
A high cost medical insurance case discussion
A pioneering work to combat bacterial resistance and to promote rational use of antibiotics – working together in a multi-professional way gives the best result.
A practical mydriatic regimen to prevent bradycardia caused by eyedrops containing phenylephrine and tropicamide in the diagnosis of retinopathy of prematurity
A study of the importance in mediation instruction on patient’s satisfaction
A study on clinical & coronary angiographic characteristics of acute myocardial infarction patients with metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus
Amiodarone induced subacute thyroiditis
Amodiamodiaquineiune plus artesunate toxicity surveillance in Jos University teaching hospital, Nigeria.
An adverse reaction of skin hypersensitivity induced by lamotrigine —a case report
An audit tool for reviewing medication safety practices in hospitals - a pilot study in Finland
Analysis of fluoroquinolone prescribing patterns
Analysis of pharmaceutical cognitive services for yang-ming branch of tpech
Antibiotic prescribing tendencies in the children clinical university hospital “tornkalns”
Antibiotic therapy for uncomplicated urinary tract infections in children
Aslto5 (Piemonte): the daily management of the risk prevention and treatment of cytotoxic extravasation
Aslto5 Piemonte (Italy): clostridium difficilis in Carmagnola hospital - You can wash your hands like pontius pilate?
Assessment of compliance with anaemia treatment on patients that received metoxipolietilenglicol epoetin beta compared with conventional erythropoietin, and its relation with clinical outcomes on HMO
Availability of paediatric medicines – How is Australia tracking in comparison to the us and uk?
Benzbromarone associated hepatotoxicity
Building a clinical pharmacy enterprise to improve patient outcomes
Cancer related insomnia: a survey among cancer survivors at a local hospital in Malaysia
Challenges concerning generic substitution in hospitals
Clinical pharmacists' participating in medical administrative ward round:methods and experiences
Colchicine prescribing and safety monitoring in patients with acute gout
Collaborative efforts to educate students for the new clinical roles in hospital pharmacy
Comparison of defined versus prescribed daily dose for measuring hospital antibacterial consumption
Comparison of the accuracy for weight analysis and refractometric analysis used in quality assurance during compounding parenteral nutrition solutions
Comparison of the expression of p-glycoprotein between epiletogenic zone and tissue surrounding the zone in refractory epileptic patients
Comparison study of the effect of different nutritional support route on nutriture in the in-patients
Comparsion of ELISA and LC/MS/MS method for the quantification of tacrolimus concentration in whole blood in Chinese liver transplant recipients
Conjunctival hemorrhage on a patient with xerophthalmia suspectedly caused by topical cyclosporine
Construct an OSCE program for the pharmacy department in a medical center in taipei, taiwan
Construction of predictable medication adherence questionnaire
Consumption of drugs atc- b05 in clinical hospital osijek during the period of 2004-2008
Contamination of hospital pharmacies by antineoplastic drugs in Czech republic – results of the national study
Contrast media-induced nephropathy: case report of iothalamate
Decrease in unjustified use of n-acetylcysteine (nac) through pharmacist intervention and patient cost saving.
Detection medication error and dispensing error prevention in early stage implementation of patient safety program at teaching hospital in Bali
Determination of the prognosis factors and risk factors of toxicity for advanced gastric cancer patients treated by 5-fu-based chemotherapy
Developing experience of the clinical pharmacist in a regional teaching hospital in middle Taiwan
Development of a clinical research education curriculum for six year pharmacology programs
Dispensing and distribution of free of charge medications to some non-hospitalized patient groups direct from hospital pharmacy.
Dispensing errors before and after changing the medicine name labeling of dispensing sheet and medicine bag in a hospital pharmacy
Drug dose adjustments in patients with renal impairment – new horizon for it innovation
Drug-induced nervous and psychotic symptoms by retrospective analysis
Easily establishing an educational, experience-passing-down and knowledge-management platform in a hospital pharmacy department
Educational workshops by pharmacists improve the knowledge of medical staff about pharmaceutical treatment for diabetes mellitus
Efficacy of combination therapy with sitagliptin compared with the thiazolidinedione in patients with type 2 diabetes inadequately controlled on metformin and sulfonyureas
Eosinophilic meningitis caused by angiostrongylus cantonensis: a case report
Escherichia coli in clinical hospital osijek during the period of 2006-2007
Establishing a web search system of food and drug interactions to improve drug safety
Establishment of a center for patient safety and innovative in pharmaceutical health care
Estimation of the influence of valproate,carbamazepine, phenobarbital and phenytoin on oral clearance of topiramate with nonmem
Evaluation of pharmacist’s role via common consultation modelin a district teaching hospital
Evaluation of risk factors for ofloxacin – resistant infections in urinary tract infections
Failure mode and effects analysis to improve safety in pharmaceutical distribution
From brand-named to generic - an example: paclitaxel
How clinical pharmacists involved in inpatient discharge counseling
Human intravenous immunoglobulin therapy benefits, prescription and interventions to cost management.
Impact of hospital pharmacist interventions on safety of pediatric drug
Impact of patient education provided by the pharmacist on use of dry powder inhalers- a controlled study
Implementation and evaluation of a comprehensive prescription assessment and intervention system
Implementation of a pharmacist managed anticoagulation clinic in the resource constrained setting of moi teaching and referral hospital, eldoret, kenya
Investigation and analysis of the skin test and allergic reaction rate of cephalosporins
Investigation of perioperative prophylaxis antibiotics in oncology patients with different surgical incisions
K-ras mutation detected in blood as a predictive factor in patients with recurrent prostate cancer
Managing post-irradiated oncologyc patients- painstaking details proven important
May interventions by pharmacists at the emergency department, Södersjukhuset, optimize drug therapy in elderly patients? follow-up intervention
Medicine use in high fall risk versus low fall risk patients, hospitalised in an orthopaedic clinic
Mode & intervention for pharmacist promotion in reasonable application of tcm injection
Monitoring patient pickup of dispensed medications by pharmacists at a Traditional Chinese Medicine out-patient department in Taiwan
Monitoring polypharmacy and medication behavior of elderly patients in a traditional Chinese medicine clinic in Taiwan
Occupational exposure to antineoplastic agents in hospital pharmacy in comparison with other departments of the Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute (Brno, Czech republic)
Off-label drug use in critical care pediatrics
Outpatient pharmacy service in hospital in Middle Taiwan
Patient education the new role of Chinese pharmacist
Pharmacist and physicians strength collaboration for better patient outcomes
Pharmacist-led medication reconciliation with support of the Swedish national pharmacy register in the pre-operative anesthetic assessment
Pharmacists in the inter-professional patient care training program at a medical center in northern taiwan
Pharmacogenetic association with adverse reactions to thiopurine drugs in japanese pediatric patients
Point of care pharmacy service in oncology unit – clinical and economical outcomes
Prescribing pattern and adherence to local clinical practice guideline of angiotensin ii receptor blockers: study in a malaysian public teaching hospital
Prespective experience in the Italian Piemont network for oncology of complex cooperation among oncologists, pharmacists and nurses in a modern oncology unit
Prophylactic antibiotics in surgery: experience in a medical center
QR-code recognition and medication reminders
Quality regulation for hospital pharmacy in Spain
Reducing medication errors and improving patient safety by the intelligent drug preparation system
Reducing patients’ waiting time at the out-patient pharmacy by dispensing repeat prescriptions on appointment basis (s.m.a.r.t)
Reduction of medication errors in outpatient and emergency department
Relationships between antibiotics usage and nosocomial-acquired gram-negative bacteria drug resistance: an experience in a medical center at south taiwan, 2001-2006
Reliability in causality assessment of drug-induced liver disease
Role of clinical pharmacist in medication reconciliation at general medical wards, ramathibodi hospital, thailand
Role of hospital pharmacists in 2008 beijing olympic/paralympics games
Role of pharmacists in special 2008 in China
Root cause analysis of dispensing error
Sedation and analgesia in intensive care: a comparison of fentanyl and remifentanil
Special packing medication for the psychiatric home care patient.
Stability study of a new formulation for the off label use of cyclosporine
Study on medication for cerebral infarction of elderly inpatients compared with other inpatients
Submission doesn’t necessarily mean compliance!
Survey of transcription errors in drug charts at acute internal medicine, orthopaedic and surgical wards at uppsala university hospital
Tacrolimus-josamycin interaction in a recipient of allogeneic bone marrow transplantation
The analysis of adverse drug reactions measured by target drugs for hospitalized patients in a regional teaching hospital
The analysis of diabetes mellitus inappropriate prescriptions in the different dispensing types for the nhi contracted clinics
The analysis of valproate used for anti-epilepsy efficacy and safety assessment
The antibiotic use in intensive care unit, clinical emergency hospital of craiova, romania
The approaches to enhance the inhalation technique of patients with respiratory diseases by two different ways of instruction.
The clinical practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine in our hospital
The clinical use of vancomycin in a taiwan hospital
The effect of the implementation of smart patient controlled analgesia (pca) pumps on pca administration safety.
The experience of drug interaction alert system established on a regional hospital in Taiwan
The impact of neonatal clinical pharmacist to optimize the drugs therapy in the neonatal intensive care unit of the aga khan university hospital, karachi
The mini clinical evaluation exercise (mini-cex) for assessing counselling performance of pharmacy trainees
The needs of pharmaceutical care in pregnant women
The preventive behaviors for gio in taiwan practitioners
The reduction of outpatient dispensing error in district hospital
The role of pharmacist in renal transplant patient care
The role of pharmacist in the counselling and education of end stage renal disease patients
The study of dispensing types and prescription patterns in treating asthma under primary care
The study of inappropriate prescriptions in treating asthma in the different dispensing types for the nhi contracted clinics
The study of reducing outpatient dispensing error in district hospital
The use of combination atorvastatin – vegetal fibers in hypercholesterolemia treatment
The utilization of electronic tags in the drug lifecycle management in hospital
The utilization of hmg-coa reductase inhibitors in patients of cardiology clinics at one teaching hospital in taiwan
Therapeutic drug monitoring(tdm) using computerized physician order entry (cpoe) system improves the effectiveness of pharmaceutical care
Therapeutic interchange of statins for the treatment of dyslipidemia
To analysis the medical error in outpatient service
To determine the impact of daily vs weekly pharmacist run warfarin therapeutic monitoring program
Training staff in clinical pharmacy – option for developing world
Understanding and perception of generic medicines among hospital pharmacists in pakistan
Use of colour-coded labels (ccls) for intravenous high risk medications and lines to improve patient safety
Usefulness of indirect calorimetry in patients with pulmonary nontuberculous mycobacteriosis disease
Validation of culture-specific pictograms for type-ii diabetes management in a mexican community
Valproate induced hyperammonemic encephalopathy (VHE) case report
Warfarin utilization evaluation in the inpatient department of a hospital in taiwan
Individualised Medicine
Characterization of inhibitory effects of losartan on paclitaxel metabolism using recombinant cytochrome p450s
Diclofenac adapalene coadministration in the treatment of actinic keratoses
Effect of CYP2C19 and CYP2C9 genotype on concentration prediction of valproate in epileptic patients
Effect of cyp2d6, cyp3a5 and mdr1 genetic polymorphisms on the pharmacokinetics of risperidone and its active moiety
Effect of losartan on drug metabolism by human liver microsomes with cyp isoform variants
Hypertension control in diabetic patients – approaching individualized therapy?
Influence of the CYP3A5 genetic polymorphisms on the pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus in healthy Chinese volunteers
The impact of a change in tacrolimus monitoring immunoassay techniques on clinical decision making and patient outcomes
Topical dapsone in rosacea; disabling disorder managed by a team work
Industrial Pharmacy
A comparative study of marketed enteric coated pantoprazole sodium sesquihydrate products
A feasibility study: controlled nanoprecipitation with microjet reactor
A novel method of fabrication of in-situ enteric coated microparticulates of the potent bcs class i drug for targeted delivery by spray drying technique
Advanced technology: regulatory requirements during the development and marketing phase of nanotechnology medicines
Biochemical and hematological evaluation of human carrier erythrocytes for targeted delivery of primaquine: in vitro studies
Bioequivalence study of calcium dobesilate capsules in healthy subjects
C-cap: A new approach for fixed dose combinations using hard and/or soft gelatin capsules
Characterization of dihydroartemisinin solid dispersions with hydrophilic carriers by freeze dried and solvent evaporation method
Comparison of HPLC and UV spectrophotometric method for assay determination of prednisone in tablets
Correlation between type of lipid formulation and the fate of fenofibrate after dispersion and digestion of lipid-based delivery systems
Cystatin C and beta-2-microglobulin: indicators for renal damage as a result of occupational cadmium exposure in Egyptian individuals
Development of nifedipine-loaded coated gelatin microcapsule as a long acting oral delivery
Development of novel flurbiprofen-loaded solid dispersion using aqueous medium
Disk intrinsic dissolution to monitor polymorphism and morphology of carbamazepine raw drug material
Effect of carbopol on the release of dextromethorphan hydrobromide from matrix tablets
Effect of carbopol on the release of dextromethorphan hydrobromide from matrix tablets
Effect of cosolvents on indomethacin-loaded pellets
Effect of formulation on substituting wet granulation with direct compression process for the industrial production of tablets with a high dose drug
Effect of kollidon® sr on the release of albuterol sulphate from matrix tablets
Enhanced oral bioavailability of coenzyme q10 via self emulsifying drug delivery systems
Enhanced oral bioavailability of dexibuprofen via a novel solid sedds formulation
Enhanced oral bioavailability of flurbiprofen by the combined use of polysorbate 80 and ?-cyclodextrin
Enhanced transdermal delivery of diclofenac along with curcumin using terpenes as penetration enhancer
Famotidine orally disintegrating tablets: bitterness comparison of original and generic products
Forced degradation studies of (r,s) -amlodipine besilate and s(-)-amlodipine besilate
Formulation and evaluation of bioadhesive buccal tablets of ondansetron hydrochloride
Formulation and evaluation of dimenhydrinate microspheres for nasal administration
Formulation and evaluation of ketorolac tromethamine-eudragit solid dispersions of potential sustained release properties
Formulation and in vitro evaluation of metronidazole mucoadhesive vaginal tablets
Formulation of rectal solution of diazepam
Formulation, characterization and evaluation studies on microspheres of atenolol
In vitro release of clotrimazole from in situ gels aimed for local drug delivery
In-vitro evaluation of polymers and polymer blends as tablet matrices
Influence of different types of white soft paraffin on the rheological behaviour of w/o emulsion vehicles: solving of filling problems in the production process
Investigation and comparison of effectiveness of novel polymer khaya gum with guar gum for drug targeting to colon
Measuring level of degradation products in hexetidine oral solution by HPLC
Niosomes in in-situ gelling systems for ocular delivery of pilocarpine hydrochloride
Optimization of a modified quasi-emulsion solvent diffusion method for the preparation of directly compressible ibuprofen spheres
Permeability studies through the human nail plate in vitro
Pharmaceutical innovations in plasma sterilization technology
Preparation and evaluation of ondansetron fast disintegrating tablets
Preparation and stability study of two amorphous ergot derivative drugs
Roles of mgo in solid dispersion systems containing weakly dibasic telmisartan
Salbutamol sulfate in-situ nasal gelling systems: formulation and evaluation
Selection of the tableting process of prednisone – the influence of the particle size
Simultaneous determination of three quinoline antimalarials in human plasma using ultra-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometric method
Strategic use of geography (BRIC) in global clinical trials – new perspectives
Study of the technological properties under compression of the different crystalline forms of sodium naproxen
Surface modified stavudine lipid nanoparticles for targeting : scale up
Surface-charged flexosomes for enhanced skin delivery of temoporfin
Synthesis and preliminary stability evaluation of different salts of amlodipine
The effect of fluidized bed systems on granule flowability and compaction properties
Ultra-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometric method for determination of 5-aminolevulinic acid in oral colonic targeted tablets for diagnosis of colon cancer
Laboratory and Medicines Control Services
Batch release of biologicals in Croatian agency for medicinal products and medical devices
Determination of lidocain-hlorid and methyl-paraben in xylocain jelly by derivative spectrophotometry
Interference with the LAL test, causes and solutions
Metalloids and metals in homoeopathic medicinal products
Pharmacokinetics study of irinotecan and sn-38 by coadministered thalidomide in rat
Quality control of water for pharmaceutical purposes
Quantitative analysis of levomycetin and anesthesin in the model medicine mixture by modified firord’s method
Quantitative determination of aflatoxin b1 in peanuts
Quantitative determination of azithromycin in human plasma by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry and its application to a pharmacokinetic study
Sodium nitrite content in meat products
Stability indicating methods for human albumin 5% solution in normal saline
Use of high-performance liquid chromatography in the analysis of vaginal suppositories fensulkal
Validation of UV-spectrophotometry technique for quality determination of the suppositories “ibumol”
Medicinal Chemistry
Analysis of O6 - alkylguanine in breast cancer patients’ blood during recurrent oral administration of cyclophosphamide
Analysis of O6 - alkylguanine in breast cancer patients’ blood during recurrent oral administration of cyclophosphamide
Anilinoquinoline derivatives as inhibitors of subgenomic hepatitis c virus replication
Antibacterial activity of 5,6-benzo[a]dihydrocarbazoles.
Application of rp-hptlc retention parameters of newly synthesized androstene derivatives in qsar studies
Evaluation of physico-chemical and pharmacokinetic profile of melissae aetheroleum and lavandulae aetheroleum dominant components using np-tlc chromatography
Inhibitory activity of benzo[a]dihydrocarbazoles against human and parasite topoisomerases by means of PCR and mass spectrometry techniques
Inhibitory potentials of curcumin analogues to cytochrome p450 isoenzymes activity, quantitative structures activity relationships (qsars) and docking simulations to the cyp 2d6 homology model
Piperazinediones and inhibitory activity against human breast cancer
Staphylococcus aureus-target of action of some derivatives of 4-hydroxycoumarin and quinoline-3-carboxylic acid
Synthesis and anticandidal activity of hydrazide hydrazones and their corresponding 3-acetyl-2,5-disubstituted-1,3,4-oxadiazolines
Synthesis and cytotoxic activity 2-(4-aminophenyl)-5-substitutedamino-1,3,4-thiadiazole derivatives and their coupling products
Synthesis and pharmcological profiles of the anticholinergic agent, n-alkyl phencynonate and the optical isomers
Synthesis of some new quinoxaline derivatives for biological testing
Synthesis of some substituted carbamodithioic acid esters and their anticancer properties
Acute change of corneal epithelium after instillation of benzalkonium chloride evaluated by a new electrophysiological method
Assay of common preservatives in suncare products by high perfomance liquid cromatography
Association between the understanding of medication-related phrases and the health literacy in Taiwanese
Biological characterization of proliferin 1
Biological characterization of proliferin 1
Breaking boundaries (short abstract)
Breast cancer knowledge and perception:outcomes of a cross sectional survey in penang,malaysia
Changes in mrna expression of abc and slc transporters in liver and intestines of the adjuvant-induced arthritis rat
Chemical composition and the antimicrobial activity of four hypericum species from turkey
Determination of hydroxycamptothecin in rabbits and cancer patients with digestive system tumor by liquidchromatography spectrometry: application to pharmacokinetics
Dexametasone sodium phosphate eyes drops as viscose aqua solutions
Differences in cytochrome p450 and nuclear receptor mrna levels in liver and small intestines between sd and da rats
Distribution of scopolamine into brain following intranasal administration
E-pharmacy: information technology initiative to reduce patient waiting time at ambulatory care areas of aga khan university hospital (akuh) pakistan
Effect of fosinopril and amlodipine combination on uninephrectomized stz induced diabetic rats
Effect of naringin on intestinal absorption of fexofenadine in rats using the mesenteric vein blood sampling method: a graduation thesis in the six-year curriculum
Effects of fenugreek seed extract on cholesterol transporters in caco-2 cells
Evaluating pharmacist interventions in a tertiary hospital
Evaluation of marketed oral producsts for aflatoxins
Evaluation of penetration enhancement effect of terpenes on a highly lipophilic compound with attenuated total reflectance-fourier transform infrared (atr-ftir) spectroscopy
Evaluation of simvastatin permeation from topical formulations in test invitro
Healthcare barcode recognition and medication information systems in medical center
Impact of potential adverse drug interactions on length of intensive care unit stay
In vitro susceptibility of candida isolates from oral cavities of HIV/AIDS patients to the commonly used antifungal agents in Jimma University specialized hospital, southwest Ethiopia
Incidence of surgical site infection and relationship with pattern of antibiotic usage in operation room at dharmais cancer hospital
Influence of CYP2C19*2, CYP2C19*3 and CYP2C9*3 genotypes on anti-epileptic drugs resistance of refractory epileptics
Natural surfactants as potential pharmaceutical excipients in magistral drug preparation: physicochemical characterization and safety evaluation of model vehicles for nsaid
New detoxification mechanism based on drug transporters
Participation of proteinase-activated receptor-2 in passive cutaneous anaphylaxis-induced scratching behavior and the inhibitory effect of tacrolimus
Role of ?-carotene and n-acetyl-l-cysteine with and without praziquantel treatment in modulating schistosoma mansoni-induced genotoxic effects on albino mice
Role of clinical pharmacists in intensive care unit in alexandria university hospital
Screening the quality of honey bee on the market
Side effects of first line antitubercular drugs
Simultaneous determination of lamotrigine, phenobarbitone, carbamazepine and phenytoin in human brain tissue by high-performance liquid chromatography
Spectroscopic studies of 3-substituted 4-hidroxycoumarins: effect of substitution by a phenyl ring 3-phenyl-prop-2-enoyl gruop in the 3-position of 4-hydroxycoumarin
Supplementation or therapy? Folate and cholecalciferol
The comparison of volatile constituents of salvia ceratophylla collected from different regions in turkey
The effect of selected direct compression excipients on the drug release of an insoluble drug
The effects of propylene glycol on release of clindamycin phosphate from the base of hydrogel type
The influence of natural surfactant-based emulsion systems with and without isopropyl alcohol on skin absorption in vivo of model nsaid
The influence of natural surfactant-based emulsion vehicles on in vitro liberation profiles of model NSAID
Thermosensitive systems prepared on pluronic f-127 as vehicles for prolactin in antiangiogenic therapy
Natural Substances
A LC/autoMSn library as fingerprint quality control method for unexplored Colombian plant
Anticonvulsant studies of essential oils isolated from vitex negundo linn.
Antifibrotic effect of phenanthrenes from dendrobium nobile in rat hepatic stellate cells
Antioxidant potential determination of glucose, fructose, tartaric, citric acid with horac and dpph assays
Cardioprotective effect of rhododendron arboreum on isoproterenol-induced myocardial necrosis in rats
Chemical composition of Albanian wild Oreganos oils
Determination of antioxidant capacity in Ginkgo biloba l. extracts
Determination of heavy metals in some Albanian medicinal plants used as herbal tea
Determination of rutin in buckwheat (Fagopyrum sagittatum g.) from Bosnia using high presse liquid chromatography with electrochemical detector
Determination of rutin in ruta extracts using high presse liquid chromatography with electrochemical detector
Determination of trans- resveratrol in pullulan edible film formulation with various types of wine extract by using HPLC and HPTLC methods
Development and validation of a RP-HPLC method for quantification of anthocyanin pelargonidin in fresh fruits
Effect of curcumin prodrug fm0806 on mouse hepatic carcinoma h22 in vivo
Evaluation of antidiabetic and antioxidant potential of oxystelma esculentum in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats
Evaluation of antioxidant potential of pinus roxburgii extract
Experimental studies of total coumarins of cortex fraxini on acute gouty arthritis and uric acid
Herbal preparations: relevance to cardiovascular diseases
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) quantification of rutin in ruta, rosemary and pelargonium extracts
In vitro antimicrobial activity of some medicinal plants of ericaceae family
Pharmacognostical, phytochemical and pharmacological studies on mimosa pudica, linn
Pharmacognostical, preliminary phytochemical and pharmacological studies on monochoria vaginalis (burm. f.) k. presl
Possibility of producing of encapsulated dosage form of pine needles thick extract
Quality and composition of sceletium plant material and dosage forms used as phytomedicines
Safety and efficacy evaluation of tea tree oil for acne
Studies in development and evaluation of rhubarb formulations
Studies on HPLC fingerprint chromatograph in Chinese medicine total glucosides of Tripterygium wilfordii
Study on the mechanism of hypoglycemic effect of walnut(juglans regia l.) leaves and ridges extract in diabetes induced mice.
Synthesis and bioactivities of desmosdumotinsas promisng antitumor agents
The antimicrobial constituens from the leaves of karamuntiang (rhodomyrtus tomentosa (ait.) hassk.)
The cholesterol-lowering effect of yun-cai-tea
The effects of tanshinone iia on the behaviour of control and stressed mice
Total content of phenols and rutin in flowers, leaves, stems, roots and seeds of buckwheat, Fagopyrum saggitatum g. (Polygonaceae) from Bosnia
Whitening effects of lindera obtusiloba bl. 70 % etoh extract
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Aurentiacin inhibits inflammatory mediators by suppressing NF-kB and MAPKs activation in lipopolysaccharide-induced RAW 264.7 macrophage
Cytotoxicity and apoptosis induction of aspergillus versicolor kmd 004 metabolites on colon cancer carcinoma cells
Determination of blood methotrexate polyglutamates by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry after low-dose methotrexate therapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Determination of curcumol in rat plasma by capillary gas chromatography with hydrogen flame ionization detecter
Establishment of human lysozyme mass production system using silkworm larvae
In vitro characterization of chitosan microspheres encapsulated plasmid gm-csf
Investigation of stability of interleukin-2 liposome formulation by sds-page analysis
Potential of plga nanoparticles coated with chitosan as carriers for oral insulin delivery
A retrospective study of adverse drug reactions leading to hospital admissions and cost in a medical center
Antidepressant drug prescribing and risk of abnormal bleeding: a case-control study
Antidepressants use pattern in a sample of Portuguese outpatients adults
Comparizon of cost-effectiveness of carvedilol vs metoprolol in patients with heart failure
Cost-effectiveness analysis of adjuvant therapy for operable breast cancer from a Chinese perspective: doxorubicin plus cyclophosphamide (AC) versus docetaxel plus cyclophosphamide (TC)
Evaluation of a state medicaid behavioral pharmacy management program
Health related utility and willingness to pay per quality-adjusted life year of chronic prostatitis patients in China
Impact of potential adverse drug interactions on length of intensive care unit stay
Inpatient costs associated with six months of care post acute rejection events in renal transplant patients: a single center retrospective analysis
Medicines follow-up methods and review of utilization in Serbia
Oral hypoglycaemic agents prescribing patterns in Portuguese type 2 diabetics: 2004 -2008
Pharmacoeconomic analysis of a pediatric vaccine in Albania
Pharmacovigilance: a responsibility shared or someone else’s problem? lessons from nimesulide.
Statins consumption in the republic of Croatia in 2005, 2006 and 2007
The evaluation of antidiabetic drugs in turkey from pharmacist’s eye in terms of pharmacoepidemiology: a pilot study
Pharmacy Information
A retrospective study: to analyze the relevant factors of the incidence of ADR in a medical center in Taiwan
Competence assurance for pharmacy staff.
Corporate social responsibility plan
Empowering low-literate HIV/AIDS patients: communicating antiretroviral side effect information using pictograms
European association of hospital pharmacists together with FIP, ASHP and WHO in Second Life
Kidney transplant wait-listed patients’ knowledge of post-transplant medicines
Pharmaceutical information and the Croatian regulatory authority
Safe self-medication – significance of establishing the criteria for classification and status determination of medicinal products in Serbia
The trend analysis of the toxicology information calls at drug & poison information center (dpic), the aga khan university hospital (akuh) karachi