Welcome to the FIP Workforce Reference Guide
The FIP Workforce Development Hub expanded its global team of Leads to around 40 global experts commissioned to drive the development of tools and resources to support the implementation of the workforce & education elements of the FIP Development Goals.
Since being set up into 13 teams since September 2019, the Hub leads have been preparing for the launch of a ‘Workforce Reference Guide’ in September 2020. The digital Guide includes all information, evidence and expertise from FIP to support our members with measuring progress, evaluation, implementation and transformation processes with regards to the workforce elements of the FIP Development Goals.
The Guide can be used by individual members, institutions and organisations alike to support the development and transformation and development of workforce and education. The Guide also directly complements and aligns with the FIP Workforce Transformation Programme. The Guide is a continuous body of work that will be updated, reviewed and expanded constantly.
The FIP Workforce Reference Guide currently covers FIP Development Goals 1 to 13 with work underway to expand this Guide for other FIP Development Goals’ workforce elements.
To access the Workforce Reference Guide, click on the FIP Development Goals workforce elements below: