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A new strategic plan (2022-2027) and goals have been developed by FIP’s Hospital Pharmacy Section (HPS) following member consultation and deliberative, focused strategic planning sessions. “Since 2008, the HPS Basel Statements on the Future of Hospital Pharmacy have been the guiding light for the work of our section and our members. The new HPS Strategic Plan 2022 creates a cross walk between the Basel Statements and the FIP Development Goals, with the intent of driving further alignment of the work of the HPS to these goals,” said HPS president Ryan Forrey. Welcoming the new HPS strategy, FIP president Dominique Jordan said: “The FIP Development Goals were launched in 2020 as a framework for transforming the pharmacy profession over the next decade globally, regionally and nationally, in alignment with wider global imperatives, namely the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. This new strategic plan for FIP’s HPS is an important part of implementing the transformation of pharmacy and we commend the section for its support in this mission, advancing our profession as One FIP.”