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2018 Glasgow (Scotland)
GPP implementation in Mongolia
Professional regulation in a globalised environment - Challenges and opportunities
Professional migration: Challenges and opportunities in workforce capacity strategies
Professional migration: Challenges and opportunities in workforce capacity strategies
June 9
Sharing experience across borders: Training programmes
September 1
Deans' Forum Day 1
Pharmacy Technicians
Continuing Professional Development-Continuing education strategies With emphasis on promotion of intra-professional collaboration within the pharmacy profession
Pharmacy Technicians Supporting Public Health Roles
The Business Case for Mid-Level Workers: The experiences of other professions and what lessons pharmacy can learn
The science of occupations: understanding the development and evolution of a technical support workforce within a profession
Pharmacy Technicians' Symposium Day 1
Advancing technician practice: Lessons learned from a U.S. regulatory board
Collaboration of Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians to Improve Pharmacy Education and Patient care: a Kenyan Case Example
Farmabuddy, a Dutch approach to palliative care.
Pharmacy technician symposium - partners in health
Pharmacy technicians as a key component of the pharmaceutical workforce
Pre-Congress Satellite on Biosimilars: The Science, Regulation, Practice, Education of Follow-on Biologic Pharmaceuticals
A manufacturer’s responsibility in producing and assessing biosimilars
Addressing variability data, dosing between and within an originator product and its biosimilar
Incorporating Biosimilars into Practice: Physician and Pharmacist Collaboration
Overcoming the gap between clinical use of biosimilars and educational pharmacists and other healthcare providers
The Regulation of Biosimilars: How are Biosimilars Approved, Named,Patents Protected?
Young Pharmacists Group Leadership Training Pre-Satellite- Inaugural Year
Project Management skills- Apps, tools, time management and processes to help manage the new workload
Succession planning. Why is it important? Ways to ensure a stable handover of local or international YPG roles.
September 2
"FIP Talks": Changing science, practice and education outcomes for the better
Transforming outcomes at the organisational level: Needs-based healthcare system reforms
Transforming outcomes on the global level: meeting the global health challenges
American Pharmacists Association: Immunization
Chinese Showcase
Deans Forum Day 2
Pharmacy in Great Britain
Drug to patient: Collaboration and science
Drug to patient: Industry and manafacture
Drug to patient: RPS leadership policy influence
From Policy to Publishing: influence and impact- Innovation in digital publishing and medicines information
From Policy to Publishing: influence and impact- RPS leadership in policy and publishing
Pharmacy Technicians
Reducing medication errors, and the patient safety agenda
Setting the scene of patient and medication safety: What pharmacists can do?
Pharmacy Technicians' Symposium Day 2
A case study of the pharmacy technicians’ registration and the training system in Hong Kong.
Experience Sharing - Palau Pharmacy Technician Training Program at Shin Kong Hospital in Taiwan
September 3
"FIP Talks": Changing science, practice and education outcomes for the better
Transforming outcomes on the national/regional level: Transformational change and involving stakeholders
Transforming outcomes on the patient level: Meeting the personal health challenge
D14 What’s new in industry and science? Part 1
A randomised clinical trial of the effect of pharmacist feedback on inhaler adherence and technique
Antiemetic treatment of women with hyperemesis gravidarum
Appropriate drug dosing in obese patients and patients after bariatric surgery
Complementary and alternative medicines: perspectives in breast and prostate cancer
Description and development of an educational program for general practice pharmacists.
Does cosmetics layered application affect permeation of actives?
Effect on cognition of berries, grape and pomegranate biophenols: a general review
Essential oils as a potent anti-helicobacter pylori agents inhibiting urease activity
Feasibility testing of a theory-based intervention to improve older adults' adherence to medicines
Iontophoresis-assisted delivery of pilocarpine to the eyeball through eyelid skin
Novel polyamine analogues prevent biofilm formation in a staphylococcus aureus isolate
Operational excellence: achieving quality compliance for a small-scale manufacturing industries
Pristimerin exacerbates injury in conditionally reprogrammed patient-derived lung cancer cells
Quality assessment of glibenclamide and nifedipine tablets in community pharmacies in lagos state
Rapid quantitative analytical methods of liposomal drugs
Solid-lipid nanoparticles as a novel technology for delivering minocycline to the ischaemic brain
Study on medication therapy management by pharmacist for elderly patients with hypertension in china
Expanding the role of pharmacists in primary healthcare through collaborative non-dispensing services
Evaluation of the English Clinical Pharmacists in General Practice Wave 1 Pilot
Expanding the role of pharmacists in primary healthcare through collaborative non-dispensing services
Filling the care gap: pharmacists providing patient-centered care through collaboration with primary providers
Pharmacists' Identity and Practice Results in Primary Health Care Teams in Ontario
FIP-WHO Patient and Medication Safety - Meeting the challenge
Development and Implementation of innovative policies enhancing the improvement in patient outcomes with medicines
Ministry of Health, Oman Initiatives to improve safe medication Use Process
From bench to bedside: Advancing pharmaceutical care
Analysis of drug-induced toxicity
Disease Progress and Pharmacotherapy
Efficient tumour therapy depending on the characteristics of cancer cells
From Bench to Bedside: Advancing Pharmaceutical Care
Suitable utilisation of antibiotics to avoid the appearance of drug-resistant bacteria
How to better support carers
Interprofessional education: Transforming outcomes for the 21st century
IPE today and tomorrow — An overview of where IPE is
Models of practitioner engagement creating inter-professional awareness and enhancing collaboration in the 21st century
Successful model of student IPE: Inter-professional Health Collaboration Challenge — Challenging skills and developing teams
Team-based learning: transforming outcomes for the 21st century
Pharmacy in Great Britain
SIGN 1: Presentations from Member Organisations
Consolidate Core Value and Modernize Pharmacy Profession in the Era of Artificial Intelligence in Taiwan
Sharing ideas in a global network: technological innovation supporting and advancing pharmacy practice
Technological innovation supporting and advancing pharmacy practice in Portugal
Use of National Electronic Healthcare Records by Pharmacists in Singapore
The Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Debate
September 4
Biological drugs and gene therapy - Hot topics on regulation and policies affecting use
Biological drugs and gene therapy – hot topics on regulation and policies affecting use
Biosimilars and Biobetters: Interchangeability Issues for Pharmacists, Physicians and Regulators
Challenges for biologics development from a pharmaceutical point of view
Policies and Programs Affecting the Use of Complex Drugs: Examples from the US and the World
D15 Whats new in practice? Part 1
Developing a platform to join pharmaceutical education with practice
A Lebanese school of pharmacy contribution to a multinational project of interprofessional education
Assessing the impact of medicines information in low-resource settings via the Pharmaid scheme
Economic burden of healthcare associated infections with resistance in Chinese public hospitals
Non-pharmacological determinants of hypertension: A nationwide cross-sectional study in Lebanon
Opportunities for pharmacy in Bergen health cluster: An inter-professional hub for primary care
Pharmacy5in5: Building an online learning platform to advance pharmacy practice
Potentially inappropriate medications with risk of major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events
Public knowledge and perceptions of antibiotics and antimicrobial resistance: a global survey
Reliability and utility of an adapted hospital clinical pharmacy patient prioritisation tool
Research competence- targeting identified gaps to build research capability and capacity
Traditional Chinese medicine and drug-induced anaphylaxis in Beijing pharmacovigilance database
Validation of a simulation-based assessment framework for pharmacy students in medication supply
Vocational training of pharmacy technicians in South Africa
Working together: Using disaster table top exercises to teach interprofessional collaboration
D16 Whats new in practice? Part 2
A description of gamification used in teaching 2nd language pharmacy technician students
A four-year evaluation of the discharge medicines review service provision across all Wales
Association between Brazilian hospital pharmacy practices and knowledge of the FIP Basel statements
Check your heart health at the pharmacy
Designing tools to support review and reduction of inappropriate polypharmacy in older inpatients
Developing a community pharmacists’ antibiotic prescription checklist
Evolving professional roles: How Canadian pharmacists make sense of their prescribing role
Health outcomes associated with initial oral antidiabetic medication adherence among US veterans
How effective are pharmacist services in improving patient health outcomes? A systematic review
Know your vascular age: A feasibility study on a new service in community pharmacies
Multidisciplinary protocol for skin cancer screening in community pharmacies in Barcelona
Nationwide implementation of Netcare after successful pilot in Switzerland
Quality related events reported by community pharmacies in Nova Scotia: A 7-year analysis
Use of medicines and health services for chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder in Australia
Global competencies for the pharmacy profession
FIP Global Competency Framework - Profile of pharmacy profession
How to achieve the outcomes? Evaluation in a real-life setting.
Key players in different settings of pharmacy
Providing advanced pharmacy services toward achieving competency-based training
Global Workforce Development Goals - Progress and evaluation
Educational Fit For Purpose: Promoting Capacity and Quality in the Academy
Governmental Strategy, Planning, and Monitoring Systems in Pharmacy Education and Training in Scotland
Tools for professional development (focus on the pharmaceutical workforce)- PWDGs 4-8
Using Global Development Goals for shaping the future workforce
Homeopathy in pharmacies: The Great Debate
Medicines information - Country case studies
Findings from the work of the working group and example from Finland
FIP policy statement on MI update: strategies for the future on strategic development of MI
How to develop MI on national/regional level - example from UK
Medicines information – Country case studies: Example from Canada
Strategic development of Medicine Information within medicines management policies in low resource settings
Partners in health
Pharmacogenomics: Implementation in pharmacy practice
Implementation of a novel pharmacogenomic screening program in community pharmacy - Early practice experience
Professional development tools to advance your pharmacy career
Advancing your career: modern tools for professional development - a student's perspective on leveraging social media
Advancing your career: Modern tools for professional developmentA young pharmacist’s perspective
Professional development tools to advance your pharmacy career
SIGN 2: Presentations from Member Organisations
Changes in the laws relating to Pharmacy in Israel-“evolution or revolution”
GPP implementation in Mongolia
Responsible use of medicines on Christmas holidays
The family pharmacist, a new service in Belgian community pharmacies
SIGN 4: Politics, advocacy and change in pharmacy profession
Advocating for a profession beyond professional organisations
Case studies with successful approaches to change
Case studies with successful approaches to change
Results of a survey of FIP member organisations - What do we need to be empowered to act?
Strategies to improve adherence - Technology needs communication
Introducing a better understanding of medication adherence
Pharmacogenomics - How to choose the right drug for the right patient
QR codes and other tools for patient education – how pharmaceutical industry can support adherence
Smart devices for adherance- The dos and dont's
The structured pharmaceutical counselling - Short interventions to improve adherence in patients with non-communicable diseases
Virtual Reality – how to use avatars to improve counselling skills, an example using atrial fibrillation
Teaching and implementing effective team building
Effective team building - an Irish example
Leadership in Implementing Professional development for pharmacy staff, Ministry of Health Oman experience
Setting the stage: The Marshmallow Challenge
Teaching and implementing effective team building
Teaching and implementing effective team buildingTopic: Empowered for health
What's new in practice
September 5
Better outcomes for Hepatitis C patients in your community
Chair for the session on Hepatitis C Session D5
Implementing innovative patient care training in pharmacy education
Overview of the worldwide hepatitis C landscape
Pharmacist-provided Hepatitis C patient care services on a global scale
Utilization of pharmacists as patient care providers for hepatitis C patients
Breaking down barriers to patient access - How to bring stakeholders together
Benefits and Risks of early market access
Breaking down barriers to patient access; What is needed from stakeholders to bring down barriers to market access in emerging markets
Reasons for the pharmaceutical industry to promote real-life evidence
What obstacles stand in the way of faster development and launch of innovative new medicines and how can they be overcome?
Breakthroughs in pharmaceutical nanotechnology for oral delivery of anticancer drugs
Novel formulations and the biopharmaceutical challenges of oral cancer therapy
Novel materials in oral anticancer drug delivery, where are we!
Pharmacokinetic considerations and challenges in oral anticancer drug delivery
End-of-life communication and ethical decision-making
Communication: What to say to someone who is dying?To prevent muddle-headedness you need philosophy.
Death and dying: How do healthcare professionals manage and what are the issues for pharmacists – End-of-life communication and ethical decision-making
Ethical decision-making: Tension between the values of the patient and of the healthcare practitioner
Finding the humanitarian face of pharmacy
From theriaca to pharmacogenetic medicines: Pharmacy history
Make an exhaustive list of museum sites on the history of pharmacy – First exposed countries: France and Serbia
The Substances of Desire: A Pharmaco-Historical Perspective on Turkish Aphrodisiacs
Improving pharmacy research: Spotlight on seamless care
Examples of pharmacy practice research - pros, cons, and practical tips for design and conduct.
Now what? Identifying practice gaps and publishing your quality improvement initiatives
Interprofessional Education Forum
Minimising medicines misuse and abuse
Best practices and successful management strategies that minimize medicines misuse, abuse and diversion
Current trend for the misuse and abuse of medicines globally
Our emerging role in point-of-care testing
Characterization of a pharmacist-driven and innovative medication management program
Characterization of a pharmacist-driven and innovative medication management program.
Overview of technical and clinical aspects of point-of-care testing
Technical and practical advances necessary to maximize the value of point-of-care testing by pharmacists
Value and challenges of hospital pharmacy applications of point-of-care testing
Professional recognition and credentialing for transforming pharmaceutical care
“Perspectives from Australian practitioners on professional recognition and credentialing: changing careers”
Credentials to grow your patient care practice
Examples of strategies for professional recognition and how they lead to transforming pharmaceutical care
Perspectives from member organisations on professional recognition and credentialing: Shaping the workforce through professional standards
Professional recognition and credentialing for transformational change to pharmaceutical care delivery – Perspectives from member organisations - Pharmacists in Iceland
Should advanced practice be regulated? Balancing risk and benefits in delivering critical care
Professional regulation in a globalised environment - Challenges and opportunities
Contemporary challenges facing regulators from across the globe
Pharmacist Registration in Spain: delivering value, engaging the profession, fostering cohesiveness.
Professional migration: challenges and opportunities in Germany
Professional mobility and competence recognition in France and the European Union
Registration and beyond: delivering value, engaging the profession.
Regulating internal mobility and competence in countries with regulatory diversity
Putting health logistics into clinical pharmacy
Centre for Emergency and Disaster Pharmacy: Training and research
The UK military Ice Maidens expedition to cross Antarctica
Training of an Australian Medical Assistance Team pharmacist
SIGN 3: Presentations from Member Organisations
Advancement of pharmacist clinical competencies through international collaboration
From Competency to Competence - an Australian Journey
Looking forward to Abu Dhabi 2019! Recent innovations in pharmacy practice in the United Arab Emirates
Supply chain solutions to strenghten emergency and disaster response
Forumla to help assure an uninterrupted pharmaceutical supply chain
Introduction of medicines selection, supplies management and rational use in emergency situation.
Red and green apples, can we mix them? Civil-military cooperation during humanitarian health actions.
Resilience of the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain – A neglected Issue in Germany?
The model of improvement: How can your practice benefit?
Women in Pharmacy Forum
September 6
D25 What’s new in industry & science? Part 2
Analysis tamoxifen, endoxifen, and 4-hydroxytamoxifen in dbs of breast cancer patients by lc-ms/ms
Assessment of non-adherence factors using original score sheets in setsuyaku-bag campaign of japan
Barriers and facilitators to deprescribing inappropriate medicines in long-term care facilities
Downregulation of mir-133b-5p by rest promotes prostate cancer metastasis to bone by targeting tgf-β
Establishment of drug release determination method for nestorone intravaginal ring
Exploring accredited pharmacists’ pharmacovigilance work processes during home medicines reviews
Formulation and evaluation of polymer free in-situ forming vesicles
Hyaluronic acid conjugated multi walled carbon nanotubes for colon cancer targeting.
Identification and characterization of 6 synthetic cannabinoid agonists by nmr and uhplc-qtof/ms/ms
Impact of pear1 gene polymorphisms on clinical outcomes of chinese acute coronary syndrome patients
Making every opportunity count – what do student pharmacists need to know?
Measurement of infliximab and anti-drug antibody levels in patients with inflammatory bowel disease
Pharmacists identification of counterfeit drugs and perceptions of stakeholders partnership in egypt
Radiation engineered functional nanogels as therapeutic and diagnostic imaging agent
The impact of drugs on the environment: what do pharmacists and technicians believe?
The mechanism of acute promyelocytic leukemia treatment using the realgar-indigo naturalis formula
The non-medical prescribers' opinions and beliefs of non-medical prescribing practice in oncology
The role of pharmacy in integrated urgent & emergency care / nhs 111 yorkshire ambulance service
FIP-WHO Patient and Medication Safety - Meeting the challenge
Global harmonisation of quality standards for medicines: Improving patient care and safety
Harmonization of regulatory requirements for approval of medicines: a Brazilian perspective.
Highlights of current ICH Harmonisation Projects and Challenges and Opportunities for ICH in the Future
Global impact and use of FIP Education resources for workforce development
4. Workforce and leadership: workshop activity
Hot Topics - Cannabis for medical treatment
How to write great lay summaries and empower patients
General principles for developing lay summaries - what the research tells us.
What do patients want from lay summaries?
What user testing has shown about how to best develop clinical trial results summaries
Research: From marketing authorisation to patient use and beyond
Bridging research from marketing authorisation to patient use and beyond a variety off settings
Can real-world evidence contribute to faster access of medicines to the patients?
Community pharmacy perspective on research for optimising patient outcomes and improving the quality and value of healthcare
Research for optimizing medication outcomes and improving the quality and value of medicines use in hospitals
The role of academia and professional organisations in research, from marketing authorisation to patient use and beyond in varying settings
Sharing experience across borders: Training programmes
Best practices and lessons learned
Example of Pharmabridge program structure from the St. Louis College of Pharmacy
Panel questions, answers and conclusions
Pharmabridge: Bridging Partnership in Pharmacy Education
Three pharmacists from India - examples and experiences of the Pharmabridge training programme in the United Kingdom
Success stories of combatting CVD & diabetes through innovation
Check your heart health at the pharmacy
The appropriate communication skills for care delivery in cardiovascular and diabetes management
The effectiveness of pharmacist interventions on cardiovascular risk
The effectiveness of screening for diabetes in a community pharmacy setting
The Renaissance of community pharmacy: Is it time to let go of dispensing?
Debate on the future of pharmacy dispensing. Should pharmacies continue to dispense or should the pharmacy profession now ask how pharmacies should evolve.
The renaissance of community pharmacy
The Renaissance of community pharmacy: is it time to let go of dispensing?
The reneissance of community pharmacy: Is it time to let go of dispensing. My answer is NO
Training competent clinical pharmacists - Residencies, observation, assessment and feedback
4. Competency assessment in community pharmacy - An innovative programme of weekly mystery shopping with feedback
Beyond a residency program-Ongoing competency assessment in the workplace
Developing clinical competency - Going from university to an advanced practitioner, how do we know we are competent?
Residency programme structure and role in developing clinical practice competencies
Using the power of EPAs: Teaching and transforming practice
A description of how and why EPAs were developed in the Netherlands and the USA
Case study highlighting 10 years of internship development in Ghana, where experiential training initiatives focused on developing global communication skills and fostering cultural humility
Experiential education and practice transformation: an examination of how pharmacy schools in Canada have opened non-dispensing patient care clinics that are located within pharmacy schools
The development and use of entrustable professional activities (EPAs) for the health professions
Using the power of EPAs In this active learning session participants will discover how entrustable professional activities can shape learning in pharmacy education.
September 8
Hot Topics - Cannabis for medical treatment
Academic pharmacy
A career in the pharmaceutical industry? A survey determining irish pharmacy students' views.
A comparative assessment of competency in graduates from a new initial pharmacy program in japan
A comparison of two education approaches to patient safety in a pharmacy curriculum
A comparison of undergraduate vs graduate entry pharmacy student performances in osces
A long and winding road- advancing practice recognition in australia.
A policy review between great britain and japan: visions and priorities for future health systems
A pre-registration trainee perspective of involvement of patients and carers in an mpharm curriculum
A regional survey of competency standards for pharmacists in the western pacific region of who
A survey of antibiotics misuse and resistance among school teachers in bekaa valley, lebanon
Achieving synergy between teaching and research: evidence-based practice in the classroom
An assessment of undergraduate student’s knowledge of pediatric pharmacotherapy
Analysis of 1st year mpharm at sussex university using partial least squares (pls) path model
Anatomy in pharmacy education: a phenomenological study exploring student experiences
Are you ready to steer the ship at your institution?
Assessing pharmacy and physical therapy students’ international intercultural competency skills
Assessing the impact of a stand-alone public health course for pharmacy students
Assessment of the pharmacy students' consultation skills
Benefits and challenges of on-site workshop prior to initiating international exchange program
Benefits of a regional pharmacy school consortium
Can mpharm undergraduate students optimise medicines?
Class set strategy of alumni funding: a case study of obafemi awolowo university
Collaborative interprofessional program evaluation of communication with healthcare providers
Comparing student interventions during acute care rotations in high- versus low-income settings
Complementary and alternative medicine use and attitudes among pharmacy students in bekaa district
Cost components of undergraduate pharmacy training in south-west nigeria
Cultivating teamwork competencies through feedback in an interprofessional education (ipe) course
Delivering fip wdg 4: an advanced pharmacy practice credentialing programme - the first five years
Developing a south african antimicrobial stewardship curriculum for the bachelor of pharmacy program
Developing an assessment tool for undergraduate competency in pharmacy education.
Developing and modifying a remotely-proctored electronic exam policy
Developing and validating a national advanced pharmacy practice competency framework for singapore.
Developing social media guidelines for undergraduate pharmacy students
Development and assessment of an international academia clinical pharmacy rotation in south africa
Development of a leadership and management programme for hospital pharmacy professionals.
Digital technologies in inclusive learning: a snapshot survey
Do pharmacists’ attitudes impact on the professional practices that they engage in?
Drug gability evaluation of a protamine-like peptide
Effect of international pharmacy education programs in china: a pilot evaluation
English version of the revised pharmacy education model core-curriculum in japan
Epilepsy knowledge and awareness among pharmacy students in a lebanese university
Evaluating a new undergraduate pharmacy curriculum in namibia: views of final year students
Evaluation of an innovative teaching method: buzz sessions
Evaluation of educational interventions on medicines management at university of the western cape
Evaluation of inter-professional education (ipe) through “evening on-call”
Evaluation of student learning outcomes at a patient care clinic located within a pharmacy school
Evaluation of the use of an avatar based assessment for medicine use review (mur) accreditation.
Exposing chinese pharmacists to u.S. Pharmacy education and clinical pharmacy
Factors for enrollment in the work-based clinical master of pharmacy at the university of namibia
Factors relating to academic success in the bpharm degree at a south african university.
Fip wdg1: preparing mpharm students for day one practice - development of pre-foundation guidance
Fip workforce development goals: a tool for kuwait pharmacy workforce development
Global pharmacist: using the world café method to enhance learning about professional organisations
Health behavioural changes among lebanese pharmacy students in the bekaa region during two semesters
How can pharmacy schools help undergraduates increase internal motivation for summative assessments?
How do we avoid the ‘ever decreasing circles syndrome’ in service improvement (si)?
How do you know your student is ready for practice?
Identification of commonalities in a national prescribing framework & foundation practice framework
Impressions of leadership attributes of students in a pharmd program at a us college of pharmacy
Incorporating leadership development planning into pharmacy education
Innovative recruitment efforts by students and faculty to diversify the profession of pharmacy
Intercultural learning assessment from a kenya global health advanced pharmacy practice experience
International pharmacy student exchanges: the rgu-etsu experience
Interprofessional education collaborative: family nurse practitioners & pharmacists
Managing medications at home for patients with advanced cancer: a qualitative study
Mapping of workforce challenges and national projects to global workforce development goals (wdgs)
Medication cost changes of patients referred to a patient care clinic located in a pharmacy school
Medicines-related deterioration of health in older adults in primary care-systematic review
Motivating and vitalizing ce/cpd for pharmacists. Lessons learned from research and others?
Motivators and barriers to continuing professional development among pharmacists in ebonyi state
Outcomes of an international short course for japanese student pharmacists at a us pharmacy school
Perspectives from us pharmacy students completing international practice experiences
Pharmaceutical calculations: a toll for formative and summative assessments
Pharmacist clinical interventions and discharge counseling in medical rehabilitation wards
Pharmacists’ perception of international pharmd (itpd) training to meet local patient care needs
Pharmacy student willingness to seek an international rotation experience
Pharmacy students’ reflections on experiential learning focussed on the chronic medication service
Practical approach of pharmacists after internship training at hospitals, the pakistan perspective
Predictive utility of clinical capstone and intersession course performance on naplex performance
Preparing students for international experiential education
Promoting individual competency and retention of learning outcomes through assessment
Quality assurance indicators for advanced pharmacy practice experiences (appe) placement site visits
Reproducibility of communication assessment based on narrative comments obtained from an osce
Role of the employer in the development of management skills in the pharmacy profession (Spain)
Safety of intravenous drip of aminoglycoside antibiotics in chinese children: a systematic review
Should we be teaching pharmacy students about patient safety?
Skill-based pharmacy curriculum in india: vision 2030
Social media and eprofessionalism in pharmacy students
Stakeholder engagement in ensuring a needs-based programme for undergraduate pharmacy education
Statins use and new-onset arrhythmia
Statistical history of the pharmacy career in mexico, (1994-2016)
Students’ perception of the teaching approach to medicinal chemistry and future directions
Study on the application of flipped classroom in the global clinical pharmacy online courses
The distance-based capstone course: clinical education to practicing, global pharmd candidates
The impact of rare diseases on health related quality of life
There’s an app for that - 'pharmasee': practise your prescription checking skills on your mobile!
Towards improving the use of ict in a blended learning course
Trainees, tutors & employers views of nes pre-reg pharmacist scheme modular programme
Use of spaced learning to promote pharmacy student knowledge retention via mobile learning
Use of the fip nanjing outcomes to compare national pharmacy education standards in the usa
Using an exam wrapper to promote metacognition during exam reviews in a pharmacotherapy course
Using simulation-based technologies to promote active learning in pharmaceutical technology
Wdg 3: development and implementation of foundation (residency) training in the uk community setting
What do patients and carers think of being involved in mpharm teaching?
What does the term “advanced and specialist practice” mean to indonesian pharmacists?
Why home-based carer training matters? International student experience in cape town, south africa
Analytical sciences and pharmaceutical quality
A validated 19f nmr technique to assay quantitatively fluorinated synthetic cannabinoid agonists
Anaphylaxis with depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (dmpa) in sri lanka: a casuality assessment
Assessment of the authenticity of sildenafil tablets in egypt using uv and ir spectroscopy
Data integrity and software validation: case study
Determination of clindamycin in clindamycin jelly by derivative spectrophtometry
Development of novel hplc method for analysis of metronidazole and curcumine combination
Dual level statistical investigation of equilibrium solubility
Elemental impurities: implementation of a risk assessment strategy
Establishment of new dissolution specifications on official monographs of korean pharmacopoeia (kp)
Microbiological examination of commercially available probiotics in croatia
Optimization of derivatization procedure for determination of succinic acid
The high-throughput taqman pcr-based cyp2d6 snp and cnv genotyping without dna purification
Uhplc methods for determination of four antibacterial agents with monolithic column- stability study
Validation of a method to test pesticides in organic produce
Developing rpa microfluidic device for rapid detection of hcv as point-of-care test .
Non-invasive electrostimulation in healthcare
Thermo-responsive estrogen receptor-fusions for spatiotemporal control of signaling/gene regulation
Clinical biology
First nationwide, multicenter investigation of nosocomial carbapenem nonsuceptibility in lebanon
New facts about phenol soluble modulin as a staphylococus aureus toxin and its export system
Community pharmacy
8. Stars pharmacy student’s community pharmacy swot analysis
A study on relationship among diet, dietary supplement intake and geriatric syndrome in the elderly
A blended learning course for prospective anticoagulation providers: evaluation and insights
A conceptual model for pharmacists' roles in primary care
A model summarizing the evolution paths of community pharmacy remuneration at global level.
A multi-incident analysis on medication incidents associated with patient harm
A new pharmacy model: population-based door-to-door survey in portugal
a new position of pharmacist using poct in community pharmacy practice
A study of the impact of new legislation on medical devices for ostomized patients
Accreditation of pharmacies in denmark: findings from surveys
Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring as a community pharmacy service
An evaluation framework to assess antimicrobial access in low-middle income community pharmacy
An outcome evaluation of the community pharmacy efforts to improve health literacy
Antibiotic consumption in care homes across the united kingdom; baseline data
Antibiotic resistance and managing infections in pharmacy: a cross-sectional com-b survey
Antimicrobial use and resistance in community pharmacy in kuwait: a cross-sectional study
Antimicrobial use over the counter and antimicrobial resistance in thailand: a cross-sectional study
Are you a stickler for the rules or do you want a success
Artificial intelligence in pharmacy: a new solution for diabetes?
Assessment of inhaler technique and its impact on disease control and health-related quality of life
Asthma control: results of a short-term pharmaceutical intervention in a community pharmacy
Back to the future… of pharmaceutical compounding
Calcium and vit d supplements in patients with nephrolithiasis; an observational prospective study
Cloud-based mobile pharmaceutical care apps in community pharmacy: analysis and integration
Co-operation between municipalities and pharmacies on local disease prevention
Collaborative learning based on new technologies in a community pharmacy network
Commonwealth pharmacists’ beliefs around antibiotic resistance and impact on antibiotic supply
Community pharmacist intervention in the management of older persons
Community pharmacist led, employer-based wellness services for a self-insured us firm
Community pharmacy scotland: perceived value and experience of the minor ailment service
Community pharnacists using c-reactive protein point-of-care-testing to improve RTI management
Comparison of three methods to evaluate the quality of new medicine service at a community pharmacy.
Conditions of medication storage and discharge in the home of patients attended by public pharmacies
Consideration of medicine characteristics when prescribing and dispensing for children
Continuing professional development of the community pharmacists in denmark
Correlation between awareness of community pharmacists in bataan of their dispensing roles & service
Cost-effectiveness of enhanced pharmacy services: a systematic review of the evidence
Counseling patients with diabetes- a step forward to better adherence
Detecting non-adherence through a basic medication review during dispensing in community pharmacy
Developing a screening tool for identifying people with difficulty swallowing solid oral medicines
Development of a database of information for travellers carrying and obtaining medicines overseas
Development of a tool to support community pharmacy engagement with patients who may be homeless
Development of technical skills of pharmacy technicians in a community pharmacy network of uruguay.
Diabetes mellitus type 2: a reversible disease
Dispensing medication service at community pharmacies in costa rica, 2017
Distribution of naloxone through community pharmacies in new york city
Diversified pharmaceutical services by community pharmacists in kaohsiung city taiwan
Do community pharmacists have a role in falls prevention?
drug therapy problems in nursing home residents: opportunities for pharmacist intervention
Drug-related problems identified during intermediate medication reviews by belgian pharmacists
Drug-related problems in prescriptions – detection and prevention by community pharmacists
Early detection of influenza activity using a community pharmacy network for syndromic surveillance
Elderly consumers’ perspectives on community pharmacy services in vietnam: a q-methodology study
Emergency contraception in otc regime: experience from community pharmacists in croatia
Evaluation of patient views of medicine use reviews by community pharmacists in northern ireland .
Evaluation of the community pharmacy flu vaccination service in wales over the last five years
Evaluation of the emergency contraception enhanced community pharmacy service provided in wales
Exploring emergency contraception supply from australian community pharmacies: a mixed methods study
Extemporaneous medicine prescribing trends in latvia
Factors affecting the consumers convenience of purchasing medicines in the 4c marketing mix model
Factors influencing pharmacists’ generic medicine recommendations at community pharmacies in vietnam
Frequency of missing prescriptions from the danish acute clinics
From marshmallows to magic: engaging the public to reduce antimicrobial resistance (amr)
General public awareness of community pharmacy services in scotland: the ‘first port of call’ study
Generic substitution: how confident can community pharmacists be?
Guidance for the development of a service using multi-compartment aids in community pharmacy
Health literacy and illness cognitions in community pharmacy patients taking oral anti-coagulants
Hepatitis c information cards through community pharmacies ineffective in increasing hcv testing
Hepatitis c virus (hcv) in egypt; who is guilty?
How to digitalize a community pharmacy?
Identifying drug-related problems through patient home visits
Impact of an educational workshop on detecting drug related problems by community pharmacists
Impact of community pharmacists’ knowledge on self-reported antibiotic dispensing practice
Implementation of the quality guidelines for evaluation of community pharmacy practice in estonia
Implementing a new service in a chain pharmacy in nigeria - the healthy heart check
Improving non-over-the-counter counselling at community pharmacies
Incidents associated with centralized automated processing of multi-medication compliance packs
Influencing low vaccine uptake using a quality improvement appoach
Introducing a digital assurance process for english nhs pharmacies
Introduction of refill prescriptions in japan: a questionnaire survey
Investigation and analysis on self-care behavior in community pharmacies in taoyuan city, taiwan
Key stakeholder perspectives on pharmacy practice about traditional chinese medicines in china
Knowledge and practice of community pharmacists regarding acne vulgaris: a cross-sectional survey
Knowledge attitude and practice of community pharmacists towards adverse drug reaction reporting
Knowledge, perceptions and attitudes of uk community pharmacists towards antimicrobial resistance
Lipid-based versus body-mass-index based method for assessing cardiovascular risk
Local is better: case for regional community pharmacy groups in new zealand
Management of chemical products in a network of community pharmacies in uruguay.
Managing self-limiting infections in community pharmacies: a cluster randomised controlled trial
Maximum doses of proton pump inhibitors in hepatic impairment
Mydispense: a new trend/tool for pharmacy education
National network for community pharmacy practice research and development in denmark
Needs assessment of self-medication tool for pharmacists’ ability to evaluate minor ailments
New pharmaceutical forms and administration devices for oral administration in pediatrics
Nhs urgent medicine supply advanced service (numsas) pilot
Non-adherence to the diabetic medication: a qualitative insight in indonesian older adults
Optimizing professional competencies - optimal patient care
Ostomy: improving patients’ quality of life and the role of portuguese pharmacies in primary care
Pan-england evaluation of anticoagulant safety in community pharmacies
Patient experiences with a pharmacy-based new medicine service for chronic patients
Patient perceptions of the value of care planning services provided by canadian pharmacists
Patient-centred care in community pharmacy: patients with long-term conditions setting goals
Patients' attitude towards reporting suspected adverse drug reactions
Patients’ choice: selection of pharmacy and behavior during consultation.
People with sore throat trust pharmacists to advise on self-management: a survey across 13 countries
Perception and implementation of continuous quality improvement in pharmacy practice in manitoba
Perceptions and barriers of community pharmacists on obesity management in children and adolescents
Personalised health education for prediabetic patients in community pharmacies from barcelona
Ph alert – quickly providing information to pharmacies and the population in crisis situations
Pharmaceutical counselling on anticoagulation – identifying needs of german community pharmacies
Pharmacist perspective of prescribing errors
Pharmacist professional group of the international society of travel medicine
Pharmacist-led support in optimising cardiovascular risk in patients with atrial fibrillation
Pharmacist’s interventions improve warfarin therapy in elderly rural patients: a randomized trial
Pharmacists in gp practice: an evaluation of the nhs education (nes) for scotland training programme
Pharmacists shouldering responsibilities in educating rural community in the management of diabetes
Pharmacogenomics: making an impact on patients
Pharmacy technicians in europe
Pharmacy-based prescription encounters – how can they be optimized?
Pharmadhere: training pharmacists for patient centred care in compliance with adherence taxonomy
Point prevalence antibiotic audit of care home residents and carers across the uk
Portuguese students and recent graduates: approach to profession and pharmacy
Possibilities of application willowherb and elder extracts for the formulation of o/w cream
Postgraduate education in community pharmacy, how do we create value for staff and community?
Practical pharmacy. Community health pharmacy improvements 2018
Prints of pharmacological plants as a collector’s item to inform patients about the pharmacy
Procedure to measure blood pressure in community pharmacies in costa rica, 2017
Procurement of beta blockers- limited resources and the importance of pharmacoeconomy
Professional pharmacy services at community pharmacies. University of costa rica, september 2017
Public attitude regarding influenza vaccination in croatia – survey in community pharmacies
Public knowledge, attitudes and practice towards vitamin supplements in bekaa valley, lebanon
Qualitative training of pharmacy students to impart community service
Quality evaluation of carnitine for proper use of supplement
Quality indicators of community pharmacy services
Raising diabetes awareness - educating patients with type 1 diabetes
Reaching concordance in community pharmacy regulatory audits
Reporting adrs: contribution, knowledge and perception of german pharmacy professionals
Requests for antibiotics in spanish community pharmacies
Results of a population survey about adherence at the university of costa rica, 2017
Results of the implementation of the blister-pack service survey in community pharmacies in spain
Role of a research governance framework as an enabler to community pharmacy practice based research
Role of community pharmacies in harm reduction: 25 years of syringe exchange program in Portugal
Role of pharmacist in immunisation:status in india
Safe - national pharmaceutical assistance service
Seasonal influenza immunization by pharmacists: a french experiment
Second campaign to promote the colon cancer screening programme through swiss community pharmacies
State of unregistered drugs import based on pharmacists' expiriences in bosnia and herzegovina
Strategy to improve efficiency of comprehensive medication reviews (cmrs) in a community pharmacy
Strengthen pharmacist's image as a medicine expert through online videos
Strengthening self-care among users of oral contraceptives
Studying developmental trajectories of chain pharmacies in taiwan using ecology and strategic theory
Survey on pharmacist services twenty years after “the separation of prescribing and dispensing”
Taking a cluster approach to addressing high rates of co-amoxiclav prescribing in primary care
The construction and practical exploration of family pharmacist system
The evaluation of drug-related problems and the intervention model in community pharmacies.
The impact of the New Zealand Long Term Conditions service on patients' medication-related outcomes
The minor ailment service: the impact of deprivation on paediatric service use within fife, scotland
The pharmacist will see you now: integrating clinical pharmacists into general practice
The quality payments scheme: incentivising quality across england
The role of pharmacist towards achieving appropriate use of antibiotics: a qualitative study
The role of pharmacists in improving communication with patients and the outcome of their health
The role of pharmacists in provision of safe and effective medical abortion in bulgaria
The use of model of improvement to make improvements in a community pharmacy
The value of independent prescribing and automated dispensing towards nhs savings
The value of providing medication integration service by community pharmacists in taiwan
Therapeutic notes - a tool for reinforcing interaction between Portuguese pharmacists and doctors
Thyroxine tablets: stability considerations for repackaging in hot and humid conditions
To sell or not to sell – emergency contraception sales and the window of efficacy.
Training student pharmacists to perform rapid strep, influenza, and hiv point-of-care testing.
Uptake of the seasonal influenza vaccination amongst a cohort of pharmacists in ireland
Using e-bug to raise awareness of infection in foundation phase school children: a pilot study
Using marshmallows to engage the public and improve knowledge of antimicrobial resistance (amr)
Using triage for customizing collaborative medication reviews for older home care clients
Women with epilepsy and antiepileptic drugs: expectations of their community pharmacists
Drug design and discovery
Anti-tumor activity of novel fused pyrimidine and benzodiazepine analogues
Collaborative drug discovery achieves synergism in identifying potential anticancer compounds
Drug repositioning for post cardiopulmonary resuscitation syndrome using large-scale medical claims
Formulation, characterization and evaluation of biodegradable nanogel for the treatment of melanoma
Molecular design and synthesis of heterocycles based anticancer agents
Molecular modeling and synthesis of some new 2-substituted benzimidazoles inhibiting vegfr-2 & c-met
Nanogel in oncology: a promising contrivance in cancer therapy
Pharmacists working with GPs reduce antibiotic prescribing for RTIs using CRP point-of-care-testing
Synthesis and evaluation of 11c-labeled pyrogluamic amide derivatives as pet tracers for glial cells
Formulation design and pharmaceutical technology
A new method of preparing orally disintegrating films (odfs) using foamed polymer solutions
Aptamer anchored nano-architectures for treatment of drug resistant cancer
Autologous serum-derived exosomes to deliver sirna to melanoma cell in lung metastasis
Biodegradable hydrogels of recombinant thrombomodulin promotes chronic wound healing
Comparative in vitro release profiles studies of benzoyl peroxide from different semisolids matrixes
Compounded drug/preparation that is prepared in a pharmacy and competence of a pharmacist
Delivery of glycoside hydrolases to combat bacterial biofilms
Development of chronomodulated pulsatile delivery of terbutaline sulphate by box-behnken design
Development of formulations of sorafenib tosylate for improved biopharmaceutical potential
Doxorubicin loaded liposomes as potential vectors for anti-cancer agents
Exogenous pulmonary surfactant as a carrier of budesonide
Formulation and characterization of dry liposomes of iron and folic acid for oral use
Improvement of formulation, in-vitro and in-vivo performance of naproxen by co-crystallization
In vitro release study of timolol from novel hpmc/ha composite film for glaucoma treatment
In-situ gelling controlled release injection of rivastigmine to treat Alzheimers disease
In-vitro &in-vivo evaluation of novel l-carnosine loaded pegylated liquid crystalline nanoparticles
Llipid nanocarriers based gel of anti-inflammatory drug for enhancing skin permeation and efficacy
Nanoemulsion impregnated films for the transdermal delivery of cyclobenzaprine
Photoprotective diosmin loaded lipid nano-carriers : formulation and in-vivo evaluation
Prosochit: a novel excipient for delivering drugs having solubility and permeability challenges
Rifaximin nanosuspension: preparation, in-vitro assessment, cytotoxicity and antimicrobial activity
Study on applying qbd approach to microbial limit tests on non-sterile pharmaceutical products
The effect of β-cyclodextrin on mmp14 and timp-1 expression.
Topical/transdermal delivery of budesonide from emu oil microemulsions
Health and medicines information
A cross sectional study of mobile pharmacy applications for basic characteristics and content
Active ingredient or brand name? Do people know?
Adherence to medication-a key for healthy ageing: analysis of studies in last five years
Affordability of risperidone and aripiprazole for the treatment of autism spectrum disorder
An exploratory study of poisoning and its management in healthcare facilities in lagos state
Analyzing medical and recreational cannabis state laws – a pharmacological perspective
Applying dosage information when planning daily medication-taking routines: user testing study
Assessing the use of medicines information provided by pharmaid through in-use evaluation in rwanda
Assessment of the willingness to pay for health in the lebanese population
Attitude of adolescents towards health in lebanon
Attitudes and practices of lebanese pharmacy students toward sun protection and sunscreen use
Awareness campaign about chronic kidney disease in bekaa valley, lebanon
Cancer medicines outcomes programme: better use of data to understand outcomes in a local population
Care-homes independent pharmacist prescribing study (chipps): experiences from a feasibility study
Compiling a multidisciplinary, practical guide for antidepressant tapering in the netherlands
Developing a national standard for dispensed medicine labels
Development of consumer medication information in qatar: a model of diverse population
Development of over-the-counter medicine package inserts easy for consumers to understand
Drug information access to pharmacists’ bedside decision making
Early childhood education – the best prevention and a pathway to a healthy life
Electronic prescribing resources: how to influence prescribers with knowledge at their fingertips
Flu vaccination: uptake and attitudes among lebanese university students after an awareness campaign
Guidance for the use of psychotropics in cancer
High risk medicines: supporting patients and prescribers on a novel class of oral anticoagulants
How fraudulent online drug sellers are making the opioid epidemic worse
Impact of cdss, applied to the medication-use process, on clinical, humanistic and economic outcomes
Improving patient centred outcomes: updating pharmacists in the practice setting.
Industry collaboration to implement health literacy strategies for patient counselling at pharmacy
Influence of information design on risk communication of otc medications- neuroscientific research-
Informal caregivers and responsible use of medicines: a community-based workshop
Meta-analysis of exercise for type 2 diabetes mellitus: 2012-2017
Multicultural drug information establishment for drug safety promotion in kaohsiung city, taiwan
New challenges, new solutions: development of quality improvement skills in junior pharmacists
New media, traditional media: health education through the media
Older new zealanders’ perspectives of cardiovascular risk assessment
Patients’ knowledge and beliefs of high blood pressure: questionnaire for health care professionals
Pharmacogenetics in bot plus. An added value regarding the information on medicines.
Proton pump inhibitors among older adults with intellectual disability: comparison between two waves
Review of aerobic exercise for type 2 diabetes mellitus: 2012-2017
Skin whitening products: scientific, cultural and regulatory aspects
The impact of adverse media reporting on public perceptions of doctor-patient relationship in china
This girl can: analysis of women’s facebook posts
Usability of drug guides for patients in japan: comparative studies using the web and paper media
Use of relevant label instructions to improve pharmacotherapy in the netherlands
Using digital technology to support decision-making in over-the-counter consultations
Utilizing mobile - app for adverse drug reaction reporting in low resource setting
History of pharmacy
Anniversary of friars minor pharmacy: 700 years of pharmacy practice in dubrovnik, croatia
Pharmacy in cyprus throughout history: a review of pharmacy practice 1878 - 2018
The first female community pharmacist in Turkey: Belkis Derman’s (1906–1958) life revisited
Hospital pharmacy
A comparison of three drug–drug interaction software outcomes
A comprehensive geriatric assessment for detection of drug-related problem among hospitalized adults
A feasibility study to evaluate the effect of an opioid calculator on hospital prescribing
A pilot study of buprenorphine transdermal patch for the treatment of cancer pain in asia
A prospective analysis of inpatient hypoglycaemic events at an acute care hospital
A retrospective study on the clinical use of multi-trace elements injection
An analysis of efficacy of health education for medication safety in a regional teaching hospital
An effectiveness analysis of individualized pharmaceutical services in a home care team in taiwan
An survey of therapeutic drug monitor of prophylactic voriconazole for children with cancer
Analysis of adverse drug reaction reported in a regional teaching hospital in 2017
Analysis of body mass index in pediatric patients with newly initiations of antipsychotics in taiwan
Analysis of medication errors in taiwan academic medical center during 2013-2017
Analysis of risk factors for steroid-induced hyperglycemia
Analysis of the pharmaceutical care in a psychiatric hospital of central taiwan
Analysis on reasons for discontinuation of sglt2i in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients in taiwan
Antibiotics stability in neutralized icodextrin peritoneal dialysis fluid with a two-compartment bag
Antiemetics requiring dosage adjustment in oncologic patients with hepatic impairment
Antimicrobial stewardship program in surgical intensive care unit in developing country.
Antineoplastic biological drugs authorized in portugal and most common side effects associated
Assessing medication appropriateness in a long-term elderly care setting
Assessment of the appropriateness of vte prophylaxis prescribing within barts health nhs trust
Cardiotoxic side effects of immunomodulators used in cancer therapy in portugal
Clostridium difficile infection checklist effects on management and patient outcomes
Comparative effectiveness and safety between dabigatran and rivaroxaban in routine practice
Comparison of drug holiday from adhd in taiwan and international experience
Comparison of patient medication histories obtained by physicians and pharmacists
Compounding monographs in the united states pharmacopeia
Current trends on alternative dosage formulations of medicines: lessons from japan
Delphi sets up indicators for evaluation rational-drug-use in children with nephrotic syndrome
Dementia types and severity in patients newly initiating anti-dementia medications in taiwan
Detection of adverse drug reactions by pharmacists in intermediate term care institutions
Developing a standard guidance for iv medications at wards’ level
Development and implementation of a new workflow to improve patient safety for hpn patients
Development of the medicines optimisation assessment tool: assessment of clinical credibility
Dosage adjustments of biological and related drugs for lung cancer
Dosage effect of sorafenib in advanced hepatocellular carcinoma treatment
Drug interaction checkers available for free on internet
Effect of pharmacists’ pre-education for patients receiving colonoscopy at a medical center
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of ward-based pharmacist support: a systematic review
Effectiveness of an oral budesonide formulation in pediatric patients with eosinophilic esophagitis
Effectiveness of biologics for treating psoriasis: a meta-analysis of real-world evidence
Effectiveness of clinical pharmacists’ intervention to surgical prophylactic antibiotics in icu
Effectiveness of innovative tabletop game integration in pharmacists’ training program
Effects of financial incentives-based intervention for polypharmacy outpatients with pharmacists.
Efficacy and safety of once daily tacrolimus in de novo renal transplant recipients: a meta-analysis
Ensuring the efficacy of ppis in enteral nutrition patients by optimizing health information system
Esmos - an innovative pharmacy service to improve surgical patient outcomes
Establish computerized clinical drug safety models- analysis of risk in therapeutic drug monitor
Evaluate the economic benefit of clinical pharmacist intervention in liver transplant patient
Evaluating the perspectives and consensus on kpis among hospital pharmacists in pakistan
Evaluating the therapeutic effectiveness of omalizumab in patients with poor-controlled asthma
Evaluation of drug–drug interaction screening software by healthy information system databases
Evaluation of health literacy about dm pharmaceutical care
Evaluation of pharmaceutical care in nursing home of a regional hospital
Evaluation of pharmacist intervention home care for dm patients
Evaluation of pharmacist intervention in elderly with non-valvular atrial fibrillation in taiwan
Evaluation of the appropriateness of use and safety of novel oral anticoagulants in a medical center
Evaluation of the efficacy of pharmaceutical care for outpatients first receiving chemotherapy
Evaluation of the safety and efficacy of m-beam and m-beac due to the shortage supply of melphalan
Evaluations of risk factors of uti in patients with type 2 dm taking sglt2 inhibitors
Global collaboration to improve student learning and patient outcomes
Guide to the preparation and administration of injectable antineoplastics and immunomodulators
How to avoid errors when designing and building clean rooms for hospital-based sterile compounding.
Impact of blended learning on professionals' self-efficacy to raise fitness to practise concerns
Impact of cyp genotype and serum il-6 on tramadol pharmacokinetics and drug tolerability
Impact of sensitization on utilization of drug information services at a teaching hospital
Implementing a metastatic breast cancer pharmacy led clinic
Improvement of clostridum difficile infections outcome after the adjustment of prevention strategies
Improving care in high-risk post-myocardial infarction patients: from pilot to national roll-out
Improving the inhaler techniques in copd patients
Incorporation of the pharmacist in the icu at dr. Rafael hernandez regional hospital - panama - 2017
Injectable antineoplastics available in portugal suitable for dose banding
Intervention toolkit design by clinical pharmacist assist physician in providing cost-effective care
Intraoperative nephrotoxic drugs effection on renal function in elderly undergoing abdominal surgery
Is reduced dose of direct oral anticoagulants (doac) a risk of ischaemic stroke events?
Key to .S.U.C.C.E.S.S (set up of contract collaboration to enhance sildenafil suspension supply)
Making hospital admission safe: a tool to improve medicines reconciliation
Management and adverse effects observed in a sample of patients with bipolar disorder in sri lanka
Management of staphylococcus aureus bacteremia: a retrospective analysis from northern ontario
Maximum cumulative doses of antineoplastic drugs
Medications without harm; a challenging task to reduce errors.
Medicine related problems in adult patients with af on doacs
Medicines used in heart failure that may induce photosensitivity
Off-label use of antiepileptic drugs
Omitted medicines: a prospective audit in a general hospital
Optimizing direct-acting antiviral treatment for hepatitis c virus through pharmacist interventions
Outcome analysis of liraglutide versus other antidiabetic medications in type 2 diabetes
Patient monitoring with the use of lithium
Patient prioritisation for pharmaceutical care: a systematic review of assessment tools
Patient safety culture in saudi hospitals: pharmacists and technicians perspectives
Pattern of antibiotic use in a primary health centre in ghana
Paying pharmacists for the cognitive service in taiwan: a pilot study
Pharmaceutical care clinic service: pharmacist’s role and impact
Pharmaceutical care of clinical phamacists on critical ill patients in a medical center
Pharmaceutical counseling services in the regional teaching hospital in taiwan during 2012-2016
Pharmacist detection of medication therapy problems at admission in geriatric hospitals
Pharmacist improved quality of vancomycin therapeutic drug monitoring in inpatients
Pharmacist intervention strategies at nursing homes and long-term care institutions
Pharmacy service at a paediatric-adolescent cancer ward
Pharmacy technician led blood monitoring enhances safety and frees up pharmacists and clinicians
Possible pediatric nephrotoxicity of cisplatin
Post-stroke pharmaceutical care experience in a post-stroke care ward of a long-term care facility
Potential inappropriate medication screening by beers criteria in elderly inpatients
Prospective role of pharmacist in prescribing at different tertiary care settings of hyderabad sindh
Rapid advice guideline for intravenous azithromycin in pediatrics
Rapid advice guidelines for the pharmacological management of ha in patients with liver cirrhosis
Real-world experience with idarucizumab for dabigatran reversal in a third-level hospital
Regional roll out of a medicines optimisation in older people pharmacy service in intermediate care
Relationship between biomarkers for cyp3a activity and amlodipine metabolism in postpartum women
Review of tacrolimus dosing post renal transplant: a retrospective cohort study
Revolutionising eye drop compliance - improving quality of care, patient safety and quality of life
Risk of prescribing processes in a long term psychiatric setting
Safety and efficacy of sacubitril/valsartan in patient with heart failure
Sensitization in palliative care to the hospital pharmacy in uruguay
Standardization of hospital processes in logistics for medicines quality assurance
Stopp criteria: application in a nursing home and comparison with beers’ criteria
Sudden drop in medication blood levels post stem cell transplant - predictor of hospital readmission
Systematic evaluation of efficacy and safety of noacs in atrial fibrillation therapy
T-codes used to improve adverse drug reaction-reporting by pharmacists in a medical center
Targeting pharmacist case management medicines optimisation outreach services to care homes.
Testing an electronic platform to standardise recording & identification of pharmacy interventions
The association between antipsychotics and cataract in non-elderly population
The beers criteria and adverse drug reactions among hospitalised older persons in nigeria
The comparison of service models of warfarin monitoring in chft hospitals in west yorkshire, uk
The effect of innovative “red bomb” program to high-alert dispensing errors in hospital pharmacy
The effectiveness and safety of vancomycin dosing via pk monitoring in critically ill patients
The efficacy and safety of antidepressant drugs of escitalopram and duloxetine :a meta-analysis
The efficacy and safety of mazirenwan, a chinese herbal medicine, used for constipation
The efficacy and safety of zepatier treatment experience in hcv genotype 1 patients
The efficacy of monitoring drug safety alerts and implementation of risk evaluation management
The evaluation of health satisfaction in mulptiple sclerosis patients: a challenge for quality
The evaluation of outpatient tracing for the use of warfarin
The implementation of clinical pharmacy service in the psychiatric hospital in oman
The lifecycle management system for drugs, from pharmacy department to use in hospitals
The pediatric clinical pharmacist’s contribution in the management of enzyme replacement therapies
The practice of oncology clinical pharmacists in national cancer center china
The role of clinical pharmacist in appropriate use of restricted antibiotics
The role of direct observation of procedural skills (dops) in postgraduate year pharmacist program.
The role of the hepatitis c pharmacist in managing complex drug-drug interactions
To evaluate thrombolytic therapy in acute ischemic stroke patient
Training pharmacist prescribers for advanced clinical roles in uk emergency departments
Unblocking barriers to best care for enteral feeding patients
Unprevented dispensing errors and its associated factors in outpatient pharmacy tertiary hospital
Using modified cpoe system and barcode technology to reduce high-alert medication errors in hospital
Using quality control circle method in improving timely stat medication order management
Utilization of qr code for laboratory data on prescriptions promotes patients’ safety and outcomes
Utilizing pharmacloud to improve medication safety and reduce unnecessary waste of medical resources
Virologic response of fixed-dose combinations for adults accessing antiretroviral therapy
Warfarin pharmacotherapy protocol-based pharmacist-led management for cardiac surgery patients
Industrial pharmacy
Military and emergency pharmacy
A study of trauma severity and drug consumption based on medical big data
Are pharmacists prepared for disaster? A systematic literature review.
Building community infrastructure for emergency preparedness: a partnership with unexpected benefits
Construction of effect evaluation index system for the medicine usage policy of military hospital
Drug selection for emergency medical rescue: 5s rule and our experience
Emergency and disaster: how are hospital pharmacies prepared in europe
Ensuring the quality of time and temperature sensitive products - safeguarding integrity and safety.
Exploring australian pharmacists’ perceived preparedness to respond to disasters
Just a few extra supplies: the importance of correct quantication in emergency reponse.
Out of sight out of mind? Out of range temperatures during airfreight
Pharmacists in disasters - australia’s opinion
Setting up a health promotion program in a challenge environment-an experience from ladakh
Study on the construction and optimization of non-commissioned officers’ pharmacy courses
The role of pharmacists in disasters since the beginning: a systematic review
Wdg 7: development and implementation of training for pharmacists new to out-of-hours services
Where do pharmacists fit in the disaster health management puzzle?
Natural products
Alleviative effects of chlorella protein on insulin resistance in stz diabetic rats
Anti-inflammatory effects of oplopanax elatus and its major constituent in lps-induced model
Attenuate high glucose-induced proinflammatory genes expression by canna indica l.
Attenuate inflammatory cytokines and chemokine genes expression by trapa taiwanensis nakai
Blackberry-promising source of natural active compounds for hyperglycemia prevention
Chebulanin exerts anti-inflammatory effects by suppressing nf-κb activation in vitro
Comparison of antioxidant profile of sour cherry wine and raspberry wine
Conformational studies of [3.3.1]azabicycles, synthetic analogues of norditerpenoid alkaloids
Conformational studies of selected norditerpenoid alkaloid natural products
Contents of lead and cadmium in samples herbal tea (species urologicae)
Cytochromes p450 mediated metabolism of 7-hydroxyflavone
Determination of pka values of aminoglycoside primary amine groups by nmr spectroscopy
Deuterium-labelled studies of the biosynthesis of hydroxycoumarins during ppd in cassava
Effects of oridonin on hepatic cytochrome p450 expression and activities in pxr-humanized mice
Fraction of endophytic fungus extract counteracts oxidative stress in human dermal fibroblasts
Halocnemum strobilaceum genetic profiling, chemical and biological study of its root hexane extract
Herb–herb interaction between pinelliae rhizoma praeparatum and citri reticulatae pericarpium
In vitro relaxant and negative inotropic effects of hibiscus acid on the rat trachea and heart atria
Inhibition of scutellaria baicalensis on senescence-associated secretory phenotype production
Inhibition of t cell proliferation by dictyostelium differentiation-inducing factors-1
Matrine attenuates nonalcoholic fatty liver diseases through inhibition serca2c
Preliminary anti-convulsant profile of negundoside-an iridoid glycoside from vitex negundo linn.
Pristimerin regulates lipid biogenesis and mtor pathway by activating ampk in colon cancer cells
Quality control of natural products: case of a brand of a boldo leaf tisane marketed in costa rica
Salvianolic acid b suppresses pyroptosis via ampk and syndecan-4 signaling pathways in human epcs
Screening of cytotoxic activities of fucus spiralis seaweed fractions
The effect of plant extract on pregnane x receptor transcriptional activity
Pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics and systems pharmacology
A comparison of five approaches for lithium dose prediction applied to patients in sri lanka
A pharmacokinetic study to compare two nicardipine injections in healthy subjects
Antitumor activity of cepharanthine and tetrandrine for 2d and 3d culture of breast cancer cells
Citrus auraptene induces drug efflux transporter p-glycoprotein expression
Effects of esomeprazole and vonoprazan on the disposition of proguanil.
Effects of transfusion of red blood cell concentrates on blood concentration of tacrolimus
Enhancing effect of aspirin on intestinal absorption of gliadin, wheat allergen, and its mechanism
Hla variants involved in drug hypersensitivity reactions
Olanzapine suppresses insulin secretion from pancreatic β-cells via blockade of multiple receptors
Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic analyses of glimepiride using rats, and simulations of the effect
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of new purine-2,6-dione–based pde4/7 inhibitors in rats
Pk/pd evaluation of protein binding of ceftriaxone and levofloxacin in seriously ill patients
Studies of the efficacy and safety of a new compound –1,3-oxazole-4-il-phosphonic acid derivative
Study protocol: influence of the 5-htt and comt polymorphism for placebo effect on japanese adults
Tobramycin clearance in a cystic fibrosis patient on haemodialysis: implications for dosing
Pharmacy practice research
A cost-effective unna boot alternative as adjunct treatment of kaposi sarcoma in kenya
A randomised clinical trial of the effect of pharmacist feedback on inhaler adherence and technique
A retrospective study on the use of ivabradine at a medical centre in northern taiwan
Antimicrobial prescribing in singapore nursing homes: a national point prevalence survey
Capturing pharmacists' input into general practice: an attempt to achieve consensus amongst experts
Clinical pharmacists in general practice, england: training and role experiences
Developing a pharmacist workforce in integrated urgent care in england
Evaluation of access to essential medicines using who/hai methodology in lahore, pakistan
Exploring the engagement and motivation of pharmacists undergoing faculty professional development
Factors influencing medication adherence in patients with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
Giving a “shot in the arm” to global pharmacists-as-immunizers research
High risk medications in care homes: a retrospective analysis of administration error
Implementation of a pharmacist-led thrombosis clinical team in elective care independent hospital.
Implementation of oral methotrexate safety best practices of hospital in china.
Influences on prescribing decisions by non-medical prescribers: a qualitative exploration.
Influenza vaccine coverage and factors associated with vaccine uptake among paediatric patients
Interventions to improve antimicrobial stewardship for older people in care homes
Medication adherence management service in community pharmacy: from research to routine practice
Medication adherence support services for asthma: pharmacists’ confidence and potential barriers.
Medication review in chronic complex patients at a primary healthcare centre
Medication review with follow-up service: from research to actual practice 2009-2018
Myometer use in early-stage detection of the skeletal muscle function disorders in statin users
Nhs pain services pilot: pharmacist within a specialist setting evaluation
Organisational resilience in health care: a systematic review of definitions, tools and strategies.
Pharmaceutical care in the brazilian public health system: a training and implementation program
Prescribing patterns of benzodiazepines and z-drugs for insomnia in kingdom of saudi arabia (ksa)
Risks associated to the prescription in psychogeriatric patients.
Strategic planning in public healthcare organisations: is sustainability on the agenda?
Study of glycaemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in primary health care
Study protocol: personalized intervention with a tool predicting poor adherence of diabetic patients
The adoption of antimicrobial stewardship programmes in ministry of health hospitals in saudi arabia
The effect of nonylphenol on adiposity in female and male mice with diet-induced obesity
Thiolated silica nanoparticles: synthesis, characterisation and applications
Treatment of atopic dermatitis
Views of medical prescribers’ and senior managers’ on non-medical prescribing practice in oncology
West london community pharmacy teams' experiences of the nhs pharmacists in general practice pilot
Pharmacy technicians
Compounding personalized medication: when is it appropriate?
Education and training programs of pharmacy technicians in europe
Equipping the pharmacy technician workforce to take on emerging roles within the pharmacy team
Impact of lagging legislation on pharmacy technician workplace integration
Pharmacy led prescribing, review & management in a gp surgery based nursing home service
Pharmacy technicians assess care home managers competency to administer medication
The pharmacy technician's role in medicines reconciliation within a hiv clinic
The relationship between pharmacy technician qualifications and salary in the united states (us)
Regulatory sciences
Comparison of post-authorisation requirements between regulatory agencies for medicinal products
Emerging patterns in the clinical development of medicines in paediatric oncology
Evaluation of drug regulatory authority of pakistan using global bench marking tool
Impact of the adequability of plastic sachets in the administration of parenteral solutions
Impact of the medicinal products identifier on wholesale distribution of medicines
Implementation of a herbal medicine classification system in bahrain: facilitators and barriers
Optimising human factors within regulatory processes to accelerate safe biopharmaceutical innovation
Risk register-a proposal for risk based post marketing surveillance tool for quality of medicines
Social and administrative pharmacy
#studydrugs – something mainly positive…
A knowledge and practice survey towards record keeping for controlled medicines in lagos state
A model for the integration of pharmacists into general practice
A nationwide study of nonprescription antibiotics dispensing at community pharmacies in china
Advancing interprofessional care: the university of the philippines college of pharmacy experience
An evaluation of the personality traits of australian pharmacists using the big five inventory
An exploration of social media and eprofessionalism in pharmacy practice
An innovative approach for teaching medication safety to young students
Antibiotics-prescribing patterns in healthcare centers, hospitals in the suburbs of mumbai, india
Assessment of internship training program in nigeria: hospital intern pharmacists' perspectives
Association between lithium in drinking water and mortality due to suicide and homicide
Awareness of caregivers and willingness to accept malaria vaccine for under-5 in oyo state, nigeria
Can medicines optimisation in care homes reduce admissions?
Caregivers’ understanding of drug labels in lagos university teaching hospital, nigeria
Clinical practice and pricing insights into medicine access intelligence
Compounding medications in a rural setting: an inter-professional perspective
Defining and identifying concepts of medication reconciliation: an international perspective
Developing and implementing pharmacist prescribing in qatar: views of key stakeholders
Development of a set of quality indicators for home pharmaceutical care in japan
Disposal of expired medication
Drug expenditure target ensures drug quality
Drug utilization for tnfα inhibitors in us medicaid program: a retrospective analysis 1998-2016
Effects of distribution of product samples to patients and physicians by pharmaceutical companies
Employee retention in the pharmaceutical companies: case of lebanon
Enhancing pharmacist role and services in community pharmacy in finland
Exploring the role of pharmacy teams in scottish gp practice – an interim analysis
Facilitating use of international nonproprietary names in prescribing and dispensing processes
Green pharmacy practice: an australian case study
Group coaching for newly-qualified community pharmacists –best practice for transition support
How can we raise public awareness of (in)appropriate antibiotic use in thailand ? Pharmacists’ views
Identification and response to workplace stress experienced by pharmacists
Identification of drug therapy problems in the ambulatory setting
Identifying key attributes and behaviours for pharmacy research lead roles in wales
Implementation and impact of a global health service mission in a rural community in vietnam
Interprofessional education (ipe) to care for underserved patients in a student-run clinic
Interprofessional relationship between pharmacists other healthcare professionals in ibadan, nigeria
Investigating antibiotic knowledge and use among pharmacy students in australia and sri lanka
Medicine education in danish schools – a pharmacist activity
Medicines optimisation reviews in care homes: a patient centred approach to deprescribing
Mental health clinical pharmacist prescribers within primary care medical practices in nhs highland
Nature versus nurture: using the bfi to evaluate the personality of australian pharmacy students
New care models: an evaluation of care home pharmacy services
Outcome of the pharmacists leadership stimulant programme in lagos state, nigeria–preliminary report
Patient partnership in making care plans
Pharmacogenomics europe: design & implementation strategy of ubiquitous pharmacogenomics consortium
Prevention of underage alcohol abuse form the community pharmacy perspective
Prices, availability and affordability of anti-diabetic medicines in shaanxi province, western china
Public perception and expectations of pharmacy services
Quality dimensions for health support pharmacy in japan
Quality evaluation of the extent of contextualization and usefulness of medication management apps
Recall of antiretroviral therapy information in lagos state university teaching hospital nigeria
Recruiting outpatients with major illness into the integrated medical care program in taiwan
Research on community pharmacists' participation in public health service strategy
Risk preference in the elderly: considerations for understanding medication concordance
Senna - a project to accelerate the establishment of newly arrived immigrated pharmacists in sweden
Survey on perceptions of home care physicians and nurses regarding home medical care
Technology-enabled pharmaceutical care in nhs highland: equality of access to remote populations
The evolving drug expenses and healthcare costs of rheumatoid arthritis: a systemic review
The growing role of reclassification of medicinal products in the process of self-treatment – (..)
The impact of multi-dose dispensing on appropriate medication use by older people
The management of orphan drugs in taiwan
The role of communication in harm reduction among injection drug users in lebanon
The role of pictograms in improving patient adherence to medication: a systematic review
The situation of injection use in primary health institution, china: an analysis of procurement data
The usage of essential medicines for diabetes in china
Trajectories of and clinical pharmacist impact on long-term oral antidiabetic medication adherence
What characteristics do general practitioners associate with good quality community pharmacies?
What matters to you? Public perspectives of quality and community pharmacy services in the uk.
Whole society working together to reduce primary nonadherence due to financial constraints
Will i lose my license for that? A closer look at canadian disciplinary hearings.
Translational research and individualised medicines
Evaluation of beneficial effects of seven chinese traditional medicine extract.
Slco1b1 genetic polymorphisms in cardiac patients on simvastatin
The clinical pharmacology skills alliance (cpsa)– opportunities for collaboration with pharmacy?
Biography Chinenye Ifeoma Onodugo
Biography Douglas Scheckelhoff
Biography Fernando Fernandez-Llimos
Biography Gabrielle Wiederkehr
Biography Hanns-Christian Mahler
Biography Katri Hämeen-Anttila
Biography Linda Garrelts MacLean
Biography Lóa María Magnúsdottír
Biography Magaly Rodriguez de Bittner
Biography Marwan Ghazi El Akel
Biography Patricia Acuña Johnson
Biography Vaiyapuri Subramaniam