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Health education and health promotion by community pharmacists in populations of fewer than 5,000, under the banner “Rural schools of health”, has won the 2024 FIP Health Promotion Campaign Award for the General Pharmaceutical Council of Spain (CGCOF). The award was announced today at the opening ceremony of the 82nd World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, being held in Cape Town, South Africa.
This pharmacy initiative, led by the CGCOF and funded by Spain’s Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge, was piloted in Castilla y Leon (home to 32% of Spain’s rural pharmacies) in collaboration with the region’s pharmaceutical council and provincial pharmacy chambers. 109 pharmacies were selected to take part and their pharmacists were provided with training by the CGCOF. The pharmacists provided up to five health education sessions in their municipalities, covering topics aimed at different groups of people. For example, a session aimed at older people focused on prevention of functional decline, and a session aimed at adolescents covered sexual health and prevention of smoking and alcohol misuse.
In addition, FIP made awards to 15 individuals as follow:
Honorary President: Dr Michel Buchmann (Switzerland)
Høst Madsen Medal: Dr Vinod P. Shah (USA).
FIP Award for Exceptional Leadership: Prof. Ralph J. Altiere (USA).
Distinguished Pharmaceutical Education Award (mid-career education award): Dr Lauren Jonkman (Namibia/USA)
Early Career in Pharmaceutical Practice Recognition Award: Dr Shania Liu (Australia)
FIP Fellowships: Dr Abdikarim Abdi (Turkey); Sir Anthony Akhimien (Nigeria); Mr Daragh Connolly (Ireland); Dr Sarah Dineen-Griffin (Australia); Dr Stephen Eckel (USA); Dr Prosper Hiag (Cameroon); Ms Eiko Kobayashi (Japan); Dr Rajatheran (Sham) Moodley (South Africa); Prof. Melody Ryan (USA); and Dr Tanniru Venkata Narayana (India).
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