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A decision-making framework and its application to help pharmacists deal with different ethical dilemmas in pharmacy practice are presented in a new format of continuing professional development — “FIP CPD Bites” — from FIP, launched today. “FIP already offers numerous resources to support the profession with CPD, including webinars, digital events, congress sessions and publications such as handbooks and knowledge and skills guides. However, we understand that people have different learning styles and preferences, and the growing demands on pharmacists’ time means that there is a need for concise, engaging, evidence-driven and easily accessible learning materials. ‘FIP CPD Bites’ aims to meet this need through short videos with role-plays, analysis and advice,” said Dalia Bajis, FIP lead for provision and partnerships.
“FIP CPD Bites” provides learning support on different topics relevant to practice, science and education in pharmacy. FIP’s first series in this new format comprises seven videos (four available from today) developed by FIP experts on ethics. “As practising pharmacists, we are clinically, ethically and socially accountable for decisions we make regarding the all-important pharmaceutical care of our patients. We often experience ethical dilemmas, where two or more issues could be pulling in opposite directions, making it difficult to decide what direction to take that would be justifiable and in the best interests of the patient. To enable better understanding of our obligations, these CPD bites offer real-life examples in role-play, accompanied by clear, simply articulated analyses and recommended actions to help colleagues make professionally justifiable ethical decisions,” said Dr Betty Chaar, chair, FIP Working Group on Ethics.
The first video in this Ethics in Pharmacy Practice series introduces a framework for decision making on ethical dilemmas. Three other CPD bites address specific topics of professional autonomy, privacy and confidentiality, and provision of advice on medication. Three further videos will be released in 2023.