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Today, 93 days before World Pharmacists Day (WPD) 2021, FIP launches its “193 in 93 Challenge”. 193 countries/states are on the list of United Nations members and the federation’s goal is to have colleagues in all 193 and beyond represented on its WPD2021 Champions Wall by 25 September!
So far, over 150 colleagues covering 71 countries have become champions, publicly pledging their support for the campaign, which aims to promote and celebrate the pharmacy profession. “The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the significance of globalisation, but it has also emphasised the value of solidarity. Our hope is that colleagues in every country/state will take part in advocating our great profession this year,” said FIP CEO Catherine Duggan.
Any pharmacist, pharmaceutical scientist, pharmacy educator, pharmacy student or pharmacy technician can become a #WPD2021 Champion and there is no limit to the number of champions from a single country, state, territory or region. FIP is, however, asking all colleagues to take a look at list of countries/states represented so far and to help fill in the gaps, either by becoming champions themselves or by spreading the word to colleagues in missing countries and asking them to become a WPD2021 Champion.
The list of countries and more about the 193 in 93 Challenge can be found here.