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The International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) links four million pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists across the globe. Together, we work to improve global health by advancing pharmaceutical education, pharmaceutical sciences and pharmaceutical practice so that we can encourage, promote and enable better discovery, development, access to and responsible use of appropriate, cost-effective, quality medicines worldwide.
2017 has been hugely productive, with two successful world congresses held; the adoption of policy statements on self care, the role of pharmacists in disasters, antimicrobial resistance and medicines information as well as statements on pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences education; and the long-term work of FIP expert groups culminating in seven profession-enhancing reports:
- “Medicines information: Strategic development”
- “Technicians and pharmacy support workforce cadres working with pharmacists”
- “Pharmacy as a gateway to care: Helping people towards better health”
- “Transforming pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences education in the context of workforce development”
- “Reporting medicines shortages: Models and tactical options”
- “Research, development and evaluation strategies for pharmaceutical education and workforce”
- “Pharmacy at a glance: A global overview. Workforce, medicines distribution, practice, regulation and remuneration 2015-17”
Thank you for your support over the past year. In 2018, FIP will be giving particular focus to pharmacy immunisations, women and responsible use of medicines, non-communicable diseases, patient safety, and the supply chain. We look forward to the coming months, in which we will also be continuing with the development of our new strategic plan. We wish you a happy and healthy year ahead.