Supporting the advancement of the profession
What is the GADF?
The FIP Global Advanced Development Framework (GADF) Version 1.0 is a validated tool intended to support the professional development and recognition of the pharmacy workforce everywhere.
The framework has the primary purpose of identifying broad areas for professional development and advancement for pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists to develop their careers in a structured manner.
The GADF builds on the support provided by the FIP Global Competency Framework (GbCF). The FIP current workforce policy suggests that special attention is paid to “early-year careers” (the immediate post-licensure foundational period of perhaps 1 to 2 years). The GbCF is designed as a focused support structure for our younger professionals. Our current evidence suggests that pharmacists should start professional development engagement with GADF following this early but crucial foundational career stage (see FIP Development Goal 2 workforce element).
At present, the GADF currently maps three broad-based advanced practice stages across developmental competencies focused on medicines expertise, leadership capabilities (e.g. clinical, medicines related activities, teamwork, etc.), managing health and professional delivery services and people, training and mentoring, and developing evaluation skills and innovation in health and professional service provision. FIP believes these capabilities are all common components of a rounded, flexible, effective and advanced pharmacist practitioner, and relatable to pharmaceutical scientists too.
The implementation of the GADF not only supports our individual members in their career progression but is crucial for progress in collectively working towards meeting the FIP Global Vision for Pharmaceutical Workforce & Education and the FIP Development Goals (FIP DGs), particularly FIP DG 4: Advanced and specialist development. It is about fully extending service delivery, be it for our communities and patients or for providing medicines expertise to our nations.
How can the GADF be used?
The GADF is developed by FIP to support its members and stakeholders progress and advance medicines related practice at national and institutional levels. It can be used by individual practitioners and scientists to map and plan their professional development and develop their personal development portfolio and career pathway.
The GADF is designed to be applicable for all career options in our profession- pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists. For our national member organisations and partners, the GADF is designed to be adopted and adapted for any pharmaceutical sector, practice area or field and pharmacists, pharmaceutical scientists and the support workforce to develop their advanced practice and specialisation and assist with their career progression. FIP is able to support professional leadership bodies directly in this adoption and adaptation process, enabling ownership at national level, through the FIP Workforce Transformation Programme (WTP). Implementing the GADF is a direct contribution to national progression for PWDGs 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 11.
This framework complements the FIP GbCF for foundation or early career practice, which is already being globally implemented by our member organisations as part of the FIP WTP roll-out. The GADF will increase opportunities for transnational collaboration and will enhance learning opportunities between countries, directly linking into the FIP Strategic Plan and our members’ priorities.
How can you get involved?
GADF Handbook
Explore the GADF Handbook to view the complete framework, guidelines on how to use it, and how it is being implemented around the world.
GADF Quick Reference Guide
Explore the GADF Quick Reference Guide to view the framework and a brief information about the framework. The GADF Quick Reference Guide is available in seven languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Indonesia, Portuguese and Spanish here.
GADF Executive Summary
The executive summary of this framework can be accessed and downloaded here.
GADF Introductory Webinar
To find out more about this project, watch our free introductory webinar here.
Support GADF global implementation
If you are interested in supporting or initiating the implementation of the GADF in your Member Organisation, your country or your institution, please email We are also working on translating the framework into other languages to help the dissemination of this project worldwide, if you would like to support or sponsor a translation please email
For any questions or for more information please contact the GADF Project Team (