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Perspectives of filipino pharmacists on their roles in public health
- In: CPS 1: The role of the pharmacist in public health - Posters
- At: Basel (Switzerland) (2008)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: CPS1-P-042
- By: SALENGA, Roderick (University of the Philippines Manila, Manila, Philippines)
- Co-author(s): Balocating, Jo-anne (University of the Philippines Manila, MANILA, Philippines)
Juayang, Raphael (University of the Philippines Manila, MANILA, Philippines)
Nazareno, Melissa (University of the Philippines Manila, MANILA, Philippines) - Abstract:
Background: The pharmacist’s role continues to expand beyond the traditional product-oriented functions of compounding and dispensing. The pharmaceutical services today include more patient-centered, administrative and public health functions. In spite of the pharmacist’s expertise, accessibility and central placement in communities, the..
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