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Outpatient antibiotic prescribing during the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic - a nationwide register-based study
- At: Seville (Spain) (2022)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: SAP-029
- By: KARI, Heini (The Social Insurance Institution Of Finland, Finland)
- Co-author(s): Dr Heini Kari, Senior Researcher (The Social Insurance Institution Of Finland, Helsinki, Finland)
Ms Hanna Rättö, Research Unit (The Social Insurance Institution Of Finland, Helsinki, Finland)
Dr Leena Saastamoinen, Research Unit (The Social Insurance Institution Of Finland, Helsinki, Finland)
Dr Hanna Koskinen, Research at Kela (The Social Insurance Institution Of Finland, Helsinki, Finland) - Abstract:
Background information
COVID-19 pandemic has imposed an enormous burden on health care systems around the world. Simultaneously many countries have reported that the number of other infectious diseases, such as acute respiratory infections, has decreased, leading to a decline in outpatient antibiotic use.
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Last update 28 September 2023