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Polyamidoamine-decorated nanodiamonds as a hybrid gene delivery vector and sirna structural characterization at the charged interfaces
- In: Poster presentation
- At: Seoul (South Korea) (2017)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: POS-FDP-013
- By: JEONG, Seong Hoon (Goyang, Korea, Republic Of)
- Co-author(s): Seong Hoon Jeong
Dae Gon Lim
Eunah Kang
Young Kee Shin
Hun Soon Jung - Abstract:
Nanodiamonds have been enlightened as a new exogenous material source in biomedical applications. As a new potent form of nanodiamond (ND) called polyamidoamine-decorated nanodiamonds (PAMAN-NDs) were prepared for E7 or E6 oncoprotein-suppressing siRNA gene delivery.
It is critical to understand the physicochemical properties of
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