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Therapeutic potential of cannabidiol
- At: Seville (Spain) (2022)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: NMS-007
- By: CALLEJA, Abigail (University Of Malta, Malta)
- Co-author(s): Ms Abigail Calleja, Student (Doctorate in Pharmacy) (University Of Malta, Msida, Malta)
Dr Janis Vella Szijj, Pharmacy
Prof Anthony Serracino-Inglott, Professor - Abstract:
Background: Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the most prevalent phytocannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. CBD and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) have a similar chemical structure though they differ in the spatial configuration which leads to differences in their pharmacological profiles. There is a growing interest about the promising pharmacological..
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Last update 28 September 2023