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FIP Library

FIP makes it a priority to publish the latest developments in pharmacy practice, pharmaceutical sciences, related global news and prominent events. Our multi-media approach to keeping members, partners and peers informed of what is and will be affecting their area of practice or science is key to keeping information flowing through the FIP network.

2024 FIP representation at the 77th World Health Assembly: A summary report
2024 Economic sustainability and pharmacy: A commentary article
2024 Advancing pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences through the academic capacity assessment handbook
2023 Pandemic preparedness, response and recovery: Lessons learnt for global pharmacy
2023 FIP representation at the 76th World Health Assembly: Summary report for FIP members
2022 Knowledge and skills reference guide for professional development in cardiovascular diseases
2022 Knowledge and skills reference guide for professional development in cancer care

A companion to the FIP cancer care handbook for pharmacists 

2022 The FIP Development Goals report 2021: Setting goals for the decade ahead

This report provides a global status update on the FIP Development Goals launched on 2021 and aims at facilitating the next decade’s roadmap aligned with the UN Agenda 2030. The 21 FIP Development Goals align with FIP’s mission to support global health by enabling the advancement of pharmaceutical practice, sciences and education and are set to support pharmacy transformation in alignment with wider global imperatives such as the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

2022 FIP engagement with our membership in 2021 at a glance. Capturing the voice of FIP members globally, to advance pharmacy worldwide
2022 FIP engagement with our membership 2021. Capturing the voice of FIP members globally, to advance pharmacy worldwide
2022 The FIP Development Goals report 2021. Setting goals for the decade ahead
2021 Pharmaceutical services in immunization: Contributions, experiences, and implementation in the Americas region
2015 Green pharmacy practice: Taking responsibility for the environmental impact of medicines

This reference document describes the different ways in which pharmaceuticals find their way into our water supplies, soil and atmosphere, and presents current findings on their levels in the environment. It also describes some of the negative effects that pharmaceuticals in the environment can have on living organisms and the actions that pharmacists have been taking to reduce their impact.

2012 Biowaiver Monographs 2004-2012
FIP’s Focus Group on Biopharmaceutics Classification System and Biowaiver collects publicly available data for essential medical drugs and performs literature reviews to address the question of whether a biowaiver can be recommended for a new formulation of an active pharmaceutical ingredient. The result is a biowaiver monograph. This project is supported by the World Health Organization and takes published guidance of the WHO, the US Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency into consideration as well as scientific developments in this field.

The FIP Global Pharmaceutical Observatory (GPO) is a worldwide data hub to inform the advocacy work of our members and partners.  

The FIP Atlas is a platform being developed to showcase our members’ needs and priorities (supported by the data from the GPO), allowing us to identify opportunities for developing pharmacy with, for and through our member organisations.  

Latest intelligence and data on the state of pharmacy and pharmaceutical science around the world.  


Last update 28 March 2022

FIP Congresses