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30 April 2024 

FIP research shows 64% increase in pharmacy-based vaccination services since 2020

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A new global intelligence report from FIP, published today, gives the most extensive and representative overview of how the role of pharmacists in vaccination has evolved to date. The report, “Leveraging pharmacy to deliver life-course vaccination”, is based on a new survey of 73 countries and integrates evidence gathered by FIP in 2016, 2019/20 and 2022, providing a comprehensive picture across 120 countries and territories. “Pharmacy-based vaccination is now authorised in at least 56 countries, with 22 countries identified as allowing these services since 2020. Immunisation against vaccine-preventable communicable diseases not only reduces morbidity and mortality, it decreases pressure on health care systems. It is an important contributor to universal health coverage,” said Prof. Ian Bates, director, FIP Global Pharmaceutical Observatory.

Findings on a variety of pharmacist-led immunisation schemes are presented in this new FIP resource, including advocacy activities, regulatory frameworks, vaccine administration and prescribing, training and certification, maintenance of vaccination records, reimbursement for vaccination services, and public satisfaction as well as highlighting challenges to service expansion. The report is accompanied by a global online atlas offering an interactive means of exploring the progress and status of pharmacists’ roles in vaccination services.

Access to the full report for FIP members only. An executive summary is available to all.

Last update 15 May 2019

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