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13 February 2023 

Insights on how digital health interventions can support pharmaceutical care delivery shared

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A new FIP report "How can digital health interventions support national pharmaceutical care delivery” is published today. The report contains a summary of a FIP-hosted online roundtable in November 2022 discussing challenges and opportunities facing nations and professional organisations in implementing digital health interventions in pharmaceutical care services. The roundtable brought together a diverse group, including FIP Technology Advisory Group members and digital health experts, global and regional pharmacy leaders, and researchers, to discuss: selected best practices and ongoing initiatives; barriers, challenges and recommendations in the implementation of digital health in pharmaceutical care services; education and training needs; and future areas of work and opportunities for growth. The report, which is accessible to FIP members only, is the work of the FIP Global Pharmaceutical Observatory under its multinational needs assessment programme.

Last update 15 May 2019

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