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30 May 2019 

New FIP Community Pharmacy Section grant available

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A new grant to help pharmacists highlight potential weaknesses in their country’s pharmacy system and to combat these weaknesses has been announced by the Community Pharmacy Section (CPS) of FIP. As part of the National Pharmacy Champions for Change grant, pharmacists are asked to participate in an electronic survey (in English or Spanish) that will be used to collect responses, which will be evaluated by international pharmacy leaders within the CPS, in collaboration with FIP’s  Pharmacy Practice Research Special Interest Group, to select a winner. The winner will be announced at the CPS Steering Committee meeting on 24 September at FIP’s 79th World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

The grantee will be given the opportunity to communicate his or her vision for change through a one-hour webinar hosted by the CPS. The CPS will broadcast the webinar with its findings and the winner’s proposals in the first quarter of 2020. The winner will also receive a certificate from the CPS. Click here to find out more about the CPS and its National Pharmacy Champions for Change grant.

Last update 15 May 2019

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