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25 September 2018 

World Pharmacist Day

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As designated in 2009 by the FIP Council in Istanbul, Turkey, 25 September marks the annual World Pharmacists Day. FIP encourages pharmacists to use this day to organise activities that promote and advocate for the role of the pharmacist in improving health in every corner of the world.

Pharmacists: Your medicines experts” is the theme of this year’s World Pharmacists Day.

“This year, we focus on the extensive expertise that pharmacists have and put to use every day to ensure better patient health. This expertise is applied through science and research, through educating the next generation, and through transforming patient needs into services,” said FIP President Dr Carmen Peña.

“The theme of World Pharmacists Day emphasises that pharmacists are a trusted source of knowledge and advice, not only for patients but for other healthcare professionals. For every patient who walks into a pharmacy, pharmacists ensure that the right medicine is provided at the right dose and in the most suitable formulation. We work with other healthcare professionals to ensure that every individual receives optimal treatment. Moreover, as one of the most accessible health care professionals globally, we use our learning to protect health and prevent illness,” Dr Peña added.

FIP is inviting pharmacists to support World Pharmacists Day by creating profile pictures for their social media accounts using the official FIP Twibbon or the official logo. The resources are all free to use and available below. 


Official logo


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WPD2018_Preventing_illness   WPD2018_Developingmedicines   WPD2018_Advisingpatients   WPD2018_Checking appropiateuse
Preventing illness  

Developing medicines

  Advising patients  

Checking appropriate use



Support this campaign by using this Twibbon for you social media profile picture.

Arabic Chinese English
WPD2018_twibbon-ar wpd2018_twibbon-ch WPD2018_twibbon-en
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French Russian Spanish
WPD2018_twibbon-fr-wpd WPD2018_twibbon-ru WPD2018_twibbon-ru
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Last update 15 May 2019

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