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Events and webinars

FIP is pleased to bring you announcements of events, meetings and workshops around the world concerning pharmacy practice, the pharmaceutical sciences and global health. For more information on a particular event please click the associated link.

Reaching at-risk and vulnerable groups: Pharmacy’s role in inclusive vaccination

A webinar organised by:
14 November 2023

FIP is organizing a series of three webinars centred on critical aspects of vaccination. These webinars aim to provide insights into three key topics to advance pharmacy-based vaccination services:
1. The first event is dedicated to addressing vaccine confidence and aims to explore the factors that influence public trust in vaccines and discuss strategies to bolster vaccine acceptance.
2. The second event focuses on preparing for vaccination campaigns during the winter season. This includes discussions on adapting vaccination strategies for seasonal challenges and ensuring the availability of vaccines during this crucial period.
3. The third event focuses on at-risk or vulnerable groups and examines the importance of reaching and safeguarding these populations and explores ways in which pharmacies can play a crucial role in their vaccination.

- Jaime Acosta-Gómez, Community Pharmacist and pharmacy owner, Farmacia Acosta, Spain

- Alexandre Chadi, Pharmacist, Montreal University, Canada
- Anna Sangster, Director, Policy, Advocacy and Innovation, International Federation on Ageing, Canada
- Jorge Schlottke, Pharmacist, Confederacion Farmacèutica Argentina (COFA), Argentina
- Leonila Ocampo, President, Asia Pacific Institute for Medication Management, Philippine

Last update 12 September 2019

FIP Congresses