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Comprehensibility of a standardized medication plan
- In: Poster presentation
- At: Buenos Aires (Argentina) (2016)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: POS-CPS-085
- By: SCHULZ, Martin (ABDA, Medicine, Berlin, Germany)
- Co-author(s): Lea Botermann:Medicine,ABDA,Berlin,Germany|Katharina Monzel:Internal Medicine III - Cardiology,Saarland University Medical Center,Homburg/Saar,Germany|Katrin Krueger:Medicine,ABDA,Berlin,Germany|Christiane Eickhoff:Medicine,ABDA,Berlin,Germany|Angelika Wachter:Internal Medicine III - Cardiology,Saarland University Medical Center,Homburg/Saar,Germany|Charlotte Kloft:Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Biochemistry,Institute of Pharmacy, Freie Universitaet Berlin,Berlin,Germany|Ulrich Laufs:Internal Medicine III - Cardiology,Saarland University Medical Center,Homburg/Saar,Germany|Martin Schulz:
- Abstract:
A standardized medication plan (MP) has been developed and recently implemented into German law depicting all medicines taken. It has never been studied if patients understand a MP and can transfer the given information into practice.
The MP v2.0 was tested in N=40 patients and the “Evaluation Tool to test the handling of the Medication Plan”
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