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The development of professional degree education for clinical pharmacy in China
- In: E11 - Short oral presentations from the FIP Academic Pharmacy Section on Thursday, 4 September 2014, 12:15-13:45
- At: Bangkok (Thailand) (2014)
- Type: Presentation
- By: XIE, Xiaohui (School of pharmaceutical sciences, Peking university, Department of pharmacy administration and clinical pharmacy, Beijing, China)
- Co-author(s): Shi, Luwen (School of pharmaceutical sciences, Peking university, Beijing, China)
Shao, Hong (School of pharmaceutical sciences, Peking university, Beijing, China)
Nie, Xiaoyan (School of pharmaceutical sciences, Peking university, Beijing, China)
Wang, Tiansheng (School of pharmaceutical sciences, Peking university, Beijing, China) - Abstract:
Background The college education of clinical pharmacy has made a great progress in China in the past two decades. Most important of all, some universities, including PekingUniversity, started offering master of pharmacy (Mpharm) program since the year of 2011. Mpharm is a professional degree, which is different from Master of Science (M.Sc). M.Sc
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