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About the International Pharmacy Journal


The IPJ keeps its readers in touch with pharmacy around the world. The aim is to share developments and work in pharmacy, thereby contributing to the mission of FIP to support global health by enabling the advancement of pharmaceutical practice, sciences and education.
Through in-depth coverage, summaries and unique content, the IPJ strives to inform and inspire. It updates readers on FIP’s position and work on different areas of the profession as well as on activities of FIP member organisations.

Editorial policy

All articles published reflect the views of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of FIP. The use of specific names of companies or products does not imply endorsement or recommendation by FIP. Although all reasonable efforts have been made to verify information, the publisher accepts no responsibility for omissions or inaccuracies. In no event shall FIP be liable for any damages arising as a result of interpretation and use of published information.

Lowell Anderson, Lin-Nam Wang

Editorial Advisory Panel
Kaushik Desai (India), Catherine Duggan (Netherlands), Charles Alan Lyles (USA), José Manuel Martinez Sesmero (Spain)

Editorial Office
Andries Bickerweg 5, 2517 JP The Hague, The Netherlands
T +31 70 302 1987
F +31 70 302 1999


Copyright © 2023 International Pharmaceutical Federation. All reproduction rights reserved. FIP members may download or print out one hard copy of the IPJ for personal non-commercial use or study only. Permission to copy, reproduce or translate articles must be obtained from the Editorial Office (email:

Guidance for contributors

The IPJ encourages submissions from a diverse range of authors from across all countries and backgrounds on topics within the scope of the journal. No fees are payable to submit or publish in the IPJ and decisions on acceptance for publication are the editors’ alone.

Before submitting an article, authors are asked to send an email for the attention of Ms Lin-Nam Wang ( to confirm the suitability of the topic. The email should include a proposed title for the article.

Authors are required to confirm that they are submitting original work, that they have the rights to the work, and that they have obtained and can supply all necessary permissions for the reproduction of any works for which they do not own the copyright. They must also confirm that the article is not being considered for publication elsewhere and that it has not already been published elsewhere.

Authors are required to declare their affiliations and any conflicts of interest.

Manuscripts should be submitted in Microsoft Word format. If accepted these may be edited before publication. Published material becomes the property of FIP.

The IPJ accepts contributions of two main types of article:

Type of article


Word count


Additional requirements


Articles may be placed under any of the following sections of the IPJ: Science, Practice, or Education & workforce.

600 to 1,800

20 maximum


Opinion piece

Opinion pieces should deal with topical issues and be written with an international audience in mind

600 to 1,000

10 maximum

An image of the author(s) must be provided


Reference style

  • The IPJ applies an adapted version of the Vancouver referencing style.
  • References should be listed in numerical order, using Arabic numerals, in the order in which they are cited in the text.
  • In-text citations should be numbered with superscript type.
  • Authors’ surnames should be followed by no more than two initials (no full stop in between), followed by a comma before the next author or a full stop after the last author.
  • For articles with one to three authors, list all authors. For articles with more than three authors, list the first three authors then add “et al.”.
  • Only the first word of the article title and words that normally begin with a capital letter are capitalised.
  • Give the year, followed by a semi colon, the volume number followed by the issue number in brackets, followed by a colon, and then the page number(s).
  • If a digital object identifier (DOI) is available, it should be provided. For electronic journal articles, provide the url.

A full list of various reference types and how to present them is available here:

Below are examples of the most commonly used reference types.
Journal article:
1.    Author AA, Author BB, Author CC, et al. Title of article. Abbreviated title of journal. Year of publication YYYY;volume number(issue number):page numbers. DOI: 10.1177/0363546512458223
Journal article on the internet:
2.    Author AA, Author BB. Title of article. Abbreviated title of journal. Date of publication YYYY Month [cited YYYY Month DD];volume number(issue number):page numbers. Available from: Journal URL.
Chapter in a book:
3.    Author AA, Author BB. Chapter title. In: Editor AA, Editor BB, editors, Book title. Place of publication: Publisher; Date of pubication YYYY. Page numbers pp000–000.


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Last update 26 October 2023

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