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Use of Herbal Medicines Among Pregnant Women in Saudi Arabia: A Cross Sectional Study.
- In: Posters
- At: Dublin (Ireland) (2013)
- Type: Poster
- By: ZAITOUN, Mohammad (College of Clinical Pharmacy - King Faisal Univerisity, Pharmacy Practice, Al-Ahsaa, Saudi Arabia)
- Co-author(s): Al-Nowis, Marwah (College of Clinical Pharmacy - King Faisal Univerisity, Al-Ahsaa, Saudi Arabia)
Alhomaidan, Faten (College of Clinical Pharmacy - King Faisal Univerisity, Al-Ahsaa, Saudi Arabia)
Ezzat, Hany (College of Clinical Pharmacy - King Faisal Univerisity, Al-Ahsaa, Saudi Arabia) - Abstract:
Herbal remedies are commonly used among pregnant women for self treatment of many conditions. For decades, they were believed to be safer than medicines. There is limited data about herbal medicines use patterns among pregnant women in Saudi Arabia.
: To determine the most commonly used herbal remedies during pregnancy among.. The access to the whole abstract and if available the presentation file is available to FIP members and to congress participants of that specific congress.
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