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A College of Pharmacy’s Outreach Plan for Promoting Herd Immunity
- In: Posters
- At: Amsterdam (the Netherlands) (2012)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: CPS3-P-10
- By: ENGLE, Janet (University of Illinois College of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacy Practice, Chicago, Illinois, United States of America)
- Co-author(s): Allen, S.M. (University of Illinois College of Pharmacy, Chicago, Illinois, United States of America)
Djuric Kachlic, M. (University of Illinois College of Pharmacy, Chicago, Illinois, United States of America)
Goliak, K.L. (University of Illinois College of Pharmacy, Chicago, Illinois, United States of America) - Abstract:
Background/Aims: The college’s goal is to increase community immunization rates while also promoting awareness of immunization delivery by pharmacists among university employees, students, patients and neighbors. Methods: A comprehensive immunization outreach plan was developed utilizing college of pharmacy practice department resources and
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