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Synthesis and Characterization of Lactose-Carboxymethyl Chitosan and its Application in Coating Liposomes
- In: SIG Posters
- At: Amsterdam (the Netherlands) (2012)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: FDP-P-43
- By: WU, Wenying (The Second Affiliated Hospital, Medical School of Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China)
- Co-author(s): Gao, Jie (The Second Affiliated Hospital, Medical School of Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China)
Li, Sha (The Second Affiliated Hospital, Medical School of Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China)
Xu, XiaoNa (The Second Affiliated Hospital, Medical School of Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China)
Dai, ZhiJun (The Second Affiliated Hospital, Medical School of Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China) - Abstract:
Background and Aims: In the past years, lactose modification had been used to selectively recognize the liver parenchymal. The asialoglycoprotein receptor (ASGP-R) was known to be present only on hepatocytes with a high density. According to ASGP-R existing on the hepatic parenchymal cell membrane, which could specially recognize galactose or The access to the whole abstract and if available the presentation file is available to FIP members and to congress participants of that specific congress.
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