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Japanese consumers’ attitudes toward labelling information of non-prescription (OTC) medicines
- In: Posters
- At: Amsterdam (the Netherlands) (2012)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: PIS-P-13
- By: IZUMISAWA, Megumi (Japan, College of Pharmacy Nihon University, Chiba-ken, Japan)
- Co-author(s): Choi, J.S. (Chiba University, Graduate School of Engineering, Chiba-ken, Japan)
Koyama, S.I. (Chiba University, Graduate School of Engineering, Chiba-ken, Japan)
Haruo Hibino, H. (Chiba University, Graduate School of Engineering, Chiba-ken, Japan)
Shiragami, M. (College of Pharmacy Nihon University, Chiba-ken, Japan) - Abstract:
?OBJECTIVE?As is expected that consumers’ consciousness towards their own health keeps exalting and that the significance of promoting self-care and self-medication in the healthcare arena continues to increase, we conducted comprehensive studies to understand how consumers perceive the labelling information and the efforts for drug safety so that
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