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Buffered sucrose candies as a safe strategy for children’s dental caries protection
- In: Posters
- At: Amsterdam (the Netherlands) (2012)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: IPS-P-20
- By: AL-ENEZI, Nadia (PNU, Pharmaceutic, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
- Co-author(s): Al-Subie, A. (PNU, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
Alhosan, N. (PNU, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
Omar, S. (PNU, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) - Abstract:
Most children have dental caries
Tooth decay is potentiated by acid producing bacteria that convert sucrose into acids through a glycolytic process. Thus, tooth enamel begins to demineralize at a pH of 5.5. Substitution of sucrose with sugar alcohols have been used in candies as caries-preventive policy. However the increase in mutans The access to the whole abstract and if available the presentation file is available to FIP members and to congress participants of that specific congress.
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Last update 28 September 2023