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Interactions of 6-methoxy-2-naphtyl acetic acid (6mna) with human serum proteins: possibility of site ii binding inhibitor in clinical
- In: Laboratories and Medicines Control Services Section Posters
- At: New Orleans (USA) (2004)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: LMCS-P006
- By: TOKUNAGA, JIn (Kyusyu University of Health and Welfare, Second Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Nobeoka, Japan)
- Co-author(s): Takamura (Kyusyu University of Health and Welfare, NOBEOKA, Japan)
Chosa (Miyazaki Medical College, Japan)
Motoya (Kyusyu University of Health and Welfare, NOBEOKA, Japan)
Fujita (Miyazaki Medical College, Japan)
Okumura (Miyazaki Medical College, Japan)
Yamasaki (Miyazaki Medical College, Japan)
Ogata (Kyusyu University of Health and Welfare, NOBEOKA, Japan)
Hidaka (Miyazaki Medical College, Japan)
Kodama (Miyazaki Medical College, Japan)
Kuroki (Chiyoda Hospital, Japan)
Kai (Chiyoda Hospital, Japan)
Chiyotanda (Chiyoda Hospital, Japan)
Kawai (Kanazawa University, Japan)
Arimori (Miyazaki Medical College, Japan) - Abstract:
Purpose: Nabumetone (Relifen®), which has a high selectivity of cyclooxygenase II, is one of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) commercially available. Nabumetone is a prodrug of 6-methoxy-2-naphtyl acetic acid (6MNA). Its biological half-time is long and its therapeutic concentration is high. If 6MNA binds to serum proteins strongly, ..
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