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Medicinal plants in therapeutics now: a reality or a myth
- In: Posters
- At: Amsterdam (the Netherlands) (2012)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: PHT-P-10
- By: ESPIRITO SANTO VENTURA, Sandra (Superior Health School, Pharmacy, Guarda, Portugal)
- Co-author(s): Coutinho, P. (Superior Health School, Guarda, Portugal)
Roque, F. (Superior Health School, Guarda, Portugal)
Ribeiro, M. (Superior Health School, Guarda, Portugal)
Pereira, A. (Superior Health School, Guarda, Portugal)
Marques, E. (Superior Health School, Guarda, Portugal)
Barbosa, M.H. (Superior Health School, Guarda, Portugal)
Corte, A. (Superior Health School, Guarda, Portugal)
Lopes, F. (Superior Health School, Guarda, Portugal) - Abstract:
I. BackgroundMedicinal plants have been used since the early times and are still being used for many clinical situations, often simultaneously with chemically synthesized drugs, without prior consultation. The reasons for these attitudes are often related to individual and collective beliefs, since people believe that plants are good because they
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