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Reconsidering the cognizance, attitude and behavior of medicine use: applicants of Chinese herbal additives testing
- In: SIG Pharmacoeconomics/Pharmacoepidemiology Posters
- At: New Orleans (USA) (2004)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: PE-P007
- By: HO, Hsiao-feng (Taipei City Government, Health, Taipei, China Taiwan)
- Co-author(s): Chang (Taipei City Government, TAIPEI, China Taiwan)
Hsu (Taipei Medical University, China Taiwan) - Abstract:
The research was intended to understand the status of cognizance, attitude and behavior of medicine use in certain applicants of checking Chinese herbal additives. We interviewed 584 applicants, who had applied for a testing in 2002, by telephone with questionnaires from March to April 2004. Based on the data of interview, 14.2% of these Chinese
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