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Switch of duty personnel from pharmacists to pharmaconomists outside hospital pharmacy opening hours.
- In: Administrative Pharmacy- Posters
- At: Istanbul (Turkey) (2009)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: APS-P-011
- By: MADSEN, Pia (Sygehusapotek Fyn, OUH, Odense, Denmark)
- Co-author(s): Vad, Dorrit (Sygehusapotek Fyn, OUH, ODENSE, Denmark)
Buck, Thomas Croft (Sygehusapotek Fyn, OUH, ODENSE, Denmark) - Abstract:
Objective: To describe the switch of duty personnel from pharmacists to pharmaconomists outside pharmacy opening hours. Settings: The pharmacy department of Odense Universitetshospital (OUH) supplies medicines via the top-up service to 107 departments. OUH covers all specialities and has around 1000 beds plus 612,000 outpatient visits. The
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