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Mijngezondheid.net: A new tool for patient - provider communication
- In: G6 - ICT Showcase: IT Solutions in Pharmacy Practice on Monday, 1 September 2008, 14:30-15:45
- At: Basel (Switzerland) (2008)
- Type: Presentations + Posters
- By: NINABER, Rolf (PharmaPartners BV, Oosterhout, Netherlands)
- Co-author(s): Van Gelder, Egbert (PharmaPartners BV, Oosterhout, Netherlands)
Rietveld, Piet (PharmaPartners BV, Oosterhout, Netherlands) - Abstract:
Background: The evolution of technology now allows patients to have access to their electronic health care records and web-based communication with their health care providers. This will potentially improve the quality of health care and patient empowerment. Patients who have access to electronic communication with their providers can obtain
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