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Pharmaceutical care for osteoporosis – cooperation between doctors and pharmacists
- In: Community Pharmacy Section Posters
- At: New Orleans (USA) (2004)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: CPS-P068
- By: BLEKIC, Jasminka (Ljekarna Blekic, Osijek, Croatia)
- Co-author(s): Kandic-Splavski (Dom zdravlja Osijek, Croatia)
Majstorovic (Ljekarna Osijek, Croatia)
Jukic (Ljekarna Split, Croatia)
Ladavac (Ljekarna Pazin, Croatia)
Lukacevic (Ljekarna Slavonski Brod, Croatia) - Abstract:
Although known for a long time, osteoporosis has lately been receiving much more attention than previously. The reason for this is longer life expectancy, higher employment of women and new understanding of the importance of life quality in all stages of life. Given the prevalence of the problem, doctors in primary healthcare should be able to..
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