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Predetermination of the acute oral dosage of dypterix alata vogel: a cytotoxicity assay
- In: SIG: Natural Substances - Posters
- At: Basel (Switzerland) (2008)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: NS-P-037
- By: LOPES, Patricia (University of Sorocaba, Sorocaba, Brazil)
- Co-author(s): Esteves, Natália Mencacci (University of Sorocaba, SOROCABA, Brazil)
Silva, Magali Glauzer (University of Sorocaba, SOROCABA, Brazil)
Gerenutti, Marli (University of Sorocaba, SOROCABA, Brazil)
Silva, Renata Vasques (University of Sorocaba, SOROCABA, Brazil)
Cogo, José Carlos (UNIVAP/S.J. dos Campos (SP), Brazil)
Dal Belo, Cháriston André (UFT/Tocantins (TO), Brazil)
Santos, Márcio Galdino (UFT/Tocantins (TO), Brazil)
Cruz-Höfling, Maria Alice (UNICAMP/Campinas (SP), Brazil)
Varanda, Eliana Aparecida (UNESP/Araraquara (SP), Brazil)
Oshima-Franco, Yoko (University of Sorocaba, SOROCABA, Brazil) - Abstract:
Dypterix alata Vogel know as baru is a medicinal plant that occurs in poor soil of Brazilian savanna areas traditionally used by some special populations called Quilombolas against ophidian bites. The present study evaluated the cytotoxicity of hydroalcoholic extracts obtained from stem samples collected in Tocantins, Brazil. The crude..
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