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Monitoring of the application of the St. Vincent declaration in the Republic of Serbia, Nis county
- In: SIG: Pharmacoepidemiology/Pharmacoeconomics - Posters
- At: Basel (Switzerland) (2008)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: PP-P-009
- By: DJORDJEVIC, Mirjana (Apoteka Nis, Nis, Yugoslavia)
- Co-author(s): Pavlovic, Ivan (Apoteka Nis, Nis, Serbia)
Djordjevic, Vladimir (Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Serbia) - Abstract:
St. Vincent declaration has many aims but we have decided to deal with two of them: how government administration provides support and the application of the information system (IT System) to diagnostics, medication and self-protection. The monitoring has been conducted upon children who are diabetics on therapy with detemir - a long-term effect
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