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Importance of patient profile evaluation in new cases revelation of hypertension and diabetes
- In: G21 - Practitioners' Day (Part 2) on Wednesday, 3 September 2008, 14:00-17:15
- At: Basel (Switzerland) (2008)
- Type: Presentations + Posters
- By: DELJKIC, Majda (Tefarm Pharmacy, Tesanj, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Co-author(s): BINAKAJ, Zahida (Tefarm Pharmacy, TESANJ, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
SALKICEVIC, Badema (Tefarm Pharmacy, Tesanj, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
TRBAKOVIC, Adisa (Tefarm Pharmacy, Tesanj, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
ALIBAJRAKTAREVIC, Amra (Tefarm Pharmacy, Tesanj, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
HRNJIC, MURIS (Tefarm Pharmacy, TESANJ, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
HRNJIC, Nermina (Tefarm Pharmacy, Tesanj, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
STJEPANOVIC, Sanja (FDF FBiH, Bosnia and Herzegovina) - Abstract:
Pharmacists are the most accessible health care workers, the first and the last link in a health care chain whom patients turn to in searching for the solution of their health problems. According recent study, carried out in B&H population (1000 persons age between 16 to 70, both sexes) 60% of them use pharmacy service at least once a month.
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Last update 28 September 2023