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Epidemiology investigation of erythromycin against whooping cough infection
- In: Hospital Pharmacy - Posters
- At: Basel (Switzerland) (2008)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: HPS-P-051
- By: TANAKA, Hiroaki (Pharmacy of Kagawa University Hospital, Miki-cho, Kita-gun, Kagawa, Japan)
- Co-author(s): Fukuoka, Noriyasu (Pharmacy of Kagawa University Hospital, MIKI-CHO, KITA-GUN, KAGAWA, Japan)
Shinohara, Naoki (Pharmacy of Kagawa University Hospital, MIKI-CHO, KITA-GUN, KAGAWA, Japan)
Norimatsu, Masahiro (Pharmacy of Kagawa University Hospital, MIKI-CHO, KITA-GUN, KAGAWA, Japan)
Kaji, Masato (Pharmacy of Kagawa University Hospital, MIKI-CHO, KITA-GUN, KAGAWA, Japan)
Higuchi, Kazuko (Pharmacy of Kagawa University Hospital, MIKI-CHO, KITA-GUN, KAGAWA, Japan)
Ninomiya, Masaki (Pharmacy of Kagawa University Hospital, MIKI-CHO, KITA-GUN, KAGAWA, Japan)
Ishii, Noriko (Infection Control Team of Kagawa University Hospital, Japan)
Negayama, Kiyoshi (Infection Control Team of Kagawa University Hospital, Japan)
Fujita, Jun (Infection Control Team of Kagawa University Hospital, Japan)
Houchi, Hitoshi (Pharmacy of Kagawa University Hospital, MIKI-CHO, KITA-GUN, KAGAWA, Japan) - Abstract:
?Background?The group infection of the whooping cough happened in the Kagawa University medical department district in May, 2007. We performed the administration of the erythromycin internal use 1,000mg a day (400-200-400) for 10 days for attached hospital personnel to prevent breakout to hospital inpatients.
?Methods?Questionary survey was.. The access to the whole abstract and if available the presentation file is available to FIP members and to congress participants of that specific congress.
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