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Alternative method development for hazard reagents using method in korean pharmaceutical codex
- In: Laboratory and Medicines Control Services - Posters
- At: Basel (Switzerland) (2008)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: LMCS-P-007
- By: NOH, Ji Young (Korea food and drug adminstration, Incheon, South-Korea)
- Co-author(s): Lee, Sung Kyung (Korea food and drug adminstration, INCHEON, South-Korea)
Cho, Soo Yeul (Korea food and drug adminstration, INCHEON, South-Korea)
Shin, Sung cheol (Korea food and drug adminstration, INCHEON, South-Korea)
Hwang, Joung Boon (Korea food and drug adminstration, INCHEON, South-Korea)
Koo, Eun Joo (Korea food and drug adminstration, INCHEON, South-Korea)
Lee, kwang Ho (Korea food and drug adminstration, INCHEON, South-Korea)
Kim, Ok Hee (Korea food and drug adminstration, INCHEON, South-Korea) - Abstract:
The Korean pharmaceutical codex and ICH guideline has provided comprehensive advice on the gradual prohibition of the hazard reagents and solvents in such as chloroform, mercury compounds and cyanide compounds. In this study, present testing methods listed in present pharmaceutical codex were substituted into those that excluded the hazard..
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