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Whole society working together to reduce primary nonadherence due to financial constraints
- At: Glasgow (Scotland) (2018)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: POS-SAP-054
- By: RIBEIRO, Filipa (Associação Dignitude)
- Co-author(s): Filipa Ribeiro: ANF, Lisboa, Portugal
Maria João Afonso: Associação Dignitude , Coimbra, Portugal
João Almeida Lopes: Apifarma, Lisboa, Portugal
Ana Benito Garcia: Associação Dignitude, Coimbra, Portugal
Joana Carvalho: Associação Dignitude, Coimbra, Portugal
Paulo Cleto Duarte: ANF, Lisboa, Portugal
Nuno Flora: ANF, Lisboa, Portugal
Miguel Ginestal: Apifarma, Lisboa, Portugal
Tiago Gonçalves: Associação Dignitude, Coimbra, Portugal
Sara Nóbrega: Associação Dignitude, Coimbra, Portugal
Sónia Queirós: ANF, Lisboa, Portugal
Duarte Santos: ANF, Lisboa, Portugal
Cátia Sousa Marques: ANF, Lisboa, Portugal
Maria João Toscano: Associação Dignitude, Coimbra, Portugal - Abstract:
According to studies, 1 in 5 Portuguese can’t buy all the medicines they need for economic reasons.Methods
This programme is the first one promoted by Dignitude, a private institution of social solidarity founded by the Portuguese pharmacy association, the Portuguese pharmaceutical industry association and social economy institutions. It
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