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Assesment of minimum disease knowledge of diabetes, asthma, BP and AIDS among university students
- In: CPS 1: The role of the pharmacist in public health - Posters
- At: Basel (Switzerland) (2008)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: CPS1-P-006
- By: NAGAPPA, Anantha Naik (Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Manipal, India)
- Co-author(s): Agarwal, Saumya (Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, MANIPAL, India)
Kumar, Amit (Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, MANIPAL, India)
Prasad, Virendra (Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, MANIPAL, India)
Singh, Sukriti (Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, MANIPAL, India)
Anand, Vivek (Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, MANIPAL, India)
Bhusare, Kiran (Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, MANIPAL, India) - Abstract:
The diseases like Diabetes, Asthama, BP and AIDS are on high rise throughout the world. The knowledge of this diseases is essential as these are preventable if people take appropriate precautions timely. The minimm disesse knowledge will motivate the people to adopt healthy habbits to keep the disease at bay. The minimum disease knowledge was
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