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Interaction study of rocephin (ceftriaxone) with calcium-containing products
- In: Hospital Pharmacy - Posters
- At: Basel (Switzerland) (2008)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: HPS-P-022
- By: NAKAI, Yuka (Department of pharmacy, Bell Land General Hospital, Sakai,osaka, Japan)
- Co-author(s): Tokuyama, Emi (School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Mukogawa Women's University, Japan)
Ishizaka, Toshihiko (Department of Pharmacy, Izumi Municipal Hospital, Japan)
Yoshida, Miyako (School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Mukogawa Women's University, Japan)
Uchida, Takahiro (School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Mukogawa Women's University, Japan) - Abstract:
In 2007, FDA published the Alert which highlights important revisions to the CONTRAINDICATIONS, WARNINGS, and DOSAGE and ADMINISTRATION sections of the full prescribing information for Rocephin. This information focused on the interaction of ceftriaxone with calcium-containing products based on reports of fatal cases in neonates. Although there..
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