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The quality payments scheme: incentivising quality across england
- At: Glasgow (Scotland) (2018)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: POS-CPS-071
- By: HOGAN, Michelle (NHS England, Strategy and Innovation Directorate)
- Co-author(s): Jill Loader: Strategy and Innovation Directorate, NHS England, London, United Kingdom
Christian Jones: Strategy and Innovation Directorate, NHS England, Manchester, United Kingdom
Kelvin Rowland-Jones: Strategy and Innovation Directorate, NHS England, London, United Kingdom
Anne Joshua: Strategy and Innovation Directorate, NHS England, Manchester, United Kingdom - Abstract:
Quality incentive schemes have been used to improve quality in pharmacies in countries including Canada and the Netherlands. Research exploring quality in pharmacies in NW England indentified three quality dimensions: pharmacy environment; patient access to medicines, advice and services; and management/leadership in the pharmacy.Methods
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