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Delivering fip wdg 4: an advanced pharmacy practice credentialing programme - the first five years
- At: Glasgow (Scotland) (2018)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: POS-APS-021
- By: CHANG, Helen (Royal Pharmaceutical Society, Professional Development and Support)
- Co-author(s): Helen Chang: Professional Development and Support, Royal Pharmaceutical Society, London, United Kingdom
Elizabeth Ward: Professional Development and Support, Royal Pharmaceutical Society, London, United Kingdom
Catherine Duggan: Professional Development and Support, Royal Pharmaceutical Society, London, United Kingdom - Abstract:
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) launched the RPS Faculty in June 2013, the first GB-wide advanced practice credentialing programme supporting the professional development of post-graduate pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists. Individuals are credentialed through a quality assured assessment process recognising their stage of
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