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Electronic prescription: A reality in Spain
- In: CPS 4: New ways of collaboration - Posters
- At: Basel (Switzerland) (2008)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: CPS4-P-001
- By: CAPILLA, Pedro (General Spanish Council of Pharmacists, Madrid, Spain)
- Co-author(s): Peña, Carmen (General Spanish Council of Pharmacists, Madrid, Spain)
Garcia, Aquilino (General Spanish Council of Pharmacists, Madrid, Spain)
Carbonell, Jaime (General Spanish Council of Pharmacists, Madrid, Spain)
Fuentes, Manuel (General Spanish Council of Pharmacists, Madrid, Spain)
Linaza, Iñaki (General Spanish Council of Pharmacists, Madrid, Spain)
Amaro, Luis (General Spanish Council of Pharmacists, Madrid, Spain) - Abstract:
Spanish pharmacists have always backed the use of Information and Communication Technologies in benefit of Quality patient care. The new technologies have been incorporated as the new projects and professional challenges have required them. Electronic prescriptions consist of incorporating the new information and communication technologies
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